Why should it work if the Google search engine constantly forces you to enter a captcha?

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Optimization of work

I often began to get bored with the same food, so that when I search the Google search engine, they constantly ask me to enter the code from the picture.

And in recent years, when entering Google, you will immediately be asked to enter a captcha, without opening the search line itself.

And so that nutrition doesn’t go wrong, I’ll try to explain why this is happening and how you can try to solve this inappropriateness.

Why ask Google to enter the code first?

There are actually not so many reasons, but more precisely two.

1. The most popular reason is that you have a dynamic IP address (usually with mobile operators), which is used by a lot of users.

Not all brownies are “equally brown.”

While some users only go to work for repairs or spying, others can engage in spam, parse search results, launch various programs (bots) that automatically send a lot of queries to the search systems or other sites, which should be brought into the end pouch before , that IP addresses are lost in a variety of black mail and spam databases.

Before speaking, not all Internet providers are in a hurry to “vary” their IP from spam.

And the companies specifically do not remove the IP so that there is less spam.

2. No less popular reason is viruses on your computer.

We have introduced an extension for the browser or program, and in it there is a “surprise” in the form of a virus.

ALE, don’t rush to panic, make the virus want pennies, and don’t bother you to enter the code when entering the search system :)

So, not forgetting that after entering the code on the phone, it turns out that Google simply writes:

“We have registered suspicious traffic that is coming out of your network.”
And there is no captcha, but just the white side and the search does not open at all.
And here is the main base ip.

Why should it work if Google allows you to enter a captcha?

These are truly simple:

  • 1. If your IP is dynamic, then when connected to the Internet, it changes.
  • You just need to reconnect the modem, the router and reconnect until the connection is complete.

It’s important to restart your computer, even if it’s not a hassle.

See your connections, right-click on the mouse and select authorities.

At the bottom of the list will be Internet Protocol version 4, see and press authorities.

Set the parameter to select current addresses of DNS servers and enter it as shown in the screenshot:

  • We give priority to the DNS server
  • alternative DNS server

Press OK and reset the router so that the changes are correct.

As a rule, this helps Google no longer ask you to enter a captcha when searching.

If for any reason you want to turn everything back, in this window, select the option Select DNS server address automatically and click OK.

(turns around everything is on the way out)

You can also write to change the provider who has the “Sir” IP address, otherwise this option is not suitable, since almost all mobile operators have problems with captchas.

Well, not all places have the opportunity to choose a provider.

Well, since the most common method is not suitable for you and Google is constantly asking you to enter a captcha, there is another additional method to everything described, which should save you from the appearance of Google captcha.

1. Create a mail screen on gmail.com (which you don’t already have).

2. In the Google Chrome browser, go to Settings and log in with your email as you did.

After you do this, Google captcha won't show up as often.

If you are vikoristing a browser other than Google Chrome, or vikoristing Google's search, you have decided to open your gmail email in one tab and be authorized in it.

And finally, check your computer for viruses and all sorts of “byak”, so that you can independently conduct any activity on your computer, so, about every incident :)

    • To be fair, we can say that captcha is a miraculous way of protecting any resource on the Internet from spammers, bots, and other types of robotic programs.
    • Captcha is a series of randomly generated sets of random (twisted, twisted, etc.) symbols of different colors and registers that can be recognized by most people.
    • It turns out that the authors of the captcha are thinning the boards, so it becomes even more difficult to read them.
    • The inquisitive test for people pops up here and there, working and taking an hour to sort out the few non-hieroglyphic symbols.
    • Quite often, customers want to enable the captcha, but don’t know how to do it.

There is also another factor that truly underpins this protection mechanism.

Automatic programs consume resources with advertising, flooding, forums, and other unnecessary and sometimes wasteful items.

It means that today's captcha is a very simple and at the same time effective way to hijack your site from such automatic programs. However, the extreme diligence of site creators in the widespread use of captchas is already straining the hackers. For some reason, the owners of Internet resources respect not only the way to protect the site, but the latest fashion trend on the Internet, and follow it with enviable commitment.

To be fair, we can say that captcha is a miraculous way of protecting any resource on the Internet from spammers, bots, and other types of robotic programs.

You don’t need to be a genius to save money, but along with the development of resource protection, they also develop

methods of circumventing them and evil ones

  • , That's the same methods.
  • So if you are interested in continuously entering these codes, then you will be able to get them up and running without any problems.
  • For this you need to learn to understand just a couple of ways to enable captcha.

In addition, a typical captcha does not require entering matching numbers, there are other types of this computer test.

It is clear to them:

Captcha is a series of randomly generated sets of random (twisted, twisted, etc.) symbols of different colors and registers that can be recognized by most people.

Another anti-spam mechanism can serve a disservice, for example, making it difficult for real clients to register on the site.

Particularly cover if you are receiving and already fully qualified clients.

Failures were made if the site was unable to adjust the captcha and instead of the “Simple” level, “Folding” was automatically selected.

  1. People who cannot decipher the stale code have simply defaced the site.
  2. In order not to create nightmares for your clients and, in a headache, not to irritate yourself, if you do every activity on the Internet, you need to make the system that it is not a robot, you need to know methods of removing captchas.
  3. So, let’s take a closer look at how to get the captcha through the admin panel of the site:

It turns out that the authors of the captcha are thinning the boards, so it becomes even more difficult to read them.

From the very beginning you need to go to the editor of the resource itself.

After that, in the column that shows right-handedness, we select a function called “Adjustment”.

Now, in settings, we will need to select “comments and updates.” Here on the question “Vikoristovuvat reversal of the word?” If you are obliged to give a negative answer, click on the button with the answer “no”. Once a positive response is established by the system behind the motivation.

Most often, the most obvious form of the coupling is the meta of the attack - sending a notification to the advertising type of the website. Spam bags are hissed directly to the addressee, for an hour minus the captcha using the guessing method.

Video - How to work, as Google or Yandex regularly ask you to enter a captcha

The inquisitive test for people pops up here and there, working and taking an hour to sort out the few non-hieroglyphic symbols.

First method: dynamic IP addresses

A simple and effective way to solve captcha is to register a dynamic IP address in a virtual private network.

Please note that this service is paid, and it may be subject to the VPN provider’s pricing.

This will help to protect the user from constraint and ensure complete anonymity - no one knows what Internet resources you are accessing.

And the site went live without realizing who had discovered it. Your IP address will change whenever you are connected to the Internet from any device - be it a laptop, PC or smartphone. This method is guaranteed to save you from annoying captchas - so you won’t need to bother with it immediately if the program hopes to convert you into a public person.

Another way: special services You can do some quick work special services

, which will enter the captcha for you automatically.

The most common ones are anti-captcha and rucaptcha.

This is a paid service, but the cost is inexpensive - for solving 1000 pictures, the system charges 40-50 rubles (subject to Rucaptcha tariffs).

What service are there real people on?

earn money by entering captcha

outside the wine town.

And you, having paid for their services, receive a special key that will help you not bother with the captcha.

The third way: delve into the settings

  • We must first understand why the captcha appears so often?
  • Let's get to the help of the VPN service.
  • The rest are both paid and costless.
  • We have transferred an extension (add-on) for browsers and software that is directly installed on the computer.
  • We look at the installed extension.

For example, the remaining version of Yandex.Browser itself includes plugins from unverified devices and periodically checks existing installations for details.

We check whether JavaScript is enabled in the web browser: Settings → Show advanced settings → Features block Content settings → JavaScript section.

Don’t forget about anti-virus programs - it is possible that the computer, having become a victim of a botnet, is dissatisfied with the CAPTCHA for the traffic that is generated behind this address.

It’s great that today, hundreds of millions of “captchas” are available to Internet users.

All necessary words for recognition have been placed in the reCAPTCHA database.

Instead of displaying different sets of characters, the captcha began to show words from books that the computer could not understand.

If enough Internet users have entered this word, it is confirmed and sent to the database of electronic books.

He called this project reCAPTCHA.

The creators put out the light "Stop spam, read books."

When you click on the checkbox, Google forces you to enter HTTP with various information.

Here you can enter your IP address, country, time icon, information from the browser, data about the movement of the cursor a second before you check the box, when you scrolled the page, click first, the time interval between different browser pages a i richly Google will not disclose other important ones.

All these parameters define algorithms for machine learning and risk analysis.

Most often, the results of the analysis of the data are from people using computer programs. However, an analysis of the risks shows that in a small number of cases there are doubts, and therefore additional requirements are placed before the buyer. Pictures appear that you can recognize.

For example, the buyer is responsible for identifying all the pictures that show a lot of overhead booths, road signs, shops, etc.

As a result, you can determine that you are a human, the Google engine remembers this and the next time, by clicking on the “I am not a robot” field, you will be denied access without having to click on the pictures. Hello, fellow readers of the blog site..

DCaptcha no longer works, but the giant Google has seriously asked its monstrous reCAPTCHA and done all the checking right up to the very point of checking the “I’m not a robot” checkbox.

It’s a pity, I’m so stupid, in order to understand how to properly connect to a site without a plugin (even though I tried it), I had to quickly use the plugin No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA. Let's talk about everything in order. Methods for reducing spam and why reCAPTCHA?

As you singly know,

spam occurs manually and automatically .:

  1. First of all, you can avoid turning on obligatory language moderation of all input notifications before publishing it on the blog - then you won’t be able to break through.
  2. Aside from manual spam, as a rule, it is a small stream of autospam that has risen to the surface.

The rest can be generated, for example, Khrumer has simply fantastic obligations. What I especially hate the most is not the ones that get me hundreds of spam comments in my WordPress admin panel, but the ones that are painfully long and require you to scroll to the “View” button. just a symbol of simplicity and sophistication for the important majority of traders who came to your site (although a small number of them may still be prompted to enter the symbols from the picture, as the algorithm would have doubts about its commonness).

This is how the Google captcha will look for 99.9% of visitors to your site:

Well, that’s it, if force majeure is to blame (as the algorithm, after conducting a dozen tests on human population, still begins to doubt):

The durability of this protection can be judged from the fact that on captcha recognition services (or) they charge twice as much money for a captcha.

It’s hard to say he’s a show-off.

Well, the choice has been made - the need to implement it.

Registering the site with reCAPTCHA and installing it on your blog

Registration is simply an insertion of the name of the domain name of your site, where you plan to vikorize the captcha itself: After this you will go to the admin of the reCAPTCHA service for your site (I mean, add it to your browser bookmarks). In the future, statistics on the operation of this captcha will be displayed there, but for now, the most important thing that we can glean from this is just

the same keys

, without any “I’m not a robot” is not valid: Below are the installation instructions. In the area of ​​“Integration on the client side” everything has become clearer, but simply setting the entered code in the designated place has been forgotten.

The captcha will be displayed, but spam will not be filtered.

And in the area of ​​“Integration on the server side” nothing dawned on me.

I'm stupid for this.

That decision was praised Vycorist plugin for reCAPTCHA integration in WordPress Type of spammers.

And no shortage of comments. In the settings you can:

steal the additional captcha and login form to the WordPress admin area

Even in settings, you can replace the light color scheme of the captcha with a dark one, and also put the captchas in your own mind, or install them in a Primus.

Vlasna is all.

I haven’t yet completely cleared the cache from WordPress (updating just those statistics, which Khrumer is not traditionally familiar with), so reCAPTCHA does not appear on all pages.

Any complaints from the robot have not yet been noted. Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site
You may be in trouble How to stop spam in WordPress comments for 5 minutes (without captcha and without plugins) The left menu appeared in the WordPress admin after updating

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