Mac OS Hosts file: how to edit and edit. Where is the hosts file located? De in mac hosts file

Golovna / Main functionality

By editing Mac hosts file, it's possible to emulate DNS change and change the IP address for the domain name. With the hosts file you can overwrite any DNS values ​​set by your Internet service provider. It's important that your home name is not registered or it's not listed in your hosting account, if you want to look at your website.

In this tutorial you will learn how to edit the hosts file on Mac. For tutorial on how to do same on Windows .

IMPORTANT: Note what is changed for hosts the file will be accessible to your computer only.

What you'll need

Before you begin this guide, you'll need the following:

  • root user privileges

Step 1 – Opening Hosts File

Creation of small pieces to Open Your hosts file on Mac:

Step 2 – Editing Hosts File on Mac

Change the point domain name to an IP address, use the following syntax:

IP_Address IP_Address

In order to emulate DNS change for site and we would have to include the following lines at the bottom of hosts file.


You will emulate change IP address of the site and to

Once you are done with editing hosts file, press CMD+X on your keyboard, enter Y to save changes and hit ENTER button.

Step 3 - Flushing DNS Cache (Optional)

A few times change cannot be instantly and you are at fault to require a flush DNS cache. On a Mac, the DNS cache can be easily flushed with the following command:

Mac OS X Snow Leopard

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion, that Lion

sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache


That's it, by finishing this short tutorial, you will be able to edit a hosts file on Mac. Useful if your domain name is not registered or not assigned to the server, or you want to look at your website. If you know, you can also know how to flush DNS cache on Mac.

If you install a new web server or another attachment that connects to the Internet, and if you want to protest, first you will show up in the border, or the first time you blame problems with spyguns and advertising, then it is invisible on your computer file, which can help. This file is called hosts, and below it is described how to win yoga.

Domain name system

If you enter a domain name for any site, you want to support everything that is related to lashtunkas. Leather site, leather service and practical leather attachments, connections to the Internet, may have a unique numerical address, so to speak about the locality of other attachments - ce TCP / IP addresses. The Domain Name System (DNS) converts numeric addresses to more easily recognized and remembered by people (for example,

If you enter a website address first, your Mac will ping the DNS server. Your Mac is accumulating a cache file to remember the details of the past, if you see that site again.

Hosts File

The domain name system matches the cache on your computer in the standard way, how to get there, having visited the Internet, and yet another file, which we will correct. Vin is called hosts And you can win for DNS for promotions.

Here are some practical reasons why you should tweet a file hosts, rather than just allowing DNS to work on your robot. For example, you are testing a distribution server, which we can bring to the development, and you would like to win a domain name and replace a specific IP address. Before online systems that access any kind of DNS, you can hack the file hosts zamіst "Enter the IP address I will add". If you win a domain name, Mac will automatically switch to that extension.

You can also twist the file hosts, to block or bypass spyware and advertising measures for additional "zeroing" of their IP address - enter, and then name the domain you want to block.

How to edit the Hosts file

Best practice with file hosts through a special Terminal add-on, through payments from the “Utilities” folder on the computer. You will need to find out the IP address I will add, to which it is necessary to redirect to your Mac computer, or domain names, as you can save yourself from far away from your computer.

· Double click on Terminal.

· Type sudo nano /etc/hosts and press Return.

· You will be prompted to enter a password. Enter administrator password.

You are now in the Nano text editor. If you want to add a new extension or a domain, move the cursor behind the help keys of the key with the cursor and fix it after the text you type, and then start typing. If you want to specify the IP address of your local network before the domain, you can enter the IP address, press Tab, and then enter the name of the domain.

First, if you want to change URLs so that they don't go to the site, type "". Put yoga back on your computer. Let your computer be assigned a different IP address by your router, hosts.

As soon as you finish, press and press control and the O key to save the file, and then control and X to exit. Return to the command line and type sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder followed by return. Do not clear the DNS cache of your computer and do not change it, as you have corrupted the file hosts.

Don't forget you changed the file hosts, shards at some point, you may need to change it, if you have done it, in order to save the correct operation of the computer.

How to edit the Hosts file on a Mac and what do you need to do?
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Is it necessary to edit or modify hosts files on a Mac? This program will show you how to do good, to edit the hosts files in Mac OS. You will find hosts on Mac OS X located at /private/etc/hosts, or you can accessed at the more traditional location of /etc/hosts. If you choose, if you choose edit hosts, if you want to upload the distribution file to /private/etc/ though.

We have to manually edit the hosts file on MacOS Mojave, MacOS Catalina, MacOS High Sierra, MacOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion, and OS X Mavericks, all done with command line using the simple text editor is called nano. Don't let the command line or Terminal sound intimidating though because it's not, we'll make the enter process of editing a Mac hosts file super easy.

How to Edit Hosts File on Mac OS

Let's get started making some edits to /etc/hosts on macOS and Mac OS X!

  1. Launch Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities/ or launched via Spotlight
  2. Type the following command at the prompt:
  3. sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

  4. Enter the administrator password when requested, you will not be typed on screen as usual with the command line
  5. Once the hosts file is loaded within nano, use the arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of file hosts to make your modifications
  6. If continued, hit Control+O ENTER/RETURN to protect /private/etc/hosts;
  7. Quit out of Terminal when finished

You can find out what your correspondents are editing directly from ping, Safari, or be it another app.

Change the effect of nevdovzі through deakі tehnіchnіchnі possibilitа can be zdіysnenі, what can be done, with what can be done, with coming care in macOS 10.12+ through OS X 10.9:

dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

If flushing DNS cache with that command you will need to enter the admin password.

You can also see how to start the process of downloading before you get a win, continue with the videos to look at the hosts files that were installed on OS X before blocking the website '' like loading:

Caution: the procedure itself is with older versions of Mac OS X, cesting cest to hosts can be /etc/hosts, as a version of OS X is more important in the world.

Tips to Consider When Editing Hosts Files

The next step is to go through OS X and apply to any files, whether on Mac, Windows, or Linux.

  • The preceding IP address is where the following domain will resolve to
  • Whether to new hosts to your own unique line
  • The # symbol functions as a comment, you can also add comments to add comments to hosts entries or to comment out hosts modifications
  • You by adding them to a file and sending them nowhere, preventing access
  • You can redirect websites locally with the most logical, perfect for
  • With some changes, vin may be required for dscacheutil before the changes take effect
  • For multiple hosts files consider using a
  • Like your files, claims to be locked, it's because you did not prefix the edit with “sudo” command
  • It is important that you backup of hosts if you plan on making significant modifications, or it's your first time editing the file (see process below)

Make backup of hosts file can be a good idea, if you plan to make a backup of the hosts, or better to go for more modifications and better, if it happens, a direct way to get the function, if you want to store a backup in your home ~ /Documents/folder:

sudo cp /private/etc/hosts ~/Documents/hosts-backup

There, if you think you need hosts before seeing the file, you can click on the space to remove the file and write the file:

sudo cp ~/Documents/hosts-backup /private/etc/hosts

Well, it's your fault to require a flush DNS to change to such an effect.

Well, if you don't mind, if you prefer Terminal and Command Line completely, you can change the Buyers option to go through System Preferences instead. Generally speaking though, we recommend just using the tools that are built directly into Mac.

Let us know in the comments if you have any questions or tips.

First, which is the hosts file, and how should it be considered as the most important DNS?

Name System system is database that correspondes an IP address' “dotted quad” numerical format with website's alphabetized web address. It's a giant directory which name belongs to which IP address, like on-line yellow pages.

Your Mac's hosts file, like installations for your device, like your phone's alert list: The web address acts as your contact's name - that's how you find who you want to talk to - and IP address is their cell phone number, which is your actual way of getting in touch with them.

How editing the hosts file works

Editing your Mac hosts file is a bit like changing the phone number in your contact book. You are still going to contact details with the wrong name, well, it’s still going to connect to that person when you ring the contact. If you, you know, you can’t remember the phone number in our similar cases, if it’s in the wrong number or one of them, in order to speed up the other’s, they won’t change, so you can take it through those that have a special phone.

Editing the hosts file reroutes IP address, or from your Mac. Entering the web address will bounce you to a different IP address of your choosing (and therefore a different website) or to an invalid IP, which will give you an error page on your browser that says it can't find the site you're looking for.

Can it boost my Mac's speed?

Editing a hosts file to speed up your browser performance. Also, you are selected for additional parameters and whether it be a solid Improvement, we recommend up to a complete cleanup browser, including with the choice of the cache browser. in the form of web, electronic mail and electronic mail.

So why would you want to change your hosts file?

Typically if you enter web address in your browser, it's because you want to reach that IP address. So what are the benefits of rerouting?

    Network Testing: If you choose to expand the border, you can look at the real home name before opening the website to find out how real they look. Don't pay attention to other coristuvachs, as they may have access to the real site.

    Block Malicious Sites: At a glance, viruses and malware, undetected add-ons can also find their way into your system and begin slowing things down. Although it's always worth investing in pop-up ad blockers, editing hosts file prevents malicious sites from being accessed. Like a link or pop-up atempts to the entrance to the merezhі, your OS simplly re-routes it and still yo for the safer page.

    Increased Speed: How do we choose rock, joking to a website through DNS, how to rozdrukovat through the same side for a valid address. The hosts file that lets you mess with your Mac can potentially speed up your browsing by omitting the middle man.

    Improved Productivity: Maybe you or your team is getting distracted by social media sites or video streaming. Blocking access to time-wasting sites is a good way to direct access to the working style.

How to edit the hosts file with Terminal

Note: You are responsible for setting administrator privileges, including password, to edit the Mac hosts files.

1) Find the Terminal application on your system. You can do this by either:

Vicgorize Spotlight application to search for it.

Select Applications from the sidebar from the Finder window, and select Utilities and the double-click on Terminal.

2) Once you have the Terminal window open, you can edit the Nano text editor, so you can edit the hosts file. type sudo nano /etc/hosts and hit Enter. You'll then be prompted for your administrator password. Once you've entered it, hit Enter again and you will be in the Nano text editor.

The Nano text editor deeply understands that you don't win at coding on your OS, but you don't need it: it's more simple, and more kind.

3) Change your keyboard arrow keys to position your cursor beneth the text that is already there. Tse is where you’re going to enter your alternative IP address. Type of IP address, so you know the website to register it, press tab, and the type of domain you want to know about it. So, as you should prefer, YouTube reroutes to your homepage, simple typ numerical IP address of your site, hit Tab, and the type In order to add another article, simply enter in a new line of text.

If you don't have a special alternative dimension in the number, otherwise you need to enter the access block before the new one, you may be entered into an invalid IP address, so like 000.0.

4) Save the change for additional care and O, and you will exit Nano text editor for help help X, which will take you back to the main terminal screen.

5) In order to rob your Mac, you do not collect conflicting information in your hosts file and DNS before exiting the command line type sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder and hit Return. Qi clears your Mac's DNS caches so that the old directory does not conflict with your updated hosts file.

How to edit the hosts file with TextEdit

As an alternative to Terminal application is to use TextEdit instead.

1) Click Finder > Go > Go to Folder...

Then type /private/etc/hosts and press Go. This will place the hosts file in the 'etc' folder.

2) Copy the file onto your desktop, and then double-click the copied file to edit it. From the text file, click on your rerouted IP address just as you would in Terminal: First rerouted IP address and then the corresponding domain name. Make sure that there is a space between the IP address and domain name, otherwise it won't work.

If you don't want to be able to access other websites, type for the IP address. edit hosts file to look like this:

Note: If the file is locked in order to proceed with editing it, if it is good, if you select it on OS X 10.11, or if you remain, you are responsible for disabling SIP in front of it, so you can change it.

3) Save the file, and drag it back into the 'etc' folder. You can remove the Mac if you want to overwrite the file, which you do, and you will enter your administrator password to save the change.

Remember, even if you own the main name is rerouting, the web address itself will not be affected. hosts file just change what happens on Mac that contains it.

risks of editing hosts file

Remember, you're rerouting a domain to an IP address, not specifically a website. How do you make one home language in order to be in a different place, to find an IP address in order to know yourself. If you change the sequence of websites in your IP address, your new style call will be soon acknowledged, with home introductions to the new website or a pardon notice.

As your server continues to change the validity of processes, the VIN cannot be thrown into the DNS by those that change you. You might as well try to clean up your OS to get a pardon that isn't coming from your Mac.

How else can you protect privacy on your macOS

Whether reading this is concerned enough about privacy and security to want to find a solution. As we wrote in this material, there are a few methods where you can use manualne. Sprat tsikh fixes such an hour. Other solutions are very quick and easy to implement.

With , you can access your system cache, user cache (which includes app and DNS cache history) and your browser cache. From the course, є manual manual way, as outlined in this article, or you can take a lot of time with one addendum and clicks to remove any digital footprints if you want to delete.

How do you choose to speed up Cache safely and safely, here is how you can use CleanMyMac X:

  1. Launch CleanMyMac X()
  2. Select System Junk.
  3. Click Scan > Clean.

You are to blame for speeding up just DNS cache, do the following:

  1. Go to the Maintenance module.
  2. Choose Flush DNS Cache.
  3. click run.

Done! Your DNS cache flushed.

That's all you need to do. Give it a try, or go through the steps outlined above to do this manually.

For retail sites and client-server add-ons on Mac OS HOST file serve as a guide for the improvement of PZ. The file may be in a row format, where the record determines the order in which domain names are allowed on a given computer. Managing virtual media is an important function for any computer that can access the Internet.


To view the web page, we must specify the address, so that the domain name is included. In this rank, the domain is Physically, the party is located on the Apple server, which may be the address in IPv4, for example: To convert "" to an IP address, you need to go to the domain name server (in other words, the DNS server for the COM domain). Server, .ru, etc. Vіdomі zazdalіgіd і nоtrіbnі for roboti browser.

The HOSTS file can have records similar to the DNS server tables, and this file can take precedence over the original DNS. This means that you should enter the address for the domain IP address of your computer and go to the folder where the web site is located, then you will be zavantazhuvatisya in browsers and other third-party add-ons when you enter in the address row . This mechanism helps test server programs to the actual connection to the Internet.

How to edit records

on Mac OS HOST file rozashovaniya in the system memory, you can open it through the terminal.

  • Press Command+R to call up the program launcher and select "Terminal".
  • For the help of the built-in Nano editor, you can look at each other and edit the file right in the terminal.
  • For which, enter the command "sudonano /private/etc/hosts" and press Enter.

The standard entry to the hosts file is to set the standard address of the computer with the localhost domain. Dali can write down the data of the koristuvach. If you want to match the domain to, you need to add the string ""

The structure of the file may be modified as HOSTS for Windows. It is important when editing to save a wide address (record s, as it is best to select for bulk distribution of small packages. Although in the Internet, those local networks have been transferred to the IPv6 protocol, for which the localhost address can also be described.

Forwarding cream, you can block the blocked address (suspected sites detected by the antivirus are entered here), which is initiated by the “#Block” row.

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