Apple product warranty. iPhone service under warranty at a service center - repair or get a new one? The beginning and extension of the warranty term

Golovna / Contacts

Great, costless. This is the basis of Apple's worldwide guarantee for its products. If your smartphone turns out to be defective and you are not in control of your robot, you come to Apple service providers and then pick up a new device. To us, people who have come to appreciate the unobtrusive Russian service, such propositions seem not so much fantastic, but rather suspicious. I immediately want to ask: What is separation? No, this is actually the right policy of Apple - the buyer is always right. Even though competitors are sharpening their grudge against Cupertino, they are not ready to undertake the same broad warranty obligations to their clients.

It’s still a trick, but what does Apple need?

There is nothing approaching. Apple provides a comprehensive warranty on almost all of its gadgets, including the iPhone. The smartphone fails, or over the course of 12 months, the vikoristannya of all the folded goods, you have the right to come and get a new iPhone. What will anyone think after these words? That’s right: “Well, that’s right. And then it turns out: and let me know what you love, wait 3 months before we send the phone for examination then.” See and forget this nightmare.

There is no need for regular examinations and delivery - delivery of boxes and receipt. Contact the Apple service center to try the phone using your IMEI number and find out where and when you bought it, and what warranty it has. You will not be required to drink additional drinks and will not have to deal with experts in your attempts to prove that it is not the winemaker’s defect, but your lack of balance that has led to the paramedication of the apparatus. Your claim will be listened to attentively and will be punished for its inconsistency. And from the center and leave with a new device. (Єdin, pushy at the deputy gadget - chi is not assigned izyndikatori vologues. Spas aims, yak vidomo, automatically shall be annoyed. To the speech, the sensor is possible for the right to Vikorisiphone pind, smash for Svyazi).

Can’t believe it? Ale tse so. The axis is in the photograph of this iPhone, exchanges at the Apple service center in Germany in one day. So, before speaking, the warranty for a new device is also given on delivery and is calculated from the moment the gadget is activated.

Is this all necessary for the company itself? Even so, it doesn’t take long to go broke, as both right-handed and left-handed people distribute new devices. There are also unscrupulous buyers who can simply profit from such unprecedented integrity of the seller.

Well, first of all, with Apple everything goes to the right. Thus, these defective devices are dismantled for parts, from which new iPhones are then collected and sold for 50 euros cheaper than the standard price.

And in another way, the similar phrase of the virobniks “for my virtuousness I bear witness” for the Cupertinians is not an empty sound, but a companion to the action. Apple spends a lot of energy, often at great expense, fighting the problem, trying to get reliable devices off the assembly line. Providing such a guarantee allows us to ensure excellence in our products. The statistics are guaranteed by just over 1% of buyers. There have been no failures under warranty with this same device more than once and have not been recorded at all (in terms of warranty service, the buyer can choose either to replace the device with a new one, or to repair his device).

The Russian service is still not much more than a service, but still...

To be fair, it should be noted that this approach to clients has a worldwide guarantee throughout the entire world and has not yet expanded. The USA and Europe are not at fault when it comes to exchanging phones, but Russia may have its own nuances. So many fateful iPhones, which were not purchased in the Russian Federation and were not recognized for our country, did not allow such an exchange. The desire for official vehicles on the Russian market at that time was no more than 10%, and the most important ones were the “ordinary” phones themselves, brought from the same States. Apple emphasized the following point: for which country the phone is available, there can be a quick warranty claim.

Cupertino learned that the Russian Apple market is developing under its own special rules, and changed the minds of the warranty service of its products in the territory of the Russian Federation. Since 2014, authorized service centers (ASCs) have been responsible for repairing Apple gadgets, regardless of their activities. True, it still won’t be possible to replace the same day with insurance, but, based on statistics, it will take no more than 7 days to repair or purchase a new similar device. And in the Russian world even more quickly. If the device is left in the service center for an hour, the warranty will be extended.

Service to service - difference

And in this regard, I am no longer talking about the assigned service, but about the organization. If you are planning to buy or have already bought new Apple technology, then we don’t know which service center you can contact for any faulty power supply. Well, there are three types of Apple service centers.

1). Apple service providers
There is a stench in various Apple Stores. And in them you can insure yourself for those miracles of guaranteed service, which I wrote about earlier. Such centers, as a rule, do not repair anything; they simply check the device for compliance with the warranty and replace the iPhone with another one of the same type. Russia, apparently, has no such centers, like the separate Apple Stores themselves.

2). Authorized service centers
They follow the agreement with Apple, obtain spare parts through official channels, and must comply with the regulations and provisions of the agreement. Which in practice means that for 72 years you will have to confirm the cause of the breakdown and exchange warranty devices that are not subject to repair for a new or updated one. Such service centers are represented in great places of Russia.

3). Commercial service centers
Russia has the most of them. These organizations provide warranty support for the iPhone under contracts with trade organizations, buy spare parts on the open market, and provide refunds for warranty repairs to sellers. In addition, commercial service centers offer a new range of paid repair and post-warranty services.

Is the client really the one at fault?

And this happens even more often. To drown the iPhone, to sink the stench into the hands of jealous people, or simply to lie on the asphalt under the direct hands of the hairless ruler. The result is twisted displays, broken cases, cameras, antennas, sensors. But there is little you can do with a poor, inseparable gadget.

All types of damage, however serious, do not fall under warranty claims. And it happens that problems arise even after the warranty period. This is not at all suitable for repair, and in some cases the cost of replacing components costs such a fortune that you suddenly begin to worry about adding a new device.

You almost feel like repairs won’t help anymore :)

Especially for such situations, Apple has developed the service of “authorization exchanges for collection devices”, which is extremely simple and adds value for the client. You take your damaged, broken, broken, or drowned iPhone, iPad or iPod to the Apple service center and after 3-5 business days we will replace it with a new device with a small surcharge (this will be 1/3 of the cost of the new one). In addition to a new gadget, the client also revokes the full warranty on device replacements.

In order to get through the program quickly, you need to complete 2 things:
- the device must have the “Find iPhone/iPad” function enabled;
- the device must be complete, do not show any traces of unauthorized repairs, and must not contain non-original spare parts (in which case, “completeness” refers not to chargers and headphones for iPhone, for example, but to integrity the device itself).

It seems that in practice Apple follows the rule “the customer is always right” (as long as he is not entirely right 😉).

“Ignorance of the law does not qualify as official”- Kozhen felt this order, but only a few learned to use it. And the gateway beck is right, about which we know even less.

A simple example - Russian iPhones have two guarantees instead of one. Be surprised, but this is a fact. Іyogo need to be vikorystuvat.

Two rocks of guarantee - the joke of our legislators

Apple provides a full warranty on iPhone. This is the standard term goiter for the virus, which promotes expansion with the help of the tertiary AppleCare. This is indicated on the smartphone box, as well as on the company’s official website.

Russian legislation is being handed over to the right. Article 19, paragraph 5 of the Law “On the protection of the rights of property owners” informs:

In cases where the warranty line is transferred to the contract, it does not exceed two damages and defects in the product that are revealed after the end of the warranty line, and between two points, the buyer has the right to present the seller (manufacturer) with the damages transferred Article 18 of the Law, as you brought out that Some of the goods were lost before the transfer of goods or for the reasons that they were lost until that moment.

How to deal with confusing text patterns on Russian iPhones two rocks guarantee replacing one. It’s not too early to be happy.

Apple confirms compliance with Russian laws

Virobnik, which ignores the Russian market due to the low cost of selling rich foods, is under the new legislation of the region. In the depths of the official Apple website there is a note about this drive.

The owner has the right to free repair or replacement by the seller of goods that do not warrant sale, as well as to a reduction and refund of payment by the seller. These rights are valid for two reasons from the date of delivery of the goods.

Subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Rights of Owners”, if the goods are defective or warrant sale, the owner can choose: (a) repair without damages; (b) replace without cost; (c) extract a price reduction or (d) win the contract by returning the goods from the new stock. These rights are valid for two reasons from the date of delivery of the goods. The consumer can make a claim to the seller or an authorized representative of the seller or the distributor, if the latter cannot reduce the price again. If the goods have a permanent defect, you can get a cost-free replacement and be considered under the contract by returning the goods in exchange for a new release to the importer of the goods in Russia.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Rights of Companions”, the provision of evidence of the defectiveness and inconsistency of the product to the minds of the sale, say, lies with the co-residents.

Here I don’t need to bet the rest of the paragraph. Ale more turbo is not theoretical, but practical side food

In real life it is possible and necessary to profit

We have discovered that Apple is revoking Russian laws even before the start of work on this note.

Through social networks, two months ago, our reader Mikola M. reached out to me, sharing the story of a cost-free replacement of a smartphone after a problem with the speaker through repeating events after purchase. And a few days ago, I told Mikita T. about it - someone had problems with the iPhone screen.

And after calling Apple’s official service centers and contacting the company’s hotline, the food was sorted into shelves.

Apple technology is effective serve goiters guaranteed two times. But the other one is not the manufacturer himself, but the seller and service centers. This is what we talk about and the sign on the company website.

Skoda, we are in this situation only about phones that were purchased officially - we don’t take the serious market seriously. Please.

The warranty term applies to all technically foldable goods. This is especially relevant at this time for such expensive devices as, for example, iPhone mobile phones.

The Apple company, of course, values ​​its name, which is driven not only by the release of clear products, but also by its warranty services. The iPhone accessory comes with a warranty.

To contact service centers, you need to know not only the terms of repair, but also the rules that allow you to work without costs. The virobnik places low importance on companions who need to be managed.

The day the product is sold is considered as part of the warranty term. If the date of arrival is not determined, it begins with the virus’s production. With iPhones on the right it is radically different. Each Apple gadget will have its own unique number, and after the first activation you will have to register for the first time. Therefore, the warranty begins from the moment the phone is activated. This is very easy, since the registration date can be reviewed at any time and no documents are required to confirm it.

Please note that the iPhone warranty is limited by territory. The term for servicing of devices added before becomes two terms, since such a minimum period of servicing of technically foldable goods is stipulated by the Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Accompanies” No. 2300-1 dated 02/07/1992. And in the United States and other countries, it is guaranteed for only 12 months, as long as current legislation does not allow it. Although, when purchasing a gadget, the documents indicate a standard order, the right to service for Russians will continue for the same period.

The warranty only extends to damage resulting from improper factory folding or transportation. If the phone is not used carefully, you will not be able to obtain insurance without cost of service.

Buying a phone with a defect

Apple advertises its products as reliable, capable of ensuring trouble-free operation for many years. The popularity of gadgets from this company is true to say about the mass recognition. Regardless of the high prices on iPhones, they are subject to different beliefs among the population. There is no point in thinking that this type of technology is beyond the reach of a factory worker. As practice shows, over the past few years the number of factory breakdowns has increased, which is connected, as usual, with the growing number of infections.

Buying a phone with a defect is not uncommon. Many models suffer from repeated problems that cost the majority of buyers. The iPhone 6 Plus often suffers from poor focus, while the iPhone 5s RFB often lacks focus. The front camera has moved out and the display play can be registered on more models. Buyers are to be aware that if any payment is made, it can be applied for at service centers. You should not carry out other repairs yourself. The iPhone's creators are also jealous of any system-related hand-me-downs. Vlasnik is recommended to use the latest certified version of IOS, otherwise the serviced phone may simply be supported.

Warranty service

Apple warranty service is only valid in the same country where it was purchased. Such thinking is not lies, but serious lies. The skin region is promulgating its own standards of viscosity, which are mandatory for goods sold on its territory. Service centers located in Russia allow you to service the very same models of devices that are immediately sold. You can only repair an American gadget in the USA.

Speaking about the guarantee, do not forget that it is extended only to those devices that were officially imported to Russia and certified in the transferred order. On such gadgets there is a PCT sign, which means that the iPhone has passed RosTest and, in all respects, meets the standards of brightness.

If you return to the service due to a problem in your robot phone, you can still get insurance for:

  1. I will replace the device with a new one.
  2. Repair of malfunction.
  3. Chatkova or outside turn on the phone.

The choice of warranty service idea rests with the buyer, otherwise the final result lies more in the causes of the breakdown than in the owner himself.

Replacement with a new gadget

Apple's policy is aimed at changing conflict situations; most often, if a faulty situation is detected, the iPhone can be easily replaced with a new device. The old phone is sent to the factory, where all parts are dried out and are available for sale in a new look.

You can turn the gadget around because after checking it at the service center, it was explained that the cause of the unsatisfactory operation was a defective device, and not a bad look at the device. In order to return the goods, please contact us at the right place. After submitting claims to the store, send the iPhone to the service to ensure proper inspection and repayment.

You can exchange your phone number in case you are in trouble because you blame the ruler. Such an exchange occurs when two obligatory minds are victorious:

  1. The old telephone is ringing.
  2. There will be an additional payment for a new device, so it will be 50% of your total cost or a little more.

Therefore, if your iPhone breaks down, don’t rush to send it in for paid repairs, consider the pros and cons, you can fix it better than repair it.

Device repair

Cost-free repair of a broken iPhone in service centers is only possible in the following cases:

  1. The guarantee is still valid. If the owner does not know exactly the operating time of the device, you can check it by going to the “Settings” option and selecting the “Basic” - “About this device” tab.
  2. There are no obvious traces of the vile mischief of the ruler.
  3. The phone system shows the factory default – IOS.

You can return to any service center that is geographically available for assistance. If one of them was repaired, then it can be repaired before the deadline. Having found a number of services, you can find one that will take on the problem.

Before you send the device for repair, you should copy all the specific data, so that all the information depends on the reinstallation of the system, and it is not possible to update them again.

Trim pennies

It is not possible to receive money from the seller for adding a new mobile phone in all cases.

Focusing on the Law on ZPS, many buyers began to think that any purchase could be returned to the store within the first 14 days, if the size, color or other parameters were not suitable. It’s true, more often than not, that there are very few products that require such a replacement, and mobile phones are not included until this point. This gadget has technically foldable components that can be replaced if the buyer simply changes his mind.

Removal of bonded costs is possible for the following reasons:

  1. The serial number on the device and box will change. This means that the phone has been replaced and, possibly, counterfeit.
  2. The factory shlyub is revealed.
  3. The seller received a summary of the damage, for example those that have undergone repairs.

You can get back the pennies as long as the phone is turned to the store for the first two years. If it is late, you can only cover repairs and replacements. If the service takes the iPhone for more than 45 days, then according to the law, the customer may be required to recoup lost funds.

Procedure for returning goods

When buying an Apple phone, few people think about the possibility of turning it around, but this confidence is disappearing. To exercise your surviving and warranty rights, you must:

  1. Save your purchase receipts. In most countries, this document is not required to change iPhones, but in Russia it is still important. Please check before purchasing the gadget in a specific store, so that another distributor will not take care of accepting a broken phone. When submitted before the court, this receipt allows you to wrap up all the details, indicating how many times you have purchased the device.
  2. Do not throw away the box until the end of the warranty period. You'll need to exchange your money for a new one or get your pennies back.

Any problems with the functioning of the gadget will result in a written complaint.

This paper is collected by the buyer from a second copy and delivered to the store. One application is withdrawn from the seller, and the other is marked with a note from the seller that the buyer’s claims have been accepted for consideration.

The application form must clearly indicate the problem and identify the problem that has arisen, and indicate the means of redress that the applicant has. The claim will be reviewed for 20 days, after which the iPhone will be sent directly for examination to remove the authoritative idea about your company.

The best thing for you to do is buy a phone on the official Apple website. This online store offers its extended warranty on returns. For a period of 14 days, gadgets purchased through may be returned without explanation. There is no need to bring to light any other nuances, in which case the idea may have changed.

Procedure and term for turning over pennies

The simplest way to change the sums available for those who use the official Internet site. After the courier picks up the unwanted device and delivers it to the warehouse, it will take 3-10 days to return to the buyer. Insure the stink on the same shell for which it was written off. By returning the iPhone to the checkout store, it will also take up to 10 days, and the money itself is legally required by the seller for a return operation to secure the money.

The biggest benefit is buying a gadget on credit. Activity with such formalization can be done in different ways, but everything can be left behind due to the fact that the first payments have already been made. If the payment is often paid, then it will be necessary to divide it into two warehouses - the one that will be transferred to the buyers, and the one that needs to be returned to the bank. The seller of the claim will refund all money paid, including those taken for the registration of the insurance policy itself. Once you see a voluntary resolution of the problem, you can take it to court.

Vidmova at the warranty service

Not all iPhone owners accept service centers for service. Apple is putting a lot of pressure on the cost-providers, and its damage threatens cost-free repairs. One of the pitfalls for buyers is jailbreaking. Not everyone knows that self-delivery of a gadget from the system is considered evil, and warranty service will be provided. The positive thing is that it is easy to remove traces of the installation; it is not necessary to reinstall the system back to normal. Please pay attention before making any claims, so that after correction you will not be allowed to renew the warranty.

Warranty repairs are not carried out for those devices that have become known to be defective as a result of poor handling. If the phone has chips, dents, cracks, or broken edges, then we can no longer provide maintenance without damage. And, however, with careful handling of the iPhone, problems identified can be classified as a faulty device after a difficult hour of use.

Possible reasons

When you return to the service center, be prepared before the repairs and service personnel may instruct you for the following reasons:

  1. The phone was purchased in RF position.
  2. The device is not certified by Rostest, which means it does not fall under the standard protection scheme.
  3. There are obvious signs of impacts on the outer sides of the gadget.
  4. The virus may be influenced from both external and internal sides, which indicates that it has reached a new source.
  5. The system was updated using additional non-certified programs.

Please note that the presence of a receipt or box cannot be applied to decisions about repairs and maintenance, since the warranty term can be verified in other ways.

Regional features of service

Among the survivors, there is a clear idea that the iPhones that are sold in the United States are mostly complete, and that is clear. This is the most widespread fake, which absolutely does not indicate any effectiveness. Any device can become dirty, regardless of whether it is in the outbuildings. And it is not possible to exchange, repair or return an iPhone purchased outside the border on the territory of Russia. This is a serious consideration, as it is not related to the plans to deceive the buyer.

It’s not easy to get proper service for foldable gadgets like the iPhone. Moreover, you need to recruit specialists who have a clear understanding of the configuration of these models. Service centers are provided with sufficient software and spare parts. Obviously, in accordance with the Russian Federation, our services allow you to carry out repairs on models and equipment that are certified by the manufacturer. Therefore, when buying a phone, think about where and how you can get it serviced.

You will appreciate it

There are not many devices owners who are in charge of providing warranty service for their gadgets. Although one initially respects such a possibility of utopia, one may, in fact, have evidence of a warranty repair, but the evidence is negative. However, with Apple technology, the warranty is not a myth, and service under warranty is still warranted. The biggest myth is the stereotype about those “Apple” gadgets that don’t break: they just break like that! As a matter of fact, the company will provide not only guaranteed repairs of its devices, but also – don’t be surprised – their complete replacement.

Find out what it is possible to replace an iPhone under warranty

It’s true, since the device functions poorly (it’s loose, the camera works poorly, the gauge disappears, etc.), and in which it’s not Vlasnik’s fault, the iPhone can be exchanged for a new one without any problems. You can apply for such a replacement if:

  • Vikoristovuite gadget less rock;
  • It has never been repaired;
  • carefully vicorized (the phone does not suffer any mechanical damage, following the flooding);
  • The phone does not have any non-licensed software installed.
  • The device has Russian certification.

As for the remaining point, then on the right is that under the guarantee of service on the territory of our region, the equipment with PCT certification is consumed. “American” iPhones are exempt from the right to warranty service, but the situation with “European” devices is not so simple: the service center can take them for service if there is good will, otherwise there is no need to work o'yazyaniya.

Finding out whether your iPhone is under warranty is easy and simple: just find the “About this device” item in “Settings” and enter the serial number on the Apple website. The system will inform you about the validity of the guarantee and its terms and about the reasons why it does not apply to your device, for example, because it is located outside Russia.

Possibility of paid warranty replacement

However, if your gadget is wasted under the instructions for exchange, let’s say, its operation was far from careful and was accompanied by falling, flooding and other extreme conditions, you are deprived of the ability to effectively exchange and yogo for a new one for an additional fee. This service from Apple can help in situations where the ability to repair can be equaled with the ability of a new device. The only thing we can say is that the gadget is not to blame; it must be repaired beforehand.

How can you save a receipt for your iPhone purchase?

The peculiarity of “Apple” technology is that when purchasing any device with the Apple logo, no receipts or warranty cards are required for warranty service - you just need to know the serial number. Tim is no less, the cash receipt is still worth saving, the fragments themselves serve as confirmation of the fact of purchase and as an argument for a particular store to accept the device for service. In addition, a receipt will be required to unlock the iPhone if you accidentally forget the password, confirmation of the changeover power supply, or the data entered when registering in iCloud.

Before we talk about checks: Apple devices are covered by one of two groups. For the first one, this is called a guarantee with a receipt (it covers iPad, iPod, Mac, as well as Apple Watch and Apple TV), for the other, it’s a guarantee from the moment of activation (iPhone). In this case, the guarantee covers not only the device itself, but all its components, and also headphones that are junk, for example, can be safely replaced with new ones.

And yet, the main way to avoid problems with warranty services for Apple equipment is to choose the right place of purchase. If you buy from a trusted seller, you will get the most problem-free device, reducing the number of possible “weak points” to the factory standard.

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