E-mail lists are saved.

Contacts / I'll build a cleansing place



Well, obviously, you say, on your local computer there are special folder files (PST).

Perhaps, I guess.

Ale is not obov'yazkovo.

And it’s not so simple anymore. Your mail can be saved on the server.

Are there two types of folders on your local computer for saving mail – special and archive? Let's try to get married.

There is no place on your computer that accepts e-mail, no matter what. Sooner or later you will want to know how you can create special collection files for your postal notifications.

You can save these files locally on your computer, where you will not be limited by the size of your installations. PST files can be moved from one computer to another, and also saved on a CD.

You can also save these files on a computer that you share with other users, and enter a password that allows you to access your account until notification.

  1. Archive and special folders are not partly email screenshots.
  2. Postal screenshot

Archive folders and special folders Please note the information in the “Entrance” folder. As a rule, the “Inputs” folder is located in the middle mail screenshots from the folders “Calendar”, “Contacts” and others.

If messages are saved locally, they are moved to archive or special folders, such as adjacent data files.


postal screenshots.

  1. Microsoft Outlook displays information about the removal of these folders, otherwise they are inaccessible to the server.
  2. To save information about special folders in your files, you can select both special and archive folders, or offend them instantly!

What is the difference between archive and special folders?

It is important to note two points before starting the cob.

Information that is stored in a personal folder file (PST) is not accessible from the email server.

They are located on the local computer, and if you move to another computer, you will not be able to read the messages until you move them to the new machine.

At the same time, you can work with a PST file as many as one user.

You must select a computer that is set up for a separate file, and also allows access to the file of special folders for several users, who must close the PST file so that another user can open it.
Note: mail is saved in a special Outlook folder (special folder files, PST files).

There are two ways to save mail in PST files.

  • Creating and editing special folders (PST files) is easy with Outlook. Below is a list of reasons why you should select special folders.
  • New place on the server Folder features should be checked when the system administrator logs off to notify you that the mail screen size is approaching the maximum allowable size.
  • More efficient documentation Browse specific folders to save information needed for professional or special purposes.

The PST tool allows you to maintain a “documentary trail”.


Folder features can be selected for transfer or copying from one computer to another, as well as for backup to a CD or other storage device.

  • Think about saving information locally first.
  • Access to the information that is saved in PST files can be denied to only one user at any time, which is something that policies in some organizations do not allow or are clearly prohibited from saving information locally.
  • We have only seen the advantages of this approach, but it is also necessary to know that local saving is not suitable for everyone.

The time has come to begin the archiving function.

We looked at the benefits and shortcomings of local savings. The time has come to take a look at the method..

Let's finish with archiving. The time has come to take a look at the method. The main advantage of the archiving function (also known as auto-archiving) is that it requires only pressing a button


When Outlook is installed initially, the AutoArchive feature is disabled.

(The fourth course in the series will show you how to change the settings after washing.) This means that you have just pressed the button The time has come to take a look at the method..

In the Outlook notification window “Automatically archive old items now?”, the autoarchive function will no longer work.

The AutoArchive feature moves notifications to the location where they were saved.

This is done regularly (for example, every 14 days), the doctor confirms “Yes.”

Below is a look at how this function works.

To start the procedure, press the button

Please move from the postal screen.

...to the archive folder.

Outlook creates this folder automatically.

All attachments of the email screenshot folder are automatically displayed in the archive folder, and the information will move to these attachment folders before they are expanded in the email screenshot.

  • Thus, the archiving function copies the structure of the email screenshot to the archive folder.
  • You can clearly see that the Alpine Ski House and Contoso folders look the same in the archive folder as they do in the mail screen.
  • I know, Outlook saves all your work automatically.
  • You should expand your savings systems and be sure to update your systems, such as finishing old projects and starting to work on new ones.
  • You create rules for moving notifications to a designated folder.

If this is so, then you deserve the level of control that special folders provide.

In both vipads, PST files are used in vikoryst.

As you already know, both when archiving and when selecting special folders, the notifications are moved (not copied) to the Outlook folder.

In both cases, the notification moves will be available in a folder in the Outlook navigation area.

Another similarity lies in the fact that in both types of folders, the folder attachments and messages contained in them are saved in a file called the Outlook data file.

This file is also called an Outlook special folder file, a PST file, or a special folder (the PST file is saved on your personal computer). Additional type of special folder.

For certain types of cloud records, delivery of electronic mail is carried out directly to a special folder.

Since the email is delivered directly to your computer, as is the case with a POP3 cloud account or an Exchange Server cloud account configured with a dedicated server, your email screen will be similar to the email screen, led to the baby with a red color. This means that in the transition area the order from the postal screen icon will be indicated Folder features What does this mean?.

Typically, this means that the email is delivered directly to a PST file on your computer.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files

My Documents\Outlook Files

When you update Outlook to version 2010, data files previously created in earlier versions of Outlook are saved in a different folder.

The OST file is synchronized with elements of the server on which Exchange is running.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Once the data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, you can recreate the entire OST file on a new computer without having to create a backup copy of the OST file.

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook

\Local Settings

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Once the data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, you can recreate the entire OST file on a new computer without having to create a backup copy of the OST file.

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Special address book (PAB)

\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook NOTE. Address Book (PAB) features are not supported in Outlook 2010. When upgrading to Outlook 2010, you will need to import any PAB file from Contacts. If the PAB file is not imported when you first start Outlook 2010, it can be imported later using the following command


in the Submit Microsoft Office Backstage mode. Offline Address Book (OAB) The Offline Address Book (OAB) is searched for Microsoft Exchange Server account records.

Please include information such as names, email addresses, office relocation information,

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Once the data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, you can recreate the entire OST file on a new computer without having to create a backup copy of the OST file.

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Special address book (PAB)

global address list (GAL)

on the server on which Exchange is running. There is no need to create a backup copy of this file or update it..

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files This file is created and updated automatically. Navigation area customization file (XML) This file contains information about

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files navigation areas Navigation area customization file (XML) This file contains information about


(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Once the data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, you can recreate the entire OST file on a new computer without having to create a backup copy of the OST file.

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Special address book (PAB)



\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\

Registered Microsoft Exchange extension (DAT)

Outlook contact auto-complete list

Autocomplete is a function that replies names and email addresses in the world of your entry.

Proposed options - all possible options from the list of names and addresses from the above notification email.

This list is called auto-completion.

The AutoComplete list is saved in an Outlook data file (.pst).

Outlook data files (PST) for these types of business records are differentiated from other PST files in Outlook.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files These files are stored as copies of data on the mail server of the cloud record and are not eligible for moving or updating.

\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook A new PST file is created when you configure an IMAP or Windows Live Hotmail account in a different Outlook profile or on a different computer. Thus, the auto-completion list is unique to the computer and profile on which the cloud record is configured, and elements from it are not available under the same profile or computer.і Rules (RWZ)\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

If you upgrade to Outlook 2010 from a previous version of Outlook, other than Microsoft Outlook 2002, you may have an RWZ file on your computer's hard drive. This file is no longer needed, and the rules records are now stored on the server running Microsoft Exchange and in the Outlook data file (PST) for cloud email records.


IMAP The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files.

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files These files are stored as copies of data on the mail server of the cloud record and are not eligible for moving or updating.

This file can be viewed.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files How to use the function of importing and exporting rules, retrieving RWZ files after washing the folder

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Documents

Druk styles (Outlprnt file without extension)

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected.

Windows Vista The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected.\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Signatures (RTF, TXT, HTM)


(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Forms (HTM)

Windows 7 and 64-bit Windows Vista with 32-bit Outlook 2010

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery

Non-standard forms

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Forms

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

Dictionary (DIC)

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files.

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files These files are stored as copies of data on the mail server of the cloud record and are not eligible for moving or updating.


(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. Outlook data files (PST) created in Outlook 2010 are saved on your computer in a folder Outlook Documents\Files\Application Data\Microsoft\UProof

. The space on the disk is delimited, the folders are filled in, and after the search for the necessary data is put in order, a lot more information is collected. In Windows XP these files are saved in a folder Outlook Documents\Files Templates (OFT)


\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates

Force and release settings (SRS)

After promotion, the program saves all the sheets within a short period of time and automatically saves the file outlook.pst.

This file is located in the folder Main_disk:\Documents and Settings\name of account_entry\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.

You can copy and use these archives for your own purposes, but be careful that the remaining sheets that arrived in the mail may not have arrived until later.

It is better to speed up manual export or archiving, so that you can ensure that all the leaves are in the file.

The Outlook.pst file contains all the sheets

How to archive sheets

Archiving in Outlook is a function that moves items of work to the archives that are being compressed to reduce the amount of memory they occupy on the hard drive.

Instead of a traditional backup, which creates a copy of Outlook items, the archived items are moved to an adjacent Outlook data file (.pst file).

Access to archived elements can be denied at any time by opening the file.

Automatic archiving

After washing, the function is activated and its bindings are removed after 2, 3 and 6 months depending on the type of sheets.

The report is about this in the table below.

Table: term for saving various data in Outlook

After the first session of automatic archiving, the program creates a file and creates a folder for the new one.

In the future, you can independently add sheets to the archive or retrieve them from another.

Archives created by Outlook, for the purpose of retouching under the Main_disk section:\User\Open_record_name\Documents\Outlook Files\archive.pst.

To customize the automatic archiving settings for yourself, select the following:

  1. Manual archiving
    During manual archiving, the “Archives” folder will be created automatically, since it was not created before during automatic archiving.
  2. Select the “Import” or “Import and export” function depending on the program version.
    Press the “Import” button
  3. Select the "Export files" option.
    Select the “Export files” option
  4. Indicate that you need to create a file in pst format.
    Specify pst format
  5. Select nearby folders that will be exported, or select the top section and check the box next to “Highlight folder attachments.”
    It is clear which folders need to be exported
  6. Specify the path that will be used to save the file with the sheets that will be exported.
    It is indicated where to save the file from the exported files
  7. If you want, set a password for the file, but it’s not necessary. Set a password for the file
  8. As a result, you will select the file, so you can transfer the sheets to any computer that runs Outlook.
    Export file has been edited

How to see leaves

In order to select a number of sheets in a box for further selection or transferring them to the “Read” section, press the Ctrl key on the keyboard and begin to select the sheets behind the mouse, without releasing the key.

If you need to see a large number of sheets at a time, then see the first sheet, and then press the Shift key on the keyboard and see the remaining sheet without releasing the key.

All leaves that are located between the first and remaining leaves are visible.

You can see a bunch of leaves in a row

To see all the sheets at once, select one sheet and press the key combination Ctrl+A, then all the sheets that are in the same folder as the visible sheet will be visible.

Saving deposit from multiple sheets

Several pages can contain attachments: files, pictures, videos, etc. You can save the insert of the skin sheet through it, or there is another option:

Some problems with Outlook sheets and their most common ones

The process of working with sheets may cause a number of other issues or problems.

For this purpose, you need to vicont the songs.

Unread pages are read independently

If the sheets that were sent to you by mail are automatically marked as “Read”, even though you did not open them, then on the right is that you have the function enabled, which shows that you have read the sheet, if you have a tab open with it for several decades seconds

Sheets from Outlook can be exported or archived to extract a file that can be transferred to another computer or transferred to someone else.

From the created file, you can extract data for any version of Outlook, import or create an element.

Outlook keeps backup copies of your data in different places.

Depending on the account type, you can create backup copies of email notifications, specific address books, navigation area settings, signatures, templates, etc.

If you use a Microsoft Exchange, Office 365 or Outlook.com account account, your email is archived on the email server.

Most often, a special folder file (PST) with blob records of these types is not analyzed.

To view your backup files for Outlook, you must select the system folders and file name extensions.

Videos about how to earn money, marvel. at the division.

Information about backup of cloud records Office 365, Exchange and Outlook.com

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>This file cannot be moved from one computer to another.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, you can transfer such data from one computer to another.

Navigation area options

These options are available in one of the directions below.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>Windows 10

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, you can transfer such data from one computer to another. drive: \koristuvachi\

\update\roaming\Microsoft\Outlook\profiles Name.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>XML

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, you can transfer such data from one computer to another.

Previous versions of Windows

    Styles for each other The Outlprnt file can be found in one of the links below.

    Styles for each other\updata\roaming\microsoft\outlook\outlprnt

drive: \my documents and \Application date\microsoft\outlook\outlprnt

The files from which Outlook forms are created can be configured in the places below.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>\appdata\local\microsoft\forms

    Older versions of Windows on disk:\my documents and\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

The dictionary files that are configured are saved in the following locations.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\uproof

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, you can transfer such data from one computer to another. <имя_пользователя>:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery

All created Outlook templates are saved in one of two places.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. The templates will be slightly expanded.<имя_пользователя>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Forms

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, you can transfer such data from one computer to another.: drive:\Users\<имя_пользователя>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

: drive:\Documents and Settings\

Parameters for editing and editing

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. The templates will be slightly expanded.<имя_пользователя>

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, you can transfer such data from one computer to another.: drive:\Users\<имя_пользователя>

The support and removal parameters include which cloud recordings are scanned at which frequency.

The force and release parameters file can be found in one of the links below.

The file will be expanded to SRS.

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>Email, calendar, contacts and appointments for cloud accounts POP and IMAP

    For Office 365 cloud accounts, Exchange or Outlook.com cloud accounts, Hotmail.com or Live.com cloud accounts that do not allow access to the POP or IMAP protocol, there are no special folders for the PST file. You may have an offline folders (OST) file, but when you add a new email account, Outlook will automatically create it again.<имя_пользователя>If you have a POP or IMAP account, all data is already saved in a special folder (PST) file.

    Older versions of Windows You can transfer it to another computer from saving data.<имя_пользователя>When moving a PST file from one computer to another, the email account settings will not be transferred.

If you need to set up Outlook on a new computer, copy the PST file from the old computer and set up a new email account. .

Then open the PST file on the new computer. The modification of the PST file depends on the version of Outlook and Windows, as well as the method of setting up the cloud recording or creating the PST file.

The PST file can be found in the places below.


    \roaming\local\microsoft\outlook on disk: \my documents and parameters\\Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Porada:.

    Note: Your configuration may not be able to accommodate all of these files, some of which can no longer be created when the Outlook functions are configured..

    Can't find the folders? Your configuration may not be able to accommodate all of these files, some of which can no longer be created when the Outlook functions are configured. These folders can be stored. Your configuration may not be able to accommodate all of these files, some of which can no longer be created when the Outlook functions are configured. To display saved folders in Windows, type this: Press button Start Your configuration may not be able to accommodate all of these files, some of which can no longer be created when the Outlook functions are configured..

    and select an item Control panel Open up Folder options You need to know , at the top of the window in the search field enter Open up . On the panel for Windows XP near the field Addresses.


On deposit

When you archive Outlook data, it is saved in PST files.


    Cloud data Microsoft Exchange Server stores data on the mail server.

    You can use Exchange caching mode or run offline, copies of items are saved as an offline Outlook data file (OST).
    Additional reports of miracles. in the "Outlook Data File (OST)" section.

Some organizations also allow the export or archiving of elements to a PST file.

The PST file is not supported to move to the final border.

    To view additional views, click the buttons below the article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base

    \roaming\local\microsoft\outlook : files of special folders are not supported in the local network or via global communication channels. Assigning file names and reassigning special folders to the file : files of special folders are not supported in the local network or via global communication channels..

    Microsoft Outlook 2010 In Outlook 2010, open the File tab on the page and select the View tab from the menu. Setting up cloud records

    and select a team

Since the email is delivered directly to your computer, as is the case with a POP3 cloud account or an Exchange Server cloud account configured with a dedicated server, your email screen will be similar to the email screen, led to the baby with a red color. Click Folder features What does this mean?.

If you need to set up Outlook on a new computer, copy the PST file from the old computer and set up a new email account. files


(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself.


If you need to set up Outlook on a new computer, copy the PST file from the old computer and set up a new email account. Write down the path to the PST file and your name.

    For example, C:\Exchange\Mailbox.PST specifies a PST file named Mailbox.

    pst and is located in the Exchange folder on drive C. Documents\Outlook Files If your Outlook data file (PST) is large, you can enhance OneDrive synchronization and show “Processing changes” or “file is being processed.” Vidomosti about editing the Outlook data file..

    and select an item PST from OneDrive. After upgrading to Outlook 2010 on a computer on which there were already data files created in earlier versions of Outlook, these files are saved in other files that were transferred to your dad. Vidomosti about the received folders Windows div. at the Windows Advancement and Support Center. .

    Launch Outlook.

At the menu Service select a team Parameters Set up the post press button If your Outlook data file (PST) is large, you can enhance OneDrive synchronization and show “Processing changes” or “file is being processed.” data files Write down the path to the PST file and your name.

For example, C:\Exchange\Mailbox.PST specifies a PST file named Mailbox.

    pst, which is located in the Exchange folder on drive C.

    5. Press the button

    Shut up

, press the button


    , and then at the menu

    file exit and end the session, to close Outlook. copying or moving a file or folder.

Add Outlook to a new file of special folders

The PST file is not supported to move to the final border.

    Open Outlook 2010.

    On the page, open the tab press button and select the tab from the menu Vidomosti .

    Close the tab Parameters of cloud records, and then press the button again Cloud recording parameters .

    and select an item Tribute files After upgrading to Outlook 2010 on a computer on which there were already data files created in earlier versions of Outlook, these files are saved in other files that were transferred to your dad. Add.

    In separate type file select item Outlook data file (*.pst).


    Select PST file and press the button vikoristovvati for zamovchuvannyam.

9. Press the button Parameters.


11. Press the button "So", press the button " Service", and then press the button Parameters

12. at the menu press button If your Outlook data file (PST) is large, you can enhance OneDrive synchronization and show “Processing changes” or “file is being processed.” exit.

13. Restart Outlook.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

    Open Outlook.

    pst and is located in the Exchange folder on drive C. Documents\Outlook Files If your Outlook data file (PST) is large, you can enhance OneDrive synchronization and show “Processing changes” or “file is being processed.” Vidomosti about editing the Outlook data file..

    and select an item PST from OneDrive. After upgrading to Outlook 2010 on a computer on which there were already data files created in earlier versions of Outlook, these files are saved in other files that were transferred to your dad. cloud records of electronic mail Please note that you do not have an email account record.

    and select an item Tribute files After upgrading to Outlook 2010 on a computer on which there were already data files created in earlier versions of Outlook, these files are saved in other files that were transferred to your dad. Add.

    Click item Office Outlook Special Folder (PST) File and press the button Parameters.

    Find a new version of the PST file and click the button Parameters two meanings.

    \roaming\local\microsoft\outlook vikoristovvati for zamovchuvannyam.

    When it comes to the delivery of e-mail for purchasers, please provide the following information:

You have changed the delivery place for promotional items for electronic mail.

9. Press the button Parameters.

As a result, the layout of the “Inputs”, “Calendar” and other folders will be changed. viluchiti These changes will take place at the time when Outlook starts.

11. Press the button "So", press the button " Service", and then press the button Parameters 10. Select the PST file, in the section "Naming and organizing your file in special folders", and then click the " button

12. at the menu press button If your Outlook data file (PST) is large, you can enhance OneDrive synchronization and show “Processing changes” or “file is being processed.” exit.

13. Restart Outlook.

" to delete the local PST file from your profile.

to close all dialog boxes.

\roaming\local\microsoft\outlook The time has come to take a look at the method. Since PST is the place of delivery for customers, please provide the following information:

Roztashuvannya, to which the information is forced, has changed for this profile of the koristuvach.

To complete this operation, you need to copy the old Outlook folders to the new Outlook folder.

The OST file is synchronized with items on the Exchange server.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, and you can re-create the entire OST file on a new computer without losing the backup copy of the OST file.

. drive:\Appdata\local\microsoft\outlook

\Local Settings

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, and you can re-create the entire OST file on a new computer without losing the backup copy of the OST file.

. drive:\Appdata\local\microsoft\outlook

Then open the PST file on the new computer. Drive:\My Documents and\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Address Book (PAB) features are not supported in Outlook 2010. If you upgrade to Outlook 2010, you will be prompted to import any PAB files into Contacts. If you don't import a PAB file when you first start Outlook 2010, you can import one later using the "



in Podannya Microsoft Office Backstage.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, and you can re-create the entire OST file on a new computer without losing the backup copy of the OST file.

. drive:\Appdata\local\microsoft\outlook

global address list (GAL)

The Offline Address Book (OAB) is accessed by Microsoft Exchange Server account records.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. You should place information such as names, email addresses, and office expansion information from the global list of addresses on the server on which Exchange is running.

. You do not need to create backup copies or update the entire file.


(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The data fragments are lost on the Exchange server, and you can re-create the entire OST file on a new computer without losing the backup copy of the OST file.

. drive:\Appdata\local\microsoft\outlook

They are created and updated automatically.

In which file the information is saved instead of the navigation area.

drive:\Users\user\appdata\roaming\outlook\profiles Name.

IMAP The templates will be slightly expanded.<имя пользователя>.

.: drive:\Users\<имя пользователя>These files are stored as copies of data on the mail server of the cloud record and are not eligible for moving or updating.


Registered Microsoft Exchange extension (DAT)

Drive:\My Documents and\Application\Name.


Close the tab Auto-complete list for Outlook contacts Auto-completion is a function that displays the name and email address options in the world of your entry. : files of special folders are not supported in the local network or via global communication channels. Assigning file names and reassigning special folders to the file : files of special folders are not supported in the local network or via global communication channels. Proposed options are taken from the list of names and mailing addresses from the above information. In Outlook 2007, the auto-complete list file (NK2) is saved in the following folders: In Outlook 2010, the completion list file (NK2) is no longer supported.

Autocomplete is a function that replies names and email addresses in the world of your entry.

Items in the auto-complete list are now saved to your Microsoft Exchange Server email screen or to your account's Outlook data file (PST).

If you use an Exchange Server cloud account, your auto-completion list is saved in the mail screen on the Exchange server.

The AutoComplete list is saved in an Outlook data file (.pst).

Outlook data files (PST) for these types of business records are differentiated from other PST files in Outlook.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself.


Then open the PST file on the new computer. The Outlook data file (PST) for these accounts is not the same as Outlook.

This copy of the data in the cloud record of the mail server is not intended for moving or updating. Whenever an IMAP or Outlook.com account is set up (the nickname is Hotmail), a new Outlook data file (PST) is created in another Outlook profile or on another computer..


IMAP Therefore, the auto-completion list is unique to the computer and profile in which the cloud record is configured, and its records do not appear in another profile or computer in which you are victorious.

. If you upgraded to Outlook 2010 from a previous version of Outlook other than Microsoft Outlook 2002, you may have an RWZ file on your computer's hard drive.

This file can be viewed.

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. The RWZ file is no longer needed, and rule records are now stored on the Microsoft Exchange server and in the Outlook data file (PST) for cloud-based POP3 and IMAP email records.

. You can view the file.

Druk styles (Outlprnt file without extension)

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself.

If you use the import and export rules function, the RWZ files are located in the folder Documents

. drive: \\Appdata\roaming\microsoft\outlook

drive: \my documents and \Application date\microsoft\outlook\outlprnt

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. Drive:\My Documents and\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

. drive:\Users\user\appdata\roaming\microsoft\signatures

Windows 7 and 64-bit Windows Vista with 32-bit Outlook 2010

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. drive: \my documents and \Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

. Windows 7 and Windows Vista 64-bit with Outlook 2010 32-bit

Non-standard forms

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. drive:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery

. drive:\program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery


(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. Therefore, the auto-completion list is unique to the computer and profile in which the cloud record is configured, and its records do not appear in another profile or computer in which you are victorious.

. If you upgraded to Outlook 2010 from a previous version of Outlook other than Microsoft Outlook 2002, you may have an RWZ file on your computer's hard drive.

Drive:\My Documents and\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

(This file is called Outlook.pst.) However, since mail is delivered to a special folder of this type, you, as before, can use the archiving function or create a special folder yourself. drive:\Users\user\appdata\roaming\microsoft\upproof

. drive: \my documents and \Application Data\Microsoft\UProof


drive: \my documents and \Application Data\Microsoft\Templates

    Parameters of force and release (SRS)

    • Message (MSG, HTM, RTF) on disk: \my documents and parameters\\Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Porada:.

      drive:\Users\user\documents Porada:.

      disk: documents and documents Settings on disk: \my documents and parameters\ Display of saved folders and extension of file names Porada:.

    Some folders may be locked, and Windows may not show file name extensions (such as PST, OST, PAB). To show the saved folders and file name extensions, do the following: Open the ceramic panel. For Windows 10, press the button For Windows 8, press the Windows keys + X, and then click For Windows 7, press the button, to display all icons on the caravan panel.

    Microsoft Outlook 2010 Folder power.

    Go to tab Control panel.

    In the field Folder options:

    1. In separate , at the top of the window in the search field enter remove the ensign Get extensions for registered file types.

      In separate . press Show downloaded files, folders and drives.

      \roaming\local\microsoft\outlook Parameters.

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