Where can you know a spy? - Five reasons to know new friends. Ways of dating through the Internet: pluses and minuses

Golovna / Nalashtuvannya

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One of the most important opportunities, like giving the Internet for the education of foreign language, is the ability to communicate with foreigners. Particularly important is rozmovna practice. To learn to speak foreign language, it is not enough just to know the words, it is necessary to practice speaking. If you look around, I'll tell you about the sites and programs, you will find partners for the practice of foreign language (not only English).

Note: I have already written about the puzzles of the site earlier, before a short glance, I add more detailed information on the look around.


Koristuvach questionnaire on italki

As your rіven allows you to even speak a little bit of English, just try to go through one such lesson if you want - the effect of rozmovnyh is even more memorable.

2. HelloLingo

The most common and easiest to know on Hellolingo

Uvaga: sorry HelloLingo plans to close on May 18, 2019. I will leave my mini-look here at the time, so that the service will be renewed.

In 2015, the popular current site sharedtalk.com closed down on the great rozcharuvannya koristuvachiv, it was easy to know how to treat foreign language with them. Fortunately, not long ago the project was reborn, having become the best, at the same time it is called wine HelloLingo.

This site is good for a swedish splurge: zaishov not for a long time, having started with a vipadkovy spivrezmovnik, pishov. Here you can find foreigners for more tribal communication. You can chat in text and voice chat, if you want to go to voice chat, you need to write off in text mode - you can’t call at once.

The site may be special - it is not possible to put a profile photo here. The rozrobniks zrobili tse, schob niknuti reorganization of the site for movnoї practice on the dating site. The problem is that there are many people willing to flirt with miraculous foreigners. Don't hang out on Hellolingo!


Speaky has more "social" design, lower HelloLingo

Movna social measure Speaky(Previously called Gospeaky) pidide, because of the design and social possibilities of HelloLingo you will be forgiven too much. Here you can put a photo on the profile, before that, the function of filtering is handy for moving and not wearing. In addition, Speaky has a mobile version (addendum), which, honestly, does not shine with a particularly rich functionality.

If this site only appeared, in 2015, it was possible to communicate on it in text and voice chat, at the same time the voice chat was cleaned up - maybe, through those who had a lot of people who were willing to exchange contacts and speak with handy Skype.

Tsіkava particularity of text chat - the ability to correct notifications. Ask a spokesman to correct the pardons, and you can edit your remarks in the chat: the correct option will be seen in green color, and the wrong one - red name.

4. Interpals

On Interpals, there are more detailed searches for people on the black list

on Interpals It is not uncommon to swear through the great number of strong spammers, fakes and "domagachi". Here, on the HelloTalk view, you can't help flirting lovers, you can send jokes with the "Flirting" filter - the stars and the impersonal audience. But all the same, on the same old one, which has been working since 1998, the modern site is too slow to finish rich and full of sumly lovers of language.

As you are being harassed by stingy sluts, your servants will be put on the black list, so you can block people of a singing status, for that city of living.

5. Tandem

Looking back is called "6 sites for communication with foreigners", but Tandem- not a website, but a program for practicing mov, so there is no version for PC. On the face of HelloLingo, which is supposed to look as much as possible NOT as a social network, Tandem's addition is similar to a dating site with photos, profiles, and interests. Prote in tsіy spіlnotі not vіtaєtsya splkuvannya not from the method of modern practice.

Tandem is positioned as an addendum for a joke 1) tutors; 2) partners for the compilation of foreign languages. Spivrozmovniks know arbitrarily handily to the one who koristuvachs say about themselves to give a lot of information (interesi, rіven, tsіlі іn.) and learn to deprive one about one. As for the tutors, I don’t know the reasons for chatting them on Tandem - the choice is still small, the prices, navpaki, are rather big, and the language of video calls on the phone is less handy, lower on the PC.

6. HelloTalk

HelloTalk- tsezh additions, not a site, but a web version, but with other possibilities. If you want to contact foreigners only for help, HelloTalk is a good option.

Then, as an add-on to HelloTalk, it’s richer than Speaky: here is everything you can only need: correcting the text (like Speaky), editing the photo, voice notifications, and hand-writing the text.

Report about HelloTalk you can find out about this video.

Can you practice without a spy?

You can’t practice on your own without a collaborator, because how can you be a collaborator without the participation of another person? However, it is still possible to develop the skill of verbal thinking one by one (even if it’s not the same as practice with a living person), I’ll report about it in this video:


If you are serious about learning to practice, I recommend getting in touch with tutors and taking “learning” lessons from them. To my knowledge - the best way. So, you spend pennies (even if they are small in equal courses), then don’t waste a lot of time on the jokes of spivrezmovniks at the low-cost modern social networks, at some scammers, then spammers, then fakes, then turbovan.

Friends! They often ask me, but at the same time I don’t do tutoring. As you need a reader, I recommend what a wonderful site . Here you will find a vikladach, wearing a movie or not wearing it, in case there is a flurry and swarming. I myself went there to borrow more than 100, I recommend trying it out for you!

A lot of people see a wider social problem: they don’t know exactly how to know friends and rule their social life.

Іsnuє kіlka reasons, from which you can opine in such a situation
  • You have moved to a new place, and for the time being, a few of your acquaintances are still in the bush.
  • For a trivaly hour they spent a hundred years with a girl, and they allowed their social life to die out.
  • Your old friends went out of your life by a natural order (they crossed over, began to take their family, etc.), but you did not know his replacement.
  • A significant part of your sharpening was gone, like the rich, who finished the initial mortgage and settled down to live in the place of education.
  • See that your special riven has become richly rich for the riven of the lesser friends, and you want to “upgrade” your sharpening.
  • Previously, the mother of one friend was enough for you, but now you have expanded your coloquialty.
  • You didn’t know how to know friends, and you always wanted to improve your social life.
  • Significant changes have occurred in your life, for example, you have decided not to get used to alcoholic drinks anymore, and you need to change sharpening, if people close to you are no longer suitable for you.

Show potential friends

To expand the number of friends, it is necessary to bring out possible candidates. There are two main ways to grow.

Designate your current contacts

Don't bother with you, as you have moved to a new world, you don't know anyone.

As a rule, you already have a singing rіven of social links.

It’s not easy for you to go out and chat with ten unknown people. It is often easier to transform the actual contacts of little-known people into full-time friends, rather than to get absolutely new individuals to their lives.

More than anything, your sharpened already has a few people you know, who can become a close part of your new social stake.

Tse takі people like:

  • You know, with some kind of day you stick together, for example, at a cost to work, strolling around the shops too soon.
  • Your colleagues are classmates, with whom you have made contact.
  • Friends know, with whom they spoke earlier.
  • Initiators of friendship with you, up to what propositions, if you have been put up by the baiduzh.
  • People, with whom you often tremble, but for the time being, social distance has been holding you back.
  • Friends, with whomever you have made contact, you can turn everything in the right direction.
  • You know, with some earlier, you didn’t talk through a significant difference in the capital.
Get to know new people

Strengthening the development of your current social connections can be completed by a trivial process.

And yet, you know each other at those points in your life, if you need to get to know absolutely new people.

For wealthy people, there is a bar on the way to expand the social stake, there is direct access to potential new friends.

The most obvious places for making new contacts are:

  • Seeing different dreams for the sake of interests, de vie obov'yazkovo sustrinet impersonal people, as if you could already sleep with you. Best of all, as the activity of spіlnoti will be connected with splіkvannyam. Here you can also study different courses, trainings, lectures, reading halls, sports sections, schools of dances.
  • Get to know people for your initial investment. Watching for the silence of the day itself, you can step by step recognize them closer, without sagging under the social pressure.
  • Develop stosunki from friends of your friends.

Acquaintance with new people, sing-song, vіmagatime vіd you dodatkovyh zusil, so that we could virvatis from the everyday routine.

The most effective way to know friends is the conduct of a full-fledged, full-fledged, rich life, a side effect of turning your life path into a great number of new people.

If you start to find new people, you should contact them and try to recognize them closer.

Not everyone, with whom you will enter into communication, become your friends, but entice you to join a sufficient number of people to allow you to establish friendly relations with some of them.

That and vzagalі, now you can try to be friends with us?

Friendship Formula
  1. Navkolishne middle of you
    It is easier to know friends among people, who are the first ones to work in the workplace for their interests. Tse is similar to the context that allows friendship.
    Why can't you just get to know the people who go to her on the street. You need a context, which will suit you.
  2. Vidpovidna situation
    This means that you have that hour in your own people, the energy that is necessary to invest in a new friendship.
    It also means that you have the ability to develop friendly blues. How many of you are planning to move to another place, what is the sense in trying to develop your friendship?
  3. Successful first communication
    Your first contact is even more important, the shards of the sky are worthy of comfort and trust, allowing you to install what skin from you can be for another reception company.
    It also vikonu є іnshі funktsії, ії іѕ аѕ rozslablennya, rozvazha ta vzaєmorozumіnnya.
  4. You are guilty of being comradely and foreign
    In order to know friends, you should follow rozmovu and show interest in talking about topics.
    If some of you give stingy opinions and little chatter with someone else's thought, behavior and mood, then you will not have a good foundation for the development of friendship.
  5. Zagalni rice with other people
    One of the most important rethinks to know friends is the presence of shared interests and the similarity of thoughts, suffocation, and take the bell.
    The more sleepy you know in your other people, the easier it will be for you to make friends with her.
  6. Basic agreement one to one
    Tse means that you and you, and another person, for which you know, you take part in the process of disclosing special information one to one.
    You start with some neutral, special information, and then you get lost, shards of growing trust.

Krok 2 Promote your potential friends to work together

As soon as you get to know the people with whom you can talk to each other, encourage you to once again walk around the boundaries of your place of acquaintance. This is the most important krok, which is necessary to grow, to know friends.

You can learn the greatness of the number of people, but still you will not honor any actions, so that you can develop acquaintance, and people will be simply deprived of timely passengers in the train of your life.

It seems obvious that people of their own often eat pasta like this.

It’s possible, even if you tell them fun stories on robots, or start a conversation at the university, but don’t stink, but don’t stink, with the method of inviting you to chat in other situations and start a conversation.

On the back, it will be silently summoned to reveal the initiative, to the one who has the ability to take away the commands, but it’s easy to reach them.

Depending on the minds of knowledge, you can quickly start transferring new people to the status of friends, otherwise you will happen to get a little more than an hour, for example, a sprat of tyzhniv.

Start a voice exchange contacts

Exchanging contacts with people is just too bad.

You can spy on a cicada person, but you don’t know if you care about him for an offensive time.

Therefore, exchange phone numbers or become friends in social networks.

In this rank, if the opportunity appears, or the need to meet at once, you can easily contact them.

In addition, as your new people may have your contact information in their hands, they, in their hands, can also ask you for a call.

Don't give up on propositions

Obviously, your authorities plan to have great significance, but if you want to spend an hour with you, try to accept the proposition.

Tse does not mean that you need to be fast. For example, as if proposing a kind of activity, the posture is a zone of your comfort, otherwise on the next day you will sleep, at this time your spirit will become a whole river.

However, if you don’t get drunk more than a trifle, you’ll hang out better. How about being able to choose from home with a company of people?

If you have more friends and different competing options, you can become more discriminating.

As if you were more littered by the selfishness of a person, you are smarter than a visnovka, you won’t be so cheerful already, and you won’t be able to go.

Try to get rid of your thoughts and go away at any time. You often don’t get drunk, we can accept the ink, as long as you don’t keep your eyes open.

Sometimes you happen to be the owner of your own incompetence for the sake of your life.

You can be asked to see a movie for you, or someone can call you from the suggestion to meet at Friday evening, if you choose to go to bed.

You often happen to go to a compromise, but the prospect of a rich social life vartuє tsikh nesuttєvih unhandiness.

Still you should call on the axis what. A lot of people stop asking you, because you are constantly encouraged.

Your knowers can not say anything against you, but the coming time, if it’s planned to be called, you’ll think: “For sure, I’ll confirm my request, there’s no way for the sense to call you this time.”

Krok 3 Support and develop friendships

It’s not so easy to splurge once in life, or to work at other times.

Tim is no less, for the establishment of nearby friendly dates, you need to keep up a constant connection, spend an hour together, share emotions and know one another on a greater equal level.

You will not be able to know a friend in the skin of a person, but in the course of a year you can be close friends with such people.

If you know your friends, contact them to expand your communication

If you have one or two friends show up, consider that you have laid the foundation for expanding your social connections.

As if you are not more than friends for your nature, one or two good friends can be everything that you need, so that we will be fully satisfied with the comfort that will delight you.

But early on, get to know your friend's friends, with whom you can build friendly friendships.

For your friends, it will be easier for you to get to know absolutely new people, so that at the same time with your company you will be able to innovate and expand your acquaintances.

Krok 4. Treat your friends right

Be positive and don't be negative

If you want to naturally share your own problems, then you constantly swear and start negatively put before others and before life in general, then people get tired of your thread and negativity.

All of them have enough problems in life, and additional tons of unacceptable experiences, with which you have won the gift of comfort, no one needs.

Prote, good friend, listen to you, if you require anything, do not accept the voiced information, like “you don’t tell anyone”.

Be full of energy and share more positive emotions.

Be respectful of hearing

Do not allow a pardon, if you change the connection to your solo performance.

If your speaker wants to hang out, obov'yazkovo respectfully listen to yoga.

Take care of the right

As you improve your lives, make cicadas suffocate, improve, create, continue, take new defeats, train new people, you can become a magnet for others, and your very life will see you on a new level.


Do not laugh at the fast, or at an unforeseen hour. In other situations, your big laugh will make you more attractive and special.

Be calm

If you want a lot of energy, people who are too dramatic and so impulsive can look at other people.

Therefore, learn to respond to more problems calmly, trying not to increase the scale to the level of the universal tragedy.

Be yourself, don't brag

Do not varto gradually try to amaze people. Even if you are inspired by yourself, you don’t need it.

Don't try to get better, lower the truth, especially if your behavior is like that for the show.

Be inspired and satisfied with yourself

Be satisfied with tim, kim wi and navit with your shortfalls. People do not like other people because of low self-esteem.

Learn to bachiti in your own positive side, your own heart and your own nature. Let it go and become your story, so that you can tell yourself.

Krok 5. Most often win the fortune-telling diї

If you have introduced two friends near your colloquium and have stuck to what you have reached, it is unlikely that your social connections will continue to expand by themselves.

After that, as you will constantly try new ways of getting to know people, come in, you will have a bunch of friends and acquaintances.

You are not bound by mothers without personal friends. A lot of people are quite happy, supporting only a few close friends.

However, even though the state of speeches does not rule you, you know how to know friends.

You are guilty to report zusil

Your special initiative is the most important principle for encouraging friendly stosunkivs.

With a great pardon, I was rebuked at the station of passive ochіkuvannya, and that hope was on the other side. Well, it’s great, how it will become like this, but not varto rozrakhovuvati on the target.

If you put food on, as you know friends, then the first thing you happen to be able to do is to report sufficient evidence for someone.

If you want to get loose at the weekend, do not think that everything will come out by itself. Get in touch with your friends and come up with a job at once, otherwise find out what the stench is to do and come to them.

It's really hard to know friends

If you do not have sufficient information from the established new contacts, the whole process can be complicated and tightened for you, lower wines are true.

Often all that is necessary to work to know friends is to get to know people and spend an hour with them all at once.

You do not need to know for a long time for a few months, first of all, transfer the status of friends.

Obviously, as you have become familiar with the kimos, on the back of your head will be a little superficial, but if it’s not so early in the hour, you will be able to honor yourself with friends.

On the very cob, don't be too overbearing

Likewise, your own self, your meta is guilty of collapsing at the creation of a social life. Without a doubt, uniquely negative and positive for your share of special features.

But if you see a cicava person, if you don’t think of yourself as an ideal candidate for the role of a right friend, give me a chance. Vigodi in the face of splintering, on the vіdmіnu samonostі, owe to overcome the fact of imperfection.

In addition, even though you are only beginning to shape your social circle, you, obviously, will not fully understand those who believe in other people.

As if you are more or less okay with the kimos, set up smaller stones with them, and later on, take a decision, so that you can become friends.

Get on the cob a new company brought your mind to a deaf wind, in time everything might change.

Selfish people, as a rule, are put negatively before others. And if you mark yourself as similarly staggering, it is important to report to you zusil, so that you can change your behavior.

Be easygoing

You come to some company, or get to know your friend's friends and get to know a great number of new wonderful people.

Ale, having leaned against the new suspense, you begin to feel yourself not at your own plate. You can get away with it, you are not in a position to work together with be-kim, or else they will ignore you.

To grow more sprats of samples, to create more sprats of sprats, to that, at the first acquaintance, the natural social exchanges are blamed and the song is frozen. The year is warmly friendly vіdnosin zіgіє lіd nepozumіnnya nepazumіnnya first step splkuvannya.

If someone is guided by your proposition, don’t worry if you are busy. Try again one more time.

Do not break the visnovka, which is put before you with disrespect. The very fact of the revealed initiative will work on you in the future, if your friend may need company.

If you learn new acquaintances, you are really responsible for your importance in your life, and you should be healed that you cannot become friends in the world.

They, perhaps, already have their own social community, and their world will not end, so you will not become a part of this society.

That is why it is neutral before the current behavior, that reaction to the proposition is to spend an hour at once, so that people can effectively be busy.

Just keep reaching out to other people and expand your social connections.


Most of the time, you can make your social life better, for example, if you have moved to a new place to enter the university, or you have joined the football team. In other situations, it takes more than an hour to know friends.

What an hour to go to search for the people who are suitable for you. If you can pass a few months, first you will notice that you have a friend.

Ale don’t forget that friendship is a part of inter-society ideas, if you don’t always follow the rules of that logic, then go to your own goal, but don’t throw off spontaneity from rachunkiv.

On completion. About friendship

Advantages of visibility of friends
  1. Full mood
    A good hour, spending time with happy and positive friends, improving your mood and making you look good.
  2. Assistance in achieving goals
    Looking after your thoughts from the side of friends helps to boost your willpower and increase your chances of success.
  3. Decreased mood to stress and depression
    The presence of an active social life affects your immune system, including isolation from the outer world, and the use of factors.
  4. Pidtrimka at the important hour
    Friends can help you deal with a serious illness, a work-a-boo-a-man, as well as other life problems, especially if you just need to share your worries.
  5. Improvement of self-esteem
    Kindly consume your friends from your side and add to the light of your life.
To understand that a person is worthy of your friendship, put your own questions
  • I feel better, having spent an hour with this person?
  • Do you want to share your thoughts with him?
  • At the yoga company, I see myself in safety, freely, that sharply, what do I see, what should I follow for my words and chives?
  • Do you give me support and stand up to me with respect?
  • Can I trust you?
To find out what a person is interested in friendship with you, sleep yourself
  • Vіn put you food about you, how would vin want to know you better?
  • Vіn rozpovidaє to you about yourself, okrіm vedennya surfacing roses?
  • Vin attaches all my respect to you, if you do it?
  • Chi zatsіkavivsya in the exchange of contact information chi folded plans for the duration of the sleep permit and the work?
  1. Take care of yourself. So you do not fool anyone when you know and do not disappoint, if you are known closer.
  2. Kindly think about it, what you value most in people and with whom it is easier for you to talk. Keep your eyes peeled when looking for new friends.
  3. Don't be ahead of the curve, don't judge new people from the first impression. Get to know a person better, only then we will work on visnovkas.
  4. Friendship is a mutual vision. Offer help, if you want, what the people need. If so, then you can re-insurance for help from the helper.
  5. Keep in touch with your new friends: chat on the Internet, learn about new news, try to tempt the arrogance of sleep. Ale, don't be overbearing. As a person ignoring you, do not impose yourself.
  6. Do not boast, as the new ones know they are interested in you. Possibly, they did not see quiet people, which you require, but they made pardons. Analyze the information and continue the shukati.

Because of the wider Internet, some of us often spend more than an hour at the monitor and less chatting for money. Tse fact. Al is not so clear cut. Merezha is a tool, and leather vicorist yoga in its own way.

On the Internet, you can bachiti like an alcove of the real world, so it’s hard work of socialization. Maidanchiki and servants, about yaki far away to be known, to know the greatness of the people today. You can strike up a friendship there today.

Joke friends in online chats

Internet forums, chats in instant messengers on WhatsApp and Telegram, public pages and groups on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks - all the same maidan for an effective search for new acquaintances.

It is better for you to choose the right partnership, in which people can be a liar to you, and hatefully urge them to know. Nothing complicated.

If you linger in a small place, joke about the knowledge of the improvement of geography. At the great social networks, the population can practically have a local group on the “Typical Bryansk” or “Sounded in Chernihiv” kshtalt, where you can communicate with fellow countrymen. To know such a group, it is enough to enter the name of your locality into the search service.

If you know the information, take a look at the description, read the records of other koristuvachivs. So you know how acquaintances are made here. Most of the participants publish short information about themselves without intermediary and get to know them from the proposition. On VKontakte, call such data to send to administrators, and then place them to decide the members of the group according to the name of the administrator. Can you comment on one of these publications?

As if from a great place, it’s also a sense to go to the hospital for interests without being tied to the settlement. You can also have a chat for discussing cinematography, a public about fishing or a forum about bodybuilding. Choose whichever is closer to you.

Golovna, so that your place was great, and sleep - popular. Even among the audience, singsongly, your "susidi" are known.

At the meeting, for the interests of the popular so-called gatherings - mass meetings of participants for acquaintances and spending a sleepy hour. So come and organize the participants themselves and the administration. Like a butt, you can bring up the posts of LiveLib, a social maidan for book lovers. Ale persh nizh piti on such a zahid, look at yourself on the Maidan. Take part in the discussions, work on your own publications - let them remember you and take you for their own.

Deyakі spіlnoti mayut spetsіalnі razdіli for znajomstv. For example, on the site of the humorous maidan Pikabu, the “League of acquaintances” heading is popular. Participants from different places of that country speak here about themselves and speak offline. After a free registration, you can write to the person who zatsikav you, or publish your profile.

Ask friends for help dating services

Merezhya has a lot of services, broken up especially for dating. Most of the time, they joke partners for sex with romantic partners, but you don’t care about jokes with such a rank of friends.

Joke friends in online games

If you didn’t play in insurance at rich coristuvach games, then you can’t suspect that little social stinks are creating between graves. In virtual worlds, they know not only real friends, but also to build future people and squads.

Games on the planet Destiny, Overwatch and World of Warcraft create situations in which it is necessary to interact with the unknown. You will go to bed with other graves for the sake of common goals, and you will experience good fortune. With such minds, it is easy to get close and know sleepy ones for roses. For money, you can continue to talk to the real world.

If you know online, don't forget about fencing etiquette

  1. Organize your Internet profile. Take away posts and znіmki, through yakі you can get better, lower it is true.
  2. When publishing your profile for future friends, briefly describe your qualities, goals of acquaintance and interests.
  3. Try to write correctly, wink out the signs.
  4. Don't use emoticons, hail signs and capital letters.
  5. Without the need, do not break the sprat parts. Finish the thought, and then correct it, so as not to play with the speaker with a stream of reminders.
  6. Unique banal replicas to the kshtalt “Hi, how are you doing?”.
  7. Don't swear.
  8. Don't fry the hell out.
  9. Do not compete for dribnitsy, respect the point of view of the spymaster.
  10. Be responsive.

As soon as your connection from the virtual world passes into the real one (and what do you want, even so?), you will become sing-songly at the front of the offensive point.

How to know friends offline

If you are an old Garth people and don’t like all these virtual things, then you can always know these people in the real world.

Shukayte friends at the initial deposit or on the robot

Schools, universities and offices - these are the times to make new acquaintances. But if you read this article, it means that you don’t have this option in your mind.

As in the team, there are people with whom you do not mind making friends, but no one shows initiative, take it from your own hand. To talk with a kerivnik about sleeping, go to the kshtalt hike after working in an anti-cafe or a bar. You can simply propagate these options without intermediary to your colleagues. It is an informal situation to create a change of heart for friendly friends.

If you learn to learn or practice far away, or in the team there are no people close to the spirit, a radical way or training is being lost. But before the big events, try the next option.

Ask your friends at social sections and clubs for interests

Another educational way to know friends is to sign up for the sports section. Bazhano vibirati is a team sport for kstalt football, hockey and handball. As an alternative, you can think about dancing.

If you do not like active sports, try to know the club for your interests. You can make a pledge, degrayut at the table games and discuss literature. Choose, according to your own interests: it will help you to know the same-minded people. Addresses of such clubs can be found on the Internet.

Talking for money, don't forget about manners

  1. Before zustrіchchyu, think about how to spend an hour more than tsіkavo. Promote your options to new people. Ask them what propositions they have.
  2. Do not sleep on zustrіchі: nobody loves checks.
  3. Do not destroy the specialty of the space of the people.
  4. Be vigilant for new places, activities that are more expensive.
  5. Vikoristovyte in order to be like a svіvrozmovnik.

Please help me to help you meet new friends. Let's be glad to share our opinion.

Resources for the development of foreign languages ​​are regularly added to the list: texts for reading, audio and video from tasks for practicing listening. And the most important are the services, which help to know the helpers for the roaming practice of the middle class in the foreign language!

Bookmark this article so you don't waste the list!

1 italki

I love this resource even more, even if it’s necessary to go for different purposes: current exchange, regular lessons with a vikladach, rozmovna practice with be-yakim nosієm movi or splkuvannya with one-minded people from the earth.

If your plans are not less than splintering, but balanced training of all your current aspects, you may want to try the paid option of the site - employment with a professional speaker. You can schedule a lesson ahead of time, or go through yoga in a row, as you entered the site. Through pranks, you will know people who can contact you without any homework.

2 LingvoHabit

LingvoHabit is a platform that, for the help of the available interactive mini-lessons, will push you to the fluent English language.

What can you work on the platform already at the same time?

  • pick and choose relevant materials;
  • signify progress in teaching and practice;
  • pass various vocabulary training;
  • to keep a vocabulary, pereviryayuchi step memorization of phrases and words;
  • practice grammar and vocabulary with mini-lessons with rights;
  • to improve the romanization of the English movie by ear through lessons from films and songs;
  • pump language in practice at marathons and courses.

3 Speaky

Cool site, which I recently discovered myself. Nezabar zrobly yogo looking around, as if protesting.

Registration is simple. If you use your profile, you can contact other participants. On the right side of the screen there is a list of potential helpers online, it is easy for the skin to write messages in the chat. If you join one to one in friends, then you can call by connecting the video.

4 Verbling

A site for those who want to learn lessons from vikladach-carriers of the language, and not just the practice of talking on different topics.

The choice of the reader depends on different parameters. For example, wearing French, like speaking Spanish. Abo English, which will teach you your native language. 🙂 Zagalom, rich options.

Join before individual sessions vranci, in the afternoon and in the evening. For more learning practice, getting to know new people, and at the same time spare a lesson, come to the group lessons or ask your friends to learn more at once!

5 HelloTalk

The site is supposed to provide support for additional text chats and voice prompts more lower on 100 mov. Є handy mobile supplement.

The program will help you to get in the training session: є the option of listening to skin alerts, so that you can get stronger. Also, the resource helps to create your own base of materials for the production of movies: words, pictures, words, audio.

For the help of special tools, the programs of the nose of the movie can easily twist you, as it is necessary. You can become such a helper for someone.

6 Pen4Pals

More than 15,000 people all over the world, who are ready to practice foreign languages ​​through foreign exchange, check for the whole resource. On the site, there is a simple option to search for different parameters: sublog, native language, language education.

7 Couchsurfing

Spіlnota mandrіvniki іz razny kraїn. Join friends all over the world, get in touch with new friends in other countries, receive them as guests. Otherwise, just splurge while wearing movi over a cup of cavi.

8 Polyglot Club

Do you read the movie not for the sake of it, but for the one that suits you better? Give respect to the entire resource.

The site regularly organizes interviews for all those who need to practice with different languages. Choose your language and the place where you live. You know, yakі zustrіchі vіdbuvayutsya order with you and you can organize your own. On the site of the nose of the language, they suggest that you eat at the expense of the exchange.

9 Interpals

The site of a better destination for communication with foreigners is listed. Zvichayno, if you know one-thinkers, you should especially be careful about talking on Skype.

As long as you are not ready for rozmovnoy practice, this site will give you the opportunity to communicate with the natives of my letters. It is better to learn how to formulate the phrase of my own, to gain respect before the right rose, to know new acquaintances, with whom you can really continue the conversation further.

10 Meet up

If you know the language on equal terms, or if you live outside the cordon, you will find ways to promote your own language of foreign language. One of the options is to give lectures and lectures on various topics in that field, you know at the same time.

11 Internationals

Addendum site to the rubric for poking out koristuvachіv іnozemny mov. Through this resource, you can contact people from all over the world and inquire about different people and friends. It is especially great for immigrants - in a short term you can come close to the meeting and know new friends.

12 conversion exchange

Another resource for asking for helpers to exchange language. Vybіr družіv lie in the country of residence, movi vvchennya and native movi, as well as the type of connection: at the chat, listing and rozmovi. In order to be completely quick with a joke, it is necessary to register.

13 Penpaland

By registering on this exchange site, you can not only know new friends and listings, but also keep your own microblog, as well as create photo albums. Spravzhnya social media, only with more greasiness!

14 Easy Language Exchange

On this resource, you can easily find spellers for the exchange and exchange of listings. Dodatkova option to the site - registration as a reader. What matters to you - go for it!

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15 LingQ

Among the possibilities of the site - communication with other participants from listing and roaming, lessons and courses with vikladachami, online sessions individually and in groups. You can ask to correct your sheet or vimova. Repay that some of the options are paid.

16 Livemocha[close]

It’s a global dream for the 36 mov meeting, you can go through the initial courses and create a good company of the same mind in the middle of the mov, as if you become your partners for the exchange, skype supporters, and in the future good friends.

17 Paltalk

The service is capable of communicating in video chats with people from all over the world. You can join other members of the online chat to discuss music, sports, music education, different genres and other topics. Dodatkovo є option splkuvannya through text messages.

18 Lang-8

Singingly, at the hour of the wedding, the mov were stuck with the problem: you add up the propositions and apply them with new words, but no one will misinterpret you. This service solves the problem. Copy here the dialogue, text, phrases, as you put it together, and take away the corrections of the language. To help the participants, as if they are learning Russian language, having answered their questions, as if you know what you can suggest.

19 The Mixer

A cost-free illuminating site for asking partners of a mobile exchange with further practice on Skype. Contacts can be looked over directly at the profile of the koristuvach. Free lessons in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German.

20 My Language Exchange

Site of dedications to the exchange. You look like this: you know a person, as if your mother’s mov was stupefied, but with whom you wear mov, you teach it. By choosing the form of communication (chat, listing by email, rozmova), you help one to one with the students: mutual lessons, tips, consultations on the vocabulary stock or on different topics.

There are over a million participants on the site from 133 countries, and in sum they practice 115 mov! Unfortunately, it is possible to write letters to other people only after a penny deposit on the site. No-cost options: ask to ask and inform other people, contact the forum.

What kind of service do I use?

All these sites are in their own way. Try training on a number of occasions and you will decide which site is right for you. For me, I took the site for my practice italki. Handily shukati vikladachiv and wear movi for the lessons of that exchange, to review the lessons passed and the turnaround bell of the vikladach. And a bonus: it's easy to know a teacher who can teach you a lesson on how to practice on Skype without having to do homework.

If you have a meta, for which it is necessary to master a new language, but if you are afraid to learn the practice of that connection with the noses of the language, finish the 30-day program of my author's marathon.

Today you vikonuvatimete have the right to train the cutaneous movable aspect, including the roman language, and learn to zastosovuvat movi in ​​life, step by step.

Do you know what other sites for the practice of interpreting my foreign language? Share in the comments!

Isn't it a miracle that in our time one can communicate freely through the Internet? Our sheets are not delivered to the addressee of the day, but to send months across the planet, so that we can tell about those, how our day has passed, for which we can simply click the bear.

Interaction with the virtual world

For virtual communication, we can communicate with old friends, we went across the cordon, with distant relatives, call and correspond with classmates and classmates. How can you know friends on the Internet, how do you share our interests? Obviously, everything is so simple, even using virtual mail, messengers, social networks, chats and Skype. We don’t bother with sifting through the sheet, but we can seamlessly communicate via video communication one by one every day. Everything helps us to get in touch with loved ones.

Virtual friends

Collaborating with social networks with your friends and loved ones, we often come across the sides of people from other places, krai, who live a thousand kilometers away. Virtually splintering, which can’t be between and erased, allows us to look over their sides, follow our lives in Merezh and, obviously, splkuvatisya and be friends.

Friendship on the Internet is romantic, mysterious and may have a lot of pluses, Prote Merezh cannot give us the opportunity to take our friend by the hand, embrace yoga. Messengers and Skype are not omnipotent, but if you are a true friend, who is ready to check, once you can do some good between you and try the joy of soundness.

It’s easy to find new friends on the Internet, we’ll tell you how to grow it, and we’ll also talk about the advantages and shortcomings of friendship in the country, about the virtual etiquette of communication and how to save friendship.

Advantages of virtual friendship

Before that, how to know friends on the Internet, you are guilty of the nobility, that friendship on the vіdstanі vimagaє vitrimki, patience. Let's talk about the importance of virtual communication and friendship on the road:

  • you can see, as a plus, the fact that virtual friendship is affordable, and between friends there are no everyday goiters;
  • it’s all the same to your friend, as if you see what’s on you, that you have a zayva vaga, even if it’s merging with you, that’s what it’s for you;
  • you don’t have much to ask, on the Internet, everything is equal;
  • you can be with a virtual friend, you can't win information about you as compromising evidence;
  • you can be a kim on the Internet, as if you were richly honest, lower in life;
  • if you don’t want to splurge all at once, or if you want to end your friendship, you’ll all die with a lot of clicks.

Minus a friend on the road

It's a pity, but virtual friendship is not good enough to replace right friends. That kind of friendship is rarely seen in Merezh. You are offended by guilt and strive for friendship, sob vitrimati vіdstan, hour.

Virtual friendship has minuses, pluses and minuses:

  • you cannot be praised by the breadth of your spy;
  • if you don’t communicate by phone or video call, you have no guarantees that the person is the one for whom you see yourself;
  • it will be important for you to take into account the obedience of a virtual friend, you do not know you in life;
  • your virtual friend cannot come and take you in, as there is a great distance between you.

Ale scho robiti, how did you get an Internet friend? Nothing, talk, even if it’s miraculous that you knew yourselves of a clique spy. Golovne buti instilled in this people and continue to lift the stosunki. Possibly, once you get a good fortune to get rich.

How to know friends on the Internet?

Well, we have already figured out what kind of virtual communication and what are the minuses and pluses in the fact that we are talking with people for the help of the Internet. Now it is our responsibility to know how and where you can find friends on the Internet. What sites, programs, maydanchiki help to know one to one? It is possible, we can know a friend closer to you, and not a thousand kilometers away, and I will take a few minuses.

Online spells

You, without a doubt, have a social media side, you can have Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, as well as various messengers. All these wonders, handy Maidans in order to know an old friend on the Internet or to get to know new people. To know a new person, you need to know groups, forums and chats, like uniting people for interests. All that you need is to hatefully urge you to know. There is nothing to surf on the Internet.

If you are looking for new acquaintances in your place, then you can search for a group, the main topic of which is your place. Call the group like this: Model Smolensk, Pidsluhane in Irkutsk. Groups, created for a joke one by one, for acquaintances, look for names: “I joke to you at Minsk” or “Dating at Lvov”. There you can chat with fellow countrymen, and if you make friends, then it doesn’t matter to you to chat.

When you see the group, read the posts of other people, look at the comments, or leave a little bit of information about yourself. People write obov'azkovo to you, they miss you and want to know.

If you live near a great city, for example, near the capital, then, after seeing the group for your interests (computer games, watering, needlework), you can ask the participants and choose your own place. Golovna, so that your place was great, and the group - popular.

Get off that zustrіchі

If you still joke around with a friend for interests, then in popular bands, for example, in the fandoms of musical bands and serials, there are gatherings, mass zustrichі lads, as if they are trying to get to know such, like stink, for example, fans of the series "Nadprirodne". Most of the time, they are appointed near the center of the city, on the squares, the white of shopping centers, the white of reminders, and the people. These places are safe for the zustres and they go through a great number of walkers.

Deyakі groups create okremі forums, discussions, chats and conversations, so that people get to know each other. Tse zmanno, fill in your application. Possibly, you can know a friend from your own place, or maybe even someone who lives opposite.

Websites and dating software

On the Internet, you can find a lot of sites, like giving you the ability to search one by one. Dating sites Tabor, Badoo, Tinder are themselves focused on meeting new people. Such sites are subdivided into categories and categories in the skin filter. On any of them, you can indicate the purpose of your acquaintance: romantic kisses, friendship, razovі zustrіchі.

The most popular and yet handy add-on for this Tinder. This is the greatest service, which is practiced by the whole world, whispering for you, friends are not far from you. See, fill in the questionnaire, add a photo and show the method of acquaintance. Nominate people, as you have been honored, as you have been honored with the same, the program will tell you and encourage you to write. Tse miraculous ground in order to know a new friend.

Online games

Another way to know friends is through the Internet. If you like to play computer games, register with your browser or install a PC, tablet, smartphone. Since you have never played online games, you can try it out. It’s not only useful, but it’s better to know friends on the Internet in the simplest way. In the process of gris, mizhnami are created by militants and virtual peaks and conquering virtual castles, you will know not only the ones for roaming, but, having folded, you can help one another in the reach of virtual victories. For bajannyam you can continue to talk on the Internet in popular social networks or in real life.

Online games are even more popular, a lot of them are played by people all over the world, so games can be chosen in a different way to find an Internet friend from other countries.

Splicing rules

Before that, how to know friends on the Internet, guess the etiquette. Vіn is not strongly considered as real, let's briefly discuss these aspects:

  • to turn a person to himself, to put things in order on his side, to remove material, building materials to look at you, be it someone;
  • try to write correctly, so that it would be acceptable for a spy to read you;
  • do not use emoticons, hail signs and capital letters;
  • write thoughts at the end, and do not break them into pieces, ripping up the speech;
  • get to know each other, unique banal remarks;
  • do not swear;
  • get rid of vulgar jarving, as if you know little about people;
  • be vigilant.

Respect your spy, respect your hour that thought, so that it was put before you the same way, and then you will have a kind, cicavy friend, an adoptive spy.

How to save friendship?

If you know your virtual friend, you will have to try hard not to break the thread of the conversation. Do not pinch the idea, because you didn’t have a thought or other tricks. Do not send a friend, as if you are going to contact. Even if it’s not an hour to talk, tell me about it, but don’t ignore it.

Chart, make one record for one, that photo, to help support the conversation, as you don’t have anything and nothing to say, maybe, in this rank, you will know a new topic for the conversation.

Do not be the first to write to your friend, in whom there is nothing like that, even if your friend is guilty. Show up to the new interest, feed, like a new one. Phone for assistance Skype or messengers, the real voice can be speeded up between you. Feel the voice of a friend, start it well.

Try to surprise your friend. For example, write a sheet, send a small parcel, or close the delivery to a new home, maybe, a ticket or a toy, a cake, or be it some other dribnitsa. Irrespective of those who did not present this gift, they robbed you, it’s all right.

So, write sheets. Take up to the hands of the sheet, like a diligently leading friend, already outrageously. Do not forget about important dates, days of nationality or days of acquaintance. The memory is small, let it be and virtual, the leaflet is quite acceptable. Encourage your friend with a pink one, as if it's bad for you. It's a pity that you can't come before the next, but try to instill yoga with words, or call, if you can help.

Mi vpevneni, you need our help about those, how to know friends on the Internet, how to behave and how to save contact with them. Regardless of those who have virtual friendship, there is a great presence between you, if you really want to, then once you can get in touch.

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