Google Alice voice assistant.

Contacts / Main features between Yandex and Google voice assistants



Friends, it’s three days since the official release of Windows 10, and the voice assistant Cortana has not yet started speaking in Russian.

This full-time virtual assistant is available only for 15 countries of the world, which do not include the countries of the Western expanse.

Fortunately, a response to the latest IT developments is ripe in Russia.

Now, guys, we have a new voice assistant that can be used not only in a mobile device, but also on a Windows computer, and its name is Alice.

You can activate the virtual assistant by clicking on the microphone icon, as well as by phrases - both old ones that were curated for Yandex.Rows and new ones - Okay, Alice, Hello, Alice, Listen, Alice.

The button with the nutrition icon will display additional information about its capabilities.

Like the standard internal system search of Windows 10, the Yandex search tool is structured by sections.

The section below clearly has an analogue of the “Start” menu with a selection of standard Windows programs.

And in the remaining section, access to the client’s profile folders is denied.

Well, now about the essence - what is Alisa for?

Voice support from Yandex can:

Go to your home sites;

Launching various Windows programs;

Play the downloaded music on the Yandex.Music and Yandex.Radio services;

You can see directly from the chat on the exact information on the basis of the possibilities of the reasonable Yandex row;

Vimikati, rezavovant and put the computer to sleep;

View directly in chat the weather, hour, date, news, converted currencies and other values, information about local traffic jams and large deposits;

Get directions;

Formulate search requests and redirect them to the browser.

Serious communication with Alisa, of course, will not be possible.

Alice was voiced by actress Tetyana Shitova.

The voice itself is victorious in the voice engine, from which the virtual assistant communicates with the correspondents.

Alice is a character with her own character.

Initially, the Yandex company planned to become a noble maiden, adding literary terminology to its vocabulary.

Once they realized that they were making an assistant so incredibly boring, they took the vocabulary system from Twitter.

As a result, Alice came out like a warm sauce: she was able to sound rude to people she didn’t like, she was endowed with a sense of humor and improvised in accordance with the context of food tasks.

Alisa's customization

Alisa is not much of anything, but a tool that needs to be adjusted.

Icons of sites on the quick access panel can be changed to other sites from Yandex services, frequently used or recently launched sites.

Also for the utility you can:

Set up operations with files - their permission is from the program or folder of the Explorer;

Separate the Yandex search tool and chat with Alice together with adjacent buttons on the Windows command panel;

Select your browser to open your search results.

Let's take a closer look at the detailed instructions on how to attract and install, and finally a few words about the retailer.

In 2016, Yandex turned out to be the most popular source of jokes among Russian traders, and through the appearance of a voice assistant from the Google company, which is increasingly becoming a part of Russian software.

In connection with this, Yandex will create and launch Alice, which will immediately help you work with the sound system on Android smartphones.

Regain respect for how many people have left laptops in everyday life and switched to tablets and smartphones, hand-holding a chair/sofa.

Yandex then asked for permission, as it turns out firmly;

Once a notification appears about a detected problem → click “Unlock connection” and give the program access to the microphone.

After awkward manipulations, you can begin dialogue with Alisa, try to ensure that outside noise does not interfere with your voice, so as not to complicate the recognition of your voice.

After you managed to download the voice assistant from Yandex Alice to Android, you can find out about its capabilities in the “Dovidka” section.
For whom:

embossed on three vertical dots;

"What's with Alice";

here all the functions of the assistant will be presented with a description and the correct commands.

After finishing Alice's frustrating test on Android, I would like to say that the developers really did their best.

The voice assistant miraculously copes with tasks and recognizes the voice well, and without first testing the voice, like Google Assistant.

How about without experiments?

Once you have installed a voice assistant on Android, say “hello Alice!”

The result will definitely make you happy.

Possibilities and equalization

Well, our young assistant, the very young one, having presented the fragments of the rozrobnik to the koristuvachs just at the beginning of the year 2017, no matter what in her life, she is reasonable and with the correct voice commands, she concludes everything correctly.

Next to the video, the video protests the mathematical rigor and erudition that it was possible to contain.

Turbo 2.0 mode speeds up the viewing of pages, pictures and videos in the browser and makes browsing the Internet more comfortable and accessible at low speeds.

In the future, a neuro-boundary translation engine recognizes pages with foreign languages ​​and translates them into Russian languages ​​in one click.

Incognito helps you avoid unnecessary traces: in this mode, the browser does not save passwords, data for auto-fill, sound records and addresses of other pages.

Backgrounds allow you to change the appearance of new tabs and settings.

In Yandex.Browser for Android, you can set custom design options.

Antishock technology automatically turns on obscene and shocking banners.

It also blocks advertising, which threatens the lack of access to your data.

Reading mode removes all interface elements that do not belong to a private publication - advertising, site menus, buttons, social widgets, etc.

The browser will be deprived of text, illustrations and other useful information for you.

A smart row reveals sites by their names, not addresses (for example, “Vidomosti” and “Wikipedia”), provides instant feedback on simple queries (“dollar exchange rate”) and easily translates foreign words.
Synchronization for additional cloud storage in Yandex will automatically transfer Yandex Browser bookmarks for your computer to your mobile device.

If you have any suggestions regarding the functionality of your browser, write to us directly from the program (Settings → Feedback) or from the support pages

As the Yandex company declares, Alice is the first addition to her family, which is not the result of “forgotten words and phrases.”

The program interprets the voice of the interviewer, virtually searches for Yandex search results and, for additional reading of the text, responds to the question.

In connection with this, you can learn by selecting that you received Alicia’s response on the task, and there was useful information.

So, with the help of each time, the vocal assistant Alice will become more and more reasonable and friendly for you.

Activation is available using the Alice program in Yandex.Browser

  1. Due to the great interest before the shutdown, journalists are ready to install it in their browser as early as today.
  2. To learn how to activate Alice in Yandex.Browser, you can find out this way.
  3. After recent updates of the Yandex Browser, the Alice assistant has been installed in the new one and there is no need to enable the assistant.

Install the browser from Alice

Version of the voice assistant Alice for PC and smartphone

Alice still cannot log in to Yandex.Browser, but she can settle in on your smartphone or phone.

How to show off your assistant Alisa

The process of joining with Alice on all platforms is the same.

Researchers confirm that Alice does not require a special approach, as was the case with other similar programs in the past.

There is no need to joke around and formulate your words, you can talk to her like a living person.

For example, there is no need to compose the main words from the proposition to compose the phrase: “Piceria, Gogol Street”, and then say in simple words: “Ok, Aliso, let’s have a cup of kavi and eat some pizza”, and you take away the bead, and so “people” ku "Confirmation".

For the assistant, the vicoristan is a neural network that vibrates a magnificent array of texts.

In connection with this, Alice can generally understand the unfinished phrases and nutrition, medical context, formulate a response to nutrition, and sometimes suggest improvising.

As soon as my favorite news site posted a notification about Alice's release, I decided that I wanted to install it.

Google at that moment still didn’t realize what a miracle it was, and I don’t take advantage of Yandex.

That's why I'm curious about the Google Play Market, so I don't know how to use "Alice Yandex" without the "Yandex Beta" add-on.

Yogo and installed.

Later, having understood, I realized that it was necessary to install the “Yandex” add-on without “beta”, where the voice assistant Alice was placed.

However, it doesn’t matter.

Just so you don’t get lost, we have sent you a program for smartphones.

Once I establish it, I won’t tell you.

You can guess for yourself.

  • Where's the beer coming from?
  • - First, Alice didn’t register a beer store, but showed a post on Wiki, confirming what beer is.
  • For another, she gave the address of a nasty store in Minsk (it happened, we know).
  • When will the New River come?
  • – I feel like I started to talk about Chinese.
  • Xiaomi y my what's going on?

How many millimeters are there in a parsec?

- Vіdpovіd sent jokes to Yandex search.

Do you know Belarusian language?

- She cunningly added to the list what’s in there.

There was no sign of any Belarusian language there.

Who is Yakub Kolos?

- I didn’t know this Belarusian classic at all!

The search did not correct the search.

What do you do in your spare time, etc. - Appeared to be blocking the Internet.

Before the speech, I considered all the types that were not in charge of me as dissatisfied.

Alice's greatest nutrition and a happy ending for anyone

Tired of the insignificance of Alice’s evidence, I decided to continue the experiment and set the nutrition more precisely, so as to be geo-referenced.

"McDonald's" Yandex Alice did not want to show either in Minsk or in Moscow (after Novokuznetsk, going to Moscow for a hamburger was a breeze).

  • And the axis of the café near my town suggested “where to drink kava” for food!

I realize that artificial intelligence works!

I having supplied the most important food:

When will you conquer the world?

- Alice was sneering for a long time, she seemed out of place.

But I realized that it’s true that I’m asking and asking.

I will tell you:

Having asked yet another provocative food, is Putin good?

Alice confirmed that she couldn’t talk about such things.

Hm, what kind of conquest of the world is she possibly planning without him?

The purpose of this article is not to criticize Yandex Alice.

I want it for what!

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