How to call life, how many pennies. How to send a message to Life without a cost “Call me back

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Get on the call: to call something on your account is not enough money to make a call.

The service allows you to send for a zero balance to the account to send to subscribers of Ukrainian operators mobile call call back from the prohannyam, as well as receive a no-cost entry call for roaming, whether there is any Kyivstar subscriber.

Possibilities of service

For additional help of the “Call me back” service, subscribers can call back to another subscriber free of charge.

For example: *130*380ХХХХХХХХХ#

The subscriber can call back to the numbers of subscribers of all Ukrainian operators.

The service is expected both in Ukraine and in roaming.

380XX XX XX XX - subscriber number, you need to call.

Instructions to win

How to become a servant in Ukraine

It is necessary to dial such a combination of numbers *130*380ХХХХХХХХХ#, 380ХХХХХХХХХ- Subscriber's number, which you need to contact.

For example: you have typed*130*38067ХХХХХХХ# , then the same subscriber from the number 067ХХХХХХХ We accept SMS notifications to call back to your phone number. At your service, you will receive SMS notifications to let you know about the success of your order delivery to the required subscriber.

Yak koristuvatisya service behind the cordon

Yakscho zapit*130*38067ХХХХХХХ# If you direct the roaming to the Kyivstar number, then the subscriber, who has taken off the call back notification, can dial the code before the number819 . In this rank, the call will pay for the one who calls, which means that for you in roaming, this call will be cost-free.

For example: what is your number 067ХХХХХХХ, and you need to call a subscriber from a nearby group tariff plans with NDC code 068, if you are rebuying in roaming, you need to dial:81938067ХХХХХХХХ

Respect! Subscribers of "Kyivstar", when calling roaming, can without mercy select a call, which can be reached through the code. Viklik need a number +380672222000 . Memorize your number; To change the format of the selected number, use the following commands:

Respect! Only Kyivstar subscribers can call back to your number via merging code. If you change calls in roaming, you will deduct the incoming call from the subscriber numbers of the Vodafone, Lifecell, Intertelecom, Telesystems of Ukraine networks, the tariffication of the call will be charged with the tariffs of the incoming call in roaming in the country know.

To receive information about the format of the request for the “Call me back” service, you can dial on your mobile *130# . After a few seconds, a notification will appear on the phone screen "Dlia korystuvannia poslugoiu "Peredzvony meni" naberit' zapyt u formati: *130*380XXXXXXXXX(nomer abonenta)#vyklyk". Combination *130# You can save it from the list of contacts on your phone and win it all over again.

Get respect!

Be careful when calling back from random calls from unknown numbers.

Information about call days can be beaten to change the SIM card or other illegal ones.

Tariffs and payment

The first 8 drinks during a calendar month are not charged. Starting from the ninth, leather will be charged for 0.10 UAH. with urakhuvannyam usіh podtkіv. Subscribers, who are located on the territory of Ukraine, are expected to be able to oversell an unrestricted number of calls from the phone call back. For roaming, the charge for the administration of drinks is not charged, maximum number drinks - 50 per month.

The tariff for the call chili through the code is 15.94 UAH. s urakhuvannyam usіh podtkіv i zborіv. Billing per second starting from 1 sec. call.

How to connect

The service is given automatically. Remembrance of the servants and vіdmovi vіd її vikoristannya is not transferred.

Without a doubt, your skin condition had moments, if it appears that the balance of your mobile account is close to zero. Know yak throw a bum from MTS your friend, you know a close person. It's even easier to fight - dial the combination *110* subscriber number # on your phone.

Service given you will be very close to the point, as if you have an unsatisfactory diet, you need to write a term on the phone, but you can’t do it, because your account is worth zero, or else it’s worse than minus. Now, if you know how to throw a homeless person from MTS, you can reverse this situation.

Significantly, the majestic honor given to the services itself on the MTS operators, that such a cost-free SMS can be called back to the subscriber of an absolutely any Russian operator, which is simply miraculous, to that on such operators it is given more than in the middle of the measure. It should be noted that the number of such “homeless people” has been fumigated. For doba you can charge no more than 20 pieces.

The principle of the work of the option is simple - after you have corrected such an SMS, you need to call the subscriber's phone number text messages with the next one: “Call me back, be kind” and your phone number.

Іsnuє mozhlivіst zaboroniti priyom such voіdomlen. As if you were told some inexcusable prohannya call back - dial the combination *110*0# on your phone, thereby raising the fence yourself. To unblock the reception, it’s enough to speed up USSD by request*110*1#. If you don’t have any information about this service, read the MTS article, call me, please, or hurry with other dzherel. In order for you not to have a chance to gallop in searches of information like throwing a homeless person on the MTS, it’s worth your while to pop the MTS into account. Also, to make the correct and correct decisions will be based on a viable tariff plan and connection to a new option, which will allow you to save money on the most cost-effective routes. With the correct configuration of one's witrats, a similar service is simply not needed for everything.

In the rest of the rocky operators style tie preach to us all new and new services. So, as before, we could call on a full-key basis or send SMS notifications, then today, before our services, we have been given Internet control, the possibility of sending MMS, buying a service for additional SMS on short numbers And, of course, the service of "Lighthouse", as it allows you to send another subscriber to inform that person, as if your special account has not been depleted of pennies. Next, indicate that this thing is more convenient.

How to send a beacon?

What is the service? If you send a beacon (it is often called “throw a homeless man”), then the subscriber will receive an SMS with the text like “Call me back, be kind.”

  • If your mobile operator is the MTS company, then dial the command *110* subscriber number# on the keypad of your phone and press the call key. As the subscriber's number, you can select the number as 916ХХХХХХХ, so і 8916ХХХХХХХ, 7916ХХХХХХХ or +7916ХХХХХХХХ. At any time, SMS will be delivered. In addition, in the case of an earlier notification, the subscriber can call the hour and date, if it was sent by you. Do not forget that you can hang a beacon and you can exchange a lot of times - if you talk about "MTS", then there is a limit of storage for five times for mining. The service is hoped to be cost-free and practicable to get at that point, as if the phone ran out of pennies.
  • At given operator There is one more kind of similar service, which allows you to add a reminder to the mind “Top me a rahunok”. So you can send it to a friend or a relative at the moment when your money runs out of pennies. On the keypad of the phone, dial the combination "*116* subscriber's number* the sum of the replenishment of the account". Looks like this: *116*89999999999*1000#. Vtim, in SMS you can not specify a specific amount for the refill of the account, then dial the number of the subscriber's phone number and then you will receive a reminder Be kind, refill the account. Like in the first moment, you can succumb to your service no more than five times for production.
  • Until then, if you often need to receive SMS messages from similar messages, you can block them. For whom, dial the combination of numbers “*110*0#” and press the call key.

How to throw a bum on mts, megaphone, beeline?

So buvay, scho pennies on the telephone will run out, but it is necessary to phone and there is no possibility to put pennies on the telephone. In these cases, help is provided by the services of mobile phone operators, as the people call them “throw the homeless”. Actual operators may exchange for the number of such purchases for production, and navit for a month.

The subscriber to whom you overforce asks (homeless person, call me back, wife) takes the following message: Call me back from your assigned phone number.

moreover, you can find out your number or transfer the pennies to another number

how to throw a bum on a megaphone- *144# number of the subscriber to whom the message is addressed #, number format *144#+7**********#

how to throw a bum (beacon) on the beline- Dial command * 144 * phone number #, number format +7**********, 8**********, 9***********, 7* *********

yak throw a bum on MTS— *110* subscriber number*, phone number and also on the beeline can be entered in any format.

How often do you hear the phrase "weeklick can't be installed?". Singingly, I want to hear the phrase once a month from a mobile phone instead of clearing beeps. Most often in such situations, the payment is made and the call is repeated for the whil. Ale bovaє and so, that the payment has already been redeemed, but we can’t pay anything. In such vipadkas, you can vikoristovuvat "homeless", like the people call the servant of the MTS "Call me back."

How to send an inquiry to MTS "redial"

The bum is not a cost-free SMS, as if it were forcing the subscriber to take revenge on your number and the text “be kind, call me back.” We do not give guarantees for dialing, but all the same we give the addressee the understanding that you want to talk to him. If you take away SMS and have a penny for a rahunka, then you will sing the incoming call without a hitch. Vіm, do not varto often send similar SMS to your friends, even if they can stop calling back.
Sending a “homeless person” is even easier, you just need to dial “*110*addressee_number” and press a tweet. As a result of this USSD request, you will receive a notification about the delivery (or the impossibility of delivery). This service is free of charge and is always active on all MTS numbers (as well as many other operators), so you do not turn it on yourself. Vtіm, then you will stop accepting similar SMS, but you can do it, like before.
You can pay a homeless person no more than 20 times a day and less, as if your balance is 0 or less pennies. In case of a positive balance, SMS is not corrected (exclusion, if there are less pennies on the balance, lower cost of fluctuations - then SMS can be disrupted in the normal mode). If you still do not know how to send a similar message, you can always call the MTS operator and consult.

It is necessary to block the one who is evil with the service of "Call me back"

As it happened earlier, do not ward off evil in service, so SMS of this type can be easily blocked. Let's see the black lists on the phone, you can dial the command "*110*0#" and more than any SMS-homeless will not reach you. You can turn on the service in a similar rank by dialing *110*1#.

Obviously, the service of “call me back” is not the greatest benefit, but if there are simply no others, it will completely stop at the tasks. Even if it’s enough to let others know what wine you need, so that you can feel the incoming call. It’s still not important to turn on the same service, so that the balance of the richest people can quickly end, and it will be important to reach the nearest ATM. If there is any truth, you can simply add your SMS to the black list.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided on an exclusive basis and is relevant at the time of writing the article. For more accurate information from other sources, please contact the official operators.

How to throw a bum from a beeline. How to throw a bum from MTS to beeline. Yak throw a bum from MTS. Yak throw a bum from a Megaphone. How to throw a bum.

Often in subscribers there are situations when it is necessary to get in touch with a person, and, unfortunately, there are not a lot of pennies for a rahunka. In such situations, the servant of the operator of the mobile phone call Life “Call me back” comes to the rescue. The essence of the service is that, with a zero balance on the account, the subscriber can pay a bill of water for a call back.

This message can be applied to all subscribers of the following operators: Life, Kyivstar, MTS, Beeline, Djus.

How to send a message “Call me back” on Life without a cost

To force such a notification, you need to dial a combination on the phone:

*124*3*38 063 0000 000# and press the viklik button.

As a result of overpowering such a request, the subscriber, whose order number is on the request, will receive text notifications. Your number will be given to someone who will call you back to the new one.

Vartist koristuvannya service "Call me back"

on Life This service is given to all Life subscribers regardless of the form of service (overpaid and contract). The service does not need to be activated;

So don't worry dodatkovyh nalashtuvan. For doba, the subscriber can pay no more than five drinks. The service is expected without cost.

When you try to send a letter, you ask, the koristuvach takes away the reminder about the pardon. Such a reminder will be announced when you try to overcome the attack. To take additional information about the service, call the Life () operator.

Active subscribers love to give different services a call to alternative names. For example, just like that, at the MTS merezhі, the “Beacon” appeared in an inconsistent rank - the name was taken from Tele2 and the service “Call me back” was given, as if similar to the functionality. At whom we look around, we can see how to throw the homeless on the MTS. Behind such an extraordinary phrase, the possibility of exercising the power of drinking within the framework of a divine service is looming.

Send "Homeless" from MTS

Dial USSD command *110*8XXXXXXXXX#, de 8XXXXXXXXXXX - phone number, on which request is made

Description of the service "Call me back"

Asking about those, how to throw a homeless person from MTS, people want to know, how to speed up the service of "Call me back." The demand is truly unimaginable, blamed on the result of a humorous and daunting staging of people, as if they could not phone anyone without spending their pennies on a rahunka. To finish such people with a lot of money - it’s important for them to get behind their balance, so the stench suffers from chronic penniless (more precisely, they suffer from phone numbers to zero negative balance). At whom look around, we will tell you how to throw the bum on the MTS. Ale, before this, needs to talk about the service itself. It is hoped for all subscribers of the operator, regardless of their tariff plan. The service does not require a forward connection, you can speed up with it, be it. You can throw a homeless person out of the MTS, whether it be a mit, for a balance, positive or negative - the daily exchanges from this drive are not superimposed. As soon as the subscriber's phone will be in the measure, he will have to make sure that he has missed calls. Why the functional itself is not so clear. If the subscriber at the time of the request will be known later, he will receive an SMS from the request “Call me back, be kind. Nadіslano (the hour is the date of the nadіlannya zapu)".

The next step is to indicate that the SMS was removed from the text, it would be useful, the lower one should be noted about the missed calls - you can not mention it.

Let's talk about cheating. We have already said that subscribers of any tariff plan can send free money to MTS. Ale, the stink of the stink can be a little more than 5 times for production. It’s broken with the method of zahistu id quiet, who doesn’t ring with a wet kosht, but steadily operates with similar requests. Earlier, the exchanges were weak, and the numerical notifications brought subscribers to the tales. In order to secure oneself from dozens of drinking bums, an additional limit was introduced. Throw a homeless person on MTS can be any subscribers of a style call in Russia, whether they are subscribers of Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, Yoti or Rostelecom. With this, people who call out can be rebuvat in any point of the world. In this rank, as if your money ran out of pennies, boldly throw off the cost-free payment to the tim you want to contact.

Forced to ask

Let us tell you how to throw a homeless person from MTS to MTS. For whom it is necessary to remember a simple USSD command *110*subscriber_number#. For example, *110*89181234567#. The number is entered in 11-digit format, after 8. Ask for help immediately, immediately after yogo correction. Similarly, you can send a free message from MTS to any other speaker, for example, to a Beeline subscriber. Even if you don’t have enough pennies on your account, or if you want to call someone, you can not throw off the homeless, but ask other people to give you a account - for whom you need to send a USSD-request *116*subscriber_number#. If anyone is left without a check zvorotnoy dzvinka or replenish your rahunka. Also, you can earn a good fortune in MTS Viruchay - you won’t be allowed to throw off a homeless person, but you can also allow you to send SMS or call for another subscriber’s account. You can find detailed information about this service on the official website of the operator.

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