Gra does not start on the new screen.

Contacts / Korisne PZ



In casual or Indian games, as well as in older games with low production costs, information about how to create a new screen is difficult to find out from customer service providers.

When you open the game on the new screen, it’s easy to finish the game, just change the settings, press the keys on the keyboard, or uncheck the “Last mode” item in the settings of the game, which will never be asked again.

In order to launch the game in full-screen mode, you must first update the drivers for your video card.

Outdated or installed VGA drivers may cause the game to be unable to run normally.

There are many ways to launch the game on the new screen.

Below we will describe all the different ways to launch games in full screen mode.

In many programs, you can try pressing Alt+Enter on the keyboard.

  1. You can switch the game to full screen mode.
  2. Through adjustments

For many games, a new screen can be created through the graphics settings menu.

Simply select the desired mode: window or full screen.

  • Launch without additional parameters
  • In order to launch the game without additional parameters, you need to do the following:
  • Right-click on the icon and select the Power item. Look, there is no -window parameter in the address object row.Yakshto vin є – to see yogo. Adjustment via video card driver

The first thing you need to do if you are experiencing problems with graphics displays is to update or reinstall the video card drivers.

Some older games simply cannot be opened in full-screen mode through a very small partition, and when they are deployed to full-screen mode, black spots appear on the sides and the picture looks even worse .

If all the previous methods did not help, you can do this:

  1. Marvel at the fine-tuning of the game, which allowed it to reach its maximum.
  2. Set up this very separate building through the configuration of your computer.

Of course, the desktop and all the programs will then begin to look brighter, visually larger, and other games, created under a separate building, will not allow you to enjoy the world again. However, after completing the work with the old game, the separate part of the screen must be rotated to the output value.

Sometimes, after launching the shortcut and before the game opens, the user must click on another element of the desktop, for example, an audio player. In such a situation The system can automatically start windows mode. To save this little bit, go to the screen by pressing the keys


Changing startup parameters The offensive method of how to hide full screen mode for gri , edited Parameters for launching the power of the shortcut.

  • What is needed for:
  • Create or know the label gri. Press the right button on the new one, select the command
  • "Vlastivosti".
    • There are also three adjustment options that can help you open up programs on the entire screen. 1. Tab"Yarlik" , row"Object". Here you need to check so that there is no command in the row"windowed". If this is the case, it needs to be removed.
    • In this case, it is important to take the path to the file, otherwise 1. Tab stop using the label. 2. Tab, parameter "Vikno". Set the value
  • "Full screen."
  • Adjustment allows you to install a loudspeaker window on the entire accessible display area.
  • Now try the keys.
  • The default settings for each game are “Alt” and “Enter”, but for some games this connection may change.

To find out which keys your game requires, read the readme, search the game forum, or search for “Alt” and “Tab.”

Sometimes it helps.

  • "Full screen."
  • Adjustment allows you to install a loudspeaker window on the entire accessible display area.
  • Now try the keys.
  • The default settings for each game are “Alt” and “Enter”, but for some games this connection may change.

Please change your settings, it may be the problem.

Right-click on the icon and select “Authority”, then the “Object” field.

If there is no windowed entry in the address row, then everything is correct.

What it is – delete it.

This parameter starts the program in windowed mode.

It often happens that the program doesn’t work the way it was supposed to.

The most common problem is with computer games.

For example, to launch certain games in full-screen mode, you need some non-shamanic dances.

How can I play the game on the whole screen?

Video lessons

Daily programs, as a rule, are automatically adjusted to the individual display areas - however, those who like to play old games or arcade games may lose power and play on the entire screen.

Because the program was created on 10, 15 or 25 years later, it may appear on your monitor less often.

Sometimes the power supply stops when you start daily games.

Gra, launched in windows mode

In some cases, running games in full screen requires outdated video card drivers.

The power supply is subject to updates and a complete reinstallation.

The menu for setting up the video card of the skin transmitter looks different.

For example, for Nvidia products, you will have to open the Start menu/Control Panel.

For example, to launch certain games in full-screen mode, you need some non-shamanic dances.

Here you can select the nVidia Control panel and select there to adjust the scaling.

When you get tired, the game must expand to fit the size of the screen.

Scaling change for Nvidia video card

  1. For ATI brand video cards, you need to run the Catalyst Control Center program.
  2. And for integrated Intel Graphics cards, which are often installed on laptops, you need to select a whole series of actions described below.
  3. All games on modern operating systems, for example, on Windows 8, allow you to install full-screen or window mode on your graphics settings.

This can be determined by launching the game, which for some reason is launched in a window rather than on the entire screen.

Solving the problem:

Gra, launched in windows mode

Go to Nalashtuvan;

Find the item that indicates launching in windowed or full-screen mode;

Turn down the mode or check the box.

Sometimes, after changing the settings, the game has to be restarted.

In this case, it does not matter what the operating system is, nor the part of the screen.

Installing full-screen mode for Minecraft

Since everything has not been possible to get permission to return to normal mode, it is possible that it is too old to run on the full screen in Windows 7. In some cases, the picture appears unclear.

Gra, launched in windows mode

There is only one way to solve the problem - change the partition of your screen.

  1. After this, however, other programs will stop running, more often than not, they will be restored to normal parameters.
  2. open the menu of graphic characteristics that appears when you press the right mouse button on an empty area of ​​the desktop;
  3. Find the “Display” section and open its main settings.

You can be on a daily basis, if the laptop is set to maximum separation.

Replacing separate items in the caravan panel with Intel graphics

By changing the section, you can change the screen settings.

Next, you need to set the scaling option, which suits the display in full-screen mode, and save the changes.

For example, to launch certain games in full-screen mode, you need some non-shamanic dances.

By closing the Intel panel, you can launch all the necessary programs, which now stretch across the entire display area.

Sometimes the clarity of the grain image may be affected.

Therefore, after using the scaling option, you can use it only for this specific program.

Knowing how to open games and programs in full-screen mode, you can greatly simplify the process of working and playing.

As a rule, all these methods yield little action.

And they allow them, having spent a few hours at a time, to not worry about games that are not displayed on the entire screen.

5 ways - How to get a game on the whole screen

Go to the authorities of the shortcut and find the “Susiness” tab there.

Select the operating system from the list that matches the one installed on your computer.

Alas, the overflow of the OS on the list is not as great as one would like.
The last one on the list will be Windows Vista, and version 10 of this OS is no longer available.

Method 3. Adjusting the video card

It is possible that the reason that the game does not want to start in full-screen mode is the presence of outdated drivers.

It will be enough to update or reinstall them.

  • The menu of one or another video card driver may appear differently. For example, if you have an Nvidia video card installed, you will have to go to the Control Panel and select Nvidia.
  • Here you can see the scale.
  • Select Yogo Ta Gra to automatically expand to fill the entire screen.
If your computer is equipped with an ATI video card, you will need to run the Catalyst Control Center program.

It will be more difficult for those whose computer has an integrated Intel Graphics video card.

Most often it comes with laptops.
Method 4. Gris adjustment

A number of games offer the ability to set full-screen mode for graphical settings.

It is possible that games may not start in full screen mode for this or other reasons.

A similar problem can occur when launching games on laptops running on Windows.
  1. The reason, most likely, is due to incorrectly configured parameters for the configured Intel Graphics video card.
  2. To fix the problem you need to:
  3. Vikoristovat more security software from the card reader.

If there is no such thing, then it is imperative to correct the situation;

Go to graphic characteristics;

Go to the "Display" section.

As it is on a daily basis, then, as a result, the maximum separation is already established.

You need to change the partition and then you can change the monitor screen settings.

Then set the scaling parameter.

Finally, full-screen mode is available.

Thank you, the skin program will now stretch across the entire screen.

As a result, there is a chance that the clarity of the picture will be noticeably reduced.

  1. Let's summarize the pouches
  2. Now you are well aware of the methods that can help you open the game in full screen mode.

All smells are intuitively simple, and human skin can relate to them.

As a rule, to adjust the game in full-screen mode, you need no more than 1-2 sessions.

  • You can change the section of the screen.
  • To do this, press the mouse with the right button on the desktop.

    In the window, select “Vlastivosti” - this is for windows XP, and for windows7 - “Screen partition”.

    Set the scale to separate the screen at 800 x 600. The downside to this method is that absolutely everything, shortcuts, and the Start menu will increase.

    It will also become more popular with your favorite game.

    Have you become worthy of the post?

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    windows XP/7 korisni statti

    How can I make the game go full screen?


    A lot of people on PCs and PCs often struggle with this because they don’t know how to turn the game on to the entire screen.

    The causes of this problem may be due to changes - starting with the startup parameters and ending with the release of the game.

    Since the methods described above did not help, we will use the third method.

    Sometimes the authorities prescribe parameters for the launch.

    The window will be launched with a Windows registration.

    Go to the authority of the shortcut and turn it upside down to the “Object” field.

    Then click on the “Vikno” item.

    My booty may have written “Grown up on the whole screen.”

    Now you know how to use the small screen in games using additional power settings.

    The problems themselves

    You may need to run the game in a low space that does not allow it to stretch across the entire surface of the monitor.

    This time I am again desperate for internal game adjustments.

    Select a separate window as the main one on your monitor.

    If you wanted to try this method, then, first of all, you need to go to the settings screen.

    There is a button “allowed” and two display modes: window and full screen.

    If you have an English interface, then select fullscreen.

    After this, confirm your actions.

    After this meal, food begins to flow on its own.

    It’s true, don’t make it so simple.

    Social programs

    If you are wondering how to play the game on the entire screen when you are playing with the help of a social network, then you can get out of it in a few seconds.

    Another problem is the setup of separate screen sections in the operating system.

    On the right is that on “square” screens most games can get “throated”, but on “straight” screens - never mind.

    This situation requires nothing more than simply changing the monitor screen settings.

    In order for the game to fully launch on the entire screen, set the resolution to 800x600.
    This will cause all the icons on the desktop to become larger in font size.

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