How to enable uefi in Samsung bios. BIOS setup on ASUS X550c laptop. Program like Microsoft is outdated

Golovna / Nalashtuvannya

If you bought a PC or a laptop with a front-installed Windows 8 operating system, and then you wanted to see and change, for example, "sim card" or whatever version of the Linux OS, then you have to blame these problems, through the "Secur e" Boot".

The retailers of the Microsoft company at the hour of the release of the remaining version of the Windows 8 OS were updated with the updates of the sixteen bit versions of the BIOS. Natomist system has become 100% crazy with the so-called UEFI BIOS, which can be a secure boot system “Secure Boot”.

The Secure Boot system is recognized in order to prevent the launch of scrambled programs until the operating system and anti-virus software are completely taken over.

Well, it’s a miracle system, but it’s simply impossible to log in through Secure Boot and install another operating system on a PC, or software security that doesn’t have a digital signature. We will direct the simplest example. You bought a new computer with installed Windows 8 and tried to install it on a new one, or replace the Windows 7 OS, or I would like Unix to be a similar system. You can forget about it, the function of the safe enticement will not allow any kind of corruption. If you are not suitable for such a setting, then you will need to disable Secure Boot in the UEFI BIOS in order to enter the login system and enable the installation system.

The pickers of modern motherboards here deactivate this function even before they are completed with add-ons or they are sold. Just as Unix vendors of similar systems have already solved this problem in their operating systems by adding to them the UEFI BIOS, then their colleagues from Microsoft are not allowed to make changes to Windows Vista and Windows 7. million people , then you know, how to turn on Secure Boot is simply necessary, so that the PC is fully restored.

It’s even easier to use Secure Boot, for which you need to restart the PC and on the very beginning of the hack, press the Del key on the keyboard once (you can use other options for the keys, for example, F8 or F2), to start the BIOS (introduction system).

We will not describe the process of enabling Secure Boot for all BIOSes (may be subject to the availability of software vendors). So it’s just not real, that and we can’t yet have such a possibility, so that under the hand were those mobile PCs of all virobniks. Let's say on the Pheonix SecureCore Tiano application, the BIOS is hacked practically on all laptops that are developed by Samsung, as well as for the Asus UEFI BIOS Utility.

  • Enabled Secure Boot on Samsung laptops. Go to the BIOS at the Boot distribution. Find the Secure Boot option and set its value to "Disabled", then set the value to "UEFI and CSM OS" for the OS Mode Selection option. Ready. Now you can see Windows 8 from your Samsung laptop and install your new OS.
  • Enable Secure Boot on Asus laptops. Select the UEFI partition “Boot”, then “Secure Boot”, then navigate to “Key Management” and change the value to “Crear Secure Boot Keys”. Done, intrusive function disabled.

CSM is the totality support module for the operating system. If your motherboard is secured with the BIOS (UEFI) retailers described above, try activating the Legacy BIOS function in addition to the descriptions.

CSM stands for Compatibility Support Module for Operating System. In other BIOSes (UEFI), you may need to turn on the legacy option: Legacy BIOS. To blame installation problems, you can try switching the SATA controller to AHCI mode. How to fight, it is written in the article “Turn on ACHI support for SATA disks”

Yak viknuti Secure Boot BIOS and UEFI? Hello admin, why don't you just look around a little at this topic? It is often necessary to install friends on Windows 7, and for whom you know, you need to enable the "Secure Boot" option in UEFI. Notebooks and computers in all different types and interfaces are different, depending on the options that you can set up on your own, trochic changes and sometimes it’s important for everyone to understand.

Yak viknuti Secure Boot

Hello friends! Secure Boot security protocol based on special certified keys (less in Windows 8) will not allow your laptop to be captured from any kind of captivating disk of a cream installation disk with a “hard drive”. So, to take advantage of your laptop or computer from an installation disk with another operating system, you need disable Secure Boot BIOS UEFI.

The Secure Boot security protocol option is mainly found in the Security section, similar to System Configuration or Boot, but I want to say that in order to install Windows 7 on a new laptop with UEFI BIOS, it’s not enough to enable only one Secure Boot option in the UEFI interface, you need to enable the mode compatibility with other operating systems” and is called the wine code of all generics differently: “Launch CSM”, or “CMS Boot”, “UEFI and Legacy OS”, “CMS OS”, and is found in the main UEFI BIOS distribution under the name Advanced , Let's look at "BOOT MODE" or "OS Mode Selection".

Let's take a look at the typical BIOS setup for all laptops InsydeH20 setup utility with UEFI elements, for example, how BIOS can fix Acer laptops and then take a look at other similar utilities, as mothers of new laptops and desktop computers can.

How to disable Secure Boot on Toshiba laptops InsydeH20 setup utility

We go into the BIOS and go to the Security branch, we will need the "Secure Boot" option, go to it for the help of the arrows on the keyboard and press Enter,

Well, I know for help arrows select Disabled (enabled)

I emboss Enter. With such simple actions, we could enable Secure Boot in BIOS UEFI.

But not all, now we need to turn on the mode of mindfulness mode with other operating systems. Idemo to the "Advanced" distribution, we know the "System configuration" option

І go to it, here we select the option "Boot Mode" or "OS Mode Selection", and set її change the position of UEFI OS (possibly UEFI BOOT) at the position of "CSM Boot" or "UEFI and Legacy OS", "CMS OS"

So that our changes have become ceremonial, we take our changes in the BIOS, press F10,

Let's wait and see Yes and tysnemo Enter

re-advancement is required. The axis is now possible to capture our laptop from the installation disk with any operating system.
Then you can go to the menu of the laptop’s advancement (you need to press the ESC key or F10 when it’s on) and select your (already received) flash drive with the operating system or the installation disk, if you don’t know how to read it our article.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on an HP laptop

Sometimes everything can't go so smoothly, for example, on some models of laptops it is necessary to go through more extra steps.

Enter the BIOS UEFI and select the "System Configuration" option, enter it and select Boot Options, also go to it.

Bachimo our Secure Boot safe option, set it to the Disabled position (enabled), and the “Legacy support” option is translated to the “Enabled” position,

In advance, yes.

Choose to adjust, emboss F-10, select Yes and Enter, the laptop is reset, after resetting, the axis will come out the same way forward. (Your code will obviously be smaller) and press Enter, after this change in BIOS settings UEFI will be saved and the laptop will be rebooted.

When the HP laptop is on, press the ESC key and use it at the start menu, select F-9 Boot Device Options (change the bootloader), then select our USB flash drive to boot or the drive with the installation disk.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on a Samsung laptop Aptio Setup Utility

This utility is mainly installed on Samsung laptops. It is possible to press the F2 key when the laptop is occupied and enter the BIOS. Idemo to the distribution of Boot, including the option "Secure Boot",

For help, the arrows on the keyboard are seen as її and set to Disabled, press Enter

On properedzhennya about those scho scho computer mozhe zavantazhitisya with a pardon tisnemo Enter.

Which branch has the “OS Mode Selection” parameter below, see it and emboss “Enter”

set to CMS OS or UEFI and Legacy OS and press Enter.

I'm starting to get ahead of myself about the possibility of an attacking laptop with a pardon, tisnemo Enter. We take the changes that we have made in the BIOS, press "F10", let's wait Yes, press Enter. The laptop is rebooted, it is possible when F10 is locked and it is consumed in the lock menu, in the new one the laptop drive is selected or the flash drive is locked.

How to disable Secure Boot on an Acer Aspire laptop

Friends, first, we have є, but here I’ll just respect that on Acer Aspire laptops, the Secure Boot option is inactive for locking, in order to activate and then turn it on, it’s necessary first for everything to recognize the password for entering the UEFI BIOS. What is necessary for whom to grow!

Enter the tab " security"and select item" Set Supervisor Password", press Enter and assign a password. Once the password is accepted, the Secure Boot option becomes active and can be set to Disable".

How to disable the Secure Boot option on a Packard Bell laptop

Softly when the key is turned on F2, like F6 and can be used to BIOS UEFI laptop,

Here we go to the tab Boot.

If you plugged in a new USB flash drive before plugging in your laptop, then out you may not show up at the same time at the menu.

We install the Boot Mode option in the Legacy BIOS position.

A option secure boot we put up at the station Disabled.

Now the flash drive can be assigned. Insert the flash drive to the first position, save the patch and re-install. If the flash drive is zroblena for our articles, the zavantazhennya will be successful.

How to disable Secure Boot on a desktop computer

On rich stationary computers, modern motherboards are installed with UEFI BIOS and Secure Boot protocol. Take for example the motherboard Asus, Asrock, Gigabyte. It is necessary to say that on motherboards for stationary computers, the functionality of the UEFI BIOS is richly expanded, here you have the Russian language and the ability to be a mouse and carry out all the adjustments of working parameters in components.
It is possible to press the time limit Delete or F2 and enter the UEFI BIOS. Onslaught Dodatkovo (F7).
Go to the Boot tab, select the Secure Boot option,

Click Enter and enter it, click again Enter and select Other OS (your operating system),

Now it appears that the CSM (Compatibility Support Module) is selected,

Set the option Start CSM to Enabled.

For add-on options that have been installed, select Options for advanced add-ons and install only Legacy OpROM or UEFI and Legacy OpROM.

By the way, we turned on Secure Boot and turned on the extended capture mode. We press F10 and take the changes made by us in the UEFI BIOS. Save the configuration and vikonati of the discount? So.

Enables the Secure Boot option in the UEFI interface of the Asrock motherboard.

If you have a Gigabyte motherboard read our white paper.

Motherboard MSI. Updated "Boot mode select".

Note: On older laptops it is not possible to enable the Secure Boot option, the windows are inactive, for which you can help.

Hello, new readers! Today we will talk about one topic that is foldable at first glance, as it sounds like this: UEFI Boot - what is it and how to enable UEFI in BIOS.

Obviously, for a simple koristuvach, all the names and abbreviations are not to be said, but not less than, buying modern computers and laptops, all one and the same zіtknetesya vіch-na-vіch z dzimi notions.

So, friends, this one himself made a patch on blackite aphids, in which you can see on the very cob when the computer is turned on. Axis of little ones for refreshing memory:

Many more enthusiasts tried to increase the voltage and frequency of the main processor here, in order to increase the strain on their machines. So the axis, to change the BIOS microprograms came another, more modern.

And as you already understood, it is called UEFI. From the new innovations, it is possible to show the importance of high-profile buildings on the screen, the disks of the great oblige the robot with the bear.

If you read all the rows more and didn’t understand anything, then take a look at the short video for confirmation by the topics:

So the axis, obov'yazkovo slid to say about those, that the UEFI system is implemented in full, far from all modern computers. Then, there are new functions, do not bug, successfully upgrade the old BIOS shell.

One of them is called UEFI Boot (renamed Secure Boot). Sens її roboti polagaє zapobіgannі zaminі dzherel zavantazhennya system, tim itself zmenshuyuchi vykoristannya unlicensed software.

To come out such a picture that now we can’t be vanquished, for example, from a flash drive or a third-party disk. Aje for such a layout, the list of available outbuildings simply won’t have them:

But it’s true, you can solve this problem and it’s even easier. For whom it is necessary to work a couple of lashes and the whole thing. So let's move on to work. So be moving, sticking out theories.

And in order to enable UEFI functions in BIOS, you must first enter it into the new one. As already mentioned above, for which it is necessary to press a single combination of keys once the computer is turned on.

In this way, we have included the main function of the UEFI protection in the form of third-party invaders. Let's go to the "Boot" section and set the parameters as in the screenshot below:

If so, we may have a list of available outbuildings. Now changing the position of the list, you can manipulate the profit margins. Well, I know, on the example of the author, it is possible to work out the keys Fn+F5/F6:

Well, after all the introduced parameters, it was enough to save the change. Try this in the "Exit" menu by selecting the "Exit Saving Changes" item:

Axis and everything, my friends, now you know exactly how to power: UEFI Boot - what is the same and how to enable UEFI in BIOS. If you have lost food, boldly put them in the comments.

Well, if you want to quickly learn about the UEFI BIOS, then watch a short video, where the topic is covered more widely.

Have a nice day.

Dosit often richly coristuvachіv set the power of the Secure Boot (for example, tsyu option іnоdі nоbіbnо turn аt аnd hour оf Windows installation). If you do not turn it on, then this function is required (decommissioned by Microsoft in 2012) keys, yakі є only for Windows 8 (and more). Obviously, you can’t take a laptop with any kind of wear ...

In this small article, I want to look at a few popular brands of laptops (Acer, Asus, Dell, HP) and show them on the example, how to enable Secure Boot.

Important note! To disable Secure Boot, you need to go into the BIOS - and for which you need to press the right buttons as soon as the laptop is turned on. One of my articles is dedicated to this food. It has a button for various options and it is reported how to get to the BIOS. Therefore, in this article, I will not dwell on which food.


(Screenshots from the Aspire V3-111P BIOS)

Once you have reached the BIOS, you need to open the "BOOT" tab and see if the "Secure Boot" tab is active. Shvidshe for everything, she will be inactive and її you will not be able to change. This is done through those that have not set the administrator password in the BIOS Security section.

To install it, next open it and select Set Supervisor Password and press Enter.

Well, after that you can open Boot - the Secure Boot tab will be active and you can switch it to Disabled (to disable it, see screenshot below).

After restarting the laptop, the wine is guilty of trying to get some extravagant outbuilding (for example, from flash drives with Windows 7).


Some models of Asus laptops (especially new ones) should be set up for an hour at a deaf corner. Really, how can you get rid of the protection of their interests?

1. At the beginning, we go into the BIOS and open the "Security" section. At the very bottom there will be an item "Secure Boot Control" - it is necessary to switch it to disabled, then. turn it down.

2. After rebooting, I will go back to the BIOS and then at the “Boot” branch, create the following:

  • Fast Boot - transferable to Disabled mode (to turn on the shutter speed. Don't skip the tab! If you don't have it - just skip this recommendation);
  • Launch CSM - switch to the Enabled mode (to enable support and summation with the "old" OS and firmware);
  • Let's sweat again F10- Take care of repairing and re-adjusting the laptop.

3. After the reboot, enter the BIOS and open the "Boot" section - at the "Boot Option" item, you can select an advance port that connects to the USB port (for example). Screenshot below.

Let's save the BIOS settings and reboot the laptop (F10 button).


(Screenshots from Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series laptop)

Dell laptops have Secure Boot enabled, without a doubt, one of the simplest is to get one entry into Bios and not need the same passwords for administrators and others.

After entering the BIOS - open the Boot partition and set the following parameters:

  • Boot List Option - Legacy
  • Security Boot - disabled (includes security protection).

Vlasne far away, you can redaguvat the line of vanity. More installation of a new Windows OS from exciting USB flash drives - that’s why I bring a screenshot below, which row needs to be pushed to the top, so that you can zavantazhitsya from a flash drive ( USB Storage Device).

After entering, press the button F10- you will save the entered settings, and then the button Esc- no problem, you will exit the BIOS and reboot the laptop. Vlasne, on whom the inclusion of the stolen zankazhennia on the Dell laptop is completed!


After entering the BIOS, open the System Configuration section, and then go to the Boot Option tab (div. screenshot below).

After reloading, the text "A change to the operating system secure boot mode is pending ..." appears.

We are warned about making changes to the installation and confirming them with the code. Just need to enter the code, the indications on the screen and press Enter.

After that, change the laptop to re-advantage, and secure boot you will be slammed.

To get started from a flash drive or a disk: when you click on the HP laptop, click on ESC, and select “F9 Boot Device Options” from the start menu, then you can select the attachments you want to get excited about.

In principle, laptops of other brands have secure boot pass similarly, there are no special powers. The only moment: on some models, the entry to the BIOS is "complicated" (for example, on laptops Lenovo- You can read about it in these articles:). I’ll round off on what, we’ll have a good one!

With the release of Windows 8, hackers have become more active in provoking the successor of the BIOS - the UEFI interface, which, in an hour of its existence, has already encountered a lot of inaccuracies. Mi rozpovіmo, like, no matter what, speed up yoga with perevagami.

The mass transition to UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) has already begun. Microsoft needs to fix this interface on all computers that will ship with Windows 8. More specifically, look for UEFI with the Secure Boot feature. If so, you can run it on similar PCs without any problems: neither Windows XP, nor "sim" can be installed on a UEFI machine without additional manipulations.

From the flash drive of Linux Live or Windows, you can also take advantage of the same. What can be done, how to try to run from a flash drive on a Sony VAIO laptop, is shown in the picture above. І on which problems from UEFI do not end. Skin assembler of hardware components on the vladny rozsud configures UEFI, creating uncommon difficulties for the koristuvach. IdeaPad laptop like Lenovo and zvsіm can't recognize the same flash-storage as an exciting wearer. If so, Lenovo doesn’t know why: on the right, the flash drive is formatted with the NTFS file system, and UEFI does not support such drives. If you connect the same accumulator to an EliteBook laptop like HP, you can get involved without problems and allow Windows to be installed. The problem lies in the fact that all the data that was on the EliteBook disk, after installation, would have shown up in the future.

Skin configurable in your own way

Are you happy? It's not surprising: UEFI with the Secure Boot function introduces new installation rules and the need for operating systems, and hardware developers interpret these rules in their own way, which I create for the sake of adding additional complexity. To that, within the framework of the article, we put ourselves behind the meta to use the swindler like UEFI. On the butt of laptops, in the main virobniks, it is possible, how UEFI works, how the role of the Secure Boot function is introduced, how to bypass the "pastes" that are set up by the new interface, and what is necessary in order to vikoristovuvaty zavantazhuvaly flash storage, do not yuyuchi nіyakikh ruinіnіvnіh naslіdkіv.

How does UEFI work

UEFI zavantazhuetsya suvoro vіdpovіdno before the rules are established. If the OS does not support UEFI, the BIOS emulation mode is activated. The process of getting a PC based on the BIOS is simple: after pressing the power button, the BIOS starts up, as it checks the power and the start of the firmware - just the drivers for a few hardware components. After the BIOS checks out, it will start the OS and activate it. That one, at his own hand, zavantazhuє operating system or display a list of available operating systems on the screen.

Computers based on UEFI are zavantazhuyutsya similar rank only to the point of parametrіv zavantazhennia. After all, everything seems to be different. UEFI can take over the OS from integration managers to launch installed systems. For the new one, a small partition (100-250 MB) is created on the disk, formatted in the FAT32 file system, which is called the Extensible Firmware Interface System Partition (system partition of the firmware interface, which expands, ESP). On the new one, there are hardware components drivers, to which the operating system can be accessed. The general rule is this: for a DVD, UEFI can only get involved with a nose formatted in a FAT32 file system.

UEFI - folding mechanism

ESP can do its own thing: zavdyaki UEFI drivers and zavantazhuvach OS, Windows starts faster and more adequately respond to critical driver pardons. Ale UEFI interface overlays and exchanges: vin allows you to install the OS only hard disks, which are sized according to the GPT standard. The rest is not supported by the same version of the BIOS, oscillators, for the traditional layout scheme (MBR), sector addresses with a maximum of 64 bits. Cream Windows 8 UEFI interface supports only 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and 7, as well as Linux with kernel 3.2 and above. More than that, for PCs certified for robots with "greater", Microsoft promotes the Secure Boot option. In this UEFI mode, it starts up only to confirm the buggy operating system, so that drivers with a Microsoft digital signature can be removed.

Some of the Windows 8 only zavantazhuvach Shim (Linux) may have drivers with signatures necessary for Secure Boot. In other operating systems, the stench is daily. So, if you want to install Windows 7 or Vista on a similar computer, you need to open the UEFI menu and enable Secure Boot. If you're going to get a lot of UEFI in a different OS, you'll need to install a Compatibility Support Module (CSM) that can be enabled before UEFI. It's a pity, the hackers have different versions of UEFI, and sometimes it's easy to understand how to disable Secure Boot and switch to BIOS emulation mode. Qi food we looked far away.

UEFI based PC capture process

Depending on the configuration, UEFI, or independently zavantazhuє computer, or go to the emulation mode of the standard BIOS. Only after that the Windows Entry Manager is launched.

Installing Windows on a PC with UEFI and the Secure Boot function On a PC with Windows 8 based on UEFI Secure Boot, other versions of the OS can be installed for less than one brain. Koristuvach is guilty of a delay in choosing the correct mode of acquisition and preparation of a suitable flash-accumulator.

Notice to the BIOS emulation mode There is a lot of confusion: the way to switch to the BIOS emulation mode should be in the UEFI version. On Sony VAIO (1) you need to activate the Legasy option, on ASUS Zenbook (2) - Launch CSM.

UEFI setup

The skin maker vikoristovuє laptops and ultrabooks have their own version of UEFI. With this wine, access is not available to all required functions. Most of the time, when the PC or laptop is busy, the name of the button does not appear on the display, for the help of which you can click on the UEFI menu. We propose to do it this way: in the Metro interface, go to the menu “Parameters | Change computer settings” on the front panel, activate the item “Zalni | Special options for investing”. After the restart, the operating system capture manager will appear, which will allow you to open the UEFI menu. Vynyatkom є UEFI vіd HP, this option is daily. Here, it’s better to come: under the hour of zavantazhennya, use the Esc key. For some reason, you need to find out how the button allows you to go to the UEFI menu. Alternatively, change the capture mode to CSM or Legasy BIOS to capture from the emergency flash drive, after the update operation it is necessary to switch from CSM to UEFI again, otherwise Windows 8 will not start. But here are the culprits: Aptio Setup Utility on ASUS computers activates UEFI automatically due to the presence of the sum of the BIOS zavantazhuvalnoy nose, so just remove the USB flash drive.

The use of Secure Boot will be necessary in that case, if you want to install a 64-bit version of Windows Vista or 7. You can also call it a hybrid mode, like in HP devices, with which UEFI you can take advantage of for need to switch to BIOS mode. In the widely expanded version of UEFI InsydeH2O, it should be possible to enable Secure Boot by transferring the laptop's browser. In Acer Aspire S7, this function is not available, and to deactivate it, you need to switch from UEFI to BIOS mode and back.

Folding rooms with innovations

With the advent of UEFI, hackers have changed the methods of work with the OS update system. The replacement of the Alt + F10 keys, which was previously used, for example, in Acer models, no longer works, or is assigned to other functions. And the F9 button on the new Zenbook does not capture the ASUS Preload Wizard, but the Windows 8 updater with an expanded capture menu.

The VAIO Care recovery mode on Sony laptops can be opened in a similar menu by selecting the option “Care panel | Usunennya inaccuracies of the Revision". Also, run the OS quest manager and select "Diagnostics" | Advance” or “Turn at the exit station”, ask you to insert the original Windows 8 disc, which is not included in the kit. On Acer-models, the backup is taken for help from the previously installed Windows program, and the backup is taken from the original USB-carry. However, first you need to go to the UEFI menu and select such a disk as an exciting one.

Navigating to the UEFI menu from Windows

If the function to start Windows 8 with extensions is activated, by selecting the item "Diagnostics" (1) and "Advanced parameters" (2), you can access the menu "Settings for the installed UEFI firmware" (3).

The original UEFI functions The laptop skin is compatible with different versions of the UEFI interface and it is implemented in the system until its release. From the tables broken down by models, you know where the main functions of UEFI are.

Solution: Disabling Secure Boot In some cases, Secure Boot cannot be deactivated indiscriminately. For Acer Aspire S7, for example, this function is not available. Also, if you go to "Legacy BIOS" (1) and reset back (2), Secure Boot will be enabled.

In the hybrid mode, everything is possible. In the UEFI version of the HP interface, there is a support for the hybrid mode; The Secure Boot feature is automatically enabled.

Run from a flash drive

Older flash drives for emergency use and renewals are no longer available in BIOS mode. Mi zrobimo їх sumіsnimi іz UEFI.

USB-sticks in the rest of the hour are more and more often victorious as an avant-garde device for updating or installing Windows. That's why modern laptops rarely have optical drives installed. If you have already installed UEFI on your computer, it is also recommended to install and upgrade flash drives. With the advent of UEFI, all flash drives are no longer visible in the primary rank. For example, if you have created an exciting USB-carry with the UNetbootin program, you will need to start the PC in CSM mode. The same stosuetsya all old flash drives, shards of distribution kits Linux Live (for example, GParted) only in the remaining, newer versions of their add-ons have begun to add zavantazhuvach with UEFI support and Secure Boot functions.

The most simple way, when Secure Boot is connected to UEFI, then for the help of the Rufus freeware program, a summary UEFI flash drive is created, after which it is copied to the new remaining version of GParted.

Program like Microsoft is outdated

There are other rules for more exciting USB-carriers with the Windows operating system. For consistency with UEFI, the stench can be formatted in the FAT32 file system. A lot of hard copy for Windows 8 create exciting storage on flash drives, formatted for additional programs from Microsoft, to enter the "sim card" warehouse. However, the program behind the locked format accumulates in the NTFS file system, after which the system, like on a nose, cannot be installed on a computer with UEFI. If you don't want to check out an updated program from Microsoft, you can create an enchanting accumulator manually. For this reason, format the USB flash drive for the additional cost-free utility. Let's open up the Windows 8 ISO image and copy the files to a laptop so you can save it in the future.

And the axis of the summation of the UEFI flash drive with 64-bit Windows 7 has been taken without any problems, you will need to copy the UEFI drive from the required directory on the flash drive. For this, the victorious 7-Zip archiver, find in the ISO image, which can be used to install Windows 7 files, in the Sources folder, the Install.wim archive file and open it. Next to the WindowsBootEFI directory, copy the bootmgfw.efi file. Let's save it on a flash drive in the efiboot directory and change it by typing bootx64.efi. If you use a USB stick, you can work in UEFI mode, and you can install a new Windows 7 without any problems.

Creation of exciting flash drives based on Live-systems

For consistency with UEFI, flash drives can be formatted in FAT32. For example, the program UNetbootin (1) creates exciting storage devices based on Linux Live distributions, formatting them in FAT. However, the Rufus utility (2) shows more of the correct option.

Flash storage for updating the OS on a PC with UEFI ) - can be used with GPT partitions.

Formatting a flash drive with Windows The 64-bit version of Windows 7 can be installed on a PC with UEFI. If you want to remove the operation from the USB storage device, you need to format it with the help of the Windows DiskPart program in the FAT32 file system and rob it.

UEFI Boot Capture Bootmgfw.efi UEFI Flash Drive Windows 7 additionally requires UEFI Bootmgfw.efi. It is necessary to copy it manually from the install.wim archive to a USB flash drive, using the 7-Zip program, or be some other archiver.

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