How to reinstall windows 7 and save data. How to save files during reinstallation of windows? How to determine the need for drivers and how the most important of them

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It is also called updates, it is installed on top of the operating system, it is formatting the system partition. When the files are corrupted and adjusted, they are saved, so the installed programs and their parameters are not saved.

To reinstall the operating system, you need to go to it. You need:

install disk,
- Product Key,
- free space at the system disk partition (no less, lower required for the Users folder at the same root).

The installation of Windows 7 can be started from the installation disk directly, or from such an element of the recovery panel, like "Archiving that update." It is necessary to click at the bottom of the head window "Update system parameters or computer", then - "Extension methods for updating".

These methods include:

renewal of the system from the image, created behind the back of the door for the additional function of archiving;
- Reinstallation of the system, in case of yakіy vіdrazu, the need for the installation disk is indicated.

The process of creating an image of a system for a further revision of the descriptions in the article "". There is also a mention about reinstalling the system - this process in the graphical interface of Windows is called updates. From the installation disk, a new Windows 7 is installed on top of the original OS without formatting the system partition. This way of sounding is recommended to win, if all other options for solving the problem are resolved, if from a technical point of view the solution is more acceptable.

If you run the update process from the Backup and Renewal panel item, then Windows 7 will tell you about the need to backup files before installing the backup copy of the files and negligently store it. Do not varto act according to the propositions. After the archiving is completed, or at a different time, you will be prompted to insert the installation disk into the drive and reload.

You can run the update, however, in another way - you just need to insert the installation disk and run setup.exe, and then press the "Install" button next to the window.

Windows 7 at any time will prompt you to stop updating, after which it is logical to install an updated system. Obviously, you need a connection to the Internet.

As you have seen the advancement of the update, the process of advancement will be seen in such a show.

After the download is completed, the system will be restarted and the system will be restored. After confirming the license agreement, you can choose the type of installation.

An update is called an installation on top of the current system. With this, the installed programs are saved, as well as the files and files that are fixed. All system parameters are dropped to be adjusted to the standard, like a new installation of Windows OS.
- New installation - clean installation with formatting of the system partition or installation on another partition of the hard drive.

The transfer of data is victorious in the process of updating.

With yoga help they save:

Images, audio files and video files;
- Koristuvatsky folders and files;
- parameters of the corystuvachіv and appearance of the record;
- Program parameters;
- parameters of electronic mail,
- contacts and inquiries,
- parameters of the Internet and files of the "Vibrant" folder.

Usі files are taken from the distribution where the operating system is installed. During the reinstallation process, a sprinkling of folders is created, for which files are placed separately for transferring data. Below, a little bit, it is demonstrated how to transfer the profiles of a koristuvach.

Are you ready to reinstall windows?

If you see that the computer is infected with viruses by motor, or it's a mess, or it's buggy - it means you have to rearrange windy for an hour. Moreover, it’s better to install windows with the formatting of the system disk ... And where do you go when all your information has been accumulated?
All your information will be lost when reset!
Yakshcho Vi, obviously, you won’t rewrite Your files to an old hard drive or flash drive.

Let's think at once, where do you have valuable information on your computer, how do you need to protect your language:

1. Favorites or bookmarks your favorite browser: If you don’t save it, then after reinstalling the system, just spend money on your favorite and important sites for you ... Obviously, in browsers, you can use import-export, but it’s easier and faster to just copy the folder or bookmarks file on the flash drive and then, after installing windows, just copy the bookmarks back from the flash drive to the same browser folder.
Where to save browser bookmarks and how to know?

In Windows XP, browsers save their bookmarks for new addresses:
Internet Explorer: C:\Documents and Settings\*IM'YA KORISTUVACHA*\Opened
Google Chrome: C:\Documents and Settings\*IM'YA KORISTUVACHA*\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
Mozilla Firefox: C:\Documents and Settings\*My Account*\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\*My Profile*\bookmarks
Opera: C:\Documents and Settings\*IM'YA KORISTUVACHA*\Application Data\Opera\Opera\bookmarks.adr

In Windows 7, browser bookmarks are located at the addresses:
Internet Explorer: C:\Koristuvach\*IM'YA Koristuvach*\Vibrane
Google Chrome: C:\Bookmarks\*Im'ya Bookmarks*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks
Mozilla Firefox: C:\Koristuvachі\*IM'I'I'M KORISTUVACHA*\AppData\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*IM'I'I'PROFILE*\bookmarks
Opera: C:\Koristuvach_\*IM'Ya KoristuvachA*\AppData \Opera\Opera\bookmarks.adr

2. copy "my documents" For locks, all your documents are stored by the system itself in this folder. How did you create document folders with a folder, say, in the root of drive C? Guess - de zberіgali and tezh copy the documents to a USB flash drive or hard drive.
way to the folder "My Documents":
C:\Documents and Settings\*My Profile*\My Documents for XP
C:\Koristuvachі\*My Profile*\My Documents for Windows 7

3. How many passwords do you have saved? After reinstalling windows, you will have all your passwords obov'yazkovo wanting to re-enter into the browser once again, so that you can use it to, social media, send your account. If you have access to Wi-Fi - check if you have the password up to the new one. Be sure to save all your logins and passwords with a hard disk ... and then we'll just reinstall the system!

4. driver or rozdіl vіdnovlennya If you have a laptop and you have not ruined the factory DVD to a new one, why did you save the replacement of a hard drive? There are no problems... All drivers will be enabled by the system automatically when Windows is updated from the backup.
But what if you don't have the ability to automatically update the system? How do you need to install a licensed or pirated operating system disk on your Windows computer? It is necessary to simply create the archives of the drivers of the possession - and after reinstalling the system - the driver can be installed in a couple of minutes for two or three clicks.

5.copy working style As a rule, people save a lot of information directly on the working table - why would you not copy the "working steel" folder to a USB flash drive?
path to the folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\*IM'YA PROFILE*\Working style for XP
C:\Koristuvachі\*IM PROFILE*\Working style for Windows 7

6.saving access to the Internet

In Windows 7, the Internet has been fixed for the address Start - Panel keruvannya - Center keruvannya merezhami and overhead access - Change the parameters of the adapter. At Vіknі Merezhevі z'єdnannya є a badge, which for promotions to wear im'ya Connected to the local line.

As soon as you fixed your Internet provider, you could give me your name. Click it with the right mouse button and choose Power. Select the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” row and press the Power button.

As a jumper, stand at the position Automatically change the IP address and Automatically change the address of the DNS server, always close it. And you can not read this item after the reset - it means that your Internet after reinstallation will be automatically restored!

If the IP-address, Pdmerezhі mask, Default gateway, Assimilation DNS-server and Alternate DNS-server fields are filled in, then you need to rewrite the data and save the language.

7. prepare distributions After reinstalling windows, practically all programs will need to be installed on your computer from scratch... Be sure to prepare distribution kits of frequently hacked programs or copy them

PS Do not forget to use the flash drive or the old hard disk from the saved information before tim, how to reinstall windows

Let there be a new order on your computer!
I be healthy...

If you want to reinstall Windows 7 without spending any money, then this article is for you. So, if you want to see it, then read the article, having gone over to the bells and whistles.

In this way, we do not format the disk, but simply update Windows to the cob, on the already installed system. All files and important documents should be kept safe and secure. The way is also pidide, as if there were problems with the operating system of the virus, do not go into it.

Now let's do a reinstallation to save data.


For the cob, insert an exciting disk or a USB flash drive with Windows 7. Go to My computer and call the disk or a USB flash drive with Windows. There's a file setup.exe And start yoga, at the vikni tisnemo install.

If you are sorry, if the current version of the operating system is new, if you want to install it, then in which case you need to run the setup.exe file from the summation.

Now you need to go to control panel and choose an item renewal. We press on extension methods of renewal.

We are given two points of inspiration:

  1. Reinvention to help the image created earlier.
  2. Reinstallation of the system from the alternative installation disk.

When you start updating from the panel Archivation and renewal the system will ask you to make a backup copy, and then it will be rebooted, and then the system will be taken from the installation disk.

Installing Windows 7 updates

During installation, you may be prompted to install an update for Windows, for which you need access to the Internet. You can update and not zavantazhuvat, but still it is recommended.

Windows 7 installation type

Now you need to select the type of installation, there are 2 options:

Update- all files and parameters will be saved, everything else will be reset to the standard state.

Povna installation- not installing from a clean arc, from re-formatting the disk and not saving parameters and files. This option is not suitable for us in this way.

We choose the first option.

In this manner, we saved all the data and reinstalled the system. Everything can be saved: music, films, installed programs, cloud recordings, tabs in your browsers. The transfer may take three hours, the more files on the computer, the more it is transferred.

Also, after all procedures, it is necessary to enter the Windows 7 key and set the regional data.

Everywhere they write about those how to install the system, but few people have written,. I've robbed and corrected, readable.

If you reinstall Windows through problems with the OS, then do not save the most important data on another disk partition or on a USB flash drive, so as not to waste it in different problems.

Before that, how to reinstall Windows, it is necessary to save all the necessary information from the system disk (for locking: drive C). It’s more important not to forget, because when formatting all data from the disk C call irrevocably.
We look at the situation, if our operating system is going through the process data station, we can save the data we need on our own. Otherwise, you can copy information for the help of LiveCD, or by connecting a hard disk to another computer.

We take information

1. Save important documents, photos, films, music on your current portable or other logical drive (not the one on which the new system will be installed).

Even a lot of koristuvachiv take their files from the paps " My documents” and on Working table. Really, it didn’t work like that. For promotion, the folders are distributed to C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya Koristuvach. Tobto. If the files that are in them are not transferred, then when you reinstall Windows, the stench will be irrevocably lost.

By the way, my pleasure to you: if you can’t spare the sounds to throw everything into the “My Documents” folder - just change the task for it. For this, on the working table, right-click on the folder "My Documents" - select "Authority" - the tab "Recognition Folder". In the “Folder” field, enter the path to the new reprint (for example: enter D:\My) and press “OK”. If you do not have such a folder, the “Create Folder” window will appear - press “So”. At the next "Move documents" window, also press "So" to move the documents on a new issue. Now everything that you save from “My Documents” will be found in the “My” folder on the local drive D.

2. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya Koristuvacha\Application Data. in papacy application data Installed programs are saved (if you do not download this folder, select “Service” - “Folder power” - “View” in the menu row - put a marker next to the item “Show attached files from that folder” - press “OK”).

If you have games installed on your computer and you don’t want to spend your savings in them, then look in Application Data for a folder with the name of the game and copy it to another logical disk (save files can also be found with your dad with the installed game) .

for Internet Explorer: go to C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya coristuvacha - save the Vibrane folder;
for Google Chrome: go to C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya Koristuvach\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default - save the Bookmarks file;
for Mozilla Firefox: go to C:\Documents and Settings\My account\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\my profile - save the bookmarks.html file;
for Opera: demo C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya Koristuvacha\Application Data\Opera\Opera - save file bookmarks.adr

You can also save bookmarks and in a different way - speed up the export function, which is the same for browsers. For example, in Mozilla Firefox You can do it like this: in the menu row, go to “Bookmarks” - “Show all bookmarks” - “Import and backup” - “Export bookmarks from an HTML file” - save the file, for example, to a USB flash drive. After reinstalling Windows: install Mozilla Firefox - go in the same way - select "Import bookmarks from an HTML file" - upload our file to the flash drive.

4. If you work with e-mail through a web interface, then the information will come to you without a hitch. Well, it’s koristuetsya with a mail program Outlook Express, then you will be aware that all otrimani that nadіslanі through it the sheets are saved here: Z: \ Documents and Settings \ Іm'ya koristuvacha \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Identities \ (set of letters and numbers) \ Microsoft \ Outlook Express.

It is also necessary to preserve the appearance of electronic mail records. They save the settings that are necessary for the removal of the power and the information (login, password, SMTP and POP3 server). For this, in the Outlook Express menu, go to “Service” – “Share Records” – select the face record – “Export” – select the file from any name. After reinstalling the system, we will go through the same path in the program, select “Import” and select our savings file.

5. How do you feel about the program uTorrent If you give out an interest and you an important rating on torrent trackers, then you might want to save all the settings for this program. Save the folder that is known by this path: C:\Documents and Settings\Im'ya Koristuvach\Application Data\uTorrent. After the installation of the operating system, copy the folder there, the stars were taken. Also, if the folder containing the downloaded files is moved to your system drive, don't forget to transfer it.

Take care of the network and the Internet

Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Merezhni connections". Click with the right mouse button on the connected to the border - select "Power". On the “Zagalni” tab, next to the “Components that are connected to these connections” field, there is a row “Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)”. We put on it and press the "Power" button. If you only have one computer and the VIN is not in the local area, then it is entirely safe that the current jumper is set to "Automatically change the IP address" and any other parameters will not be saved here. At this point, just close the window. If the jumper is at the position "Write an IP address" and below the fields filled with numbers, then it will be obligatory to rewrite all the parameters on the sheet (IP address, address mask, gateway and DNS server). So, if you know that your PC is in the local area - write it down im'yaі name of the work group. For this, right-click on the icon “My computer” - “Power” - the “My computer” tab. Press the "Change" button. Itself here you can change the name of the computer (for example, you will see in the area) and I will name the work group. Ale, you don’t need to change anything: just rewrite the parameters on a sheet and close this window.

Choose a driver

Before installing Windows, be sure to tell us about those that you have disks with drivers for all computer attachments. Even if it’s daily, then, in principle, it’s not scary - you can get the drivers on the Internet from the official sites of the vendors. Axis only borrow everything for a good hour.

In such a situation, it is easier to speed up with special software for saving drivers. Such programs will automatically scan the system, identify all attachments, reveal all relevant drivers, and then save them to an okrem folder. Earlier, for these purposes, I won the program DriverMax. It’s a pity, she didn’t always work without a thought, I know that I’ll miraculously replace it.

Absolutely without cost, we can work with it for 15 days: then we will either see it or buy it. We are quite satisfied with this option, because we can install Driver Magician right before the Windows installation itself: we'll make a backup copy of the drivers, and we won't need it anymore.

Download the program from the official site (select the "Download" button, and then click on the "Click Here" button). Run the installation file - click on "Next" - then "Install" - "Finish". To appear at the end with guesswork about those who are a trial version - press “ Register Later”.

The program will start, as soon as it shows us the drivers that are not available from Microsoft (there are no such drivers for the distribution of the operating system). We can see with checkmarks either all drivers, or only those disks with those we have available. I see everything about every change (having pressed the right hand button “ Select All”).

Let's press the button " Start Backup”.
Specify the folder, the driver will be saved in the yak. Keep in mind that this folder is not liable to be moved to the system drive, otherwise it will be deleted during Windows installation. Therefore, choose a flash drive or another logical drive. I select “Local Disk (D:)” and click on “OK”. Check it out for an hour, while the saving process is going on. After the end in that area, as we were told, a folder will appear Driver Backup. Yakshcho vіdkriti її, then pobachite like this:
Axis and all: we have made a copy of the drivers.

After we reinstall the system, we don't need to install Driver Magician again. It is necessary to click with the right mouse button on “My Computer” - “Power” - “Obladannya” - “Application Manager”. We know the attachment, for which it is necessary to install the driver (there will be a hail sign on the new one).
In my opinion, the webcam became a problematic attachment:
I know її, I click on them with the right mouse button - “ Update driver". At the window I put the marker in the position " No, not once”-“ Dali ”- I choose“ Installation from a designated location- "Dali". Then I put a daw in front of “ Take a look at the next place”- emboss“ looking around” i know on disk D folder driver backup, and in the new folder iLook 300(This is how my webcam is called) - I press "OK" - "Dalі".
Mustache! The driver installed successfully and my webcam was listed in the Attachment Manager.

So we will install the driver itself, for example, when installing the printer. After the connection, I will add it to automatically start “ Master of the new possession” (If it doesn’t start, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Installation of Ownership”). For the new one, select “Installation from a designated place” - “Notify the coming time of the search” - “Look around” - we know our folder with Driver Backup drivers, and in it - a folder with the name of the printer. On whom everything.

The axis is now ready to be completed. We have saved everything we need, now we can proceed to reinstall the operating system.

I have a laptop. Bewitched from the zavantazhuvalny disk. What to choose, when reinstalling Windows files and programs were not deleted? You can choose: "Upgrade" or "Reinstall". At the bottom of the dialogue window there is also "Innovation of the system".

I can't get in the command line... I'm on the Internet via a netbook, so I can't download a live-sid image to a disk and a flash drive (the same one is occupied by Windows). I can’t take over the new system. When zavantazhenni z drive C to rob the system diagnostics, de also the item "System update", but do not check the update point, although the day before it was trapilos, I checked - stink and turn on.

After diagnostics, the computer may not turn on anymore. And you can also look at the image of the System, but I didn’t do archiving. Be kind, give joy! From vdyachnistyu...

Alek55sandr5 | Sunday, June 6, 2015, 06:51 PM
If you want to save installed programs, then installing Windows is not for you. Oskіlki when reinstalling the system, more programs do not work. And if you install files without formatting, then all multimedia files will be saved. You will need to try the new system first. For this, insert an advanced disk, and if it appears at the window for installing the OS, at the bottom of the window, wrap "System update".

Igor | November 19, 2013, 18:22
Get involved with F8. From the menu, select "Remaining away configuration".

Seroz | 19 leaf fall 2013, 18:14
Nasampered, when reinstalling/upgrading Windows, your data will be saved (replaced as if on the system disk) - the files of the operating system itself will be deleted. However, if the stench is in the system folders (such as My Documents), then the files and the truth can be ruined.

1. "Update" - reinstall Windows with current values, all passwords and files are saved.
2. "Reinstallation" - OS installation from scratch. When reinstalling, it is better to choose another name for the oblique record (computer name). Moreover (as it may be on Win 7), if the installation will be on top of the streaming OS (then the installation will be launched from the operating system itself) - then it will be installed in your own place, and the old one will be renamed to xxxx.old. In this way, as if it was in My documents, or on the Working Table, you can be drawn from the old oblіkovogo record (folder - "Koristuvachi" My Documents (Working Style)).
3. It is impossible to update the system without points of reference (you don't have any already).

Podsumok - try zrobiti "Updating" (most painless), but do not show any points. How to update Windows (using the Reinstallation way) and save your files - there are a lot of materials (navigate from images).

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