How to create a Windows 7 system update. Create a system update point manually.

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  1. First, open the Windows 7 update point to understand what it is and why it is needed.
  2. In short, it saves you from setting up your computer in automatic or manual mode. In other words, backup, backup, etc. This function also downloads operating system files that are necessary for proper operation and not crashes, does not show the adjustment of programs or features files.

As a rule, the creation of backup points in automatic mode is ensured:

  • Once a month or a week (subject to adjustment, which can be changed at any time).
  • Immediately after installing third-party software or drivers.
  • An update may be needed if it becomes necessary to restore the system parameters until it was working properly.
  • The reasons for this may be:
  • Vipadkova extraction of system files.

Infection of the computer with a virus that has caused malware.

Nearby installation of some kind of chi gri software;

Other failure or change of important settings.

Significant malfunctions appeared in the robot unit.

In any case, one of the above-described reasons is often accompanied by critical errors, after which the system ceases to function normally and hangs occur.

  1. We save system adjustments for future updates
  2. To create a backup copy of your Windows setup, you need to open Start and right-click on the computer.

Then you will choose the “authority of the system”.

A dialog box will appear where the basic characteristics of the computer will be displayed.

If you have a similar backup copy of Windows settings, you can return the device to normal operation at any time.

In order to use it, you need to go to the “system update” menu.

For whom is there a number of nobles?

  • The simplest way is to open the “Start” menu, click on the “all programs” row, scroll down the list to “standard”, open the “Services” folder and select “System Update”.
  • How to earn money
  • In order to change the settings of the computer at the moment of creating the entry point, you must:
  • Open "Start" - "Control Panel".
  • Sort icons by category.
  • Vibrati block "system and safety".
  • In the window, scroll to the “Support Center” block and click on the “Computer Updates” row.
  • A new message will appear before you that describes this procedure.
  • Click “Launch”.
  • At the dialog box, Windows will again introduce you to the basics of this operation and prompt you to continue the procedure or click on it.
  • press "Dali".
  • Select the desired date to download from your computer.

Press "Distance".

Windows prompts you to confirm your actions.

Click "Done".

The device should begin before the end of the day.

  • Please be aware that when there is an update, all windows will be closed automatically, so save all files in advance so as not to waste important information.
  • How to delete backup points

As you have already realized, the creation point for the edit is created by copying the computer you need to configure for the edit.

There is no magic here, and the “charm points” for the computer take up space on the hard drive.

If you use them too often, you may experience the problem of insufficient disk space.

Now, if your computer starts to malfunction, you will be able to roll out your settings at that moment, as long as you work uninterruptedly, and, if necessary, take backup copies that you don’t need.

If this does not help resolve the problem, then you may need to perform a factory reset or completely reinstall Windows.

In contact with

Update points allow you to update your operating system and previous versions of files in the event of a software failure.

This material will tell you how to create an update point in Windows 7 and how to then select this point to update the system.

To create a refresh point in Windows 7, you need to open the System Power window right away. You can earn money in a number of ways..

For example, if you have a “Computer” icon on your desktop, you can simply right-click on it with the mouse button and select the “Power” menu item.

You can also open the system controls through the Control Panel.

To do this, you need to go to “Start – Control Panel – System and Security – System”.

Well, you can quickly do it in the simplest way, and press the key combination yourself

Windows + Pause/Break

After you have been exposed to the authorities of the system, you need to go to the “System Defense” section.

Updating the Windows 7 system from a previously created point

To update the Windows 7 system from a previously created update point, you need to open the Windows Panel and search for the “Update” section.

In the "Update" section, you need to click the "Start system update" button.

If Windows 7 is not installed, you can run the update using an additional installation disk.

To download from the Windows 7 installation disk, select your name and go to “System Update”.

Then select Windows 7 and click the “Next” button.

Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

In this way, you can update Windows 7 from the previously created update point to the point where Windows 7 is ready to start.

There are many situations when we would like to fix any problem and turn everything around without any expense.

In our article we will talk about backup and adjustment of the operating system by creating an update checkpoint (KTV).

This function is appreciated by computer scientists who like to conduct experiments with configured computers and install all sorts of programs.


In case of emergency situations, you can go back to the correct settings of the OS. It is recommended that all broadcasters set up cable television every hour, regardless of the settings that are carried out in the OS, even in case of failure of the operating system, the point of renewal is to allow you to reverse all settings that were at the time of creation Nya.

Increase your respect!

The reincarnation of the operating system automatically creates a CTV scan, as well as if it indicates that changes are being made to the settings.

You can update the OS settings either from the update point, created automatically, or manually by the user.

I want backup copies of both system and personal files.

Once the OS is regenerated, the user files will not be damaged. Creating an update point in Windows 7 From theory, let's move on to practice and create cable television

Windows 7

by hand.

“Start”, right-click on the “Computer” menu item, and select the “Authority” item from the context menu.

We go to the “System Protection” menu, which is located in the left column of the window.

In the “System Protection” tab, click the “Create” button.

In the window, enter the name of the cable TV and press the “Create” button.

We press the “Adjust” button, and in the adjustment window you can select objects for which it is necessary to ensure the possibility of updating or reactivating the system protection, setting the proportion at the top position.

You can also specify the size of the space on the disk used for creating backup copies.

For this, it is enough to pull the right-handed one. Please!

It is recommended to set the maximum ratio at 10-15% of the total ratio of the section.

If there is no designated place for saving backup copies, the old TBs will be deleted and replaced with a new one.

To view all previously created cable TV, you can quickly press the “View” button.

How to update the system beyond the update point in Windows 7?

Before updating Windows, we recommend closing all programs.

It is necessary to repeat all the steps pointed to the first section (Start – Computer – Power – System Protection), and then click the “Update” button in the “System Protection” tab.

In the next window, select the update point, focusing on the date of creation and the name TB.

We press “Dali”.

We confirm the seriousness of our intentions.

Please note that the process may be completed at the time of his death.

Once again we confirm that we want to update the robotic system, we press “Ready” and “So”.
A window will appear indicating that preparations are being completed until the system update is completed, after which all programs will be closed in order, and a notification will appear on the display indicating that the file update is being completed.

Once the update is complete, the computer will automatically re-engage.

Now you can log into the OS by entering your cloud data.

If you have two operating systems installed: Windows XP and Windows 7, when you start Windows XP, all CTV creations created in Windows 7 will be deleted.
To avoid these problems, create a partition on which Windows 7 is installed and make it inaccessible to Windows XP.

How to create an update point in Windows 7

This video explains how to create an update point in Windows 7, as well as why it is needed and why it is necessary to create it before installing new programs.

Whatever the problem, you can go back (turn back) in the future by upgrading your computer or laptop.

Golovne, so that the control points of the boules.

Otherwise, it will not be possible to update the system.

So that you don’t end up with this unpleasant situation just once, it’s better to go back and create an update point in Windows 7.

It’s clear: uninformed customers don’t know about this, but a computer crash could happen.

And, having found out on the Internet how to update the efficiency of a PC (or laptop), you will be very pleased that they have no control points.

In Windows 7 this works automatically.

As a rule, this happens in spite of this, and also in these situations, when you start Windows and make any changes (most often by installing drivers, etc.).

It’s logical - even through these programs, problems in your PC can be detected.

One thing: you need to check whether this function is activated.

If it is turned off, you will be prompted to update the Windows system.

Then you can calmly download to the working version and keep all your files safe and secure.

That's not all.

On the right is that Windows gives you the ability to create an update checkpoint manually.

At any moment.

This is a very interesting option, so let’s take a look at this report.

Fixing a point manually

What is needed?

I’ll give you a simple example: you and you want to install a new driver on your sound card.

In this case, you don’t remember that you need to stand up correctly.

And all this happened, when after installing the driver on the video card, I had to uninstall it (with Windows), so that the computer would work normally again.

To avoid this, it is enough to add a control point to update the system.

And then just become interested in her, since there is no such need.

That's it - now you can safely install any games or drivers.

And finally, let’s look at one more situation if you need to enable Windows system updates.

For the system to work, the update point must be enabled if the function is turned on. Click or check the function is turned on, so right-click on “My Computer” on the Windows desktop and select “Authority”, or simply click Our hot keys “Win ​​+ Pause”

In the window we need to select “System protection”. A window will open where we can run the threading mill: on disk"C:"

, where the system is installed, the protection is closed.

Using the “Adjust” button you can change the system protection parameters for your disk

  • Here we can choose what to save ourselves at renewal points:
  • System settings and previous versions of files
  • Only earlier versions of files

Vimknuti zahist system

Better yet, do not change anything and forget to save system settings and previous versions of files. 15% If you turn on the system lock, the “Late Versions of Files” function will also turn on for the selected disk.

In Windows 10, you can either turn it on or turn it on. Below in this window you can limit the maximum amount of disk space that is being used to save the points that are set in Windows. We can install it no matter how bad it is, but it is important to put it in


When the set limit is moved, the points will be closed, but the old ones will be removed.

To clear the disk from any previously created refresh points, you can press the button



  1. This is an alternative to possibility, for example.
  2. Older versions of files will also be deleted when the limit is changed.
  3. Creation of a new point of system upgrade
  4. If you have two operating systems installed, then when you start the new OS, all creation points in Windows 7/8/10 will be deleted, so save it.

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