How to get sound on your phone when you're taking photos. How to turn on the camera sound on Android How to turn on the camera sound on an HTC smartphone

Golovna / Zakhist
Every day the light becomes more and more varied and boring - the need to capture the skin's new bright moment suddenly arises. It’s always important to work with dignity and respect. Students, like no one else, understand what is going on - too much spicy scenes and funny moments need to be forgotten in memory right away. Aside from the uneasiness of the sound of the shutter... every one of us felt a sense of this unimaginable moment. Our article shows how to turn on the camera shutter sound on gadgets that you use operating system Android.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that on some smartphones and tablets this function is not enabled. This is explained by the legal factor: the country’s authorities protect by law the taking without a shutter.
Apparently, our region does not have similar problems, so most people complain about the inability to hear the sound of the camera shutter on a smartphone. Below I will try to describe a number of ways to resolve this problem.

No. 1: Silent mode

Not very strong, but the most important and wide this way. Koristuvach trivially mixes the device with silent mode.
Hello, dear readers, how many of us still remember to turn on the sound? There are missed calls and unread messages. Far from it manual way Pay attention to the sound of the camera shutter. Let's go back to the points below.

No. 2 Poshuk adjust the camera

Please be aware that not all devices have this function. For example, such a well-known brand is like this item.
We go to the camera settings and here is the following path: more => shutter sound => uncheck the “on” mark.

No. 3 Manipulation of system files

1. to your device;
2. After using whatever is installed on the tablet (you can call it either), you will open the folder: system/media/audio/ui
3. She has files camera.оggі focus.оgg. Protect them, so they can be motherless of another name, but it doesn’t matter for them to be known beforehand.
4. Now we simply erase them or change their names (at your discretion), but when you go to renew the shutter sound, turn everything to weekend camp. It is a priority to proceed before renaming.

No. 4: Special programs for turning on the shutter sound on Android

Programmers are far-sighted people, therefore, with the appearance of some functional deficiencies, they rush to take over, further analyze, and satisfy the needs of their clients.
For the most serious problem, use the following programs: “

There are often situations in life when the sound of the camera shutter on an Android smartphone at the time of shooting seems incomprehensible. This problem is often faced not only by students and amateurs who take photos of passers-by, but also by other people who do not want to incur the respect of strangers to the point of taking photographs.

I would think that in order to take photographs silently on Android you would need to place your smartphone on quiet mode. But it's not that simple. Some phone manufacturers, including Samsung, believe that you cannot turn off the shutter sound. It is known that in New Korea, for example, by law, the camera is required to play a sound at the hour of capture, so that people know that they are being captured at that moment. We, fortunately, do not live in Korea, so we can safely turn on the audio support for the recording on our smartphone, or what?

4 ways to take photos silently

Method 1. In such situations, a simple trick can help - switching the phone to silent mode. The best way to switch the device to “silent” mode is through the “curtains”.

Method 2. For any other phone besides Samsung, go to set up your camera, select the “Other” item, turn it on. at the item "shutter sound".

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to solve this problem. We hope that one of them will definitely help you turn on the sound of your phone’s camera.

I don’t understand, but you finally needed to turn down the sound before taking photographs on your Samsung Galaxy S9, but it is clear that this activity also pursues good and positive goals.

If you think about it, then, for example, people are even more afraid of the click of the camera shutter. When you come out to the field, you want to take a photo, but the stinks have taken hold and dispersed. Disorder. You need to work hard!

I would wonder what the khovrahs have to do with it. We don't know. It’s just that these miles of creatures seemed unsettled. Don't judge us harshly :)

Zharty - zhartami, ale zavdannya, put in the title of the article, without squeezing anyone. So, let's find out how you can turn on the photo-taking sound on the Galaxy S9. Let's go!

To begin with, you need to understand that the Samsung Galaxy S9 comes in two types. And we have a lot of information about what your smartphone is primarily used for.

The simplest option for enabling camera sound is the Galaxy S9 Rostest (in other countries where silent recording is not regulated by law):

  1. Let's launch the camera.
  2. Open settings and scroll down the screen.
  3. Click on the menu item “Press the volume key to.”
  4. Select "System volume".

Now in the photography mode it will be possible to add and increase the volume of the sound. Press the "Pull Down" key - select "System" - turn on the shutter click!

In fact, all these manipulations can be done through “Adjustment – ​​Sounds and Vibration – Humidity – System”. But it’s not so easy, since you constantly have to turn off the sound of the camera, then turn it on again. It's cool to see through the camera :)

However, you may end up losing the shutter click when you turn on system sounds. Why? It’s important that in some countries (Japan, Korea, etc.) silent photography is protected on the legislative level. And if your Galaxy S9 has this edge, then this edge will be laid on the level of software security.

Yak buti? There are so many options – you’re welcome to try them all.

It’s easy to write what helped and what didn’t. Maybe you still know some secret methods? Let us know about them in the comments - other readers will thank you!

P.S. The instructions were in cinnamon, why should I write? Like and emboss +1. It doesn’t matter to you, but the Khovrahs will be welcome. Yuck!

This instruction is clicked on the power supply: How to turn on camera sound on Android?.

There are different moments in life when we want to photograph and gain the respect of strangers. Most new mobile devices All you have to do is turn on “Silent mode” and turn on the camera shutter sound.

Ale, it is clear that other smartphones or tablets do not have tidy up the camera sound This method is not visible. Let's highlight the butt of that device from the Samsung company. And all this is due to the fact that the legislation of South Korea prohibits filming with the sound of the camera shutter.

We would like to share with you a number of methods for taking “silent” photographs.

Vibro mode (silent mode)

As we have already said before, on most mobile devices, to turn on the camera sound, it is enough to switch your gadget from “Silent mode” or “Vibrate”. After such actions, no one will realize that you are photographing what is happening.

Installation of third-party programs for the camera

Others, from the methods we have proposed, can also take photographs silently. This method transfers the installation of additional Android programs to enable camera sound. Such software, as a rule, can be purchased from your local store. Google extensions Play.

A program that copes well with these tasks is “High-quality camera (quiet)”, the name has been transferred to Google Translation.

You can enchant this program cost-free by ordering it below:

Editing and adjusting the camera

The third way to connect the camera shutter sound on your smartphone is to transfer changes to settings standard program"Camera".

This method is suitable for a large number of smartphones and tablets on Android, for example Samsung.

So, you need to go to the camera settings and find the “Shutter sound” menu item there. We transfer the vimikach to the “Vimk” position. and radio.

Unfortunately, on my Nexus 4 (Android 5.0.1) there is no such capability.

Editing sound files in the "ui" folder

The fourth method is to ensure that you have root rights on your smartphone or tablet. If you still want to deny root access to your device, read reporting instructions.

Also, by denying root access to your gadget, you automatically deny the ability to edit system files and folders.

Setting up access to system files The addition of root access is described in the statistics.

To enable the camera shutter sound on Android smartphones or tablets, you need to open file manager i walk along upcoming address: /system/media/audio/ui/ . This daddy seems to have two sound files: camera_click.ogg and camera_focus.ogg .

on various smartphones These names may vary, but do not change the essence of nutrition. Next, we will carefully rename the mystery files. Visibility is not recommended. Because, perhaps, if anything, you may not need to turn them to their cob-like appearance.

Visually it looks like this:

That's all!

I'm already convinced that instructions given By “tidying up” the sound circuit or turning on the sound of the camera you needed. If this is the case, then share it with your friends. See you soon!

It is necessary to take an unexpected photo, but as luck would have it, the clicking of the camera attracts respect, and, of course, the person knows nothing, unless he notices any actions from you, and does not give in. People always reacted and reacted to the click of the shutter - and then were they suddenly caught at an unexpected moment? However, the silent behavior of the camera may be needed in other situations, for example, at a lecture - if the computer writes down the formula and shows chief aides. In addition, a small child may cackle when being photographed, and you will miss her laugh, or the cat, having felt the clicking, will not be able to recognize it.

How can this problem be solved? How to turn on the camera sound on Android? Even these gadgets have long since begun to take decent pictures.

  1. Unhide the camera icon.
  2. Go to options.
  3. Take the ratio of the values ​​of UVIMK, and put VIMK.

As practice shows, on some devices it is not possible to turn on the sound this way through the presence of a mute/mute button in the camera settings. In this case, you need to look for the option in the main menu to adjust. For example, on Meizu gadgets you need to go to "Sound and vibration", then select “Other sounds”, and then drag the bar next to the item.

You can simply turn on the silent mode of your smartphone. On the device panel, select the “Sound” position and switch it to work without sound to other positions using the icons.

Viknennya through system adjustments

This method requires root rights to ensure access to system files.

You can listen to the sound of the camera shutter on Android by typing the following:

  1. Using any file manager (before installing it on your smartphone), open the system folder /system/media/audio/ui/;
  2. You need to change the file names camera.ogg and focus.ogg, write whatever. It is necessary to perform the renaming itself, and not other operations, so that you can perform the same steps and turn on the sound at any time. On some devices, the names may differ, and the files may need to be renamed.

Vykorostanna to the functionality of special programs

If you are not a computer fan and are afraid to use your smartphone, then you can use third-party software to capture the sound of the shutter.

Visit Google store, V prick row Type in the command “silent camera robot”. A list of programs will appear in front of you. Marvel at the sounds.

Some of the most popular programs on this topic- І .

Their operating principle is the same: just launch the software on your gadget and take photos with absolutely no sound, with the screen turned off. What is the main concern about overinsurance supplements? remaining versions A lot of templates have appeared, new acquisitions have been created, and can be used in editor mode.

It’s a fact: in some countries, for example, in New Korea, there is a law that prohibits turning off the shutter sound during the closing hour - this way the law protects residents from unauthorized use of their lives. And in all devices installed in this country, nothing can be done to make the camera work absolutely silent.

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