How to update systems Windows system update Windows file and settings update

Golovna / Optimization of work

With a new version of the Windows operating system, retailers will use it in a simple and accessible way for basic users.

Windows 10 now has the ability to reset settings like tablets.

You can select the option to save specific files, or you can delete everything.

Today we consider it more important for all system updates in the tenth version.

You need to go to the authorities for the “This computer” badge.

To start the system update process, you must click the “Update” button.

A new window “Updating system files and settings” will appear.

Go to the “Next” button.

Select the point where you want to set up your computer.

Our butt only has one control point, which we created manually.

When installing different drivers and programs, update checkpoints are created automatically.

In our previous article, we talked about how, with the help of certain mechanisms in Windows, you can protect yourself from losing important information after a critical failure of your hardware or software, as well as create tools Computer animations cause the system to crash.

In this article you will learn about the existing algorithms in Windows for updating information and about those that work, as at one fine moment the operating system will stop starting, or will work with errors.

File update

As you mentioned earlier about archiving important data, the procedure for updating it is not very difficult and consists of two steps: selecting an archive with the required information and inserting places Where do I need to save them?

As soon as you exit the archive, you use the same system tool to update folders and files - Archiving and updating, which can be launched Panels keruvannya or else Start menu (All programs - Maintenance).

In the window that opened after launch, in the section Archiving(Upper part of the window), you can obtain information about the archived copies that were previously created in this system, and if so, when they were created.

Once information about archiving is identified, the chances of updating the required data greatly increase. The most important thing is that backup copies run regularly and contain all the information you need. To renew the downloaded files from the archive, click the button Update my files in the section

Update , which is located in the lower part of the window. Immediately after this, a window will appear where you can select the required files and folders from the required archive. To update folders on or around the entire drive, use the button Looking at the folders , and to update adjacent files - the button View files

. You can also quickly press the button Search

, Finding the required objects by names. File update Once finished, the system prompts you to select files and folders from the remaining created archive.

Here we are presented with two options: update the information at the exit location from saving a lot of money to files and folders, or independently select a location for updating files.

The first option can be chosen if you remember that updating too many data will not interfere with other ones.

For example, the archive copy may contain the same document that is also original on your system, but which may contain an older edition. The other option is more convenient, as it allows you to save data updates wherever you are wearing them. However, system libraries and folders, for example, AppData or Documents, in order to gain access to them, will have to be written to the required Windows directories manually.

What brightens up the situation here is the ability to update files in output folders (you need to check the box). We would like to give you the opportunity to learn about ways to save these and other system libraries. After you have chosen a different place to save your data, click on the button Update.

to start the information update process.

During the procedure, you can follow the special indicator light on the screen.

The value of renewal is entirely dependent on the chosen objects. Once everything has been completed, immediately after completing the process you will have a note written in front of you..

In a normal robotic system, the point of innovation behind the process is created.

In addition, they are created immediately if any serious changes are made to the OS, for example, before installing software, updating or device drivers.

You can also create a refresh point manually at any time.

When the system is updated, from the update point, system files and computer settings will be updated at the selected time. In any case, the files you create will not be changed. The number of savings points for updating must be kept in the amount of free space on the disk and the amount of space allocated for updating the system. Archiving and updating With a shortage of disk space, new points are created and old ones begin to disappear.

Since the update point in Windows can be rich, the smell of the building covers a very wide time range.

Therefore, depending on the need, users can “learn” system parameters back for several days, years, or even months. Well, if your operating system immediately began to crash, freeze and periodically show crashes, it will immediately return to the program System upgrade Then try turning it to a normal position. For which we launch a component that is already familiar to us And in the lower part of the window, click on the instructions. After this, another window will open where you can read some useful information that will be available before you upgrade your computer. To begin the system update process, from the update point, click on the button with the name, which is to say, after which you will immediately see the window of the tool that is useful to us. Before speech, updating system files and parameters can be started In any case, the files you create will not be changed..

start menu

, having selected the item

All programs , then folder.

In the list of possible update points, you can add the date of their creation and a description that you can refer to when selecting a point. Just below the list there is an option Show other update points

, which allows you to expand the hourly interval for displaying the update point.

In some cases, this may be at a disadvantage, since it is necessary to develop a system rollout as much as possible. At this stage, your main tasks are to predict the time when the system worked normally without errors and select a renewal point at the same time. If you quickly responded to system failures, then most often it is enough to select a refresh point after a few days have passed.

If you have endured incorrect Windows for a long time, you will have to strain your memory and figure out the beginning of the problem. After selecting the required point, the right hand button under the list will become active Look for programs that are burning Update.


By clicking on them, you can view reporting information about those programs that, after the system is uninstalled, will be uninstalled or updated and, possibly, require reinstallations.

After pressing the button

In such events, before creation, the image of the system became even more pre-literal.

Obviously, it will take a little more than an hour to update the normal functionality of the computer. Archiving and updating If you have already taken the time to create a backup copy of the system partition, then get ready to completely reinstall and configure Windows, as well as all programs. Update my files Let’s not talk about the sum, but let’s be clear that you still have the image of the system. Let’s take a look at two types of steps, how you can quickly get around to them. For now, it’s acceptable that Windows has lost its normal efficiency, otherwise it can still get carried away. Also, as in the front steps, a tool will help us..


Having opened the already familiar window, the group

Click at the very bottom to complete

Update system settings or computer

, and in the coming century the message Extended methods of renewal Next, you can choose between two methods of updating the system: from a temporary system image or from a Windows installation disk (reinstalling the system and programs again).

First fall.

Windows is installed on the computer, but it does not start. In this situation, to enter the update mode, immediately after restarting the computer, press the F8 key until a menu appears on a black background with additional backup options. The fall is different. Windows is not installed on the computer.For example, this option is possible when the hard drive fails and is immediately replaced with a new one..

In this situation, we won’t be able to get involved with a hard drive, but we can work with the help of an optical nose, or more precisely

Disc update In any case, the files you create will not be changed.,The work of which we also revealed in the materials,dedicated to data archiving.

This disk is important and contains all the necessary system update tools.

If you don’t have a renewal disk at hand, you can quickly replace it

install disk Windows Remember that to start the computer from an optical drive, in the BIOS menu, the first device you need to install is the optical drive.

Recommendations on how to do this can be read in our articles about installing Windows, for example. After downloading your computer from a DVD, depending on the situation, you may first see a window with a movie selection, and then an installation window, where you can select the item at the bottom, to use the mode we need from the update parameters.

Now, having gone through various methods for starting the system update mode, let’s move on to describe the procedure for updating Windows from an image. Archiving and updating The amount of manipulation will be minimal.

Regardless of the choice of update methods, users will immediately have to indicate the required archive image to the system partition, and in times of need for its expansion. After selecting the required point, the right hand button under the list will become active After selecting the appropriate image and pressing the key

, another option will appear from the selection of additional parameters.

Here you will have to learn something important: you need to re-partition the original disk into sections and format them. Of course, you can format and update data in existing folders, saving all the current information on disk. Please ensure that programs that have not been transferred to the image will stop running, and any files that are on them will continue to be saved on the disk.

You yourself are at risk of cutting out a lot of software, which will make it even more important for you in the future. After selecting the required point, the right hand button under the list will become active So the option with formatting looks nicer, especially since you have the ability to select the partitions that you will lose without changes, by pressing the button Update.

Turn on drives


If the updated system partition still contains important information that has not been archived, then the option of updating without formatting may still be relevant.

Find it after selecting and pressing the button

, the resulting information will appear on the screen.

True, it’s not good to rely on those that such security programs will solve all your problems.

Unfortunately, most often it is not possible to restore lost files at home.

Of course, in critical situations, you can turn to specialized organizations, where, with the help of advanced algorithms and special equipment, you can pay for everything, help you turn the value of information, but such services can be expensive. As practice shows, having backup copies is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save important data.

Of course, in critical situations, you can turn to specialized organizations, where, with the help of advanced algorithms and special equipment, you can pay for everything, help you turn the value of information, but such services can be expensive.

Don’t forget about this and try not only to quickly work with archives of important files, but also to have an image of the system at your fingertips. Know the points of renewal Windows 7, I can’t do anything, after restarting the computer there is no need, why do you think this happens?

I'm fiddling with my laptop.

  • Victor
  • There seem to be many reasons for this problem, let's look at most of them.
  • The information in our article is also applicable for both operating systems Windows 7 and Windows XP.
  • In some cases, the system itself automatically vibrates System protection for any Local disk, naturally all update points disappear Blame the utilities that make it difficult to clean your computer from various items.
  • For example, the FreeSpacer program or the utility that cleans the CCleaner registry can easily remove update points.
  • Such programs need to be configured manually. You are responsible for turning on the System Volume Information folder, which indicates the saving of the update point, when turning off such programs. It is not possible to create an update point on disks with file systems. These file systems do not support the creation of shadow copies, which store information about changes in system and official files. Windows 7 vikoryst for creating the point of updating shadow copies.
  • Marvel at Computer management->Services where the Windows Backup service is enabled, as well as the service

Dark copy

, which indicates the creation point of renewal.
If you use a laptop or netbook, your update points will not open when the charging device is plugged in. When the battery is running low, you can turn this option on Planuvalnik zavdan . Start->Viconati->taskschd.msc.

Open the evil eye of the Planner Library\Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore, then go to the authority point SR. The Trigger tab provides the layout of the created update point, which you can customize for yourself...

In the Umovi tab, tap the item

Start only with live power supply

And your laptop will create update points regardless of the connections you make until you live.

Uncheck the box there

Start the task when the computer is idle

and the laptop create a renewal point without worrying about the 10th minute.

Updating system files and settings.

Updating the system may cause problems that increase or block the operation of the computer.

The updated system will not touch your documents or display other special data.

Recently installed programs and drivers may be uninstalled.

I will update my computer as soon as possible.

Here we select the update point where you can recover.

I have several points to update.

Update points are created automatically before installing an update, as well as before installing programs.

You can also create a refresh point manually.

I selected the update point, which was created on 03/23/2015 at 17:47 and was created before installing iTunes.

Select the point where you want to set up your computer.

Once things have changed, the computer will be re-engineered.

First, continue, save all open files and close all programs.

Onslaught, ready.

It will be impossible to interrupt the renewal of the system once it has been started.

Will you continue to live?

The system update can only be completed after the process is completed.

If the system update is installed in Safe Mode or from the System Update Options menu, this cannot be accessed.

  • Pressing So. Preparations for the system upgrade begin.
  • After reinstalling the computer, the system will be updated to its previous state. The documents of the correspondents are not updated.

2. Deleting all data and installing Windows.

If there is absolutely nothing to do and you decided to simply reinstall Windows and delete all files from the disk, then you will have the option of reinstalling Windows again.

At any time, OS Windows 7, 10 or 8 versions may experience troubleshooting songs and problems.

As a result of such failures, restarting the operation in operating mode becomes impossible.

In this case, it is not obligatory to laboriously reinstall the OS.

  1. It is enough to upgrade the system.
  2. OS update with the latest updates
  3. Here's a simple scheme of action:
  4. We re-lock the computer, press the F8 key at the hour of locking; Correction of malfunctions; Updating the system; select OS update point; Correction of malfunctions;;
  5. Clickmo "Dali" and again

Pressing the button


, you can choose to re-enable the system (in the Menu, select re-enable with the remaining configuration removed).

  • Windows 7 update
  • There are a number of ways that you can use to update the OS.
  • All of them are processed on the rollout until the parameters are saved.
  • Others simply clear the data.
  • You can cancel the "reanimation" of the OS in one of the following ways:

for help in choosing a point of renewal;

  1. for additional help, the command line vikoristanya; for additional help in the careless regime;;
  2. from the stagnation of the middle of renewal;;
  3. Correction of malfunctions;;
  4. from the vicarious image/vantage disk.;
  5. "Dali".

Renewing the operating system from the obtained system “reanimation” control points is one of the most accessible, effective and popular options.

To get it stuck, you need to make a series of clicks: for additional help in the careless regime; - from the stagnation of the middle of renewal; Panel


"System Upgrade"

"Select update point"

Another way is possible.

Leave the My Computer folder.

Find the System Protection row by clicking on it to open the same dialog window.
Click the Update – Continue button.

Sets a check date, indicating the disks that support the correction and confirmation of the action.

After restarting the PC, it can work normally.

Without update points

You can fix problems with the OS without an update point.

For this you need to access the LiveCD program. for additional help in the careless regime; You need to download it and write it to a flash drive with extensions. Correction of malfunctions; From now on, all data will be stored in the BIOS. Correction of malfunctions; It is necessary to adjust the connection from the flash drive.

To do this, in the Boot section, select USB-HDD in the First boot device row. for additional help in the careless regime; Before printing the update, copy all required files to a separate disk. The LiveCD program transfers a special menu for this purpose. We can fix the system fix, vikorist and archive copy.

Connect the flash drive, open the Windows\System32\config\ folder.

Files named default, sam, security, software, system need to be moved to some other folder.

  1. At this point, we transfer similar files from the RegBack folder and restart the computer. Descriptions of the method will only help if the problem is related to the registry. Command line Before “reanimating” Windows 7, you can go from the command row if the PC becomes frozen or starts to work completely, and the system becomes stuck.;
  2. Go to menu;
  3. Then use the right mouse button to launch the command row as administrator. Go to menu Enter the command rstrui.exe to open the system update program.
  4. Correction of malfunctions;;
  5. Press
  6. Indicates the system disks that are being updated;
  7. We confirm the operation and restart the system.

Update of Windows 7 with additional safe mode

This method gives advantage to the situation, since the primary attraction of the system is impossible. Then, after pressing the PC power button on the system unit, press the F8 key to click"Startup menu" . One of the "Menu" options is

"Safe Mode"

. Select it and press Enter on the keyboard. As only Windows get used to it, we follow the algorithm of action that was described earlier. Windows 8/8.1 system update Once you have managed to start the OS, you can update Windows 8 through "Parameter".

  1. Place the cursor on the top right corner and enter them..
  2. Click on.
  3. "Changing computer settings".



  • "Renewal";
  • defines a number of options:;
  • "Extremely updated from saving information"“I saw the data and reinstalled the OS”

"Special option" Consider what you need to earn. Next, follow the menu prompts. "Renewal" If you choose the other method, click on the diagnostic item in the window. Correction of malfunctions; You will be presented with the following options: "Renew"“Turn at the exit camp” "Dali".

"Additional parameters"

. for additional help in the careless regime; - This item includes the ability to roll back the desired update point. - To upgrade Windows 8.1, press Win+R and select sysdm.cpl. At the beginning of the authorities of the system at the deposit "Zakhist" indicate the required system drive.



  1. Having pressed Select it and press Enter on the keyboard.;
  2. , You can view the list of points in the catalog.;
  3. Select a banana and press - "Parameter";
  4. “Look for a program to see what’s going on”.

If you cannot log into the system in an emergency way, you must quickly remove the disk from the system. from the stagnation of the middle of renewal; We are preserving the installation disk, selecting ., і Pressing the button.


"Renew" Go to menu Windows 10 update "Renewal"Correction of malfunctions; If problems occur with Windows 10, press Windows + Pause. Correction of malfunctions; Go to "Dali" and press

. Select the required display and click again."Parameter"After completing the action, press. The computer will be automatically reset and changes will be restored.

One of the advantages of the “tens” is the ability to return the settings to factory settings.

This helps eliminate the need to install the system right away.

To send your details, go to "Computer settings"“Updates and safety” "Turn the computer to the exit side".


"Get started."

  1. for additional help in the careless regime; - You can immediately ask about the possibility of withdrawing in case of failure. You can create update points yourself or set them to automatically generate at the desired frequency. To do this, select Archiving Options in the Updates and Security items.;
  2. Select where to save copies and click Add disk. "Parameter" After selecting the device, the function will be activated. You can update Windows 10 again through a different update point.;
  3. In this case, the system will be rolled out until the moment when it was installed without interruption and worked without failures.

This method of updating is described in the article.

If the OS is not used, then a table with a button appears on the screen in front of the

"Additional upgrade options"


Don’t hear the superlatives about those that are better for Windows 10 or Windows 7. Such a phenomenon is not unique.

Retailers from Microsoft say, more simply, that nothing is known about Windows 10, and the evidence from the buyers seems to be a surprise, saying that the most reliable system is not Windows 7 at the same time.

Computer freezing is an unacceptable problem.

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