How to run a flash drive on the old bios. Instructions for updating the BIOS from a flash drive. Changing the priorities of avant-garde outbuildings - practical applications

Golovna / Zahist

To complete the task of servicing the computer, you need to create a flash drive. You may need to flash an updated BIOS version or install an operating system.

Use impersonal methods and other utilities for creating an exciting flash drive. But the most common methods are foldable and not succesful for koristuvach-pochatkіvtsya (otherwise, it requires a sprinkling of various utilities).

But there are even simpler ways. One of them is to tweak the rufus utility to create an exciting flash drive.

Rufus is a miniature, but also a swedish and functional program. With help, you can also create a flash drive with the necessary operating system to install or technical maintenance.

The creation of an exciting DOS flash drive for the help of the RUFUS program

Let's take a look at the option of creating a flash drive with a DOS system - for installing the firmware of all BIOS versions on the computer's motherboard.

For whom it is necessary to take advantage of the program itself

then insert a USB-portable (flash drive), as it is necessary to make an advance. Other USB-carriers must be switched on for an hour of firmware.

If you want to run it with the rights of the Administrator (because the utility is formatted, then you need to expand the rights)

You need to install the program settings like this:

  • on the "Pristry" tab it is necessary to select from the list of required USB-portables.
  • "Scheme for partitioning the type of system interface" you need to set the value "MBR for computers with BIOS and UEFI"
  • "File system" must be set to "FAT32"
  • on the "New volume label" tab, you can set your own name for the exciting flash drive
  • Obov'yazkovo vinnі buti checkboxes are set in front of the value "Shvidke formatting" and "Create an exciting disk"
  • in order with the item "Create an exciting disk" tediously select from the list of FreeDOS values

To complete the formatting, you need to press the "Start" button

Operating systems accumulate non-essential files of a part of remote programs over an hour. Blame the need to re-install Windows or another OS. Most of today's laptops (and some other stationary computers) don't work on CD-ROM anymore, so you need to know how to run a flash drive through BIOS, set the startup priority.

Bios update for flash drives

The leather of the current coristuvach of the PC is guilty of the nobility, how to put a flash drive into BIOS. This is connected with step-by-step vision of disks and sturdiness of corystuvannya with sizable accumulators. It's easier to copy the distribution kit (installer) of the system on the nose and install it. The only folding, with which everyone sticks, whoever installed the OS from the accumulator, is the correct setting of the BIOS. Change the priority of the drive to start the computer in order to read the data from the memory, and then start the files from the hard drive.

Deyakі Vlasniki PC sticking with the problem that BIOS does not zachit zavantazhuvalnu USB flash drive. To avoid these situations, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Nakopichuvach is guilty of using USB until the PC starts up.
  2. Move your nose to nest 2.0, because the 7th version of the OS does not have drivers for input 3.0.
  3. Sometimes in BIOS there is no attraction from a flash drive only to the one that includes a USB controller (Award version). You need to enable it in the Integrated Peripherals/Advanced Chipset Features. Perekonaytes, scho opposite the row is the word Enabled.

Downloading from flash drives in Award Bios

Smart laptops (Lenovo, Asus, Sony, HP) can install different BIOS versions on the device. Point the butt below, how to put in the Bios the flash drive version of the Award version:

  1. Reboot the computer, press the Del or F2 button, the blue screen will not appear.
  2. Go to Advanced BIOS Features.
  3. As soon as the option is called First Boot Device, then click on it and switch to a different OS.
  4. For newer versions of the system firmware, there is an additional menu section called Boot Seq & Floppy Setup. In the middle of a new reset, set the priority of the storage device to the First Boot Device.
  5. Another outbuilding is to install a hard drive. Tse need to be at the installation process, so that it does not start on the stake.
  6. For the help of the Esc key, go to the main menu, go to Save & Exit Setup. Confirm saving changes.

How to get from flash drives in AMI BIOS

Do not forget about those who can be inserted into the nest far behind. Below is an instruction on how to put in BIOS AMI the capture from a flash drive:

  • go to the settings for the help of the Del button (press the first hour of the splash screen, the BIOS will not show up);
  • vikoristovuyuchi arrows, you need to choose a split Boot;
  • go to the Hard Disk Drives menu, then click the entry on the 1st Drive row;
  • in the list, enter the name of your accumulator from the OS, press Enter.
  • go to the section Boot device priority;
  • enter the menu First boot device through pressing Enter;
  • set up a new winter nose;
  • See at the top menu, select Exit saving changes or Save changes and exit, confirm the date of the change.

How to put flash drives on Phoenix-Award Bios

There is one more version of the global upgrades. Below is an option, how to put a flash drive into BIOS Phoenix. This option is simplified more, but the principle remains the same: it is necessary to recognize the priority of the acquisition, so that the program launches the OS installer. To go to the settings, press Del or F2, then:

  1. Reverse that USB port is mentioned. Go to Peripherals and next to the USB 2.0 Controller row, the language may be the word Enabled.
  2. After you go to the Advanced tab, there, next to the First Boot Device row, set the USB-HDD value.
  3. Exit settings from savings via Save & Exit Setup.

How to get windows from a flash drive to EFI (UEFI) Bios

The remaining versions of Windows demonstrate the simplest and most intuitively sensible option, how to capture BIOS from USB flash drives. As in the previous firmware, the menu looked like a great list, in which it was necessary to add arrows on the keyboard for manipulation, the new UEFI interface includes graphic elements, supporting the selection of bears. For different models of laptops, the transition is required for additional special buttons, for example:

  • HP - back to back ESC, that is F10;
  • Asus - Del, potim F2.

Deyakі koristuvachі Windows 8 vyznachayut, scho vinikayut problems with the transition from the BIOS version of the UEFI. To solve the problem, please use one of the following options:

  1. Log in to the PC settings through the keruvannya panel, select the partition with live settings. Here you need to turn on the Fast Boot mode.
  2. Restart the computer and press to go to the BIOS button, as indicated on the start screen.
  3. To restart Win 8, press the Shift+Restart keys. From the After Restart menu, select the Troubleshoot item. Go to “Advanced options”. Here you need to click UEFI Firmware Settings: you will be redirected to UEFI immediately after restarting the PC.

There are two ways to launch a storage device through a new BIOS. Do not forget that after reinstalling the OS, you will need to drop the priority of the advancement to the cob look (so that the hard drive will be taken on the cob). The graphical global customization is better understood, be it a coristuvach you can look at the branches. To prioritize the accumulator, there are two simplest options:

  1. Go to the Boot Priority menu, the PIN is at the bottom of the screen. Drag the image of a significant accumulator to the first position, the deputy of the hard drive and let it go.
  2. Press the Exit/Advanced mode button, confirm the year to go to advanced options. Here everything follows the old scheme: it is necessary to click on the Boot Option Priorities item in the Boot distribution. In the Boot Option #1 row, select the last storage device. Save and see out of the nashtuvan.

Video: how to update BIOS on Asus laptops

Did you know a pardon from the text? See it, press Ctrl+Enter and we'll fix everything!

All the best!

One of the most important power supplies during Windows installation: "Why doesn't the computer (BIOS) boot up my flash drive?". Obviously, I have repeatedly pointed to the new one, and more than once I have made my recommendations on the blouse. Now, vyrivishiv zіbrati all їх together at tsіy one statti.

I’ll tell you once again that a computer (laptop) has pumped your flash drive (about those how to create correctly її) - it is necessary to update the BIOS (UEFI) with a necessary order. If you don’t work something, then the skils wouldn’t fight, you won’t see anything.

In the article I will show on the application how many versions of the BIOS (UEFI), how to correctly check. I think the note will be more appropriate for those who do not install the system so often.

Maybe, the article is almost necessary not to fix the BIOS, but rather, how to get it up to date 👀... This is far from being so obvious and just for an informed coristuvach.

Vzagali, everything starts up (sound) until the moment when the computer / laptop is turned on, until the first logo appears when zawantazhenni, press the special. key (shorter than a sprig of times). If you have pressed the correct key - try to tweak the BIOS for a while.

Best The widest buttons to enter the BIOS: F2, Esc, Del. If you have a laptop, then you can press them all at once with the Fn button (for example, Fn + F2). Tse lie in the form of nalashtuvan keyboard in the same BIOS.

The main foldability lies in the fact that there is no single button to enter the BIOS! At the skin virobnik - you can have your own special. keys (Individual, tse l_ combinations of 3-4 buttons!).

Below, I will point out a few options, how you can enter the BIOS and I will give you the help on the statistics, so you can recognize the safe keys.

Option number 1

Assuming you have Windows 8/10 installed on your computer, you can go ahead and go to the BIOS through the OS interface. It's easy to fight to do it, div. instructions, written on the yak below.


How to enter UEFI (BIOS) from the Windows 8, 10 interface (without using the special keys F2, Del and in.) -

Option number 2

To recognize the key to enter the BIOS - you can speed up the documentation (as it was at the same time as your add-on when buying), or special. tables and specifications (there are plenty of them on the Internet).

I also have a copy of the table and instructions on my blog, maybe you can get it there.


1) how to get to BIOS or UEFI (instruction) -

2) tables with buttons for entering the BIOS / Boot Menu for various PCs -

Option number 3

Return respect to the first screen, which appears immediately after restarting the computer (to turn on the first screen - reset the computer itself, and not increase it ...).

If you can't reach the "first" screen (or read the information on the new one) - press the key Pause (break).

As soon as you hit it, then the screen will "freeze" and check your offensive onslaught (so you can read everything and look around).

The screenshot below shows the AMI BIOS welcome screen: F2 or Del- all buttons to enter BIOS settings (English mine: to run Setup).

AMI BIOS: F2 key - enter BIOS setup.

Option 4

On some laptops, there are specials. buttons to enter the BIOS (the stink sounds of a small rozmіru, and roztashovuyutsya or instruct from the button on, or instruct from the socket of life).

Hit them with a pen (or an olive), if the laptop is weak. After pressing on it, you will notice and you will be presented with an interesting menu (from which you can go to the BIOS).

Zavantage menu / Lenovo (like a butt)

Fundamentals of robotics

Note: for those who already want to know a little about the BIOS hacks - you can skip this section of the article.

Keyboard keys

The BIOS has a chance to fix it and set it up without the help of a bear (Bagatyokh koristuvachіv-pochatkіvtsіv tse lyakaє. Before the speech, in UEFI the support of the Russian movie and bear is implemented).

Really, navit at Windows (de misha pratsyuє) - richer and richer work more for the help of the keyboard!

Control buttons (Rіznitsya hoch i є, ale ring, not istotna). One more detail: the right-hander or at the bottom in the BIOS is a hint: they have all the main keys of the key (div. photo below).

Keys keruvannya (AMI BIOS)

Main keys:

  • F1 - call for help (I will help);
  • Arrows ← і → - vibіr rozdіlu nalashtuvan (for example, Boot, Advanced and іn.);
  • Arrows i - select a specific parameter in the required distribution;
  • + ta - - change of adjustment (improvement / change);
  • F10 - Save the BIOS setup and exit (you can press it, trying to change the BIOS);
  • ESC - exit;
  • Enter - set (confirm) the selection of the parameter / or else open the parameter or the parameter for the lower setting (in a bold voice, one of the main keys).

Zagalom, knowing a dozen buttons - you can change all BIOS settings.

Save money

You can change whether or not the settings are in the BIOS, but only after save and reset the attachment (before speech, the computer/laptop is automatically reset after exiting the BIOS).

  1. Press key F10- for more versions of the BIOS, it means to save the upgrade and re-adaptation of attachments;
  2. Go to distribution exit ta push on Save Changes and Exit(Save the last line and leave, butt of the testimony on the screenshot below - arrows 1 and 2).

Before speech, you can enter the BIOS without saving the settings - for which one choose the section exit option Discard Changes and Exit (remove the lashing and leave / do not save the lashing, leave).

You can also get out of the BIOS by simply rebooting the computer (if you want, it’s not recommended to work like this...).

Skidadnya nalashtuvan at the optimal

If you changed the settings in the BIOS and the computer stopped zavantazhuvatisya (or, for example, missing the sound) - well, or you just turned everything back like it was - you know that in the BIOS there is a special function for switching off. Tobto. This function will turn everything back to default (to make it all for the mind, so, like it was when buying).

You can throw off the lashing with two ways:

  1. press the button F9(true, not applicable for all BIOS versions);
  2. go to the distribution exit, then press on Load BIOS Defaults(Div. screenshot below).

Skip data on default - AMI BIOS

Until the speech, after that, how to take advantage of the default setting, it is necessary to save them by pressing on F10 (About the tse - div. Trochs are higher in the article).

For different versions of the BIOS - naming the drop-off point can be changed a little. For example, on the screen below the testimony exit on a Dell laptop - here you need to click on Restore Defaults, and then save the tinctures - Save Changes and Reset. After the re-advancement, I will build the wines, and I will work with the upgrades for the locks.

Parameter reset per lock // Dell laptop // Restore Defaults

Custom BIOS for flash/disk capture

Let's move on to the worst. I'll take a look at the updated BIOS on the example of one of the most popular BIOS versions - AMI BIOSі Award BIOS(In principle, it’s a smut to understand the sense - it’s all the same to fight in the same way, there is little discretion in the menu).


For the cob it is necessary to go to the distribution Advanced(expanded, div. arrow 1 on the screen below), give the required input USB configuration. Let's turn it over so that the USB ports are turned on Enabled)!

Rechecking USB ports - is it enabled?

  1. 1st Boot Device - CD / DVD ... (meaning that the first boot device, from which PC you will try to boot - is a CD / DVD drive. If there is no boot / installation disk in the new, then the computer will try to boot from 2nd Boot Device );
  2. 2nd Boot Device - SATA: 5M-WDC WD5000(Hard disk of the computer. Windows is installed on the new one, so you won’t get it yourself, as there will be no disk in the CD / DVD drive).

Naturally, what kind of zavantazhennya for such a devil - a computer will not be zavantazhuvatis from a flash drive!

Yak bulo and yak can booty for flash drives // AMI BIOS

In order for the BIOS to wake up your flash drive, you need to change the line of interest on the foot:

  1. USB: Generic USB SD;
  2. CD/DVD: 6M-TSST;
  3. SATA: 5M WDC WD5000.

In this case, the BIOS should be read from the USB port of the USB flash drive, then the CD / DVD drive, and then from the hard drive. The most, the most optimal option.

Award BIOS

In principle, wines vary in the same way, there is little difference in the menu. So, after entering the BIOS, I recommend that you open it again Standard CMOS Features.

Please specify which USB port (attachment) is upgraded. Just turn it around, so that it’s in a row, where “USB” is supposed to be - it’s bulo (the butt is on the screenshot below).

USB ports: what is the solution? Practice!

  1. First Boot Device - USB-HDD (The best choice for flash drives is USB-HDD. In bad cases, if the BIOS does not rapt your flash drive, try USB-FDD) ;
  2. Second Boot Device (another interesting accessory) - Hard Disk (hard drive).

Laptop BIOS setup

Vikonuetsya so, like for a computer. It's true, there may be some "serious" intelligibility in some models, but in general everything is identical.

Notebooks for customization have a BOOT extension. Vіdkrivshi yogo - you have access to all the parameters of interest.

I will bring a universal option of parameters, which is the most victorious (On the butt of a Dell Inspiron 3000 series laptop):

  • Secure Boot - (enabled hijacking mode. Support more new versions of Windows 8, 10, and richer versions of the OS, or vikoristovuyut 7-ku ...);
  • - (Shvidka zavantazhennya - in more vipadkiv, not too bad and quick ...)
  • 1st Boot Priority - the first advanced attachment (USB-portable);
  • 2nd Boot Priority is another exciting addition (hard drive).

For other models of laptops, the BIOS update is carried out in a similar way, the menu and the update are similar, or they are avoided.

A couple of words about UEFI

On modern computers and laptops, the BIOS overrides UEFI. Introducing a more expanded and extended version of the BIOS: for example, in it you can use a bear, often Russification of the menu and in. As part of this article, I’ll say that in terms of editing the distribution of Boot - everything is the same here.

For example, in the photo below there is a smut UEFI window on an Asus laptop, which seems to be right after the entrance to the new one. To open the menu expansion and know the partition Boot - turn respect to the lower part of the window: press the key F7 (because we call to press F8- and once again, rozpochat z flash drives).

In the extensions of the extensions in the Boot extension, everything works in the same way as in the "stunned" BIOS: you need a USB flash drive (in my viewport "jetFlashTranscend 16 GB") just put it on the first place, and then save the stitching (key F10) .

Download from a flash drive / disk for help Boot Menu

How about changing the hack in the BIOS, if you can get hacked from a flash drive by pressing one button?

Go about the Boot Menu - an exciting menu, at the Russian translation. If you want to click on the menu, you can choose what to choose for your computer / laptop: from a hard disk, CD / DVD, from a flash drive, from an SD card, and so on.

The button for the Boot Menu prompt will sound on the first screen, as you see it, after being notified. An example in the photo below:

  1. F2 or Del - input at BIOS setup;
  2. F11 - Wick-click Boot Menu.

By clicking on the Boot Menu, you will have all the attachments in front of you, from which you can get involved. The butt is in the photo below: you can get it from a hard disk, a flash drive and a CD / DVD drive.

Why the BIOS is not taken from a flash drive / disk

1) Enable USB controller in BIOS

Almost all BIOS versions have the option to enable USB ports. As you can imagine, if the stink is removed, then you will not be able to get involved with USB-carrying. Turn over, turn on the stench (or throw off the default settings) - the troch is higher in the article, I suggested, how to be afraid.

2) Incorrectly recorded flash drive

Often, it may be recorded incorrectly due to incorrect software installations. (In yakіy vy її recorded), or a "broken" ISO image from the system. I recommend to read this article:

3) After rebooting the computer, the installation starts back up

To finish milk often is such a situation. We inserted a USB flash drive, the computer started up and the installation started, then we rebooted, and the installation started again. And so by the stake ...

For whomever you want, just win the flash drive and reboot the computer. Vіn zavantazhitsya from the hard drive (Where did you copy the installation files from the flash drive)- and the restoration will continue (and not start again).

4) USB 3.0 and USB 2.0

At the same time on current PCs / laptops, a few USB ports: USB 3.0 (USB 3.1) and USB 2.0 (USB 3.0 - indicated by a black color). "Old" Windows OS does not support USB 3.0, so if you have "invisibility" flash drives, I recommend trying to install the OS from the USB 2.0 port.

Illustrative stock: USB 2.0 and USB3.0

5) USB-HDD, USB-FDD etc.

In the BIOS, when the bug is set, it is necessary to select the USB-HDD, but in some BIOS settings, do not download the USB flash drive. Try to change USB-HDD to USB-FDD.

6) Pardon "Reboot and Select property Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key"

Blame often, as you have connections, for example, a disk (floppy disk) to the computer, for which there are no interesting records. Just use it to turn off your nose, except for the one from which the installation is being transferred (for example, USB flash drives).

Instruction! Execution of pardon "reboot and select proper..." -

7) Turn off the computer's all add. possession

It is also recommended to connect the computer to another monitor, printers, scanners, etc. On the right, when installing Windows, you can create additional problems. For example, I have a feeling that Windows incorrectly labeled the monitor for locking and "directed" the image to a different monitor, which is the same (and I've got a "black" screen...).

8) Enable Legacy Mode

In the Boot distribution, you need to change the EFI (UEFI) capture mode to Legacy (yes, yes). From this drive, giving a higher recommendation. On the right, not all Windows support the "new" chip (before that, it is necessary to correctly burn the USB flash drive for this installation mode).

9) Disable Secure Boot

The BIOS has a separate Boot (sound) є Secure Boot option - also enable її, transfer to Disable / Disabled (that's it).

10) Enable Launch CSM

Change the Launch CSM mode in the BIOS for the Boot extension to Enable.

To install the operating system on the computer, you need to install it on the drive from a flash drive or a disk. Therefore, in today's article, we can see for you how to install BIOS from a flash drive. You need to work to start installing Windows. If you just insert a captivating flash drive from the system, then nothing will happen. You are more interested in the old OS. If you still haven’t taken advantage of the latest version of the operating system, read the article - Yak. Let's proceed now without interruption to the very process of fixing.

After rebooting the computer, do not need to go to the BIOS of the motherboard to upgrade. For the cob, try to speed up the Boot Menu. For this, before it, as soon as the system is taken up, it is necessary to press the F8 key, and then it may appear in a special window with a list (entry menu) of connected disks. For this menu, it is necessary to select our flash drive from the one recorded on the new OS.

It is the fault of someone else, and the copy of the installation files on the hard drive itself. After the computer resets itself, the Windows installation will start right from the hard drive.

For some reason, you can’t enter the capture menu, then it’s better to figure out how to install the capture from a flash drive in BIOS. Ale, for the cob, I want to briefly tell you what the BIOS is like.

BIOS (basic input / output system - “basic input-output system”)- a special set of built-in software, such as realizing the interface of programming add-ons, the necessary work with computer components and attached to the new extensions.

In order to get into the BIOS setup, it is necessary to press the Delete button or F2, or else, if necessary, when the computer is occupied. On the monitor, you will see the logo of the motherboard reader or information about the processor, memory and hard disks. With this, at the bottom of the screen, it will be written similarly:

  • "Press Del to Enter Setup"
  • "Press F2 for Settings" or similar.

After pressing on one of the buttons, you are to blame for adjusting the BIOS. It is possible to change the software for the basic system of input and output. Let's take a look at the most popular options, and also try them out for getting from a flash drive.

Since AMI BIOS is installed on your board, then in order to install the blackness of the disk drive, we need to use the following steps:

Get respect! The flash drive needs to be plugged in before you enter the BIOS, otherwise it won't work for you.

If your motherboard has an AWARD or a Phoenix BIOS, then in order to upgrade Windows from a flash drive, you need to do the following:

On a lot of modern laptops, BIOS installations InsydeH2O and a lot of people are stuck with the problem of installing a hard disk drive. Let's take a look at this problem together. Vikonuvatimemo everything for the points, so as not to have mercy.

Get respect! If you need to install a drive from a CD or a DVD, then at the first place you need to check the item "Internal Optic Disc Drive"

  1. After typing, go to the Exit menu section and select the Save and Exit Setup item, by the same token, we will save the changes and exit the BIOS.

In this hour, a lot of motherboard hackers install a replacement for the flash BIOS, UEFI software, as well as a graphic interface, as well as support for managing the mouse and a Russified menu. Tim himself makes it easier to check the task for us, as in the BIOS, put the flash drives from the flash drive.

As if you were lucky, and after entering the BIOS, you see that the graphical interface is in front of you, you need to go to the advanced settings by pressing the "F7" key or the button in the head window. At the menu that appeared, it is necessary to go to the tab "Advantage" and in the item "Darkness of the disk drive" on the first place, insert our flash drive.

After the last change, press the F10 key and select the item Save settings and reset the computer.

Let's bring the bags.

In today's article, we have looked at you, how to install BIOS from a flash drive. At the same time, I tried to show as clearly as possible how to work in different versions of the BIOS. As a rule, all the adjustments are made to the point where you can install the first one in a flash, capture a flash drive or a disk from the system. Difficulties are blamed on rich coristuvachs, because the interface is English. Ale, like a bachite, retailers can do everything, to adapt the BIOS for all coristuvachiv. Tse good can be seen in the new UEFI software.

Winickly bugs in Windows robots, and your computer doesn't want to get involved? Viruses have been hit again and you want to speed up with a third-party disk to recheck that system? In these cases, you may be tempted to use a USB flash drive or a CD / DVD drive. Ale, for the cob, it is necessary to “tell” about the bios. Our article is about how to put a flash drive / disk drive into the BIOS settings of a desktop computer and a laptop.

Why not go out quickly to update the bios

You can't start the update, you can quickly install the updated BIOS and install Windows from a USB flash drive / disk on a new desktop computer or laptop. What are the reasons?

Reason number 1: there is an unknown bios on the computer

There are three types of BIOS that are most widely used today:

  • Award BIOS as a selection Award (old version) and Phoenix Technologies;
  • AMI BIOS or simply AMI from American Megatrends;
  • UEFI is a new modern BIOS from Intel.

When the computer is turned on, turn your attention to the left upper corner of the screen. There, chirp "represented" by the BIOS. Depending on the firmware version, the BIOS interface of the same virobnik can look different.

Reason number 2: it is impossible to go to the bios menu

You can't use the BIOS entry menu for additional primary keys - turn your attention to prompts at the bottom of the screen. If you have different prompts, as well as the same, try pressing the keys Esc, Del, F2. The stench is the most victorious for entering the AMI and Award BIOS. We will talk about the specifics of robots with UEFI later.

Reason number 3: bios "do not flush" the flash drive

  1. The flash drive must be plugged in to the beginning of the start or the computer is restarted (you can immediately before it, as you will turn on the PC).
  2. Connect the device more quickly to the USB 2.0 port, the windows in the Windows 7 installer include USB 3.0 drivers.
  3. It is necessary to check whether the USB controller (split Integrated Peripherals / Advanced Chipset Features award BIOS).

Nalashtuvannia Award

  • The BIOS calls for the help key Del or F2.
  • We know in the menu the item that we choose yoga.

  • Possibly, your window will look different than on our screenshot. Also, on your computer with the latest Award BIOS firmware and the First Boot Device setup, you need to go for the additional Boot Seq & Floppy Setup options.
  • After installing a flash drive (USB-FDD) or a disk (CDROM), as the first attachment, a hard drive (HDD) is installed with another exciting device (Second Boot Device).
  • This item is less likely to be used if you choose USB-FDD. Go to the Hard Disk Boot Priority parameter and transfer our usb flash drive to the first place in the list for the additional keys +/-/ Page Up/ Page Down.
  • We complete the process of setting the rotation at the main menu (Esc key), by selecting the Save & Exit Setup item and pressing the Enter key.

Setting up AMI on a desktop computer

  • AMI BIOS calls for the help key Del and through the Boot tab go to the Boot Device Priority window.

  • We install a flash drive / disk like 1st Boot Device and turn it on the main menu (Esc key).
  • Go to the Exit tab and select the Exit & Save Changes item.
  • This tab has the Load Setup Defaults item, which allows you to turn the bios settings behind lock.

Installing AMI on a laptop

The acquisition of a flash drive / disk drive on laptops is still the same, lower on stationary computers. Let's take a look at the AMI BIOS setup on the laptop.

  • Call bios with the F2 key and go to the already known Boot tab.
  • To get from the disk, go to the Boot Priority section, set Select 1st Boot Priority for the Internal Optical Disc Drive (disk).
  • For booting from a flash drive, you can turn on booting from an external device by setting the External Device Boot parameter in the Boot Configuration section to the value Enabled , then in the Boot Priority section, set Select 1st Boot Priority for External Device (flash drive).
  • Turn to the main menu (Esc key).
  • Go to the Exit tab, select the Exit Setup item and confirm to power "Save configuration & reset?".

UEFI setup

UEFI can have a graphical interface and support a different mouse. It’s easier to get the bios done, lower the new one to drink. For example, in the menu of the HP laptop, we press the Esc keys and then press the F10 key to go to the Bios Setup section. And the Asus Vlasniks will have to speed up with the Del and F2 keys.

For Windows 8 owners who couldn't get to UEFI, we have two options.

  1. We go into the setting of the computer through the control panel, and we know the mode of setting the power supply. Change the mode of fast boot (Fast Boot) and restart the computer. Hints at the bottom row of the screen will help solve the problem.
  2. Press Shift+Restart to restart Windows 8. At the Windows 8 menu, as shown after restarting, select Troubleshoot, then Advanced options. Press the UEFI Firmware Settings button and go to UEFI after restarting the computer.

And now there are two options that allow you to install UEFI to boot from a flash drive / disk.

  1. In the Boot Priority section, which is located in the lower part of the screen, we drag the icon from the images of the flash drive / disk on the first place with a bear.
  2. We press the Exit/Advanced mode button, confirm that the extensions have changed the mode by selecting the Advanced Mode item and it will be set.

Come on, now you can capture Windows from a usb flash drive/disk, navigate to the BIOS interface of your computer, three or three of the interfaces described in this article. Aje smut - understand the very principle of customizing the BIOS.

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