The Wi-Fi button cira i is not active - what happened to the iPhone? Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone: it does not work or it disappears Ios 7 wifi does not work

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

Connecting to Wi-Fi is such a necessary function for a daily phone, like setting up calls or overpowering SMS. Leather jacket iPhone sooner or later stumbles upon a problem, if its function for any reason is necessary. This article was asked to explain more clearly why Wi-Fi is not available on the iPhone and how to fight it.

Problems with Wi-Fi on the iPhone can manifest themselves in different ways: the phone may not work, or it may not connect. Sometimes the function icon itself in the parameters will not work.

Sounds to see two groups of miscarriages:

  1. Apparatni - everything that is connected with the mechanical failures of the iPhone, the modifications of the modules and the factory hatch.
  2. Software - incorrect operation of the iOS operating system or other software.

The type of breakdown is easy to recognize, as the Wi-Fi stopped working after the fact that the phone was near the water, falling and overheating - this is a hardware failure. From the other side, remember, for example, a short hum for an hour of charging is practically impossible.

Even if the cause of the malfunction is not obvious, do not hesitate to return to the service center, and they will help you with the failure of the module. And most of all, the gadget can be repaired at home. There are a few simple ways to fix the wrong with your own hands.

Upgradable iOS

It often happens that the software security robot is incorrectly in trouble. Firmware is especially valuable. More pardons due to cim, retailers to fix new versions of iOS, the first thing you need to do is upgrade the operating system to the rest of the version.

It is worth doing an easy process and with a great ability to solve problems with Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi discount

Retailers recommend that you also try to throw off all the settings, see the access points and passwords to them. You need to work through the standard iOS configuration menu, through the “General” menu. Then, you need to select "Reset" (Reset) and already there - "Reset network settings" (Reset Network Settings). Your password may be entered as an Apple ID.

After the download, the password settings will be deleted, including passwords and saved addresses. If you are connected to a cordless lace, if you don’t like it, you can shove zaps in another area. Іsnuє sche kіlka easy methods vіdnovlennya zv'yazku.

Reconnect to the next Wi-Fi

Among the most possible ways to enable a Wi-Fi robot on a smartphone is reconnection. For whom it is necessary to go into the Wi-Fi configuration, select an access point, until which gadget you do not want to connect, and then set the command "Forget the measure", after which you will send a search for a distribution point. The report is more familiar with the problem of knowing the measure, moving on.

It does not help to manipulate the configurations of the wireless connection, it is a hard reset sensor. Tse turn to the factory all configuration phone. Zrobiti tse can be one-hour zatiskannyam keys "Home" and "Power". After such a drop, all the adjustments to the coristuvacha and the programs will be deleted.

As a rule, the re-engagement of a smartphone is “rejoicing” with more Wi-Fi pardons. It is the best thing that a koristuvach can build independently, like a bug in the iOs operating system.

Breakdown of hardware components

The most serious problems with the hardware part. The failure of the internal components of the gadget is a common cause of problems connecting to the Internet. A robust phone is not recommended on its own, especially if the Wi-Fi module is defective. Ale, if you get through overheating, or through the water, you can try to use yoga for the help of a hair dryer.

Who needs:

  • Remove the back cover (for model 4) or the screen module (for iPhone 5 series and above). For whom do you need a Pentalobe twist - “zirochka”. The best option is a special spin for iPhones.
  • Know the module. To know wine under a metal cover, as it is also necessary to take it. Then we need to unscrew the screw, which fixes the antenna and wiggle the module with the utmost care. Report about the roztashuvannya and the latest process, remember to marvel at the video, at the bottom of the article.
  • Gently warm yoga with a hair dryer. Hotter it will be hotter (trochs hotter for room temperature) you can only eat some things, but if you don’t “beat” it, you can’t beat it in one place. The procedure takes three more than two quills.
  • It is necessary to take the attachments back only after the full payment.

Prior to the procedure, follow carefully. Zavzhdi rizik critically damage the components of the smartphone.

Problem with router

For the sake of not helping, it is possible that the router itself is incorrectly working. It's easy to convert - even if other attachments, including a computer, can't be connected, it's better for everything, you should pay attention to the transmission configuration. The stench is often thrown off through the re-connection and whether or not there are serious problems. In some cases, the reason lies in the hardware failure of the router.

About the incorrect work of the transmission, speak to us in front of the indicators. All the stinks, behind the blink of an indicator of liveliness and the indicator of WLAN robots, it’s up to you to talk about those who transmit data. Power and WLAN are on fire. Too many coristuvachiv often just forget to turn on the rest on the router.

The internal settings of the router are configured through the menu, you can enter the yak for the help of an Internet browser at the address or If the correspondent does not know the correct values ​​​​for setting the call, it is more likely to call the specialist, or call the phone to the operator's support service.


Difficulty with connections are often heard, and a lot of them can be done on your own. Robiti tse slіd at that moment, as the causes of problems lie on the surface and are easily recognizable. І yakscho є mozhliv_st to order attachments without the risk of breakage. In other situations, it is strongly recommended to go back to the service center, especially as a pardon. In some cases, it is possible to accurately identify the specifics of the inadequacy and the use of її only fahіvtsі.


The victory of the wireless Internet is one of the most important issues of today's smartphones, so if the Wi-Fi problems are blamed, our skin feels uncomfortable. It's a pity for the bad guys, if iPhone 7 using Wi-Fi it is not so important to know how to behave in this unacceptable situation.

I will re-apply

Like a lot of other problems, the loss of a Wi-Fi network can lead to a smartphone overwhelm. In this way, the way of re-advancement is not important - if the problem lies in the problem of software security, then the greatness of the fact that everything will be in its place. As soon as the iPhone 7 is turned on, I know I don’t know how, then there’s no sense to figure out why Wi-Fi didn’t work - such a problem, unfortunately, it happens with iOS 10.

Vіdmova vіd z'єdnannya

If the first method seems to be ineffective, you can try to “forget” the Wi-Fi network and try to connect to it after the iPhone knows how new it is. To do this, you need to go to the Wi-Fi setup menu of your smartphone, find out the problem area and work on it. If so, you can try again to connect, vikoristovuyuchi її like anew revealed.

Vimknennya system service

Even more often in a situation, if the iPhone is using a Wi-Fi network, it helps to turn off the service. For this, it is necessary to go to the Confidentiality menu and select the System Services, Postage item in the Geolocation Services submenu. Remembering that re-enabling the Wi-Fi service through a whirlwind often helps solve the problem.

Skidannya nalashtuvan

Outwardly, the fall-off can be effective in case of constant “fall-offs” Merezhi Wi-Fi. The dropdown is set in the settings menu iPhone Settings - General - Reset.

Change DNS

Changing the DNS server to OpenDNS or GoogleDNS often helps to establish a stable connection with a Wi-Fi hotspot. You can change the settings in the menu of your smartphone.

Outside the box, upgrade the iPhone 7

Skidannja nalashtuvan є the most radical way to turn the normal robot with Wi-Fi, without going to the aid of fahivtsiv. For a discount, you can vicariously use the iTunes program.

Yakscho iPhone constantly using Wi-Fi If you don’t need more ways to recover, then, better for everything, you can only be helped by a specialist in the service center. It is quite possible that the cause of the failures in the robot can be brought before the “airing”.

With new skin updates to iOS or macOS, deeds can cause serious problems. iOS 10 did not become a culprit for the sensi. A lot of koristuvachivs began to complain about the problem of the Wi-Fi network. There are a few ways to solve the problem.

Router reset

It sounds simple, but sometimes the problem is not in the mobile device, it is not in iOS. The back of the varto is perekonatisya, that the router itself is in charge.

Hardware not resetting iOS add-on

Even though the router override did not help, the next logical solution would be to just override the iPhone or iPad itself. For this, you need to press the Power and Home buttons (or the power button on the iPhone 7) for 10-15 seconds, the Apple logo will not appear on the screen.

Reconnect to the next Wi-Fi

Unstable Wi-Fi connection does not always mean a hardware or software failure, but it can also be just a failure of a specific connection to a specific network. To fix it, go to the Wi-Fi setup and click on the “i” icon for the required Wi-Fi-merezhі, after which select “Forget this measure”. Now try to reconnect to the border.

Skidannya merezhevy nalashtuvan

At rich vipads, it helps to throw off the stitching of the fence. Navigate to Settings -> Basic -> Upgrade -> Upload the customization. This procedure does not collect the data of the coristuvacha, but only sees all the connections to the measure.

Help Wi-Fi

"Help Wi-Fi" - dosit tsіkava and vіdnosno new function in iOS. It's not unique to iOS 10, but it does add to Wi-Fi performance. The “Wi-Fi Assistance” sensing function helps to reduce the bandwidth of the Internet connection over Wi-Fi and mobile networks. Even if the wire-free mesh is not enough stable and fast, the mobile building attachment can independently switch to the most mobile Internet - 3G or LTE. To disable the function, go to Settings -> Stylnikovy zv'azok.

Enable location services for Wi-Fi

One more function, which directly connects to Wi-Fi connection. In order to disable the location services for the Wi-Fi network, go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services -> System Services, for help, deactivate the location service for the Wi-Fi network and reconfigure the attachments.

"Clean" installation of iOS 10

Even though nothing from the overexposure did not help, it was time to move on to more radical methods. For the so-called clean install, you need to upgrade iTunes for Mac or Windows to the latest version and download the iOS 10 firmware IPSW file for the add-on.

Now turn off Find My iPhone from Settings -> iCloud -> Find My iPhone. Connect iOS devices to your computer and select yoga in iTunes. For the help of the Alt key on Mac and Shift on Windows, select the option “Advance” and enter the path to the enchanted IPSW file.

Dochekaytes zavantazhennya I will build and restore the data from the backup copy.

Vіdkat on iOS 9

Just like installing iOS 10 from scratch didn’t change anything, it’s possible that it will turn to the front version of the OS.

For starters, download the iOS 9 firmware IPSW file for your add-on. Let's turn off the "Know My iPhone" mode in Settings -> iCloud -> Find My iPhone.
Connect your iOS device to your computer and put your yoga into DFU mode. In iTunes, press the Alt key on Mac and Shift on Windows to select the option "Apply" and enter the path to the enchanted IPSW file.

Do not turn on the gadget from the computer, iTunes docks do not tell you about the success of the completion.

A rare drop, if the Wi-Fi button is not active on the iPhone, or it does not work. We will show you what it is necessary to work in this situation. You can always go back to the mains of our service center.

So robiti, that the Wi-Fi button is not active on the iPhone

  • Try resetting your iPhone. If you don’t know about the most important ones, then turn off the Primus Primus by pressing two buttons Power, and Home and pressing them for 15 seconds (emergency reset).
  • Let's go into the settings and switch over, that the "airplane mode" of switching off, even if it is significant, that Wi-Fi is not practical.
  • Try to reset the settings to the factory settings through the phone menu by selecting the default item.
  • So you will need to work everything in order to switch over to what you have the remaining version of the firmware. Install the rest and uninstall the settings of the "Beta" versions, because the stench can be the cause of unacceptability in the robot.

Even though it didn’t help the problem, it’s possible that you have broken some details on the phone, that was such a pardon. Return to the service center. For example, our diagnostics is cost-free. If you need to replace parts, we will install new original ones and give you a guarantee.

We got an iPhone 7 or an iPhone 7 Plus, and then we started to notice that even before Wi-Fi, your new smartphone does not connect so well, as you would like, and the normal speed of data transfer from WiFi-merezhakh is not secure? The problem is so true in the world. And, I understand, the “nai-nai” iPhone vlasniks should not be able to.

Tim is bigger, judging by the reviews, it’s unacceptable to “stupid” and “talm” Wi-Fi in the new iPhone 7 (otherwise, iPhone 7 in Wi-Fi) is most likely, if you run the programs of your favorite social networks, on Facebook, Instagram , Whatsapp, Twitter etc. Pictures and icons fade away, everything is right to be vantage, just like vzagali vantage.

So the axis, є thought, that is one of the main reasons why the iPhone 7 can be so badly/completely used in WiFi-merezhі, є її a weak signal, which is simply not available for a good smartphone connection to the Internet.

What work?

In fact, the way to fight this problem, the community caught up with trying chimalo. Pratsyyuyut stench with different efficiency, like nazno, so in the complex, but the result is positive. Because your iPhone 7 can no longer get along with WiFi-buzz, it is recommended to try it on your feet:

  • reboot smartphone;
  • activate the option "Forget the link" and then connect to it again;
  • reconfigure the wifi router (as it is possible);
  • reconnect iPhone from DHCP to a static IP address (you need to create such an IP, as the router does not win, start from, take the number from the very top of the router's range, so as not to blame conflicts with DHCP IP addresses);
  • go to the Google DNS servers;
  • change the bandwidth of the network in the settings of the Wi-Fi router;
  • change the wi-fi channel at the configured router;
  • adjust the security level in the router (if necessary, you can set the next hour to turn on the security);
  • switch to a different tariff plan, which transfers more data transfer speed;
  • buy a new, bigger modern router (axis sending to the site-catalog of wi-fi routers);
  • hard-reset iPhone 7 (outside the system reset), even though other methods did not take away the effect.
As practice shows, it's important to come back and help solve the problem with wi-fi on the iPhone 7 (though, like in any other iPhone).

Some people who know coristuvachi also shy away from the title of "cleansing the cache of supplements." This procedure allows you to fix a number of low-level crashes and malfunctions in the iPhone 7 software robot, including those that lead to a non-standard connection with wifi-measures. So cleared until then I don’t see the data from the memory of the attachment, so all photos, videos, notes and other important files are kept safe and sound.

To see the program cache in the iPhone 7 tapaemo: "Setup" -> "iCloud" -> "Storage" -> "Storage management" , chosen by the programs, which are most often victorious, and reverified " Documents and data ". Quite often, for a small amount of “vagi” and other programs, they take a lot of money. And if such programs are spawned, then the smartphone is repaired “galmuvati” every year. Therefore, the cache needs to be cleaned regularly.

You can do it manually with a simple reinstallation of the program, then split it up Documents and data» is automatically cleared. But it’s better to get a utility for the iCleaner kshtalt, so that the process of cleaning the iPhone 7 will be more efficient and less clumsy.

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