The program code is pascal.

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Well, at the outset we were introduced to the following concepts: program, integer, real, const, var, begin, end, write, writeln, read, readln. Let's write simple programs in Pascal using their wikis. It is immediately clear what parts make up a program in Pascal.

Whatever the program, Pascal has three parts: 1) header;

2) section of descriptions; 3) body program.✎ 1) The title is the whole word Program, after the name of the program in Latin, the dot with coma at the end.

The name cannot begin with a number, there is no need to avoid using reserved words (begin, end, integer etc.) or with the names of different descriptions (division below), and it is also unacceptable to use any symbols (' @', '%' , '&' then), cream pіdkrelennya.

I would like to call it a change that reflects the essence of the program itself.

Please write the title in a non-speaking language.✎ 2) Section of descriptions – The fragments of the simplest works can be seen at first, then we will have in another section either a description of constants or changeable ones (div. paragraphs 4 and 5 of the article introduced before Pascal).

✎ 3) Program body – a block of operators in which commands for logging are written.

1 Let's write simple programs in Pascal using their wikis. This block begins with the word begin

(“cob”), and ends with the word end.(“end”) with a dot at the end (paragraphs 6, 7 of the article). Thus, in a casual way, the program in Pascal looks like this: In the most simple cases, the task is initially surrounded by whole numbers.

So, please, given the meaning of the numbers A and B, which are similar to, for example, 23 and 76 lines. end. Since we know the values ​​in advance, then A and B will be like Thus, in a casual way, the program in Pascal looks like this:, and S can be described as

. Physicians who describe the constants before the description of the changes, the section of descriptions for this section will come: In this way, the body of the program is formed by calculating the amount S and displaying it on the screen.

In pascal, to calculate the sum of A and B, you cannot simply write S = A + B;

Such a notation is possible if you need to verify that the number S is not equal to the sum of A + B. A

In order for the variable S to write down the value of the sum A + B, the value of the sum must be “involved” with the variable S

, then.

write the amount A + B in the same place in the computer memory as seen for the variable S. This is like “shoving” the value of one number into the value of another.

The assignment is written like this:

To display the result, use the write display operator with a comment on the screen:

write("The sum of numbers 23 and 76 is equal to: S = ", S);

Combining our 1) program header, 2) description section and 3) program body, we extract a small code that can be copied into PascalABC.Net or another version of Pascal:

On the next page, let's talk about hundreds.

In the meantime, if you are a fan of World of Warcraft, let me help you

Make sure your programming begins with Hello, world!

We'll get to this a little later, so now I want to tell you about the magnitude and type of data in Pascal.

See the quantities

Make sure your programming begins with Hello, world!

We'll get to this a little later, so now I want to tell you about the magnitude and type of data in Pascal.

What is the size?

Size is a large piece of information that is stored in the computer's memory.
There are two classifications of quantities. Let's take a look at our skin. < переменная >:= < выражение >

We'll talk about them in more detail in upcoming lessons.

In its own way, numbers are divided into two types.

I'll give you the one mentioned by Pascal

Let's write simple programs in Pascal using their wikis.< имя переменной >;

Symbols are also divided into two types.

end.<Символическое имя> = <выражение>;
Thus, in a casual way, the program in Pascal looks like this:<Однотипные переменные> : <тип>;

Another classification of quantities.

Constant – value is immutable.
<оператор 1>;
<оператор 2>;


Change – the values ​​can be changed by dragging the program.

Various and symbolic names are called identifiers.

How to attract the meaning of any change?

  • For additional help, the team is here!
  • Command assigned to Pascal:

First program in Pascal

  • Pascal program structure
  • Heading

The shock of constants and changes

Operator section


Introduction to Pascal

You are constantly asking: “How do I enter change values ​​from the keyboard?”, and also: “How do I display the result on the screen?”

For which several special operators are used:. To enter:<имя>!» read(Zminnu)

Program Hello_boy_girl;!}

(curly legs allow you to insert a comment before the code) var name: string;(name is pronounced - the price is new) Begin Write ("Enter your name:");<возраст>(the fragments will be written in a vikoristic way, the cursor will be highlighted after the double) Read(name);(Everything that is written in koristuvach is read) Write ("Hello", name, "!");

(Restore your respect! The snake is strengthened with comas at the paws End.

Zavdannya 2.
It is necessary to recognize how many fates there are for the koristuvach, and then tell “You


  1. Obviously, for this task we will need a whole data type - Integer.
  2. Program How_old_are_you;

var years: integer;

(awesome years - the price is new) Begin Writeln (“How many rocks do you have?”);

(Oskolki mi vikoristovuyemo writeln, the carriage will be highlighted under the letter) Read(years);

(Everything that is written in koristuvach is read) Write("You ", years," rokiv.");

  1. End.
  2. Well, that’s all!

Everything I want to tell you about today's lesson.

You learned what a value is in Pascal and learned the basic types.

And we also learned to create the simplest linear programs.

We will talk about the PascalABC.Net tipi in the upcoming lessons.

Before we talk, about PascalABC.Net.< It’s clear that it’s difficult to write programs on pieces of paper, and you have to practice on a computer.

Behind it is a section of descriptions, in which all identifiers (constants, variables, types, procedures, functions, labels) that will be used in the program are described.

After the section of descriptions there is a section of operators that begins with a service word 3) body program.(cob) and ends with a service word end(Kіnets).

Which section specifies actions on program objects described in the previous section. end The operators in this section are reinforced one by one.

After the last word

Before we talk, about PascalABC.Net.<имя>put a speck.

Zagalny vyglyad program:


(program title) uses...;

(section of module descriptions) var...;

(section of the voices of change) label ...;

Please write the title in a non-speaking language.(divided into tags) const ...;

(divided into constant confusion) type...;

(section of types) function...;

(section of functions) procedure...; (section of procedures) begin (sequence of statements) end.(end of program)

The descriptions section does not necessarily have all the sections.

Our first programs will have only one section - the Var section (variable), in which we are aware of the changes that will be made in the operator section.

How to write the simplest program Let's take a simple look at the problem with a linear algorithm.

To write programs with a linear algorithm, we need to describe the input and output data, the required procedures for entering and displaying data, and the assignment operator. Enter two numbers from the keyboard. Display your TV on the screen. Explanation before the program Display your TV on the screen. The names of these programs are example_1.

Of the sections of descriptions, there is only one thing - the section of changes. Vin begins with the service word v Display your TV on the screen. ar

, after which comes the sequence of confusion of the changeable ones, separated by a speck from the coma. In every case, it is necessary to re-insure through the names of variables of the same type, after which a double box is placed and the type of variable is indicated. The description has three variations: all odors (a, b and rez) are of the whole type (integer). After the description part there is a section of operators that begins with the service word b a value is assigned that is equivalent to another entered number.

For example, you entered the numbers 12 and 45, then In every case, it is necessary to re-insure through the names of variables of the same type, after which a double box is placed and the type of variable is indicated.= 12, a After the description part there is a section of operators that begins with the service word b= 45. For example, this operator can also be set Display your TV on the screen..

After these two operators there is an assignment operator: rez: = a * b; := ( - This sign was assigned to the language Pascal). Zminna In every case, it is necessary to re-insure through the names of variables of the same type, after which a double box is placed and the type of variable is indicated. rez After the description part there is a section of operators that begins with the service word b .

subtracts the value that is the original addition of the number per number Advance operator - tse znovu operator - This sign was assigned to the language Pascal)..

writeln per number('text',rez) - you will see the text on the screen, arranged between apostrophes, and followed by a meaning Then the advancing operator You will see a notification on the screen: Press", and the operator

readln end You will experience this pressure at the Vikonian window.

Completes the operator section

with specks.

Vikonannya program

After launching the program, the following message appears on the screen: Enter two whole numbers using a blank

The cursor blinks in the next row, enter two whole numbers through the space and press

, after which the notice appears: .

TV is more ancient...


Briefly about smut

A Pascal program consists of a header, a description section, and a statement section.

If the program combines several operators, they are marked with a dot.

Each section of operators is identified by the keywords begin and end.

After the word “end”, in general, the text of the program must always be followed by a dot.

Why should newcomers clean up their own tracks?

Let's try to get back together.

In order to completely dismantle my programming, it is necessary to review the literature.

Most of our words fall directly on the topic of Logo.

There are few expansions in Russian lands, so there are not enough primary books.

At the moment, the most popular ones are Pascal, Java, Basic and C. Let's take a closer look.

  • Java is mainly used for programming in the middle.
  • C is one of the widest symbols, but also the most complicated (especially for beginners).
  • In order to learn how to write programs in a new language, it is best to master Pascal or Basic from the very beginning.

The stench is offensive in schools (on your choice).

  • The reason for their breadth lies in the fact that with these languages ​​you can write the same program as in C or C + +, but mastering it is much easier for the sake of simplicity.
  • Please remember that the versions of Pascal and Basic are sufficient, but in schools such types as Turbo Pascal 7.0 and QBasic are more widespread.
  • If the brothers are equal to them, then there are more creations in order to write small programs up to 50 rows.

Turbo Pascal is tighter and softer.

Everything is clear about the numerical type, but it is necessary to understand all the numerical variables in order to manipulate them freely.

Considering what is written above, you can easily write to a small one “zavdannya”.

The Pascal program will look like this:

Program shi_nee;

Var Q, W, E: integer;

The first row, then program shi_nee, is the name or title of the program itself.

This is a necessary component that flows into the work of the written calculation.

Vin, as a matter of fact, is obligatorily guilty of being the first, otherwise the middle of the programming will appear to be a mercy.

The description of the variables is provided in another row to the “var” operator.

It is necessary to revise all the changes that appear in the program through the double add box

The pair of statements "BEGIN" - "END" begins and, obviously, ends the program.

The stench is most important;

Between them there are all activities described by the programmer.

Movie syntax

To begin with, I will start working with the skin row of programs.

Then pay attention to the syntax, add special operators to your memory, do not put any division marks after them, and acquire a logical string from begin and end.

Remember how to start the changers, what type is needed and why they are needed.

We will also not notice the functioning of the very center of programming.

For this purpose, you can speed up the process or use Turbo Pascal on your own.

You need to constantly practice, pick up ready-made “tasks” from the Internet and slowly type up a number of programs in Pascal on your own.

One-dimensional massifs

The array is used for manual work with the same type of data, which in this case is located in the next memory centers, and not separately.

It’s unlikely that programmers can easily handle 50 or 100 changes.

It’s easier to write them down in arrays.

The elements that the group has are marked with their number.

In some languages, the programming of the racks begins with the numbering number, not necessarily with 1. And the axis of the program in Pascal is about those that in the new numbering begins with it.

This serial number is called the skin element index.

Changes b and f are constants.

Instead of them, you can insert numbers (as in one-dimensional arrays), but in such applications it is better not to practice this.

This means that my programming means the first constant is the number of rows, and the other is the number of columns of this array.

Butt of command through a special section:

Const b = 24;

This means that my programming means the first constant is the number of rows, and the other is the number of columns of this array.


Type cherry=array of real;

It’s easier to describe the massif through the subdivision (for beginners):

Var n: array of real;

Both options will be correct; the program will not change depending on the selected recording method.

Vidkriti massif

The open massif is the one that does not exist between.

It only has a type (real, integer and in).

In other words, the massif of creations is immense.

Its “gravity” is indicated by the program itself at the hour of death.

Sign up as follows:

Seulgi1: array of char;

Yeri: array of real;

The difference between these arrays and those where indexation starts from zero, and some not unity.

Pascali's graphics

Those who would like to know as little as possible about the “internals” of the operating system know that all images will be entirely rectangular rasters.

To complete our changes, switch to English language and write the word “var” on the beginning of the program.

And after, through whom our 3 changes, a, in, with, and through a double box, put the type “integer” Then write begin - start.
3) body program.

At this stage the program looks like this:

var a, b, c: integer;
3 krok
Well, here’s the program itself!
We want to do this so that our program asks us to enter the values ​​of our variables.
When writing an English word, read “read” and indicate in the brackets how much you need to read.
And after, through whom our 3 changes, a, in, with, and through a double box, put the type “integer” Then write begin - start.
When writing a formula in mathematics.
3 krok
Tilki ob'yazkovo before one's guilt buti dvokrapka!
Then we need the program to output the following: write©;
Well, that’s all!
Let's finish the program and write end.

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