Minecraft launcher with draconic evolution mods. Description of the DragonTech server. Installed mods on the server

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Dragon Evolution- this mod for minecraft, which brings such improvements to the grum, like new tools for crafting and combat, tight armor that saves RF energy, unique rituals for doing so and more.
The modification includes the addition of a new type of ore - dragonum ore, which is found in the locations of all three game modes. A number of speeches are added, as well as mechanisms for the expansion of objects and obvious functions, for example, building a generation, saving and moving energy with an increase in capacity or reduction with an increase in swedishness.
It shows the possibility of teleportation of objects in oneself, with an additional magnet, without any extra charges.


  • Blocks:
    • Energy core
      • The pinnacle of achievement Draconic, you found out, how to conquer this power, so that you save more energy, you won’t find more. Vykoristuyuchi rich block strategies, you can create extensions to save data for a larger amount.
    • weather controller
      • To win this block, just place yoga at the light and click with the right mouse button on one emerald (you can have more than one at your hand) to charge yoga.
        At the next time, if the board starts to swell, just give a signal to the red stone, and the block will activate and ring the board, otherwise you will give a permanent signal to the red stone, the block will automatically activate immediately, if the board starts. The whole block can launch a board or create a thunderstorm. for consumption, while charging. Smaragd gives 10 charges, and the number of charges that are left out is indicated by an indicator on the side of the block.
    • Mob Grinder
      • We need efficient mafia farms. For a small amount of solid fire (vugillya, village vugillya, etc.), you can beat the hell out of the soul, knowing that the forces of the Dragon back!
    • Generator
      • If you knew the need for the energy of the Crimea, a simple vugill? The generator is here, to satisfy what I need! When vikoristanny in poednanny z sing blocks in fashion, vіn more shortly pratsyuє when transferring energy.
  • female fish
    • New spawning mechanic! To rozpochat, right-click the mouse on any vanilla spawner, to take control of it. Now you have an empty spawner to carry around (take yoga for help with dragon tools). Win the soul of the mob (new streak, vipadkovy vipadkovіst 1 per 1000, to take away її, but you can improve її), to change її to the whole type. warehouse, dragon warehouse, empty star, Notch Apple and secret other rare item (hints in gr give more information)
  • Dislocator Administrator
    • As a server administrator or as a map creator, this block is for you! (Only creative or operational, special recipes don’t have special recipes) Creations for the GreatOrator’s instructions, you allow you to adjust the range of teleportation. Whatever strikes you, then those who are just a vipadkovy gravel. The closest gravel to the block when activated for the help of Redstone teleportation is at the top of the field (for locking less than 1000 and a maximum of 10000) from the block. If there is a place to place gravel near the water, then again, a block will be created under them.
  • Draconic Infuser
    • Bachachi need a better transfer of energy, you know a way to bring a teapot into the house. May be more high speed transmissions, low radio frequency recharging stations of larger models (and class effects of particles for zavantazhennia!)
  • Particle Generator
    • Purely decorative, these blocks allow you to create the effects of particles, which are more customizable.
  • Half-I'm Concealed
    • Richly someone from you, imovirno, blew a graphic zbіy, some kind of blame, if the cloaks are zavantazhuyutsya, scho allows you to bachit krіz svіt and bachiti all the cavernous ovens and tunnels below. This block repeats the same effect. If you place this hand with another block, the edge of the block, which sticks together, becomes clear, allowing you to shine light. Might as well make it darker for the joke of the bakery systems that underground, we don’t want to bring it up, so that they knew you. Such a dose to the block is not cheap. It’s worth it for you to get along at the sprinkling of the Zirok of the Void, and there’s a bed of the roof, so after this placement of yoga you can’t pick it up without being poor. (navit without suture dotik)
  • sun dial
    • Tse supravisually push block which allows you to change the hour. Just place Yogo by the light and stop the permanent signal of the red stone. As soon as the attachments are charged, the wines are launched to promin the sun on the sun, speeding it up 30 times at the same time with normal swedishness. Just turn off the signal of the red stone, if the sun is there, de vie you want.
  • Gravity detector
    • Two versions available (but only the basic version is available in the prescription form at this time)
      • Gravity detector
        • You can easily adjust the range of up to 10 blocks to show any gravel nearby.
      • Extensions Detector Gravcea
        • Now you move on to the next league!
        • GUI for setting up any number of parameters
          • Range (there is no difference between the range)
          • White / black list for fine tuning, if you don’t want to
          • Camouflage - Get your detector so nobody knows yoga
          • Overturning provisions (requires less red stone!)
  • Dragon ore
    • The very foundation of Draconic Research
  • Items:
    • Dragon Core
      • Victory for the creation of all machines and advanced tools
    • dragon saw
      • Ce material for the type of bottle of Dragon ore
    • Dragon's Jelly
      • The results of the Draconic Dust tapping at the oven. Vykoristovuєtsya in most recipes.
    • Really that dragon's day
      • The investigation revealed two more hard elements, which are needed for the creation of hard tools
    • > Focus Soncia
      • With the power of dragons, you will know a way to conquer the warmth of that bright sun.
    • dragon heart
      • Vipalo from Endera Dragon.
    • Potentiometer
      • If you ever needed the exact rib of a red stone, you didn’t want to create for it fold the diagram? Tse allows you to choose by clicking the right button of the mouse whether it’s a rіven vіd 1 to 15 (pressing the shift-right keys changes it)
    • Doshu sensor
      • It is ideal to go with a weather controller. Viyavlyaє zlivu (or її vidsutnіst) and release the signal of the red stone.

Tools, tools and tools:

  • Tools:
    • Use two equal tools and tools, cream motiki and sokiri, of which there is only one. Name them - Wyvern and Draconic. It is the third and the remaining, supra-linguistically hard object, which is available at a high price, but in addition.
    • Dragon and Wyvern Armor
      • Wyvern – Coriste with the diamond for so long, you know that you can empower him with the power of the Dragon.
        • Legins:
          • A small increase in the speed of wear
        • Boots:
          • small haircut when wearing
      • Draconic - Further Reading Draconic showed you how to get more outrageous.
        • Sholom:
          • The night is active in dark places
        • Breast:
          • Polit when wearing
        • Legins:
          • Improved priming
        • Boots:
          • Improved quick haircut
        • The new set of Draconic Armor also gives a new defense against the fire!
  • Kirkomotiga
      • Robot modes:
      • Robot modes:
        • Right-click on the mouse to activate: Obliteration Mode - Haunting Stone, Stone and Empty.
  • Cultivator
    • Draconic - further developments Draconic have shown you the paths to even greater power.
      • Robot modes:
        • Will be up to a total of 9 × 9 square, just perfect for a full-size farm from a dzherel water.
        • Also, dig or replace the brud (like the brud in the inventory) to make a new 9 × 9.
  • socira
    • Draconic - further developments Draconic have shown you the paths to even greater power.
      • Robot modes:
        • We choose the whole tree and leaves more.
  • shovel
    • Wyvern - Indulge in powerful tools, you begin to think of ways to extract dragon energy to upgrade.
      • Robot modes:
        • Shift-Right Press to switch modes: 1×1 or 3×3
    • Draconic - further developments Draconic have shown you the paths to even greater power.
      • Robot modes:
        • Shift-Right Press to switch modes: 1x1, 3x3, 5x5 and 7x7
        • Right-click on the mouse to activate: Obliteration Mode - Exploring the ford, sand and gravel.
  • Sword
    • Wyvern - Indulge in powerful tools, you begin to think of ways to extract dragon energy to upgrade.
      • +15 Attack - bonus Skoda to mobs with more health than 10 hearts (+ 20% of additional health of mobs)
      • AOE - attack all mobs in a 3×3 area
    • Draconic - further developments Draconic have shown you the paths to even greater power.
      • +19 Attack - bonus Skoda to mobs with more health than 10 hearts (+ 30% of additional health of mobs)
      • AOE - attack all mobs in a 7×7 area
  • Tsibulya
    • Wyvern - Indulge in powerful tools, you begin to think of ways to extract dragon energy to upgrade.
      • Sniper - zbіshіt tsіl
    • Draconic - further developments Draconic have shown you the paths to even greater power.
      • Sniper - zbіshіt tsіl
      • Rapid Fire - Block your enemies with a plank of arrows.
      • Vibuhonot-safe - with gunpowder in your inventory, reduce the area, troch more lower TNT from your arrows
      • Desolation (only in creative mode) - Vibrate the extreme zone in the mode of fire.
  • Dragon Staff of Strength
    • After a great pain, you conquered with the forces of a dragon!
      • Mining - Shift-Right Press to switch modes: 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 and 9x9
      • Mining - Right-click on the mouse to activate: Obliteration Mode - Mining all non-existent blocks.
      • Battle: +20 Attack - bonus Skoda to mobs with more health than 10 hearts (+ 50% bonus health of mobs)
      • Battle: AOE - 1 x 1 x 1 x 1, 3 x 3 x 5 x 5, 5 x 5 x 9 x 9, 7 x 7 x 13 x 13 and 9 x 9 x 17 x 17 mobіv, krіm is quiet, on which you have spent directly)
  • Enchantment Vivihu
    • You have learned to unite the forces of Kintz with your knowledge about the Dragon, to create a basic teleport, but for a small fee. The energies that help them are unstable and try less than 10 times and save a part of your life energy in case of skin disease and can be caused by more than one month of detoxification, but they can also work on other diseases. If you win, you can create new ones.
    • Enhanced Charm (pictured) - Recognizing how dragon forces interacted with the forces of endermen, you created a perfect teleport. Now you can save up to 5 locations and, vicarious, like a pale-sweet enderman's pearls, have created a way to teleport you through the wintry of the bajans.
    • Offended, I allow you to also click on a mob that is not barefoot, and correct yoga to the point of recognition.

Server version: 1.7.10 In ancient times, technology was inspired by magic and magic. Differently change the color, gray with shadows and richness of the other, we didn’t understand!

Aleishov hour and people step by step began to understand what we don’t know, but we learned what we can learn and understand the very structure of such effects! However, the truth is unreasonable. Now, what seems to be itself ... magic! You are explored by the knowledge of practice and magic, and technology, but you still don’t dare to know the needs of the place? Do not try to stick to the server with one s? Chi for the whole hour pulling either toudi, then toudi?

A server that combines magic with technology - DragonTech! With us you can be a chaklun-engineer, a magician-electrician or an alchemist-gardener! Choose the leather that you need, take the best of the magic and technology, and follow the miraculous day, the result of which you can navit nai-nai!
Magic allows you to robit what is inaccessible simple methods: to create a sparkle from a novelty, to grow a mitt tree Ale technologies allow you to automate everything and add interest to whatever it is, to bring up the worst situation! Just be awake. If you cannot choose between two sides of a medal, choose a medal!

Installed mods on the server:

Draconic Evolution- Modification, like adding new hard tools, armor, machines and different elements.

Demonic Evolution- Addon for the DraconicEvolution mod, which adds new hard tools and armor.

Immersive Engineering- Before us is a yakіsny іndustrіalny mod іz garnimy models, vіn іn vіdе vіd bаgatо novіh mekhanіzmіv i sposobіv otrimannya energії.

EnderIO- A technical mod that will add a large number of new mechanisms. There will be energy generators, mechanisms and farms that are tuned, hard tools and hands, handy pipes for transportation and containers for collecting objects, gases, gases and energy.

thermal expansion- Add to the group new mechanics of resource processing and organization of automatic harvesting, new resources, their harvesters, as well as energy and attachments and vibrations and savings.

SolarExpansion- A small addon to Thermal Expansion, which adds sleep panels.

BigReactors- With Big Reactors, you can create multi-block power reactors, like building a large amount of RF energy. Depending on the materials you choose and modular blocks, the productivity of the system will change, allowing you to create a reactor that will help your efforts.

Applied Energistics 2 - Add material energy (ME), which allows you to digitize different objects and save them from the so-called merezhi (system). Also, the mod allows you to automate crafting, smelting ores and machine processes with other modifications.

AE2 Stuff- A bad addon for the Applied Energistics 2 mod, to add new items and mechanisms, which can become useful when folding the AE2 outbuildings.

Extra Cells- Added to the Applied Energistics mod, to add anonymous blocks, objects and mechanisms. However, this is the main meta - add different objects and blocks for collecting information, natives, objects and navigating mobiles.

Extra Utilities- Mod to add a set of basic mechanisms and objects, which can become useful in various areas of the everyday life of minecraft gaming.

ThaumCraft 4- Modification, which adds magic to the world and impersonal speeches connected with it.

Thaumic Tinkerer- Addon for the Thaumcraft mod, which expands the magical arsenal and adds a new link to the Thaumonomicon - Enchantment.

Forbidden Magic- Addon for mod Thaumcraft, which add to minecraft troch of fenced magic.

Thaumic Horizons- Addon for the Thaumcraft mod, which allows you to add lenses with effects (night star, block scan, mobile search), allow you to create a spell with the essence of your blood, as well as a system of fishing, viroshchuvannya and enchantment of istot.

Thaumic Energistics- Added to Applied Energistics 2 and Thaumcraft 4 modifications.

TaintedMagic- This is a mod that significantly expands the warp's color and gives you a reason to save infected biomes. We are adding new ore, new knobs, new sticks, new possessions, new hedgehogs, indeed, all kinds of speeches.

ThaumCraft InventoryScan- Little extra for taumcraft, as it allows you to scan different game items directly in your inventory with a thaumometer, you need to take yoga and point it at the items, after the scanning process it will show you the aspects that you have mastered.

TravellersGear- This mod, which adds a few RPG-features to the game, also allows you to wear a raincoat, improve your inventory. This inventory is also adapted to current mods: Baubles, Tinkers Construct and others, like adding new slots, police for armor, tools and raincoats, etc.

Iron Chests- Add more chests, yakі to accommodate more blocks.

Forestry 4- Do you want to become a beekeeper? So, it’s possible to use it as a mod!

Binnies mods- Addon for Forestry, which add dodatkovі vidi bdzhіl, trees that іnshoy.

MagicBees- Addon for Forestry, which adds impersonal new types of bjil. The rest of the quantity will be deposited as installed at your choice of mods. Krіm bdzhіl, z'yavlyayutsya items that allow shvidko that just take the maximum of your bdzhіl.

Carpenter's Blocks- How many beautiful dahivas, parkanіv chi sklyanyh doors?

Chisel 2- another version of the Chisel mod, which adds a chisel for making decorative cut blocks.

Botania- Unparalleled, magic-technological fashion from the sources of natural resources.

Twilight Forest- Global modification, which adds a new vimir "Day's Forest" - dark, enchanting light, may be all vkrity fox, in which the spirit of goodness is not safe. Here you will see impersonal new structures, mobiles and bosses.

Storage Drawers- Mod to add to minecraft new types of boxes for saving stacks, they don’t have any inventory, to put items - take them by the hand and click on the block with the right mouse button, to get it - click on the block with the left mouse button.

Et Futurum- Mod to add to the grid objects and blocks from future updates, tobto. from version 1.8.

BetterQuesting- There are quests on the server;

TradeOMat- mod on vending machines.

Draconic Evolution is a modification that adds standard speech to the world of Minecraft "a. But in the new, it’s still mysterious objects, yak, for now it’s a secret for everyone. Zahalom, as you can get away with it, mod add whether there are dragons or it’s middle, But then we have magic, it’s important to show what you can think of with it.

New words allow us to practically replace the creative mode and whether or not other bonuses. Aja stink to allow us to teleport on a daily basis. And so it’s nameless, magically managing the weather minds and setting the time to finish. Obviously, everything is in the Too Many Items mod, but you won't be allowed to do anything on the server.

This is how the most important part of modi - the energy core - sings to itself. I myself do not fully understand the principle of yogo diї, that y usі yogo possibilty is not known. Without a doubt, the most important thing here is to take away the positive effects, for example, like a lighthouse. Only the core gives strong effects. Today's diversity, equal to the lighthouse, has increased in razer. Judging by the last one of the goals of the core, which helped to drive the dragon, as if there were a bunch of positive effects and mothers of suffocating signs of armor and armor, then the dragon becomes not such a serious overshoot.

Kraftіv dodaєtsya more richly, vivchati їх happen to do it for a long time. Global mod.

The tools and armor of this modification turned out to be even more expensive. How can you work on crafts, one of their ingredients - diamond speech. You can make up with a colorful motif. Tsibulya is an okrema part, it’s allowed to drive in any kind of mob (crim bosiv) from one shoot, which is an impeccable haul.

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