Easy payment of the MTS shakhraystvo: how to work, how to turn it on and turn the pennies. Service Mobile payment MTS: description of the connection Easy payment via MTS by phone

Golovna / Contacts

Pay MTS RU is a follow-up to the official website of the MTS Russia company. Vіn creations specially for the clients of the mobile operator, in order to expand the possibilities of service by services. On the main side of the web resource there are thematic headings, such as numbers, payment transactions and services. Also here is the information about the MTS bonus programs. Pay mts ru allows you to recognize the rest of the company's news - about new tariffs, promotional offers and products in MTS stores. Also on the main side of the Internet portal there is a button to enter the subscriber.

The interface of the main side of the site pay.mts.ru

Pay MTS RU - by phone number

Parameters Checking the phone number with Pay MTS RU include rechecking the balance for account number, service management and options. Rubric under three subcategories. Let's look at them in more detail.

Information about the camp rahunka

  1. Rakhunka camp - at whom the parent is responsible for managing their mobile phone calls, optimizing the tariff plan, managing additional options. In order to win the service, it is recommended to go to the special office of MTS for the phone number and password.
  2. Details of the account - revision of the call with information about the balance, tariffication of calls, SMS, Internet. Here the subscriber finds out if she was written off pennies for the account.
  3. Weekly rahunok - a format for detailing the rahunka with information about the surplus on the rahunka on the cob and at the end of the calendar month or the rahunka period. Data is added to the new one with vitrates for the previous month. The butt of a schomisyachny rahunka є rahunok for an overpayment.

Dії s number

  1. Tariff change - change of the decent tariff plan independently, without consulting the MTS store and sending it to the operator.
  2. Blocking a number is a service that is necessary for blocking an entered phone number, otherwise you can use your mobile gadget.
  3. Call forwarding - setting up forwarding of an incoming call from one MTS number to another. Fixation of the multi-channel number, which allows you to receive a ring of calls at the same time.

Options management

  1. The activation and activation options are available for MTS subscribers on the Pay MTS RU website, as long as they are authorized in a special account. The number of services that the company hopes to have is on the official MTS web portal and in a special office. To activate or deactivate the selected option, you should know the “Services” tab in the special profile and select the relevant functions.
  2. Internet traffic - connection to the Internet within the framework of one option or a tariff with the possibility of varying one time on a number of outbuildings (PC, tablets, smartphones). Control of Internet traffic on your extension, change of the tariff plan for the Internet.
  3. Internet-helper - an ergonomic way to get through a mobile call in the online mode. For additional services, you can connect and change the tariff plan, pay for MTS services.

How to transfer money for help Pay MTS RU, video:

Pay MTS RU - service fee

For this category of the Pay MTS RU site, a subscriber of a mobile and Internet connection can regulate all connection services and activate new ones. Cost of mobile communication, Internet, SMS, popular options. For example, set up the parameters of a single Internet, return 20% for paying for Internet services. As a correspondent of MTS, you need to add one of the numbers to the black list, you can go back to the rubric. Calling up the voice mail is also available here.

Tim, who often sees social networks, it is recommended to go to the subcategory "MTS Online", in order to gain a chance of listing in social services without limits. With all SMS-alerts free of charge, without exchanged money, for a total of 3 rubles for production. Additional parameters SMS Pro . Vaughn to come to the aid of busy koristuvacham merezhі MTS, yakim nіkoli vіdpіdati on sms. Having enabled the function of sending SMS and auto-dispatching, all callers will be informed about the subscriber's busyness.

I, of course, in the section “Management of services” on the website of Pay MTS RU you can connect popular services MTS "Gudok", My content, MTS search. "Beep" - a service for setting a non-standard melody for the incoming and outgoing call instead of banal beeps. Service "My content" Allows you to subscribe to the post-information on any topic: music, video, games, horoscopes, sports and roses. MTS Poshuk helps to find the location of relatives and friends on the interactive map, find the addresses of the required mortgages through a mobile phone.

MTS Gudok connection services, video:

Pay MTS RU - payment management

On the main side of the site Pay MTS RU is easy charge with your payments. The list of payments and additional payment options has become expanded, which increases the ability of the MTS client. It is also necessary to pay for utility services, telephone, Internet and a lot of other services, pay.mts.ru - the same address, which is required for the execution of tasks for operations. To go to the heading, on the main side of the site, the button "Manage payments" is pressed. Subcategories of the section can be displayed both in full screen and in the left header of the web page.

Sob not to perish among the majestic list of services, at the vikni "Payment for goods and services" you need to know the search window and enter the name of the payment there, and press the Enter button. The system allows you to see the necessary information. The latest list of goods and services in your region is updated after adjusting the virtual key "Region". Vaughn to replace the list of all regions of the Russian Federation, de connected to MTS.

Now let's look in detail What can be paid through the Pay MTS RU web portal.

  1. Mobile phone - payment for a telephone call to Russia and neighboring countries, tourist SIM cards.
  2. Payment for access to the Internet, satellite and cable TV (MTS, MGTS and other Russian providers).
  3. Payment for online igor i rozvag (World of Tanks, World of Warships, Dragon Nest, ArcheAge, Mini-Igri toshcho).
  4. Repayment of loans online with Russian banks: MTS Bank, Oschadbank, Russian Standard, Alfa Bank, VTB 24, Home Credit, OTP Bank, Gazprombank and other banking institutions of the Russian Federation.
  5. Payment of utility services for gas, water supply, electricity, security systems.
  6. Payment for calls - home phone, IP telephony, Internet telephony (MGTS, MTT, Rostelecom, A-Tel, Central Telegraph, Megatel, Matrix Telecom, Progtech Telephony).
  7. Contributions to charitable funds.
  8. Electronic money - online replenishment of electronic money (QIWI VISA Wallet, Wallet One, Yandex Money, TeleMoney, WebMoney, PayAnyWay, ONPay, i-transfer).
  9. Buying air tickets online, security systems for transport services.
  10. Payment for lighting services.
  11. Payment for purchases from online stores.

Also, under the heading “Payment management”, the MTS correspondent provides access to his bank cards, the function of charging fees and auto payments. Auto-topping of the MTS account, payment for details, easy payments by phone function in a constant mode. If you need to recognize information about payment transactions, select the tab "Payment history".

MTS bonus on site pay mts ru

Program "MTS Bonus" give gifts to its subscribers for corying with the services of a call. Such gifts are additional credits for calls, Internet traffic, unlimited calls and traffic, free SMS tariffs, pennies for accounts and other bonuses. This is a permanent loyalty program for the operator's customers, which allows them to win for choosing MTS and send new calls.

On the pay mts uk website, you can accumulate, redeem, convert the accumulated points into real purchases. Create an appointment for the necessary purchases in partner stores, or in stationary stores of MTS Russia. If you go to a special account through Pay MTS RU, you can redeem personal bonus accounts, reverse the history of bonus accruals, give points to other subscribers. Up to special propositions MTS Bonus is visible tickets for cultural logins, access to music tracks, online games, content that you develop, purchases in online stores, English movie courses and other programs.

MTS Bonus program, video:

Today, the rich rhythm of life often does not last an hour. That is why people are trying to make life easier with ways - to buy speeches and talk through the Internet, to pay for different services. The MTS company promotes the service of "Easy payment", for the help of which it is possible to make payments from the all-world's money. Today, let's look at the power of how to turn on "Easy Payment" on MTS.

Service activation via USSD request

Usі dії polagayut have nadsilannі simple teams on obrobka. For whom, read the following:

It will be impossible to transfer pennies over the phone if such vikonannnya is sent. All the servants, which lie in the vimknenoy setting, cease to work.

Inclusion in the Special Cabinet of MTS

In a different way, the inclusion of various services and options for the MTS operator and the selection of functions of the Special Cabinet. Danish redemption service on the web-resource of the MTS company, it is zastosovuetsya for reverification and checkout services on the subscriber's number.

To enable the "Easy payment" option, follow the instructions:

  1. Upgrade the personal computer and turn the connection to the Internet.
  2. Go to the official MTS Internet resource.
  3. If you enter the LC for the first time, go through the registration process with the instructions of the system.
  4. Log in to the personal account by entering the phone number, input password, which you have removed from the SMS you received.
  5. Go to the branch "Service Management".
  6. In the list of connected services, find “Easy payment” and turn it on by pressing a right hand on the red cross.

If you are unable to pay for an additional telephone number.

For help call to the operator

The contact center of the MTS operator assists subscribers in managing services, connecting to mobile extension numbers. If you are rebuying in one of the regions of Russia, then to enable "Easy payment" enter the following lines:

It is necessary for others to take up one's service, going on the road to other lands. For such transfers, it is necessary to contact a similar number, and the number for calling to the transfer operator is +7495-766-0166. Such a call can be paid. Tse lie in the country of perebuvannya and nayavnosti to please the foreign operator with the MTS company.

Return to the MTS office

If you don’t have a telephone, access to the all-world network and a personal computer, hurry up as soon as possible - go back to the MTS subscriber service office. The nearest office can be found through the company's website for an interactive map.
  1. Go to the office, present your passport and ask for the "Easy payment" to be turned on to your number.
  2. For consumption fill in the application form.
  3. Dochekaytes nahodzhennya vo_domlennya about vymknennya. Sound on the whole no more than 15 whilins.

Obov'yazkovoyu umovoy zdijsnennya diy s number є those, shob sіm-card was issued on your іm'ya. If the number is someone else's, the presence of the yogi spy is required, or the presentation of a notarized power of attorney.

Activation through the "Content Fence"

In another way, the power supply is connected to the special services of the "Content Fence". "Easy payment" will not be active as long as "Content Fence" is active.

Such operations allow the collection of the "Easy Payment" service from MTS. Shakhrai can't use your pennies on the balance of the phone.

Information about the service "Easy payment"

An option for the MTS company "Easy Payment" provides a system that allows subscribers of this operator to quickly pay for the purchase of goods and various services. For the implementation of these operations, access to the all-world network is required. Okrim tsgogo, servitude can be koristuvatisya on a personal computer or laptop. Under the hour of payment, the pennies can be repaid as from the balance of the mobile extension, so the cards to the bank, as assigned to the number.

Possibility of the "Easy payment" option consists of the following points:

  • Payments for utility services
  • Possibility of replenishing the balance of the phone, like your own, and close people.
  • Payment of fees for a loan and a credit card.
  • Bringing services and goods on the Internet.
  • Transfer of money.
  • Payment for the Internet or cable TV.
Cheap operations can be done safely. The main mind is access to mobile traffic. The greater number of payments is due without any commission fees. Other payments may be a small fee.

For the "Easy payment" voucher, there are a few methods:

Wash Nadannya

Learn the songs of the mind, for which you can win the service:
  • "Easy payment" available only to physical persons.
  • Multiple payments are allowed with a positive balance, which is less than 10 rubles.
  • Payment will be carried out beyond the first limits. Payment can be more than 15 thousand rubles. It is allowed to pay no more than 30 thousand rubles by stretch, the amount of payments is not guilty of revisiting five times. For a day, the total amount of payments can be more than 100,000 rubles.
  • It is forbidden to pay for goods with bonus points, discounts.
  • The service, which is being looked at, when connected, automatically turns on the option “Advance payment return”.
Payment for goods can be made in three ways:
  1. Through a mobile phone for help with the Easy Payment program.
  2. For the help of a bank card. The fields with bank card data and її requisites are filled in.
  3. Through special office. On a personal computer, manually enter payments and transfer pennies.

Electronic cards and bank cards have become an indispensable part of the financial life of modern people. PAT "Mobile Telesystems" has also launched services for its clients, which allow them to manage finances easily, without any special knowledge. Previously, operations could be carried out through the services of MTS Easy Payment, now it has changed the service of MTS Groshi, as there are many extensions of the functionality and gives the ability to use all the tools.


The MTS electronic gateway allows the company's subscribers to make payments and accept orders without leaving the office. The choice of service is possible, if any available, it will not require special knowledge. Service PAT "Mobile Telesystems" allows you to make any payments, including regular payment of utility services, taxes and fees, TV, Internet and more.

Through services, the subscriber can transfer up to 60 thousand. rub. at one time, or 200 yew. long dobi. The commission of the MTS winery is 10 rubles for a successful skin transaction, with the commission of the intermediaries to lie down directly, in which the payment will be transferred. With a lot of banks and services, the company has signed partnership agreements for transactions within the framework of the service "Easy payment" or the service "MTS Money" without additional payment.

You can use the functionality of the service in any convenient way for the subscriber, and you can connect via Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Scratch your phone

The cost of making payments via phone is just enough for anyone:

  • Install a mobile add-on in the store operating system of the smartphone;
  • Register, vikoristovuyuchi phone number and code, deletion from SMS;
  • If you win a phone, you can pay not only online payments, but also re-pay in stores and rozvazhalnyh mortgages for the style number.

To pay in a mortgage, just bring the attachment to the terminal, dictate your phone number to the organization's practitioner, or confirm the payment by recognizing the QR code.

Respect! In this situation, you can be as rich as a penny on the electronic gadget itself, as well as by placing it on the balance of the phone.

For additional service, change transfers from card to card, set up regular auto payments and other payments.

In order to enable the new functionality of the service, the subscriber needs to send SMS to the short number 111 with the combination 656 and go for the request from the confirmation.


You can make payments through a menu of simple commands from your mobile phone, for which you need to dial *115# on the extension and press the call button. After the command is entered, the subscriber will see a list of available ones for you. Service Easy payment, which does not require additional activation, and can be used by all subscribers of the operator without blame.

Important! When paying in the chosen way, do not be obligated to be the owner of a smartphone, keep your mother handy, no matter the model.

On site

For subscribers who want to win access to finance from a stationary computer or a laptop, the ability to win a call from the browser version of the site has been transferred.

To carry out the operation through the website of the correspondent, it is necessary:

  • Check to register in the special office of the service;
  • Go to the payment management section;
  • Choose the right one;
  • Enter the required data and the amount of repayment;
  • Confirm the operation.

Important! Access to a special office is only possible for smart authorization with a different code, which is sent to the phone, which confirms the subscriber's electronic gamble.

In MTS offices

You can also pay for all the services you need for your service from MTS for a penny in the office of the company, for which the subscriber can get to the caller at the cash desk, dictate your phone number, give a passport and bank details. With this method, you can pay off credits and reload MTS Bank cards without commission, and the money goes to the subscriber's account instantly.

Bank cards

Also, plastic bank cards issued by MTS Bank became available to the clients of PJSC "Mobile Telesystems". You can use the payment instrument to win this payment instrument both via the Internet and when you send the MTS mobile phone call to the salon.

MTS Smart Money

VISA Platinum bank card, which can be issued by clients of MTS Bank, allows the cardholder:

  • Cost-free communication with mobile phone calls to TP Smart, HYIP, as well as options for tablets;
  • Subscribers of PAT "Mobile Telesystems" do not pay for maintenance of plastic tools;
  • SMS informing is expected to be koristuvachevy - free of charge;
  • Possibility of contactless payment with NFC technologies;
  • Use the credit limit for a card account, no-cost period up to 51 days, the sum of the credit is up to 299,999.00 rubles;
  • You can use finance with the help of an Internet bank, a mobile addendum, or the service of SMS-Bank-Info.

In order to issue plastic to the client, enough to get into the salon of the MTS mobile phone with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and for 15 minutes, you will be given a payment instrument.

Important! For a simple mobile phone connection, the subscriber needs to pay the same amount of sixty-sixths of plastic bills and the minimum surplus on the account. Sumi lie in the tariff plan, where the client is known.

Debit card MTS Groshi Weekend

The debit card of the MTS company allows customers to win a great number of privileges without overpaying for services. Main characteristics of the product:

  • Cashback for purchases, zdijsnenі protyazhnya, nahbuyutsya schop'yatnitsa from the first drive of the client at the sight of 5% of the total amount;
  • 6% on the client's excess cash;
  • Cost-free plastic surgery, for the mindfulness of purchases from the sum of 15,000 rubles. schomіsyachno, or the average daily non-reduced surplus for a piece of plastic of 30,000 rubles;
  • Varity of the release of the instrument - 299 rubles;
  • Possibility of making payments contactless for the help of a smartphone, services of auto payments and others.

Respect! You can withdraw pennies from a card account without any cash at ATMs of all banks in Russia.

Credit card MTS Groshi Weekend

MTS Bank encourages its customers to issue credit cards with the best minds, regardless of the limit and additional privileges. Basic mindset for clients.

Not long ago, no one was able to show that a mobile phone would not be more than a call, and that for help you could carry out penny operations. Standing at the dozheleznіy cherzі, schob to pay for communal services, we could only think about the simplification of the procedure. І os on this day for MTS subscribers, a new service "Easy Payments" is available. Now, in order to pay the necessary comrades for services, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on that zusil. It is enough to speed up the balance of your phone or bank card. Tsya servant bring you chimalo crusty. To that, we will not know about її particular characteristics.


Service "Easy payment" gives you a unique opportunity to pay your bills in the following ways:
1) Through the MTS website;
2) Through the "Easy payment" addon;
3) Via SMS;
4) Wicorst menu of the SIM card;
5) 3 additional simple commands (USSD).

As a resource for payment, the service "Easy payment" wins the account of the subscriber's phone. In order to pay that chi іnsu service, it is sufficient to replenish the balance of your phone. You can already pay for utility bills, mobile calls of any operators, pay a fine, buy a ticket to the Maldives and much more. You can also pay for your purchases in stores, as partners of the MTS mobile operator, after starting the Easy Payment service. For example, on Ozon.ru, AVON, etc.
In order for the cashiers to be able to comfortably and manually make payments, the MTS operator has provided a lot of payment instruments. So, for example, you can make payments through the MTS website or by using your mobile phone. Most transactions are subject to commission. Її rozmir can be found at payment forms. For carrying out a skin payment from a subscriber, a commission is charged for 10 rubles (from VAT). Ale znіmaєtsya only yakscho payment proishov without pardons and buv confirmations. Varto indicates that for the deeds of the service, an additional commission can be drawn. For example, if you want to top up the balance of another phone, then the commission will be 10%. The cost of paying for loans.

For more details about the exchange, you can find it in the documentation, how you can get it from the site of the MTS operator.

Krіm mobile balance, you can make payments for an additional bank card. Ale yak koristuvatisya card, її it is necessary to register, tobto. attach to the mobile rahunka. It is possible to work through a special office on the MTS website. For vikoristannya tsієї services are not suitable for those cards, on the back of them, on a smooth signature, there is no three-digit code.


  • zdіysnyuvati payments can be skrіz. Golovne shob buv access to the Internet;
  • payment vіdbuvaєtsya fast, for kіlka khvilin (vinyatok
  • fines of the GIPDR and the Rostelecom account. Residual payment can take 3-5 days);
  • speeding up with his mobile phone, the subscriber at some point can gain access to penny transactions;
  • now you do not deposit in the payment channels of bank terminals;
  • zavdyaki international roaming, you can pay for the rahunki at any place on the planet - in Antarctica or with friends at a party;
  • the service is available 7 days a day and 24 years a day;
  • payment for the services of MTS and other partners to be carried out without commission fees;
  • commission from other payments is lower, lower at banks and terminals.

Exchange of "Easy payment" victoria:

  • if one payment was not completed, you will not be able to work further;
  • it is not possible to use a bank card, as it does not contain the CVV2 or CVC2 code;
  • it is not possible to collect credit money to pay for services;
  • regardless of the amount of payment, it is possible to carry out three more than 5 operations today;
  • payment for rent can be carried out, only if there is a surplus of less than 10 rubles for a rent;
  • the maximum amount spent for the benefit of a telephone bill is not the responsibility of a larger one for 30 thousand rubles, and for a month 40 thousand rubles;
  • the maximum amount of one payment is 15 thousand rubles.


At the moment, there are two main ways for ordering subscribers:
- Z special computer;
- From the mobile annex.


To easily pay for the bills, you need to go to the MTS website from your computer. On this site you can find out the list of services that you are hoping for, and choose the one that is necessary for you. If you didn’t know the item on the list that you need, check that you have chosen the region correctly.

For example, in order to pay rent for electricity to "MOSENERGOSBUTU" it is necessary to select the item "Rent". Next, near the list, select "MOSENERGO".

After choosing the item you need, fill in the fields marked with a star:
1) subscriber number;
2) the period by which the service is paid for;
3) sum.

Let's choose the next step, as soon as the payment is made - for an additional mobile account MTS or a bank card. When choosing a bank card, do not forget that it is necessary to fill in your details and then confirm the payment, in advance of your bank. Before the speech, the sum of the commission will be charged three times lower than the last fields.
For other penny operations through the site, the procedure itself is contingent - an item is selected, the necessary data is filled in, the amount of payment is indicated, as well as the payment method. Dearly, there is no hope of payment for such payments. The stench is charged through the account of your phone, or for an additional bank card.


Addendum "EASY PAYMENT".

How to install?

In order to make penny operations through the phone, it is necessary to invest in a new program "Easy payment". Depending on the phone platform, you can get yoga from the software store. Even if it’s difficult to get involved, you can also go to the MTS website and choose the distribution "Payments". Continue to select an item "Pay for services by phone" and sweat "From a mobile supplement". On the side, as it turned out, indicate the phone number. Nezabar you take SMS with requests for advancement. Zavantazhennya tsієї programs for the requests are not charged.

After installation, open the program. Read the license agreement given to you, and if you please, it is necessary to confirm the registration. To remove a special password, you need to click on the "registration" button. After you enter your mobile phone number, a conversion code will be sent to your phone. Enter this code in a special field in the program and create a custom password. Axis and all, registration was successful. Now you, having joined thousands of people, you can win the extra money to pay for the services of the goods. You can make payments more easily by connecting to the Internet. Now you do not need to go to the bank or the MTS store. If you can't guess the password, it won't take you a lot of time to renew your password. Just enter the program number, which was specified during registration, and you will receive a code to reset the password.

Benefits of the program "Easy payment".

The advantage of this program is that it is suitable for all mobile phones. Android, iPhone, Symbian, Windows Phone, Java, etc. In addition, the program allows you to save payment templates, which are the most common. Tse to spare an hour when paying for the monthly services. In addition, an obvious plus of these programs are those that subscribers can not win MTS. It can be operated by corlisters of other mobile operators. Ale, you can pay for your services only with your bank card.

Payment of bills for additional SMS.

For carrying out financial transactions, SMS commands are also suitable. Necessary sums can easily be transferred not only from one phone to another, but also from a phone to a bank card. For vikoristannya tsієї functions not happen to go through registration. Vaughn is available to all MTS subscribers without blame.
Schob, vikoristovuyuchi phone number, transfer the required amount, it is necessary to send to the required subscriber S MS іz text "#translation 1000"(Do not put paws). Potim on your phone from number 6996, come SMS with instructions. Following її, you can confirm the translation.
Transferring pennies from a phone to a card is as simple as that. For whom, send a short SMS with the text "card "card number" sum" (do not put your paws) on number 6111. Please respect that the card number should be written at once, and not be completed by 4 digits, like on the card. For example, "card 1234567890123456 100". You can retell koshti on a card VISA and MasterCard whether it be an accredited bank.

Payment for the assistance of the simplest USSD commands.

For whatever reason, you could not get the Easy Payment mobile add-on, or you can’t connect to the Internet, in such a situation you can win the mobile payment portal. Tsey sposіb pіdhodit absolutely for any phone.
Special skills are not required. Just need to dial on your phone * 115 # and press "dzvіnok". Before you see the menu of the mobile portal. They gave the next order to choose the order for the payment and follow the instructions.

For the help of a new SIM-card from MTS.

You can zamoviti ta otrimati new SIM card, in which the program is already installed "Easy payment". The new SIM-card has a menu "MTS-Info". To select the main options, you do not need any additional knowledge or basic knowledge. Replacement of a SIM card is free of charge at any MTS salon.

At the time of 2018, the MTS company has accumulated a lot of good services and options. One of such core products is the service "Easy payment" of MTS. For the help of this service, you can transfer pennies to other subscribers, pay utility bills, top up your mobile balance, etc. The option is available at the vikoristanny, so for the creation of a penny offer, it is not obligatory to deprive the houses and open the bank terminal. You can pay, if you like, services without getting up from your beloved armchair. Moreover, the function can be activated in roaming, for which it is possible to acquire a special utility for roaming outbuildings. Read the report about MTS payment service below.

Service description

The “Easy Payment” service of MTS is divided for the transfer of penny transfers, payment of bills and other financial transactions. You can use the service as a telesystem client, regardless of the location of the registration of the SIM card.

You can conduct transactions in any manual way. It is possible to make payments through the MTS option with a bank card of any Russian bank VISA or MasterCard.

Prote on banking plastic can be a three-digit code with a signature. Since there is no such thing on the return, to pay through the service, the subscriber cannot.

Also, to make a payment on the cards, you can have a sum sufficient to pay the commission fee. As a rule, the commission fee for one transaction is 10 UAH. If you transfer pennies to the number of the correspondent of your TV system, 10% will be debited from the bank account for the total amount of money transferred.

As if it were an option for a telesystem, the service "Easy payment" in the form of MTS may have low rules and minds:

  • the maximum amount of one order cannot be greater than 15,000 UAH. In other words, if your purchase costs a ruble more, you can’t pay through the service;
  • for 24 years, you can make transactions for an amount not more than 30,000 rubles. The monthly payment limit for the phone number is not guilty of overdrawing UAH 40,000, when paying with bank plastic, the limit for 30 days becomes UAH 50,000;
  • when transferring pennies between bank cards, the limit for a single transaction becomes UAH 70,000. You can transfer up to UAH 600,000 per month. Commission for one payment warehouse 1.5% of the total amount;
  • for doba you can earn more than five translations;
  • after the transaction is completed, at least 10 UAH can be deposited on the subscriber's account.

The limits of this service at the service are as follows:

  • Koristuvach cannot transfer the cost, the docks have not been completed before the financial operation (not confirmed by the system payment for the account, the services are too short);
  • the option is not available to cardholders who cannot be on the right side of CVV2 or CVC2 code;
  • option of transferring commission payment. For one transaction, the client will be charged a payment of 10 rubles;
  • replenishment of the balance of MTS and payment for other services of the telesystem is expected to be cost-free. Also, they are not subject to commission fees, which are transferred to goodness;
  • for the payment of services not covered by the telesystem, a commission fee was transferred. The exact rozmіr will be indicated in the SMS confirming the transaction;
  • it was reserved to transfer pennies to the money exchange way for the exchange of bonus points. It is also not possible to transfer credit cards;
  • zarahuvannya koshtіv through the service zdіysnyuєtsya protyag pіvgodini. Blame may be utility charges, payment of fines too. For these types of arrangements, the storage of funds for the settlement of an otrimuvacha can take up to 3 calendar days.

It is important that subscribers do not need to think about how to connect the service to MTS, the scaling option is available to all customers of the network. And there are few ways to transfer money from a bank account to a phone or a bank card for additional services.

Also, MTS subscribers can make a financial transaction:

  • through the add-on "MTS Info";
  • sent SMS notification;
  • via USSD;
  • at the Vlasny office, through the site.

Let's take a look at the skin method in detail.

The MTS Info program can be found in the menu of any modern gadget. Through the program, you can keruvati, whether it be the services of an operator on the phone.

As a rule, the money is redistributed in the patched SIM cards. The subscriber needs to simply enter the utility and follow the instructions.

Translation for help SMS

You can transfer pennies to the phone of another correspondent for additional assistance. To save money from banking plastics, send an SMS to 6111 for such a change: card card number. For example, card 78654320987 1000 .

To transfer money over the phone, send the following message to the number 6111: #transfer the sum. For example: # Translation 300.

Also, you can simply pay for the help of a special USSD service. What is the best way to send money to the phone. For the operation, dial the digital combination * 115 # on the phone, then collect the payment and confirm the payment.

To transfer pennies to a bank card, hurry up with the following digital command: *611* owner card number* sum #.

Respect! It is not necessary to set gaps between values.

Through Special Cabinet

If you have access to the Internet, then you can make a transaction online, directly on the company's website. For this, log in to your side and go to the pay.mts.ru address. Here you will find all the instructions for making financial offers.

For additional help to MTS service, you can pay for banking services directly from your mobile phone, charge reorders, pay for housing and communal services and much more. You will find detailed instructions on how to translate translations directly on the site pay.mts.ru.

However, for the cob it is necessary to register a special account card for payment on the site mts pay. Registration is carried out according to the standard scheme and will not take a lot of time. Koristuvach can register a stack of cards (no more than three per doba).

When paying for services or purchases in online stores through the website, the client will need to indicate the cvv2 code, card number, її term dії, PIB. For the protection of your special data, you can not be turbulent, because during skin surgery, the subscriber will receive a unique confirmation code on the phone.

If you are still worried about the safety of your data, you can enter the 3D Secure password on the bank's website or in the nearest terminal. The 3-D Secure service algorithm can be found on the bank's website.

You can turn on the Swiss payment by dekilcom in the following ways:

  • log in to your side, select the section "Services" or "MTS pennies", and press the "Remove" button for an inappropriate product;
  • call the service number 0890 or 8-800-333-0390 and ask the operator to deactivate the option on your number. If you are roaming, dial +7-495-766-0166;
  • return to the nearest office outlet of the telesystem with a passport.

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