It's easy to break iPhone 8 vіdguki. Finish off one hit. Photos of brand new, but already broken iPhone X, pain and hopelessness. What to choose

Golovna / Optimization of work

New iPhone X, the price for yaks reach up to a thousand dollars, it can be said that they were charged. And in the photo of broken gadgets it is important to marvel without emotions.

"Already smashed iPhone X. Apple, Tim Cook, help bro!"

"Well, axis. Chronicles of broken iPhone X…"

“Being with the iPhone from the moment of the beginning of the 2007 roci, so, obviously, I will continue the same. #iphonex #only iPhone.

І equalize tse z podomlennyam, like vin writing less than two days after that.

"The next day has not passed, and she has broken the back of her phone."

The bad guys will be embarrassed, but if they find a photo of a completely broken iPhone X, if someone sees a photo of their fail, it’s mostly a fake. My programmers, you won't fool us.

But there are other problems.

“Well, break my heart. Three days of setting up a new way to a child, the daily losses of football, and the camera on the iPhone was broken. What's wrong with that?"

In an official statement, Apple knows that the power can be broken, and proponuets customers to overcome the problem by buying additional accessories.

The new iPhone is broken, so that it is shockproof, but not indestructible, and it has passed through impersonal tests in real minds. Vіn razrobleniy іz mіtsnogo sklad, іk іf іn nebіd it happened іn smartphones, zі zbіl nіm 50 vіdsotkіv zmіtsnyuyuchiy svojnіm, yоu svrechennі buv vikoristany our subvіyy protsіy ion exchange, vіdatkovo posilienі іnіnіshnіshnіshnіshіnі zvіshnіmі zvіrі zvarіvnіm_u, sіїl […] If there are any insinuations in someone who throws his iPhone and poshkozhuvat yoga, we suggest winning one of the rich beautiful cases, so that they can steal the iPhone.- at the center of the middle, there was a lot of decay and rozpachu. If you want, judging by the respect of the deacons, it’s not possible for a chiu black to roll around, even if the price of a black iPhone is so ... iPhone.

Fair, not overstated and not underestimated. On the website of the Service, you can find the prices. Obov'azkovo! without "zirochok", zrozumіlo she reportedly, where it is technically possible - as accurately as possible, pіdsumkovі.

For availability of spare parts, up to 85% of warehouse repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require less than an hour. On the site, it is indicated that the repair will be approximately safe.

Warranty and durability

A guarantee can be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. Guarantee tse vpevnіnіst svoїh vnіnіst іt wаs up tо уоu. Warranty in 3-6 months is good and sufficient. It is necessary to re-verify the severity and attachment of defects, which cannot be known at a glance. Use honest and real terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half of the success in repairing Apple is the quality and reliability of spare parts, that’s why a good service works with the postal workers on a straight line, you need a few extra channels and your own warehouse from the overturned spare parts of current models, so you don’t have a chance to spend the first hour.

Bezkoshtovna diagnostics

This is more important and has become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnostics is the most important and important part of the repair, but you are not guilty of paying for it every penny, so you don’t repair attachments for її pіdbags.

Repair service and delivery

Good service costs an hour, so I offer cost-free delivery. І z tsієї cause repairs are less likely to be done in the main service center: correctly and for technology, you can only work on a prepared site.

Manual schedule

If the Service is working for you, and not for yourself, then you must be sure! absolutely. The schedule can be flexible, so you can get to work and then work. Good service works both at the weekend and at the holy place. We check on you and work on your outbuildings daily: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of fahivtsiv is built up from a number of points

Vіk ta dosvіd kompanії

Nadіyny and dosvіdcheny servіs know for a long time.
As a company on the market already richly fateful and won to prove itself as an expert, before it, they turn around, write about it, її recommend it. We know what we are talking about, that 98% of the outbuildings that are located are in the SC.
We are trusted to pass on folding fluctuations to other service centers.

Skilki mastrіv for direct

If you have a check on you for a skin type engineer, you can be sure:
1. there will be no drawings (otherwise there will be a minimum) - your outbuilding will be taken care of immediately.
2. You are in charge of Macbook repair to an expert in the field of Mac repair. We know all the secrets of their outbuildings

Technical literacy

If you put food, fahivets is guilty of it as accurately as possible.
Sob you showed what you need.
The problem will be overcome. Mostly from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the injustice.

Less than a month has passed since the start of sales of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, and in the service center there are already impersonal works related to the repair of new smartphones.

As they told us at the ModMac service center, all the details of the iPhone 8 and at the same time were either broken with a broken display, or with a damaged glass back panel. Chi varto say that the satisfaction is not cheap: for example, replacing the iPhone 8 display with the original one costs 25,990 rubles.

It’s worth it, it’s a lot cheaper to get out - 7990 rubles and 9990 rubles for the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, obviously. Truth is, she herself is more graceful to the point of poshkodzhen.

In order to get to know all the details of the repair, the service center purchases, and then we pick out a piece of new iPhone, so at the time of the first steps, the fahivtsy already thoroughly know all the problem areas and the nuances of the repair. For all the popularity of vishchezgadannykh types of repair, the stench itself is one of the best. The reason seems to be that I will add an hour of analysis to easily damage the internal components, as in the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, they are exactly the same as the front models.

To that, if you entrust repairs to a non-professional master, you can get stuck with such problems:

  • Break the screen at the hour of the day of dawn;
  • Break the display cable, and repair the warehouse 15990 rubles or 17990 rubles;
  • Damage the battery, replace any cost 6990 rubles;
  • Break the cordless charging cable;

Also, you need to pay for the cost of money, and as a result, it is not even cheaper to repair a new phone. To this very varto, only the service center is overturned, so that you may have the necessary information, possessing that knowledge, even though you still had an unacceptable breakdown.

Of course, the service center shared information about the water protection of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. It turned out that the protection of new IP67 smartphones is the same, like that of the past generation, which means protection with a partial or short-hour dive in the water at a depth of up to one meter. Moreover, Apple is ahead of the fact that "the damage as a result of contact with the homeland is not covered by the guarantee."

I’m guessing, Valya did a good job of releasing the iPhone 8 Plus and Samsung Galaxy Note 8 during the famous crash test, and we repeated the steps in the reverse order: to renew the device and tell you about our news to you. Damn the flagship charivni - until the moment you let it on the asphalt.

Repair of the device cost 21670 rubles, for an hour you can take it from one to a few days, you can put everything in your bag and pay extra for the delivery. With the apparatus of everyday problems, yoga in robots for different jobs. The time has come to repair the iPhone 8 Plus, I charged the smartphone and went to the B2X service center authorization on Mikilsky - Samsung was repaired in the official service, so the iPhone can also be carried out in the same way, it was honestly. I guess . І os, I took my buterіv from myself, taking a thermos with kavoi, revering that it doesn’t rattle a spoon on a bowler hat into a speech bear - really, vyyshov from the office, immediately zayshov at the shopping center, climbing onto another on top of the і axis, I already roll vіchlivih lads B2X.

History is like that. You get a broken iPhone 8 Plus, pay 30,990 rubles, in 3-5 days you get the same new iPhone 8 Plus. Unfortunately, our martyr does not do repairs. Nuance, well, є. For example, the PCT device, or purchases from Europe, then the service will help, and for a penny you can remember the device for a new one. As a device from the USA, unfortunately, here you will not be helped with a replacement. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? Because there are three versions of iPhone 8 Plus, A1864, A1897, A1898. Officially, A1897 is imported into our country, imported according to all sciences, with taxes, with all certificates for official bodies. In order to bring an evil device for further disposal or repair, Apple can show all these documents in the right order - but how can it be done, like an "American" with a different module? Niyak. So, unfortunately, remember the iPhone 8 Plus from the USA in the official service for a new one not visible. Hello, don't be embarrassed. First, breaking the iPhone 8 Plus is not the easiest task. In a different way, let’s go back to the back part, don’t change it, you can only remember the screens, the cost will be 14,000 rubles, the repair will last 10-12 days. Thirdly, for any kind of glassy gadget, I even recommend buying a good case, so that you don’t break off and don’t rub in case of a skin fall. I'm sorry, raja check the iPhone model before buying, to avoid problems.

What did we spoil? We got an iPhone 8 Plus, paid 30,990 rubles, we take a new one. This device is covered by Apple's three-month warranty. On the other hand, as Samsung has its flagship, it’s easy to repair and cost less (21,760 rubles for an outside renovation), on the other side, take a completely new device, it’s also possible. If, of course, there is a fighter for the rights of the living, roll up an application and bring in the company and curse the back covers, but for now the situation is like this.

Bless you, healthy, God bless you!

From that hour, as Apple presented the eight iPhone, the “apple” products were already disturbed by the essentials, in principle, nutrition - and why change the good old “sim card” for updates to the iPhone 8 or 8 Plus? Today, we will tell you about those who use two gadgets, one after one, and they start to buy a new iPhone.

Pochnemo, maybe, with the design, we finish the battery.

Zovnіshnіy vglyad that vartіst

Otzhe, a new "vіsіmka" may deyakі vіdmіnnostі in design. It is impossible to say that the stench is global, but the stench is thrown into the eyes. The back panel of the iPhone 8 is now made of steel, and not made of aluminum, like a SIM card. Obviously, the smartphone’s crackle has become 2 times worse, and the mucus on the surface of the glass back panel, so bright, let it break the iPhone 8 even more easily. Now it’s definitely not without a choker!

Obviously, the maker said that it was 50% less expensive on the whole 50% matched with similar materials on the front models. Tsya obіtsyanka trohi koristuvachiv on that fall, like a phone inadvertently falling, but if it’s so true - show the hour.

Rozmir and vaga iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 wind up insignificantly, literally by ten parts of a millimeter, so that you can wind the hood. And the axis of the car grew by 10 grams, and the iPhone 7 was not so easy.

The Plus models have a larger difference.

If I want to build a vartost, then it will be about 14 thousand higher than the front models, which is to match the younger versions for memory. Speaking of which, the iPhone 8 now has no models with 32 GB of memory, only 64 or 256 GB.


The display is practically the same, the size of the building is 1334 × 750 pixels, 326 pixels per inch , Retina HD.

And yet the eighth iPhone has a “chip”, only powerful you. It's called the True Tone feature. It is easy to do it: the colors of the display themselves change under the necessary illumination. Before the speech, as if to give respect to the vodguki koristuvachiv, the function works without a hitch.

As soon as you spend in the room with filthy lighting, the display becomes brighter, and the lights are richly warm. Varto you go on a gloomy day to the street, like a device helpfully change the colors of the display to cold and bring bluish colors.

How about a camera?

What is the difference in the cells of sims and wisims? Let's get smart.

The number of megapixels in the iPhone 8 Plus and the good old "symbols" are the same. Cost of both front and rear cameras.

Ale and vіdminnostі all the same є. The remaining version of the flagship can watch 4K video from the true high speed! It shoots 60 frames per second, in the iPhone 7 in 4K mode you can only shoot at a frequency of 30 frames per second. Improvements to the capture mode have also improved, now you can shoot in 1080p and at a frequency of 120 or 240 fps. This is true one of the most significant changes!

Although Apple claims that the rear camera of the eighth flagship has been modified with a mega-cool, large and swept sensor, a color filter and deep pixels, the splendid short-haired camera is hardly worth remembering such a polish. As judged by the opinions, the majority of the Vlasniks of the “Vistimka” zapevnyayut, that they didn’t flirt with the civil servants.


8 people, as if they are corssing with an iPhone, while it’s not so rich and rich, but all the stench caught the memory that the device works richer in the same way with the iPhone 7.

The eighth iPhone has a dual-core chip A11 Bionic from Apple. On this day, wines are the most intense and signify on the productivity of the building. The device works a little faster and more efficiently.

Gadget charging method

Maybe, it’s true that the essence of the eighth iPhone is like that. iPhone 8 has a wireless charging feature! Attachments start charging after you put yoga on a small pillow (charging), which is called AirPower. Before speech, for the very reason, I had a chance to build a back cover for the iPhone 8/8 Plus.

The novelty allows you to charge up to three Apple devices at once. Ale sold tsya charging okremo.

In addition, the iPhone 8 has a "switched charging" function and you can charge your device up to 50% already for 30 minutes with the help of Apple USB power adapters, the intensity of which can be 29 W, 61 W or 87 W. True shvidka charging tezh not included in the kit and accessories 3 590.00 rub. Not only that, it’s more than 10 times more for the size, but it’s even more impractical!

The iPhone 8 kit also has a 5-watt charger for 1 ampere, the same as in the iPhone 7, so there is no chance of a charge in front of the SIM, without buying additional accessories.


And here is a mizh with a symbol and a great vіdminnosti. A new generation of flagships is starting from the memory of 64 GB, which is logical. For digital photos, videos (especially for 4k) and music, you need a lot of available memory and 32 GB; The maximum memory size is 256 GB.


iPhone 8 and 8 Plus go with the installed iOS 11, in which such additional chips were added, like recording a video from the screen, sensing Siri with a human voice and a lot more.

But for the iPhone 7, an upgrade to iOS 11 is already available, so there is no difference between the two. Before the speech, as it has not yet been updated, you can marvel at all the innovations of the new iOS in this short video:


And here, lovers of "apple" products were spitting heat. On the right, in the fact that in the iPhone 8 Plus, the battery capacity is smaller, lower in the current iPhone! Won to become 2675 mAg, just like the "Simka" has its display reaching 2900 mAg.

Incidentally, after the creation of the A11 chip and the wireless charging, Apple failed once again. Ale, as the maker says, the performance of the new iPhone will not be less, lower than that of the iPhone 7, more energy-saving processor. Judging from the observations, it is true. Ale, they could have increased the capacity of the new iPhone.

Colors of the model

The flagship iPhone 8/8+ is available in three colors:

    Silver (sriblo);

    Space gray (syria);

    Here the iPhone 7 wins, the new one has 5 main colors for the case, the cream is a limited red.

    On the back of the iPhone 8, it’s safe to say that sometime in sales there will be red and dark blue colors.

    And what do you choose?

    What to choose - the new iPhone 8/8+ What's wrong with the iPhone 7/7+? After that, as we reported to you about all the details of the models, they only tell you. There are no cardinal vіdmіnnosti, only drіbnі reduction, before speech, the moment from the back of the glassy cover of the spirals, - tse polіpshennya or gibberish.

    If your budget is for housing, then buy a "Simka", if you allow cats - treat yourself to a brand new iPhone 8. And the axis of the transition from the second iPhone to the eighth one is not to please, the shards of special differences between them did not work out.

    You, singly, will be amazed at the pairing of two devices in video format!

    Do you plan to buy an eight iPhone?

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