Lot online trading platform.

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Additional functionality

“Russian auction booth” (lot-online.ru) is a federal trading platform, which is a creation for the sale of sovereign and private lanes throughout the territory of Russia.

  • To participate in trading on the Maidan, you must remove your qualifying electronic signature.
  • Digital signature for rich online: where to cancel?
  • To work on the Maidan "Russian Auction House" you need to cancel your electronic signature.
  • Approach without signature, see.
  • Among them is the AT “ETP” center, which, as you can see, sells 8 different sets.

A kit is suitable for lot-online work.

You can also vikorize on other federal Maidans:

  • One electronic trading platform
  • Oschadbank-AST
  • RTS tender


National electronic Maidan

EDS for Rad: where else can you become a vikorist?

An electronic signature is a richly functional tool that can be used not only for participating in electronic trading.

Also, the kits can provide access to the submission and receipt of documents from the courts, registration of online cash registers, electronic document management, etc.

    What is especially noteworthy about this plan is the EETP set, which allows you to combine all the necessary areas of cooperation in one signature.

    You can contact:

    access to up to 6 federal maidans (EDS for RAD, ETTP etc.);

    access to commercial squares;

    access to the Gazprombank ETP.


    "Russian auction booth" (lot-online.ru) is part of six Maidans accredited to carry out public procurement under 44-FZ.

To work on the Maidan, you can only obtain a qualified electronic signature and an accredited CA. For example, kits Maidanchik RAD began its functioning in 2009, the order of the Russian Federation No. 1186-r was established on August 19, 2009.

ET RAD - purchases under 44-FZ

Since December 31, 2016, the Maidan has the right to conduct government purchases under 44-FZ, according to the regulations of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016, No. 2933-r.


Trading Maidan Lot online has been running since 2010 and new procedures for the implementation of any type of hearing loss are being carried out.

Lot-online is the only ETP of its kind, which promotes sales of the federal mine in electronic form.

The online lot has the following directions of activity:

  1. privatization of the lane;
  2. bankruptcy auctions;
  3. purchased under 44-FZ;
  4. purchased under 223-FZ;
  5. procedures for purchasing private assets;
  6. trading with sales of state corporations;
  7. purchases from the outpost mine;
  8. bidding for the right of orendi.

Services ETP Lot-online

The work on the Maidan is transferred to the Vikoristan of the electronic digital signature Therefore, all operations are guaranteed to be safe and legal.

Important: Since 2019, accreditation to the ETP RAD is automatic.

The participant may only undergo compulsory registration with the ЄІІС.

After this, the data will be added to the Unified Register of Purchasing Participants and within 1 business day accreditation for the UTP will become available. As reported on the official website of Lot-online, at the beginning of 2017 the total sales amount was 64.5 billion rubles, the number of lots exceeded 95 thousand, and the number of participants exceeded 45 thousand. In 2017, the ETP RAD held a tender for 28.5 thousand. objects.

for the amount that is overweight

260 billion rubles The beginning of the functioning of the 6th Federal Maidan of the Russian Federation On the first day of 2017, the Maidan did not yet have access to the functionality for making purchases for 44 Federal Law.

Were underway technical robots from the preparation of the service to the functioning of the RAD as the 6th federal Maidan.


Veresnya 2017

rock on the site zakupki.gov.ru formerly official information of the sixth federal Maidan - ETP Russian auction booth. Official website of the RAD for purchasing 44-FZ Website of the electronic trading platform of the Russian auction booth - gz.lot-online.ru




ETP Lot online positions itself as the All-Russian universal electronic platform for the sale of lanes (both sovereign and private) and the purchase of goods, work, services.

The total volume of trading for the first year of 2017 reached 260 billion rubles.

In the categories: Purchasing, Bankruptcy, Privatization and Commercial Trading.

Russian auction booth before inclusion until the Perelik of Maidanchikov for the sale of sovereign and municipal lanes, about 5 federal UTP.

This flow has expanded to government purchases.

Accreditation for the Maidan Lot online

At the UTP of the Russian auction booth Lot online there has long been a section for purchasing under 223-FZ, and later in the 2nd half of 2017 a section under 44-FZ gz.lot-online.ru appeared.

They began to place government purchases under 44-FZ and over 300 thousand. companies accredited by other state ETPs were selected for accreditation.

Trading under 44-FZ on the sixth electronic Maidan began in 2018. One of the first representatives on the new trading Maidan was the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Let's stand at the end of 2018 electronic Maidanchik Lot online bypassing ETP Zamovlennya.rf.

The overall procurement totaled 126 billion rubles, and 66 thousand were allocated. lots.

Contacts of the electronic Maidan Lot online

Rich channel phone: 8-800-777-57-57 (tsilodobovo)

Gateway link