Open new tabs, windows in browsers and curl inappropriate. How to create a manual robot with a great number of tabs in a browser

Golovna / Usunennya malfunctions

Vitayu, dear friends!

Do you know that all open tabs can be saved for the hour of closing the browser? It appears that one of my people knows about it, not knowing and saving the tabs, it's just hard to mimic the computer, maximizing a few seconds the life button. New? That's why Firefox you have shown that your robot has not been completed correctly and by recalling the tabs of the rest of the session!

I'm zdivany to kіnchikіv vuh i virіshiv write an article on this topic. I'll show you how to save streaming tabs in such a way that the browser closes for an hour and the stench is even more disturbing. The instruction will be for browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, edge. Pro Internet Explorer tezh I will tell a couple of lagidnyh naprikintsі statti.

Pochnemo s Mozilla Firefox

How do I restore tabs when Firefox closes?

We go to Nalashtuvannya, as shown on the screen.

We choose the item to fix Main at the left menu. Let's look at the value of the parameter " An hour to launch Firefox". For zamovchuvannyam there, ring out the varto “Show home side". Change yogo to " Show windows and tabs that were opened last time". Change zastosovuyutsya immediately, without pushing on the OK buttons or zastosovuvat. To review, close the browser and open it again. All tabs may be restored after the rest of the session.

How do I restore tabs when Chrome closes?

Press three horizontal sticks at the right upper codend, click Settings.

Vіdkriyutsya nalashtuvannya. Dali shukayemo item " When starting up and put in the position " Previously open tabs". Zmini also immediately zastosovuetsya. To review, close Chrome with kіlkom tabs, then open it again.

How to restore tabs in Opera browser?

We press the top left button of the Opera and in the menu we select Adjustment (you can press the key combination Alt + P).

At the distribution of the Main settings, the parameter “Startup hour” is set to the position “ Continue from the same month". Change zastosovuyutsya once.

How to restore Edge tabs?

The new browser like Microsoft also has the ability to save tabs earlier on startup, lower speed. To set it up, press the three dots on the right-handed button and select Settings.

In the Parameters, the first one on the list was added “Vidkriti for help”, for which we put a jumper in the position “ Front sides". Well, I know, change the time to fix the children. You can close the parameters with the Esc button or by repeated pressing on three points.

Ale Edge still powers you when closed, but do you want to close them? In my opinion, the behavior is illogical. If I choose to remember the previous session, should I ask the browser to close all tabs? Adzhe vin i tak їх all vindicate for offensive launch. Check the box "Start close all tabs" if you feel like it at the end :)

How to save open tabs in IE?

Zhart, but only half)

Actually, Internet Explorer cannot automatically reset the previous session, there is no such reset. But you can restore the last session manually and I will show you at a time where the option is available.

Let's say you closed IE with five tabs. Show yoga and keep one home side. What work? There are two ways:

Method number 1. Through new tab

Open a new tab for help Ctrl + T or a bear:

Now on the new deposit we marvel down and know the strength. Reopen the remaining session«.

Method number 2. Through the menu

Go to the menu Service, choose "". And it looks amazing, the tabs open up :)

Note: If the menu bar is not displayed, you can select it on a permanent basis, or click through as needed.

To make the menu bar visible permanently - right-click the bear on free city top panel of IE and check the box next to the item "Menu Row" (div. screenshot)

For example, if you don't want to populate the menu in order to save money, just press the left Alt key and pop up the menu. Let's go again Service -> Revisit the rest of the session review.

Reinventing the tabs may not be the optimal idea, but it seems to be too rich. Ale, in this case, it’s time to think about your efficiency in work. I'm sorry, saving all open sites when the browser is closed is the only tool that can speed up your work, so improve it.

Do you save your open tabs?

Basics of working on the Internet

So, what is needed for the cob of work on the Internet? It's simple - if you read this text, it means - work on the Internet, you have already begun, so that at least you know the label "Vihid in the Internet" on your work table and you can run yoga. Otzhe, now you need to forgive the robot and explain the current moments.

Let's get it from browsers. A browser is a program that helps you surf the Internet - marvel at sites, explore movies, games, programs, check web mail, find out the weather forecast for tomorrow, etc. At the same time for Windows, the most common browsers are:

InternetExplorer (Internet Explorer or just IE)

Opera (Opera)

Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla)

Google Chrome(Chromium)

With 99-hundred-thousand-years-old ability, you can confirm that you have one of these icons on your work table, and for this additional help, you go to the Internet.

Address row. There, de on the picture it is written, there the address line is roztashovuєtsya. You won’t believe it, you have to enter the address of the site, on which you want to spend. As a rule, it is enough to enter the address on the kshtalt, or, press Enter on the keyboard after entering, and you will go to the required site. If you want to, you need to enter the address How to understand what and if it is necessary to enter? Dosvіdchenim way, tse simpler.

Livoruch in the address row of the control buttons:

back-forward arrows allow you to move through the sliding sides. Let's say you know at the same time on the site (tobto they wrote in address row and pressed Enter). Then you got bored and you decided to go to the site Moved, tobto. they wrote in the address bar and pressed Enter. EARLIER You were on yandex, INVITED You are on google, follow your thoughts? Now, if you press the button with the back arrow, you will go back to yandex, as soon as you get bored again and you want to go to google again, you will need to press the button with the forward arrow. Try it, do not fight - such a move sometimes makes life much easier.

Circular arrow - tse button "Update". Clicking on it, you ask the browser to take advantage of the Internet and show you the latest, the rest version sides. Is it necessary? The Internet is more dynamic, and the information is constantly being updated. Axis to marvel at the stock price, for example. We went to the exchange site, knew the side, de є share rates, and marvel at them. To marvel at a friend, ten ... And then you think - “Why am I surprised at the old numbers? Shares are changing in a second, but in me the data is ten years old! Let me update them!”. Click on the "Update" button and you will deduct the exchange rates for the current moment.

Other buttons are unlikely to be of practical interest to you.

Now let's move on to the sites on that side.

Website- tse place on the Internet, kimos created, created for someone else, as a rule, anonymous different materials (although assigned to one topic) and may have your address.

For example, is the site created by me, assignments to computer courses of different directivity, and the new address is is a site created by such a great and serious company that specializes in searching the Internet for information and other information about different types of services, and at the address -

Storinka- Tse warehouse element for the site. Tobto. be it a site - even the smallest, even gigantic - is composed of three sides. The skin page also has its own address, but at the same address, it is included in the name of the site. The exact address of the sides is not necessary for you, obviously, to remember and know - what else, remember to score!

It is enough for you to know the address of the site - and even on the other side you can go for help.

Posilannya- this is such a row of the text, visions are distinguished by color (as a rule, blue, if you want to be and be-like else) and an armchair. And when you point a mouse at it, the indicator of the bear changes its look. And so, having navіvshi posilannya posilannya, more press the left button of the mouse, then you will go to the other side, where you want to go.

All tsі pіdkreslenі rows of the text - tse postilannya. Until the speech, send again and again on the KUDZ website. You can know them and click on them with a bear, and marvel at what you see.

Robot with tabs (manually moving sides).

What are the tabs and now the stench is needed? Show yourself that you are sitting on the Internet, wonder, for example, a site about cars. Rebuy V on the side with the car catalog. І axis vouchsafed you one of them. You click on the new left button of the bear and ... go to the side with him, as if replacing the side with the catalog of cars. Potim You virishili marvel at our car model. What are you doing? Press the "Back" button on the navigation panel and turn to the catalog. You will already get another car model from the new one and click on it. I will again replace the side with the catalogue. Not too hard. And how do you want to match that two car models between you? For pushing there, for swidkistyu ... Well, it’s not going to be easy for us anymore - constantly press “Back”, then “Forward”, click with a bear either for one car model, or for another ... One hassle and head bіl!

Browser retailers, maybe, so they thought, thought, and robbed all the coristuvachas a classy gift - tabs. Zavdyaki him you can in one browser open a lot of sides once. Also, at the top of the screen you will have a small number of tabs - buttons with the names of Internet sites. Take a look at the top part of your browser. There may be at least one tab. On the picture, the tabs are marked with red arrows.

The skin tab is just one side. Only one appears in the main part of the browser - the one that is active at once.

On the little one at once active with the car JaguarXK, and її instead of being shown on the main part of the screen. To make another tab active, you need to click on it with the left button of the bear. Just click, be kind, according to the deposit itself, and not according to the cross! Somebody inexplicably causes pressure on himself, through which the tab closes, and then marvels.

In this manner, at the top of the screen you have, for example, 3 tabs, tobto. yak bi 3 sides. The first with a catalog of cars, the friend with one model, the third with another car model. І axis for the help of the mouse You can practically switch between the two tabs of the sides. Clicked on one - and you marvel at AlfaRomeoSpider, clicked on the other - and you already watch JaguarXK. The hour of switching between the tabs is too little, why the stench is more stink.

How to open new tabs? Є two ways.

First - just create an "empty" tab. For which you need to click the left button of the mouse on the button to open the tab.

Look at the little ones, and you will understand where the button is located at the Opera. In other browsers, it may look different, but in some case it will be either evil or right-handed in the tabs themselves. Try it - You'll know for sure!

The other one is to change the sides of the new depositor. For example, you marvel at the catalog of automobiles, and you are worthy of a Jaguar. You want to go to the other side without turning the corner with the catalog. Tobto. pick up a jaguar from a new depositor. For whom to point the mouse at the request with the Jaguar, which is worthy of you, press the mouse button on the right and select “Enter in the new deposit” from the drop-down menu.

Otherwise, it’s even easier, just click on the message with the MIDDLE button. Mostly in the role of the middle button, a small mouse acts. So-so, you can not only twist a little, but press it, like a button. Try it this way and that way. І switch between tabs.

How to close tabs? Tse duzhe is simple. Look respectfully at the tab. At the right її part of you, you will obov'yazkovo know the cross. By clicking on the new one, you will close the tab. If you want to close all tabs at once, you can right-click on any tab and select "Close all" in the menu.

I don't have a lot of tabs in my browser! It's a pity, maybe buti th take (hoch and maloymovirne). You can only use Internet Explorer 6 or below. My pleasure to you - don’t wink at the sight. Put more Opera chi Mozilu.

How to change browser (to Opera, Mozilla, Chrome)?

I will describe for the Opera browser.

1. Open the browser you can use (more for everything, not Internet Explorer).

2. Go to Tobto. in the address bar, enter and press Enter.

3. Respectfully check, while the site is interested.

4. On the side, know the size of the button "Get Opera version like this for Windows". Emboss on it.

5. A window appears in front of you, similar to the one presented in the picture.

Press "Start".

6. It turns out to be a lucrative business, at which time it seems that you have lost your check. More tolerantly check (otherwise more impatient, even if you want to).

7. If the hour is up, the setup file will start automatically. You will see the installation window of Opera. It’s okay for a new one, WAREHOUSE DE TILKI YOU CAN emboss Dali, So, It’s OK, and everything is in such a mood. DON'T PUSH ON Zhodnikh Skasuvannya and Perervati. In this rank, you will have the Opera installed.

After that, the Opera pictogram appears on your working table. Now you can miraculously access the Internet through this icon. I live! You can take advantage of another browser, but just send a message to your all (all vzagali) the lessons will be reviewed on the butt of the Opera itself.

I'll guess how richly rokіv that in the past I got stuck with such understandings as "Internet" and with the Internet itself.

My colleagues put it in, they installed a program on my computer - the Netscape Navigator browser (netscape navigator), which occupies a leading position among the programs - looking at the Internet.

They typed, yes, in the address row, showed how to search for information on the Internet and ... they let me go to the free navigation of the boundless seas and oceans to the Internet.

All the same, I caught it, using the “tik method”, to finish the shvidko - like de digging. Ale, for me, it was a problem, virnіshe, unhandiness, as “digging” in the inter- nenti was chasing me.

Sites of that side on the Internet, which fit me, change their addresses, I wrote down in the box, so that I can then instantly type in the address bar and turn to the site I need or the side of the site. And tse buv dovgo, unruly, she fought hard.

After my goddamn matyuki, my colleagues looked at me and showed me a tool for automating the navigation itself on the Internet. bookmarks bar.

The bookmarks bar is in all programs - browsers in the same way. The details are insignificant, but the principle of work is the same for all.

I want to show you the robot from the bookmarks panel of the browser (google chrome). Why same Google browser Chrome? First, the one that suits me best. In another way, this is a popular browser. Well, thirdly, which browser continues to gain popularity.

I'm madly crushing a short look about the bookmarks panel different browsers, but I want to report on the application of Google Chrome.

All. Get the lyrics. Also, the Google Chrome bookmarks bar.

Open browser. Right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut. Then we bring the mouse indicator to the menu item "Open" and click on the new left button of the mouse.

We see it all the time. Bring the indicator of the bear to the “nut wrench”, which in the Russian translation means “Nalashtuvannya” and click on the new left button of the bear. At the menu, move the mouse indicator to the "Bookmarks" menu item. One more menu is guilty (if it didn’t appear, then click the left mouse button on the “Bookmarks” menu item).

At the menu, move the mouse indicator to the menu item "Show bookmarks bar" and click on the new left mouse button.

In the mountains under the field of the address row, there will appear sir smug, yak, vlasne, and the bookmarks panel. As soon as they installed Vilki, then the smug looks like it’s the same, as you can see on the screenshot.

Now we can add bookmarks to this panel, which can be added at once. Let's add a bookmark to the site on which we know at a time, tobto

For whom, we bring the mouse indicator to the “star” and click on it with the left button of the mouse. We have a menu, in which we are told that the bookmark was added with Google's names and saved in the folder Bookmarks bar. For bazhannya we can remember and im'ya bookmark that folder, but for the time being you don’t need to work (you can do it at any time).

Let's type the current site in the address bar, for example and add this site to the bookmarks bar in exactly the same way.

In this way, for our example, I will put 10 bookmarks for various sites in the bookmarks bar to show you what you see.

Give respect. At the visible part bookmarks panel I got 7 bookmarks in total, I can't see the solution. In order to delete bookmarks, it is necessary to move the mouse indicator to the “>>” icon, as shown on the little one and click on the new left button of the mouse. At the list, after having seen it, we should have other bookmarks, as we worked on the Internet (in my case there are 3 sites).

So axis. Now, I can spend some time on that site or a resource on the Internet, which savings I have on my bookmarks bar. Enough to bring to the necessary write in the case of the mouse and click on it with the left mouse button.

For example, if I send the mouse to the message “@MAIL.RU: mail, p...” and click on the mouse’s left button, then I’ll immediately go to the site And if I send the mouse indicator to write Google and click on the left button of the mouse, then I will immediately go to the site

Over usіma sberezhenimi bookmarks you can work plus sche d raznі dії. I fight for bookmark manager.

Schob go to the bookmark manager, it's probably coming.

Bring the indicator of the bear to the wrench and click on the new left button of the bear. At the menu, move the mouse indicator to the “Bookmarks” menu item and click on the new left mouse button. At the menu, move the mouse indicator to the menu item "Bookmark Manager" and click on the new left mouse button.

We have a "Bookmark Manager" window, so we can save all bookmarks in the "Bookmarks Bar" folder with a clear description.

Here you can work a lot of things. And in this part of the article, I want to show how it is possible to “sort” bookmarks according to the level of their use for us at the given moment.

Let me explain. For example, I want the first place in the bookmarks to be bookmarked not by Google, but by

What am I doing. I bring the mouse to the row “@MAIL.RU: mail, search on the Internet, news, robot, rozvagi. Mail @Mail.Ru - free mail No. 1”, I press the left button of the mouse and, pressing the pressed left button of the mouse, I “pull” which one wrote uphill, three times higher for the written “Google”.

Allow the left button of the mouse. Now on the first place in the list and on the first place in the bookmarks panel of our bookmark on the first place there is a bookmark.

In this way, you can work "resorting" the order of the bookmarks, depending on the fact that the bookmarks are relevant to you for this period.

At the principle, on which it is possible to complete the article about Google Chrome bookmarks bar So in this way of working with bookmarks, you can hit the rock for a second - two, so you will have 20 - 50 bookmarks.

There will be more bookmarks, do not manually search for the site we need in the list.

For whom, you can arrange bookmarks on those. To do navigation with bookmarks will become more convenient.

For most of us, the browser is the most popular program on the computer, as it is most often launched. Mi vikoristovuemo yogo for listening to music, re-watching films, re-verifying just fine. I want browsers to be upgraded a little more, they have problems. One of them is not the best robot great kіlkistyu tabs.

Really a robot with tabs - that's why it's hot about cats. You don't like guts? You just don't know how to prepare them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and tweak the rules for each browser function. You cannot understand how you lived before.

Keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)

Hot keys - arc manual way tab management. Especially if the tabs become so crying, it’s hard to click behind them.

  • Ctrl+Tab- Switch between tabs to the right.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab- Switch between tabs to the left side.
  • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- Close the active tab.

Only a few more combinations to allow you to quickly switch between tabs. Keyboard shortly used. I deyakі z them can zmusit you vykoristuvat keyboard zamіst mishi, schob cheruvati tabs.

Remembering the opened tabs

If you are constantly moving between the browser that other program, it is possible that you can quickly close the browser, and then you will have to open everything again. I'm good, because you forgot what you had to say. If you have a headache, you can turn off the browser function, as it allows you to remember that the tabs were opened before closing.

Emphasize this function and let yourself know about your work in the future:

  • Google Chrome: Settings → Pochatkova group → Continue the work from the month.
  • Firefox: Preferences → General → Momentary time when Firefox starts up → Show window of tabs that were opened last time.
  • Apple Safari: Settings → General → Safari starts every hour before the start → Set time for the rest of the session.

Add tabs back to back

Another one Swedish way save the tabs, so we can fix them later - add them to the okrem folder in your bookmarks. For this, click on the tab with the right mouse button and select the item “Add tabs to the selected one”. The name of the item can be different in different browsers But it is easy to understand which is the very item that you need. The results will have a folder in the bookmarks with the addresses of the sites you need. Let's make a right click on my dad, turn off the item "Open all bookmarks" - all the tabs are new in front of us.

Sorting of tabs for the last browser windows

Who said that all tabs can be in one window of the browser? You can sort the tabs by different windows. For example, all tabs, which are worth one project, can be transferred to one browser window, and everything that is worth rozvag, otherwise, and so on. Just pull the tab on an empty work table, and you will see a new window. Another way is to right-click on messages or bookmark and select from the list “Open in the new window”.

Select number of tabs

You can work different jobs not with one tab, but with a kilkom. Ale, for this back, you need to choose the tabs. Press the Ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and select the required tabs. That's all, now you can twist, re-advantage, add to bookmarks and so on.

Pinned tabs

At current browsers See good retailers and the miraculous “Close Tab” feature. It’s more convenient, so you try to open that other tab. For example, you can either have a Gmail tab or music service. If you close a tab, it will be easier to close it and it will take up less space on the tab bar. Just right-click on the deposit and select the required item from the list.

Reinstatement of a closed tab

Sometimes you go out in such a way that you viciously close the tab, as if you didn’t want to curl. The hand folded, or having changed its mind at the moment of closing - every buvay. To open the tab again, you can, obviously, go to the browser history and know the site. Or you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T (or Cmd+Shift+T on Mac for Chrome and Firefox and Cmd+Z for Safari) to rotate that tab. Also, you can help right click on the mouse on any tab of your browser.

Group tabs in Firefox

Mayzha five years ago, the retailers added to Firefox browser really cool feature, which is called "Groups of tabs", or "Panorama". Vaughn practically wins the trick, there are more descriptions. Learn about different browser windows for tabs. Only here everything is more beautiful, and you do not need to produce a lot of vicons. A couple of clicks, and you have already switched to a work with another project, or, on the other hand, you are welcome after the work. To launch groups of tabs, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+E or Cmd+Shift+E on a Mac.

I am sure, now your work with the great number of browser tabs will become a trifle simpler.

Mozilla Firefox tabs- this is a charming function of the browser, which allows you to speed up the robot in the browser to the Internet and at the same time save the working space of the virtual program.

Today I want to tell you how you can work with Mozilla Firefox tabs. You know how to group and sort, change the size and color, close and clone, how to implement a look at the merging window when you hover the mouse cursor over a tab, how to enable auto-updating of the tab through song hour

I adore the Mozilla Firefox browser for its "flexibility" and even more transitions from the new one to the other only through the invisible swidness of the rest.

Ale life go, everything is changing and sipping some brown vitamins for the brain, the scientists in their twenty-fourth version turned on the Mozilla Firefox engine so that they looked around for the speed of their robots and the product of the “corporation of goodness”. Accepting visually, I do not mark the difference in their robot.

Before speech, here, having read at the Merez, that the browser is Mozilla Firefox 26 there will be a bomb! Rozrobniki threaten to amaze the whole world of shvidkistyu robots and their eyes on that yogo. Started like version 24 - just a few quotes. Well, let's live and pobachima, but for now I will keep my fists for them.

I'm not conservative and I easily accept everything new or improved, so Mozilla Firefox turned the status of the browser behind the lock. Hooray!

The move is absolutely painless, which is what I call recently having learned between different browsers.

What happened to me in the wrong step, but an article about Mozilla Firefox tabs?

Otzhe, to improve and optimize the tabs in Mozilla Firefox, we will do it for help, it’s natural. A little later, I'll show you the built-in function in the browser for grouping tabs.

How to group tabs in Mozilla Firefox

Already a long time ago, Mozilla Firefox learned how to group tabs, but far from all of them know about it and can achieve it when working in a browser. Adzhe everything is simple and easy.

Open a dozen tabs at once. Did you fix it? Now click on the button, like a right-handed eel, forever alive ...

Do you have such buttons? Then click on the toolbar with the right button of the mouse and switch to setting ...

Find and drag (pressing the left button of the mouse) її to the toolbar ...

Don't forget to hit "Done".

After that, how to click on this button You will spend at the window groups of tabs. You will have one group, which can be stretched for goodness for the right lower fold.

Now drag the tab of the single group on an empty space right-handed or from the bottom and release the left button of the mouse. You created a group of tabs for a friend. Qiu new group you can drag the links you need tabs, for example, for the theme of the selected sites.

Groups can be given a title - just click on the top row of the group and enter your name. You can also change the size of the group and pull them all over the place, spreading it the way you want.

In the skin group, right-handed, your tabs are fastened manually.

And if you add a rich group, you won’t be able to spend time at the party - just change the group as much as possible and put the purchase in it. When you click on the square with arrows at the bottom of the group, it will appear at the end with the group's reporter.

I sing, chirping with groups of tabs. You are already wondering how you managed without them.

Groups of tabs - this is a browser function and does not affect the browser's speed in any way.

We will help you optimize Mozilla Firefox tabs for additional help.

After installing ALL the descriptions below, I did not mention the browser upgrade.

Add-ons for optimizing Mozilla Firefox tabs

The most important additions for optimizing tabs are…

Just think about it - yoga was installed over a million coristuvachiv! Pererahuvat and show all the possibilities Tab Mix Plus I just can't do this article. Nalashtuvannya of this miraculous addition to my Russian mine, logical and simple.

I will show you those points, which are important, but not once remembered.

I didn’t particularly like it, if I closed the left tab, I closed the entire browser. Now it's not a problem - when closed the rest of the tab you can indicate a diu, for example, open an empty tab or a home page.

Yakshcho you have a lot open tabs- you can roll them in a row of sprats, or you can spin them for an additional bear’s ring in one row. Here you can also change the tab bar layout and the buttons for adding a new tab.

And here you can change the layout of the tabs, increase their visibility and display the icons on the tabs.

Warehouse is visible here context menu tabs. For example, you can tidy up those functions, which you do not like, and you will need them.

Deciphering the skin point is shown when the cursor is hovered over the point ...

I think it's best to freeze the tabs, and not just block them. In this rank, you won’t close it in any way, and all the contributions will be included in the new contribution - praise to the author of the addition!

I've enabled the update tab item through jobs intervals. This is more convenient chip, for example, for tabs with statistics chi in advance. Now, when pressing the RIGHT mouse button on any tab, we select the item “Update skin tab ...” ...

…and auto-update tabs are acceptable. Before the speech, earlier for whom it was okay to dopovnennya.

For lovers of keyboard combinations, this is an excellent point for customization.

More in addition Tab Mix Plusє even harder and kinder session manager.

Troch having penetrated and spent 10-15 minutes, you can once again optimize your work with Mozilla Firefox tabs. Until the speech, after all the nailing of them can be saved ...

Standard tabs in Mozilla Firefox are boring, one-colored and angry, but not ice. About the importance of visual spriynyatt іnformatsії I tell you. Let's decorate them with all the colors of the fun.

Vikoristavshi appendage colorful tabs mi, more informative, we will take the positive charge when working in the browser.

The color of the tabs will be recognized as a vipadkovy rank, but you can easily add your own color for the singing site and swidko, if you like, you can add yoga to the tabs.

Simply press “Add Domain”, enter the site address in the left row and right-click on the color to select favorites. The color code is automatically inserted into the middle row. Now all sides of the song site will have that color, which you specifically designated.

You can attribute the generation of color to the domain (addresses) of sites and all sides of one domain will have their own color, which you choose independently.

Additional Tab Scope enable you to display the thumbnail of the site at the window that is merging, when you hover over the tab. Such a bells and whistles before. With multiple tabs, it's easier to read and informative.

I’ll be rounding up already, because the article was long gone and you can look at it, but pishovshi - don’t turn back to the whole site anymore.

Zvichayno well, not all the additions, for the help of which you can optimize. Mozilla Firefox tabs. On the official website of the browser, I distributed additional information under the name

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