PGU mos electronic schoolchildren entry.

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  • The State Service Portal was created in such a way that you can register for it only after you have issued your passport.
  • However, fathers can use the portal to register their children with a doctor, submit an application for a passport or registration.
  • The range of services available to fathers is large, but the middle ones are more specific.
  • For example, a look at the electronic scammer's success.

The electronic success code is an analogue of the regular school code.

Only this will be due to special concern.

Here you can marvel:

Borrow storage for the week;

Ratings of subjects based on reader comments;

The respect of readers for the behavior and success of the student;

Sign the document using an additional electronic signature as confirmation of your knowledge of the information.

With the help of this tool, it becomes much easier to monitor the success of a student.

After the user presses the “Register” button, a form for filling out appears in front of him:

  • Electronic mail;
  • Login (whether it is a combination for selecting a correspondent, or not in the obligatory field);
  • Password;
  • Phone number;

Control nutrition and confirmation to ensure safety under the hour of access renewal.

Registration confirmation will be completed by entering the code found in the SMS to the phone number.

Next, you will need to fill in other data in the settings in order to ensure more manual operation of the site.

Here you will need to fill in your registration details.

Login and password allow you to create one account.

This means that if the father has 2 and more children who go to school, it will be necessary to register for the review of the number of children and registration data.

We first select “New Account Record”, after which Father needs to give its name.

It is completely beyond the judgment of its guardians.

Below are expanded fields for entering your login and password.

Many schools duplicate the login name and password.

This digital designation, where the combination of numbers is formed by the song of the skin child.

Then for students in the same class, the first digits of the login will be the same.

After entering the registration data, click “Continue” and then click “Done”.– This is an online service on the State Service website, which displays data on the success of skin care studies.

Here you can look at not only the grades, but also the lesson restarts, as well as the comments of the teachers before the grades. In order to more accurately formulate statements about the situation at school, we are looking for data on the behavior of children over the period.

  • Fathers can access the account for their children, and can also sign them for an additional electronic signature.
  • An electronic journal is being created for every class, which can be accessed not only by fathers and scientists, but also by all readers, everyday objects, the best ceramicist and the director of lighting installations
  • .
  • In the electronic journal, depositors can post the following items:
  • give grades for lessons and comment on them;

This means children skipping classes;

do household chores;

work for the fathers and students;
to conduct lists with these and other fathers. For a leather item, the average score and the number of overflows are maintained, which allows you to quickly look at the data before clicking.

Who can go berserk for service?

  • Fathers of scholars (legal representatives), scholars, trusted persons.
  • Important!
  • Kozhen is obliged to register on the portal to enter his personal electronic account.
  • Documents required for obtaining a service

Submit (application)

Certificate about the people of the under-age school (at times the father is a beast for service)

A document that confirms the right of a legal representative other than the father (a document seen by the guardianship and custody authorities)

A document that certifies a person

Variety of service

A document that certifies a person

  • You can submit an application to gain access to the electronic account upon deposit, either individually or through an official representative.
  • The term for the given service adds up to 15 units.
  • Important!

The electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's electronic student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's student's teacher

To log in to your electronic account, you need to go to the service portal for instructions and log in with your username and password.

Or on the Derzhposlug website itself

Next, a form for creating a cloud account will open in front of you.

You can request your login and password from your school’s classroom manager.

This data only needs to be entered once, after which the portal automatically saves it and saves it in one special account.

After this, click on the green button “Go to Schedennik”.

  • This video shows how to log into a student’s electronic schoolbook: Additional services
  • In addition to the descriptions of most services, on the Government Services portal you can select the following options: success table
  • .;
  • For the skin assessment, a table is created that is formed from the scores, which are calculated per quarter.;
  • Here also the overrides and sub-scores for the skin's initial period are indicated.
  • Recently, an additional function has been added to support the mid-grade test, which allows high school students to focus on passing grades up to the final grade..

Here you can marvel at who has given each rating and comment before the ball.

The function is available to teachers, fathers, and students.

It became possible to achieve success as soon as possible;

success chart

  1. .
  2. Success can be determined both by grades and by graphical appearance.
  3. The graph allows for variations based on different criteria and categories;
  4. the documents submitted by the applicant contain super-clear information;
  5. the applicant’s statement about Vidmova’s loss of service.

How can dad get away from the electronic shop?

1. Register on the website by entering your account data (login and password), mobile phone number, email address, social network number (for obvious reasons).
2. Select the section “Services” – “Osvita” – “Serednya zagalna” – “Electronic schoolchildren’s book”.
3. Go to the “Electronic schoolchildren’s book”.
4. If you are unable to log in, your data in a special account may not be consistent with the data at school.
Return to the classroom and provide the latest information

5. After entering the correct data with the school, you will have access to the student.

How can students get to the electronic school?
1. Register on, entering PIB, e-mail, mobile phone, SNILS (if obvious).
2. Vibrate the service "Electronic schoolchildren".
3. Data in a special office and data at the school will be held accountable.

If you didn’t manage to leave before the deadline, you will need to go to the main office and submit the current data.

4. After entering the correct data with the school, you will have access to the student.

What is needed to get out before the day?

To access the electronic account, you need to check in the Special Account to complete the obligatory fields to gain access to the electronic account: E-mail, mobile phone number and SNILZ (for obvious reasons).

To enter the account, go to the portal and click the “Log In” button.

Enter your login and password.

Read the report about the entrance to the site in the instructions.

Go back to the first page and provide the contact information entered in the Special Account (e-mail or mobile phone number).

What to do with the request “It’s a pity, I don’t receive data for access to the electronic account”?

When you hover the mouse cursor over a comment with a rating, a hint is displayed in the application on how to place the name of the control form at the time it was set.

What are the priorities of grades for various tasks when grading for intermediate certification?

Of great importance are the fees paid for the verification and control work.
Grades for work and school grades are seen as less significant.

The results of home work may be of little importance, since with their execution the child can quickly obtain additional materials and third-party assistance.

What is the point for the schodennik?

A speck means that it is covered with viscosity or the need for refolding.

You can also make guesses about the work you plan to do next.

When the “dot” sign is selected, the reader independently sets the period of action, after which the dot either turns into a rating or knows.

After the end of the certification period, the point automatically turns into a rating, as it was marked or known.

What is the point of assessment?

The artist may be given a number of ratings and they may be marked with a mark - “speck”.

When you hover your mouse cursor over this icon, the name of the type of robot that you have installed will appear - for example, sleep confirmation.
In the list of appointments, there are also changes and dynamic pauses intended to support the completion of studies and the transition from office to office.

Changes may additionally include hiring, interrupting, and catching hedgehogs - food or food.

How to control the number of assistants in a child’s portfolio?

In order to become familiar with the student’s backpack before each day of primary school, you need to go to the “Schodennik” section through the “Schodennik” main menu item.

Right-handedly, in front of the title, the “Student’s Briefcase” icon is displayed and the item planned for the lesson of the subject teacher is indicated.

With the help of the special service “Lenta Poy”, fathers and students are given access to the underground flow of entrances that are planned in the system of illuminating places in Moscow.

The block contains information such as the date of the event, a short description, the location of the event, the type of event (competition, Olympiad, conference, seminar), the initial subject with which the event is connected.

You can also contact the organizers via chat or special notification service.

How to deal with technical support when it comes to nutrition?

To access the EJD technical support service, press the message “Give them to us” at the bottom left corner of the page.

You can view information about the number of lessons and attend classes through the item “Information about attendance”, the section “Schodennik” of the main menu of the system.

Also, icons about the entries are displayed in the “Schodennik” section on the Schodennik pages in the “Ratings” section.

When a lesson is missed, the “n” icon will be displayed instead of the student’s grade.

When you hover over a calendar date, a window appears with detailed information about which lessons were missed.

Navigation process

What is your profile?

Directness (profile) of illumination - the orientation of illumination programs on a specific galusa is known and (or) the types of activity that mean the subject-thematic change, override the types of initial activity This is a study and benefit until the results of mastering the lighting program.

Profile skills will be taught in 10th grade.

How can you find out which profile the child is following?

You can find out the profile in which to take the initial course by selecting the “Initial Plans” section in the “Schodennik” tab.

A new window displays information about initial school plans.

When you select the initial plan, a description opens whose name will be specified in the “profile” section.

How can we compare homework and homework for independent work?

You can look at your homework and homework for your dad’s independent work through the “Homework” item, the “Schodennik” section of the main menu of the system.

The Department of Illumination of Moscow proposes to withdraw information about the illumination process and to take into a new fate any father whose child begins at the capital's illumination building.

For this you need to go through the registration procedure.

It doesn't seem to be particularly complex, but it requires knowing a special code that dads see at school.

  • After which you need to fill in the following fields, which are indicated by the email account.
  • Next you need to fill in your login and password.

Obviously indicate the e-mail that you are actively pursuing.

You will need it if you forget your login and password: a new email will be sent to you via email.

It is clear that due to this service, fathers and other legal representatives of the child can be killed.

As a result, the following possibilities emerge:

monitor the success and behavior of the student;

conduct a dialogue with the administration and the senior staff of the school.

This service is provided at no cost and absolutely no additional documents are required.

Father’s trail will simply be angry at the statement.

PGU mos ru elektronny schodennik - Otrimati service

  • Merits of service

    Instead of using an electronic device, fathers will gain the ability to control the child’s success.

    Individuals are the owners of residential and non-residential premises in large apartment buildings and residential buildings.

    Individuals who work and earn living accommodations on the basis of a social tenancy agreement.

    Legal entities

  • Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, who are the owners of residential and non-residential premises in large apartment buildings and residential buildings.

    Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities who are involved in the sale of residential and non-residential premises on the basis of a lease agreement.

  • Variety of service and payment procedure:


    • List of necessary information:
    • Application (notification) about the continuation of the term of this decision about the weatherization of the relocation and (or) re-planning of the premises in a large apartment building and a residential building (working document, 1 pc.)
  • A document that certifies a person


  • Hope without turning back

    2 working days

    • Result of service
  • It appears:

    A decision about the continuation of the term and a decision about the weather change and (or) re-planning of the premises in a large apartment cabin and a living cabin (original, 1 pc.)

    Formy otrymannya

    Through a legal representative

  • On the WEB site

    through MFC

    You can contact the authorities of the Royal City of Moscow within the framework of pre-trial punishment.

    1. The applicant has the right to submit in a pre-trial (post-trial) procedure a scum on the acceptance (commission) of a decision and (or) action (inactivity) of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, the State Budgetary Institution of the MFC of the Moscow City and their local powers, including civil services from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and police officers from the MFC.

    2. This review of funds is carried out in the order established by Chapter 2.1 of the Federal Law dated June 27, 2010. N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of sovereign and municipal services”, the provisions on the particularities of the submission and review of skargs on the disruption of the order of the assignment of sovereign services to the city of Moscow, approved by the decree of Moscow on November 15, 2011. N 546-PP “On the provision of state and municipal services in the city of Moscow”, Administrative Regulations for the provision of services.

    3. Applicants may be subject to swindles in the following cases:


    Documents submitted by the applicant for government service are not transferred by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, including documents that are removed from the interdepartmental information system fashion.


    Requests for the assignment of services that were not included until the transfer of services, which were necessary and obligatory for the assignment of sovereign services, was confirmed by the Moscow Order.


    Payment for the grant of government service not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.


    The line of tribute of sovereign service was broken.


    Applicant's name:


    At the acceptance of documents submitted by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow for the purpose of government service, on the grounds not submitted by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

    Skargs on the decision and (or) action (inactivity) of the director (the high-ranking protector of the director) of the State Budgetary Establishment of the City of Moscow "Richly functional centers for the provision of state services of the city of Moscow", accepted for the skargs that were found in pre-trial judicial) order, are considered by the Apparatus of Measure and Order Moscow.

    5. Skargs can be submitted to the authorities of the capital city of Moscow and their subordinate organizations, which are upheld in the view of skargs according to the Administrative Regulations for the Service (hereinafter referred to as the bodies of the organization , based on the view of skarg), in writing form on a paper nose, in electronic form in one of the following ways:


    In case of special approval of the applicant (representative of the applicant).


    Through MFC.


    We will ship to the departments.


    From the official website of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate in the information and telecommunications network of the Internet.

    6. Skarga has revenge:


    The name of the person responsible for the examination of the skarga to the body (organization) or plantation is a nickname, named after the father (for obviousness) of the type of skarga that is abused by the skarga.


    The name of the body of the crown seat of Moscow, a richly functional center for the assignment of sovereign services or posad (or) nickname, name, according to the father's (obviously) posad person, sovereign civil service officer, worker, decision (or) actions (negligence) that will be disgraced.


    7. The document is signed by the applicant (his representative).

    Whenever a document is submitted to a special person, the applicant (the applicant's representative) may submit a document that honors the person.

    Renewal of the representative's obligation to sign the contract may be subject to confirmation of the power of attorney, issued in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Renewable individuals, who act in the name of the organization without a power of attorney under the law, other regulatory legal acts and statutory documents, are supported by documents that certify their service establishment, as well as the statutory documents of the body izatsii.

    The status and re-importance of legal representatives of an individual are confirmed by documents submitted by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    8. The money that has arrived continues to be registered in the lines no later than the business day following the day of arrival.

    9. The maximum term for consideration of money is 15 working days from the day of registration.

    The line of consideration for the money is five working days from the day of registration in cases of incrimination by the applicant:


    Vіdmov at the reception of documents.


    Confirmation of the corrected Drukar pardons and pardons allowed on documents seen as inheritance of government service.


    The destruction of the term and the correction of the Drukar pardons and pardons.

    10. Following the results of examining the skurga, decisions are made about her satisfaction (in whole or in part) or about the woman’s satisfaction.

    11. The decision may take revenge:


    The name of the body and organization, which looked at the skarga, Posad, nickname, name, according to the father (obviously) the Posad person, who praised the decision behind the skarga.



    Make a decision for the moneymaker (the story about the satisfaction of the moneymaker or about the woman who is satisfied with her).


    Come in soon to remove the manifestations of destruction and the lines of their wickedness (at times satisfied with the miser).


    The procedure for making decisions.


    Signature of an authorized person.

    12. It is decided to issue a letter using official forms.

    13. Before specifying the highest entries, the identification of damages must include:


    Skasuvannya before praising decisions (in whole or in part).


    Ensuring the receipt and registration of the application (request), execution and receipt of a receipt for the applicant (in case of failure or failure to register documents and their registration).


    Secured registration of the applicant as a result of the granting of sovereign service (in case of weakening or failure of the given sovereign service).


    Correction of pardons and pardons granted to documents inherited from government service.


    Confirmation to the applicant of the costs, the reduction of which is transferred by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation of the city of Moscow.

    14. The body or organization, based on the view of miserliness, ensures that it is satisfied with the episodes:



    As a body or organization, upheld by the view of the swindler, the applicant (the applicant's representative) has been fussing about calling out the swindler until a decision is made for the swindler.

    16. The decision about the satisfaction of the skarga or about Vidmova in the satisfied skarga is made to the applicant (the applicant’s representative) at the lines no later than the working day following the day of his acceptance, at the mailing address assigned to the skarza.

    Following the applicant's request, the decision is also made on the e-mail address indicated in the account (in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of an authorized person).

    In this very procedure, the applicant (applicant's representative) is forced to make a decision on the matter, in which for the confirmation it is indicated only the e-mail address, and the postal address is valid or cannot be read.

    17. In case of excess money without confirmation, the applicant (his representative) is requested to submit a written notification from the designated representatives (subject to the exception) no later than the working day following the day of registration of money c, if scarza does not have a postal address indicated e-mail address for confirmation or they cannot be read).

    Compliance is strengthened by the order established to direct decisions about money.

    18. Skarga, submitted in violation of the rules about competence, transferred by paragraph 5.4 of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of service, is submitted to the lines no later than the working day following the day of registration, to the body authorized for consideration of the skarga, with an one-hour letter to your information from the applicant (his representative) about the redirection of the skarga (without exception, if the skarga does not have a mailing address or e-mail address for the confirmation, or it cannot be read).

    21. Once established in the course of either the results of the examination of the swindle, a sign of the warehouse of administrative law enforcement or the evil of the posad person, who is endowed with important considerations of the scum, negligently forces the obvious materials to the prosecutor's office.

    If a violation is detected in the order of assignment of sovereign services to the city of Moscow, the responsibility for such actions is established by the Code of the Moscow city on administrative offenses, the townsman is given new duties in view of the skarga, and may also send a cop ії available materials to the Main Control Department of Moscow within two working days following on the day of the decision on the scarce (unless later than the working day following the day of completion of the line established by federal legislation for reviewing the scarce on the violation of the order of assignment of sovereign services).

    Important information:

    Housing Code of the Russian Federation No. 188-FZ.

    Code dated 2004-12-29, legal acts, which directly regulate the State Administration

    Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the application form for the re-planning of the living space and the form of the document that confirms the adoption of a decision about the re-planning of the living space" No. 266. and dated 2005-04-28, NPA, without any doubt what the State Administration regulates

    Decree of the Government of Moscow "On the approval of the Regulations on the State Housing Inspection of the City of Moscow" No. 336-PP.

    Resolution dated 2011-07-26, NPA, which directly regulates the State Administration

    Submission for registration with an accepted application

    1. Submission of an application (request) and other documents necessary for the provision of government service that do not comply with the requirements established by the legal acts of the Russian Federation, the legal acts of the Moscow City Council, tive regulations for the assignment of government service (this substitution does not stagnate at any time, since application (requested) and documents necessary for granting government service, submitted by the applicant to the special application to the MFC).

    4. Submission of documents, which may be unreliable and (or) super-sensitive information (this document is not submitted at any time, if the application (requests) and other documents necessary for the provision of government service, submitted by the applicant with a special Zvernenni to the MFC).

    5. Submission of an application (request) in the name of the applicant is not authorized by a person.

    6. The application of the applicant for sovereign service to the body of the Vikonautical government of the city of Moscow, the body of the local self-government, is submitted to the body of the Vikonautical government or the body of the local self-government organization, the MFC, as there is no requirement for servant of the sovereign.

    7. Registration for the assignment of sovereign service to an individual who is not in possession of sovereign service is subject to this Regulation.

    8. Additional support for the receipt of documents required for the provision of government service, upon submitting an application (request) in electronic form from the portal portal:

    1. Incorrect filling of the binding fields in the interactive request form.

    2. The presence of super-clear information in the interactive request and submission of documents.

    3. Application (request) and other documents in the electronic form of signature with a victorious electronic signature in violation of official legislation.

    4. Electronic documents do not support the formats of their data and (or) cannot be read.

    Settlement during subordinate government service

    The bases for the execution of sovereign service are:

    1. Sending to the applicant a notification about the submission of a document and (or) information necessary for the provision of government service, in case of refusal of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate to an interdepartmental inquiry about the validity of such a document and (or) Information from the authorities of the Royal Government of Moscow and the organization specified in paragraph 2.3. 3 of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of service.

    2. An additional basis for the reduction of the granting of government service when granting government service in electronic form through the Vikoristan Portal is the need for a special appearance of the applicant - an individual - to the MFC, the applicant - a legal entity, Individual entrepreneur - to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for submitting documents, follow clause 2.5.

    2 of the Administrative Regulations for the Granting of State Service.

    The transfer of bases for the assignment of government service, transferring clause 2.9.1 of the Administrative Regulations for the assignment of service, and the latter.

    1. On the basis of clause of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of services, 15 working days from the day the applicant is notified about the submission of the document and (or) information.

    2. On the basis of appointment under clause of the Administrative Regulations for the assignment of government service, 5 working days from the day a decision is made regarding the completion of the assignment of government service.

    Substitute for the witness of a given government servant

    The end of the term and the decision about the weather


    (Moszhilinspektsiya) electronic document is one of the services of the Portal of Moscow City Services, which is available in electronic form.

The website provides 314 services, of which 170 are available in electronic form.

One of the most popular among them is the electronic card itself.

To speed up the process, you need to go to the catalogue.

The service “Electronic schoolchildren’s book” is presented in the section “Osvita” (“Middle of the Land”).

In addition, you can also go to this service in the “Popular” section.

Catalog – Electronic book for schoolchildren

The electronic login on first of all gives access to information about the success of schoolchildren.

So, fathers and readers with the help of such a scammer can take control of the knowledge and knowledge of the school program.

To deny access to such a service as an electronic account, you will need to check the correctness of the entered data in a special account (mobile phone numbers, e-mail and, obviously, SNILS), then go to the school and inform them and to my classy pottery maker.

Once the data submitted to the school is processed, your father will be able to deny access to the electronic account.

To log in, you will need to enter your login (phone number, email address or SSNILZ) and password for

It should be noted that fathers (legal representatives) have the right to grant access to trusted persons before reviewing the property.

To do this, you need to follow the instructions “Add a trusted person to review the item” and click on the “Add a trusted person” button.

You can also select in the catalog the service “Give access to the electronic document and information about the child’s education and food.”

Then you need to select the service you want to give access to your trusted representative.

Registration of the service can only be done directly on, as well as the process of execution up to the appropriate authority of the crown government.

Individuals who have submitted an application can return for service to OIV.

This service can be performed costlessly in just one hour.

The result of this service is access to information about the educational process, such as schedules, dates, lessons, homework with teacher comments, grades, class assignments, as well as notes about the student’s attendance at school. roci.

Think about the service "Electronic schoolchildren's book" in OIV

The electronic reader also provides information about the results of monitoring the mastery of initial material, assessments of intermediate and intermediate certification, and the success of studying in subjects for the selected period.

It is also advisable to provide information about the implementation of lighting programs.

If you need to notify that your child will not be at school, select the “Children” section, then go to the “Duty Notices” tab.

Next, you must indicate the date on the calendar on which the meeting is planned.

If your child misses more than one or more lessons, you will need to select “During lessons” and select additional lessons.

If a student misses an entire day or several days, you will need to select “Days,” which means “unavailable days.”

To confirm your selection, you must press the “Create on selected range” button.

If you need to delete a notification before, select the required date in the calendar (it will be indicated in green or black), indicate which notification you want to delete, and click “Delete to selected range” i".

Vikorist form, rendered lower Students, graduate students,...