Google play market disappeared. Troubleshooting for the Google Play Market robot. Usunennya conflict dodatkiv

Golovna / Optimization of work

Play market є dzherelom new programs and іgor for koristuvachіv pristroїv android.

Tim is no less, but the base can not be worked out sometimes - to bring to a crash on our outhouse. How to fight among them?

The play market can be done for various reasons, for good luck, you can always do it just right.

Є rich ways, yakі help innovate normal work. Below you will find the main reasons why the play market does not start and how to fix it.

The reason why it doesn’t work on the Android Play Market is the problem with the cache

The greater number of withdrawals has a problem with clearing the cache. This place, in which time data are saved, in order to speed up the Google Play Market.

The stench can make pardons there, as a result of which programs do not work properly.

To clear the cache, go to the android settings, and then go to the "Programs" section.

There, visit the program manager. After pressing on a new one, there is a tab with a lot of programs - joke " Play market and press on the new one.

NOTE: I will describe and insert pictures in android 6, more precisely android 6.0 on Samsung Galaxy smartphones. You may have a different version of either a smartphone or a tablet, this does not include any inaccuracies.

Now select "Memory" and press "clear cache" at the bottom.

Let's turn back and press "Clear data", after which click "Vidality".

Now you are changing the way the play market works, as if it were not, then in the same dispatcher of the annex to press on the new one. Click "turn off" and "upiniti", and at the very top right-hander: "options". Click on the options and click on the row “Vidality update”.

Revіryaєmo pratsezdatnіst. If not practical, such operations should be carried out with an additional " Google services play". For the second time, click on the "Memory" option and click on the row: "clear cache"

What is now practicable is miraculous, what is not practicable far away. At the end, de vie went into memory, press another option: “Keruvannya danimi”, after which click “View all data”.

NOTE: You may not be able to know the options you need on your own, as well as clearing the entire cache of your phone.

Reason friend why not work on android play market

As described above did not help, try visualization physical record google of your android - you can help solve problems with the play store.

For whom, let's go to the android installation, and go to the Cloud Recording. Choose a look Google entry, and then remove the phone.

Then we turn to fixing the oblique record and choose “Add a new oblique record” - add the data and add it.

In order to resolve the problem, you may need to win a different oblique record. Then go to the registration form for a new Google public record and create a new registration.

Just before that, as soon as possible, clear the cache of add-ons and data to the play market store and only after clearing, go to the "Setting up> Cloud records" distribution of android and add a new Google cloud record.

After logging in, try the vikoristati play market. If the store is unlocked (practically), you can get lost in the new skin record or try to turn to the old skin record.

The third reason why you don’t work on the android play market is that the date and hour is wrong

It may be insignificant, but the correct date and hour may be needed to get to the system on Google servers.

If you have the wrong date or hour set, then Google servers, there will be problems with synchronization. As a result, you will not be able to get to the Google Play store.

For installation correctі hour, see in "Setting => Date and hour" and choose the most automatically set.

Well, dosi everything was nailed on automatic fitting, try to switch to manual and enter exact hour that date.

The fourth reason why you don’t work on the android play market is vpn or proxy servers

If you use VPN or proxy servers, it may be the cause of problems connecting to the play market.

The proxy server settings can be easily changed. When connected via Wi-Fi, go to the "Setting up => Wi-Fi" section, and then click as needed until you are connected. Z context menu Select "Change the measure".

There will be options for merezhe Wi-Fi. Set ensign "Show Additional parameters»Check that in the 'Configure Proxy Server' section, the provision is set to 'None'.

Another VPN option here can be different. The first option is to choose a program to connect to a VPN network.

As it is, try vimknuti or else you can see it more clearly. Another way to connect to the VPN tier is to add parameters to the VPN tier.

Go to the “Nalashtuvannya” branch, then select “Report …” from “Merezhy Wireless &”.

Open the VPN and check if the list does not contain a set VPN. Like you have є, see yogo.

Five reason why not work on the android play market - blocking the Internet

Androids can have impersonal add-ons, like vikoristovuyutsya for connection to the Internet.

The stench allows, for example, blocking access to okremih programs. Deyakі pristroї (for example, Huawei) may have a built-in function, as it allows programs to connect to the link (“Nalashtuvannya => Data transfer => wired program” - switch over, so that the play market can access the Internet for an additional style link) .

If you have a program (for example, No Root Firewall) change it, it won’t have such a rank that blocks access to the Internet in the Google Play Store. You can also try again to see yoga for testing.

How do you try to connect to the play market, help Wi-Fi, vimknіt povnistyu dartless merezhi and activate style data.

Pereverte, chi z'ednannya with the store on the mobile Internet. If you ever tried to connect to the store via the mobile Internet, try to get it right up to the navpak - turn on style call it is less likely to connect via Wi-Fi.

You may be surprised at the same time, you have turned on the programs or system services, without some kind of play market you can’t work (for example, the manager of the venture).

Go to the “Parameters > Programs” section or “Parameters > Programs management”, and then go to the programs tab with physical capabilities (or scroll to the bottom of the list).

Everything will be there telephone attachments. Pereverte, chi є mid them po'yazanі іz system services. Yakshko schos vymkneno, uvymknіt yogo.

Axis and everything, however, at a glance, if nothing helps, there is one more “extreme” option - throw off the phone and remind you of the lock. Give respect to what you will spend all the data, text messages or photographs that are taken in internal memory phone.

To back up promotions, go to the "Updates" menu, and then select "Archiving and discounting". Select "Factory settings" and check until the phone is reset to standard settings.

As if nothing described above did not help to turn back to his best friend with a description of the problems - see the form below for comments. Success.

For reading 4 min.

Play Market - a roaring service and a digital store behind the turmoil Google, which allows the masters of various technologies with the Android operating system to get on smartphones, tablets and navigation smart hours» different content of your sample - from films, books and music to supplements, newspapers and magazines.

And if Play Market is not alone, it’s easy to be aware of the rest of the trends and news here ( Main side the service is constantly re-lined with advertising, like reminders and recommendations, which suggest how to spend the evening as if you were having fun). Hiba can be moved into the flooring guiding propositions? It’s reasonable, you can, but not out of vlasnoi will! And through unsupported problems with the operating system or with the service, for example, as a result of a vicious withdrawal, lower the play market on android.

Reasons for withdrawal

As practice suggests, there are many reasons:

  • Inadequacies that have been blamed for a while, as they caused the Google Services service to crash, through which the program shortcut appeared in the menu and it became possible to capture content and update the already installed programs;
  • Problems with internal memory, poor software security, remaining updates operating system(especially, as it was built from the “beta” category and suffers from weak bugs and pardons);
  • Banal disrespect - one rush into the "Dispatchers of Additions" and whether there is any tool that has recently been victorious, the mitt will be lost in the cat;
  • Sometimes the problem occurs on its own in the Play Market - not a rare occurrence, if through problems with authorization it was possible to re-install the service, using one of the methods described below.

Play Market update

The available options for the sprat, but before that, how to proceed to radical methods - the sprat of preparatory processes, it is possible to turn the production process to the store:

Work with lashings

Navіt after the ground clearance of some Google services with the operating room Android systems it is great not to bring it to the right to a possible end - even after the re-advancement of the cunning OS, try to restore everything a long way back. Even if it didn’t happen automatically, you can try it manually.

  1. The first step is to go to "Nalashtuvannya", then go to the "Pristry" branch, and then select the item "Additions";
  2. At the list of obov'yazkovo tick the box next to the item "Display all";
  3. Far from knowing "Services Google Play” and click on the “Show Up” button, which appeared right in the center of the screen. The result of the procedure carried out will appear after re-advancement - better for everything, all services will appear again!

Installed APK from a corrupted dzherel

This way, it didn’t help, because in the “Dispatcher” there was an item that caused the calls to be made by the services, it means an hour to collapse away, or more precisely, until the new Play Market distribution kit is taken over from the website (maybe, short version z usikh, it’s easy to know in the future - Russian language is available here, it’s possible to use it to get involved via a QR code, and you can also choose that version of the service at some point, which is needed at a time).

Zavantazheny.apk file needs to be transferred to a smartphone or tablet via a USB cable (or via gloomy skhovische), and then go through all the necessary setup steps.

Before we speak, if the file is not transferred to the internal memory, then it is necessary to extract it from the protected operating system - go to "Install", then at the "Safety" menu, and then check the box next to the item that allows you to install the program from "Invalid dzherel" . Accept changes to save, and then repeat the procedure with .apk.

Turning to life from a clean slate

If you start the distribution kit without helping to turn the digital store on the site, you are left with a single option - I will build the formatting of the internal memory through the menu for downloading the data. Operating system to spend all programs and data backup– MOV about recordings phone book, photographs, videos and notes), then immediately renew the whole set installed programs– from Google services to the classic calculator.

Start life with clean slate you can do this: select "Now," select the menu item "Reset and reset", then check the box next to the item "Delete available data", press OK. Wait for the formatting and the completion of the procedure. The result will appear already in 5-7 minutes - a clean operating system, then the Play Market will work. The final touch is to restore the current data from the backup menu.

The leather from the overhauled methods is exactly to bring the building to success, to lay down everything, in order for the victims to come to the victim.

Google Play Service is a standard software package, I will build it on the basis of the Android operating system. Іsnuє impersonal ways to encourage the work this service, and the most effective options for fixing malfunctions of the Play Market robots are looked at below.

The simplest ways to innovate the Play Market robots

Faults in Google robots Play trapleyaetsya for a variety of reasons: for example, different technical failures of the service itself, or the reason may be in the annex itself, on which the Play Market is installed. In order to introduce the robot to the program, it is necessary to install a number of standard actions, which can become a solution for adoption Google problems play. Also, since the program does not respond to your requests, it seems like this:

  • Rezavantazhuemo pristriy. For which it is possible to press the key to turn on the life, select the “Restart” command from the list that is requested, and it restarts software security outbuildings. For the Android OS, sometimes the program hangs up with a part of it, and I reinstall it more often to help solve the problem not only with Google Play, but with other programs.
  • Even though the reset did not help, we reset the Google Play Market. In most cases, this method is the most effective for restoring normal Roboty Play Market. For this purpose, the following operations are possible: go to the “Settings” menu; select the option "Additional Manager" and "Additional Applications"; in the list of programs we know the Google Play Market and click on it. It will be checked out by the program, in which case you select the "clear cache" command, and in older versions of the Android OS, select the "wipe data" command. After the drop hack Google Play obov'yazkovo revantagate attachments. As soon as tsikh dіy Play Market is advised to repair, it is recommended to vikonati the next point of troubleshooting.

  • We see a Google Play update. For which you need to move forward: menu "Settings" - "Additional Manager" - Google play market. In the open window of the Play Market program, select the option "View update". Tsey way of fixing inaccuracies will help in that situation, like stop updating The Play Market seems to be a rank of confusion with your extension, or there may be shortcomings, which do not allow the program to function normally. In this rank, you will turn the Google Play Market at the cob mill, so that your outbuilding will lose old version tsієї programs. Also, after the last update, the next re-advancement.

  • As far as proponated more ways didn’t get hit by Play Market robots, try to see google record. First of all, it is necessary to synchronize the data on the extension with the account backup copy your data. In order to save your data in front of the visual recording, I’ll add synchronization for an additional set of such commands: the “Adjustment” menu - “Recording images and synchronization” (newer versions of Android devices have the “Account” tab).

  • At the depositor choose required account Google (your Postal screenshot Google) and win the "Synchronize" command. For synchronization, select all the items that may be meaningful to you. You can use your contacts, special information, photos, auto-completion of data or otherwise.
  • Click on the required deposit, and add to create a backup copy in the Internet space. You can also sync all data at the same time by selecting the option to sync.

  • After a successful sync, you can remove the Google Appearance Record. We work for the help of such commands: "Nalashtuvannya" - "Oblіkovі records and synchronization", vіdkrivаєmo poshtovy Google screenshot, that presses “Vidality uch. record". After that, it is re-advanced, and I will re-enter the data to enter the account. After re-entering the oblique record, the system will request to restore the data savings on your attachment. As a culprit for the failure in the Play Market robot due to the internal pardons of the Google Play Market robot, this option for replacing the robot service is the most acceptable.

The inconsistency of the interest of programs

Sometimes the reason is not correct work Google Play Market is the insanity of existing programs, which were self-interested. Similar building programs will strongly interfere with the robot until the Play Market is blocked. The list of such programs is long, and even though the cause of the problem is in itself, such programs are seen in the coming overwhelm of the system. One of the most popular shkidlivih programsє Freedom, which allows you the freedom to buy without a cost in the middle of the gri. To remove the program correctly, we can perform the following operations:

  • We go to the already familiar menu "Nalashtuvannya" - "Additional Manager".
  • Choose Freedom, open the program.
  • We then press the “Stop” button to start the program, and then we can delete it.
  • To update the Play Market robot, it’s important to start the robot with a smart program first, and then remove it.
  • Do not forget to re-adjust the attachment after the end of the operation.

A radical way to reinvent the Play Market robot

Resetting Android settings means deleting all settings, saving them in the memory of the operating system. In this way, it is possible to eliminate all malfunctions in the Android system, and not only with the Play Market service. Before that, in order to throw off the patch, obov'yazkovo perekonaytes at the folded backup copy of the data on the Google cloud record. For vikonanny tsієї command go to:

  • "Nalashtuvannya" - "Reserve copy".
  • We select the menu item "Download data" to remove all parameters and display all data on the extension.
  • Let's re-apply and restore the backup copy of the data from Google's public record.

Note: the memory card does not take part in the settings skid.

For the Android operating system, it is even more typical for a robot to hang on to its add-ons. Most of the reviews for the implementation of the correct work of the Play Market have enough of the refurbishment of the other ones. So in front of him, as if he were doubting the correctness of the work tієї programs, it is recommended to check the quality of the Internet connection, or simply reconfigure the router.

We know the situation well, if you try to launch the program Google Play Store on the Android screen, a pardon window appears with the inscription: “Google Play Service has been terminated.” The reasons for this can be impersonal - for example, the robot has a gadget itself, technical problems with Google services, etc. main program smartphone, and this incompetence can cause problems in the robots of other accessories.

What is the Play Market?

Google Play or Play Market(before Android Market) - service to enter before dialing installed addenda Google. The Play Market is installed behind the lock on all smartphones and tablets that work under the protection of the Android system. This service is an internal system store and software, and it allows coristuvachs to zavantazhuvat on attachments, the files are not overwritten.

It's a pity, like and be-like some other software, play market graceful to vilautiv, technical failures and infusion of viruses. In some cases, in order to fix problems in Google Play robots, the program needs to be seen and reinstalled again.

What robiti, how does the play market not work?

Let's take a look at ourselves simple ways build up the Play Market and renew yoga practice.

  1. I will re-equip. Reboot of the Android system is the first thing that needs to be done in case of malfunctions in the robot, any service, including the play market. Even more often, the problem is caused by a system freezing, and when it is overwhelmed, it appears by itself. In addition, sometimes problems in robots can be called "smite" at gadgets - for example, with surpluses already in the distant add-ons or more cash. As if re-advancement helped, and the play market robot was inspired, get a new account special addendum(for example, Link2Sd or SdMaid) and for yoga, help clean up the building non-required files- it's even more pleasant to appear on the robot of your smartphone.
  2. Re-verification of the measure. First, go down to radical approaches, change your mind, what is on your outbuilding didn't get access to the internet. Reverse the presence and the speed merezhnogo z'єdnannya- it's possible that your operator had a call due to technical problems, or you just forgot to top up the balance. As there is no problem, the problems with the addendum will break by themselves when it appears. As if everything is clear, go to the next points.
  3. Nalashtuvannya time that date. Such an insignificant aspect, like the date or hour is incorrectly inserted, can be found on the robots of Google services. Look at the gadget, go to the item "Date and hour" and enter the correct value. It will be even easier to start automatic synchronization with the least hour, choosing the correct time zone in advance at the setting point.
  4. Google Post Activation. It's quite possible that your physical record is just inclusions. It's easy to misunderstand - see at the top of the page and update it at the same time and at the same time you need to highlight the Google post. Tse practically singsongly usun the problem of launching the play market.
  5. Skidannya nalashtuvan Google Play Market. This way is also effective. Directions for clearing the cache of the play market, and victorious in this order:
    1. Look at the adjusted gadget.
    2. Select "Program Manager" or "Programs".
    3. Go to Google Play Market.
    4. At the end of the checkout program, select "Erase data" (or "Clear cache").
    5. After cleaning, restart your smartphone.
  6. View update. Wikoite paragraphs 1–3 forward way. At the end of the day, select “Vidality update” with the program. The next time the service turns back to the postal version, it worked correctly. It is possible that due to their technical inadequacy, they simply do not accept the updated software.
  7. Skidadnya nalashtuvan Google Play services. Even though the previous methods did not have a small effect, try vikonati such manipulations:
    1. Go to the settings add, and then to the item "Program Manager".
    2. Select "Google Play Services".
    3. From the menu of the program, select "Clear cache".
  8. Rechecking the Dispatcher's interest. It’s quite possible that during the operation of the gadget, you inadvertently turned on the “Enterprise Manager”, which called out the inappropriateness of the play market. What is the job of this guy? Try to go to the settings of the annex, and then at the “Programs”, go to the “All” item, find the middle of the “Entrance Manager” program and click on it by clicking on the pop-up button. Rezavantazhte system that perverte, chi zapratsyuvav Play Market.
  9. View of the Google Post. Mayte on your account, which way can cause a distance important information, be sure to create a backup copy of the data ahead of time.
    1. Go to the gadget customization menu.
    2. Select "Account", and in the new one - the vlasny oblіkovy record.
    3. Click on the "Visibility" button, after which re-vanage the smartphone and re-program the entry to the oblique record.
  10. Vidalennya dodatkіv, scho disrupt the robot play market. It's no secret that bigger and smaller buggy android attachments are often installed by programs third-party dzherel around the Play Market. There are a lot of reasons for this, and on the first place there is a banquet to take away new versions dodatkіv, without paying from your necessary sum. Zocrema, gamers often install software under the name Freedom, which allows for cost-free in-game purchases. If a similar add-on is installed on your gadget, try to see yoga (obviously sounding yoga to a robot - it’s very important). Rezavantage your smartphone and turn over, chi having earned the play market.
  11. Outside skidannya to factory nalashtuvan. Robity outside the skid only went into an extreme depression, as if all others were powerless. For the first time, create a backup copy of important data, for example, contacts, and reconsider if the copy was created successfully. Then go to the settings of your smartphone, find out there the "Reset and reset", and click on the reset.

What will be, how will you see the Play Market

If you don’t want to go radical, go to the play market and reset the gadget to the factory settings, you can try to remove the program from your smartphone and install yoga again. True, you can only do this work in that case, as root is installed on the extension. There is no way that the supercorristuvacha is right, at most, what you can do is robiti - zupinity to the robot program.

The remote play market will appear on the functioning of the song programs - zokrema, Google services and quiet, as the market is necessary for correct work. In some cases, koristuvachev may need a flashing of a smartphone, so that it can be proven to be practical. So think, dvichi, first you can see.

How to restore the play market?

Yakscho Play Market visions In the aftermath of a virus attack, otherwise you have seen Yogo with the method of further notice, download the apk file from the official site, install Yogo and synchronize with Google's public record. It’s not easy to do it - when you install the program, it will ask you to create new account chi see through the clear.

And the rest: at the same time, the expansion of the evils (that is, by a simple rank of modification) of the Play Market version. No way do not install it on your own attachment: first, when a file is taken from an unverified dzherel, you risk looking at the play market to take a virus on your smartphone, and in another way, Play Market hacks can destroy the normal operation of the gadget, as a result of which you happen to be able to drop the settings to the factory or robite flashing.

One of the main ways to install programs on Android is the Play Market store. Well, obviously, you can install programs just from APK files. Ale, all the same, I don’t work on Android Play Market - what is it?

Go ahead, don't panic. There are rational reasons why not all Android devices are equipped with this most important tool.

And in a different way, sound everything viruetsya without special zusil.

Android without Play is nonsense?

It's important for us to let you know that Play is not working on Android. Aje tse yogo nevid'єmna part ... chi yak? It appears, "chi yak."

On the right, in what is in China - a wired maker of Android devices - Google services are constantly blocked. Navit so basic like search, Gmail i, like bachimo, Google Play. Understandably, everything works miraculously in the "export" outbuildings. And in smartphones and tablets, which are released for the domestic market of the Middle Kingdom, instead of Google services, their scientific counterparts are being installed.

Other reasons for the availability of Google services. Long-suffering Nokia released smartphones on Android - famous X and XL. And there Google services were replaced by similar Microsoft services.

For sure, we have two news:

  • Damn: you just download the Google Play program and install yoga on such a smartphone by running APK file povnotsіnno pratsyuvati won't be.
  • Good: the standard way to install Google services is still є.

Right in that Chinese smartphones often-densely based on the same MTK chipsets and equipped with practically clean Android. Also, installing Google Play on them is the same type.

For most vipadkiv, the algorithm for diy is as follows:

As a rule, after that, I disable all Google services, including the full-fledged Play Market.

For atypical behaviors (appointed higher than Nokia X, for example), the algorithm will be different.

Yakscho Play є, ale not pratsyuє

In some cases, the problem is of a smaller nature: the Google Play program in the system is є, but it works. Why do you care?

Market for installations on a smartphone, there were no Google services

Sound like this situation may be on Chinese annexes. It's easier to ignore yoga and speed up the instructions more.

Market may have problems with authorization

Turn it over so that Google's face record is on your device. If so, what are the correct data entered.

Market does not recognize connections via Wi-Fi

Sometimes all the problems with the market grow from the day. Turn your smartphone in other ways or through mobile internet: if everything works, then on the right in the border

  • Disable proxies in merger settings. For this, open the list of lines, press and trim "your own", let it go, select the item "Change the line", then - "Show additional options". At the "Proxy" branch, select "Ni".
  • Even if it didn’t help, repeat the steps in the previous paragraph, but choose additional options added "Set IP", and in the new option "Static IP". For the DNS 1 field, enter the address "", DNS 2 - "".
  • If you configure your router, change the MTU value to 1460. If it doesn't help, try 1420 or 1500. To do this, look in the instructions for your router model.

You have a modified version of the Play Market

For malicious programs, or bypassing the re-verification of the legality of the programs, the modified versions were split Google programs, for some, the re-verification is disabled. However, Google apparently blocks such illegal modifications.

What work? See the "leva" program and install the official one.

Misunderstood situation

In any unreasonable situation, clear the cache! Tse to fight through the standard program manager. Go to the Installation, at the "Zagalni" branch, select "Programs". Find the Google Play Services there, open them and select the Clear Cache Memory option. Even though it did not help, try to see these programs in the same section.

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