Firmware or flashing Asus Zenfone smartphone. Asus Zenfone firmware Asus zenfone 2 suit flashing firmware

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

), however, there is also a strong proposition among the so-called “medium middle peasants”. The apparatus was officially launched from Russia, not long ago a launch was made from Moscow, and even earlier it could be bought from China for a cheap bargain price (that is possible at the same time). Our test ticket also came from Pdnebesnaya, a kind of online store (with ASUSZRU coupon price $274.99). Unpacking:

Modifications of ASUS Zenfone 2 are too rich, stinks of different buildings, the amount of operative memory, the memory used, the processor. We got the ZE551ML model with 4 GB of RAM, 32 GB of internal memory and an Intel Z3560 chipset with a maximum frequency of 1.8 GHz. Only version ZE551ML with 2.3-GHz Intel Z3580 processor (RAM is the same, but memory can be 32 or 64 GB). The store nadislav Zenfone 2 some with Taiwanese firmware, some with Chinese installed Google services. There are fluctuations, if the sellers themselves download the international firmware. Ale, if you please, you are guilty of the nobility, as if remembering the Asian software security (CN, TW) on the international (WW), the relief of Chinese services in our area. Short instruction:

1. Download the required firmware (actual today - WW-, download it from the internal memory, rename it to (or upload it to microSD, calling it;

2. Wim the phone, then turn it off by squeezing the life buttons and increasing the volume. After the vibration, release the buttons;

3. Use the volume keys to select REBOOT RECOVERY and press the recovery button. The process is long, be patient. It is possible that OTA will not arrive and it will be necessary to install new firmware on its own.

The second way, however, I’m only trying to do this, because you didn’t manage to install a fresh OTA for the Asian version (please, I didn’t have it). I won’t describe it, because it requires the installation of drivers, robots with a command line, but I’ll just give a request for an instruction - an axis. In Asian versions, the support for the wider FDD-LTE bands in Europe is obscured, but the minds still do not know how to unlock them - if you are robbing on an active 4G phone, then you can check it out.

Any Android will require firmware updates. For your taste, you can choose official firmware or rozroblenі miltsyami.

The installation can be done in different ways. For which you need the Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML firmware itself. Then you can install for the help of special archives for the update itself. In the simplest way - installation for an additional update of the memory card, for more slipped-out coristuvachiv - special programs.

Warto memory, when installing new firmware from the memory of the phone everything is visible. That's why it's necessary to talk about copying the necessary content.

Well, before installing through OTA - I will repeat, then everything is described in the instructions below.

Respect! Firmware with the WW sign means worldwide - smartphones for European versions, that is, those that are sold with us.

Asus zenfone 2 ZE551ML firmware Android 5.1

WW - get the latest version by updating the new firmware. Installed:

  • Change the remaining number in the file name, so WW
  • Plug in cable and may be alerted about new updates

Asus zenfone 2 ZE551ML firmware Android 6

Version WW- (upgrade to version 6)- Download the firmware. Installed:

  • Connect phone to computer via cable
  • Download the firmware to the root of the smartphone memory
  • Include cable and may notify about new updates

Respect! Before flashing, I will charge the battery. If the battery charge is not drained, then the phone will be problematic to turn on the cell and restore it.

How to find out your firmware version on Asus ZenFone: We go into the menu - scroll down to "Dovіdka" (otherwise the name is similar) and press - at the very bottom of the "Vidomosti about software security" - this will be the version of the system.

On this side, we will not describe the pluses and minuses of which Android I will add, we also check your own comments about attachments. Here you will know that you can download custom original firmware, official firmware version MIUI v4, MIUI v5 android from our site, and you can also look video instructions for installing the firmware for Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML and disable voicemail.

In order to download the firmware for the phone Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML With Android 7.0 Nougat (Nougat), Android 6.0 Marshmallow (Android M or Marshmallow) or Android 5.0 Lollipop (Lollipop), you need to read the other side and know the power. For the latest firmware Android KitKat 4.4.x (Kitkat) and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (Jelly Bean), as well as older versions, it is not recommended to upgrade them, because the software is outdated. The fifth version of Android has grown far ahead of its predecessors, not seeming to be about the 6th and 7th versions, which have been upgraded to the smallest details. Below you will find a look at the remaining versions of Android and you can compare them.

Do not forget to write a detailed review about this model in the comments. You can help to make a decision for other short-term employees about the purchase of an add-on.

Firmware availability: linger in the presence.

Download the firmware

When submitting a comment to our site through the comment system, do not forget to indicate your reference email, as you will need advice and you could not install the firmware for our instructions. Instructions for firmware are available on the side. Our assistance in providing consultations is cost-free and that in our opinions there may be some tricks, for those who are hungry for a lot. Download firmware for Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML you can rob it through a torrent with instructions from the Russian language, so without delay without downloading files and other blood drinkers.

Instructions from the installation

  • Click on the download option, choosing the firmware you need
  1. Get Android M Firmware - We got you wrong, it's honestly M - Marshmallow, follow other suggestions
  • Download the file with firmware and addon
  • Run program file
  • Choose the required firmware version
  • Download the instructions from the file archive

Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML firmware video

I will build the price

The price of the local currency should be based on the dollar exchange rate.

Korisn_ message

Reclaim rights to Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML

If you want to take root rights, I recommend that you speed up the program Rootkhp for the computer - this is one of the new programs with a great base supporting smartphones and tablets on Android. The program works only under Windows, for systems of the Linux family and Mac OS, it is recommended to use emulators.

You can download the program free of charge from the official site, which is easy to surf through Google.

How to unlock the graphic key

The sight of a neglected graphical key, regardless of its complexity, has ceased to be a global problem for a simple koristuvach, who knows little about the mechanisms behind the Android operating system and її loopholes. Recently, we came across a program for unlocking the graphic key Gaigunlock (Gaigunlosk). Pokrokov's instruction by Russian mine and description of robots and programs published by request.

ASUS smartphones are deservedly highly valued among the buyers of today's devices, including for the account of the official account of the greater part of their functions. If so, in any case, it is possible to sign shortfalls, especially in the software part. The article mentions one of the most popular solutions among smartphones from the Taiwanese manufacturer ASUS - the ZenFone 2 ZE551ML. Let's see how the software is installed in the phone in different ways.

The first step is to proceed to manipulation of the software part of the device, after setting, ASUS ZenFone 2 ZE551ML - to do the hijacking of a third-party device in the software security of the smartphone, based on the Intel processor. Understanding the processes that are being followed, as well as knowing ahead of time with little instructions, will help to determine the success of future procedures.

Reading vikonannya іnstruktsіy to bring to minimization possible negative consequences. With whom nobody bears responsibility for the results of manipulations, how to conduct corystuvach with your smartphone! All nizhchevikladen vykonuetsya vlasnik device for your fear and risk!

First, move on to procedures that transfer between special programs and expand the memory of the device, as in other situations, it is necessary to carry out preparation. To allow you to modify the process of quick and retrieval of the result - the device Asus ZenFone 2 ZE551ML, which is insanely working, with a bad version of the PZ.

Krok 1: Installing drivers

For robots with this device, it is practical for all methods to win over a PC. To upgrade a smartphone, that computer, as well as the correct interaction, I will add a driver with the programs. You will need both drivers, as well as the Intel iSocUSB Driver. Driver packages, which are victorious during manipulations with the methods below, are available for bidding:

About the process of installing drivers, necessary for an hour of work with programs for Android firmware, it is described in the article:

Krok 2: Backup copy of important data

First, below, go to the bottom of the instructions, follow the understanding that the firmware - tse manipulations with the memory extensions, and a lot of operations can be done on the outside of the formatting. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out procedures to ensure the safety of the data of the koristuvach, be it in a pleasant / accessible way. About those, how to save the information that is hidden in the Android device, is described in the article:

Krok 3: Preparing the necessary software and files

In an ideal way, the security software, as needed for carrying out manipulations, may be interested, and it is installed behind the back. Those same stosuetsya necessary firmware files. Zavantazhuemo and unpack everything in a folder on the disk Z:, im'ya koї it is not guilty to avenge the glade and Russian letters. Before the computer, which can be used as a tool for carrying out manipulations, there are no special occasions, only one - the PC is responsible for being able to handle and practice under the supervision of the Windows 7 operating system, or else.


Like for most other android devices, up to ZenFone 2 zastosovnі kіlka methods vstanovlenija software. Raztashuvannya of the methods described below in the article - from the simplest to the folding.

Method 1: Reinstalling the Software and Upgrading Without a PC Whisperer

This method is vvazhaetsya official vypіshennyam power reinstallation PZ and є dosit forgive, but the smut is practically safe. Suitable for software updates, as well as for various reasons not to receive OTA updates, as well as for installing Android without paying a fee. First, move on to manipulation, it is necessary to indicate that ASUS Android devices use different types of firmware.

The stench is represented in the fallow region, for which smartphone is prepared:

  • TW- for Taiwan. Reply to Google services. 3 unacceptable features - є Chinese my program;
  • CN-For China. Do not take revenge on Google services and clear Chinese programs;
  • CUCC- Operator version of Android from China Unicom;
  • JP- Software for koristuvachiv from Japan;
  • WW(Deciphered by World Wide) - for Asus smartphones that are sold all over the world.

Most of the devices, ZE551ML, which are sold on the territory of our country, are equipped with WW software, but there are a few faults. Z'yasuvati, what type of firmware installations for a particular example I will add, you can look at the number of the warehouse, going along the road in the phone menu: "Nalashtuvannya""About the phone""System update".

  1. We want an update for your region from the official website of Asus. OS - Android, tab Firmware.
  2. When choosing an update to be invested in, the next step is not only the region, but the version number. The version number of the file, which is hacked for the firmware, is to blame for what is installed in the phone.
  3. Copy the file *.zip to the root of the internal memory of the smartphone or to the root of the memory card installed in the device.
  4. After the copy is just checked, a notification appears on the ZE551ML screen about the availability of a new version of the software. Until the moment of the appearance of a confirmation, you can go through 10-15 whilins, but everything will be mittevo.
  5. If you do not need to be reminded, you can reset the device in a special way. As soon as a reminder appears, it's on to the new one.
  6. Show up at the end with the choice of the update file. If a lot of packages are copied into memory, we select the required version and press the button "OK".
  7. Coming soon, confirmation of the notification about the presence of a sufficient charge of the battery of the device. More shortly, the device will be reloaded. Reconcile with whom and press the button "OK".
  8. After pressing the button "OK" at the front window, the attachment will automatically turn up.
  9. І get involved in the software update mode. The process is to take place without the introduction of a coristuvacha and accompanying animation, as well as an indicator of vikonanniya, which is being restored.
  10. After the operation is completed, the installation of a new version of the software will automatically reboot into Android.

Method 2: Asus FlashTool

For re-flashing smartphones in the Asus company, a Windows utility is installed. The Danish method of installing a PZ in a device can be cardinal and can be won in a row of vipadkіv. The method is suitable not only for an initial upgrade, but also for a new reinstallation of Android with a forward cleaning of the memory extensions. Also, a zastosovuyuchi way you can change the version of the firmware, fix a bigger old solution, change the region, and try to renovate the device, if other ways are not suitable or work.

Like Bachimo, working with the memory of the device through AFT is practically a universal solution. The only factor that overcomes this wide zastosuvanny, is to do a difficult process of searching for RAW-firmware, to stop working with the program for an hour, as well as some troubles that sometimes blame the add-on. What is the cost of the ZE551ML, a RAW file from the application described below can be obtained at your request:

In addition, you can speed up RAW on the official forum Asus ZenTalk.

For successful manipulations with ASUS ZE551ML, it is recommended to flash the RAW firmware version up to inclusive. In addition, zastosovuєmo Asus FlashTool version . It is acceptable to choose the newest versions of the program, but it will show that this option does not include a pardon for the process. You can get a version of AFT.

  1. We switch the device to the mode Bootloader. For which one is more likely to use a smartphone and press the key “ Goodness+». Let's sweat, don't let it in, press the button "Zhivlennya" and utrimuєmo offend the buttons to the vibration, after which it is allowed "Zhivlennya", a "Guchnost+" we continue to pacify.

    "Guchnost+" You need to trim until the screen appears from the images of the robot and the menu for selecting modes.

  2. We install the driver, as it was not installed earlier. We check the correctness of their installation "Dispatchers of annexes" by connecting the device in Fastboot mode to the USB port. It is to blame for such a picture:

    Tobto. correctly name pristriy "Asus Android Bootloader Interface". Having changed, we turn on a smartphone like a PC. Z mode Bootloader it does not seem that all offensive manipulations occur on their own at the same station.

  3. Zavantazhuemo, install

    it starts the Asus Flash Tool.

  4. In AFT, you need to select the ZE551ML model from the list, which is shown, at the upper left corner of the window.
  5. Connect a smartphone to a USB port. After connecting to AFT, the serial number of the device may be assigned.
  6. Vkazuєmo way to the front of the RAW-file. For which one is pressed a special button (1) in the program, in the window of the explorer, the required file is known and the selection of the button is confirmed "Vidkriti".
  7. Everything is practically ready to the beginning of the process of recording information to the expansion of the memory of the device. It is recommended to clear the memory "Data"і "Cache" before writing the image. For whom is the switch "Wipe data:" at the camp "yes".
  8. You can see the serial number of the device, which you have chosen, by clicking the left button of the mouse on the line row.
  9. We press the button "Start" vikna to the beast.
  10. Confirmation of the need to format the distribution "Data" push buttons "So" at the vіknі-zapі.
  11. Start the firmware process. The number of the serial number of the device gets stuck in the yellow color and in the field "Description" to show up write "Flash Image...".
  12. We check for the completion of procedures. After the end of the serial number, the column will turn green and in the field "Description" to appear confirmation: "Flash image successful".
  13. The smartphone will automatically reboot. You can turn off your PC and make the Android start screen appear. The first launch of ZE551ML after manipulations through the Asus Flash Tool is to complete the trial.

Method 3: Factory Recovery + ADB

Yet another way of carrying out manipulations with the memory partitions of Zenfone 2 is to use the collection of such tools, like a factory center of innovation. This way of installing the software in the phone can be changed for the version of the software or upgraded. Likewise, in some cases, vicorist, I’ll put the instructions below, you can install an inefficient device.

Folding with the zastosuvanni method can be downloaded through the swindle of versions of vikoristovuvannyh files. Here we follow a simple rule. The device may have a recovery installed, which confirms the version of the installed firmware. Tobto, at a vapadka, like a butt pointing lower, like a method of installing a PZ WW-, you need a factory recovery for the firmware version of the format *.img. All the necessary files, which were included in the application below, are available for request:

  1. All the necessary stuff must be packed into a folder on the C: drive. File *.zip, what to remove the software components for recording in the smartphone memory partition is changed to The folder with the files is the mother's fault for looking like that.

  2. Transferable phone y mode Bootloader. It is possible to work by following steps 1 and 2 of the installation method through AFT, described above. Or send a command to the USB port of the device via ADB - adb reboot-bootloader.
  3. After the device is occupied Bootloader connect the device to the USB port and record the recovery via fastboot. fastboot flash recovery recovery command.img
  4. After appearing at the command line "OKAY… finished.." on the device, not turning on the yoga view of the PC, select the item using the multiple buttons RECOVERY MODE. Press the key for a short time "Zhivlennya" on smartphones.
  5. Let's get revanquished. Check to see the image of a small android appear on the screen with a message Pardon.

    To enable the menu item of the recovery menu, use the button on the smartphone "Zhivlennya" and shortly press the key "Guchnost+".

  6. Moving around the recovery points is required for additional buttons "Guchnost+"і "Guchnist-", confirming the choice of the command and pushing the button "Zhivlennya".
  7. Bazhano conduct a wipe - the procedure for formatting the distributions dataі cache. We select the most important point at the middle of the day - "wipe data/factory reset".

    And then we confirm the beginning of the procedure - point "Yes - delete all user data".

  8. Checking the completion of the cleaning process and moving on to writing the software to the memory partition. Selected item "apply update from ADB"

    After the transition at the bottom of the screen, the phone will appear to write a request to write to the phone the required software package via ADB.

  9. At the Windows command line, enter adb sideload and press the key "Enter".
  10. It will be necessary to complete the trial process of transferring the files to the distribution of the memory of the device. Chekaєmo on yoga completed. After the completion of the procedure at the command line, write "Total xfer: 1.12x"
  11. The software installation is complete. You can turn on the smartphone from the PC and for the reliability of vikonati "wipe data/factory reset" one more time. Let's restart the smartphone by selecting the item "reboot system now".
  12. The first launch is done for a long time, check for zavantazhennya in Android tієї versії, yak was stitched.

Method 4: Custom Firmware

Installing unofficial versions of Android has become an extremely popular way to re-download the software of rich smartphones. Not zaglyublyuyuchis have overhauled and undersized customizations, apparently, for ZenFone 2, including the ZE551ML variant, which we are looking at, there have been released impersonal modifications and new versions of Android.

The choice of that chi іnshgo custom to lie down is less than the sum of the perevag coristuvacha that yogo needs. The installation of all unofficial firmware is required to be refurbished below the threshold.

For example, one of the most popular solutions for today was taken - the work of the Cyanogen team. It’s a great pity, not long ago the retailers pinned a support for their project, but with the help of Official CyanogenMod 13, which is lower, it’s one of the most stable customizations for the reviewed device for today. You can download the necessary file for installation by asking:

Krok 1: Unblocking the zavantazhuvach

The Asus bootloader for the ZenFone 2 smartphone has been locked up. This factor makes it impossible to install various modifications of the middleware, and, also, custom firmware. Given the popularity of such decisions, insanely, it is confirmed by retailers and koristuvach for the bazhanya can unblock the zavantazhuvach, moreover, in an official way.

The official way to unlock the Asus ZE551ML locker is available only on Android 5. Since the new version is installed, we flash Android via AFT. Vikonuemo kroki method 2, described above in this article.

Krok 2: Installing TWRP

To write custom firmware, the memory of ZenFone 2 was distributed, you need to modify the recovery. The most relevant decisions are. Before that, on the website of the retailer there is an official version of the medium for Zenfone 2 ZE551ML.

Krok 3: Installing CyanogenMod 13

In order to install any custom firmware in ZenFone 2, you need to download the generally standard version of the modified environment, tobto. write down the information from the zip-file until the distribution of the memory is attached. Details of the firmware via TWRP are described in the article for the request below. Here we dwell on some nuances for the ZE551ML.

At the end, I would like to note that manipulations with the software part of ASUS ZenFone 2 ZE551ML are not so foldable, as you can see at first glance. It is important to attach due respect to the preparation of the process and to clearly follow the recommendations. In any case, the procedure for installing new software into a smartphone will not take a lot of time and bring the necessary results.

Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML and ZE550ML options have started to adopt the Android Marshmallow update, like a sickle. However, Asus kept the update as a manual process, and most of the drivers did not apply the OTA update for Android 6.0.1. So, the only way to upgrade your Zenfone 2 to Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) is to manually download the upgrade file. We know what everyone is saying Nougat, but if your Asus Zenfone 2 is already working Lollipop, read on to find out how to manually update Asus attachments manually to Zephyr.

Update to bring the marvelousness of Zephyr into order with some kind of compromises. This includes the possibility of transferring the addendum to the SD-card, the possibility of redundancy for rich credit functions, changing the space for saving, available for credit files, the remote fund addendum; etc.

What's new in the Marshmallow update for Zenfone 2

  • Software update for Android 6.0 Marshmallow. If the internal memory is changed a little, it is recommended to back up these files and transfer the media files (image and video) to the SD card in order to reserve enough memory before starting the software update.
  • Android Marshmallow does not support APP2SD. Before updating the system, move the programs from the internal storage.
  • The function of the insurance on the rich coristuvachiv is not supported, as the appearance record will be seen. Proceed to win your oblіkovy record.
  • Viewed programs:.
    1. ASUS Backup
    2. Exchange of money
    3. Dr. Oko (TW SKU)
    4. Jawbone UP
    6. Google Play Books
    7. Games Google Play
    8. Google Play Press
    9. Google+
    10. Mirror
    11. Omelet
    12. Party Link
    13.PC Link
    14. Photo frame
    15. Far from power
    17. What did you give
    18. Yahoo Shopping (TW SKU)
    19. ZenFlash (can be purchased from Google Play)
    20. Zinio
    21. ASUS Game Center
  • Add new programs:
    1. Google Calendar
    2. Google Messenger
    3.Dr. Booster
    5. Facebook Messenger
  • The cost of updating the functionality of ASUS Email, ASUS Calendar, ASUS Messaging, ASUS Browser and ASUS Music will not be prioritized for this version of the software. You can endorse Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Messenger, Google Chrome and Google Play Music for other services.

Download Marshmallow update file for Zenfone 2 (ZE551ML and ZE550ML)

The Marshmallow update file for Asus Zenfone 2 can be obtained from the Asus website. Press the force below, as shown on your extension. Be sure you've got a package that suits your SKU. To select WW, if your installation SKU is WW. Else choose the regional option. Blimanny wrong version can lead to blocking the add-on.

Yak zavantazhity?

  1. Just go to the request that your model is approved.
  2. Choose Android yak OS.
  3. Expand firmware divided.
  4. Select the remaining version of the 4.xx series. Stock -

Zenfone 2 update for help file update

As soon as you download the files, you have 3 different ways to update your phone. Method 1 is the easiest to understand. However, if you have access to a PC we recommend method 2 so how is the most safe way to win. Our achievements - Method 2 > Method 3 > Method 1.

First of all, you will read:

Backup copy of all important data (review, photographs later). In addition, the transfer of programs, savings on SD-cards, to the riddle about the phone, like App2SD, is no longer seen in marshmallows.

Method 1 - in the middle of Android

Enjoy the new software updates. You will need to update Google Play Services as soon as the update is done so that all programs function normally.

Method 2 - update via ADB (required PC)

Method 3 - Update via SD card

If you can't follow method 2, look at the next method, the shards of wine are practically safe.

  1. Copy the Marshmallow update file to your phone's SD card.
  2. Get into the wake up mode by pressing the Power & Volume Up keys and then select Update mode.
  3. Vibrati Stop updating from SD card.
  4. Navigate to the update file and install yoga.
  5. When you finish, choose Reload the system at once
  6. Check it out while the program is being optimized and enjoy Zephyr on your Zenfone.

After the update, you can commemorate more productivity. The system needs the current hour for cache matching and optimization of add-ons. Your phone is responsible for normal pratsyuvati after completion.

If you do not have your current version updated, you can downgrade to the Lollipop version. However, the new version is capable of bringing some improvements to the system and usability that you don't like.

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