Root without software. Otrimanya ROOT via computer to smartphone or tablet

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We tried everything possible simple programs schob otrimati rue on smartphones or tablets, but nothing helped? Axis of wine! The best way to take root!

Be sure to bring a smartphone or a tablet like "noname" company, try different ways but nothing works! Such moments are less likely best way rooting through a computer.

And for this we need for otrimannya rue:

  • Smartphone or Android Tablet
  • Cable for connecting to a computer
  • vRoot program
  • Straight arms

1. For the cob, we start the program under the name "vRoot":

2. Now you need to install the downloaded program ( safely carry out the installation with the help of an anti-virus and the Internet).

If you see such a reminder, then press "OK".

If you do not mimic the Internet, then the program will be updated and you will need a little bit of kidney.

4. Now smartphones need to enable ADB. For which one, the retailer mode is activated in the settings ().

5. Connecting a smartphone to a computer and then turning it on a new upper curtain, as a result, it wrote "Upgraded charging via USB".

Either we did everything correctly, because I can’t write such a thing, then it’s necessary to repeat point 4 again.

7. Now go to the program and click on the "Connect" button.

As soon as you receive a notification about the installation of unsigned drivers, press "Install".

8. Next, check the completion of the installation of the helper program on the smartphone and proceed to the next step.

9. Once the helper program is installed, you need to click on the "Root" button.

10. Check for the installed root, after which the smartphone is re-vanquished!

Why is everything! If you are out of food, then I ask in the comments below!

Zavdyaki OS Android, її koristuvachі otrimuyut wide possibilities z nalashtuvannya and control of the shell of mobile devices. Ale for zamovchuvannyam povny access to system settings is blocked. To activate yoga, you need root rights on Android. At the stati mi rozpovіmo, scho is root, how to increase and disable access to a svidko and nadіyno.

What is Root? The English translation has the root, the OS context has the right to access and change system catalogs. Koristuvach becomes an administrator, which can expand the ability to manage the system.

Newly needed root-rights:

  • install custom firmware in the form of third-party manufacturers;
  • see if it's a system program;
  • run utilities from the memory card;
  • clean up advertising banners from supplements;
  • gnuchko nalashtovuvaty _interface, zminyuyuchi whether pictograms, sounds, animations;
  • increase the productivity and spread of the apparatus;
  • install zlamanі programs.

Why do you need the rights of the rut and rozіbralis, the list is worth completing. Ale є th negative consequences:

  • the virobnik does not give a guarantee on the broken equipment;
  • can't upgrade official firmware"according to";
  • є risik destroy normal work OS, vidalavshi chi poshkodivshi need files.

Know all the risks and check if you want to take the root of the right to Android. Do not forget that you can turn them on, for example, to renew the guarantee or to remove the firmware of the virobnik.

How to send via PC

Let's discuss how to take root rights on Android. You can save money for additional utilities, some of which are installed on a computer, others directly on a mobile device.

Before that, how to take root rights from the computer, sign on the tablet or smartphone, two important things:

  1. Enable customization via USB: at the customization menu, open the extension " Special facilities”, sub-item “For retailers”, activate “USB setup”. If there is no distribution of retailers in the menu, you can find out the “About the phone” message, for the new one, click on the “Inventory number” until the notification appears about those who have opened the retailer.
  2. Let me install programs from third-party resources. At the “Safety” branch, activate “Invisible dzherela”.

Now you need one of 3 special programs to activate root rights through the computer and gain new access to the system. We will describe the most popular programs that support most of the models of tablets and smartphones.

Kingo Root

The Kingo Root utility needs to be installed on the PC before it, in order to install root rights on Android. Verify that the USB cable has been activated on the phone. Log in to the installed program on the computer, then connect the tablet or USB smartphone.

  1. The program to reveal attachments, to press at the root of the Root utility.
  2. Dock the completed roboti, reboot the device.

On deyakih Sony models that HTC zavantazhuvach not unlocking, in the process of the King Root program, it will propagate it. Select Yes on the extension using the density buttons, confirm the selection using the live button. How to get the root rights to Android through King Root was successful, you should check the Root Succeed system notification.

Uvіmknuti directly on the annex

You can remove the root rights to Android without a computer, by turning on the option directly on the extension. With whom root access activated through one of the hover below the addendum.


Framaroot is another type of program, as you know, how to take away the rights of a supercorristor and how to root Android. At the same time, the Superuser utility or SuperSu will be installed with it, as it will help you with the help of the koristuvach.

How to secure root rights and how to reverse root access via Framaroot:

  1. Download the Framaroot files from the company's website.
  2. Install the program on the extension, which you want to grant new rights.
  3. At the start of the launch, select a utility for keruvannya with access to that character.
  4. Please show up at the end to be notified of the successful completion, re-engineer your smartphone.


How to install root rights and how to root the phone, you know the KingRoot addon. It easily gives extensions access to a wide range of outbuildings, including Chinese pickers. You can download the program from an official resource, but on smartphones it can be activated, you can install utilities from unknown sources.

Yak koristuvatisya KingRoot:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on "Try to root".
  3. The robotic process will start, for example, you will be alerted that the routine is far away.

After that program you won't need it anymore. How to remove Kingroot from android: find yoga in the list installed programs, stomp and choose "Vidality".

How koristuvatisya that yak turn on

Sometimes you may need to look out for these root rights - if you don’t want to spend a guarantee, otherwise you don’t need extended access anyway. How to root out the rights of Android in the first place: you need a utility for curing the super-corrosive SuperSu. It will help you to configure alerts, keep access logs, work time and turn on root, and work with an uncorrected OS.

How to remove root rights on Android via SuperSu:

  1. Select "Full unroot" from the utility menu.
  2. Confirm the decision by pressing "Continue" to update the rooted device.
  3. Restart attachments.

We were able to tidy up all the expansion of possibilities. See SuperSu, since no one understands that root was broken on which device.


We rozpovіl, scho so root rights, like robit їх on the outhouse and like turn on. Install a suitable program to fix root access, if it won't support your model - try another program. Do not forget about caution - the ability of a supercorristuvach to give povniy control over the system, do not see the files needed for the OS.

In contact with

More and more often, it’s time to chime in, like taking root rights on a tablet PC or smartphones, stink shards give practical opportunities for managing a device, and can also help you with a virishenni other problems with him. It is not so easy to take away the rights of a supercorristuvach, even if there are no special programs created for him. However, those who are difficult can still be blamed.

What is the ability to root rights?

The first step is to take the root of the law, the next step is to recognize the confession. Also, what is the root right - in other words, the ability of the Supercorristuvacha, as you can take the master of the gadget on the Android platform. Newly you need root rights on Android: with additional help you can install various programs on the device, as well as control the functionality of the platform, make changes to files and folders of the system type, edit them and richly others.

Possibility, how to give the rights of a supercorristuvach:

  1. Revision of data.
  2. Vidalennya vbudovanih programs and Igor.
  3. Font change.
  4. Usunennya advertising slanders, which are often blamed on no-cost games that programs.
  5. Creation of backups.
  6. Setting up graphical parameters.
  7. Zlamuvannya igor.

Yak zrobiti root of law - happen to speed up special programs. A trace of memory that antiviruses recognize them as shkidli, but there is a high risk of a lack of knowledge of a coristuvach, having taken away the rights of a supercoristuvach, the fault of the system, after which the device will no longer work correctly, but viide z. It is also important to remember that root installation rights will void the warranty for android gadget. To turn the warranty back, remove the root rights. Have a bad day systemic improvements Otherwise, this device will need serious repairs.

There are two main ways to download root rights, choose between them the one that is more convenient or available:

  • via PC;
  • for the help of third-party programs.

We take root rights through the computer

Removal of root rights through a PC transfers connection to a new mobile device, as well as to a robot with a special software security. As before, they didn’t connect the gadget to the PC via USB, the next process was set up, and also about those who would wake up the tablet for an hour or the smartphone did not go into sleep mode, but were active for the whole hour. Programs, for the help of which you can take root rights to Android 6.0 through a computer:

Root Genius software

Instructions for working with software:

  1. Connect a smartphone or an Android tablet to a PC via USB (before, make the “USB setup” item active in the settings).
  2. Run the program, check for interest.
  3. Genius should be able to root, and tidy it up, or choose the Quick feature. The process of rutuvannya occupies a deaky hour - at the end of the day, the progress is shown in the vodsotkovom spіvvіdnoshnі, check out its completion.
  4. When the procedure is completed, a green check mark will appear on the PC screen.

Program Kingo Android root

How to root the device for help Kingo Ruth:

  1. First install the program on the computer, turn off the antivirus at the time (when blocking the files).
  2. Connect your device to a PC by activating USB charging.
  3. Launch Kingo and check until you know the USB connection.
  4. The start button will appear on the screen, press її. As you have already tried to remove the supercorrosive, there will be two buttons on the screen: Remove (remote the supercorust) and Again (re-root).
  5. Dock the completed operation. In case of any attachment, it is guilty to re-advance, and on the PC screen, the message “Succeeded” will appear, which indicates the successful completion of the process.
  6. Press the Finish button.

For the sake of experts: install root access from the computer, download the drivers for your device, otherwise the software simply cannot root!

For the help of third-party supplements

If you don’t know how to connect the device to a PC, you can go to add-ons for Android:

  • BaiduRoot;
  • Framaroot;
  • kingoapp;
  • oneclickroot;
  • SuperSU.

Baidu Root

The program is victorious for removing root, changing the platform interface, accessing media files, creating firmware, optimizing the add-on, and adjusting the battery. Instruction:

  1. Download free and install Baidu on your gadget. The installation process may have a message saying “The file has a bypass code Zahistu Android(or similar to it). Allow me to install it and give it to me for the sake of meritorious pleasure.
  2. Run the utility update, which will display a notification on the screen.
  3. As soon as the program is ready, press on "Remove the root of the law", after which the interest is revealed, the launch of the operation of rooting will appear. On її vykonanny hour is required.
  4. You will be informed about the success of the procedure.


The program allows you to take root on an Android tablet with a few clicks without a PC. For help, you can install SuperSu or Superuser on your smartphone or tablet. To start practicing, copy installation file to the memory of the device and run yoga. Instructions for removing Superuser capabilities:

  1. After launching Framarut, choose between SuperSU and Superuser. Buvay, scho one program can not cope, and if for a sprat of hvilin rutuє device, then you can try insults.
  2. Repair the rooting process.
  3. What appeared on the display at the end was a smiley and reminded me about the result of rooting in the distance, everything went well - you have root rights. Like a sumy emoticon - try trying another program.
  4. Restart your gadget.


The program is available in two versions: for PC (Kingo) and Android 5.0, 5.1 (supported by early versions) - you need a friend, you can get it from the official site, and then install a tablet on your phone. Instruction:

  1. After installing the utility, run it on the device.
  2. If you have not tried the root of the right before, the display will show the correct message.
  3. Start the rooting process and check out its completion.
  4. Reverse the device on the success of the root of the rights.


The presented utility is also available in the computer, and in mobile version. You can get it from the official website of the retailer. Check first, what is enabled on your device, let you install programs from unknown devices, and also activate USB power. It is easy to use the program, like other utilities:

  1. Run the program on smartphones or tablets.
  2. There is a green button in the middle, click on it.
  3. The program independently provides the best way of rooting for your gadget. Dock the completed operation.
  4. If everything is successful, OneClickRoot will notify you about the completion of the procedure.

After rutuvannya let the firmware on mobile extension? It is necessary to change the settings on the tablet (smartphone) or upgrade them to the standard parameters manually. Those are the next to be turned on, as if the vin is not turned on.


The utility is presented only once it is recognized - it will be won again after rooting the device. Vtim, herself New version Allows you to remove the supercorristor on Android 6.0. The program is a program manager, for the help of a new one you can handle all the software on the extension. Krіm moreover, for help SuperSU software you can temporarily turn on root rights without remote access, as required.

We check the presence of the root of rights

Later, we were already using one of the suggested methods, we chose the most suitable program and the rooting procedure was completed successfully (with the utility itself aware of the same). There are other twists: for example, you bought an old smartphone or a tablet, but now you don’t know how to change the root rights to Android.

It’s easy to slay, but the devil’s program will come to the rescue Google Play. The utility is called Root Checker:

  1. Request and install the program.
  2. Run її, as if it were your program.
  3. On the main screen there is a Verify button, press and check the completion of the verification.
  4. The program is not Russified, I wrote to him: "Congratulations ..." to say about the success of rutuvannya. Let me remind you that it is necessary to say: "Sorry ..." to talk about something else.


If you have followed all the instructions according to the instructions and have respectfully read all the messages on the screen, then now it is not your fault to blame the difficulty of installing the root on Android. Vtіm, richly lie in the model of the device and the version of the OS, the oscalls of the most programs are working with the most popular and the most popular outbuildings. How can you please Chinese tablet or a smartphone, it can be difficult to get rid of the rights of the root. Also, you need other tools if you want to root the Android emulator.

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