Information systems to support the functioning of the alarm system. Development of an information system for a repair and maintenance company. Intensifying information via the Internet

Golovna / Setting up

Every leader of the company is concerned with how his business operates effectively. An unambiguous confirmation of nutrition can be obtained by analyzing the individual indicators. It is important and expensive to extract this data manually. A current information system can, in a fraction of the time, formulate any kind of data according to a predetermined algorithm for development.

The very efficiency of technology and the adaptability of kernel workers to make decisions about. Before purchasing licenses and hiring an integrator company for implementation, it is necessary to understand the basic concepts of this process in order to control the progress of implementation in the power industry.

Why start promoting the information system?

Once you think that the company needs to upgrade its business management information system, you need to figure out who will do it. There are a number of approaches before launching such projects in an enterprise:

  • Establishment of the agreement with the great company, which will be carried out by IV. The advantage can be given by the evidence of the outsourcer company and other accountants, as well as the visibility of the authoritative project directions. The virtuosity of the work, the lengthiness of the frames and the possibility that behind the big names there may be not the greatest fakivists are evident;
  • Request from a small, regional IT company. A clear advantage is the high likelihood that the development of an automated information system will become a priority project for it. Since the project may be great, and therefore long-lasting, we must be afraid of rapt changes in the quality of care, fakhivtsev and the priorities of small manufacturing companies;
  • Vikoristannya by the power of the powerful IT department. This option has the added benefit of the absence of additional costs, a permanent connection with the charges and the ability to specifically handle the project. However, there is a lot of danger here - IT department representatives, who often lie behind the backlogs and servers, are obviously guided by their decisions, including not always correct;
  • Expert request. An excellent way to save and eliminate waste in the area of ​​need. In short, one can note the need for high level of organization of all the research and development companies, the dependence of success on one person and formal responsibility for the project.

Practice shows that the management of third-party information systems is best left to trusted accountants. Moreover, whichever option of the execution command you have not chosen, be sure to check the evidence - and not only sour, but also clear. Check the reports about the work of IT companies and experts, and ensure the qualifications of government accountants.

Such an important point is that the strategic plan for implementation and the choice of type in conjunction with the implementation of the information system is important, but not a single criterion. The effectiveness of implementing an information system for business depends on the number of officials and the readiness of staff to work at work. Fahivts see a number of basic rules, which, if ignored, will lead to grave consequences:

  • Awareness of the need to implement current technological tools and readiness to implement all workers;
  • Vivchennya fundamentals of the system;
  • Competent selection of the main system-creating program and command that is indicative of its implementation;
  • The presence of qualified personnel in project control on the side of the deputy;
  • The organization of the project is consistent and clear;
  • Bazhanya changes to become more beautiful.

It is important to consider the time frame for the launch of the corporate information system. We have a lot of recourse to the fact that we have previously developed business information systems and will have to start from scratch. You should prepare before your job lasts a long time and completely changes the business processes in the company. p align="justify"> The technology for the development of information systems can be very different from different fagivts, and the same stages can be seen practically in every successful project.

Successful development of information systems includes a variety of important and business-critical stages. Together with the work in IV, they help the company organize key business processes and identify problem areas. The larger the company, the more accepted the number of healthcare professionals whose functions and qualifications include nutrition. Competent use of the information system will reveal them.

If the company wants to not just “for show” introduce IV, but to effectively and efficiently use all its possibilities, to check the upcoming stages:

  1. We must first identify the risk of failure. A lot of ceramic stones should be placed on top at this stage, but in fact it sets directly the whole process of IP;
  2. Streamlining the company's business processes. This stage includes interviews with management, ordinary health workers, and the development of schemes for the skin process. The output is a clarification of the goals of promotion and the ability to proactively evaluate the work and performance;
  3. Compliance with the project, technical requirements and regulations. These documents contain descriptions of all business processes that involve the involved IS. Try to put together your project as clearly as possible, based on the necessary data, its structure, action algorithms, and work areas;
  4. Training of specialists. The company's specialists are beginning to promote the guilty nobility, which is necessary for them, so as not to interfere with their work. Also, administrators and company managers can begin to understand the information system. Then the specialists expand their knowledge for the benefit of the company;
  5. Customization of the information system depends on the specifics of the enterprise. This stage includes:
    • Division of rights to the functionality of the system for practitioners;
    • Pochatkove storage of data;
    • Improvement of algorithms of developments, creation of necessary information.
  6. Testing of information system. At this stage, problems with the development of algorithms or the need for new findings may appear;
  7. Operation with real data has been verified. Most often, at this stage, many industrial companies produce more robots. They have to not only work as before, but also carry out their activities in the information system. Maximum discipline and concentration are required to ensure that all participants are successful. The final result is the escape of information system data from the real state of affairs;
  8. Industrial exploitation. At this stage there is a transition of workers to full-time work in the information system. It is the responsibility of organizing technical support for investors;
  9. Completion of the project. The main result of this stage is the signing of the planting instructions, the separation of the components and their interactions. The corporate information system was launched at the enterprise.

Only the best efforts of the industrial companies at all levels guarantee the successful operation of the information system in the enterprise.

When developing solutions, IBS managers were drawn from the best world practices in managing development projects implemented in foreign information platforms and all evidence of the implementation of management systems in development organizations, To meet the needs of Russian government officials and local authorities, we were able to carry out major repairs and everyday life.

Unique performance IBS BIS IM It is believed that IBS managers succeeded in linking all functional subdivisions involved in the implementation of capital repair projects and everyday life (accounting, economics) into a single information circuit I will begin service and development) throughout the entire cycle of the object’s life – from the investment phase, planning works until resources are secured and control works, their appearance and closure.

Moreover, during the investment phase, the system allows you to maintain the main characteristics of work objects, contracts for these objects (including the general contract, subcontract), and create a calendar schedule for the execution of work after contract.

At the planning stage, business operators can maintain schedules in a single system, which are based on information about the availability of resources, as well as on cost boundaries. The system allows you to capture costs (integration with the main cost systems has been implemented) and formulate on their basis resource lists, technological schedules, personnel requirements, building machines and mechanisms. Integration of processes and data into a single system allows you to eliminate dispatch conflicts regarding the availability of equipment and personnel at the time of finalization of plans.

In the daily life process, the system gives the ability to control, as well as analyze the progress of work and achieve economical indicators, allowing you to set expenses on daily life from three main angles - cost-based, planned (based on calendar - boundary schedule), as well as actual expenses. The system supervises the process of purchasing, maintaining and writing off materials at a specific facility in connection with the final daily activities. Forms for write-off of materials (M-29) in the system are formed identically to the assets of the final work (KS-2), which allows you to control the non-standard waste of materials (division of goods in natural and varnish terms), control the principle of structure and economical indicators of the object in the process implementation of the everyday life project.

It is possible to monitor the actual importance of technology at sites, and to maintain it during the planning of daily activities using specialized functionality of the system. The solution allows for planning, dispatching and operation of work machines on specific objects of daily life in connection with specific operations, analyzing the type of needs for costly sectors, and, thus, conducting detailing the appearance of expenses for machines and mechanisms (at that time Construction companies insure expenses on construction machines and mechanisms using the “boiler method”). The same is true for the consumption of burning-painting materials and for monitoring the mileage, seasonally.

In general, the evidence of the implementation of the system shows that at the present time there is a real economic effect, both for the reduction of information exchange and for the creation of a more efficient business organization. processes, there is a decision to establish an effective operational model for managing construction and installation robots.

“The evidence of the great everyday life of the remaining rocks has shown that there is a great potential for improving the capacity of managing everyday life in Russia. The solution, as we propose, allows for control over the everyday life process to promote the economic efficiency of projects. IBS BIS IM helps to maintain compliance with the waste standards associated with over-exhausted materials, working machines and mechanisms, personnel, control the operating conditions, carry out the adjustment of the waste areas in the process of restoration work for project. This is not just an investment system - we are proposing a unique model of business processes, which is inspired by the benefits of the Ministry of Budget, national standards, traditions of rational management and best practices of leading companies and our expertise,” explained Petro Sichov, conductor Consultant to the Department of Development of the IBS company.

The decision, first of all, will be necessary for organizations that carry out work from major repairs and activities at many objects with the help of power or from the hiring of subcontractors, and those that vikoryst costly rozrahunki to increase profitability this works. In addition, there may be companies in the waste industry, industrial manufacturing, edge retail, energy, bonding, etc.

“The solution is at a high level of readiness and will require minor adjustments during the activity of the skin remover. Prote, for the record, at the same time, there is a need to carry out organizational changes at the replacement company - improved methodology for managing construction-assembly robots and the introduction of a new crop culture, which is based on our decision. For existing companies, the system allows them to advance their vision and reach a new level of economic efficiency,” said Marina Denisenko, EAM and MES solution manager for the Manufacturing Department at IBS.


4.1. Management of a future holding company using local information technologies

The development of information systems in organizations of various industries and spheres of activity in the remaining 30 years has seen significant changes. From a centralized model of information processing based on mainframes to client/server technology that effectively takes advantage of its predecessors. The current stage of economical development of everyday organizations around the world is characterized by expanded and more comprehensive forms and methods of their management from various corporate information systems.

INFORMAKIA System - Tse Nabir Mechanism, Method as Algorithmiv, hidden on the Piditrim of the Life Cycle of INFORMASIA TO TOUNT TO TOLLY TO THE CARNISHING AND DANYA, DIALLY INFORMAYNYA TA.

A lot of holding companies widely exploit the current information base. In Russia, the problem of designing automated information management systems is particularly acute, since until recently the economic theory served, as a rule, the state authorities of various levels, and the economy itself was self-contained, however I have a small participation in international affairs. In connection with this, a stable system of information security for the sovereign sector was formed.

Research has shown that in modern minds, the effectiveness of informatization is determined by the strength of information connections, the equal combination of different participants in the communication process, and intelligence penetration. Informatization in all areas of married life.

In the minds of the growing demand for information resources, the development and design of corporate information systems to serve areas with a high level of technological advancement is of great importance. The objective need for this information is related to the dynamism of economic reforms and the emergence of new forms of government activity, the creation of information systems that respond to changes in the state of affairs. 'yunktura market and others.

Most large holdings, when organizing marketing activities, carry out: analysis of current supply, modeling the development of consumer needs and the possibility of their satisfaction, automation of the process of setting up contracts for the supply of products ї and control over their witchcraft. There are a lot of corporate structures, bound by stable contractual agreements, creating information systems that allow the deputy to control the progress of the contractor’s negotiations. Highly automated systems of market interactions lead to advances in the information security of economic structures. Corporate structures that do not comply with the development of information systems in the field of marketing will not be able to function normally in domestic and foreign markets. The presence of such systems is necessary for smart market integration and effective economic activity.

The complex of technical features of the corporate structure management system consists of several types of technical features and devices - components of technical security of project management, such as in the process of functioning of corporate information These systems interact with each other. Having seen the main components that make up the software modules of the singing class, you can create a structural model of the information system (Fig. 4.1).

The lowest level of the information system is the shed where all the intellectual power of a daily organization resides (documents, reports, structured tables, business rules, etc.). Direct access to the meeting room is provided by the knowledge management system, which acts as a gateway for other systems and forms the information of the corporation. The knowledge management system combines ideas, knowledge, document replacement and business rules, automated processes that are based on knowledge, both at the center of the holding itself, and between its structural divisions (subsidiaries). izatsiyami).

For which you need a gateway that allows you to exchange data from external systems. This requires brains, as a result of day-to-day economic processes are directed towards the integration of day-to-day organizations of the corporate structure, and the transfer of knowledge is even more important.

The process of development (and improvement) of information management systems, directly reaching the final result, can be represented as a hierarchical structure, which also includes the creation of clear documentation, the formation and maintenance of databases, and learning the operating procedures of the system. The design of information systems can be carried out on a systemic basis by minimizing both the cost of design and the time spent on development.

Changes in the implementation of the corporate information system of the development holding:

Availability of operational access and processing of information necessary for prompt decision-making;

A variety of analysis methods, modeling and support will be used to achieve solutions;

There is a lack of use of information technologies in managing processes and resources;

Promotion of various, not interconnected systems and management of related areas of activity;

The need to maintain and periodicity of financial reporting is brought up to current standards;

The use of information systems that does not correspond to immediate benefits, the unsatisfactory result of the implementation of information systems, etc.

Corporate information systems of the last generation, which are located in rich corporate structures in Russia and beyond the cordon, have their own characteristics and advantages, and themselves:

Expanding beyond the potential of desktop computers; paperless document processing process;

Modular alert systems, comprehensive information support at all stages of information processing based on integrated databases that transmit a single unified form of filing, saving, searching, displaying, etc. renewal and protection of data, elimination of internal company barriers, ease of use and simplicity of work;

Saving system resources through centralization and data processing at the upper levels;

Identification of effective measures and system administration features to control the functioning of measures and management at all levels of the hierarchy, and ensure the necessary flexibility and dynamic change of conf. iguration of the system;

Modeling of business processes, the possibility of collective document creation based on client-server edge technology, united by means of communication, interactive mode of task assignment;

Access to international information networks.

The creation of an automated management system for a development holding allows:

Currect the inconsistent of the maximum close -up of the maximum of the fraud of the inconsistency of the dannia to the MISTSS VINIKNINNE TA VIKORSANNE (ShO Dusta is relevant for the outsarous of the Budіlnikhkktvs on the Teritae of the Krainoi Tu Sibir);

To provide managers in the sphere of management and financial and economic services with operational information;

It is more effective to satisfy the varied information needs of management personnel, which often change, by obtaining complex information based on the data of all existing subsystems of government and commercial activity management Istyu;

Create a rich integration of the data bank and ensure a dialog mode for connecting the user with the system through automated work stations;

Speed ​​up the hour of searching for information in the system, as well as processing, preparing and issuing various organizational and procedural documentation;

reduce expenses on the modernization of the entire accounting system, the speed of processing paper documents three or four times;

Increase flexibility and increase the survivability of systems;

Automate control functions at all levels of management and economic activity;

Automate the management of local information of terminal correspondents and create local databases;

Take full responsibility for the Viconavians in the management process, promoting consistency and reliability in the decisions made.

Data allows clients to process information available to the data bank both at the backdoor warehouse and autonomously.

The research shows that today's minds have several possible forms of organizing the strategy for the functioning of information systems in a corporation:

1) centralized saving and processing of information under centralized management of economic and industrial objects;

2) centralized saving and processing of information in decentralized and independent management systems;

3) distribution of saving and processing of information under centralized management;

4) processing and conservation are distributed under decentralized management.

The other two organizational forms signify the concept of new information technology, the basis of which is divided into computer technology, “friendly” software and the development of communication methods.

Analysis of software for corporate information systems presented on the market confirms that its functional capabilities on the Internet allow users to use almost all of the government's and government's services. centrally economical, including the financial activity of the holding company.

Implementation of a corporate information system for a development holding is a complex process that involves the maintenance company, the computer security specialists of the automation department of the company, the software security manager, and the account manager. and from system development, system integrators.

Currently, there are three approaches to the highest level of comprehensive automation of the activities of the daily holding company and its structural subdivisions (subsidiaries):

1) gradual development of the corporate system by government forces (including the development of ready-made and ready-made software products from third-party companies and organizations that allow automation of several work places and manufacturing processes). The advantage of this approach is that the system created by the forces of power can best accommodate the needs and specifics of the work of a particular business organization. However, this way, increasing automation problems can be extended over time and often turn into a stationary process.

2) the use of a ready-made information system of a corporate level. Some of the largest holdings give priority to ready-made software systems, the success of which lies in a significant way in the readiness (and ability) of the holding to follow the “rules” that are dictated by the information system that buy Yes.

3) creation of corporate information systems based on “folded” systems from software “components” of various software companies. Component technology of created corporate information systems looks the most attractive and promising, since there is increasing complexity in the selection of the necessary components of the information system, the power of development of the system by power forces, from full code and functional completeness, verified by a lot of wikis typical for commercial software products, and also allows you to quickly make changes to the existing information system without disrupting its effectiveness.

With thoroughly developed management systems for a living holding, its structural units (subsidiaries) and the information systems that support them, there are two main approaches: structural and process.

Structural approach based on the different organizational structures of the company, if the system is well-developed with structural subdivisions. The technologies of our activity are described through the technologies of work of structural units, and the interaction of structural units is described through the upper level model. Since a successful company is a complex holding-type structure, it is necessary to have a model for the interaction of all the elements that are included before, which will include not only technological, but also financial and legal and moments.

Process approach orientations to business processes, such as changes to the organizational structure, change less frequently. Let’s say that there are three or more than ten main business processes.

For the successful creation and implementation of a corporate information system for a development holding, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of five main interconnected warehouses:

1) technologies that represent business processes in an information system and formalize them in accordance with all the relationships within the development company;

2) security software that implements the necessary functionality of the information system;

3) equipment that ensures the functioning of the information system;

4) information;

5) personnel who operate the information system.

6) Information security and protection of information resources

An information system has been integrated for the daily life of the holding company with a distributed network that connects local and remote work places of the back office workers.

The world has developed several basic standards that form the basis for the development of corporate information systems, which are complemented by advanced standards with advanced management methods.

1.MRP (Material Requirement Planning) is the output standard. These systems can quickly support the possibility of developing a new concept to the required term in case of intensive production. Due to the impossibility of the contract to a specific term, the system is issued for nutritional information, which will cost the deputy of the contract a new contract, since it still affects the term. On the part of the MRP class system there is an MPS (Master Production Scheduling) block that creates the main production plan. Based on the data about the plant, plans for the production of pharmaceutical products are being developed. The next block of the system allows you to describe the warehouse of the product - BOM (Bill-of-Material, or certification of the product). The warehouse here can be supplied with any additional information: the authority of the material, the manufacturer, the delivery person, the terms of delivery, the preparation, the terms of procurement, etc. The stock control unit is short-circuited.

2. MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) - the main essence is that forecasting, planning and control of production takes place throughout the entire cycle, starting with the purchase of goods and ending with the creation (sale) of a living facility. .

The MRP II class system has three basic blocks:

Formation of the main plan based on client requests and forecast;

Planning of needs, forming a schedule for completing the operation of objects and a schedule for the purchase of materials and components;

Operative keruvannya.

Systems of the MRP II class will ensure the highest level of planning of business activities in natural units, financial planning in small units.

3. The advent of the late 1980s became the next stage in the development of information systems. systems classed as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – systems for planning resources of an organization. These systems consume all the financial-state and financial activity of the company. Before them, there are such benefits as centralization of data in a single database, a robot mode close to the real hour, saving the external management model for the management of any problems, supporting territorially distributed structures, and robots in a wide range of applications. hardware and software platforms and DBMS. With proper implementation and operation of such systems, the efficiency of the organization’s business processes improves, which gives a competitive advantage to further development.

The ERP concept is more complete than MRP II, and is the de facto standard for modern information systems for managing public utilities. The current information system based on the ERP concept includes:

Supply chain management (SCM);

Improved planning and folding of storage units (Advanced Planning and Scheduling – APS);

Sales automation module (Sales Force Automation - SFA);

Stand Alone Configuration Engine (SCE);

Finite Resource Planning (FRP);

Business intelligence, OLAP technologies (Business Intelligence - BI);

electronic commerce module (Electronic Commerce – EC);

Virib data management (Product Data Management – ​​PDM);

The main task of the ERP system is to achieve optimization (with time and resources) of all reinsurance processes.

4. Infection with information systems that initially provide effective market orientation, including CRM (customer relationship management) systems. These systems are aimed directly at a large base of “loyal” clients, which is what will ensure the holding a long-term competitive advantage.

With a clear establishment of an organizational scheme for the functional operation of the corporate information system in the future holding company, the skin will finally achieve a critical importance information about the obligations, necessary and sufficient implementation of your garden obligations. An extensive corporate information system in everyday life organizations (and not less) is the comprehensive Galaktika system.

As a result of the work of all customer systems, a new database is supplied to the holding company with operational information about the progress of work on specific objects. The processing of operational information allows, on the one hand, to analyze mutual relations with the counterparty based on information about the flow of material assets, services, work and financial conditions, and on the other hand to evaluate the efficiency the activity of the government holding from various directions of government activity.

The management personnel of the holding company and its structural subdivisions (subsidiaries), using the Galaktika complex information system to manage government-government processes, has the ability to:

Prompt access to reliable information about the ongoing activities of the holding;

Operational financial management;

Monitoring the progress of contractual agreements;

control of mutual goiters;

Control and management of material, labor and technical resources;

Formation and control of the business plan;

Planning and development of the internal budget.

The leather project of Galusa information technology may be considered by the business holding company as a strategic investment of assets that will pay off for the reduction of management processes and increased efficiency virobnitstva, shortening of virobnitsih vitras.

To describe any planned actions on the planned objects, plans and applications are used. The objects of planning are various objects of the work-related organization management system: material assets, work-related installation work and services, main functions, work-related objects, professions , staff units, specialists, partners, subsidiaries, companies, departments, transportation routes, other plans and requests.

Plans and applications can place various numerical characteristics on the skin object, for example: thickness, amount, price, varity, tightness, etc. from different analysts. The plan, for the submission of the application, in addition to the analyst, there is one more obligatory section - the planning period.

The concepts of “analytics” and “planning period” are similar to the “financial management” module. The application for submission to the plan is characterized by the date of acceptance and the date of execution. For planning objects, the totality of indicators and analysts determine the type of plan (application). The massacre of plans and applications is carried out using additional algorithms. Algorithms allow you to fill out plans and orders automatically and thereby capture various characteristics that are located in the system, for example, surpluses and turnover for assets of different types, prices of price lists, as well as other plans and orders. For skin type plans (applications), the interface is being adjusted.

For the development of Vikonanny plans and applications, serve the Vikonanny Rukhs (DV). Kozhen Rukh Vikonannya must be brought up to the characteristics and values ​​of the analyst that correspond to the type of plan (application). For review, the editorship of the Rukhs serves as the journal of the Rukh Vikonanny. The mechanism of standard wiki operations will ensure the ability to automatically generate documents for the System.

The system of information about plans and applications will ensure the identification of various characteristics, analytics and periods of planning of various plans and applications in natural terms and in hundreds of planned characteristics. In addition, for each campaign, you can remove the map of the government with information about the documents associated with the government, in order to find out what steps have ensured the plan.

A unified corporate planning system has been established for the future holding, which transfers the victorious computer program “Galaxy”, which works with a large number of objects and conveys the possibility of a step-by-step automatic distribution of the costs to the victorious information ії about the norms of entry into simple work at the warehouse. For which sets of services or the mechanism of input of some plans to other planning objects and other system algorithms are developed. When distributing the cost, it is necessary to vikorystvovat information about current prices for material and technical resources, which is located in the system in the form of price lists, in the prices of robotic machines and mechanisms, technological vehicles, roses prices for professional work for workers in various professions (salaries and personnel).

The plan for construction and installation work is formed as a result of the decomposition of the construction plans during the planning periods in accordance with the financing plan.

Further from the plan of construction and installation work, the following objects of the “Plan” type are formed (in the context of construction projects), construction work, planning periods, in sum and in a number of terms, with the vicinity of the active centers ін (roztsіnok)), and itself:

Requirement for industrial materials;

Demand for mechanization and technological vehicles;

Demand for labor resources.

The ETAP of the ETAP Planning the rivial formulant of the O'Skktiv: “I demand from the Budielle izhrmenti”, “Required in the Matereals for Timchasovikh Sports (Romonikatsiy)”, the yaki is upholstered with the urahuvanni plan of the vicunny of the Budіelny, the same time.

Based on the demand for raw materials from the production industry, with the provision of reserves (current and standard for the period), with the provision of planned production, a “production plan” is formed, and from this, with the provision of reserves and prices, “demand” at sirovina for virobnitstva.”

On the basis of the demand for mechanization and the demand for labor resources and similar prices, apparently, a “plan for the development of mechanization” and a “plan for use” are created.

According to the current plan and the plan for the development of mechanization and technological vehicles, with the corresponding standards and current prices (rates), the “demand for operating materials” is created, “the plan is planned and advanced. repairs (PPR)”, “demand for spare parts”.

The “purchase plan” is formed on the basis of “consumption in purchased industrial materials”, “requirement in manufacturing raw materials”, “requirement in everyday tools”, “requirement in materials for time-consuming equipment”, “requirement in operating materials”, “requirement in spare parts” . In this case, inventories of material assets and other prices are also insured.

The fundamental principle of planning.

PP = RP + ZKN-ZNO (4.1)

PP - planned arrival for the period;

RP - planned income for the period;

ZKN - stock at the end of the regulatory period;

ZNO - reserve for the cob during the harvesting period.

The success of the planning depends on the reliability of the acquisition of reserves for the beginning of the period, in which the following is recovered:

reserves of material assets that will be spent on the beginning of the planning period;

stocks of material assets that will not be available for purchase during the planning period.

The improvement of the party mechanism for the target area of ​​material values ​​can be achieved by adding another section of savings, similar to the party, associated with the corporate planning of the holding company. This allows for independent processing of materials.

In addition to the descriptions of other objects, the “Business Organization Management System” is transferring the creation of one-time and ongoing applications. These applications are of the guilty type, similar to those described above the requirements. In addition to one-time requests, the volume of needs that are not covered for the formation of plans is transferred. Tyzhnevo-additional requests are transferred to the regional resource management system. Due to the structure of the development and year-round applications, they may not be processed.

Thus, corporate planning for a future holding company can ensure output information from the view of upcoming objects:

plan for construction and installation work;

Vikonannya plan for everyday work;

Subcontractor service plan;

Virobnichiy plan (for additional production of industrial materials);

Plan for the improvement of mechanization and technological means of motor transport;

Repair plan for household equipment and vehicles;

Purchasing plan;

One-time applications.

This development has a mechanism for forming on the basis of plans (applications), unification of contracts and items on the calendar plan, including package planning of items on the calendar plan and specifications. In this case, it is possible to incorporate existing agreements and calendar items created based on the data of the object and the periods of the plan. The unbundling process has a transfer and formation mechanism based on tariff plans (applications) for various contractual items: for purchase, for sales, for release from production and others; Also, the registration is consistent with this document: for internal displacement, for the renewal of everyday work. In this case, it is possible to read documents that have already been generated for these objects and periods of the plan.

Since the holding has managed to carry out additional research, in line with the needs of the managerial form, it is proposed to install a module “capital life management”, which will ensure the work with the objects “life planning”, “life Elna robot", "contractual branch of vikonannya budіvelnykh robіt".

“Business agreement” is the second type of application, the objects of planning of which are “budget work”. To the fullest extent of detail, the object of “life-changing agreement” is a life-long cost. The skin “lifetime work” is characterized by quantity, unit of production, price (value per unit of production), value and analytics: material and technical resources, cost of machines and mechanisms, salary, etc. The totality of the analytics of the daily routine is determined in the process of establishing the “system”. Between “everyday intentions” and everyday objects, in most cases there is an unambiguous similarity.

In a robot, the term “living robot” means a specific “living” object of the system. The skin “lifetime work” is unique within the entire set of “lifetime routines”. The flow of “lifetime work” has a clear hierarchical structure, and, in addition, the skin “lifetime work” can be clearly placed before the “lifetime routine”.

The contractual agreement for future work is similar to the agreement for purchase (sales), except for certain features. The contractual part of everyday work can definitely be completed before the actual agreement. For skin care work, the quantity is indicated, and the price is similar to similar positions in the work order, and the price is insured according to the price and quantity.

The results of our previous and practical work testify to the need to create synchronization between the “material assets” catalog and the “price list”, which allows you to add positions to several different price lists when popping up If you are not in the catalog of material assets, you can remove items from these price lists when you delete types of material values ​​from the catalogue. It is also necessary to transfer to the robot the date of price change from the price list (look, filter by date, automatically change the date when changing the price); ensure access to operations with price lists, similarly to the “business management” module. On all modules of the Corporate Planning of the Future Holding, for the formation of plans and applications, it is necessary to transfer the system algorithms for the selection of price lists.

To update the price list with planned prices for raw materials, a procedure has been transferred to reorganize the existing transfer prices for raw materials.

For a number of new objects of the management system we have installed, “material assets are on the rise” - the document “Dispatch” - an object that links incoming and data documents to one shipment (wagon, container, vessel) and saves є necessary information about this delivery (wagon, container, ship) (type, number, name, brand, flight, carrier, point of delivery, point of destination and much more, including insurance).

The specifics of the movement of material assets between subdivisions (subsidiaries) are as follows:

the possibility of using a consignment note for internal movements to enter information for the movement of material assets between subdivisions (subsidiaries);

uploading of invoices for internal movements between sub-units (subsidiaries);

Automatic re-arrangement of prices for invoices for internal movements and for related inflow orders, updating of allocations from counterparties in case of re-revaluated prices for type-related orders.

In order to ensure the possibility of separate accounting and filing functions in the presence of a single management function, we have ordered the following documents to be sent to the future holding:

Enter the sign of the structural subsidiary of the holding (subsidiary organization), which is automatically placed in the main plan of accounts for forming accounting entries for both the accounting department and the subordinate account. This sign is given to the skin structural unit (subsidiary organization);

Selecting analytics and turnover from the accounting circuit also requires the ability to review information before subdivisions;

The payroll and personnel modules also have subdivision symbols;

The salary module has the ability to generate transactions for different pay plans;

Enter the sign about the possibility of receiving salary payments through a cash register, through a bank, through plastic cards;

The payment of the insured salary and the payment of the unified social security tax on this payment may be paid on one debit account and on one subdivision;

When molding the head book and the back page, it is also necessary to provide a sign to the subsection.

The basis of our conceptual provisions for the development of the management system of the building holding is the automated Galaktika system. The “Galaktika” system was developed and practically introduced into the development holding “Yugorskrembudgaz”.

Zarenkov, V. A. Problems of development of development companies in the minds of the Russian economy / V. A. Zarenkov - St. Petersburg. Budvydav, 1999, -288 p.

Asaul, A. n. Organization of enterprise activities: A. N. Asaul, M. P. Voinarenko, P. Yu. Yerofeyev. -SPb.: View of Humanistics, 2004. 448 p.

Business Economics Basic economic concepts of business operation. - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg DIEA. -2000. -1 year.



Forward analysis of creation IV

1 Organizational structure

2 News about the automation object

3 Determining the need for creating an information system

Description of the software product

1 Description of input and output information

2 Analysis of existing database management systems

2.4 Visual Basic

3 You can access the warehouse and parameters of technical features

Description of the main design decisions

1 Software system structure

2 System testing


List of references


This course project is submitted to the assignment for the course project. The theme of the project is the disaggregation of the information system of a repair and maintenance company.

From these marks the following follows:

Analysis of the subject matter and the activities of the organization.

Select the main set of data necessary for the creation of a database and information model;

The implementation of the data base is practical.

Creation of additional elements to simplify work with the database (creation of forms, queries and calls).

The main factors that influence the efficiency of work, enterprises of this type are the organization of effective interaction with suppliers and factories with the production of components.

In connection with this, for automation, I selected the following processes: the formation of components and invoices, the receipt of orders, the formation of partner companies and clients.

The database allows you to add, change, search and delete data, as well as review this data.

1. Forward analysis of the IV solution

1 Organizational structure

The company launches the entire complex of operations from the production and installation of metal-plastic window systems. The main types of activity are: fabrication and installation of plastic windows and doors, window portals, blinds, as well as metal gates such as forged grilles to opposite doors and garage doors.

One of the company's direct activities is the production and installation of plastic windows, as well as sloped balconies.

Based on your capabilities, and for the purpose of the job, you can choose the best option for PVC leather:

colored windows to laminate;

self-cleaning window;

sun-dry windows;

mid-spring windows;

arched windows;

colorful windows;

external mowing, including metal mowing;

shading of balconies.

The company can sell components to repairers that are necessary for the repair of window structures, doors, and blinds.

The enterprise management system is designed according to the linear-hierarchical principle. On the skin level there are clearly defined zones of compliance and zones of subordination.

The General Director is fully responsible for the work of the company. The General Director is responsible for conducting major negotiations with external contractors and, in some cases, with external managers (if the negotiation is particularly significant for the company). The director submits an agreement for the purchase of components, and the agreement is paid for by the accounting department. We are not responsible for any complaints from the replacements of your Vikon robots.

Accounting is responsible for all financial activities of the company. The main functions of accounting are the calculation of wages and bonuses for military workers and the transfer of necessary amounts to the pension fund and tax organizations. Payments for the company's services and jobs are processed through the accounting department. Through the accounting department, components and equipment purchased by the company are paid for.

Operator engaged in receiving procurement, divisional procurement with repair team masters, transport service technicians, designated terms of procurement, extensions of procurement, notifications to clients about replacement sheep Operators maintain documentary support of the transaction, record the main information about the agent and the transaction.

The repair team accepts orders for repair work, installation, dismantling, installation and insulation of window and window portals, doors, balcony slopes and other works. These technicians also diagnose malfunctions, indicate the need for necessary work, complete replacement parts, and promptly repair the work.

The transport service provides delivery to repair shops for repairs, as well as transportation of components from the postal service.

2 News about the automation object

Purpose of the IC – automation of the robotic work of walking robots:

Operator (formation of contracts, type of work and type of procurement, as well as acceptance of purchase orders);

Repair team (reception and viconannya order).

The process of acceptance and marriage can be briefly described in the following terms:

Value, between the client and the company’s permanent replacement agent (permanent replacement agents deduct discounts on additional goods);

In advance, the essence of the contract (request) depends on the client’s needs;

The Vikon's appointment was made. The operator keeps a journal of his agreement. He turns to the master who, in the operator’s opinion, has the least occupation. However, once the master is actually employed, the operator forwards the application to someone else;

Execution of the contract according to the given form; fixation of withdrawal of prepayment; filling in the order journal;

View of the contract, prepared by the operator along with the contract.

3 Determining the need for creating an information system

One of the factors that indicates the level of development of spontaneous husbandry and intellectual capacity is its equipping with computational technology - the basis for the automation of human mental activity. The scope of the EOM's vicor is wide, and there is no such area where the EOM's stagnation would be ineffective. The role of EOM is especially important in the development of science, the growth of industrial production and the improvement of management efficiency. Managing various processes from a separate computer allows you to achieve greater productivity and save a lot of time. High-quality automation of technological processes significantly simplifies the work of production and production of gas.

With the development of computer technologies, the need to save and exchange information has grown. Saving plays an important role in working people and businesses. And the success of your work depends on reliably correct and accessible information. These organizations rely heavily on folders, but mostly give preference to computerized methods - databases, which allow you to effectively save, structure and systematize large amounts of data. And today, without databases, it is impossible to identify the work of most financial, industrial, trading and other organizations.

The automated system is intended for manual data processing. If the amount of information that comes to the mother on the right is large, and it itself can fill a complex structure, then in the minds of the work organization there are a lot of problems associated with it. To overcome a variety of problems, it is necessary to develop such a system of working with information that would allow the implementation of automated collection, processing and work with data. This is possible when using specialized software – database management systems (DBMS). They allow us to solve this problem at a higher level, to ensure efficiency, reliability, fluidity and lightness in products both for food processors and for retailers.

The main advantage of automation is the reduction in the volume of data that is saved, and therefore, the savings in the use of stored memory, the reduction in costs for large-scale operations for updating superfluous copies and the reduction in the ability to use errors. I do not delete information about the same object in different places, an increased level of information reliability and increased speed of information processing; There is an excessive number of internal related documents, different journals, folders, applications, etc., repeated entry of the same information to different related documents. This also significantly speeds up the hour of automatically searching for information that is generated using special screen forms that indicate the parameters for searching for an object.

Today's DBMS are based on a wide range of proprietary database management systems that specialize in managing massive amounts of information from one or another client.

The current DBMS will provide:

A set of features to support tables and lines between linked tables;

Excuse the user interface, which allows you to enter and modify information, cancel searches and present information in graphical or text mode;

High-level programming features, with the help of which you can create power additions;

Improving the efficiency of obtaining relevant information for analysis.

In today's minds, great organizations have created efficient information systems to serve the process of preparing and making accounting and management decisions, and the most important tasks: data processing, information processing atsii.

To increase the effectiveness of the internal company management system at large enterprises in the field of publicity, the indicator of the amount of received income before spending on technical features and ensuring the functioning of not the internal company information system.

The basic principles and purposes of internal company information systems are:

the importance may vary depending on the information and its nature, depending on the purpose of directness;

creation of a system for saving, storing and supplying information to centralized and decentralized management;

increased demand for technical personnel (including computer technology) for the enterprise as a whole;

development of software security, creation and use of data banks;

automated processing of entered and flow information and output of information from the accounting department and parts of technical equipment;

automation of administrative and management activities with the use of computer technology.

Important tasks of the internal company management system:

coordination of activities for the collection and processing of financial data at the highest level of management and at the financial departments with the method of increasing the efficiency and relevance of financial security information on business in general;

defining the main directions of the system for collecting, processing and preserving primary data;

identification of the main directions of development of information processing technology.

Equipping with electronic technology allows you to save management costs and expenses, ensuring effective internal company planning.

The development of telecommunication systems, telecommunications, and technologies of local accounting measures has made it possible to combine all the technical means of processing accounting information into a single internal company information measure.

Representatives of the repair and maintenance company conduct their work mainly using Microsoft Office software, using Excel spreadsheets to maintain simple single-table databases for the area and search for information from these databases. The discipline of backup saving is not established by corporate rules; backup saving is done by writing files to a laser disk at the discretion of the server.

The need to develop an automated information system in the area of ​​business activity is driven by competition in the market for repair and maintenance services and the need to ensure productivity in a more reliable manner. the availability and reliability of information, I guarantee its safety.

The investigation of the original information processing system revealed the need to improve the basic data processing, and the analysis of the situation allows us to identify such potential directions in the thorough development of the original systems. and information processing:

eliminating the obvious organizational and technical shortcomings that were treated in the previous section would make it possible to significantly transfer the current processing of information to a higher current level;

the introduction of a unified information system will make it possible to practically increase the efficiency of work, become more flexible from “manual” processing of information and move to an automated form;

The application of individual information includes insufficient parts of the software intended for business automation.

The fragments of the development of a complex automated management system as a distributed database are complex and expensive, which requires the acquisition of significant resources, including the team of Vikonavians, is proposed at the first stage to share the project, which is extremely low private orders.

2. Description of the software product

The object of development is the information system “Business Firm”, designed to save work with information about the work that is used by companies to recruit clients.

The main stages of the design of the IV “Budivelna Firma”:

behind-the-scenes system design;

Design of data structure: selection of fields included in the table;

Design and connection table;

Field design: rules for entering data and checking the admissibility of their values;

Design of drinks;

Design of forms and lights;

Design of automation features: menu creation.

1 Description of input and output information

ІВ "Bulivelna Firma" contains the following points:

The essence of “Postachalniki” is to provide information about the company: name of the company, location, town, address, phone number, location, fax.

The essence of “Spivrobitniki” is to contain information about Spivrobitniki: PIB, settlement, date of birth, date of hiring, salary, addresses and phone number;

The essence of “Procurement” is to contain information about the procurement: name, color, material, description, size, quality, quantity, installation, dismantling, delivery, reduction, at once;

The essence of “Clients” is to contain information about clients: personal information, addresses, telephone number, telephone number, date of contract, date of termination, form of payment;

The essence of “Completing” is to contain information about the goods: name, brand, postal, color, material, unit, price and description;

The essence of “Type” is to contain information about the types of goods that are expected: name and description;

The essence of “Form of payment” is to contain information about methods of payment for the product: form of payment, description;

The essence of “Withdrawal” is to provide information about the expenditure of the company, and itself: the amount of expenditure and payment method.

The essence of “Profits” is to contain information about the company’s profits for the current day.

The security software is subject to the following issues: the type of components, the provision of information about the occurrence of errors, the information about information.

In the form mode, it is possible to add a new entry to the information base, add new components, edit information, implement ordering queries by fields, search for information about components, enter orders and placeholders. c.

A separate software program is developed to automate the procurement of components, save and search information in the database, and also for compiling calls.

The software includes the following functions:

Formation and appearance of applications;

maintain the appearance of components;

Addition, editing and further information;

Folding sounds;

Druk zvіtiv;

2.2 Analysis of existing database management systems

Today's DBMS is based on Windows add-ons, but the middle part allows for greater flexibility in personal data management than the DOS middle part. The decrease in productivity of highly productive personal computers is due not only to the wide transition to the Windows middleware, but the software developer may be less aware of the distribution of resources, but also by creating a PC software program and a DBMS, zokrem, less critical to the hardware resources of the electronic computing machine.

Among the most prominent representatives of database management systems are: Lotus Approach, Microsoft Access, Borland dBase, Borland Paradox, Microsoft Visual FoxPro, Microsoft Visual Basic, as well as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases, which are used in programs that rely on client technology -Server". Let's take a look at the latest software products from Microsoft, including Visual FoxPro, Paradox, Visual Basic, Visual III++, Access 7.0.

2.1 FoxPro (a Fox Software company) has low and high performance characteristics and in this regard was clearly seen among the interpreting systems. Corrected from dBaseIV This fluidity is available in many cases and is not compromised by the fluidity of compiler systems. Almost all Fox-programs perform much better than Clipper-programs. The set of commands and functions provided by FoxPro vendors, due to their complexity and flexibility, is subject to any difficulties before submitting and processing the data. It is possible to implement the most user-friendly and efficient user interface. FoxPro supports a variety of flexible and rich menus, work with windows and a mouse, implementation of low-level file access functions, color settings, printer adjustments, data can be presented as “electronic spreadsheets” have many more advantages and benefits. In the pre-Vindian era, FoxPro was the most advanced, most handy and most powerful DBMS for computers based on the IBM PC standard.

2.2 Paradox was developed by Ansa Software, and the first version was released in 1985. This product was added by the Borland company. Since 1996, the company Corel and the Corel Office Professional warehouse have been founded. For example, from the late 80s to the early 90s, Paradox, owned by Borland International.

The principle of saving data in Paradox is similar to the principles of saving data in dBase - each table is saved in its own file (extended *.db), MEMO and BLOB fields are saved in a separate file (extended *.md), as well as indexes (extended nya*. px).

However, when logged into dBase, Paradox's data format is not supported, so access to data in this format requires special libraries. For example, the Paradox Engine library was popular among applications written in C or Pascal, which became the basis of the Borland Database Engine. This library is based on add-ons created using additional Borland development tools (Delphi, C++Builder), various sound generators (for example, Crystal Reports) and in Paradox itself. Find ODBC drivers for databases created by different versions of this DBMS.

Equal to similar versions of dBase, earlier versions of Paradox gave database developers much more advanced capabilities, such as changing business graphics in DOS add-ons, updating data in add-ons when downloading a wide range of automated robots, visual aids for prompting calls, based on the QBE interface - Query by Example (written by sentence), features of statistical data analysis, as well as features of visual stimulation of interfaces of computer applications with automatic generation of code for my PAL (Paradox Application Language) programming. dBase and data stored in server DBMSs. Paradox's team took advantage of this functionality by using the Borland Database Engine library and SQL Links drivers. This allowed us to use Paradox as a universal solution for managing various databases.

2.3 Access - translated from English means “access”. MS Access is a functionally full relational DBMS. In addition, MS Access is one of the most powerful, powerful and simplest DBMSs available. It is possible to create a large number of additions without having to write a whole series of programs, but if you need to create something even more complex, then MS Access makes it easy to use the Visual Basic Application.

The popularity of the Microsoft Access DBMS is due to the following reasons:

Access is one of the most accessible and reasonable systems for both professionals and beginners, which allows you to quickly master the basic principles of working with databases;

The system has a completely Russified version;

Full integration with Microsoft Office packages: Word, Excel, Power Point, Mail;

The Windows ideology allows you to present information in a simple and visual way;

the ability to use OLE technology, which allows you to establish links with objects in other programs or push any objects into the Access database;

WYSIWIG technology allows clients to continuously review all the results of their actions;

The set of “masters” starts from the breakdown of objects, which simplifies the creation of a table, forms and answers.

Purposes for the creation of information of a sufficient form based on various data and the development of non-commercial additives. Minimal PC resources: 468DX processor, Windows 3.1, 95, NT, 12 (16) MB of RAM, 10-40 MB of capacity on the LMD.

2.4 Visual BasicBasic - this is a universal object-oriented language programming, dialects of which are used in Access, Visual FoxPro. Advantages: universality, ability to create OLE components, low connection to EOM hardware resources. Designed for creating programs of moderate complexity that do not involve high data processing intensity, development of OLE components, integration of Microsoft Office components. Minimum PC resources: 368DX processor, Windows 3.1, 95, NT, 6 (16) MB of RAM, 8-36 MB of capacity on the LMD.

Designated software products have the ability to visually design the interface of the developer, so that the developer from ready-made fragments creates interface elements, the program without changing them in the output on any stage.

Borland has long been widely known among professional developers as the company behind the C and Pascal compilers and the Paradox database management system. With nearly six million users around the world, dBASE is no longer an industry standard that is consistent across a variety of operating platforms, including MS-DOS, UNIX, VAX/VMS and MS-Windows. Products that are developed in the programming classes – Borland C++ 4.5 and Delphi – with a unique combination of classical principles and modern technology.

A completely new product Borland Delphi for Windows is a Swedish software development system based on object-oriented Pascal. Delphi combines visual features with a fast development of add-ons, a high-performance object-oriented language compiler, a scalable mechanism for accessing data and other advances in the field of computer technologies. C++ is the most intensely object-oriented programming language, but it lacks functionality. Purposes for creating program components for vikonannya operations that are critical for speed.

For the creation of a database, as well as the software itself, which is broken down and provides access to database data, Microsoft Access 2007 for the totality of its benefits.

The database at the warehouse of the automated system, which is being fragmented, is susceptible to the following attacks:

preserving great obligations with up-to-date and reliable information;

simplicity zvernen koristuvachiv to DB;

the ability to enter, change, delete, sort and otherwise manipulate database data;

search for information from different groups of signs;

the possibility of expanding and reorganizing data from the database when changing the subject area.

All that has been said above is to talk about the need for a separate database and, at the same time, a specialized database management system (DBMS).

Based on the list of most important criteria for choosing a DBMS, the choice is made on the basis of MS Access 7.0, since a DBMS is needed for a relatively small corporate environment, obliging the information that is saved in nominally small (approximately megabytes), reliably runs on a server with the technical characteristics of a basic PC. Also, MS Access 7.0 has minimal complications when setting up and administering systems.

3 You can access the warehouse and parameters of technical features

To work with IV “Budivelna Firma” you need a computer with the current minimum configuration:

Processor – 300 MHz or higher;

RAM – 128 MB or higher;

Video adapter and monitor - Super VGA (800×600);

More space on a hard drive – 1.5 GB or more;

Optical storage devices – CD-ROM or DVD-ROM;

Keyboard and Misha;

Installations of Microsoft Office 2007 package

Minimal system benefits for MS Access 2007:

Processor: Frequency not lower than 500 MHz;

Memory: Not less than 256 MB;

Hard disk space: 2 GB;

Screen: Separate size no less than 1024x768 pixels;

Operating system Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP3, Windows Vista.

For this, a shchob is riveted iz function, the foster “Budielna Fіrma” of the disc “in the same-yak, the firing of the Zhorstkiy disk, Pslogo Chogo Tsu folder I launched the FiRMA Budielna” file.

The insurance possibilities of current computers, which can therefore be called declarative. MS Access 2007 will ensure effective work on any current personal computer with which the business is equipped.

The choice for IS is: operating system – Windows XP Professional, DBMS and the middle of software development – ​​Microsoft Access 2007.

3. Description of the main design decisions

1 Software system structure

When developing a program, an important step is the analysis of the structure of the software system. The program is to blame for the mother's hidden plan, behind which there will be a program supplement. At this stage the trace is marked with the following markings:

Information in tables may be duplicated;

It is important that the skin table contains information on just one topic;

Information about the object should be divided into minimal units.

The structure of the database includes information tables: Specialists (Fig. 1), Postal workers (Fig. 2), Accessories (Fig. 3), Form of payment (Fig. 4), Clients (Fig. 5), Stitching (Fig. 6).

Malyunok 1 - Table "Spivrobitniki"

The “Workers” table contains information about people who work for the organization.

Malyunok 2 - Table “Postchalennik”

The table "Postholders" contains information about companies that work with the organization.

Malyunok 3 - Table “Completing”

The “Accessories” table contains information about products that represent the organization.

Malyunok 4 – Table “Form of payment”

The “Payment form” table contains information about the payment methods available to clients.

Malyunok 5 - Table “Clients”

The "Clients" table contains information about assistants.

Malyunok 6 - Table "Rozstochka"

The “Rozstrochka” table contains information about clients who bought goods for payment.

The diagram of an information system with different connections is shown in figure 7.

Malyunok 7 - Tribute scheme

2 System testing

To carry out testing, it is necessary to first select a testing method. To test the system, you can use the following methods:

The "White Screen" method. Testing using the “white screen” method conveys the system as a “visionary object” and allows you to look under the surface, focusing on local knowledge about a specific software program for the correct selection of test data.

The "Black screen" method. Testing using the “Black Box” method transfers the processing of the system as an “opaque object”, in such a way, knowledge of the internal structure is clearly not subject to scrutiny. Testing with this method requires respect for the verification of functional capabilities.

Ergonomic testing. A typical test for ergonomics lies in the fact that the designers follow the prototype (or another system) with low operation, so that they document everything that is difficult to talk about. Such testing is carried out one hour with one or several koristuvachs, who perform at once.

Testing of incremental integration. This is the continuous testing of the “stagnation” of new functional possibilities that can be added; it is necessary that the various components of the functionality be completed independently and urgently, first, all necessary parts will be ready before integration into the system; Works with programmers and testers.

To test the information system “Business Firm”, the “Black Screen” method was chosen. Aje Testannia of the programmatic oblivion by the method of "Chorno Skerevki", on Vidmin VID method "BILO SHIETHINGS", navigable lichen to the set of parameter, entered, ib itsykavani on the Valki Status, the rank of proof of revenue, the result is noted. With such testing, the program code is never verified, and there is no need for additional knowledge of the program other than the technical description.

Testing and development of the programs was carried out on the basis of data taken from the repair and maintenance company. The results obtained are consistent with the decisions made.

The robot carried out an analysis of the problem posed and the latest solutions. The theoretical material was examined and acquired, which allowed us to more clearly and quickly approach our goals and objectives.

The program that was being developed was the development of the company's data base and its implementation, the vikory shell of Access. As a result of the work carried out by Von Bula Vikonana.

The goal was achieved through the successful completion of the main tasks of the course work: the practical implementation of the database in the Microsoft Access shell and the creation of additional elements for simplifying work with the database (creating forms, entering and writing).

In the process of work, skills were added to the analysis of production, knowledge was compiled and thoroughly extracted in the development of database management systems for the development of a specific task.

A fragmented database can significantly simplify the operator’s work and facilitate the procedure for extracting background information necessary for security personnel.

future software management repair

List of references

1. D. Date. Introduction of a database system. - M., St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg 1977. - 312 p.

S. Glushakov. Basi tributes. – Kh., Folio, 2001. – 504 p.

P. Kimmel. Mastering independent programming for Microsoft Access in 24 years., M: “Williams”, 2000. - 448 p.

Ullman D., Uidom D. “Fundamentals of relational databases”, 2006

Bazhenova I.Yu. "Fundamentals of designing additional databases", 2009

Kirilov V.V., Gromov G.Yu. “Entry to relational databases”, 2009

Thomas, Connolly, Caroline, Begg. Basi tributes. Design, implementation and support. Theory and practice. - M: VD “Williams”, 2003.

Karpova T.S. Databases: models, development, implementation. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Automated information technologies of the economy: handyman / ed. I.T. Trubilina - M.: Finance and statistics, 2006. - 416 p.

Petrov V.M. Information systems/V.M. Petrov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. – 688 p.

Fosby J. MS SQL Server 2008: management and programming / J. Fosby. – St. Petersburg: BHV – Petersburg, 2009. – 608 p.

The rapid development of the development industry and high profit margins made it possible not to waste money on spending at various stages of the project, leaving the market for its growth to forgive all the compromises in the sphere of management and finance.
Today, the days of easy money and high-profit projects are over, and government officials are no longer interested in the processes of project management. In connection with this, with special respect, project management systems and management systems are used. In addition, from other companies that conduct one or two projects, it is more important for the leaders of Galusia to cope with the growing flow of information and thus have greater control over the progress and degree of implementation of the project. in no way. We omit such factors as the depreciation of fixed assets, the serious level of lack of professionalism over the market at all stages of management, legal and internal corporate complexities (though it is clear that this is the result the main failure of the implemented control systems).

The management system is, above all, a well-established tool for business. What is also important is the “Stradivarian violin”, and the master of what kind of instrument it plays. In this manner, let’s talk about the mysticism - the mystique of creating business management systems and the mystique of their stagnation in the business industry, although we want to adhere to the rules of any kind of galusi after this vidoid cor. Iguvanna. It is also important for the project management and Russian accounting departments, the budgetary and management departments to come up with something new. Features - in the details that shape the specifics of the skin and skin products. Having looked at the role of information systems at various stages of the development process, let’s move on to the specific information of the development company Sistema-Hals, which represents the business direction of “Business and Inviolability” of AFK Sistema.

Information systems at various stages of everyday life

The structure of the organizational everyday process allows all participants in this market to be divided into a number of great classes, classified according to their specialization. Moreover, great everyday concerns, of course, are in love with several types of activities. We are particularly interested in this area in view of the needs in information systems of various organizational units, so that we can take part in the ongoing process. This article refers to the current set of classes: investor/maintenance company, contractor, contractor, operating company, designer. Theoretically, in this class one can see realtors, but for the record, what stands before us is information about information systems in everyday life and their interactions - in which there is no need.

Investor/care company

The specificity of the activity of the investor/investor company lies in the development of the project as a business idea. The main indicator that such structures support is the effectiveness of the project as a business. This investor is provided with the necessary systems that allow him to effectively invest money, control and turn over his investments. There are processes of budgeting and management at the top level, treasury operations, contract work, financial modeling of both the company as a whole and other projects. Project management for an investor/contractor company from the sense of portfolio management and management of key areas of the project for the minds that managers/contractors work with the investor under the same ideology, Otherwise, difficulties arise in the interpretation of primary data through differences in their detail and aggregation.


The deputy, in essence, is responsible for the management of the project at the main stage of production - pre-project, project, construction and installation work. It is up to the deputy to lay down the commercial image of the project, its technical and economic indicators and development. In view of this, particular respect is given to project management, detailed identification of their technical and economic indicators, terms and budgets, which imposes additional benefits on the detailing of data in systems. With the same core business processes that rely on automation, the depth of detail may overwhelm the investor's detail. And it is entirely natural that the reputation system of the depository is complex and rich, and the investor’s reputation is lower.


The main processes of the contractor are the implementation of the delegated obligation and work on the budget line established by the contractor. Essentially, you are working on setting a varosti limit. Thus, project management comes first, budgeting and management are carried out strictly within the framework of the project. Schedules, project budgets and actual budgeting, operational planning and treasury operations - all can be carried out within the framework of a project management system. The value of the installed view with the necessary level of detail is transferred to the assistant.

Operating company

As part of its activities, the operating company first requires good management. Some additional business processes are carried out every day (industrial automation is included, as it is involved in part of the accounting and management subsystem, for example, in the area of ​​gas, water, light, etc. ).


The designer’s business is based on this service from the design and development of documentation and document management of specialized systems, such as AutoCad or ArchiCad, and accounting programs of other systems will not require. However, this element of the process is even more specific and in addition to others can be implemented within a single system outside the document flow area.

Interaction between participants in the consumer market for additional information systems

The model of mutual cooperation between enterprises is presented in Fig. 1. Regulatory and budgetary, basic technical and economic indicators are sent to the investor/contractor company to the contractor, who, after clarification and confirmation, sends them to the contractors. In the return procedure, as an element of the control system, a system of publicity is raised from the contractor to the investor with a new decipherment of the costs incurred and the reasons for the recovery from the initial indicators. It is important to note that the affiliation between the contractor and the investor is different, and the model of information interaction is differentiated: it is possible to work in a single system with a deep detail of information tions, and there may be a fallout, if general contracting organizations no longer submit reports about the closure of work in a suitable format on a regular basis .

It should be noted that with a large number of projects and different geographies, a single deputy service is needed to coordinate territorial deputy officers in places. This is to allow the establishment of centralized control over the portfolio of projects of the company that manages it or the investor. The main function of this unit is coordination and analytical. Until then, as it stands, there will be a division of projects between territorial managers, the formation of a military program and its control, and assistance in the most pressing problem situations. Obviously, the information system is designed to link portfolio project management with implementation management for a specific project. If it is not only necessary to implement a mechanism for collecting information, it is more difficult and important to launch the management process. At this point, it is necessary to ensure that all territorial deputy services maintain the project structure in line with approved formats and regulations. However, the format and regulations for submitting thousands of publications can be very difficult to change, as far as the main control parameters of the project are concerned: finance, finance, agreements. In addition, these parameters are especially relevant at the stage of construction and installation work, at the stages of pre-project evaluation and finalization of the project, it is necessary to install the main key stages at the level of a unified locking service, as well as keys and activities at the level of territorial services necessary for the implementation of goals.

The main mechanism for controlling the process is sensitivity, which varies depending on the specifics of the enterprise. Mutual agreements between the contractor and the contractor will be based on a monthly basis for finalization and payment, as well as on the basis of control over key areas and documentation.

Organization of the development process at VAT "Sistema-Hals"

VAT "System-Hals" in its robot covers almost all stages of the everyday process. In this part, we know which information systems ensure the activities of the company and how they interact with each other. Initially, Sistema-Hals planned to introduce Oracle E-Business Suite as a single solution for the business direction “Business and inviolability.” Having analyzed all the specifics of the activity of the enterprise, having looked at the implementation of Russian management systems for the building complex and having assessed budgets and terms, we decided to collapse on three fronts: a single document system In general, there is a single project management system and a single financial management system. All three systems generate information decisions from secret key informants, information flow and correspondents.

The breach began in the document management system. We were drawn to the following blocks: control over assignments, office, document archives, business processes. After a detailed analysis of the products presented on the market and a tender held, the Directum system was selected.

As a result, in just two months the office could manage orders and business processes, and document archives could be created instantly. Thus, less than one hundred private companies and thirty companies were already working in the system.

The main problem I encountered was with the human official: firstly, signals and the need to change them, and in another way, the fear of being under constant control. These two reasons alone disturb the operation of the document management system.

The other two systems are clearly divided into two blocks – project and financial areas. The project scope corresponds to the main activity of the company – development. VAT “System-Hals” implements a large number of projects and implements them, and this is due to the vision that has understood the current basis. On this basis, a system was built, which, in essence, is the industry standard in world practice for project management based on calendar planning - Primavera, expanded by the PMControlling module in the form of contracts, the creation of primary documentation and budgeting, which wanted to automate project management. Initially, it was planned to carry out final exploitation on four pilot projects with further transfer to industrial exploitation. However, after adjusting the system for the company’s business processes, it was decided to launch them not as a pilot scheme, but immediately into productive operation. In this way, over a hundred projects have been carried out in the system in just two months.

Along with food, there is a rush of cob tributes. There are two options here: introducing a surplus for the current period with further entering the information that was found, or entering all the information for the life of the project. Almost all projects were entered into the system under a different script, with all information verified, which significantly increased the complexity of the work and allowed the removal of objective data about the projects.

An important role is played by the adherence of all project companies to the principles of project management. The rules for the formation of schedules and budgets, the number of thousands of people - all this was essential for the development, initiation and implementation of the company's activities.

In addition, when the system is implemented, the methodology is of great importance, as it develops at an even faster pace. This parallel technology makes it possible to implement the necessary functionality and test the technology of the technology in practice, which significantly reduces wastage and increases the risk.

The basis of all systems is the same evidence. We are the forerunner of the project's approaches, which can easily take place over thirty jobs from each project. Further details are determined at the discretion of the directorate, or the entire unified structure. Work on an investment project is linked to budget items, which allows you to move planning to a completely new level. In practice, we implement the correct work scheme: entry plan → financial budget → financing budget. This very sequence, based on the correct primary information, guarantees correct planning with a sufficient degree of accuracy.

Choosing a financial system, we came out of the fact that we needed the desired result in a short hour and reasonable pennies. The situation today is such that almost all great systems demonstrate new capabilities. Although it often appears that you want and declare the availability of a tool, for example, budgeting, this does not at all mean that you take it away after a month. Then you will need a small and complex robot from a well-tuned budget model, which will be developed and brought to an industrial scale. Thus, the main thing in the system is not the ability to implement and the availability of basic functionality (as a rule, which needs to be modified to meet the needs of the company), but the flexibility, flexibility and flexibility of adaptation to the business model.

A wonderful butt on this topic, which was demonstrated on the Microsoft Dynamix AX (Axapta) system during the collection of a bicycle. Why is it not a misnomer? However, the reality is that this simple example is far from a real system, and a lot of man-days are needed to transform it into a real industry.

Thus, having analyzed the world and Russian systems, we came up with the “1C:Enterprise” platform. Before that, the 1C company declares support for the ERP methodology, which, in principle, governed us. The main blocks that are recognized by automation are being reorganized:

  • accounting and tax functions;
  • conformity with international standards;
  • no budget planning;
  • managerial appearance and high profile;
  • treasury and payment discipline;
  • type of sale, rental, operation of hearing loss;
  • salary regulations and personnel management;
  • the type of assets and the structure of legal entities of the holding;
  • Integration with related systems.
The security cordons expanded to Sistema-Hals, and to all design and operating companies. The internal team was entrusted with the implementation of the complexes and worked out the methodological aspects, which allowed the project to significantly speed up the process. The main idea was that all systems, including the project management system, must be aligned on a single layout plan. Based on this idea, the basis was a plan for the ISFZ divisions and expansion of various management sections.

In this way, we created an integrated system (Fig. 2), which consists of specialized subsystems that completely satisfy the end managers.

And as a final step, the company created an internal information portal.

As we have already said, the biggest problem with the introduction and neglect of people is to switch to a new system, for which it is necessary to retrain, and the poorest people are conservatives. Otherwise, everything should be left in storage. If top management praises the idea and takes political input into the project, then the transition to the new system can go smoothly. In addition, the company needs to find a manager who has great rights to regulate the process. Such a person is not guilty of being a simple faker - this manager is no less than the protector of the financial director or, for example, the director of automation. And in this case, the mother is not guilty of any other operational functions other than repair. In addition to this, you need to discuss the issue with the main accountant in order to ensure the transition to the new system. The head accountant is either the main mover in the promotion, or the main mover. Another difficulty when implemented is the integration of different systems. This robot causes the synchronization of a large amount of data (usually data) between systems, which is associated with the data that is required every day. As a rule, integration is required if, at the time of implementation of a large system, a smaller-scale system is already well established, which is easier to do without. For example, if the information complex is proliferated, there is already a working block of the manufacturing department (a billing system for a steel operator, a project management system for a developer, or a warehouse department for a logistics company), then in this case It is necessary, first of all, not to destroy him, but Otherwise, it is very important to know the correct key (code) before synchronizing and exporting/importing data between systems.

Current IT trends in the Buddhism industry

The current day-to-day complex has seen a clear trend toward the use of information systems in its activities. Initially, large-scale companies did not depend on information systems due to their high incomes and the integrity of management systems. Already with the development of galusa, complex financing schemes, entry into international markets, changes in organizational structures and growing businesses, there was a need for such solutions (methodology and tools). As a result, many companies have entered the path of automation. Well, as it turns out, no detailed analysis of consumption was carried out, and the products were considered instead of formal blocks. Moreover, in the field of development and project management systems began to develop especially in nafta companies with running capital, which is due to the lack of civil and infrastructure development, then there is the development of project management methodologies This problem with the systems began in 2007-2008. Financial systems, including management and accounting, were initially located on various platforms - on standardized industrial solutions and power distributions. In the meantime, the emphasis has begun to shift from ERP systems to a Russian and foreign approach. There are two main reasons for this: the creation of vertically integrated holdings with the participation of manufacturing enterprises and the structuring of company management schemes, which makes it impossible to place the highest demands on IT systems, especially using handicraft methods in Microsoft Excel tables. This includes budgeting and management, operational planning and treasury, international visibility, accounting and filing, unification by single advisers and participation on a single plan and relationships among groups of departments. In this manner, we are deprived of a difficult task, which will require us first to methodologically complete all the nutritional treatments. This concept will ensure that all systems are responsible for the responsibility of the façade of the group in the promotion, and the management of the production and supporting subdivisions.

In this field, only four companies compete: SAP, Oracle, 1C and Microsoft. The choice between them is the prerogative of business, and it is difficult to do here, especially since nutrition is often politicized. Varto also points out that most of the time, all systems have become very involved in the immediate specifics of project management both in the Russian and international markets. All of them are valid for the financial sector, and in the manufacturing sector everything depends on the company and its business processes. A great manager, whose portfolio includes over two thousand projects in the active phase, would benefit from a good management system and budgeting, based on any platform. The same hour has for the middle -country, MAH MAW WID TO TISHEYACH PRODUCH, Takozhzh Nekhokhny Industrialnny Pіdhіd to the design management, ale in the Danish viplik, a report of the detailed detachment, budget articles of the tu. In small companies, which have about fifty projects, there is a standard project approach and a similar methodology. Well, there are three levels of information systems: industrial, combined, project. The tool for implementing the information system at the local level may be united (for example, Primavera plus PMControlling plus “1C:Enterprise” or cloud development plus Microsoft Dynamix AX), or local ones may become stagnant tools such as Microsoft Project, which do not require labor-intensive implementation.

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