Zavantage virtual box 32 bit. Virtual machines. Real disk in VirtualBox

Golovna / Nalashtuvannya

VirtualBox is a program for completely virtualizing the OS. The program can be used to test various operating programs or add-ons, which can be installed on them. With the advent of VirtualBox, you will no longer be tormented by the doubts “what is the program on my operating system?”. Just mount the required operating system and test the program.

VirtualBox is suitable for Windows 7, XP, 8, Vista.


  • support for Windows, OpenBSD, Linux, DOS and Solaris;
  • dekіlka OS on one machine;
  • high performance characteristics;
  • pіdtrimka navantazheny (up to 32 processors);
  • Support for the OVF format.

Robotic principle:

press "Create" and select an exciting disc. If you need more RAM or space on the disk, please use the "Nakashtuvannya" icon. When everything is finished, press "Start" and your virtual machine will be started. You can adjust the amount of OP, the size of the hard drive, and also turn on the amount of VM at once. Once the VM is up and running, you can still switch to the main system and back.


  • a wide range of supporting guest operating systems;
  • high functionality and OS customization;
  • bezkoshtovne rozpovsyudzhennya;
  • up to 32 virtual machines.


  • will require a large amount of system resources;
  • there may be a small reduction in the functionality of the guest system.

VirtualBox is updated frequently and has a list of features that are constantly growing. Rozpovsyudzhuetsya without cost and may be a small size of the installation file. Allows you to set the maximum parameters in the guest OS. And for successful functioning, a large amount of system resources is necessary. The addendum is one of the most popular for the creation of VM.

Here you are responsible for sending messages to VirtualBox brokers and yogo source code.

VirtualBox binaries

You will be downloading, you will learn about the terms and understand the respective license.

If you choose to continue with the VirtualBox 6.0 packages, these VirtualBox 6.0 Builds . You can upgrade to version 6.0 and upgrade VMs to software virtualization as it will be discontinued in 6.1. Version 6.0.

If you are building up to the rest of the VirtualBox 5.2 packages, VirtualBox 5.2 Builds . You can tweet version 5.2 as well as you must tweet support for 32-bit hosts, as well as installations in 6.0.

VirtualBox 6.1.4 platform packages

Binaries є vikonanі under the terms of the GPL version 2.

VirtualBox older builds

Versions in any distribution for VirtualBox after version 4.0 and all versions under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL) . Yak VirtualBox 4.0, Extension Pack є vikonanie under VirtualBox Personal use and Evaluation License and other packages є vikonanі under the terms of GPL version 2. Be sure to follow the terms and minds of a specific license.

VirtualBox Sources

The virtual box Sources are available free of charge under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 . You will be downloading a variety of explanations, you will get to the bottom of these terms and minds.

virtual box- A special program for creating virtual computers in the memory of PCs. A leather virtual computer can replace a large number of virtual devices and other operating systems. The area of ​​stagnation of virtual computers is even wider - from the viewpoint of the functions of testing software to the creation of large scales, so that it is easy to scale, expand the scope and protect. VirtualBox rozpovsyudzhuetsya without any cost, with a valid exit code.

System help:
In Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
In Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
In Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
In Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
In Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 10 RTM build 10240 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
In Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)

Torrent Virtual PC - VirtualBox Final + Extension Pack in detail:
Support versions of VirtualBox recognized for installation on virtually all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Macintosh and OpenSolaris. As a "guest" operating system, it can also be played as an operating system, including Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, W7), DOS / Windows 3.x, Linux and OpenBSD.

Main features:
· VirtualBox can be accessed both through the GUI interface and through the command line.
В· To expand the functions of the program, a special SDK kit has been expanded.
В· Parameters of virtual machines are described in XML format and should not fall under the type of physical computer on which the system works. Therefore, VirtalBox virtual computers can be easily transferred from one PC to another.
· When switching on "guest" computers of operating systems Windows or Linux, you can speed up with special utilities, which makes it easier to switch between physical and virtual computers.
· For quick file exchange between host and physical PCs, you can create the so-called "shared folders" (Shared folders), which are immediately available from both machines.
·VirtualBox allows you to connect USB-devices to virtual computers, allowing virtual machines to work with them without intermediary.
·VirtualBox will now support RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) remote access protocol. A virtual machine can be used as an RDP server, allowing you to use it remotely.

The Extension Pack adds the following features:
The virtual USB 2.0 (EHCI) device.
The virtual USB 3.0 (xHCI) device.
VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VRDP) support.
В· Host webcam passthrough.
В· Intel PXE boot ROM.
·Experimental support for PCI passthrough on Linux hosts.
В· Disk image encryption with AES algorithm.

B Installation:
Option number 1.
- Start VirtualBox, go to the menu File » Customization » Plugins and add an extension file that can be expanded.vbox-extpack

Option number 2.
- After installing VirtualBox, run Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack.vbox-extpack by mouse click.
Note: If the file may have a green icon, or it will be associated with the file during the installation of VirtualBox.

VirtualBox - all software for virtualization of a personal computer from the company Oracle. The program has two versions - with a closed code and closed. For the help of VirtualBox, you can run different operating systems at once, adjust between them, exchange files and much more.

You can run VirtualBox on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, as well as install most other operating systems. In these articles, we can see how VirtualBox is shriveled up. Let's talk about installing, customizing VirtualBox, as well as working with thin robots with virtual machines, which can help you a lot. For the most demanding customers, the software is available free of charge.

The VirtualBox virtual machine installs like most other programs. For Windows, you can download the installation file from the official site. And in Linux, the program is available through the official repositories. For example, in Ubuntu, win with the command:

sudo apt install virtualbox

We will not report on what kind of food, shards and squabbles. Once installed, you will find the program shortcut at the main menu. In terms of virtual machines, the host computer, deactivated by Virtualbox, is called the host, and all running machines are called guest.

2. The creation of a virtual machine

Before that, if you can start your first guest machine, you need to create a new virtual machine in the program. For whom to press the button Create at the head window:

On the first step, you will need to select the type of operating system, for example, linux -> ubuntu It is necessary to include the optimization steps required for the system:

If you work on a 64 bit system, you can run both 32 bit and 64 bit programs. On the next step, I need to choose the amount of operational memory. This is an important parameter, for which you have enough, don’t mess around more often, 2 gigabytes will be enough.

And at the rest of the stage, you have to choose the size of the new disk, as well as your name:

3. Processor upgrade

See the created virtual machine and press Nashtuvannya.

Choose System then go to the tab Processor:

Here you can choose how many processor cores you can select for the virtual machine, and also enable PAE to support more than 4 GB of RAM in 32 bit systems and EFI emulation mode. Let's go to the tab Coming soon.

Here you can select the hardware virtualization mode, as well as enable additional capabilities such as AMD-V and Intel-VT. To increase the security of the robotic system.

4. Adjustment of graphics

For locking for a virtual machine - 18 Mb of video memory. Tse obmal for modern systems. Select item Display, let's pull the rope Video memory, so to give the machine at least 128 MB of memory:

For 2 GB video cards, 256 MB will be available. So here you can adjust the number of screens.

5. Fitting of the mesh

Behind the mind, the virtual machine is connected to the network through NAT, so it is necessary to take access to the Internet from the machine. If you want to improve communication between the machines themselves or between the guest system and the host, you will need another way. Close the machine setup menu. Let's open the menu File -> Nashtuvannya.

There, select the Merezha item and go to the tab Virtual host adapter:

Here you need to create a new virtual adapter for the additional green button with a plus sign:

It is not necessary to press the minutia, after which to press OK. Let's reconfigure the machine, go to the merge and select the adapter type - virtual host adapter, and the name - those that were created for your adapter, for example, vboxnet0:

Now we have virtual machines connected to vboxnet0 and that host will be a virtual machine.

6. Cloning

You can make a backup copy of the machine, to win it over later, or transfer it to another computer. For whom is the option Klonuvati. Just wrap її in the menu for the machine:

7. Machine start

At the first start, you can choose which one you want to install a new system on, either a DVD-ROM or an ISO image of the system:

You can change the image from the menu Attachments -> Optical drives for a running machine:

8. Add-on plugins

Add-on extensions of VirtualBox allow you to gain access to USB devices from a virtual machine, webcam, remote access and more. To install the link, download the VirtualBox-Extension-Pack file from the official site:

Let's open the menu File -> Nalashtuvannya, go to the plugins tab and press the green button:

Confirm the installation and accept the license:

Done, the official installation plugin and now you can work with USB 3.0 attachments in your virtual machine.

9. I will become familiar

You could make a copy of the virtual machine anywhere, if need be. Ale tse zovsim neobov'yazkovo. Here, such a commanding function is imitated, I will become a sign. You just rob the sign, otherwise you can restore the system to a safe place in any hour. You can create a snapshot for a running machine from the menu Auto -> I will become a sign:

You can create pictures for the machine on the tab Signs:

For which select the context menu item Create a sign. All creations are available here:

10. Video recording

You can download the video right on the screen of the virtual machine. For what's on the menu View check the box zakhoplennya video. The video will be saved with the father of the virtual machine:

11. Additional guest system

Additional guest systems allow you to use such features as a large clipboard, split folders, file dragging, screen integration, adaptation of the virtual machine's space distribution and many others. Tse nezamіnna rich pіd hour of work with virtual machines. Additions are installed in the skin of the guest system and it is easier to work with VirtualBox.

To insert add-ons at the menu Attached Choose Connect the image of the additional guest OS:

12. Real disk in VirtualBox

We already looked at everything about how to use VirtualBox linux, and even more about how to use robots with disks. Sometimes blame the need to practice with a real disk. You can create a file sent to a real disk with the help of the VBoxManage command:

sudo VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/realdisk.vdmk -rawdisk /dev/sda

Here we create a disk named ~/realdisk.vdmk, which is sent to the /dev/sda disk. You can ask for any other disc. Just to start the machine, you have to run VirtualBox under the name of the supercorristor. Also, you can create a copy of a real disk by converting it to VDI, just wondering if the space was saved:

sudo VBoxManage internalcommands converthd ./realdisk.vmdk newdisk.vdi

On Windows, the command to view the axis is like this:

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename C:\drive.vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1

13. Access to a virtual disk

Sometimes the need is wrapped - allow access to the virtual disk and also from the real system. It's also possible. We wonder a little, where data is written on your disk:

VBoxManage internalcommands dumphdinfo storage.vdi | grep "offData"

Here you need to replace storage.vdi with the disk address, then mount it:

sudo mount -t ext4 -o rw,noatime,noexec,loop,offset=2097152 ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/storage.vdi /mnt/

Now you can access the disk again and you can make changes to save money. So, working with Virtualbox is a lot easier.


At this article, we looked at how to speed up a virtualbox virtual machine. Irrespective of those who have a cost-free product with a valid code, here are all the necessary possibilities and find more. And what kind of software for virtualization do you give priority to? Write in the comments!

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