Megaphone style phone huawei u8230. Style phone megaphone huawei u8230 Style phone megaphone u8230

Golovna / Google Play
Screen type: IPS (In Plane Switching) is a high-capacity, rare-crystal matrix, which was created for the use of basic small-scale matrices on TN technology. The IPS-matrix in the entire spectrum is the most adequate in transmitting colors with different hues to the dawn, and for some reason the colors are also different. TN-matrix can usually be shorter than the output, lower IPS, but do not start. So, when switching from gray to gray, the IPS-matrix is ​​faster. The matrix is ​​given before the strike before the onslaught. Dotik to TN- or VA-matrix to produce to "hvilyuvannya" or singing reaction on the screen. The IPS-matrix has a similar effect every day. In addition, ophthalmologists confirm that the IPS-matrix is ​​the most comfortable for the eyes. In this way, the IPS-matrix brings a bright and clear picture independently from the dawn, I paint for work on the Internet, reviewing films. Ale nagolovnіshe - for processing images and reviewing photographs. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) - rare crystal displays. The first displays that appear in mobile devices are not only in phones. Their main peculiarity lies in the fact that they have even a low energy supply due to the impossibility of displaying a color image. The stench does not change the light and that the telephones are modernized with lamps for the illumination. On some phones, there were a few colors of lighting, based on the presence of different lights around the perimeter of the display. This extraordinary solution was, let's say, in the Ericsson A3618 phone. Pixels are clearly visible on this type of display, and such a display cannot boast of such a great variety of buildings. And, in order to continue the life of such displays, they killed them inversely, tobto. the text and symbols appeared not as overlay pixels, but, as a matter of fact, inactive against the backdrop of overlays. In this way, a light text appeared on a dark aphid. Nowadays, this type of display is common in the found low-end models (Nokia 1112) and is similar to those of other "folders" (Samsung D830).

TFT (Thin Film Transistor) - rare-crystal displays based on thin-film transistors with an active matrix. There are three transistors on the skin pixel, which give three colors (RGB - red, green, blue). At the moment, there are the widest displays, which have a number of advantages over other displays. The stench is awakened by the minimum hour of the week and the rapid development - a varied building and a large number of colors, which are constantly growing. The widest display data is in phones of the middle class. Working allowed for them: 128×160, 132×176, 176×208, 176×220, 240×320 and smaller, smaller. Apply: Nokia N73 (240x320, 262 sheets), Sony Ericsson K750i (176x220, 262 sheets), Samsung D900 (240x320, 262 sheets). TFT is rarely used as a standard display for foldouts.

CSTN (Color Super Twisted Nematic) - Colored rare crystal displays with a passive matrix. The skin pixel of such a display is made up of three combined pixels, which give three colors (RGB). Since then, practically all telephones with color displays were based on this type. And now the share of such displays is budget models. The main disadvantage of such displays is the lack of complacency. The unparalleled advantage of such displays is their compatibility, which is significantly lower than TFT. From simple logic, we can assume that the future TFT will have this type of display in the mobile device market. The evolution of the colors of such displays is great: from 16 to 65536 colors. Apply: Motorola V177 (128x160, 65 tickets), Sony Ericsson J100i (96x64, 65 tickets), Nokia 2310 (96x68, 65 tickets).

UFB (Ultra Fine and Bright) - rare-crystal displays with increased clarity and contrast on a passive matrix. It can be said that this is an intermediate option between CSTN and TFT. This type of display can boast of lower energy savings per TFT. The best such display was won by Samsung in mid-range phones. Danish display type is not wide width. Apply: Samsung C100/110 (128x128, 65 colors).

TN is one of the types of matrix TFT screens. Roughly speaking, TN is the simplest and the cheapest TFT matrices. Kuti look around nayvuzhchi.


Garni screen. Rich functional. Great selection of programs. Friendly processor. Swedish access to the Internet.


The impossibility of vikoristovuvat іnshoy operator stіlnikovogo zv'yazku, krim Megafon. And tse - the exchange of freedom of choice and the tse exchange is not compensated by the annual bonuses and additional services. The software overbudova in the form of a megaphone calls for a lot of unneeded additional services, directed only at the expense of pennies. The managers of the stylnikov salon absolutely do not care about the peculiarities of arranging appearance data. Age brand. I have two tyzhnі bіgav different stіlnikoviy operators, schob to fix oblіkovі data: server incoming and outgoing mail, domains, addresses, names and so on. Nobody knows anything. I had a chance to pick everything up and know it. The battery in the recovery mode lasts no more than 12 years, in the display mode no more than 1 year, which is far from meeting the declared parameters. The camera is already weak, the day was asleep. The installation program is weak. Roz'em for a headset at 2.5, rotten ends. Vіdsutnіst be-yakoy zovnіshnyої memory card. Seeing the set of melodies that have been propagated, I want to cry. The book of contacts is not visible, especially if it is rich. Duzhe easily soiled body and display.


Corpus of mites. Good luck. I want my first smartphone, but Android 2.1 is smarter, smarter and more functional. Vrazhє svidky entry to the Internet, mayzhe mitteviy vyhid to e-mail. Great dimensions, then a great display. Zagalny visnovok: if I happen to buy a smartphone again, I will try to be more common.

What is a brown note?


HTC, decent design, decent display, two cameras, decent photo (basically, I don’t shrug to others), handy on the waist of the bag


Charging with Megafon under Megafon ... I didn’t try to create a good operating system based on A.2.1 (I wanted to confirm 2.2 in the salon): it’s fast charging, a lot of recent reinstallations (absolutely not necessary, good for new laymen), it’s possible to turn to factory settings every day (? ??) - zagalom vmagaє flashing (as you can’t buy on Megafon) ...


Taking the vipadkovo substitute for the drowned Nero, buying into advertising and the simplicity of the forward HTC - thinking that they themselves are for lesser pennies (like a lower bula), ale embarrassment - through the charged Megafon operation. It is practically impossible to control yourself, the programs will automatically turn on by themselves and all at once (navit z Task Man), through which a constant transition of energy. It is impossible to clean up the reinstallation, including the toys, less than your own (only reflash, what to produce before the warranty is spent). And in another - decent HTC ... I'll try to change it ...

What is a brown note?

Accelerometer(a.k.a. G-sensor) - I will attach the position sensor to the space. As the main function, the accelerometer is vicorated to automatically change the orientation of the image on the display (vertical or horizontal). So, the G-sensor zastosovuetsya like a crocomir, it can be handled with different functions, I will attach it with a path to turn or strushuvannya.
Gyroscope- A sensor that mimics the rotation of any non-violent coordinate system. Building vimiryuvati kuti turn in a lot of flats at once. The gyroscope together with the accelerometer allows to determine the position of the building near the space with high accuracy. At outbuildings, where there are less accelerometers, the accuracy is lower, especially when moving quickly. Also, the gyroscope capabilities can be used in modern games for mobile devices.
Light sensor- A sensor that sets the optimum value for clarity and contrast for a given level of lightness. The presence of the sensor allows you to increase the operating time of the device from the battery.
proximity sensor- The sensor, which indicates, if the device is close to the appearance of the hour of the move, turns on the switching on and blocks the screen, preventing the onslaughts from falling. The presence of the sensor allows you to increase the operating time of the device from the battery.
Geomagnetic sensor- A sensor for the direction of the light side, it is straightened into the yak. I will build an orientation near the expanse of the magnetic poles of the Earth. Information, taken from the sensor, is copied from cartographic programs for orienting the bill.
Atmospheric vice sensor- Sensor for accurate vimiryuvannya atmospheric pressure. Part of the GPS system, allowing you to determine the height above the level of the sea and speed up the location.
touch ID- Finger ID sensor.


Satellite navigation:

GPS(Global Positioning System - global positioning system) - a satellite navigation system that ensures the safety of the environment, the hour, the speed, and the location of the object distribution in any place of the Earth. The system is broken down, implemented and operated by the US Department of Defense. The main principle of vikoristannya system - vyznachennya roztashuvannya way mimiryuvannya vіdstaney to the object from the point with the given coordinates - satellites. Vіdstan is calculated for the hour of zatki rozpovsyudzhennya signal from the parcel yogo companion to the reception of the antenna priymach GPS.
GLONASS(Global Navigation Satellite System) - Russian and Russian satellite navigation system, developed by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. The principle of reconciliation is similar to that of the American GPS navigation system. GLONASS is recognized for the operational navigation and watch support of ground, sea, air and space based ships. The main feature of the GPS system is that GLONASS satellites in their orbital Russia do not have resonance (synchronism) from the Earth's wrappings, which ensures greater stability.

What did not fit

1. You can't put your own melody on a call (kam'yany vіk), it's obviously the same for a specific person.
2. Camera - declared as 3.2, in fact, nothing looks like a camera in Chinese mobile phones.
3. The sensor is absolutely unheard.
4. The version of android does not support flash, as the last video in contact with me. do not speak.
5. The battery is really small, no matter what they say.
6. Respect! The phone is not included in the lists of post-workers programs! Sites do not know what the attachment is.

What happened

Good phone for getting to know android.

What did not fit

when charging, it freezes up, and the charging lasts approximately 13 (-+2) years with frequent splintering

What happened

normal budget option! vantage from the closed position for about 15 seconds

What did not fit

then in a new lightly sit the battery of the headphones is lightly lamayutsya those that I left it on the charger for nothing and the wine did not light up a little

What happened

those that you need and those that you need and play market and gps and good speakers and quick response sensor you can use without mittens

What did not fit

I can not put my melody and picture on the skin contact (((((
then I need that battery to take a little ...

What happened

Everything was worthy

What did not fit

The Play Market is old, it is not upgraded to the new one, VK for Android cannot be vanquished, the melody is sung in headphones; with noise, it's a little bit bad. Also, charging is very fast, the phone itself heats up a lot, once it heats up to 40 degrees!

What happened

є Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Internet

What did not fit

until I’m running out, but I could use the battery more, trim a little ((

What happened

normal phone))

What did not fit

Nedolikiv practically I don’t care.

What happened

Operating system Android, diagonal 3.5 inches, image size 320x480 pixels, Auto screen rotation, Camera 3.20 million pixels, 2048x1536, Camera functions autofocus, digital Zoom 8x, max. video 320x240, front camera, headphone socket 2.5 mm, loud ringer (speaker input).

What did not fit

I don’t have enough money, that’s my first smartphone, and I don’t understand how smart I am. I don’t know yet what to write after the power supply with the battery. As soon as you chirp, then on the virtual keyboard for an hour not from the first dot the extreme buttons are pressed. Ale, maybe, I'm still mowing :)

What happened

It’s a lot of money, it’s amazing how marvelous it is for such a price. In smartphones, practically everything is flying, it’s fast-paced, the virtual keyboard has a good sensitivity, but not a zavoi. Smart interface. Before the programs are installed - practically everything is correct, which is immediately won. The great screen, the miracle camera with autofocus, good pictures to take in the dark. Here they write about a weak battery - I downloaded a program to save the charge and now I won’t worry about the price. So I'm more than satisfied.

What did not fit

The kit does not have a car charger.

What happened

Wonder phone. Great display, a lot of programs, including Megaphones (you don’t need to call the support service for information). Processor dosit shvidky. Programs from the "Google market" work well. + additional guarantee.

What did not fit

Cook fucking borscht! You don't want to get into the booth.
And even more seriously, then: the need for a manual upgrade of Android 2.1 to 2.3.7, if you don’t work, then don’t take a smart one, because out of the wine box it doesn’t show anything good.
Turns on for a long time: 60-90 s (for the next time all my widgets and services are busy).
Pratsyuє 1-2 light days, fallow in the setting of your day. The regime has a minimum of calls and Internet - 4 days.
Auto screen rotation - no matter how fond of this function, the hand was a little tired and moved from the vertical position, the display was shriveled from the horizontal position. Having turned on this car, turn and be happy.
There is no support for multi-touch (it’s a pity not to rejoice at anything).
Camera 3.2 is inserted "for show". On the old note n82, the bula was more beautiful and spalah before that.
Weak vidyushka (forget about all kinds of GTA and Battlefields) this smart is clearly not playable, I want to start it up and use it as a whole.

What happened

Vіdmіnny display, under some kind of bi-kut, I'm not twisting yoga, without a moment. The loudspeaker is chic, after Nokia N82 I get high, everything is loud and clear, with which I can’t smell my loudspeaker, it’s like it’s stronger, it’s like the loudspeaker is connected to the main one. Spivrozmovniki tezh do not swear and do not overdrink me. The main speaker is full, I want to change it, I’m vibro viklik watching the intestines. Good reaction of the smartphone to the onslaught of the display, there is no unacceptable sound of hail. Possibility of an unofficial upgrade from android 2.1 to android 2.3.7 CyanogenMod CM7.2 (OS 2.3), which I recommend to everyone. If you want to install Android 2.3.7 - you need to choose a rich selection of software in the market and third-party add-ons. Flash support is also required: Adobe Flash Player via Dolphin browser HD. And having installed the PlayerPro and QQPlayer smartphone, you will do everything you can (within the boundaries of the reasonable). Raju read the gіlku about this smart, find out about it.

What did not fit

the battery is already filthy through it even more embarrassment. three days a day, as if practicing with him, and one day, as if only rozmovlyash. vzagali yakby knowing that such a battery is not worth buying a bi.

What happened

the phone is more satisfying, everything works, do not fail.

What did not fit

Official price
Spochatku 13, now 10, everything is expensive.
No multitouch.
Housing made of cheap plastic.
Shvidshe for all official 2.2 firmware will not be.
Megaphone version, no matter how hard you guess, is locked on Megaphone.

What happened

Guide model. Garny design, sensor quickly reacts to dots, navigate through mittens, Internet is fast, easy at vikoristanni, the camera is not bad, (the text on the pictures is readable) especially like my old Samsung. Good speakers, how to listen to music without headphones, loudness 1-2 will be enough. The battery is trimmed in the middle three doby and do not make noise, if it is charged (so you can calmly take it out for nothing and clean it up from charging).

What did not fit

LOCKING on a megaphone, little RAM, no multi-touch (if you want a screen, you can sew it in), batteries run out of time, jack 2.5

What happened

As it is said, one of the main advantages is android, a large screen and a bunch of add-ons, a polymer battery, a g-sensor.

Megaphone U8230 Pratsiuє pіd karuvannyam operating system Android 2.1. Yogo productivity is rated at 5 out of 5 (in its segment). Tsey smartphone is highly productive. Here are the characteristics of the device, instructions, how to download the download, flash the attachments and, obviously, how to take root-rights to the Megafon

Root on Megaphone U8230

Yak otrimati root for Megaphone U8230 div. in the instructions below.

Below are universal programs for removing root-rights for devices on Qualcomm Snapdragon

  • (PC required)
  • (Root for help PC)
  • (popular)
  • (root in one click)

If the rights of the supercorristuvacha (root) did not get far away, or the program did not appear (you can install it yourself) - power up the topic. Maybe you need a custom kernel firmware.


  1. Battery capacity: 1500 mAh
  2. Battery type: Li-polymer
  3. Remembrance hour: 3.5 years
  4. Refinement hour: 300
  5. COB sale date: 2010-11-01
  6. Complete set: smartphone, charger, battery, portable stereo headset, USB interface cable, instructions
  7. Type: smartphone
  8. Vaga: 135 g
  9. Body material: plastic
  10. Operating system: Android 2.1
  11. body type: classic
  12. Number of SIM cards: 1
  13. Rosemary (WxHxD): 62x116x12 mm
  14. SIM card type: fixed
  15. Screen type: color TFT, 262.14 color, touch
  16. Touch screen type: mnіsny
  17. Diagonal: 3.5 inches.
  18. Image size: 480x320
  19. Number of pixels per inch (PPI): 165
  20. Automatic screen rotation: є
  21. Camera: 3.20 million pixels, 2048x1536
  22. Camera options: autofocus, digital Zoom 8x
  23. Video recording: є (3GP)
  24. Max. razdіlna zdatnіst video: 320x240
  25. Front camera: є, 0.3 million pixels.
  26. Audio: MP3, AAC, FM radio
  27. Headphone socket: 2.5 mm
  28. Interfaces: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1, USB
  29. Standard: GSM 900/1800/1900, 3G
  30. Satellite navigation: GPS
  31. Wikoristanya like USB storage device: є
  32. Processor: Qualcomm MSM7200A, 528 MHz
  33. Number of processor cores: 1
  34. Built-in memory: 512 MB
  35. The amount of operational memory: 320 Mb
  36. Video processor: Adreno 130
  37. Memory card slot: є
  38. Management: voice dialing, voice keying
  39. Sounding sound (when the speaker wakes up): є
  40. Polite mode: є


Firmware for Megafon U8230

Official firmware Android 2.1.
Custom firmware Megafon -

The firmware of the Megaphone U8230 can be customized in a number of ways. If the firmware file is not yet available here, then create a topic on the forum, in the distribution, specialists will help you and add the firmware. Do not forget to write a 4-10 row commentary about the smartphone, it's important. The official website of Megafon, unfortunately, does not help solve this problem, but we do it without cost. This Megaphone model can be on board the Qualcomm MSM7200A, 528 MHz, it is possible to use the following flashing methods:

  1. Recovery - flashing directly on the extension
  2. Special utility for picker, or
We recommend the first way.

What are custom firmware (firmware)?

  1. CM - CyanogenMod
  2. lineageOS
  3. paranoid android
  4. OmniROM
  5. Temasek's
  1. AICP (Android Ice Cold Project)
  2. RR (Resurrection Remix)
  3. MK(MoKee)
  4. flymeOS
  5. Bliss
  6. crDroid
  7. Illusion ROMS
  8. Pacman ROM

Problems and shortcomings of a smartphone like Megafon and how to fix it?

  • If the U8230 does not work, for example, keep the white screen, hang on the gate or the warning indicator will flash (possibly, after charging).
  • Also stuck when updated / stuck when turned on (requires flashing, 100%)
  • Not charging
  • Do not chick the sim card (sim card)
  • The camera does not work (hardware problems are more important)
  • Sensor not working (deposit according to situation)
For all these problems, go to (you need to easily create a topic), fahivtsі will help you without any cost.

Hard Reset for Megafon U8230

Instructions on how to hard reset Megafon U8230 It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the primary helper, which is called Android. .

Code for downloading the password (please enter the dialer and enter it).

  1. *2767*3855#
  2. *#*#7780#*#*
  3. *#*#7378423#*#*

Hard Reset via Recovery

  1. Disable Attachment-> Login to Recovery
  2. "wipe data/factory reset"
  3. "yes - delete all user data"-> "Reboot System"

How to go to Recovery?

  1. muffle and reduce Vol (-) [volume down] or Vol (+) [volume up] and the power button (Power)
  2. A menu will appear with the Android logo. That's it, Vee is in Recovery!

Skidannya nalashtuvan on Megafon U8230 you can work it out in a simpler way:

  1. Nalashtuvannya-> Renovation and skidannya
  2. Skidannya nalashtuvan (at the very bottom)

How to throw off the graphic key

Like throwing off the graphic key, like you forgot yoga, and now you can’t unlock your smartphone Megafon. On the U8230 model, the key or PIN code can be picked up in a number of ways. It is possible to remove the blocking and through the reset, the blocking code will be seen and removed.

  1. Dropped graphics. blocking -
  2. Password removal -

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