Best seen pdf reader. About the cost-free program for reviewing PDF and її competitors

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

If you need to open a file in PDF format, select your choice between two options: standard supplement for the operating system Windows 8 or 10 (sound installed behind the lock with the operating system, or available for download in the Windows Store), or speed up the good old Adobe Acrobat reader.

Offended options are miraculously suitable, prote іsnuіє impersonal іnchih koshtovnyh programs for reading documents PDF format how to build more. If you want to return documents, convert them different formats otherwise, to draw an image, in our glance, we will tell you about other programs for reading PDF, so that it can be done quickly and with ease.

After installing the skin from the program, you will be able to download the program to read the PDF format for the lock. We recommend that you do not change your dot setup, do not try new doki software security and do not change your mind, whatever suits you. If you are not satisfied with the result of the robotic program, then in order to install the program for reading PDF-files for promotion, you should right-click on the file once, and then select "Call for help". Select the exe-file of the new program, check the box “Start hacking the program for opening .pdf files” and click “OK”.

Foxit Reader more sinuous and tighter, lower budding Windows PDF reader. As soon as you install yoga, you have to turn everything back.

Clever interface and faceless tools that can help you to read PDF-files.

Foxit Reader - maybe, nay best program among the alternatives Adobe Reader. It is quite obvious why Foxit Reader is most important bezshtovny appendage for reading PDF files.

Interface for viewing "Streaks" of positions for Microsoft office So, trusting your intuition, you can easily figure out what tools you need. Reviewing documents for additional tabs allows you to easily work with a large number of PDF files at once. Also, use such custom functions, such as filling in forms and PDF comments.

Due to its breadth, the PDF format is the most common meta for virus distributors and other shoddy software, Foxit program The Reader implements the Careless Review mode, which allows you to control the passage of messages and the overriding of Javascript functions.

Extended programs, which can be modified to add additional data, allow converting PDF files to other formats (in the same way), as well as combining different PDF files into one. Converting the format is easily accessible to the fact that the function is built into context menu Windows Explorer.

Intensity and versatility make the Foxit Reader editor the best PDF reader available for free access. Try it right now, you won't be disappointed.

Nitro PDF Reader and don't come close to the functionality of Foxit Reader, proofreading the text and the possibility of redundant comments are already handy functions

Vіdmіnna program for robots with PDF format, yak pіdtrimuє functions vіdstеzhennya zmіn аnd notes-stickers.

So, just like in the situation with the Foxit Reader program, the Nitro PDF Reader interface guesses the Microsoft Office software interface - but it's not bad at all. The program looks back as if it has improved software security, as it allows you to perform impersonal functions for an hour when reviewing documents.

Alecia bezkoshtovna reader proponuє no less than revisiting documents. Adding notes to the text, notes and comments, Nitro PDF Reader allows you to add notes-stickers to documents, with which you work.

The Nitro PDF Reader editor allows you to convert documents in PDF format and out of the box. You can also view all images in a PDF file with one click, as well as sign an electronic document with your electronic signature. Without a doubt, Nitro PDF Reader is one of the best cost-free programs for working with PDF files.

Not a lot of cost-free programs for robots with PDF allow not only to read, but to edit files. PDF-XChange Editor once again.

Classical PDF-free reader, re-adapted operating system Windows 10

Free version of PDF-XChange Editor software available functions as a comment, as well as the ability to add a different side (the protection feature is only available in the paid version of "Pro").

The key and dominant function no-cost version The PDF-XChange Editor program has the option of optical character recognition. You have the ability to scan an overcharged document, save it to one of the available formats, and convert the result to PDF.

At the time of installation, it is recommended to select "Installation of the coristuvacha", and not "Povnu", and then select the components, if you do not want to install. The stench is represented by a tree, so you need to press the “+” button to display all the components of the installation.

If you don't use the PDF format often, you can squash your eyes on the lack of functions, such as matching the text, or redundant comments. SlimPDF Reader does not show the arsenal of options, test all necessary tool for manual reading.

The simplest cost-free PDF-reader, as it does not take up a lot of space on your disk.

SlimPDF Reader is the best easy program yaka borrows a total of 1.43Mb free space, The main merit of which is vvazhaetsya simplicity.

SlimPDF Reader is not just a program for reviewing documents, but it can not be called short. Buttons for navigation and navigation are simple and do not require additional explanations. One of the main achievements of the program can be called bliskavichnu swidkіst roboti.

Poshuk, Druk ta Wrapper is one of the few features of the SlimPDF Reader program, but you also get a free trial version of the converter from PDF format to Office format.

If you need a cost-free PDF reader without the hassle, SlimPDF Reader is the perfect choice. The only shortcoming of the program is the impossibility of looking at the screen from two sides.

If you want to read PDF documents in dual format, Icecream Ebook Reader is a wonderful choice.

Icecream Ebook Reader e-readers, ale y for reading PDF.

As the name suggests, the Icecream Ebook Reader program has been broken down for revision of documents EPUB formats and MOBI, however tsey supplement Vіdmіnno nіdhodit for revision of PDF-files.

Oskіlki program wins as a reader for e-books, you have the ability to sort your books in a library and sort by type with the ability to search, but nothing prevents you from selecting a program for a great file browsing in PDF format.

The program can be invisible, but you can also get a reception from a different interface. Navigating PDF-files is striking in its simplicity, the ability to choose modes in the review, including the non-negotiable for eye mode. You can easily add bookmarks and create notes available in the Content to open panel.

Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF retailer

Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The reasons for this are impersonal.

First, nothing better than Adobe doesn't know the format. For the same reason, no one can overtake Adobe and create a reader possible versions which format. If you are going to win as an alternative program, then sooner or later you will create a document that will be shown more often than not, or we will not have evidence.

And how about trying to win the program at the arrogance of what kind of doubt?

It’s much easier to wink over the top of the product, and before that, the wine is cost-free.

Another option is to guess which Adobe program is available on all the most popular modern operating systems.

Foxit Reader - a program with great pluses and even more minuses

Starting with version 4.0, this program has become cost-free. More precisely, she had a bezkoshtovne vodkaluzhennya.

Foxit Reader can milk a small rosemary, and it can also be milked at a glance. Ale, I stopped victorious again after that, since out of 10 documents in the various wine lists, I didn’t find it. And tі, scho vіdkriv, were with poіvechenimi images.

After that, all the “bells and whistles” (bookmarks, re-verification on the virus just now) cease to play any role.

If you want to see more than PDF with bare text, maybe you can get it.

PDF-XChange Viewer - may not be older than Adobe Acrobat Reader

The PDF-XChange Viewer allows you to easily look at PDF documents. This program took away the knowledge of the richest known sights and the main reason is the possibility of reviewing, and the functions of editing documents. Zokrema PDF-XChange Viewer allows you to process PDF forms and save documents from fill-in forms. It allows you to export documents in the format of great images.

Also, it means that the quality of document processing and the image of the middle documents in this program is richer than in Foxit Reader. And then you won’t work on the swidk_styu povnyannoy s of Adobe Reader, and you can do it a little.

Cool PDF reader - one megabyte viewer.

… navit less.

Finish the cycle of the program, as a whole cope with the tasks of fertilization PDF documents, but there may be an unacceptable feature - Cool PDF reader cannot work smoothly scrolling documents, as well as rendering, so that the preparation of the document, takes the most hour from the descriptions of these programs.

With whom given program you can export documents to different image formats.

Hello, teapots and teapots. Today we will talk about programs, for the help of which you can open PDF-files. It’s sing-song, you stuck like that, right? Basically, people stick to such files, like they are covered with literature, fascinated on the Internet.

Otzhe, what is the PDF format? PDF format(English) Portable Document Format) – same format electronic documents, which is a postscript system. The format itself allows you to print printed products electronically.

Yak i u vipadku z PDF files I, apparently, respect my program as a better one, but I appreciated others clearly see programm. Let's take a look at them.

First i, perhaps, the best program on the list - tse Adobe Reader. This is a paid program, but you can know it on the Internet even if it's a hack. We look at the cost-free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. At the principle, at nіy є all the most necessary functions. Opening files, their recognition and transformation in Word and Excel format. It can be used like on computers, so i mobile outbuildings. Interface to make you think. Є the leader of the middle computer koristuvachiv.

Interface - 5.
Functionality - 9.
Shvidkodiya - 8.
Wimogi to the system - 6.
Yakist - 9.

Another program, yak in our opinion є garnoy і functional for PDF files - ce Foxit Reader. An analogue of Adobe Reader, ale є bezkoshtovnoy, why, vlasne, and її perevaga. It is also a plus that the program is zavantazhuetsya richly swidshe, lower "paid" analogue. But there is one real minus - the summary of the text and the image is not correct. And so, for its functionality, it rightfully sits in another place in our rating.

Interface - 6.
Functionality - 8.
Shvidkodiya - 9.
Wimogi to the system - 8.
Yakist - 5.

In the third place, less functional program - STDU Viewer. In principle, it is less suitable for open PDF files. Ale, for other programs, you can see more other formats - PDF, DjVu, TXT, TCR, TIFF, Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ), XPS, JBIG2. That's why I've got the "bronze".

Interface - 7.
Functionality - 6.
Svidkodiya -8.
Wimogi to the system - 7.
Yakist - 6.

Fourth place - Cool PDF Reader. Bezkoshtovna, duzhe functional program. Pluses є її rozmіr (less than 1 mb) and converting to PDF format for files in TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, EPS format. May over 60 mov.

Interface - 7.
Functionality - 6.
Svidkodiya -7.
Wimogi to the system - 7.
Yakist - 5.

Well, how can you finish our rating, but, rejoicing, we decided to add such a program to our rating as Sumatra PDF. Elementary program for opening PDF files. Plus її in the fact that it is broken in the style of minimalism. The simplest design, swede-coded, ale, on the face of the refurbished more - less functional.

Interface - 8.
Functionality - 4.
Svidkodiya -6.
Wimogi to the system - 7.
Yakist - 5.

Also, there are other anonymous programs for opening PDF files, but they are all similar and may have the same functions.

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