Trolling VKontakte groups. Trolling on VKontakte is a bunch of first crumbs. Ways to lock a friend - apparently weak places

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From this article you learn how to captivate a person with the words:

  • Are you so smart? Or another?
  • There are two people who love each other for each other.
  • I have enough strength that I can break a crowbar with an eyepiece and wash down the flowers with lava.
  • Take me! Ale for a reason, but for the squad.
  • You are so smart, but your skull is not embossed?
  • Everything is most likely to be expected, but not to be expected.
  • Tuborg - go to the bakery! And Klinske - go to the store.

You don’t know how to captivate a person with words? Just read this article.

How to lock up a friend?

How to lock up a friend?

Nowadays, a phenomenon called trolling is actively gaining popularity on the Internet. This is the identification of provocative messages from the virtual network, aimed at ridiculing any vocal people and leading them to negative emotions. Trolling can be simply frying or unsacrifice. For example, you can win a joke for a friend and play him cruelly. How to captivate a friend and not belittle or discredit him? Let's look at a number of ways.

Trolling Basics

Please write a note of respect for clothing, manners of spitting or from the outside looking in people. You can get a gift for any element of the dress. For example, if your friend dresses like a goth - all black, wears keds or sits up on a high platform, wears hair for a long time, then you can assume that in such a look it is easy to mistake him for a girl.

When you want to tease a friend, don’t forget that the worst thing is to show negative emotions in a person. What should you take away from the results? There is a sense of incompetence and depravity in the opponent. Everything is said, but not with images, but with your logical and warm humor. Who has the mystique of the “troll”.

How to Chat a Friend on VK

  • It’s difficult to “pin” a VKontakte person. You can start using your avatars. Regain respect that it is the most appealing to the action. So you can just sign up for nothing.
  • You can easily cap anyone in a special way. How can I get rid of Rozmova? Return to the holiday because of what seems to be not quite proper swearing. When you get tired of it, write to him - “Well, that’s right, but it seemed to me that you don’t seem like decent pennies.” After this, the rose will become melodious, and you can actively give the coronavirus a provocative diet and fry over it. So that the target of your trolling without leaving the dialogue, you can tell him that you will post all your listings in some public place. After this, a new round of further trolling is guaranteed for you!

Ways to lock a friend - apparently weak places

This trolling method is folded behind the front. He admits that you can get from your spivrozmovnik some shortcomings that are really turbulent. Although he suffers from the over-abundance of obscene words, others cannot write the same words without spelling corrections, others suffer from greed, and so on. Since people have a gap in everyone and tell stories from friends, you can begin to teach them with sarcasm, just like someone else has a gap. How many times a day do you fool people and how much harm do you bring to your attention? By starting a long dialogue, you can easily call out a liar for lying, and even those who regularly deceive do not remember much of what they said before. Follow such a person carefully, and then guess the original version of her, which you have voiced before.

How to captivate a friend with words?

Our article presents less than 10 ways to pin a friend, and you can read other ideas on this topic in the article How to pin a friend. You can also find a video on this page about who you can find out how to sign a friend.

Trolling as mysticism

By the way, you have heard the word “trolling” more than once: this is the name of a special form of social provocation that usually occurs during a meeting in person or over the phone. To understand what the phrase “troll people” means, you can try to find an analogy from everyday life.

Before the trolling is revealed, provocations are approaching, indirectly precipitating and apparently deceiving the opponent. Because trolling consists of a lot of overworked fish in different combinations, and the process can be short or drag on for many years or days.

What does it mean to troll a person?

Obviously, for which spіvrozmovniks begin to troll one another, they can be different: the “troll” can be hidden under the mask of anonymity (and this happens often) or openly personified - this is how people often come up with openly outrageous comments. And spіvrozmovnіvі and how to prevent recognition, popularity and popularity publicity.

The concept of “trolling” is rooted in the slang of participants in online forums and other virtual communities: in English The word trolling means fishing for fish with a lure, and in modern Russian it means provocative behavior on the Internet.

Another popular version explains the similarity of the concept, linking it to Scandinavian mythology, which describes the actions of “trolls” - unacceptable, blatantly conniving people who have always misled the absent.

The statistics of the Oxford Dictionary dedicated to trolling will suggest offensive versions.

A real example of trolling - a provocative phrase that was inadvertently released into sleep chat, or the commentary on the material published by Merezha has the same meaning. Most often, people want to troll one another in social networks, on new and thematic sites, conferences and forums: in this type of person, there is practically unlimited ability for trolling, as long as physical and visual contact allows twist and control the “trolls”. You can create absolutely any way virtual image and vikoristavat yogo “on I'll give you the cat».

How to troll people correctly?

It’s difficult to learn trolling, but not everyone is cut out to be a high-flying bird. The most common way to troll people is to reveal to yourself the typical self-effacing personality where you plan to intensify your activity. Think about what problems can be divided into what topics will be discussed.

Once you get into the role well, you will be able to conduct positive activity in all directions: one verbally inserted into a spoken phrase can create a bomb effect and irritate dozens of prostitutes.

Trolling can be “subtle” or “totally”, and most importantly, it is best to troll a person subtly - in whose attack, more than anything, it is far from obvious what they are provoking. But as a troll, you need more imagination and imagination. “Things” of provocations are recognized more widely, and in cases of high sensitivity to trolling, such detections may result in a ban.

If you have already learned how to delicately troll virtual spies, think twice before getting involved in this insanely spluttering process. In general, trolling is assessed as a negative and even often targeted approach to people, as it constantly provokes spies to aggression and, as a result, it turns out to be similar.

Do you want to learn how to work correctly?

Please follow the steps sufficiently forgive the principles:

  • Always give priority to the “subtle” trolling “totsty”, we will “attack” and the jokes will easily achieve the desired reaction - after all, the spy will immediately begin the dialogue, having recognized the troll from the first phrases;
  • think about the legacy of your actions: as you know, the person you are with is in a state of deep depression or, for any other reason, has serious mental discomfort, it is not good to add it For any injury, it is better to choose another object;
  • fragments of trolling - “a game in detailing the particularity,” as D. Donat asserts (the investigator of the discovery), the more accurately your virtual image is processed, the easier it is to seal spivrozmovniks;
  • The more often trolls appear in a group, the more sensitive the participants are to deciding before provocation, apparently, undue tensions and phrases can cause a hyperreaction;
  • Just because you are a troll does not mean that you have a concrete nervous system, when provoking people (it’s almost a stretch), you need to realize that you might end up with a little bit of something bad;
  • In order not to criticize immediately, switch the respect of your opponent to all sorts of non-network details, so that you will constantly be confused, misunderstood and disgraced, so that you won’t lose the strength for your criticism;
  • For effective trolling, you must learn to fight not unfoundedly, but with reasoning - find out what you can do, then criticize what you can do;
  • There is nothing like being blamed for incompetence (people tend to believe that acting correctly and sensibly), and successful trolls make use of this technique at any time;
  • demagoguery is also worthwhile, especially when your evidence is presented soundly and harmlessly - it’s difficult to learn this manner of presenting information, and your opponent’s self-righteousness is bound to irritate you;
  • know the weak points in the argumentation of the spymaker: if his commentary is aimed at up to 90% of irrelevant facts and less than 10% of controversial information, emphasize respect on this 10% and increase the atmosphere, ignore 90% of what was lost;
  • Don’t ever try to compete with the first ones, encourage the superchka, so that your opponent’s dock is not any better;
  • Do not stoop to rudeness, caustic irony when combined with impressive formulations is much more effective.

Having started to bring your opponents to white heat in a matter of seconds, do not let your secret weapon get into the drive, and also do not slip into banal rudeness, if the opponent shows obvious aggression.

What does troll mean? How do you feel about trolling you?

Trolling is one of the types virtual fusion, in which one of the parties - the troll - is engaged in the unknown escalation of the conflict and begins to deliberately, in an obvious and intended form, belittle and bully another participant in the communication, violating the ethical behavior of the party. . Trolling of expressions in the form of imaginative, sensitive and aggressive behavior. In real life, the problem is similar to energetic vampirism. Vikorists are represented by both anonymous participants and personified koristuvachs, involved in outrageousness, publicity and recognition.

Viniknennya and vivchennya

The term wine is on the cob of the 21st century. Even though no one knows what it means to troll. These people were involved in the creation of border organizations and collaboration for the exchange of information, where the most was discussed effective ways resolution of conflicts. In academic literature, trolling was first recognized in 1996 by researcher Judith Donath, who produced a number of curious examples taken from Usenet conferences. Donat said that “virtual matrimony” has a two-valued identification.

Definition of the term

What is the meaning of the word "troll"? This term has no relevance to scientific discourse, and has become the slang of professional virtual specialists. “Fishing fish with a spoon” is a literal translation of the English word “trolling.” This phenomenon can be characterized as a process of placing provocative messages on communication resources along with the creation of a conflict situation by violating the ethical rules of Internet interaction. We hope you now understand what it means to troll people. Let's go further.

Troll - the people themselves took away their purpose when they engage in trolling. Irina Ksenofontova (Scientist at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) notes that this term has become popular through its meaning in Scandinavian mythology. There, trolls, especially among children's fairy tales, are portrayed as conniving, unacceptable creatures, committed to commit evil and cause mischief. They are depicted very vividly in cinematography.

Seredovishche trolling

We are familiar with what it means to troll on the Internet. Now we know about the place where you can work. These include social networks, conferences, thematic forums, news sites, portals and chats. The design features of these spaces allow you to create a virtual alter that is designed according to your needs. In fact, each virtual partnership has special fields where participants can format their data by entering the main and additional (hoarded and interests) characteristics. This is a wonderful blessing for organizing provocations by people who know how to troll people. Even though this process is not controlled by anyone, any participant in the virtual space can generate the desired image.

Character flows into virtual spaces

The provocateur is pretending Zvichainim koristuvach, what separates hidden problems and the interests of the strength of the group. Since conference participants are aware of what it means to troll, they try to identify provocative publications, and then try to persuade the attacker to leave the group. Successful identification of deposits requires the ability to recognize tensions, which signify the goals of the creator of posts. There is also a lot to be learned from the troll himself, or more precisely, from the level of his professionalism. Skilled provocateurs can troll for a long hour without seeing their true identity.

Trolls are addicted to communication in the worst way: they avoid discussions, expand destructive ideas and disgraceful joy, and seem to confuse the participants in the conversation one by one. In groups with a high level of falsification in space, which are especially sensitive to trolling, most of the people prefer to feed and do not care about provocation.


Trolling as a form of social aggression has characteristic features. Persha – the ability of your sleep is less in virtual sleep. I want to have real success, there are people who know what it means to troll, and are satisfied with it. The other is the emergence of an avalanche-like aggression in Sweden, which is spreading across almost all members of the virtual community. The third is the inability of the trolling victim to make visual or physical contact with the conflict initiator.

Why should I bother trolling you?

In this case you have two options. Or I will completely ignore the troll, or else I myself will become like this and the date of the day will be. And in order to overcome him, you need to be reasonable, smart and respectful. Develop these qualities.

Knitlivost. Don't lose your mind. Mindfulness is the ability to promptly respond to any changes in the world and adapt to them as needed. It’s also important to recognize other people’s tactics and practices that are actively being bullied by people who are aware of what it means to troll.

Respect is important for memory. It is necessary to collect and carefully analyze everything your opponent says about you. Also watch your phrases. Aje be-yaka z them mozhe buti vikoristana proti you. A good memory is required to remember the bad words of your opponent.

Well, of course, don’t get into trouble high fluidity friend The greater the speed of typing in a chat, it is easier to captivate each person with phrases about those that he thinks about for a long time. In the first place, master the skill of the blind hand.

Once you have cleared all the truths, you will have a better understanding of what it means to troll people, and you will be able to stand up to any people who are trying to screw you up.

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  • More

Viking Troll– this is a program for exchanging comments on the social network VKontakte. With the additional Viking Troll program, you can comment on photos and posts on the VKontakte wall using other people's profile posts. The program is based on the principle of exchange of koristuvachs.

The operating principle of the Viking Troll program is straightforward: you add your accounts to the program, thereby allowing other users of the program to write comments on them. automatic mode. Now you are losing the ability to remove comments from other people's account accounts from the program exchange database.

The Troll program interface provides us with manual navigation for the list of successfully added cloud records and cloud records available in the exchanger. You can prepare the program beforehand in a few simple steps, and with the help of your installed browser, follow the progress of the program.

main advantages

  • Sales promotion;
  • manipulation of a huge thought;
  • professional PR tool;
  • and much more...

Functionality and capability

  • acceleration start - a lot of koristuvachs don’t dare to deprive the commentary of the first ones. Don’t expect the rose to tie up on its own; provoke the spilkuvannia on your own;
  • a special thought - in the discussed comments of the author of the page, I will ask for information or details. If you make a vaunted decision to buy a product, you want to learn some knowledge and know that the product has been tested by other people, find out about their evidence and thus protect yourself from being deceived;
  • collectivism - in any situation you can support, express your idea in front of many supporters. It is correct to encourage the dialogue between them to direct the discussion in the right direction and seem natural;
  • search – comments are indexed by search. You can find the information you need in the post or in the comment.

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