Installation mc - midnight commander install. Midnight Commander - console file manager for Linux Exit from Midnight Commander

Golovna / Troubleshooting

Midnight Commander- a file manager for linux (as well as freebsd, unix), which looks very similar to Norton Commander or Far (Perhaps, no one remembers good old Norton...). Of course, for full-fledged administration, you cannot do without knowledge of *nix commands, but navigating through directories, operations with directories, files, groups of files, as well as viewing and editing files becomes much easier.

Midnight Commander, please don’t stand behind your clothes, just check the recent ones – recruited from the command line
As it turns out, “command not found” or something similar – everything is correct. SetupTimememo.

Installing Midnight Commander on FreeBSD

1. Let's go to the ports
cd /usr/ports/misc/mc

2. Start the configuration
make config

In the window you must select UTF-8 support (for correct display of pseudographics)

3. MC installed without middle
make install clean

4. For any reprieve after the command
file manager Midnight commander can be run with the command mc.

When installed from the ports, all necessary programs will be downloaded automatically.

Installing Midnight Commander on Linux

If you are connected to the Internet, just type in the command line:
yum install mc

Installing Midnight Commander on Ubuntu or Debian

To install midnight commander on Ubuntu from the beginning, you need to add the hardware (as there are none yet) to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb hardy main restricted universe
deb-src hardy main restricted universe

that out-of-the-way MC installation

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mc

If the sudo command is not found, log in as root (su) and install MC: (without updating, the installation may end in failure)

apt-get update
apt-get install mc

Do you know other ways? Midnight Commander installations? Did you know the deal? Sign up.

Operating systems of the Unix family are visible with their primary black screen, which for people far from the computer can often seem wildly unearthly, with their administrators who work behind this object of the species, and their representatives Great organizations.
This is a terrible plot, which is the moment of bi mother's zakoplyuyuche prodovzhennya. For those who have had to deal with the administration of these systems, the picture is entirely different. Console mode – this mode can be used to work independently of servers of different types, the main part of the administration of which is carried out in the form of the management console. Sometimes, when working with a file system, it’s easy to use file managers; we’ll talk about one of them, the most popular of its kind for Unix systems, here.

Midnight Commander – a popular file manager that has a characteristic interface, usually in a blue color, similar to Norton Commander or Far. If you have ever worked with similar programs, then you will know what to expect. The file manager program is launched and occupies the entire working area of ​​the screen. Visually, the interface is divided into two parts. The skin part displays instead of streaming directories, as well as short information about files. Obviously, the program can run all the main speeches that need to work with files.
Now about how to install Midnight Commander in the Linux CentOS operating system.

Installing Midnight Commander from the Internet

Respect, check to see if you have access to the Internet, because... This installation method transmits visibility to the Internet on your server.
For your convenience, you can also read the information about. For example, you can check the packet transmission using the ping utility. After that you can proceed to installation, enter the command:

# yum install mc

With the help of a package manager, all necessary files will be downloaded automatically. Then you will be asked to confirm your actions, after this procedure the file manager will be installed.

To run the program, just enter in the command line:

Installing Midnight Commander from CD/DVD

It’s all right, there will be problems if you don’t have access to the Internet, or a disk with a distribution kit, what should you do in this case? There are a variety of ways to install packages on a Linux system, and one of them is the ability to install from a disk. Come on, let's see. Apparently, in order to speed up a CD/DVD disk in Linux, in operating systems of the Unix family it is necessary to create a “mounting” device, in our case a drive with a disk. Installation is primarily carried out in the file system, in our configuration, and we are installed in a directory, which is immediately soluble.
Let's create a directory:

# mkdir /media/centos

Let us bring you the directory that we carefully created:

# mount /dev/cdrom /media/centos

We check that our disk was successfully mounted:

# cd /media/centos/ # ls

After entering commands, the disk space may be displayed, if so, then everything is as required. After this, after that, let’s try to install:

# yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=c5-media install mc

Entering the command initiates a verification of deposits, after which power will be supplied to confirm the installation of the program, as in the previous method of installation over the Internet, after which the installation will be carried out.

To save yourself the hassle of choosing the command line, and also not to waste your mind on the VI text editor, you need to install a file manager. You can easily “increase the price” of your server’s disk, and create and edit folders (directories, directories) and files.

How to install Midnight Commander on CentOS

For CentOS, Peter Norton's Norton Commander file manager is very similar to the DOS-based file manager, both in appearance and color, and in functionality, the Midnight Commander file manager.
Its settings are reduced to one command:

Yum install mc

To launch the Midnight Commander file manager, use this wiki:

As a result, combining with CentOS gives you the familiar look and feel of DOS.

YUM Package Manager

Not for the first time in this article, I rely on the YUM team to install software. Time to get to know her better.

What is it like yum

YUM (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is a package manager that can retrieve information about packages, extract packages from repositories, install and delete them, automatically download deposits, and update the system to the latest versions of the package. c.

Basic yum commands

Checking the availability of updates:

Yum check-update

Updating the entire system:

Yum update

Updates to a specific package:

Yum update<имя пакета>

Install the package:

Yum install<имя пакета>

Vidality package:

Yum remove<имя пакета>

Show all packages available in the repository:

Yum list

Check the availability of the package in the repository (can you use wildcards in the package name? and *):

Yum list<имя пакета>

Find the package by name or description and its assigned value:

Yum search<строка поиска>

Clear system cache:

Yum clean all

How to update:

Yum downgrade<имя пакета>

What are the meanings of the YUM UPDATE and YUM UPGRADE commands?

I missed another command - YUM UPGRADE. This is similar to YUM UPDATE. The difference is that when updating packages, UPDATE saves old versions of packages, whereas when installing a new version of a package, the old one is also lost in the system.
UPGRADE does not save previous versions. This means that there is no substitution.

Original: Midnight Commander - A Console Based File Manager for Linux
Author: Pungki Arianto
Publication date: June 23, 2013
Translation: A. Krivoshey
Translation date: Traven 2013

If you have to deal with a large number of files in a console environment, you may find this kind of work tedious. Graphically sophisticated file managers help to increase the flexibility of working with files. You do not need to remember the name of the syntax of the skin command associated with the files.

For console applications designed to work with files, you must know the basic commands and their syntax. Fortunately, Linux also has a text file manager that works in a console-based manner. He's called Midnight Commander (hereinafter we'll just call him MC).

Section headings

The Midnight Commander website is:
"GNU Midnight Commander is a visual file manager that is released under the GPL license and therefore qualifies as Free Software. It is a full-featured text-based program that allows you to copy, move and delete a file and those directories, search for files and run commands on windows shells. Also included is an editor and a program for viewing files."

How to install Midnight Commander on Linux

MCs, as a rule, are not installed behind promotional programs. On Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint, you can install it using the apt-get command:

$ sudo apt-get install mc

For RHEL, CentOS and Fedora you can use the following command:

# yum install mc

After completing the installation, simply enter “mc” (without paws) at the console to launch it.

Possibility Midnight Commander

MC has a lot of useful functions for both managers and administrators.

Copying, deleting, renaming/moving, creating directory

The MC interface is divided into two columns, independent of each other. The skin column represents the active directory. You can switch between them using the Tab button. At the bottom of the screen you can find buttons with numbers that correspond to the function keys F1 – F10.
To copy a file from one directory to another, simply see it and press “F5”. To copy multiple files, you must first see them behind the “Insert” key.

MC asks you for confirmation. To start copying, simply click “OK”.
Deleting files is even easier. Just view the files and press "F8". Moving files can be done using the additional "F6" key.
However, renaming files is somewhat disruptive. By pressing the "F6" key, you must enter a new file name. The butt, to be sure, is pointed lower in the screenshot.

To create a directory, you can press "F7". MC create a new directory at the current one. To find out what MC can work with files, press "F9" > File.

A utility for viewing files has been introduced

Console mode does not include text editors such as vi, joe and nano. MC has a built-in program for viewing text files instead. To launch it, see the file and press “F3”. You can also edit the file if necessary by seeing it and pressing “F4”.
If you launch the text editor first, MC will ask you to select the text editor to start:

[email protected]~ $ Select an editor. To change the rest, use "select-editor". 1. /bin/ed 2. /bin/nano

Then, when you press the “F4” key, MC will select your text editor. If you want to change the editor behind the scenes, simply press "F2", and take "@" and enter "select-editor" (without tabs).

Why do you want to use a different text editor other than MC? It is possible that you want to work with Vi. You can do it differently. Find the ".selected_editor" file in your home directory. When you add a file, it starts with a dot. Edit it like this:

# Generated by /usr/bin/select-editor SELECTED_EDITOR="/usr/bin/vi"

File access rights

Files and directories have access rights that indicate who can read, write, and download files and directories. The access rights management command is chmod. To find out how to use them, type “man chmod” at the terminal.
With MC you only need to see the file, then press "F9" > File > Chmod or "Ctrl-x" and "c". MS will show you the exact access rights of the file you see and the parameters that can be changed.

Vlasnik file

Files and directories have their own owner, as well as the owner’s group. It is your privilege to use the chmod command described above. Management of vlasniks is done with the help of the chown command.
First of all, to find out how to cheat, type “man chmod” at the terminal. With MC you just need to see the file, then press "F9" > File > Chown, or "Ctrl-x" and "o". Now you can specify the owner and group of the owner from the list of available members and groups.

MC also has the "Advanced Chown" function, which is a combination of chmod and chown, which allows you to condense two descriptions of a given item in one place. Press "F9" > File > Advanced Chown.

Behind the MC program is a double-panel interface. These panels are no less valid for local directories. You can connect them to a remote computer via FTP.
In this version, MC acts as an FTP client. To connect, you need to press "F9" > FTP Link. MC request connection data in this format:

User: [email protected] _or_ip_address

If the data you entered is correct, in one of the panels you will see a list of directories on the remote computer.

To enable FTP connection, you can press “F9” > Command > Active VPS Link. In the list of Active VFS directories you will find FTP connection. Select it and press "Free VFSs". If you just need to change to the local directory without opening the FTP connection, select "Change to".

If your network has a proxy server, you can configure the MC to work with a proxy. Press "F9" > Options > Virtual FS > Always use ftp proxy.

Exit Midnight Commander

To exit the Midnight Command program, press "F9" > File > Exit or "F10".

For more detailed information about MC's capabilities, check out the Midnight Commander FAQ.

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