The capabilities of a computer bear, which many people don’t know about.

submit / Golovna
Troubleshooting a_zaxar

in the Admission of Possibility, robots with a teddy bear and a keyboard

7 useful functions of a computer mouse The keyboard and the mouse are already such familiar words in our lives that it seems that everyday surprises certainly cannot await us here. It’s no less true that some basic products may have not entirely obvious power and functions.

Today we would like to get to know you, and just tell you about the sprout

in different ways

Vikoristannaya computer mouse.

1. Seeing parts of the text

We all know that to see the text, you need to press the left mouse button and move the cursor over the required part of the text.

However, if we need to see the text on the other side, without scrolling, it’s not always easy. So try this combination: click with your mouse on the cob of the desired place, then go to the end of the desired view and click again, but not while pressing Shift. The entire space between the two cliques can be seen.

2. Go back and forth in the browser

In the browser, to go to the front or back side, you don’t have to click on the buttons on the program toolbar.

You can simply press Shift and rotate the mouse wheel forward or backward.

3. Increase and change in scale You can change the image scale hidden side

simply by scrolling with the CTRL button pressed on the keyboard for an hour.

If you are working with a long text, in which you only need to revise only fragments that you can scratch, then it is not at all obligatory to work on it piece by piece.

You can press the CTRL key and see the required words, sentences, paragraphs.

Then copy everything at the right place in one fell swoop.

387. Sign up for a new deposit

Many users have long suggested that to open a message in a new tab, you can press the middle mouse button.

However, if the wheel clicks and doesn’t click, it’s hard to imagine that clicking with the pressed CTRL button will produce the same result.

38 keyboards soon that work in any browser

We recently took a look at the main shortcut keyboards for working with text. And today we would like to tell you a fortune, and for those who are hackers, you can open the keyboard shortcuts for productive work on the Internet.

We have collected for you the main keyboard shortcuts that work regardless of the name of the browser you are using. Having mastered these awkward tricks, you can kill three birds with one stone: significantly increase your productivity, impress everyone with your hacker skills, and you can safely continue surfing ng to help with a broken muscle. It’s not at all obligatory to remember this entire list - you just have to find out some of the operations that you do most often, and try different hotkeys for them. We hope at this very second that it will quickly turn to you as the anniversary of the additional free hour.

Working with tabs Ctrl+1-8

- Switch to the tab positioned on the tab bar that indicates the number you pressed. Ctrl+9

- Mimicking on, I'll leave the tab regardless of the number.

Ctrl+Tab- Mimicking on the stepping tab, so that one is right-handed.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab- Switching to the front tab, then one left-handed.

Ctrl+W Ctrl+F4

- Close the current tab.

Ctrl+Shift+T- Open the closed tab again.

Ctrl+T- Open a new tab.

Ctrl+N- Open a new browser window.

Navigation Alt+Strilka Livoruch, Backspace

- Back. Alt+Strilka Right-handed, Shift+Backspace

- Forward. F5

- Onoviti.

Ctrl+F5,- Update the ignored cache to make the page look new. Escape

Ctrl+F5+»-», - Zupiniti zavantazhennya. Alt+Home

- Open your home page. Scaling

Ctrl Ctrl+Teddy bear wheel uphill

- Add it up.

Ctrl+Teddy Bear Wheel Down, - Zoom out. Ctrl+0

- Rotate output scale. F11

- Full screen mode. Scrolling

Space- At the end of the story.

Address row

Ctrl+L, Alt+D, F6- See the text in the address row.

Ctrl+Enter- Automatically add www. on the cob

at the end of the word you entered, open this side. Alt+Enter

- You have entered the address of the new account.

Search, Ctrl+K Ctrl+E

at the end of the word you entered, open this side.- Focus on the search field created in the browser for entering the request.

- View the results of your search for a new deposit., Ctrl+F F3

- Open the search tool on the same page., Ctrl+F Ctrl+G

- Find out the current meaning by searching on the side., Ctrl+Shift+G Shift+F3

- Find out the front meanings and search for the side.

History & bookmarks Ctrl+H

- take a look at history. Ctrl+J

- Reveal the attraction. Ctrl+Shift+Del

- open the tool for clearing history, cache, vanity, etc.

Other functions Ctrl+P

- Friend of the streaming page. Ctrl+O

- Open the file. Ctrl+U

- Look at the code for the streaming page.

1. (crime IE). The bear is an indispensable attribute of any computer or laptop. It is confirmed that all the functions and capabilities of the computer bear will be confirmed, and for the most part, the secrets of the computer bear will remain unknown.

2. And of course, even the bear is needed not only to open and complete add-ons, work with the context menu, view and copy the text.

3. With this help, you can do other things that will make our work more efficient and effective.

4. If you press the bear's pin while working in the browser, then moving along the open side down and up and to the side will be very easy.

5. The fluidity of movement depends on the position of the bear's indicator.

6. If the box is in the center of the page, then the speed of scrolling will be greater. Moreover, to scroll, you won’t need to press the wheel or buttons.

7. It’s enough to just crash with the bear itself.

8. As soon as you press the bear's pinwheel on the hyper-tension, it will open up.

Moreover, it will be opened in a new window, which is quick and easy.

For this purpose, use the “Ctrl” key, which will hinder the work process.

Open the tab

You can close the slide by clicking on it, vikorist, or the wheel.

The same action will be completed by pressing the left button on the cross of the tab.

As the sites become more expensive, you may notice that the fonts that appear on some sites are too small.

If we press the left mouse button and move the cursor over the text, we see that this method is well known to us.

However, it’s not always possible to get a handy one from a vikoristanny, especially if you need to reach the text for a long time (with scrolling, for example, on many sides).

Therefore, we know the following combination: click with a bear on the beginning of the fragment that you need to see, and then at the end, the Shift button will be pressed.

So, you see the entire space between the two clicks.

Really simple!

3. Double and triple click

Almost everyone knows about the ability to see the word for the second clatter, but few people complain about the axis of the third clatter.

But in fact, you can see an entire paragraph, which is sometimes much more difficult to pull the view to the end of the paragraph behind an additional cursor.

4. Change/increase in scale

In many programs, including those for viewing images, you can use the next method of changing or increasing the scale of the page: simply scroll while pressing the CTRL button on the keyboard.

5. Select several text fragments at once When you work with text, you often find that you need to revise and copy a number of fragments. There is no need to work through this, just press the CTRL button and in the same way, use the left mouse button to see paragraphs, sentences or side words. Then move them all at once to the required place.

6. Sign up for a new deposit To open a message from a new deposit, many of the customers have called by pressing the middle button on the mouse. If there are problems when it’s been annoying and doesn’t work, then you will need an approach: press CTRL and click on the button.
That's all!
7. Drag using the right mouse button
U operating system.

View of parts of the text

We all know that to see the text, you need to press the left mouse button and move the cursor over the required part of the text.

However, if we need to see the text on the other side, without scrolling, it’s not always easy.
So try the next combination: click with your mouse on the cob of the desired place, then go to the end of the desired view and click again, otherwise pressing Shift.
The entire space between the two cliques can be seen.
Go back and forth in your browser

In the browser, to go to the front or back side, you don’t have to click on the buttons on the program toolbar.
You can simply press Shift and rotate the mouse wheel forward or backward.
Increase and change in scale
You can change the display scale of the open page by simply rotating the scroll with the CTRL button pressed on the keyboard at the same time.

This method works in a large number of programs, including in many browsers.
Double and triple click
Everyone knows that to see a word you just need to click on the mouse with a bear.
Then copy everything at the right place in one fell swoop.

If you press the triple click, you will be able to see an entire paragraph of text at a glance.

Try it more manually, dragging the cursor down to the end of the paragraph.

Drag the mouse with the right button
move the cursor over the required text.
However, since we need to see the text on the other side,
In order to scroll, don’t do it manually.
So, try this next combination: click with a bear

from the beginning of the desired location, then go to the end of the desired view and click again, otherwise

when pressed Shift.

The entire space between the two cliques can be seen.

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