Nature reserve in Finland.

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Last time I started hearing about those from Sortavala we decided to go for a couple of days to Finland.

The cordon was changed here near Karelia.

The transition was forgotten with a dark shadow for the Russians, who were allowed to pass ahead of the Finns, and with a watchful eye for bad food.

Late in the evening we reached the town of Joensuu, which I will tell you about next time.

After spending the night, the French headed to the Koli National Park to marvel at the local traveler’s recommendations for “the best view of Finland.”

We marveled.

Now I know exactly where the earth ends and where the thick gray and gray begins, it’s like a hallucination of nothingness - we’ve been in the very heart of the snow queen’s kingdom.

Ozhe, national park "Koli".

2 billions of years ago, in this place, high mountains stood - Karelides, which do not compromise their importance to today's Himalayas.

The symbol of the Koli National Park is the numerous strawberry trees and pines with many tops.

The product is unique and is rarely eaten.

Its nature is simple - the water rises along the rocks uphill, where it condenses in the crowns of trees, after which it turns into ice.

The huge icy breasts on the tops of pines and yalines reach hundreds of kilograms, and under their vines the trees often break.

The snow plasters kept growing and finally hatched among the great white chickens.

With a rush of stench, the stench scattered to the sides, the great sleigh began to lurch, and the man sitting next to it sat up.

There was a tall, string, sticky-white woman - the Snow Queen;

And the fur coat and hat she was wearing were in the snow.

The walls of the palaces were surrounded by winds, the windows and doors were filled with violent winds.

How cold, how deserted it was in these white, brightly sparkling palaces!

Cold, deserted, grandiose!

These landscapes inspired Jean Sebelius when he wrote his Fourth Symphony.

There is a legend that before the party he climbed to the top of the mountain with a piano, which he played for his future friends.

Cold, deserted, dead!

In the middle of the largest empty snowy bay there was a frozen lake.

Kriga cracked on a thousand pieces, so new and correct that it seemed like a trick.

In the middle of the lake stood the throne of the Snow Queen;

I sat on something like that when I was at home, seeming like I should sit on a mirror;

In her opinion, this was one and the most beautiful mirror in the world.

Between the chimerically arched shoulders under tons of snow one can see the edgeless Finnish foxes caught in the brisk spring.

In an hour we reach the highest point - the peaks of Ukko-Koli.

This kind of surrealism is straight out of the canvas of Salvador Dali.

І tse - a trampled stitch.

Wartly, you'll kill yourself - and you'll immediately fall into the snow up to your waist.

So, without haste, choked with snow, we began to make our way to the approaching peak - Pakha-Koli.

If I understand correctly, this is translated as “Evil Kolya”.

Chantly, to justify the name of the peak, the wind here was at times strong and angry, but spread over several hundred meters from the Ukko-Koli.

It was important to just stand on the top, the photographer happened to be out of hiding - in the soft snow I created a quiet barlig, from which only my head and camera were washed.

The third peak is Akka-Koli.

It is translated like Baba Koli.

There were no trodden paths there, and we decided to make our way by ourselves, trying to recognize the red marks buried under the snow, which signify the right path.

The top of Akka-Koli is built on the prolongation side of the ridge, from which the edge opens into the other side.

Yalinka and pine trees, which wash away the snow, similar to the army of the great Kazkov warriors, which fell down and disappeared under the onslaught of winter.

The ancient Karelians respected these mountains of living realities, so there are a lot of legends and retellings associated with these rocks.

At the same time, there is a place in the park called the Church of the Devil - a long gorge near a rock about 30 meters deep.

At the top, the gorge is filled with majestic stone ridges that form the crypt of the oven.

The ancient shamans from this place sang that the sanctuary of the devil himself was built in the next hall.

A few years later, we tried to get to the oven, but our turn was a failure - the snow there was noticeably deep down to the waist, so after trampling through the parking lot covered with snow, we finally got there.

“Now I’ll fly to a warm land,” said the Snow Queen. - I’ll stop by before the black cauldrons.

That's what she called the craters of the great mountains - Etni and Vesuvius.

Kai and Gerda, shoulder-to-shoulder, left the palace palaces.

They came and talked about grandma, about the Trojans who were blooming in their little garden, and before them the wild winds died down, the sun appeared.

And when they reached the bush with the red berries, a deer was already checking for them.

Instead of a wild deer, we checked for a faithful Citroen, in which we were able to find ourselves, unwind and come to our senses.

After walking around the park we headed back to Joensuu.

At the exit from the national park there was a great deal of publicity about the open ice road that connects the two shores of Lake Pillinen.

If you take the road along the lake, then this road will cover about 100 kilometers, but you can immediately cover 60 kilometers.
Naturally, we needed to go to a different lake - otherwise I might wonder what the Finnish winter road is like.
I realized that there was probably not a wide, well-cleared road, in Uzbekistan there were no road signs.
Tomorrow there will be a little more of Finland.
Updated: 23.4.2019

Skhilyov openly

P_dyomnikiv openly

0 km

Lizhnih tras vіdkrito .

The city's ski resort Koli has been working for over 75 years now!

What new things are guests looking for this season?

Lying school in Koli is the oldest Lying school in Finland.

We have tips that will help you learn to ski and snowboard, and you will find out what telemark is and much more.

I'll build a cleansing place

Professional You are new, we are happy to help!

010 762 3630

Mi lizna school Werneri.

What new things are guests looking for this season?

010 7623 630

Mi lizna school Werneri.

Girskolizny resort

Rantatie 27 83960 Koli

How to get to the resort

  • Information about skhili
  • Number of skills7
  • Number of knights4
Ski pass systemSkiData
  • Lines 100
  • Information about skhili and trasi
  • Godini roboti
  • Skhilyov vіdkrito0
  • P_dyomnikiv vkryto0
  • Children's shilіv vіdkrito0
Lizhnyh tras vіdkrito0
  • Snowparks are openClosed
  • Facts about Skhili
  • Maximum height difference 230
  • Longest descent1500
  • Lightened shales4
  • Skhiliv with piece snow7
  • Chornih tras2
  • Chervonykh tras3
  • Blue tracks1
  • Green/transition roads1
  • Children's shilіv1
Dityache village Tak
  • SnowparkTak
  • Facts about ski lifts
  • Vantage capacity of lift 7200
  • Bugelnykh Vityagiv (yakir)2
  • Bugelnyh knights (plate)
  • Stitch lifts1
  • Falling ropes
  • Gondola Knights0
  • Information about the routes
  • Length of highways: 80
Lightened routes50
  • Road with piece snow
  • Information about services
  • Rental point
  • Personal serviceTak
  • Repair and maintenance of snowboards
  • Lizhny storeTak
  • Lizna schoolTak
  • Cafe on skhila2
  • Restaurants3
  • Place for bus stops
  • Snowmobile trails

    Naiblizcha gas station

  • Nearest station

Joensuu, 75 km

Nearest airport

Fans of alpine skiing have long included Finland as a popular resort destination. The country has grown up on the night of Europe, and is ready to put all its resources into action for an active recovery. The Malovniki place is located in similar Finland.

It opened for residents in 1991 and is now quickly receiving up to 100 thousand tourists from all over the world.

On an area of ​​45 km² there are unique natural monuments of the region.

  • ribna fishing;
  • dog sledding;
  • horseback riding;
  • hiking;
  • sledding, sledding and snowboarding.

Among lovers of active sports, there is a popular mountain ski resort of the same name.

Wine is composed of two adjacent centers - Loma-Koli and Ukko-Koli.

The stench has been removed for 5 km, one after another.

Characteristics of roads and shilіv The city resort has already been operating for over 75 years.

  • Since 1938, the road began to restrict athletes.
  • We present options for beginners and advanced skiers.
  • Zagalom at two cultural centers
  • 10 schemes and 12 routes, including:

6 layers with piece snow in the center of Ukko-Koli, 2 lightening;

4 skhila on the territory of Loma-Koli, 3 svetleni;

snowboarding – a 740 m long track near the center of Loma Koli;

60 km of track for cross-country skiing. The maximum haulage distance is 1.5 km. The elevation difference becomes 230 m. In Ukko-Koli there is the Black Route - one of the most complex in Finland. The organizers of the resort have come up with a special tugboat for the cobs.

In total there are 7 drag ropes at the resort, 3 in Ukko-Koli and 4 in Lomo-Koli.

Prices for rental equipment and ski lift

The price for a boat depends on the number of planned days at the ski resort.

The more hours you devote to katanna, the cheaper it will be for one step. A one-time adult ticket for a year is worth.

5 euro

, childish 3 euros.

Ski pass prices: The best way to buy discount cards!.

For couples with children, it is economical to buy a family voucher!

Young people up to 7 years of age and summer people - over 70 years of age, pass without harm!

Family ticket with S-Etukortti 94 card costs 110 euros for the whole day.

If necessary, you can rent arrangements at the resort.

The availability of rentals also depends on the hour.

The rooms are equipped with everything you need:

  • ocremium sanvuzol;
  • TV;
  • kettle;
  • bath accessories

Price for two adults per day 8549 rublesі 7203 rubles for one. The product includes snacks.

Those who want to experience one of the Scandinavian countryside can definitely head to the Koli National Park.

Located in the area 500 km from the Finnish capital.

The Ukko Koli mountain offers stunning views of Lake Pielinen.

The advantage of staying in the Koli National Park is that the rewards and satisfaction with the time spent can be enjoyed by both lovers of a calm, tranquil environment and extreme sports.

What can you do at the national park?

In addition to the main sights, you can visit the visitor center, pick berries and mushrooms, look after the lives of birds (and rare species), visit the local natural monuments, swim on a canoe and go paddling , go in for wind sports, go for a ride on the mountain, go on a bike ride and swim in the lake.

Why marvel?

  • To marvel and go around all the important monuments in the city, you can quickly see a few days.
  • To the most important and most frequently mentioned points:
  • Beautiful landscapes that are most admired from the mountain peaks, especially in winter.
  • Meadows, which in the summer period transform into kvitkovy keels.
  • Any representatives of the flora have not yet been traced.
  • Fermi with creatures: Matilla and Ollila.
  • The animals here are Finnish Landrace (a breed of sheep) and various local breeds of chickens.
  • The balance of thinness allows you to regulate environmental management and preserve landscapes.

Old guys and foxes.

The introduction of natural, meaningful reminders will be appreciated by both adults and children of all ages.

It’s a big deal to take advantage of the park.

Better yet, when leaving the park, the underage children were accompanied by their fathers.

  • Addresses and Roztashuvannya on the map

Koli Roztashovani Park on the territory of the municipalities: Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Joensuu.

Nearby there is highway No. 6 and Lake Pielinen.

  • Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Joensuu How to get away
  • You can get to the park by the following types of transport: Vlasny rents a car
  • . The hour at the door depends on the point from which transport from Kolya is sent.
  • From Kuopio you will need to travel about 2.5 years, from Joensuu - about 47 years. On the way to the village there are signs on the highways that will help you get to the national park without any problems. Finding the city's parks is not so difficult, since the road near the lake takes about 20 km.
  • To get to the park, it will be enough to turn right-handed from the road on the side of Lieks (from highway No. 515). during the summer hour.
  • The first method that is most often used is a car ferry on Lake Pielinen. There is a restaurant in Nyumu.

Maximum capacity of passengers – 150 people, buses – 4 pcs., cars – 22 pcs.

A good alternative to water transport can be ships on underwater wings.

Such transport on water runs in two days between the coastal part of the settlements: Vuonislahti, Koli, Lieks.

The average cost of this price is 45 rubles.

You can get a ticket for your scheduled departure time or book a personal cruise.

You can call: +358451387429.

Korisne PZ


Ski resorts are already over a hundred years old, occupying a large area of ​​the Koli National Natural Park, both resorts are wonderful for any type of ski sports, especially the Ukko Koli, steepness, number of black and blue trails lovers of extreme extreme sports come here, as well as here.
Loma Koli has a more flat slope, especially suitable for skiing with children, but the resort is not only skiing, but there is a charming panorama around the Koli park, which is wonderfully visible from the peaks of the mountains.
Besides snowboarding and snowboarding, you can go dog sledding, and you will be unforgettably happy and positive.
You can also just go for a walk around the area on licks or snowshoes.
The park also has the most beautiful Lake Pielinen, nature itself has created many heights in the park, where from 250m you can admire these miraculous views.

Here you can spend a wonderful hour hiking on mountain bikes, as well as kayaking, and there are a lot of tourist excursions organized.

This place earlier and more often includes the attention of artists, here you can add canvases painted in oil and watercolor for the riddle of the repair.

Near the village of Yuuk there is a stone museum, which explains the diversity of rocks, all types and the most extreme forms are collected here.
It should be noted that if there is maximum expansion for receiving tourists, the infrastructure is adjusted for maximum comfort, evenings can be enjoyed in numerous restaurants rich in traditional cuisine, including bars and cafes, night discos and other places of entertainment.
How to get there:
To get to the Koli resort you can: fly Moscow-Gelsinki, then transfer to the flight Gelsinki - Kuopio (or Joensuu) (about 50 minutes), or transfer Kuopio - Koli (about a year).
Auto: before it’s easy to get there by car, you need to drive along highway No. 6 for the whole hour, then turn once into the forest and after 15 hills you’re already at the resort.
St. Petersburg - Viborg - Brusnichne - cordon
cordon – Lappeenranta, route No. 13.

Lappeenranta – Joensuu – Kolinportti, route No. 6. 2

After the Neste gas station, following the Koli sign, turn right onto road No. 504.

After 9 km after the turn, the village of Koli and after another 8 km, the Loma-Koli resort.
They decided to show tourists twelve different trails at once from the snow park.
At this resort there are special points for ski rental, ski skiing, and various ski schools.

Here are the most popular everyday phrases in Finland.

Six slopes for skiing on the mountain ski slopes are respected by most in Finland, the maximum elevation difference here is two hundred and thirty meters, the long descent is two kilometers.

Near the Koli Hotel you can go on limousine rides.

Some of the five slopes are even small and suitable for children and for those who are just starting to ski, the length of the slopes is one and a half kilometers, the elevation difference is a maximum of one hundred and forty-five meters.

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