100m bit is the speed of the Internet. Privodne kamіnnya vysokoshvidkіsnih tarifіv іnternet-providerіv

Golovna / Additional functionality

We have tried to find out what today can be considered the standard of service for access to the Internet, whether security is important and necessary, and all tariffs are the same price.

Russia borrows less than 26 seats from the middle of the world for free access to the border.

The picture in the Ural Federal District is richly sumnish. Medium swedishness only close to 6 Mb/s, but in Ekaterinburz it is significantly shorter, more short, lower in Russia - 20.95 Mb/s.

And now let's take a look at "megabits".

The rest of the days often began to advertise tariffs with a speed of up to 50-100 Mb/s. What is behind these numbers? Nasampered, hour. For example, a movie (at a normal speed, approximately 700 Mb) on a speed of 5 Mb/s, the film is downloaded in 18 minutes, and on a speed of 50 Mb/s - in 2 times, and on a speed of 100 Mb/s - in total in 56 seconds.

5 Mbps: HD Movie 4.7 GB - 2 years

50 Mbps: HD Movie 4.7 GB - 13 min

100 Mbps: HD Movie 4.7 GB - 6 mins

For example, your tariff has 50 Mbit/s speed. Translated into "megabytes per second":

Tobto realistically You zavantazhuєte іnformatsiyu z іnternetu zі shvidkіstyu 6.25 megabytes per second (for ideal minds).

In other words, if you want to download a movie "wagon" in 1.4 GB (1.4 * 1024 = 1433.6 MB), then, in order to understand the rates for what time it takes, you need to expand the movie to download it:

1433.6 \ 6.25 \u003d 229.3 seconds, or approximately 3.8 hvilini.

Gris image for 8 GB:

8192\6.25 = 1310.72 sec. or 21.8 hvilini.

I know the same, a great role is played by the dzherelo of such a You. The main purpose of the butt is suitable mainly for torrents.

Vіm far from everything that we work on the Internet, z'їdaє our shvidkіst. To hear online, 500 Kb/s is enough, and for Skype you need less than 4 Mb/s. Insha rich torenti.

When information is captured through a torrent, the security of the data is less than the security of your connection to the width of the channel of the side that is distributing (or you can either use a computer of another coristuvach, or a special server). If I don’t manually enclose the security of the files, then for an hourly work, other programs can be played.

Porіvnyuєmo shvidkіsnі tariffs

We compared the propositions of different providers for tariffs with the maximum speed. Today's maximum that can be brought to the market is 162 Mb/s. The subscription fee for tariffs with a speed of close to 100 Mb/s is charged from 690 to 2000 rubles, moreover, it is better to buy package propositions from TV channels: providers offer more services for less vartist.

As a result, it turns out that the coristuvach connects to the least from one outbuilding, not victorious "important" content (photo, video, online games), but only looks at the mail, news, then increase the speed to 5 Mbit / s. If you consume more (for example, if you are a movie lover or a gambler), and you have more people, then you will need more security.

Selecting the speed (tariff plan) few people can understand, now you need a speed of 50 or 100 megabits per second. It is important to understand that today's sites can't access content from such a speed - a movie online does not get more swedish, lower by 15 or 30 megabits. In this rank, the greater number, adding such a tariff, do not beat the left part of such a throughput capacity.

When can I connect the tariff of 100 megabits?

- When there is an active multiple torrents
- There are more than three osibs using the Internet (via Wi-Fi, for example)
- How do you have your own small home server

What kind of minds could be traced, so that such swidkism was supported?

A non-leather computer can "pull" such speed. You can try. Choosing the configuration, giving respect to SSD drives- The speed of data processing is inconspicuously higher for them, lower for higher HDDs. Tse will be a plus for an hour of downloading from a torrent. With the help of the necessary minds for testing 100-megabit data for the є tariff:

1-gigabit mesh card.

In order to sort out any kind of fencing adapter, you need to go to the “Additional Manager”.

We know the point “ Merezhev adapters”that respectfully readable I will name the annex. Yoga names can figure letters GBE stands for Gigabit Ethernet- it means that our merging card is suitable for such a security:

2. Working memory- 3 gigabytes

In order to marvel at the amount of “RAM” you have on board, just go to the power of “My Computer” (Just “Computer” for Windows 8/10):

Windows XP

Windows 7/8/10

How to test the speed of 100 megabit/s?

Forget about different "speedtests", "vibrating speeds on websites" and so on. The tariff for 100 megabits can be adequately protested only on torrent clients. For whom it is necessary to download .torrent files from any popular distributions - play all the films that have recently passed in cinemas, or old “zazhdzheni” movies. For the test, consider investigating a copy of such films:

Return respect to the column S - number of "sidiv", then. already downloaded the torrent person and sit on the distribution. What is more їх kіlkіst - tim is more and swidkіst. We choose two of the most popular torrents and start downloading. Check, while the speed will be maximum:

In this rank, you can improve your tariff security. Rozrahuemo on the butt. Speed ​​in torrents is converted to BYTES

One of ourselves parts of food, yakі ask koristuvachі our service technical support, food security. I, the shards of the beast to come before the service of the support of the clients, it doesn’t matter to guess what the claim is more welcome, lower the favor.

The best food to sound like this: Why do I have 8 megabytes of speed, but downloading 1 megabyte of speed?.

Irrespective of those who accept speed in megabytes, and obsyag іnformatsiї in megabytes, a lot of programs, for example, love torrent, show speed itself in megabytes.

A leather byte of information is folded into 8 bits, so one megabyte is more than one megabyte exactly 8 times. Moreover, with a speed of 8 megabytes per second, the information is captured or sent at 1 megabytes per second. And with a speed of 100 Mb/s maximum number information that can be taken or edited in one second, up to about 12 megabytes. You know, it’s easy to figure out that for capturing one movie in FullHD quality, it’s about to become 9 gigabytes (9,000 megabytes), you need such an hour for skin tariffs:

On a speed of 2 mb / sec - 10 years.
On a speed of 4 mb / sec - 5 years.
On a speed of 5 mb / sec - 4 years.
On a speed of 8 mb / sec - 2 years 30 minutes.
On a speed of 10 Mb/sec - 2 years.
On a speed of 15 mb/s - 1 year 15 minutes.
On a speed of 30 Mbit/sec - 37 minutes.
On a speed of 50 Mbit/sec - 24 hours.
On a speed of 100 Mbit/sec - 12 minutes.

Zavdyaks of this small memory of 9 points, you can understand that you have a real swede. In addition, additional information was submitted to help you choose the tariff.

How to correctly simulate the real security of the Internet?

Another power frequency sound like this: “Why do I have a galmuє Internet?”.

As a rule, the first person to whom this claim is made is the Internet provider. It would have been given, it was entirely logical. However, only in 1 turn zі 100 shvidkіst "kulgaє" s fault of the provider. Naytsіkavіshe vіdbuvaієtse at that hour, if the Internet is not guilty of work. In fact, it’s going to be through whether it’s an emergency situation, connected with the weather or software, exit from the fret of the servers for the short line call. At this point, the provider includes backup channels for communication in the robot, or backup servers and routers, which can secure the work of subscribers in the exchanged mode, which can be guarded by the name "galma" and "hanging". Such situations are blamed on the average 1-2 times in 2 years and are used up for 3-4 years, usually 1-2 days.

Vrahovyuchi, that with regular robots less than the entire possession, the channels of communication of our company are interested in the evening "peak year" by a maximum of 28%, this situation can be turned off from the list of reasons why the "galmous Internet".

As a rule, real problems are caused by two reasons:

  1. At the provider's service area: broken in the robotic possession of that line link, as if serving one rich apartment or private house.
  2. At the zone of the client's range: numerical options for problems with the cable or the property at the boundaries of the apartment (private booth) of the client.

In case of recruitment to the service of technical support, due to the presence of global problems, the client should be advised to issue a master's visa. Viїhawshi on the spot, the master can identify the cause of the problem zі shvidkіstyu or usun її without any cost, like a problem outside the boundaries of the apartment or the subscriber's booth, or zaproponuє client virієnta problemi for yogo rakhunok, vytpadku, yakscho problem in possession of the client.

What could be wrong with the customer's side?

In fact, there are no reasons, the axis of the list is quiet, which are most often heard:

  • Viruses or Revantations run programs computer;
  • incorrect driver fencing cards, or yogo vіdsutnіst;
  • an old router that cannot cope with the current number of computers, laptops, smartphones and other attachments;
  • physical support for the subscriber cable (ear-locked with steel, doors, household creatures);
  • incorrectly configured router.

Whether it be from rehabilitating faults, you can pour into the work of the Internet as a constant, so for an hour. Especially if the cable is not strong enough to pass through the apartment. That contact is, nothing.

In case you don’t have a problem, if you’re in trouble, moreover, if you’re in the middle of your day, the speed of the Internet is guilty of saying otherwise tariff plan. However, it would be amazingly wonderful to marvel at the small speed of the Internet, if you have 3 computers, 2 laptops, 6 smartphones and 2 tablets connected at once, and you are able to increase the speed of the speed, declared for your tariff. Perhaps, there is one more reason, because your portability can be adjusted as stated in the tariff. Show respect, it's the very reason, not the problem. All current attachments, navit at that hour, until you work on them, then at the hour you are in the mode of stunting, keep calls with numerical servers, from which they cut off a different kind of traffic. For example, notifications about news, notifications about likes social measures, notifications in messengers, weather updates, exchange quotes, synchronization bad services, as well as updating the software security, I will add it. For whom it is necessary, for an hour, we need not a little security and trivality for an hour. Wait a minute, while you're trying to calm down your speed, another member of your family as a whole can take and start watching a movie like FullHD in an online cinema. In this case, if you have a tariff of 30 Mb/s, then the speed on the Internet will be better, for the shortest time, 15-25 Mb/s.

So, varto lie, that the company "GlobalCom" gives you the security of the Internet. And the network of the Internet is made up of a bagatioh milliononiv servers, yakі tezh connected to yakihos providers, and tsі servers tezh mayut svoї obmezhennya, yak for shvidkіstyu, so і for puzhnіstyu resources. Now your tariff is 100 Mb/s, and the server for some reason tries to get a movie connected to the Internet at a speed of 1,000 Mb/s, but it does not guarantee at all that you will get a new movie at a speed of 100 Mb/s. sec. One hour with you, this film or another film from this server can take over the Internet. For example, if a skin app has 20 downloading movies, the rate is 100 Mb/s, and the connection server to the Internet at a speed of 1,000 Mb/s, then the skin is quiet, who downloads, you will capture the movie at a speed of approximately 50 Mb/s.

Sucilna plutanina in these loneliness vimir. Megabytes and megabytes sound and look similar, so there are often pardons that sometimes lead to an incorrect understanding of quieter characteristics. Well, and providers-retailers contribute their five kopіyok from the treasury of a swindler, for marketing purposes (I don’t want to think, what for unknowing) live alone for the sake of another. Zagalom, as in history with the presidential pike: chi that pound, chi kilogram, ale, even 21. Let's try to figure out, where we have megabytes, de megabytes.


Megabit- One unit of imitation of the amount of information that is equal to one million bits (or 1048576 bits).

Megabyte— unity of the amount of information, which is worth either one million bytes, or 2? (1048576) bytes.


The difference between megabytes and megabytes is mathematically logical, the prote duality of adoption is explained not by problems, but by the particularity of the system Russian GOST. Prefixes of the system vimiryuvannya standardized i u vipadku z mega-mean the number multiplied by 10⁶ (the same million). Mathematically, it’s not true, since in one megabyte there are 1024 kilobytes, then in steps (twenty) it is 2. The same costs and battles: in 1 Mb - 1024 Kb. Seeing as there are 8 bits in one byte, it’s not easy to worry that whether or not the indicators in megabits are transformed into megabytes, split by 8.

Take care of roses great koristuvachev rarely, more importantly, the process of linking them from a number of files. Megabits and megabytes have long subdivided the scope of exploitation: for megabytes (per second), the speed of transferring files in a medium is reduced, for megabytes - a total of files. Plutanina is shown if, for example, torrent clients show the speed of interest in megabytes (an eternal mystery), and the provider takes pennies for the speed in megabytes. Just like the replacement of common three-digit numbers on the monitor, modest double-digits are blamed, shockingly barking and frighteningly barking equipment and their own, and the operator. Divide by 8 and everything will work out (well, it’s possible to find only the provider in the peer-to-peer meshes).

And if you don’t stray, marvel more respectfully. Megabytes are denoted Mbit (Mbit), and megabytes are MB (MB).

Visnovki site

  1. A megabit is one bit, a megabyte is a byte.
  2. For megabytes, the speed of transmission to the file is reduced, for megabytes, the file is limited.
  3. Megabit is denoted by Mbit, megabyte - MB.

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