Supplement for cleaning the phone from smіttya. How to clear the memory of Adnroid in the form of a locksmith

Golovna / Google Play

I love you, my readers. In this article, we touch on an important topic, for those who regularly use mobile gadgets based on the popular Android system - how to clean your mobile device from an undesirable moth that smittya, which is not only noticed, I will add Android , but spitting on yoga robot - shvidkodiya.

At the moment, a large number of people have been split into the Android operating system software products, which allows you to clean your gadget of a different kind literally in one push of a button non-required files. Most programs are cost-free, you can use them without any restrictions.

Too cute, easy shvidka program for your cleaning mobile Android gadget. Cey tool(cleaner program) allow you to not only clean your phone. Z additional capabilities it would be correct to say this:

  1. The addendum for cleaning has a tool that allows you to clean the RAM (RAM) from a different memory. What operation allow you to significantly speed up your mobile application;
  2. The manager of the add-ons, which allows you to add to the robot unneeded add-ons, which to add to the swidcode mobile annex;
  3. Vіdobrazhennya protsesіv, zapuskakh on pristroї. For the help of this tool, you can follow the camp of an Android gadget in real time.

You can get this program on your mobile device for help, we will spread it.

This program (cleaner) is the most popular program for cleaning a mobile attachment based on the Android operating system. This program is not only a tool for cleaning a smartphone or a tablet, ale i, dosit, akіsniy, bezkostovny antivirus. From the available possibilities of the program, I will designate the following basic functions:

  1. When the program comes up with a tool called AppLock to allow you to block something software security what you want your Android device to be;
  2. Possibility to quickly clear the operational memory from non-required files. With this procedure, you can significantly speed up the robot of the Android gadget;
  3. The addendum can also be used as a tool under the name “Startup Master”. This tool will allow you to use programs that run under the hour when the system is occupied;
  4. Also, the addendum has such a tool as “Cooling CPU”. This tool will check the program, it will heat up the processor and turn it on, thereby cooling the processor.

Another nefarious program for cleaning your smartphone or tablet from an indecent smite. Three pluses and pluses what dodatku I want to set it like this:

  1. This program allows you to clear the cache of non-traditional files, as well as clearing the folders from the attachments, the browser history and the clipboard;
  2. The program has the ability to clear the call logs and SMS archives, which will also be a core function.

Even a simple supplement (purifier) ​​for cleaning your mobile gadget on the popular Android operating system. I mean the following possibilities:

  1. Cleaning the cache, as well as seeing more smartly from a smartphone or a tablet, you can press more than one button;
  2. The addon also clears the memory of the gadget for increased productivity.

A small program for cleaning a mobile gadget. I mean the following possibilities:

  1. Ability to clear the memory on the SD card. Purification should be carried out cleanly;
  2. Wake up at the program tool under the name speed booster. The tool allows you to optimize processes to increase the productivity of the gadget.


In the world, Android-smartphones are loaded into the system with a lot of "loaded" information - cache, old cookies, search history, processes, logs and more. For an hour, such files appear to be irrelevant, but they remain in memory. About utilities, how to help clean up the "smіttya" and put things in order, - read in the glance of "Vesti".

Cache - additional files (temporary copies of documents created by Word, listened to VKontakte music, maps in Google Maps, images taken from the Internet, etc.), which are saved by programs. You can sign up for a stink, like on a wake-up accumulator or an SD card, so in the operational Android memory-Smartphone.

The cache is needed to speed up the acquisition and save traffic. However, periodic cleaning of redundant information is also necessary. Special programs, firstly, help you to see files, which will not be soon or if you don’t need them anymore, you will have more space (one hundred megabytes or one gigabyte). In another way, they wilnyayut resources for operational memory, continuing the term "life" of the battery (about those - read in our other glance).

As follows from the name, this utility, with the help of one click, helps to get rid of SMS, browsing history in the browser, cache, call log and time files on the SD-card. There are no subtle tweaks in the program, but it’s easier in Google Play.

For convenience, you can put an icon on the working steel, so that you can save the cache with one onslaught. This is how the Japanese created 1-Click Clear, the translation of the program is very shkutilgaє - in my Russian language it is called "The Key of Purification". Prote, it’s not easy to get along with her.

Needed android version: 1.6+;
Retailer: OPDA;
Google Play rating: 4.3 (18,980).

An all-in-one push-pull tool with a friendly interface. Also, you can be a dispatcher for a manager, a manager for add-ons and start-up processes. Clear literally everything: cache, browser cookies, history Google, and open the clipboard and "follow", left in other programs (WhatsApp, Google+, Spotify, Pinterest, YouTube etc.)

When analyzing the system, the utility will take files of great size (> 10 megabytes) to respect. You can see them all at once by ticking the boxes. View 1-Click Cleaner, Clean Master vmіє clean the operational memory (divided "Zavdannya"). On my smartphone, for example, there were a few running processes (Google Reader, Yandex.Maps, Play Music, Media), which took up 26 MB in the operational robot. All non-essential processes can be marked with a tick, link them to the shortcut "Priskoryuvach" and put it on the home screen. Unfortunately, it is not possible to clear them after the layout.

For the help of Clean Master, it is also possible to find out how many places the program takes at once with the cache. I have heard that Yandex.Cart takes 1.8 gigabytes (13 megabytes for the addon itself + 1.7 GB of satellite files), Evernote - 354 MB, and VKontakti - 103 MB.

Required Android version: 2.1+;
Retailer: Ksmobile;
Google Play Rating: 4.7/5 (319,722).

In this utility, only one button has been transferred, as if you could see the entire cache in a flash. You can see "smіtєvі" files on request, set up auto-cleaning after startup or in the first hour interval. For some programs (for example, cards or games), the cache is necessary, but it can be expanded, so that the wines do not have too much memory on smartphones.

Retailer: INFOLIFE;
Google Play Rating: 4.7 (37,111).

A special tool for optimizing the history of vikliks and SMS. Maybe so, so that the day after the end of the phone call on the Android smartphone was not depleted of the usual traces of people, I called you from the same number. Besides, through jobs interval automatically receive incoming and outgoing SMS.

There is one more function in the utility, which helps to make a false entry to the call log. The wiki click logs can be exported to a CSV file, and secured with a password. For bazhannym program can be attached to third-party eyes (only after calling to number #9999).

Required Android version: 2.2+;
Retailer: SoftRelay;
Google Play Rating: 4.8 (88).

You can see everything related to history: look in browsers, list of tweets (parts, missing, entries/exits), SMS (including black marks), Gmail messages, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Play, clipboard. Zdatny erase i Cash, ale vіdrazu z usіh programs.

Required version of Android: deposit in the annex;
Retailer: INFOLIFE;
Google Play Rating: 4.7 (120,461).

Another program of authorship INFOLIFE. This utility analyzes the log when the system starts up and includes the interference of non-negotiable processes. "Drive in" їх out of the blue android vanity, with vimknennі or on vimoga. Important processes are not shown on the list (for example, a graphic shell, without which it is impossible to use a smartphone), so cleaning can be carried out painlessly.

Required version of Android: deposit in the annex;
Retailer: INFOLIFE;
Google Play Rating: 4.6 (152,400).

31.01.2017 17:56:00

In one of the articles, we looked at how to turn off an Android phone without a power button? .

Irrespective of those that the Android OS with skin updates is getting better old-fashioned look and functionality, it is still impossible to transform yoga into a self-cleaning structure. Smartphones accumulate a number of victories and remote add-ons, browser time files, saving mobile games those other "tails" that clog the memory of the gadget and destroy its practice.

Purification of memory is a necessary preventive procedure, which should be carried out regularly, like cleaning an apartment and car maintenance.

For the sake of looking after Android-smartphones and rozpovіmo about deyakі korisnі programs, for the help of which you can quickly clean up the memory of the device.

So that the phone does not accumulate non-traditional waste, follow simple recommendations to keep an eye on your gadget:

  1. Put less need for programs.
  2. View system programs.
  3. Transfer programs to memory card.
  4. Remove ads in programs.

1. The digital store Google Play has a large population cost-free supplements, At the koristuvach vinikaє majestic spokus zavantazhit more. The axis only shows up most often, that 9 out of 10 additions win once. If you hang on your smartphone with a dead vantage, or you see it, but they deprive you of the trace of the cache, which clogs the operational memory. Therefore, before choosing a program, the next step is more thought out.

2. The firmware of the new smartphone may have add-ons system programs, yakі virobnik vnіs for advertising services. Qi programs winkowyut rarely, prote "give" a significant amount of memory. A part can be seen without taking away root-rights. For whom on Google Play you can get special programs, for example, Root App Deleter, which, regardless of the word Root in the name, can be done without rooting the smartphone.

4. Intrusive ads often come as an extra bonus for cost-free add-ons. Schob її pozbutisya, є two ways:

  • Zrobiti upgrade programs to a paid version.
  • Get an ad blocker for Android from Google Play.

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Corresponding programs for picking up on Android.

You can clean up Android manually and for the help of special utilities. Manual removal transferring a lot of money and digging into the smart phone’s settings. You need to go into the skin program and press the "Clear cache" button. Moreover, it is necessary to work regularly. It's easier to trust the robot with special utilities. We recommend a few popular cost-free programs, like for a few minutes to clean your smartphone in case of seriousness.

Clean Master

OS version: Android 4.0 or newer.
take advantage

A popular program that helps to clean Android from non-essential files. Quickly work on the phone, clearing cache files and redundant “tails” from other programs. The utility blocks non-essential notifications, calls programs that change the processor, protects the battery charge and detects viruses.


OS version: Android 4.0.3 or newer
take advantage

A cost-free program that improves the productivity of a smartphone. The utility determines that the robot of the operating system is without interruption. Can you be old text messages, call logs, remote program files, browser time files, instagram or photo editor. You can see what has accumulated, you can see it in one dot, with which the addendum allows you to choose what you need to clean, and what to leave out.

OS version: Android 2.2 or later
take advantage

The program, although it is not Russified, prote, may have a clear interface, if with one button you can clean the smartphone from non-required files. The utility shows how much memory is full of memory, which can be seen and how much memory is lost after cleaning. The program can speed up the work of the program by adjusting its optimization.

Avast Cleanup

OS version: Android 4.0 or later
take advantage

Even more effective is that amazing program, as it improves skin updates. Service programs rarely allow only one function. Avast Cleanup doesn't just clean up smudges on smartphones, but also blocks ads, and optimizes photos uploaded to your smartphone's camera, making them look better. Purification of smіttya with a cim additive can be carried out not only manually, but also in automatic mode by simply setting the clock parameters.

A few hours later, after the first notification, a lot of information is accumulated on the telephone, and it simply does not get enough free space for new files. Especially often with this problem, the owners of budgetary outbuildings on Android are stuck. But not everything is so simple, on all phones there is a little bit of memory, and it is necessary to sort it out, for which the skin of them is confirmed, and then we will clean the gadget from non-necessary files and irrelevant information. What are the ways to purify and improve the collection of the collection?

See memory on Android devices

Leather from the memory of my own characteristics, in which we can sort out:

  • Vbudovana memory - tse that memory, how to be found on the phone or tablet in the mail and is recognized for saving other files. Skin attachment maє svіy hard drive, On which the operating system itself and the programs necessary for normal and complete functioning are recorded. After I connect to the Internet, but for the help of other methods, you can start to recall the internal memory of us, what you need: files, programs, music, video, too.
  • Accumulating or a memory card is an addition to the internal memory, as if it were being restored. All Android add-ons may have a special input for the SD card, so that you can increase the amount of memory by 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 GB. You can transfer special information, media files and programs to the old accumulator.

If it’s more than filling in that old memory, then you won’t be able to put it on the attachment any more. It is also possible that the phone hangs up more often, it is silly that it should start the program.

  • RAM (RAM) - this memory stores information about the processes that are being taken at a given moment, that is copied to the clipboard files. So you launched the game or the program, started watching videos or listening to music via the Internet, then you want to go to RAM. In other words, memory is recognized for saving cash. Everything that is in my memory is time files, shards of stench vanish after re-advancement, or when a special button is pressed.
  • ROM (ROM) - on the front of the RAM, it began to remember, the processes of the necessary full-fledged functioning of the system are saved. Tobto PZU vіdpovіdaє for vantazhennya, pov'yazanі z operating system, and is not reset when re-attaching the attachment.

Like RAM or ROM will be reloaded, the phone will freeze more often, tinker and stop running programs. Also, rich outbuildings have a function, which, if there is a strong RAM or ROM engagement, will automatically re-enable that activation of other programs.

How to marvel at the statistics from the memory efficiency of a smartphone or a tablet

For the cob, it’s reversible, we’ve lost some memory and memory, which made it so:

How to clear the memory I'll add

Oskіlki z tsієyu problem early chi pizno stakaetsya kozhen, іsnuє kіlka vodіv purіsheniya, kozhen іz yak vykorovuєєtsya sing ї pom'yati.

For help in the development of programs

We’ll hurry up to you, that the retailers of your smartphone came up with to clean up the internal memory and the old memory, making such a difference:

Video lesson: we’re running out of food, we can see it’s loading - how to properly clean the memory in Android

To clear the RAM and ROM, follow these steps:

Video Tutorial: Cleaning RAM on Android Devices

I’m making a place at the shovishchi manually

This way of transferring files and programs from the internal memory of the phone, the oscillators sound the memory of the phone is marked less than that, which can be installed additionally for an additional SD-card. Flip to zvnіshnu memory you can pictures, videos, e-books that files, yakі do not take the fate of pіdtrimtsі pratsezdatnostі phone. Zagalom, transfer everything that is not put before the operating system.

It is also possible to transfer a part of the program to the old memory, having written the following steps:

For the help of a computer

Do not forget about those that you can beat the computer in the role old hoarder. To transfer files from your phone to your PC, click here.

Expanding the capabilities of the gadget

In the rest of the world, such a glimpse of the Internet is actively developing, like dark technologies, which allow you to download via the Internet file from the "hmaru"

Works with third-party programs

IN Play market it is easy to know a lot of cost-free programs, which help in a couple of clicks to clear the phone. At once we will look at the most popular and most practical of them:

Clean Master

Definitely, one of the most important additions, and not only in its category, since there can be more than 5,000,000 installations. Clean Master Prop outside purification attach to time files, cache, empty folders and empty folders, browser history and other information. Also, you can automatically close non-essential programs and start anti-virus. The addendum may be a receiving and manual interface, which allows the user to clean up by adding just two pushes of the buttons "Analyze" and "Clear". Forced to install from the Play Market -

Installing the program Clean Master

System monitoring in Android Assistant

Also deservedly rebuffed in the top Play Market program(, there may be a wide list of possibilities:

Total Commander will help you structure folders and files

This program is recognized for ordering all files on the device. Total Commander allows you to pack and unpack folders in both rar and zip formats. It is also possible to redact and transfer to the phone from the month to the month or to another extension. Forced to install from the Play Market -

Installing Total Commander

How to increase internal memory on Android

Since the purification of memory did not solve your problems, then the hour has come to think about upgrading your building.

First, bring an SD card. At the present moment, it is possible to lie in obedience to memory. So an 8 GB card costs twice as much as a 4 GB card. Try to get a card with a larger memory capacity, you will need it for a given moment, so that in the future you can rearrange it in new phone and you will not have a chance to buy a new one.

In a different way, install from Play Market addendum FolderMount ( is a 360root program, as your add-on can see root-rights (yogo can be downloaded from the official website of the retailer http:/ /

Video: Folder Mess

Thirdly, let's figure it out, how to increase the operational memory I'll build it. Zrobiti tse possible for help special programs created file download. For example, Ram Manager.

Ram Manager Robot Modes:

  • balance- maximum optimization operational memory.
  • Balance (with more free memory) – maximum optimization of RAM for attachments up to 512 MB.
  • Balance (with more multitasking) - maximum optimization of RAM for devices with a volume of over 512 MB.
  • Hard Gaming is a mode for those who like to run serious games on their device that require a lot of resources.
  • Hard Multitasking - this mode allows you to optimize the robot and add it every hour to launch a number of programs at once.
  • Default (Samsung) – this mode is activated on devices like Samsung for locking, but it can also be switched on phones of other companies.
  • Default (Nexus S) – mode for phones and tablets by Google.
  • Default settings of your phone - this function skips the setting of the RAM equal to "for locking".

How not to forget the phone and save system resources

In order to get rid of problems from my free memory, I’ll add it to my future, varto to reach simple rules:

  • Take advantage of those that you really need. Do not buy on the pile name that obіtsyanki programs, yakі obіtsyat to speed up the work of your building a sprat of development. The stench is less likely to forget the memory, which I will bring to summation.
  • As a rule, once every couple of days, transfer photos and videos from the phone to a computer or a USB flash drive. It is important to revitalize the memory, and it will not end at the most inopportune moment.
  • Check regularly with programs that clean up your memory. For example, Clean Master. The stench is to clear the cache and other things that have accumulated on your extension.
  • Please add an SD card to increase the amount of available memory.

In a free place, I will lay down a pracezdatnist place. If the memory is forgotten, then you will not get hung up, that decrease in productivity is equal to the phone. Remember that if a computer is capable of constant observation and protection against viruses. Just in that moment, as you will be dbailey and careful with your gadget, you will serve you for a long time, well, constantly satisfying your needs.

Even more often coristuvachi, yakі mayut android smartphone or a tablet, they are stuck with the problem of changing the memory on their attachment. Let's try to figure it out, how to clear the memory of Android in the form of a smite, and call the place. To clean up, we will hack the program, as you can designate it yourself, such as files that are “not needed by smitty” on your phone. The utility is called -. Ale before them, we turn a little bit a year. Think about clearing your memory Android gadgets it is necessary if you take system support of this type Internal memory the phone is booked." This is a signal, after some need to be cleaned up inappropriately or outdated from your tablet or phone. - ce cost-free programs for your Andorid phone, as well as anonymous and informative articles.

We will try to sort out the same nutrition in this article:

  1. Such files can be seen from the phone (flash cards and internal memory);
  2. How to cleanse your android phone/ tablet of unconventional size
  3. Vikoristannya bad services to collect data (photos, documents, etc.)

As you remember, the process of cleaning the memory on Android attachments can take a number of steps, to help your gadget know new things, and start working out smarter. Before speech, if you want for whom, it is also necessary to carry out a few simple procedures with adjustments.

How are the files saved and stored in the memory of the building?

To clean up unwanted and old files, you can connect your phone for help USB cable, and go through the folders in the explorer, so you can see it on the screen:

A lot of space can occupy the main folders with the files of the koristuvach:

  • DCIM- Photos uploaded to the camera
  • Movies- Video files
  • Music- Music folder
  • Pictures- pictures that are taken from the Internet or simply saved in the gallery
  • media- Various media files

Uvaga: be careful, if you do not know the nature of the file, rather do not chip and do not see these files, so that the damage to the performance of your gadget is protected.

2. How to clean your Android phone (tablet)

The process of descriptions to the last, in the simplest and most visible way to remove unneeded files from Android I will add, and now let's take a look at the automation method for clearing the memory of the phone. For which it is recommended that you try the program. Clean Master you can for help. Pratsyuvati іz program dosit just navit newcomers.

How can Clean Master help us clean an Android phone? For the cob you install the utility on your device. Clean Master - not only allows you to see what is not necessary, but also to help you speed up and optimize the speed of your work memory on the phone.

The principle of robotic software is more automated. Koristuvachev will not need to work a bunch of additional installations. All you need - install the program, run її i in the menu select "Smittya""Clear". When the program starts to expand the cleaning, it is respectful to marvel at the point, as it calls for Clean Master. The process of removal will not take a lot of time, after which you will notify me about the completion of the scanning and cleaning of the Android device.

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