Apply update from adb what does it mean. adb command for android. ADB Sideload Wiki Instructions

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If I want to update the firmware of my Android, I'll add it to the Recovery menu with the "Apply update from adb" option. Let us know what it is and why it supports ADB on Android.

Bagatioh koristuvachіv Android click power, - how can I modify the actual firmware and choose a bigger new one? Help in such a situation, you can help with Android, which may be an abbreviation adb. For additional help, you can choose options, whether it be an outbuilding with an operating room Android system as a virobnik without blocking access to this functionality. Varto signify that the principle of ADB work is a client-server basis.

Apply update from ADB(translated as - Stop updating Nalagojuvalny Mist Android) - the function of calling by the phone, how to win the hour of the update, notification or custom firmware systems.

The Apply update from ADB function in the Recovery menu on the phone

Update for help ADB Sideload

In the arsenal of the nalagodzhuvalny bridge there is a miracle team - tse adb sideload, as it allows you to update the old firmware or restore attachments (so it won’t be taken care of).

Updates to Android devices are required for cats ZIP archive that menu Recovery(In times of daylight, you can use the bootloader). Varto means that it is similar to the ADB Sideload command - tse fastboot -w update. Ale, with whom, do not start working out.

  1. Required presence of a PC ( personal computer) or laptop (with operating Windows systems 8/8.1 can be a problem).
  2. Obov'yazykovo presence of the Android driver.
  3. Software product ADB RUN.
  4. Presentation of the original and working USB cable.
  5. The device can be charged more or less by 40 watts.
  6. It is necessary to present the archive in ZIP-format with the necessary updates.

It is necessary to notice USB charging on the outbuilding.

Update Entry Algorithm

  1. We need to be taken advantage of ZIP archives update your gadget to your personal computer.
  2. Another crochet - chain connection USB cable for linking a smartphone or a tablet PC with a computer.
  3. On the right hand side of the Android device, it is necessary to take advantage of the dual mode (the English name is recovery mode).
  4. After switching to the update mode, it is necessary to select the "Apply update from ADB" command.
  5. The rest of the day is the transition to the command row and the end of the ADB Sideload command ( adb sideload<путь к файлу, название_файла>.zip).

I’m trying to figure out what the Apply update from ADB function means in the Recovery menu and stop the description of the algorithms for the update hour or Android update.

Translated into Ukrainian, apply update from adb means "stop updating from adb", so you select this command to update the Android OS. As you know, install through the phone or through a special skin specialist. For some reason, few people know about the installation of packages from the ADB locks. Needless to say, you know from the statistics.

What does apply update from adb mean

Update modes on smartphones and tablets have a few commands available for system updates. If you have a firmware update file, the following command will be issued to fix the upgrade of the package:

  • apply update from adb cache (the file is taken from the cache)
  • apply update from adb external storage (the file is taken from the external storage device)
  • apply update from adb (computer update)

In the standard update mode, it is prompted to select a file from the cache, as the update is captured by the system. You can also choose old hoarders, or install the update via ADB, as if the package is on the computer.

Call for updates to be installed through the installed program. Koristuvach checks the presence of the package on the server of the compiler and zavantazhuє її for consumption. The further installation process will be carried out in automatic mode, without the participation of the sergeant. With this, sometimes such a method does not work.

Companies see updates "in batches" on the first markets, which allows you to reduce the pressure on the server. Every time the update is clicked, the next time the program is prompted to accept the update. More often manually inserted vikoristovuetsya impatient vlasniks, who want to be the first to protest the new package of updates.

Instructions for installing the update via ADB

Important! The minimum battery charge for installing small bags is 50%. For upgrade it is recommended to charge the battery by 75-100%.

  1. Download archives from updates in ZIP format. Rename the package to ota or update.
  2. On your phone, open the distribution for retailers, deactivate "".
  3. Connect the device to the computer, depration ADB. Required cable from transmission data transmission.
  4. AT context menu, Improved the Shift button, remove all commands.
  5. Switch phone to wake up mode by command adb reboot recovery.
  6. Confirm the date, as it is on the screen mobile annex to show up for the USB charging station.
  7. In the recovery menu, select the "apply update from adb" item, so that you can update via ADB. For navigation, the victorious keys are vibrated, the vitality key is the confirmation of the diї.
  8. Then on the computer enter adb sideload (way to the archive on the PC)
  9. After the installation is completed, hurry up to reboot your smartphone from recovery - reboot system now. Or with the adb reboot command on the PC.


The apply update from adb command is used to apply a system update. Such a way will be in good fortune, if other methods are not suitable at the given moment. For example, there is no way to place archives on the phone. Also varto indicates the ease of installation of the package. If it's hard for you to hack ADB, speed up ADB Run, decommission the commands into the program, which will be easier for you.

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Detailed instructions on how to manually install OTA-update via ADB Sideload on LG Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) without the need to unlock the driver, take away the rights of the superdriver or install custom recovery.


Instructions from the installation

    Create in the root of drive C: folder with names " Android».

    Open the command row and go to the created android folder command " cd c:\Android\(Teams are written without paws).

    Connect the phone to the computer with an additional USB cable.

    Change your computer to know the ADB attachment.
    For whom it is necessary to enter adb devices» at the command row. On request on the phone about allowed for taxation by ADB this computer it is necessary to press " Ok”, with which you turned the item“ Make sure to allow this computer". If you can see the attachment, then the text “ List of devices attachedxxxxxxx device). If you want to replace “device” it will say “offline” or the list will appear empty, you need to update ADB, change the driver / cord, remember USB port/ Computer.

    Reboot your phone in lockdown mode.
    For which it is necessary to turn off the attachment, turn it off, at once pressing the key Change the density and the button Zhivleniya or enter " adb reboot bootloader". If everything is set up correctly, a message will appear on the screen of the smartphone start and "lying" on the back Android h open lid.

    When you first connect to the computer in Fastboot mode, the system can request a driver. For their installation, you need to specify the path to the folder with the downloaded drivers. Something that has not happened and attachments are not recognized, it is necessary to go to " Attachment Manager”, open the menu “ Other outbuildings»and dvіchі press on the paragraph« Nevidomy pristry(or " Android 1.0"") h the sign of the hail at the yellow knitter. At the depositor " Zagalni"press the button" Update driver”, follow the search in the merezhі and indicate the path to the folder with the drivers, with which you activate the item “ Included with nested folders". Maybe there will be a warning that you didn’t get far enough to distort the sight, but all the same you need to ignore tse notice and continue installing. After a deaky hour, the driver will be installed.

    Review the availability of the building in the mode of zavantazhuvacha, in vivshi " fastboot devices". If the attachment is connected correctly, the identifier will be added with the word "fastboot" (for example, " xxxxxxx fastboot"). If you don't see anything but "waiting for devices ...", then you need to update the driver, change the USB port, or try to test it on another computer.

    Switch the phone to ring mode.
    For which, use the buttons to select the item recovery mode that key of life confirms the choice. With the appearance of a small recumbent robot with a tricutnik and text. no command”, press the vitality button and press the button for increasing the density once, after which you will let them in at once. The phone will be in the interest of the stock photo.

    Select item " apply update from ADB».

    Change the connection with your smartphone for ADB Sideload.
    For whom it is necessary to enter adb devices» at the command row. If the attachment is connected correctly, the text “ List of devices attached» that list of the existing outbuildings (for example, xxxxxxx sideload). If you want to replace "sideload" it will say "host" or the list will appear empty, you need to re-adjust the attachments and try again.

    Enter command " adb sideload". Get a copy of the file on the phone and install it further away.

    To complete the operation and select the item " reboot system now».

What is ADB? adb commands for android. In this article, you know what ADB is for, what wines are needed for coristuvachs, and also how to help them with additional commands in the Android terminal. Well, how about adb vivchati android commands

Get to know ADB

ADB (android debug bridge) tse - zasіb nalagodzhennya, showing pardons from add-ons, unlocking devices on the Android OS and a lot more. You can read the official documentation in English on this website.

ADB Sideload Wiki Instructions

Ale, zvichayno, such people, as we haven’t checked for a long time. Note. Well, I know, you, obviously, need a renewal of reserves. Help, what helper will help you. Without this, you will not have access to the commands of the distributors, as they are included to most of our other supporters.

Add this row to the file with the necessary information. As everything works and what you need to shukati, you can bachiti here. The beginning of the gallery. Benquet auto-correction itself is not beaten for the whole hour.

  • Now the update has been installed, which can take a sprat of whilin.
  • Do not turn on the computer from the computer until the operation is completed.
Which messenger do you vikoristovuєte?


You can download ADB with the official middleware for Android SDK distribution, or you can download it small adb installer Installing in the root of the disk Z:\

One or the other can also win another service, indebtedly to the contact, for digital communication, we know. If we forgot your message, let us know! You may need a lot of time to check the firmware update, or you can manually start the update and install it on the air. Updates are constantly expanding every now and then.

You can also capture the capture file manually. Below, a sketch has been drawn for those who may be normally reborn, or who are coristuvachiv, as they have not changed their attachments. Ring out the way of the one-hour pressure of the life button and the button for changing the density to start the extension. Once this process is completed, please re-apply. Shards are minimal, not necessary to install, or to take a bunch of files. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya so itself, we will be guilty to enter the correct commands for this. . To win this tool, you must be the mother of the right driver for your device.

Byte, so that the drivers are installed on the PC, and on Android, USB charging is increased.

adb commands android and linux

Adb commands can be divided into 3 types directly for Adb command, FastBoot () and Android commands.

Krok 1 - Vimknіt pristriy. Krok 5 - Enter the attacking team in the command row. Krok 6 - Enter a command to revantagize. Now your attachment will be reconfigured, and the wine will be launched in normal mode. It's all about this assistant. Also flip our cool list of root programs.

Advance: don’t choose, or don’t miss the thickness, just don’t rob it. Let's choose "renewal" as you can see on the screen, so that you can choose the tone and enter the tone. How can you bachiti, є 12 options to choose what is shown there streaming version I will add firmware.

Adb Commands

1. Rechecking the presence of connected Android, perevіryaє "batch" PC your smartphone or tablet.

To reconnect, everything is working fine and the computer recognizes Android, you need to enter the adb command:

adb devices

on which screen you can see that Android is coming

What do you have didn't show up It is similar to note, it is possible, it is necessary to check the presence of drivers on the PC, the integrity of the cable, the use of the USB port.

Obobіt lezhko kvilini or less, і pristіy turn to cob settings and programs. Select the re-advance system. To clean up the cache, split system cache save clock system data. Vіn is guilty of allowing the system to move more efficiently and more efficiently to add-ons, but sometimes speeches become obsolete and obsolete, so periodically clearing the cache can help the system work more smoothly. The same process is better, just wrap “wipe the cache”, and it takes the whole amount of money or less.

5. Receive file from Android to PC

Get to know ADB

Since we don't have drivers for our phone, we are responsible for checking and installing them. If we take the serial number, everything is correct. Yakscho, navpaki, did not see anything, we are guilty of perekonatisya, that everything is correct. To move the file, you need to know the route to the phone, whichever one you want to move.

For example, if we want to move a video file, we are guilty of moving it to a folder, in which we said earlier. Let's get on with it. Tse mayzhe those same, scho we robbed earlier. Vin just rob those who seem to be viin. Rezavantazhte attachment for help console.

In order to accept absolutely any file from I will add Android to the computer, use the command:


How to wink and butt:

In order to use the help of the Adb command to receive a file from Android to a PC, it is necessary. Write:

adb pull /sdcard/xxx/Sex_s_Pameloy_Anderson C:papka_gde_budet_hranitsya_file

To write an adb command on the way to the file that is located on Android, naming the file that place de save dani file on PC.

We can not only re-advantage attachments, but also take away access to the zavantazhuvach. This is one of the most powerful tools in such a rank, some combinations of buttons become stubborn, and we want to make the speech simpler. Access to the zavantazhuvacha can be corny for rich speeches. We need less abuse, and we will be in the middle.

Commands in the Android terminal

At the time of the reset, you will have to wait to enter the renewal mode. Might as well be one of the most difficult teams. Mayte on the court that many outbuildings are not included, and as such, we are guilty of being blamed, that insulting outbuildings are exchanged for money.

In order to reboot Android after any other operations have been completed, or to reboot into a special mode, use the command:

adb reboot

Vikoristan example:

Command Rewant Android

adb reboot adb reboot normal


adb reboot bootloader

command to reset android recovery mode

Since we have a phone with a different type of specialist, we will use a different method for skin depression. razі tsia team marn. Let's hit the terminal, read carefully and choose the options wisely. There are two ways to do this: one, where the command is sent to the attachment for the command line at the upper shell, and otherwise, de mi will be in the middle of the command shell in the terminal. On the image above, the coristuvach is located in the middle of the shell, I will add it, looking at the files and folders.

adb reboot recovery touch

For example, let's create the file 666.txt at the directory /sdcrad

Touch /sdcard/666.txt

13. Creation of the Backup copy from distribution and renewal

Butt of the backup copy on the Sd card

dd if=dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=sdcard/efs.img

Buttstock Renewal distributed from a backup copy from an Sd card

dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1

14. Revisiting the area with a file

In order to understand how much you need to take:

du du systcode

Setting permission, file rights and directories

To find out what rights the files and directories have, it is necessary to write the following command


Record their axis in such a way - RWX (literal) or 777 (digital)

Grant access rights

1.Access to files
2. Access to the directory

Literal attributes of access rights

r- reading data files and directories (read)
w- Change instead of files and directories, or write to them, but not deleted (write)
x- Vikonanny file or allowed to go to the directory

Buvae three groups of polyvniki

« user» - vlasnik file or director
« group- a member of the group, to lay down the vlasnik
« world» - інші, scho not overlap up to 2 groups

The order of writing access rights looks like this
the access rights for the vlasnik are displayed on the back - u»
after the group - " g»
and in kіntsi for іnshih - o»

For example

Vlasnik file has the right to read (r), write (w) the new one has the right to read (x), it has no more the right to read.

Numeric attributes of access rights

r - reading 4
w - record 2
x - vikonannya 1
"-" daily rights 0

The amount of their value means the end of the rights for the koristuvach that group

7 (rwx) = 4 + 2 +1 rights
5 (r-x) = 4 + 0 + 1 reading and reading
6 (rw-) = 4 + 2 + 0 read write
4 (r-) = 4 + 0 + 0 only read

For beginners, you may need a calculator online - available.

Assign rights as required by the command

For example

chmod 777* - set the rights to read and write to all files and folders

chmod 755 file.avi

Zhorstki and symbolic messages

Linux, including Android, has such a clear understanding of how it is possible - that “shortcut” should sound like my normal sound. There are two tipi silan:

  • Zhorstki posilannya
  • Symbolic messages or symlinks

Why does it have a variety of hard and symbolic messages?

Symbolic messages - create a shortcut, how to specify the exact location of the file or the folder where the shortcut is requested. Whether the file or the folder is moved, it will be symbolically sent. To get a clear idea of ​​what is so symbolic - in Windows XP or Windows 7 there are shortcuts to programs on the desktop, which are sent to the folder with the program, or rather an exe-file.

How to create zhorstki and symbolic messages

ln ln -s

Today we'll talk about two unknown functions Android device at the Recovery menu. Let's say that Apply update from cache and Apply update from ADB and we will briefly describe the process of working with these options when installing the update or firmware add-on.

Apply update from cache– a special feature of Android phones that wins out during updates operating system. Mist at the Recovery menu. You can hack to download the update file from the cache folder of your mobile phone or otherwise Add-on Android.

Install firmware via cache

The firmware for Apply update from cache (cache) is not expanded among the cores. Ale її zastosuvannya zastosuvannya one of the only methods for the capacity of the computer at hand. Vykoristovuyuchi Wi-Fi, you can get data for the OS on your phone. The better Internet can also help, otherwise the process will not drag on.

The essence of the field is in the location of the program files (firmware updates) in the cache directory. Access to Root rights koristuvachevі maє buti vіdkritiy.

Recovery menu option Apply update from ADB- you can use a vikoristan to install a software update for an additional computer; - Created locally between PC and Android for an additional USB cable. Zastosovuetsya most often and even more easily.

All dії z OS pass through the ADB customs checkpoint. Youmu itself can make various modifications to Android. Even more often, access to such a possibility is sought after the help of the harvester himself. Look at the insults of the firmware.

Firmware via ADB tool

The firmware could not be upgraded without the additional SIDELOAD command. Won zdatna vityaguvati files z ZIP archives format. As you can see, program data is saved in them. You can replace this one with the help of a bootloader, as well as with the help of the Recovery menu. Such solution as fastboot-w update for Android devices is not relevant.

What is necessary for mother koristuvachev
  1. laptop or original computer. Defective versions of Windows may cause minor problems. Especially for Vista and Windows 8.
  2. Android drivers with remaining patches.
  3. Software for OS operations - ADB RUN.
  4. Connect for help USB.
  5. We check the correctness of the connection system at the telephone.
  6. Archiver ZIP updates.
Last steps with the team
  1. Set up a connection between a smartphone and a computer.
  2. Check out the entry for the ADB RUN program. Menu Reboot device Just kidding, you already know Reboot Bootloader or Reboot Recovery.
  3. On the smartphone, select the item SIDELOAD.
  4. Robimo turn on the cob. From menu i go to Move -> Sideload
  5. We are moving the archive itself with updates ZIP format. For which item is specified Copy ZIP to Directory- here yoga and help.
  6. click Install ZIP. We know the files have been moved. Activate.
  7. Firmware may be released.

At times, the fault was caused by a change in the activated sideload command. Also, you can help re-adjust the device and re-check all points. І to stop report video instructions for the firmware of Android devices and the robot from the menu Recovery.

What is ADB? adb commands for android. In this article, you know what ADB is for, what wines are needed for coristuvachs, and also how to help them with additional commands in the Android terminal. Well, how can we get the adb commands android ...

Get to know ADB

ADB (android debug bridge) tse - zasіb nalagodzhennya, showing pardons from add-ons, unlocking devices on the Android OS and a lot more. Official documentation for English language you can read on this site.


You can download ADB with the official middleware for Android SDK distribution, or you can download it small adb installer Installing in the root of the disk Z:\

Tell me about those that drivers were installed on the PC, and on Android the USB charging was increased.

adb commands android and linux

Adb commands can be divided into 3 types directly for Adb command, FastBoot () and Android commands.

Adb Commands

1. Rechecking the presence of connected Android, perevіryaє "batch" PC your smartphone or tablet.

To reconnect, everything is working fine and the computer recognizes Android, you need to enter the adb command:

adb devices

on which screen you can see that Android is coming

What do you have didn't show up It is similar to note, it is possible, it is necessary to check the presence of drivers on the PC, the integrity of the cable, the use of the USB port.

2. Android connection by WI-FI

In order to connect Android WI-FI you need to select the ip address and add the port in which the ADB Wireless program will help you (required Root)

after that enter the command:

adb connect ip:port

For example, the axis is:

adb connect

More reports about those, how to connect Android via WI-FI - Customization via USB.

3. Installing programs on Android

In order to install a program from a computer on Android, you need to enter the command:

adb install

How to wink and butt:

In order to install the program after the help of the Adb command, it is necessary. Write:

adb intsall C:papka_gde_y_vas_hranitsya_prilogenieimja_priloginija.apk

To write a command adb install the way to the dodatku that was called tsієї programs.

4. Upload this file on Android

adb push

How to wink and butt

In order to use the help of the Adb command to edit a file from a PC on Android, it is necessary. Write:

adb push C:papka_gde_hranitsya_fileimja_file /sdcard

Tobto write adb command to the file, name the file that place, de save the given file.

5. Receive file from Android to PC

In order to accept absolutely any file from I will add Android to the computer, use the command:


How to wink and butt:

In order to use the help of the Adb command to receive a file from Android to a PC, it is necessary. Write:

adb pull /sdcard/xxx/Sex_s_Pameloy_Anderson C:papka_gde_budet_hranitsya_file

To write an adb command on the way to the file that is on Android, naming the file that place, de save the file on the PC.

In order to reboot Android after any other operations have been completed, or to reboot into a special mode, use the command:

adb reboot

Vikoristan example:

Command Rewant Android

adb reboot adb reboot normal


adb reboot bootloader

The command to reset Android in Recovery mode

adb reboot recovery

7. Go to android management, after which you can tweak Android OS commands

The full potential of Android is unlocked once you switch to Android management and a lot of linux commands are available. For whom is the command:

adb shell

Commands in the Android terminal

Superkoristuvach or Root. Allows you to vikonuvat absolutely all diї, vіd vіd stvennija, modifіkuvannya, zmeni to vydalennya specific system files: For whom to enter the command:


Before the command


Koristuvach є Guest at the system (bagato diy blocked) and is indicated on the cob of the terminal with the dollar sign


after entering the command


becomes an admin and in the terminal it is shown as an American number


and live butt:

2. Command to go to folder

In order to move between folders and directories in Android, use a special command:


Butt to go from /sdcard to /sdcard/xxx/porno/hot_girl

cd /sdcard xxx/porno/hot_girl

In order to turn back from the distribution to the catalog more or less back / sdcard
i know you in /sdcard/xxx/porno/hot_girl - hot_girl


let's get down to catalosis


as it is necessary to go to /sdcard

cd ../ ../ Uvaga in Android and others Unix systems Primer and primer files and PrimER files are absolutely different

3. Move/Rename file chi directory.

Moving and renaming a file, directory is only possible with one command:


Butt Rename file

mv /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/kruto.avi

Butt Rename folder:

mv -r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno /sdcard/xxx/super

Butt yak Move file:

mv /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi /sdcard/xxx/Alenka.avi

Butt yak Move folder:

mv -r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno /sdcard/hot_porno

4. Look through the middle of the catalog

In order to find out how directories and files are removed from the place, you know, I will come up with the linux command:


Vikoristan example:

ls /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/

see remembrance

Alenka.avi Pamela.avi Anderson.avi ls -a ls -a /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/

to see coming soon:

Alenka.avi Pamela Anderson.avi .Skrutiy_File.avi

5. Copy the file or folder (directory).

In order to copy this file or folder and move it somewhere:


Example Copy the file:

cp /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi /sdcard/xxx/Alenka.avi

Copy copy folder:

cp -r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno /sdcard/hot_porno

6. Connect the split (attach) that vіd'ednati.

In order to find out how to use it in Android, enable or disable:

mount(plug in split) that umont(vіd'єdnati rasdіl)

Recognize how they divided the tapes at the given moment, enter


In order for you to come and split:

mount /dev/block/mmcc121 mount /systcode

In order to schob vіdnati divided:

umount /dev/block/mmcc121 umount /systcode

7. Create a directory (folder)

To create a deabo folder, use the command:


Vikoristan example:

mkdir /sdcrad/android_file

8. View directory (folder) or file

It is necessary to see a file, or a linux folder command:


How to remove file:

rm /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi

How to delete the folder:

rm - r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno

9. Enter the file on the screen (read)

Just before you stand the task of displaying on the screen instead of a text file:

cat cat /sdcard/books/Tolstoy_book_wine_i_world.txt

and taken

- Eh bien, mon prince. Genes et Lucques ne sont plus que des apanages, des mothers, de la famille Buonaparte. Non, je vous previens, que si vous ne me dites pas, que nous avons la guerre, si vous vous permettez encore de pallier toutes les infamies, toutes les atrocodes de cet Antichrist (ma parole, j`y crois) - je ne vous connais plus, vous n`etes plus mon ami, vous n`etes plus my true slave, comme vous dites.

10. Enter the same file on the screen (read in reverse order)

Just before you stand the task of displaying on the screen instead of a text file, but from the beginning to the beginning:


11. Show me the way

In order to understand what kind of division and catalog you know:


Butt: I am familiar with any catalog and I need to know the latest path (for example, I am familiar with the system distribution, the app directory)


see remembrance


12. Create an empty file

In order to create text file:


For example, let's create the file 666.txt at the directory /sdcrad

touch /sdcard/666.txt

13. Creation of the Backup copy from distribution and renewal

dd if

Butt of the backup copy on the Sd card

dd if=dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=sdcard/efs.img

Butt backup copy sd card

dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1

14. Revisiting the area with a file

In order to understand how much you need to take:

du du systcode

Setting permission, file rights and directories

To find out what rights the files and directories have, it is necessary to write the following command



Record their axis in such a way - RWX (literal) or 777 (digital)

Grant access rights

1.Access to files
2. Access to the directory

Literal attributes of access rights

r- reading data files and directories (read)
w- Change instead of files and directories, or write to them, but not deleted (write)
x- Vikonanny file or allowed to go to the directory

Buvae three groups of polyvniki

« user» - vlasnik file or director
« group- a member of the group, to lay down the vlasnik
« world» - інші, scho not overlap up to 2 groups

The order of writing access rights looks like this
the access rights for the vlasnik are displayed on the back - u»
after the group - " g»
and in kіntsi for іnshih - o»

For example

Vlasnik file has the right to read (r), write (w) the new one has the right to read (x), it has no more the right to read.

Numeric attributes of access rights

r - reading 4
w - record 2
x - vikonannya 1
"-" daily rights 0

The amount of their value means the end of the rights for the koristuvach that group

7 (rwx) = 4 + 2 +1 rights
5 (r-x) = 4 + 0 + 1 reading and reading
6 (rw-) = 4 + 2 + 0 read write
4 (r-) = 4 + 0 + 0 only read

For beginners, you may need an online calculator.

Assign rights as required by the command


For example

chmod 777* - set the rights to read and write to all files and folders

chmod 755 file.avi

Zhorstki and symbolic messages

Linux, including Android, has such a clear understanding of how it is possible - that “shortcut” should sound like my normal sound. There are two tipi silan:

  • Zhorstki posilannya
  • Symbolic messages or symlinks

Why does it have a variety of hard and symbolic messages?

Symbolic messages - create a shortcut, how to specify the exact location of the file or the folder where the shortcut is requested. Whether the file or the folder is moved, it will be symbolically sent. To get a clear idea of ​​what is so symbolic - in Windows XP or Windows 7 there are shortcuts to programs on the desktop, which are sent to the folder with the program, or rather an exe-file.

How to create zhorstki and symbolic messages

ln ln -s

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