The samsung screen does not get blocked. How to fix the Galaxy S4 blocking screen according to your likeness

Golovna / Zahist

For locking, be it a smartphone or a tablet, after pressing on the button, you will be prompted to swipe across the screen. Spend some time on the working table. This is set up so that the device does not work like a charm independently, peresbuvayuchi at your gut. Company Google rob everything in order to make the blocking screen as clear as possible. But sometimes people still wonder about the power, how to turn on the blocking of the screen on Android. Zrobiti tse can be just as easy.

And a little bit of theory on the cob. If you turn on the screen blocker again, it can lead to some problems. It's not without reason that Google increases the functionality of the screen, allowing you to go directly to the photo capture, link extension, and other functions. If you do not like the traditional type of unlocking the device, then why not dress up the other one?

At the time of writing, the standard for Android would still see the blocking of the screen:

  • Swipe on the screen- This is the traditional method of unlocking.
  • PIN code entry- even an old method, dosit theft. The simplest input to the PIN-code does not work here, but after a few attempts, a timer is announced - a new introduction will be available only after it is completed.
  • Graphic key- Ideally suitable for those who remember visual information better than dialing numbers.
  • Vіdbitok finger- The best way to protect information that is hidden on smartphones. It is practically impossible to outwit.
  • Rayduzhna shell of the eye- її Scanning is implemented in Galaxy S8 and S8+. In the future, such a method of unlocking will be available even to other flagship devices.
  • Password entry- Found a method of unlocking. The password is changed according to the PIN-code, so that the letters and other symbols can be deleted.

At Google Play You can find a lot of other blocking screens. They can stop in other ways - for example, solving mathematical problems. Ale tse already more empty, lower real polypshennya іsnuyuchoї system.

Usunennya blocking screen

If you want to clean up the blocking screen, have a chance to dig into the patches. Vtіm, lyakatisya not varto. If you follow our instructions, the whole process will take only a couple of whilins from you:

Krok 1. Go to " Nalashtuvannya».

Krok 2 Go to the branch " Bezpeka". On some outbuildings, this crop is skipped.

Krok 3 Select " Screen lock».

Krok 4. Click here " Hi» or « Daily».

So you can turn it up graphic key otherwise, be aware of the blocking of the screen. However, do not forget that the system may require you to enter a password or a PIN code, as it has already been set. Tse zrobleno with the method of safety - raptom at once in your hands to know someone else's smartphone? Therefore, clean up the password from the blocking screen without entering it.

What is the security, like the graphic key or the password is forgotten?

Everything is more complicated, because you forgot your password, PIN-code or graphic key. At such a time, you won’t be able to spend until the division with patches. Luckily, on some outbuildings, the problem has been resolved. Graphic blocking After a few recent attempts to enter the screen key, you can ask to spend on a working style in a lower rank - entering data from your own.

If your smartphone has access to the Internet, then you will have to speed up the Recovery mode. Filey Koristuvacha it will be seen from the phone with whom, how and everything is fixed. At the same time, you will block the screen - it will turn to your big look, if you need to swipe your finger on the display.

The Android operating system can have a lot of security upgrades, and you can save your phone both in the face of a vicious screen onslaught, and in the form of third-party errors. You can block the screen with the help of the system’s capabilities and/or for help special programs. In this article, we can look at the options for blocking the screen and how to remove the blocking of the screen on Android, as if by raptom the password or the graphic key, either forgot or for insertions.

Є blocking options for different situations

Screen blocking options

Standard Android capabilities allow you to block the phone screen for help different types blocking. To configure this function, go to Settings - Data Features - Security - Screen Blocking. Depending on the model, you can choose one of the following options:

Hi- full visibility of blocking, zahist of inclusions, the screen is responsive to sudden onslaught and to the attachment, it is possible to take away access to the skin and to see important information.

Slider- You won’t call him a total zahist, she’s smart. The screen will be unlocked if it is killed in the new center. In this way, you can take away access to a number of functions. Some phones can be configured, so try to run it.

Face control- The phone photographs your identity. Blocking is turned on after you look at your phone. Three small ones can be named those whose function is completely correct only for good lighting. Krim tsgogo, pristriy can unblock the people, I’m going to you.

Unblocking by voice- You write down a phrase in your voice, after you remember that the screen is blocked. You can add a few additional commands to launch other programs. It’s obvious that even with face control, access to the annex can be taken by a person with a similar voice. In addition, the functioning of the function will be more difficult in the public areas.

Graphic key- on the screen there is a network of nine points, between which it is necessary to draw a line. The little ones are saved from memory, I will attach them to the stolen look. Be respectful in the right way, to that the little one does not know, the phone does not slander for the bad.

PIN code, password- qi two points mi united into one. When vikoristanny dermal z them you enter pevna. The only difference between them is that the PIN-code allows you to enter more than a number, and the password another letter. This option of blocking is the best way to protect a tablet or a smartphone.

At the first hour of the first entrance to the menu item "Screen Blocking" you can choose the option to block the screen. For yoga tuning, watch the instructions on the screen. If you choose the opposite option, Android will ask you to take a picture of your appearance, write down voice command, choose a graphic key or enter a PIN code, or a password. For reliability, it is necessary to duplicate the data. You can change the blocking of the link all the time, or turn it on in the beginning. When the screen is locked, send a call to kill, on your own face, prompt for a phrase, or enter a PIN code or a password.

Yakscho zabuli unblocking

Ale іnоdі traplyаєєєє, scho code chi combination forgotten. And don’t try, don’t look at the phone, you don’t know the docks. What work? How to clean up screen blocking on Android? Іsnuє kіlka variantіv, how to solve the problem.

Remove screen blocking on android
  1. If there are a lot of incorrect attempts entered, the system will see an alert that the test is due in 30 seconds, at the bottom of the screen you can write: "Forgotten password" or "Forgotten graphic key". Press on her. The phone will ask you to enter your login and password in your oblіkovogo record Google. Once the attachment is unlocked, you can enter a new combination or code.
  2. If you do not remember the password or the login Google entry You will need to speed up the computer. Possibly, a password is saved on the new one. Since everything is so confusing, that there are no records in any of them, please reset the password on the side It is logical to assume that in order to speed up the update in this way, the device must have the Internet turned on, and it must be synchronized with Google. Therefore, do not be afraid of the system for the introduction of oblіkovy data.
  3. How to turn off the Internet, clean up the password standard way do not see. Come vikonati skidannya to factory settings. For whom it is necessary to go up to recovery mode. Combination of required keys When the phone is switched off, it is most necessary

At this article it’s clear, like unlocking the screen Galaxy smartphone S4.

Adjusting screens and blocking
1. Click on the Program icon, as it appears in the lower part of the smartphone display.
2. Find and press the "Setting" button.
3. From the menu, select the "My Attachment" tab.
4. At the top of the list, find the “Screen blocking” item, click on which one you need.
5. An active blocking screen will appear at the top of the display. If you press on the new one, then you will spend up to new translation available options for blocking the smartphone display.

Swipe blocking

For those who don’t know, under the English term Swipe, I’ll understand a specific intricate ruh with one or a decal with my fingers on the screen, without blowing the surface. The swipe-blocking display mode has a few options available that allow you to fine-tune your settings.

Dekilka vіdchetіv one hour. If you want to unlock the screen of your smartphone with a swipe, use a key different ways dig. The first way can be called rich. To select yoga, activate the setting of your display to display widgets as a blocking screen.

Widget blocking. Here you will be prompted to choose what you yourself want to bachiti as a widget on the unlock screen. For example, you can choose one of your favorite programs, Camera, Yearbook or original specialty.

Person yak unlock key
If you choose this item, then front camera Galaxy S4 will be prompted to recognize your identity, and if you're lucky, your smartphone will automatically lock the screen. Obviously, at some point you will have to teach your gadget to correctly recognize the official look, and also recognize the identification code, which you need to enter at the time, as recognition will appear incorrect.

Here pardons are possible, as, let's say, your call will change with the hour (it is possible to grow a beard of a chivus). Analogous problems can be blamed when identifying the filthy illumination in the minds.

Disguise that voice
A similar option for unlocking the display is similar forward way. Retail is only better in that it adds to the visual identification of the spymaster's smartphone, which adds to the voice recognition. I realized what for correct work the system is to blame for the mother of your voice.

Vtіm, insulting the proponing of the system is not on the floor, as you can get at first glance. You can easily fool you by showing your smartphone a photo of your master, or by playing an audio recording of your voice in front of a microphone.

Graphic key blocking
This option of blocking the screen is more thorough, lower it in more ways, and also looks thinner.

In front of you, select a unique graphic visor, drawing a line with your finger, which includes nine dots in the song sequence, which appear on the smartphone display. Under the hour of setting up the system, you will need to enter the graphic key and set the password for the password, so you will forget the password to unlock it.

PIN code
With this method of identification, you know for sure that you used to activate the SIM card in the phone or withdraw money from the ATM. PIN-code is a combination of digits, known only to you. Vykoristanny PIN-code є enough nadіynym way to save data from the memory of the phone, as you do not vykoristovuєte zovsіm simple combination (1111, 2222 or 1234).

Having chosen the right password as zasib for blocking the screen, you can be inspired by the high level of protection of your gadget. The above password is due to a folding sequence of characters (from 4 to 16), which is made up of a sum of numbers and letters, typed in different registers.

Try not to hack as a password for your name, day of the birth of the people, as well as your special data, as you can recognize from social networks. merezh. Just so you can be sure that such a password will not be broken by the shortest term.

Correctly setting up the blocking screen will ensure that you are not only safe when your smartphone is broken, but also provide special information that is stored in memory, from a third-party input.

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