Bent channel DERZHSTANDART 8278 83 designations.

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submit Golovna According to the width of the police, the bent channel is divided into equal and uneven. This standard is expanding to bent steel flat channels

, which are made from cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel of primary core, carbon-clay and low-alloyed construction. Bent channel vibrating on roll forming mills from rolls.

For the accuracy of profiling, in accordance with regulatory documents,.

channel is being prepared

different rolling precision: high precision – A, advanced – B, extreme precision – B. Indicators of technical level for this GOST transfer for the highest and first categories of quality. The strength of a hot-rolled channel versus a bent one

The bent steel channel is a U-like cut, like hot-rolled, but has more rounded outer cuts, more accurate dimensions. because During production, defects appear in the product.

The bending channel is widely available in our warehouses in the Moscow region (Lobnya, Elektrovugilla), in the cities of Orel, Bilgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Saratov, Samara, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk, Novocherkassk, Cherepovets, Novotitarivska station.

Near Rostov-on-Don and Kursk metro station, bent channels are carried out to the size of the frame. The thickness of the wall of the bent channel we rolled should be 2.5 - 6 mm, height: 40 - 250 mm, width of the beam: 32 -125 mm. Table of channels GOST 8278-83. Assortment of bent channels

, mainly prepared by us and distributed from our warehouses. The weight of bent steel level channel, the length of 1 meter of channel, the number of meters per tone. a, b – height and width of the bent channel, s – thickness of the wall
Bend channel Vaga meter of bent channel Meters at tone
0 32 2,5 2,22 450,45
4 3,39 294,99
0 32 4 4,02 248,76
40 3 3,49 286,53
60 3 4,43 225,73
4 5,78 173,08
5 7,07 141,54
80 4 7,07 141,54
100 50 3 4,47 223,71
4 5,81 172,12
5 7,14 140,06
120 50 3 4,91 203,67
60 4 7,07 141,54
5 8,71 114,81
6 10,25 97,56
80 4 8,32 120,19
5 10,28 97,28
140 60 4 7 142,86
5 9,49 105,37
160 50 5 9,49 105,37
60 4 8,32 120,19
5 10,28 97,28
6 12,14 82,37
80 4 9,58 104,38
5 11,85 84,39
6 14,02 71,33
180 60 4 10 100
70 6 14,02 71,32
80 5 12,68 78,86
200 60 4 9 111
80 5 13,42 74,52
6 15,91 62,85
100 5 16 62,5
6 17,79 56,21
250 125 6 22,5 44,44




  • Buy a bending channel
  • Steel straight-flange bent channels are produced according to the standards of GOST 8278-83.
  • The standard established by the country defines all the parameters that are determined during the production of products.

Viruses vibrate from the curing of profile bending benches from several types of primary steel:



  1. cold rolled.
  2. Channels are manufactured according to GOST requirements from structural, carbon or low-alloy steel.
  3. The national standard establishes technical indicators that are included in the first, highest category of capacity.

Classification of viruses

Products are classified according to the accuracy of profiling into three categories:

"A" - temple.

The parameters that determine the technical characteristics of the product are determined as much as possible at a 90° angle.

Virobniks produce wedge channels no more than 11.8 m and no less than 3 meters.

It is important to prepare the product from a gentle source, but each batch is allowed to have some small particles in the amount that does not exceed 7% of the mass of the batch.

The products that are produced show a mild, double-drying state, but in 7% of the salt mass there may be present non-mild particles.

If your partner determines the length of the wall, then you can prepare channels that reach a length of 12 meters.

Viruses can be mothers of healing, which can be maintained until the end of the day as a multiple, as well as peacefully, indicated in table No. 5.

The channels can be twisted around the axis in the later plane, but this indicator cannot be greater than the “G” for the dovzhina viroba, which is measured in meters.

Proteus may exceed 10°.
Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
It is important to add rules for controlling dimensions in order to maintain cross-section and twisting, as well as curvature.
The procedure must be organized in accordance with the standards, which must be based on the level of accuracy and distance between the ends.
If the required channels are of high precision profiling, then the height cannot be less than 80 mm.
If it is necessary to move, this parameter is within 100 mm.

If the accuracy is standard, then the distance becomes 200 mm. When preparing channels, the height is determined at the plane with the alignment of the face, which can be leveled from the outer radius, so that the curvature is reduced. How to break a bent channel:

Channel with deformed internal edges police - series U.

Small Channel with slender internal edges – U series according to GOST 8240-97. Washroom designated: h – height
channel Vaga meter of bent channel b – police width; S – thickness of the wall; R – radius of the internal rounding of the police;
t – police community;
Hidden the inner edges of the police
U series channels 50 32 4,4 7 6 2,5 4,842 206,5
It ranges from 4 to 10%. 65 36 4,4 7,2 6 2,5 5,899 169,5
Table. 80 40 4,5 7,4 6,5 2,5 7,049 141,9
Dimensions and mass of channels with slender internal edges - Uzgidno series according to GOST 8240-97. 100 46 4,5 7,6 7 3 8,594 116,4
U series channel number 120 52 4,8 7,8 7,5 3 10,43 95,87
Dimensions, mm 140 58 4,9 8,1 8 3 12,29 81,38
Masa 1m, kg 160 64 5 8,4 8,5 3,5 14,23 70,30
Number of meters per tone, m 160 68 5 9 8,5 3,5 15,35 65,16
h 180 70 5,1 8,7 9 3,5 16,26 61,50
S 180 74 5,1 9,3 9 3,5 17,45 57,29
t 200 76 5,2 9 9,5 4 18,37 54,43
R 220 82 5,4 9,5 10 4 20,98 47,66
no more 240 90 5,6 10 10,5 4 24,06 41,56
r 270 95 6 10,5 11 4,5 27,66 36,15
5U 300 100 6,5 11 12 5 31,78 31,47
6.5U 330 105 7 11,7 13 5 36,53 27,37
8U 360 110 7,5 12,6 14 6 41,91 23,86
10U 400 115 8 13,5 15 6 48,32 20,70

12U Controls virus parameters


Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
It is important to add rules for controlling dimensions in order to maintain cross-section and twisting, as well as curvature.
The procedure must be organized in accordance with the standards, which must be based on the level of accuracy and distance between the ends.
If it is necessary to move, this parameter is within 100 mm.
Channel with parallel edges - series P according to GOST 8240-97.

r – radius of rounded lines.

Table 21. Dimensions and mass of channels with parallel faces - Pzgidno series according to GOST 8240-97. Channel with slender internal edges – U series according to GOST 8240-97. Series P channel number h – height
channel Vaga meter of bent channel b – police width; S – thickness of the wall; R – radius of the internal rounding of the police;
t – police community;
Hidden the inner edges of the police
Masa 1 m, kg 50 32 4,4 7 6 3,5 4,840 206,6
5P 65 36 4,4 7,2 6 3,5 5,897 169,6
6.5P 80 40 4,5 7,4 6,5 3,5 7,051 141,8
8P 100 46 4,5 7,6 7 4 8,595 116,3
10P 120 52 4,8 7,8 7,5 4,5 10,42 95,94
12P 140 58 4,9 8,1 8 4,5 12,29 81,40
14P 160 64 5 8,4 8,5 5 14,22 70,32
16P 160 68 5 9 8,5 5 15,34 65,18
16aP 180 70 5,1 8,7 9 5 16,26 61,50
18P 180 74 5,1 9,3 9 5 17,46 57,29
18aP 200 76 5,2 9 9,5 5,5 18,37 54,44
20P 220 82 5,4 9,5 10 6 20,97 47,70
22P 240 90 5,6 10 10,5 6 24,05 41,58
24P 270 95 6 10,5 11 6,5 27,65 36,16
27P 300 100 6,5 11 12 7 31,78 31,47
30P 300 105 7 11,7 13 7,5 34,87 28,68
33P 360 110 7,5 12,6 14 8,5 41,89 23,87
36P 400 115 8 13,5 15 9 48,28 20,71

12U Controls virus parameters 40P

calculated according to the nominal dimensions with a material density of 7850 kg/m3 and a sub-dimension value.

Economical channel bar - Ege series..
Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
It is important to add rules for controlling dimensions in order to maintain cross-section and twisting, as well as curvature.
The procedure must be organized in accordance with the standards, which must be based on the level of accuracy and distance between the ends.
If it is necessary to move, this parameter is within 100 mm.
Channel with parallel edges - series P according to GOST 8240-97.

Economical channel – series E according to GOST 8240-97

R – radius of internal rounding; Channel with slender internal edges – U series according to GOST 8240-97. Series P channel number h – height
channel Vaga meter of bent channel b – police width; S – thickness of the wall; R – radius of the internal rounding of the police;
t – police community;
Hidden the inner edges of the police
Table. 50 32 4,2 7 6,5 2,5 4,79 207,3
Dimensions and mass of economical channels - series E according to GOST 8240-97. 65 36 4,2 7,2 6,5 2,5 5,82 170,7
Series E channel number 80 40 4,2 7,4 7,5 2,5 6,92 143,6
5E 100 46 4,2 7,6 9 3 8,47 117,3
6.5E 120 52 4,5 7,8 9,5 3 10,24 96,81
8E 140 58 4,6 8,1 10 3 12,15 82,29
10E 160 64 4,7 8,4 11 3,5 14,01 70,97
12E 180 70 4,8 8,7 11,5 3,5 16,01 62,14
14E 200 76 4,9 9 12 4 18,07 55,03
16E 220 82 5,1 9,5 13 4 20,69 48,09
18E 240 90 5,3 10 13 4 23,69 42,02
20E 270 95 5,8 10,5 13 4,5 27,37 36,37
22E 300 100 6,3 11 13 5 31,35 31,74
24E 330 105 6,9 11,7 13 5 36,14 27,49
27E 360 110 7,4 12,6 14 6 41,53 23,95
30E 400 115 7,9 13,5 15,5 6 47,97 20,75

12U Controls virus parameters 40P


Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
It is important to add rules for controlling dimensions in order to maintain cross-section and twisting, as well as curvature.
The procedure must be organized in accordance with the standards, which must be based on the level of accuracy and distance between the ends.
If it is necessary to move, this parameter is within 100 mm.

Light channel – L series.

Small Channel with slender internal edges – U series according to GOST 8240-97. Series P channel number h – height
channel Vaga meter of bent channel b – police width; S – thickness of the wall; R – radius of the internal rounding of the police;
t – police community;
Hidden the inner edges of the police
Light channel – series L zgidno z GOST 8240-97 120 30 3 4,8 7 0 5,026 199,0
r – radius of rounded lines. 140 32 3,2 5,6 7 0 6,214 160,9
Table. 160 35 3,4 5,3 8 0 7,115 140,5
Dimensions and mass of channel bars – series L according to GOST 8240-97. 180 40 3,6 5,6 8 0 8,503 117,6
L series channel number 200 45 3,8 6 9 0 10,12 98,81
12L 220 50 4 6,4 10 0 11,87 84,27
14L 240 55 4,2 6,8 10 0 13,67 73,14
16L 270 60 4,5 7,3 11 0 16,31 61,33
18L 300 65 4,8 7,8 11 0 19,08 52,40

12U Controls virus parameters 40P


Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
It is important to add rules for controlling dimensions in order to maintain cross-section and twisting, as well as curvature.
The procedure must be organized in accordance with the standards, which must be based on the level of accuracy and distance between the ends.
If it is necessary to move, this parameter is within 100 mm.
Channel with parallel edges - series P according to GOST 8240-97.


27L Channel with slender internal edges – U series according to GOST 8240-97. 30L Series P channel number Special channel - series C (complies with GOST 19425-74).
channel Vaga meter of bent channel b – police width; S – thickness of the wall; R – radius of the internal rounding of the police;
t – police community;
Hidden the inner edges of the police
Small 80 45 5,5 9 9 1,5 6 9,248 108,1
Special channel - series C according to GOST 8240-97. 140 58 6 9,5 9,5 4,75 14,54 68,80
Table. 140 60 8 9,5 9,5 5 10 16,70 59,89
There are many sizes of special channels - series C according to GOST 8240-97. 160 63 6,5 10 10 5 17,24 58,00
Series C channel number 160 65 8,5 10 10 5 19,75 50,63
Hit the police, % 180 68 7 10,5 10,5 5,3 20,17 49,57
Number of meters per tone 180 70 9 10,5 10,5 5,3 23,00 43,48
8C 180 100 8 10,5 10,5 5 6 26,70 37,45
14C 200 73 7 11 11 5,5 10 22,60 44,25
14Ca 200 75 9 11 11 5,5 10 25,74 38,85
16C 200 100 8 11 11 5,5 6 28,69 34,85
16Ca 240 85 9,5 14 14 7 34,90 28,66
18C 260 65 10 16 15 3 34,82 28,72
18Ca 260 90 10 15 15 7,5 8 39,67 25,21
18Sat 300 85 7,5 13,5 13,5 7 10 34,40 29,07
20C 300 87 9,5 13,5 13,5 7 10 39,11 25,57
20Ca 300 89 11,5 13,5 13,5 7 10 43,82 22,82

20Sat Controls virus parameters 24C
26C Controls virus parameters 26Ca 30C * 30Ca 30Sat

Note: 1. Masa 1 m

calculated according to the nominal dimensions with a material density of 7850 kg/m3 and a sub-dimension value.
Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
2. * Geometric dimensions
It is important to add rules for controlling dimensions in order to maintain cross-section and twisting, as well as curvature.
30C to

GOST 8240-97

vary depending on the dimensions of the channel 30C to GOST 19425-74 Bent level channel. Small Series P channel number
25 26 2 3 1,092
25 30 2 3 1,218
28 27 2,5 4 1,423
30 25 3 5 1,611
30 30 2 3 1,296
32 25 3 5 1,658
32 32 2 3 1,390
38 95 2,5 3 4,305
40 20 2 3 1,139
40 20 3 5 1,611
40 30 2 3 1,453
40 30 2,5 3 1,793
40 40 2 3 1,767
40 40 2,5 3 2,185
40 40 3 5 2,553
42 42 4 6 3,490
43 45 2 3 1,971
45 25 3 5 1,965
45 31 2 3 1,563
48 70 5 7 6,666
50 30 2 3 1,610
50 30 2,5 3 1,989
50 32 2,5 3 2,068
50 40 2 3 1,924
50 40 2,5 3 2,382
50 40 3 4 2,809
50 40 4 6 3,615
50 47 6 9 5,732
50 50 2,5 3 2,774
50 50 3 4 3,280
50 50 4 6 4,243
60 26 2,5 4 2,011
60 30 2,5 3 2,185
60 30 3 5 2,553
60 32 2,5 3 2,264
60 32 3 4 2,668
60 32 4 6 3,427
60 40 2 3 2,081
60 40 3 4 3,045
60 50 3 5 3,495
60 60 3 4 3,987
60 60 4 6 5,185
60 80 3 5 4,908
60 90 5 7 8,707
63 21 2,2 3 1,677
65 75 4 6 6,284
68 27 1 2 0,9252
70 30 2 3 1,924
70 40 3 5 3,260
70 50 3 5 3,731
70 50 4 6 4,871
70 60 4 6 5,499
78 46 6 9 6,957
80 25 4 6 3,615
80 32 4 6 4,055
80 35 4 6 4,243
80 40 2,5 3 2,970
80 40 3 4 3,516
80 50 4 6 5,185
80 60 3 4 4,458
80 60 4 6 5,813
80 60 6 9 8,370
80 80 3 4 5,400
80 80 4 6 7,069
80 85 4 6 7,383
80 100 6 9 12,14
90 50 3,5 5 4,869
90 54 5 7 7,059
90 100 2,5 4 5,505
100 40 2,5 3 3,363
100 40 3 5 3,966
100 50 3 4 4,458
100 50 4 6 5,813
100 50 5 7 7,137
100 50 6 9 8,370
100 60 3 4 4,929
100 60 4 6 6,441
100 80 3 4 5,871
100 80 4 6 7,697
100 80 5 7 9,492
100 100 3 5 6,792
100 100 6 9 13,08
100 160 4 6 12,72
104 20 2 3 2,144
106 50 4 6 6,002
108 70 6 9 10,63
110 26 2,5 3 3,010
110 50 4 6 6,127
110 50 5 7 7,530
110 100 4 6 9,267
120 25 4 6 4,871
120 50 3 5 4,908
120 50 4 6 6,441
120 50 6 9 9,312
120 60 4 6 7,069
120 60 5 7 8,707
120 60 6 9 10,25
120 70 5 7 9,492
120 80 4 6 8,325
120 80 5 7 10,28
140 40 2,5 3 4,148
140 40 3 5 4,908
140 60 3 5 5,850
140 60 5 7 9,492
140 60 6 9 11,20
140 70 5 7 10,28
140 80 4 6 8,953
140 80 5 7 11,06
145 65 3 5 6,204
148 25 4 6 5,750
160 40 2 3 3,651
160 40 3 5 5,379
160 40 5 7 8,707
160 50 2,5 4 4,916
160 50 4 6 7,697
160 50 5 7 9,492
160 50 6 9 11,20
160 60 2,5 4 5,308
160 60 3 5 6,321
160 60 4 6 8,325
160 60 5 7 10,28
160 60 6 9 12,14
160 70 4 6 8,953
160 80 2,5 3 6,110
160 80 3 5 7,263
160 80 4 6 9,581
160 80 5 7 11,85
160 80 6 9 14,02
160 100 3 5 8,205
160 100 6 9 15,91
160 120 5 7 14,99
160 120 6 9 17,79
160 160 6 9 21,56
170 60 4 6 8,639
170 70 5 7 11,45
170 70 6 9 13,55
180 40 3 5 5,850
180 40 4 6 7,697
180 50 4 6 8,325
180 70 6 9 14,02
180 80 4 6 10,21
180 80 5 7 12,63
180 80 6 9 14,96
180 100 5 7 14,20
180 100 6 9 16,85
180 130 8 12 25,76
185 100 3 5 8,794
200 50 3 5 6,792
200 50 4 6 8,953
200 80 4 6 10,84
200 80 5 7 13,42
200 80 6 9 15,91
200 100 3 5 9,147
200 100 6 9 17,79
200 180 6 9 25,33
205 38 2,5 3 5,345
210 57 4 6 9,707
250 35 3 5 7,263
250 60 3 5 8,441
250 60 4 6 11,15
250 60 5 7 13,81
250 60 6 9 16,38
250 125 6 9 22,50
270 100 7 10 24,42
280 60 3,9 6 11,80
280 140 5 7 21,27
300 80 6 9 20,62
300 100 8 12 29,53
310 100 6 9 22,97
380 65 6 9 22,97
400 95 8 12 35,18
410 65 6 9 24,38

Bending channel according to GOST 8278-83.

S – police community;

vary depending on the dimensions of the channel 30C to GOST 19425-74 R – radius of internal rounding. Small Series P channel number vary depending on the dimensions of the channel 30C to GOST 19425-74 Bent level channel. Small Series P channel number
25 26 2 5 1,065 120 50 3 7 4,868
25 30 2 5 1,191 120 60 4 10 6,961
30 25 3 7 1,571 120 60 5 12 8,539
30 30 2 5 1,269 120 60 6 14 10,051
38 95 2,5 6 4,254 120 75 4 10 7,903
40 20 2 5 1,112 120 80 4 10 8,217
40 30 2 5 1,426 120 80 5 12 10,11
40 30 2,5 6 1,742 120 90 7 18 14,70
40 40 2 5 1,740 120 105 8 20 18,43
40 40 2,5 6 2,135 130 135 8 20 22,82
40 40 3 7 2,513 140 40 2,5 6 4,097
48 70 5 12 6,498 140 60 4 10 7,589
50 30 2 5 1,583 140 60 5 12 9,324
50 30 2,5 6 1,938 140 60 6 14 10,99
50 40 2 5 1,897 140 70 5 12 10,11
50 40 2,5 6 2,331 140 80 4 10 8,845
50 40 3 7 2,748 140 80 5 12 10,89
50 50 2,5 6 2,723 145 65 3 7 6,163
50 50 3 7 3,219 145 75 5 12 10,70
50 50 4 10 4,135 160 40 3 7 5,339
50 60 4 10 4,763 160 40 5 12 8,539
60 30 2,5 6 2,135 160 50 4 10 7,589
60 30 3 7 2,513 160 50 5 12 9,324
60 32 2,5 6 2,213 160 60 3 7 6,281
60 32 3 7 2,607 160 60 4 10 8,217
60 40 2 5 2,054 160 60 5 10 10,18
60 40 3 7 2,984 160 60 6 14 11,94
60 50 3 7 3,455 160 75 8 20 17,17
60 60 3 7 3,926 160 80 2,5 6 6,060
60 60 4 10 5,077 160 80 4 10 9,473
60 90 5 12 8,539 160 80 5 12 11,68
65 40 4 10 3,978 160 120 6 14 17,59
65 75 4 10 6,176 160 160 6 14 21,36
70 40 3 7 3,219 170 70 5 12 11,29
70 60 4 10 5,391 170 70 6 14 13,35
70 65 4 10 5,705 180 50 4 10 8,217
78 46 6 14 6,754 180 70 5 12 11,68
80 32 4 10 3,947 180 70 6 14 13,82
80 35 4 10 4,135 180 70 7 18 15,80
80 40 2,5 6 2,920 180 80 4 10 10,10
80 40 3 7 3,455 180 80 5 12 12,46
80 50 4 10 5,077 180 80 6 14 14,76
80 60 3 7 4,397 180 80 8 20 19,05
80 60 4 10 5,705 180 100 5 12 14,03
80 60 6 14 8,167 180 100 6 14 16,65
80 80 3 7 5,339 180 130 8 20 25,33
80 80 4 10 6,961 200 60 4 10 9,473
80 85 4 10 7,275 200 80 4 10 10,73
90 54 5 12 6,890 200 80 5 12 13,25
90 115 5 12 11,68 200 80 6 14 15,70
100 40 2,5 6 3,312 200 100 5 12 14,82
100 40 3 7 3,926 200 100 6 14 17,59
100 50 3 7 4,397 200 160 8 20 30,36
100 50 4 10 5,705 205 38 2,5 6 5,294
100 50 5 12 6,969 206 75 6 14 15,52
100 50 7 18 9,207 210 57 4 10 9,599
100 60 3 7 4,868 250 25 3 7 6,752
100 60 4 10 6,333 250 60 4 10 11,04
100 80 3 7 5,810 250 60 5 12 13,64
100 80 4 10 7,589 250 60 6 14 16,17
100 80 5 12 9,324 250 90 8 20 24,71
100 120 8 20 19,05 250 125 6 14 22,30
100 160 4 10 12,61 270 100 7 18 24,04
110 26 2,5 6 2,959 280 60 3,9 10 11,69
110 50 4 10 6,019 280 60 6 14 17,59
110 50 5 12 7,361 300 80 6 14 20,41
120 25 4 10 4,763 310 100 6 14 22,77


The size is a mass of bent channels made of boiled carbon and alloy steel.

h, mm
Initially, the curvature of the product is important, so the growers do not allow the value to be more than 0.1% of the final yield of the virus.
The police slackness within one meter is no more than 2 mm, in compliance with government standards. Controls virus parameters;
b, mm
2. * Geometric dimensions
S, mm
R, no more, mm

Note: The weight of 1 m profile is calculated according to the nominal dimensions with a material thickness of 7850 kg/m3 and is a sub-standard value.

vary depending on the dimensions of the channel 30C to GOST 19425-74 Table. Bent level channel. Small Series P channel number
32 22 12 3 5 1,261
32 32* 20 2 3 1,189
32 40* 15 3 5 1,756
32 50 20 4 6 2,709
37 60 32 3 5 2,745
35 35 26 2,5 4 1,681
40 32* 20 2 3 1,314
40 40* 20 2 3 1,440
40 50* 32 3 5 2,580
43 106 32 3 5 3,970
45 25 15 3 5 1,709
50 40 12 2,5 4 1,798
50 48 15 3 5 2,368
50 40* 20 2 3 1,597
50 50* 15 3 5 2,415
50 50* 25 2 3 1,832
50 50* 25 3 5 2,651
50 50* 25 4 6 3,431
50 55 30 2 3 1,989
50 60 32 3 5 3,051
50 60* 32 4 6 3,965
50 92 60 3 5 4,464
60 40* 20 2 3 1,754
60 50* 25 3 5 2,886
60 60* 32 3 5 3,287
65 55 20 2,5 4 2,544
65 65 40 4 6 4,844
67 65 35 3 5 3,640
70 80 50 4 6 5,786
80 50* 25 3 5 3,357
80 60* 32 3 5 3,758
80 60* 40 3 5 3,946
80 80* 40 3 5 4,417
80 80* 40 5 7 7,104
80 80 50 4 6 6,100
90 80 50 4 6 6,414
100 50* 25 3 5 3,828
100 60* 32 3 5 4,229
100 80* 40 3 5 4,888
100 80 50 4 6 6,728
100 80 50 5 7 8,281
100 100* 60 4 6 7,670
100 100 60 6 9 11,16
100 180 35 8 12 17,86
120 45* 35 5 7 7,104
120 60 50 5 7 8,281
130 108 50 4 6 8,549
135 50 36 4 6 6,446
140 70 30 4 6 7,042
144 160 90 6 9 17,47
160 50 30 3 5 5,359
160 50* 30 4 6 7,042
160 80 50 5 7 10,64
200 50 30 4 6 8,298
270 90 72 8 12 25,21
270 90 80 6 9 19,63
300 80 40 4 6 12,69
300 80 40 5 7 15,74

* – There is a huge mass of bent channels made of mild carbon and low-alloy steel.
Notes: 1. The weight of 1 m of channel is calculated according to the nominal dimensions with a material thickness of 7850 kg/m3 and is an additional value.
2. R1=R+2 mm.

Table 28. Dimensions and weight of bent channels of low-alloy carbon steel and low-alloy steel with a time-bearing strength of over 460 N/mm2.

vary depending on the dimensions of the channel 30C to GOST 19425-74 Table. Bent level channel. Small Series P channel number vary depending on the dimensions of the channel 30C to GOST 19425-74 Table. Bent level channel. Small Series P channel number
32 22 12 3 7 1,221 80 50* 25 3 7 3,317
32 32* 20 2 5 1,162 80 60* 32 3 7 3,717
32 40* 15 3 7 1,716 80 60* 40 3 7 3,906
32 50 20 4 10 2,601 80 80* 40 3 7 4,377
35 35 26 2,5 6 1,647 80 80* 40 5 12 6,935
37 60 32 3 7 2,705 80 80 50 4 10 5,992
40 32* 20 2 5 1,287 90 80 50 4 10 6,306
40 40* 20 2 5 1,413 100 50* 25 3 7 3,788
40 50* 32 3 7 2,540 100 60* 32 3 7 4,188
43 106 32 3 7 3,929 100 80* 40 3 7 4,848
45 25 15 3 7 1,668 100 80 50 4 10 6,620
50 40 12 2,5 6 1,765 100 80 50 5 12 8,113
50 48 15 3 7 2,328 100 100* 60 4 10 7,562
50 40* 20 2 5 1,570 100 100 60 6 14 10,95
50 50* 15 3 7 2,375 100 180 35 8 20 17,43
50 50* 25 2 5 1,805 120 45* 35 5 12 6,935
50 50* 25 3 7 2,610 120 60 50 5 12 8,113
50 50 25 4 10 3,323 130 108 50 4 10 8,442
50 55 30 2 5 1,962 135 50 36 4 10 6,338
50 60 32 3 7 3,011 140 70 30 4 10 6,934
50 60* 32 4 10 3,857 144 160 90 6 14 17,26
50 92 60 3 7 4,424 160 50 30 3 7 5,319
60 40* 20 2 5 1,727 160 50* 30 4 10 6,934
60 50* 25 3 7 2,846 160 80 50 5 12 10,47
60 60* 32 3 7 3,246 200 50 30 4 10 8,190
65 55 20 2,5 6 2,510 270 90 72 8 20 24,78
65 65 40 4 10 4,736 270 90 80 6 14 19,43
67 65 35 3 7 3,600 300 80 40 4 10 12,59
70 80 50 4 10 5,678 300 80 40 5 12 15,57

* – There is a huge mass of bent channels made of mild carbon and low-alloy steel., marked with a star, are prepared for the benefit of the living.

Notes: 1. Masa 1 m Controls virus parameters 40P



Steel roll-formed equal channels.


Date of entry: 01/01/84

1. This standard is expanded on bent steel straight-flange channels, which are produced on profile bending mills with cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel, coiled steel, carbon-jar construction and low-legged. Indicators of a technical level, established by this standard, are transferred to the highest and first categories of capacity.

(Changed edition, Issue No. 1, 2).

For the accuracy of profiling, the channels are prepared:
high accuracy – A;

increased accuracy – B; extreme accuracy - Art.

The possibilities of high and enhanced profiling accuracy indicate a higher category of grading.

(Zaprovadzheno dodatkovo, Zm. No. 1). 2. The reversal of the channels is subject to the same as indicated on the chair. h- wall height; b- police width; s - channel quality;- R- radius of curvature; W moment support; I - moment of inertia; i -Radius of inertia; Sx - Static moment napivtinu, x 0 -

stand up to the axis

y - y
to the outer surface of the wall;

- Relation of the rozrakhunkovogo visu of the police to the tovshchina of the channel;

Bent channel GOST 8278-83 has a P-like cross-cut (C-like cross-cut shape) of different sizes and 1 meter of linear channel.

Bent profiles are prepared either from rolled hot-rolled carbon steel or from carbon structural yak and low-alloy steel.

To prepare a channel bent into a box (div. photo), the manufacturing plants use a special roll-forming workbench for bending the metal profile.

Level channel GOST 8278-83 is used for the production of metal frames from a bent profile, partitions, etc.

All channels work well to ensure maximum axial strength, which increases the value of the design and other technical characteristics.

Types of channel are divided according to the width of the profile, its dimensions can vary between 32-115 millimeters (high-profile profile and wide-flange profile).

The height of the channel can be changed between 50 and 400 millimeters.

This high demand is due to the great relationship between the feedstock of the cold-formed channel, physical and mechanical forces (values ​​and others) and the very dimensions of the transverse section.

Cold-formed channel of sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 is actively used in industrial and civil everyday life when replacing hot-rolled rolled channel through the feed with thin strips (with a steel sheet), for reinforcement of concrete structures shares, during production of wagons, in automobile production industry, for the production of bridges, light covering and thin-walled columns, as well as in other galuzes of the people's rule.

In everyday life, the assortment of cold-formed channels can be used in production fittings for industrial protection, in monolithic structures, frame structures, for building fences, gatherings, canopies and other metal structures of varying complexity i.

If the bent channel is made from carbon-fiber or oxide (primary core or structural core), then the bending radius should be no more than 4 mm.

If the vikorist is low-legged or calm, the radius is no more than 7 mm.

Through this area of ​​the transverse cut and, as a result, the pit (weight of 1 linear meter) of bent channels made from the first and other types of steels are cut.

Also in a small way, they do not avoid other characteristics that are determined during engineering and design developments, such as: moments of inertia and support, static moment of transverse gravity, distances from the axes of inertia to external surfaces of the vibration, radius of inertia and others.
The assortment of channel GOST 8278-83 includes a great variety of standard sizes (numbers), the number of which exceeds dozens of names.
When choosing a lightweight assortment, take into account the first purpose, in accordance with GOST, choose the standard size of the channel with basic parameters, such as the height of the profile, the length and distance between the edges of the police, the theoretical value 1 linear meter of channel.

The same assortment of bent profiles is divided into beams by length (rolled metal of standard, multiple and non-standard age).

The standard length of a bent profile can be 2-12 m; for individual design, a beam with a length of more than 12 m can be prepared. The length of the edged sheet is the price of the largest length of a smartly visted rod with ends perpendicular to the ends zhnoy axis.

The length of the bent channel can be changed depending on its dimensions.

In the table presented, the weight of 1 meter of linear bent channel, the spread of theoretic value is provided for the different heights of the walls and the height of the police.

The supply of a U-like profile starts from 1 kg per 1 meter and can reach 11 kg for a 170 cold-formed profile, for which a very wide range of sizes and values ​​of curved channel is created.

The wall thickness remains constant and changes from 2 to 6 mm.

As close as possible to the GOST characteristics, the bent channel is marked with the letter A - high accuracy.

Smaller precision cold-formed channels are marked with letter B - increased accuracy, and bent steel of extreme precision with letter B. An important parameter of rolled metal bent is not only its standard size, but also the length of the running meter.

You can find out how important a bent channel is and its geometric dimensions by looking at the table of theoretical channel dimensions presented on our website.

In the first place, it’s easy to get the job done, and it’s easy to do it, but it’s just a matter of rolling out sheet metal.

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