How to block all numbers, contacts. How to deal with nefarious calls and notifications on a mobile phone

Golovna / Contacts

Most of the time, without thinking for a long time, we call our number on the phone of a person, arguing for which in a certain hour becomes unbearable for us. Few of us are in such a situation in the midst of "witting" a nasty spy, a lot of people are fooling around ways to block phone so that the annoying subscriber would no longer be able to call a new one.

Ozhe, we don’t want to mate with people any more, as it turned out to be not the same, as we were represented earlier. Tse mozhe be a big lad, a girl, a nimble mother-in-law, advertisers, spammers, a boss or a collector. Іsnuє kіlka duzhe efektivnyh, yakі will help you to get rid of drіvlіvlih and stubborn input dzvinkіv. Axis of stink yaki:

1. black list. main part modern smartphones support the "Black List" service, which means blocking is easier. Schob recognize, chi є tsey service on your phone, go to the "Menu", press the "Setup" button. Next, click on the "Programs tab" item, then on the "Dial-in menu" and "All calls" item. Here select "Black List" and add have a new phone number, which one should be blocked. You can also find out the blacklist from the phone by going to the "Phone" item, then "Menu", going to the "Settings of calls" and "Change of calls". After all sign up vikno"Black list", where you can add a person's phone number, you don't need to ask more.

If you have an iPhone on iOS 7, then to block the phone number that is in the list of contacts, go to the "Phone" item, then in "Contacts" and select the desired subscriber. Dali at the bottom of the screen press " Block a subscriber"And confirm your name. Also, the remaining iPhones can block the incoming calls of the victorious "Nalashtuvannya". For whom you need to select the "Phone" item and give "Blocked". The person needs to add the subscriber's phone number, the voice of some more.

Blacklisted for iOS 7 you can enter not only phone numbers for incoming calls, but also SMS alerts. So after adding the number of the person on the black list, you will stop accepting a new SMS notification, which guarantees more calls in the face of the intrusive respect of shanuvalniks, advertising messages and spam.

2. Voice mail. As if you did not know the "black list" on your mobile phone, do not special trick, which can be vikoristovuvaty on any telephone, schob block outgoing calls. Select the number you want to block in the "Contacts" section on your SIM card. Then click on the item "Nalashtuvannya" of this contact and at the end of the call, check the box next to the item "Forward all calls to voice mail". Now subscriber The phone number of which you have been blocked, it is not possible to reach you, you are constantly sensitive to short beeps, which will be called if the number is busy. This method is the most simple and affordable for a cost-free phone number blocking.

To the point, speeding up with a small cunning is possible for those who have iPhones with iOS6, so as not to be blacklisted. Collect all necessary phone numbers in one contact and call him "Nabridly". Let's write an "empty" sound to the smartphone and set it as a melody to the "Nabridli" contact. Let them turn off the vibration by pressing "Not selected". If all the calls from the numbers, if you have moved to the "Nabridly" folder, will be silent and without vibration.

3. Activation of the "Black List" service from a mobile operator. On this day, all operators may proponuyut free service, which is called the "Black List". To connect this service, you need to call in postgraduate service of your operator, or dial a combination, if you are an MTS subscriber *111*442#, Beeline *110*771* and Megafon *130#. Services are paid for a subscription fee of 1-1.5 rubles per day. You can add numbers to the black list after you can join the service in a special office on the official website of the operator, turning for help to the operator and sending SMS.

4. Installed software. On the Google Play Store cost-free programs, yakі help to block the call For example, Mr. Number, Netquin Mobile manager , Call Blocker and Call Blacklist. These programs are even simpler and more reasonable for the acquisition, operation and collection of the list of subscribers of non-negotiable calls. The Netquin Mobile manager program can be locked up in such a way that non-negotiable subscribers are not only able to reach you, and your phone does not receive riddles about missed calls from a subscriber from the black list.

A mobile phone is like a door with a rotten lock. Revealing a trifle of indifference, be it possible to know the key to a new one. And it is often not easy to find out the phone number of that other subscriber. It’s enough to reserve your number if you want to have it at an unfavorable place, or forget to put a tick in the questionnaire - and that’s all, you spend it in the database of potential customers of various companies, so you will be forced to call or call. Some people trapleyaetsya and so that people suffer from annoying dzvinkiv through many Vlasniks numbers. The correspondent, having tried to get in touch, how can one fight with various types of contacts on a mobile phone, without giving a call to a subscriber.

The sack of Barnaul Nadia Tarasenko has onuk Gosha. Nini wines are learned from another class. If the second time Gosha sends before school, mother bought youma mobile phone. After a deaky hour, unknown people began to call on the new one, that vimagati yakus Natal. The spivrobitniki of banks, collection agencies wanted to return loans, private individuals insisted that Natalya was guilty, and knowingly wanted to just talk to her.

Nadia Tarasenko,
bag of Barnaul:

Banks learned quickly that the phone number is now available for another person. Ale, as if a woman telephoned, as she wanted, for Natalya to turn her borg. I tried to talk to her, but she screamed at me. Then I phoned my daughter, mother Gosha, handed over her number, so that she would talk to her. Daughters with great zusils far away perekonat, that there is no Natalia in us. They threatened us that the police would come. Tse buv spravzhnіy stress for sim'ї.

In addition, Gosha's phone often needs to receive notifications about other trade lines, for example wines, consciously, without signing. Nadiya Tarasenko admits that these roses also went to Natalia.

Mi vchimo child do not pick up the phone, if you call z unknown numbers, - seems to be out. - Let's explain to everyone who to call, we don't have Natalia. Narazі dzvіnki majzhe stumbled. Can you change the number, but who can guarantee that the big keeper of the new number will not turn out to be a barber?

There are plenty of such vipadkіv near the edge, the stench is actively discussed at social networks. Donki Arina Lvova from Barnaul also called the banks and collectors - vimagali Gennady Petrovich.

My daughter began to be afraid to pick up the phone, - like Arina. - In addition, the phone received notifications about banking transactions from a single card. At the result, close to two years ago, we changed the number. There have been no bad calls yet.

Why so vіdbuvaetsya? The call operator corrects the number for sales through a payment order after the fact that the clerk ceases to be courteous to him. At the saloon, no one can tell if the victorious number is earlier than it is. Denis Kuskov, CEO of the analytical company TelecomDaily, to get the number on the Internet. As for the wines of "lights" at Merezhya, there you can find information about the big sack. Behind the words of Dmitry Nagorny, director of the MTS branch in the Altai Territory, "beautiful" numbers are the most popular, so the stench can re-victory.

If you still bought the number of a barman, you should call creditors and do not help with explanations, all operators recommend that you come to a valid bank with a passport and an agreement on the receipt of a SIM card. If the bank can see your number from the base. If not for help, go back to law enforcement agencies.

Virishili robiti "gift"

Residents of Barnaul Anastasia M. made a call to the beauty salon "Crocus", which encouraged them to undergo the procedure of choosing DeSheli cosmetics. This is a cosmetic brand known for such a way of passing. Request a person to the salon for a cost-free procedure, then ask them to give up their phones and some of their friends and buy cosmetics. We’ll call our friends later and say that such a friend of mine made a “gift”.

bag of Barnaul:

First they told me that my classmate had blocked the phone, they called me. I followed the procedure. They called me suddenly. I am sleeping again, my phone rings. They said that they conducted the experiment on the street and asked the respondents to give the phone numbers of the people they knew. As if I still got to them. It turned out that I have a counter-indication to the price of cosmetics. Ale, the twinks did not stumble. The stench continues for more than a month. Daily explanations do not help. Operators seem to stench up to fines, so the client does not come.

Quite often, banks, Internet providers and other companies use this method.

"Vіlniy kurs" provіv vіvіvannya in odnіyіz social measures. The people, who seemed to be far off pozbutisya ob'azlivyh dzvinkіv, gave sprats of joy. You can, for example, say that you now live in a different place and cannot physically speed up the proposition. Another option is to threaten to be sent to law enforcement agencies, even if advertising is carried out by phone without the help of a spy, violating the Law "On Advertising". Sometimes you can simply threaten, but if you don’t get help, you can actually turn to the regional administration of the antimonopoly service (UFAS).

Filled up with spam

Oleksandra Kuznetsova from Barnaul wrote an application to the OFAS, if she started to get in touch with the Mango beauty salon, she did not sign up for a ticket. Vaughn made money through the Internet reception on the website of the administration.

Oleksandra Kuznetsova,
bag of Barnaul:

For damages, refer to the OFAS, they wanted to send a copy of the contract mobile operator proof of the reason for the SMS - I threw off the photo of the notification on the phone. So I reported vipisku z special office about those that I needed were informed from the indicated number.

On the cob of the chest, the OFAS ruined the administrative provadzhennia against advertising campaigns, it was revealed by the bagman of Barnaul, who stole the contract from the salon for his service. Now you, as a physical person, can be threatened with a fine of 2-2.5 thousand rubles. Yurosoba can be fined 500 thousand rubles.

Since there is no way to get to the OFAS, then you can sign up for any necessary assistance by squeezing the special numbers of the operators to call.


To subscribe to spam, you need to send a number (digital or literal) from which to come bad news on special numbers of style operators.

  • "Beeline" - 1888
  • MTS - 1911
  • "Megaphone" - 1911


55 applications with skargs on the nebazhan Of these, for 11 animals, this right was destroyed. Behind the results of their review, I saw the bindings for the enforcement of the order about the application of the distribution of the illegal SMS-advertising. For 19 bells and whistles, a complaint was made to the injured party about the unconfirmed facts of the violation of the legislation on advertising (the applicant did not provide proof of the illegal SMS advertising). 25 years are being rebuked by the robot, the managers are carrying out investigations on the method of installing advertising campaigns.

Vidpovidno to the Constitution Russian Federation, "The skin has the right to secret listing, telephone conversations, mail, telegraph and other information." Moreover, "the exchange of this right is only allowed on the basis of a court decision." However, we do not call blackmailers, jealous girlfriends, “telephone junkies”, and also quiet, who in such a rank knows about the plans of competitors.

Simple and cunning "bugs" can come along, and knowing the axis without special possession is not so easy. Shards of all electronic guns operate in the UHF band, professionals are happy to try to detect them for the help of a portable FM-station receiver. When you change your nashtuvannya, on a song whistle, on a kind of “bug”, you will feel a whistle. The closer the “bug” is to the primach, the more voice will be the whistle.

Block unwanted calls

A week, you see, or you chose all the same at the table, to ring the phone with rapt. You pick up the phone - and it starts to obtrusively pronounce you to buy the underwear of the singing company. Unfortunately, in our country it is still not possible to register your phone number (both mobile and landline) with the short service service, like, say, with Great Britain. However, as advertizing is annoying, you should ask the rozpovsyujuvacha not to call you, and if you can’t help, threaten you with a court.

Zupinіt "nіmi" dzvіnki

Chi traplyalsya, scho, raising the phone after a ring, did you hear the silence? Explanation to this whole innocent: deaks "nimi vikliki" should be in the form of automatic control, scho dialing more numbers, lower operators can serve. As if you are being turbulent by such calls, try to call, as the company tries to make you happy with its advertising - and boldly ask you not to call again.

Block recorded notifications

The links of marketing companies are no less arguing: you try to understand who to call, but it also shows that you recorded the message. The company, which is engaged in such a distribution, goiter should be pinned, so you ask you not to work this hard. But if you didn’t get far away, go with the scarga to the police.

Not obov'yazkovo mother of privileges tariff

Tse more beautiful, ale and dear services. If you don't want to show up in postal screen a receipt for payment of an astronomical sum, inquire about the current rate. Follow also for calls, as other people, including children, will work on your phone. If you get a job for the talks, if you haven’t been robbed, go to the telephone company without a fuss. In case of ignoring such rachunkiv, you can turn off the phone, otherwise they will sue you before the court.

Put a screen on the mobile shahraystvo

More and more often we stick with shahrai, as if trying to fool us for the help of our mobile phone. For example, they can send you SMS notifications for such scams: “Be kind, put 300 rubles on my account, I have problems, I’ll explain later,” or: “Call me by phone.” Some zdirniks subscribe as if to expand their names, supposing that this is the name of your friend or relative. Obviously, you transfer pennies to some unknown person, but for the call for sending the number, you take a significant amount of money. Call a friend about every change, to whose names a note has been signed, and explain that everything is in the new garage.

Yak viyaviti, zvіdki phoned you

You phoned "secret unknown"? And maybe, htos turbulent you with threats and images? You can recognize the phone number of an annoying person with the help of an automatic number finder (ABN). Like a telephone hooligan blocking the display of his number, the police telephone service to name it after your statement about “evil mischief”. How do you take votes or text messages with threats and images on your mobile phone, do not see it, but fix it, as well as the number of the first identification data. I turn to the police.

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