How to remove redundant files after the root is right. How to remove Root-rights

Golovna / I'll build a cleaning

Irrespective of those that the rights of the SuperCourist allow expanding the capabilities of Android, the stench is a potentially unsafe tool, the shards can cause an unstable operation of telephones and tablets, as well as annul the existing guarantee when service center. Therefore, if root access is not needed, it will be easier to access it more often. Let's take a look at how to remove root rights on Android.

Ways to get rid of Root rights

Opening on smartphones or tablets is easy to access root access. For whom to use special programs, insert it if you can Play market chi third-party resources. Similar software is also victorious, so that you can see the root rights on Android. However, if you, for example, bought a gadget with a previously unblocked superuser or an activator program after the task was removed, you can clean up the root in the following ways:

  • manually;
  • Through outside the skid nalashtuvan;
  • For additional help of the additional PZ;
  • I'll add it for additional flashing.

Manual activation

Manually ryatuvannya in the root of the rights to Android poligaє in the wake of the system files from their distant erasures. Before that, how to remove supersu, you need to root the device for rooting file manager(for example, Root Explorer). Further order will come:

Take a look at the extended rights for Android, you can get help Program Root checker:

If the Superuser is deactivated, it will show up as a reminder.

Cleaned up for root access via external dropdown

Looking at how to remove root rights from Android, next set the Recovery recovery medium. Denmark software product it is possible to win for hard resetting, smartphone firmware, creation of distributions on foreign maps in memory, as well as for the vikonnannya of other brown days.

In order to rob the outside of the skid, it is necessary:

Vidalennya root for the help of skidannya nalashtuvan to the factory ones do not have to lead to a bad result. Some models of phones and tablets have only hard reset The rights of Supercorristuvach are automatically renewed. Therefore, after the appointment of the appointments of the obov'yazkovo inverted the presence of the rue help Root checker.

Viewing root rights for help with special software

The most effective addition that allows superuser to get involved is the program Universal Unroot. Vaughn pratsyuє on devices, whether there are any virobniki and z usima Android firmware. Prote given utilityє paid, which deshcho zamenshuє її privablivіst.

The process of cleaning the system as root will come:

After the re-advancement of the gadget, the root of the right to appear without a trace.

As a paid method of cleaning you are not up to like, we can see how to disable root access without cost. For these purposes, use the SuperSU utility:

Having cleared the smartphone as root rights, SuperSU also removed it, so that the service center did not blame them for suspecting that there were extensions on the extension.

Vidal Root access by way of flashing the device

Considering how to root the rights to Android for the first time, it is necessary to indicate the method that transfers the flashing of the gadget through the computer. AT to this particular type from the annex to see all koristuvach informationі installed programs Therefore, go into such varto only once, if other options did not help.

Let's take a look at the procedure for removing the rights of Superkoristuvach by flashing on the butt device of Samsung:

After flashing root rights, I will see it again.

Instead of statistics

Whomever needs the rights of the superadministrator of the Android OS, and whoever stinks can only get it - the gadget may not work stably, and the programs just freeze. Superadmin rights are called root rights. What is the same and how to see them in detail in this article.

What to give root-rights?

The concept of "super rights" came from the Unix OS, and Android retailers only improved the functionality, tidied it up and added some options.

mustache just koristuvachi smartphones or tablets can less look at, listen to the content, and edit the axis system files, You cannot change them. Such a possibility is only available to the head administrator with root rights, he himself can change the files of the system.

It would seem, why did the retailers not give their rights to the us koristuvachs of gadgets on Android? The conclusion is simple - not all coristuvachi can speed up the sim correctly, you can “drive” the system in such a way that the processor simply does not show up and burn. And yet one more thing - the super-correct can easily turn on all the commercials and adverts, but it’s not visible to Google, a lot of the profit comes from advertising itself.

Important! When activating root-rights, a koristuvach can forget about the warranty service of his gadget, no service will not ruin the minds of the warranty.

As if you became the head administrator of your annex, but they said that you don’t need it anymore, that’s a sprat available ways, how to remove the root of the law from Android in full.

Yakі buvayut?

  1. Full Root - this is the so-called "eternal" rights, as it is practically impossible to allow overwriting all system files and removing them.
  2. Shell Root - with these rights, you cannot change the system files, but other functionality will be available.
  3. Temporary Root - the stench is seen as soon as the first device is rebooted.

How to reconsider chi є non-obligation access?

  • Look for any file manager, find out the system partition - the file with the su extension is to blame. Check that access has been denied;
  • Run the Root Checker utility (get it installed on your smartphone) - it will tell you about the presence of the rights of the koristuvach.

Ways to remove root rights

You can get access to the system by different methods:

Universal Unroot whistleblower

I'll call the program "Universal Unroot" even better. Work out in automatic mode it corrects the access to the system. Runs on all outbuildings keruvannyam Android, navit first releases.

Wiki of SuperUser or SuperSU

If you have installed a non-obligatory access through SuperUser, you can see data also through a new one, but not including attachments. It is necessary to run the program, to know that activate the item " outside view Root".

Wiki Root Browser Lite

You can download Root Browser Lite from Google store. You will have to manually see the following files (for clarity):

  • Su or Busybox at dad / system / bin /;
  • Su or Busybox at dad / system / xbin /;
  • Superuser.apk or SuperSu.apk in the folder system / app.

After all the manipulations, you will turn your attachment back to the primary rights of the koristuvach and you can safely transfer it to someone else's hands or bring it in for warranty repairs.

Zrobiti flashing

The most radical way - when the system is re-installed, all special files will be lost, and super rights will not be lost either. Tsey sposіb pіdіyde tim, who can namir sell or give a smartphone or a tablet. If photos and videos are dear to you, saved on smartphones, transfer them to a memory card.

For firmwares of smartphones and Android tablets, it is recommended to use only special software security. For example, for Samsung software Odin, Lenovo - Downloader Tool, Xiaomi - Xiaomi Flashing Tool.

If it is necessary to vindicate the rights of a supercorristuvach?

If you want the possibility of victorious additions, they expand richly, but sometimes you need to see the root again:

  • When I leave, I will build it out of order - there is no guarantee that the machine will not work, I will repair the annex with such expanded access to the system. Sometimes you should think that all the files of the blame will be left in a huge, permanent look, and you will be asked for confirmation that you didn’t change anything in them. The very one of the main reasons for the removal of root;
  • When updating system files bad services- do not install on such an extension in this way;
  • To pay respect, when changing system files for your own initiative, you may inadvertently see the installation of an attachment, and even the simplest virus may harm you;
  • Virishily checked your child's attachments and worked the gadget correctly, it is necessary to remove the super-rights to turn off the inaccuracies.

Qi rights of a supercoristuvach are even more brownish. Ale, in deyaky vipadkah, the stench is less respectful. For example, for їх nayavnostі vіdmovitsya pratsyuvati dodatok Oschadbank Online. That and a lot of programs from other banks can also be protected by the root of the law. The problem lies in the fact that a lot of koristuvachivs absolutely do not know about those who have seen the root of the law from Android in general. The axis to which we wrote a lot of material, dedications to this topic.

As it has already been said above, basically root-rights are awarded for the presence on smartphones and there are some special add-ons - bank customers or something like that. But there are other reasons why you need to purge your Android:

  • You want to go back to the service center, rushing with a guarantee (the rights of the supercorristor will be canceled).
  • After taking away root access, attachments become silly and behave inappropriately.
  • Vlasnik begins to be afraid that the defender of the smartphone has weakened, viruses can speed up in connection with it.

Seeing root behind the help of a file manager

You can easily remove root by using a file manager. Such utilities Google Play- You are hoping for a choice Root Browser , Xplore , ES Explorer and other programs. Zavantage that to install whether it be from them, as if you didn’t ruin it. Let's start the file manager and follow our instructions:

1. Navigate to the /system/bin/ folder.

2. Find the file name here su and remove yoga. It is not enabled that the file may be in a different directory, so that everything is stored here in a specific implementation of the operating system.

4. Go to /system/app/ and delete the file that is called Superuser.apk. If you know the wines in the father's okremіy, you can see it yourself. Also a file or a folder can be named SuperSU- here everything should be left behind, as you installed the program for managing the rights of a supercorristor.

5. Wait for the re-advancement of the building. Since you have downloaded all three files, you have to remove the root rights on Android. If you want to change your mind, then download Root Checker- Dodatok show you that there are no obvious rights of a supercoristuvach on an outbuilding.

View root for help SuperSU

Use a copy of utilities recognized as root-rights for keruvannya. The most popular of them is SuperSU. If it’s there on your smartphone, then it’s easier to cheat to close root access to yourself.

1. Run SuperSU.

2. Go to the tab " Nalashtuvannya».

3. From the menu select " External Root».

4. Confirm your request by pressing the button " Continue».

5. If the process is completed, re-attach attachments.

The next step is to indicate which method works only on official firmware. If you have installed a third-party, then after re-root access will be given to the system again. You can solve this problem by purchasing and installing the software Universal Unroot- At the time of writing the ceramics, it cost 64 rubles. Alternately, this utility does not interfere with root access to modern smartphones.

What's wrong with Samsung?

The new equipment of Pvdenokorean virobnitstva mayut a serious system of zahistu, as it is called KNOX. It is possible to bypass it to take away the rights of a supercorristuvach, let it go for a deaky hour. Ale vydaliti root-rights - even more complicated task. In fact, it is only possible to work through a computer, and specific pods in such a time to lie down depending on which model is being manipulated.

At any rate, you happen to install the utility Odin3, Razdobuvshi її on one of the third-party resources. It is also necessary to get drivers for Pivdenno-Korean smartphones. Next installation required official firmware recognized for your specific model. In a word, everything is too big a topic, which is meritorious for the finest material. More next to vrakhovuvati, that in rich vipadkah coristuvachas have to be robiti, schob Samsung smartphone without beginning to gradually re-advance. And tse pull behind you the cost of the koristuvach’s tribute.

Yak vidaliti Root rights But for Android?... Without a doubt, mothers of Root-rights on Android are already preferable, to that there are a number of possibilities, which are not available in the normal mode. Ale іsnuє y zvorotny beck of the medal. Most often, after the removal of Root-rights, non-transfer problems in the system are blamed: freezing, independent re-entry, unfavorable change of system files.

In addition, after the new access to the change is granted, your device will automatically be subject to any type of warranty service. A lot of koristuvachivs, having stumbled over other problems, were violating Root-rights from Android. Our article is the same for them.

Let's try to suggest a few methods for following this procedure, so that the skin can be cured to choose the most optimal one. Otzhe, how to get Root rights from Android?

Option number 1

The first option to remove Root-rights is for flashing Android through a computer, and in case of surplus phenomena, the system fails to reset (download / wipe Android).

Option number 2

For the creation of another option to remove Root-rights, it is necessary to have a program Root SuperSU. Vіdkrivaєmo nashtuvannya vyschezaznachennoї program and naskaєmo vіdpovіdnu option "Visuality Root". Root-rights have been installed in the other custom of Reocvery in some coristuvachs of the Crimea, it can be seen that, perhaps, it’s not enough to flash the flashing of a different distribution.

Option number 3

In order to be able to access the system settings in the third way, it is necessary to install Root program Browser Lite, which can be easily downloaded from Google Play.

  • Vіdkrivaєmo vishchezgadok dodatok.
  • We go into the distribution of system files and open the bin folder.
  • In my paps, respectfully, you can see the busybox files or su.
  • Dali in the quiet systemic patches open the xbin folder.
  • I repeat point 3 again.
  • The .su folder is also visible, and it is also necessary to see it.
  • At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to re-adjust the attachments.

However, dosit often koristuvachі іz situatsієyu, if after the removal of Root-rights, the problems of the robotic system are abandoned. At this time, it is recommended that the viscounty begin the next cycle:

  • For the first time, turn the Root-rights on the cob, be it with the wiser options.
  • After that, please go through the resetting of Android settings.
  • At the end, it would be bad to format internal memory attachment, as well as a memory card.
  • Even if the problems are still overwhelmed, then only a new flashing of Android will help.

That's all. Good luck to you!

Thousands of mobile phones and tablets on Android today. If you want to "finish" the firmware, you need to "split" the processor or reflash the attachments. Everything is crazy, necessary, but the negative side of the decision is right. Ruth is right. Bagato koristuvachiv, post Root settings sticking with it, that their tablet or phone starts to glitch, gibberish, freeze, or mimicly re-advantages.

I don't wonder, aje otrimanna Root The rights give coristuvachevi povniy control over the system, including allowing you to change the system files and folders, as if they were inadvertently protected.

Tsієyu lasіvkoy koristuyutsya and rich shkіdlivih programs.

І axis in your hands is a device, which became even more buggy after you installed Root rights. Less than two ways to solve the problem. The first one is to independently see the Root, to work outside the download, or to reflash the phone, and the other one to go to the service center.
Another option is good, yakby not the fact that Root is right to know all the guarantee goiter from the virobnik and I’ll remind you that it won’t cost you no money. Ideal solutions You will see Ruth right in front of him, how to go to the service center!

And now, before the coristuvach, there is a food, about those, how can you still see RTH right?
See our article for more information.

Method #1

The first and perhaps the easiest way to remove the program is to root it (SuperUser, SuperSu, etc.).
If you installed Viyogo through the Google Play Market, then there are no significant difficulties (Settings -> Programs -> Vidality). Tobto. it looks like a special program, for example, "Superkoristuvach"

We press on "Superkoristuvach". The command button "Visibility" is not available. Click on the right side of the screen buttons and the program is launched.

Otherwise, I will have to do all the work by hand!
Install with Google Play Store Root Browser or Root Explorer
Open this program and go to /system/app
View program Superuser or SuperSu (file with apk extension)
Open the /system/bin folder and uninstall the files in the busybox utility or su (usually)
Open the /system/xbin folder and also save all busybox files or su (which is also the case)
Delete the .su folder (like є).
Restart your Android device.

Method #2

If you have SuperSU administrator Root installed, you need to go to the setup and know the next item "External Root"

Method #3

Samy best way Vidal Root is right - this is a flashing. True, it does not delete all your programs and save files. Also, for the sake of simplicity, you can easily take the “segle” to replace your tablet or phone!
The way of flashing to lie down is less than your add-on. If you have installed the modifications of the zavantazhuvach (ClockWorkMode Recovery), then the task should be started before you can log in to the new one, rob the latest Wipe and install new firmware, Interests from the site of the virobnik. If there is no such thing, then install it or search for a special utility that is suitable for flashing your add-on (for example, Odin - for Samsung or SPFlashTools for phones and tablets on MTK processors).

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