Viprobuvannya avr.

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The electrical engineering laboratory of Ecolife Group of Companies carries out verification of the robotic system of automatic introduction of backup life (AVR).

The results of the verification are followed by a protocol to the technical authority of the ETL.

In most businesses, it is important to ensure the continuity of production and the efficiency of all work during the working day.
Transport infrastructure and social life systems are also critically dependent on the guaranteed operation of electrical installations.
For private households, electrical connections can lead to heating, water supply, sewerage, security alarm systems, etc.
Short-circuits, overvoltage or other disruptions to the efficiency of the electrical system can threaten the loss of operation of the installation, interruption or blockage of power supply, disruptions in the transport schedule, loss of control, and accidents.
In any case, in addition to material surpluses, such a critical situation can pose a threat to human lives.

In order to avoid emergency situations, a reserve life system and an automatic reserve transfer system (AVR) have been installed in the emergency room.

When the main power supply is lost, the AVR system automatically activates the backup power supply mechanisms and life safety systems.
All lines that lead to catering for Category I (those who can cause problems for people’s lives) are first switched on to the automatic reserve system.
Then all lines are turned on to ensure food supply for category II companions (so, disruption of the work can cause a delay in the production of food).

What happens during the ATS check:

Hours of use of the AVR system
To what extent is the possibility of pumping out the system during a short-term decrease in voltage during a period of time disabled?

Straightforward voltage is applied to the introduction of the AVR

. Checking the functioning of relays and contactors (this is similar to the method of checking the correct functioning of the selected circuits).

The listed values ​​are key and are verified according to GOST R 50571.16-99.
Term for checking the ATS system
are established in detail in terms of robotic ownership, as well as in three specific situations:

1. upon acquisition of a new possession and its putting into operation;

2. verification of the automatic entry of the reserve after major and minor repairs;

3. inspections established by the schedule of inter-repair preventive tests.

Proper verification of the installed equipment allows you to protect the production and production from accidents and ensure the uninterrupted production.
The progress of testing the AVR system and the equipment that is being tested
To verify the feasibility of automatic reserve entry systems, you can use the following:
Combined electrical equipment and similar ones;



voltage regulators;

Checking the voltage supply is carried out in order to prevent the system from automatically introducing a reserve in such situations, if the voltage decreases over time, it becomes deprived of sufficient supply for uninterrupted operation;

Checking the time of bus switching from the main input to the reserve one is carried out using an additional electric stopwatch and will result in confirmation that the time of operation of the ATS system corresponds to the data specified by the manufacturer;

Checking the turn-on time of the main input is carried out in order to determine the speed at which buses can be switched from the main to the reserve input when the voltage is lost in the margins, as well as to exclude the possibility of receiving an AVR during short-term voltage drops.

The operation is the same for all automatic reserve systems and this verification is subject to confirmation of the conformity of the characteristics of the equipment as specified by the manufacturing plant.

This complex of approaches allows us to reduce the risk of negative consequences and to ensure the livelihood of workers present at the production site in accordance with GOST R 50571.3-94.




PUE-7 clause 3.3.30-3.3.42



AVR devices must be used to update the life of the resident by automatically attaching a backup power supply whenever the working power supply is turned on, which can lead to the destruction of the resident's electrical installations.


The AVR device, when the power supply of the working life-saving device is turned on, must be switched on, as a rule, without additional warning to the power supply of the reserve power-supply device (see also 3.3.41).


In this case, it is to blame but a disposable action will be provided.


To ensure the operation of the AVR when the life element is not connected to the voltage on the side of the working element, as well as when the circuit breaker is connected from the main side (for example, for surges, if the relay protection of the working element is There are only connections to the chemicals on the side of life) In the AVR circuit, the voltage transfer to the starting element is to blame for the addition to that specified in 3.3.32.


The triggering organ, when there is a voltage on the life element and for the presence of voltage on the side of the life of the reserve engine, is responsible for the action at the right time to turn on the power supply of the working engine of the life on the primary side.

The minimum element of the voltage of the starting element of the ATS, as a rule, is guilty of vibrations so that the machine switches off when one of the voltage transformer's side burns on the side of the winding of the high or low voltage;


When the low voltage winding is cut off by the automatic circuit breaker, when it is turned on, the starting element must be blocked.

It is allowed not to insure this when installing ATS devices at separate 6-10 kV circuits, which require special installation of a voltage transformer.

If, in the event of a short-circuit start, the ATS may become unacceptably high during the first hour of operation (for example, if there is a significant portion of synchronous electric motors in the warehouse), it is recommended to supply additional voltage to the starting element higher types (for example, those who react to low struma, decreased frequency, change directly, tension, etc.).


In case of stagnation of the starting organ, the frequency remains at a reduced frequency on the side of the working life-jet to a predetermined value and at the normal frequency on the side of the reserve life-jet, it is due to the action of the vitrimka hour on the vimikacha of the working life-jet.


If there is a technological need, you can start the device for automatically switching on the backup installation of various special sensors (vice, level, etc.).


The circuit for installing an ATS device to maintain the power needs of the power plant after switching on the backup power supply unit instead of one of the working power supply units that are switched on is intended to save the power of operation when other working power supply units are connected.


When installing an AVR device, if it is possible to turn on the circuit breaker on the short-circuit, as a rule, the rapid destruction of the controller may be transferred (see also 3.3.4).

In this case, there will be visits to protect the reserve life of the Lanzug to speed up the protection of the liquid switch on.


With this method, in the vimikach system of reserve life of power needs of power plants, the speedy defense must be transferred to the outlet, if its windage exceeds 1-1.2 s;

at this time, the speed of action is due, but a vitrimka is introduced for an hour of approximately 0.5 s.

For other electrical installations, the importance of windshields is taken into account from specific minds.


In situations where, as a result of the operation of the ATS, it is possible that synchronous compensators or synchronous electric motors are turned on asynchronously, this is unacceptable for them, as well as for turning off the life of these machines, the place of damage to the track when the life is low is automatically in Connect synchronous machines or transfer them to asynchronous mode; AGP connections are available automatic switching on and resynchronization after voltage renewal as a result of a successful ATS.

To ensure that the backup engine in the ATS is activated before connecting synchronous machines, it is allowed to freeze the ATS upgrade.

While this remains unacceptable for the purpose of deciding the voltage, it is allowed, with a special installation, to connect to the starting body of the AVR line that connects the buses of the working life with the voltages, which accommodate synchronous electric motors.

Partially or externally, it is possible to multiply only with the permission of a testing laboratory.

Violent behavior is not allowed.

The protocol is expanded to include electrical installation elements based on testing.

AVR assignment:

AVR is a device for automatic activation of backup life.

Checking the feasibility of AVR:

Automatic introduction of reserves

One of the ways to increase the reliability of power supply is by providing backup power supplies.

As the name implies, the method involves automatic connection to a backup device in the event of defects in the main device.

The method is implemented by an ATS device, with connections to at least two independent life circuits, one of which is the main one.


The ATS will ensure that the reserve power supply is brought into service when the voltage of the main power supply is low, or other defects in the main power supply, such as a significant decrease or shift in voltage, short-circuiting between phase buses without loss of voltage, phasing regardless of the reasons for the defect.

Also, the ATS will provide the function of automatic rotation based on the food when it is updated (in some cases, the ATS will be stuck without automatic rotation).

In addition, the AVR can ensure control of the backup engine for the presence of defects, as well as control of the lifers, for example, the presence of short circuits in their lances.


Control of the main and reserve life and control is carried out using additional so-called voltage control relays, phase control relays, ATS controllers, or richly functional relays or controllers.
As a result, contactors and automatic switches or circuit breakers with automatic or non-automatic drives are installed.
In addition, ATS can interfere with manual controls and visual controls.

Purpose of testing

Testing of ATS is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Conducted testing

Basic checks during testing:

  • re-verification of practicality;
  • checking the voltage;
  • checking the window to the hour of the main introduction;
  • checking the time of interruption from life on standby.

A number of other parameters are also monitored.


The results of the verification are documented in a standard document (div. Protocol for verifying the effectiveness of the ATS system).

Automatic transfer systems (AVR) are designed to ensure uninterrupted power supply and timely switching between the main and backup power sources in the event of occasional failures.

Therefore, the reliability of the operation of ATS devices is of particular importance.

Especially when it comes to power supply to objects that are critical before the power is turned on.

For these reasons, the regulatory documents state that there is little reason why testing of automatic transfer switches can be carried out to determine their feasibility and viability.

How to test AVR devices

To test the automatic reserve entry system, a special order or permit is required.

It is forbidden to carry out testing in areas with high levels of moisture, due to the presence of fire, swelling and fire safety.

The results of the verification are displayed in the ATS verification protocol of a standard form with appropriate regulatory and technical documentation.

  • At the first stage, the insulation support of the power lanyards is installed, thereby turning on the phase control relay, as well as the indicators.
  • Only after this stage, voltage is supplied to the ATS device until it is verified according to the protocol.
  • It is optimal for testing the development of an additional design on a rack with several groups of single-phase chemicals, in which case life is supplied to one of the lancins through the LATR.
  • What does testing of ATS devices include?
  • In the general procedure for quilting the AVR devices, in addition to checking the insulation support, includes:

Check for priority

Spratsyuvannya peremikannya on the reserve dzherelo zhivilnya and zvorotne peremikannya on the main dzherelo zhivilnya

The sequence of phase transfer and the voltage parameter of the phase control relay are indicated

Checking the hour of shuffling between life makers

Checking the time setting when the main input is turned on

In addition, all elements of the relay equipment, including those affected by switching, are checked. Inspection and replacement of automatic transfer switches in the ProfEnergy electrical laboratory

We carry out inspection and replacement of ATS with further warranty services.

Our licenses allow us to carry out all the necessary testing and testing, and the documents confirm the high level of our services.

The device for automatically switching on the backup power supply (AVR) is responsible for ensuring uninterrupted operation in case of unauthorized (or emergency) shutdown of the main power supply.

Preparation before testing

Testing of ATS devices, which may confirm their effectiveness, is consistent with the completion of all technical and organizational steps for this type of transfer.

Between the obligatory and the final instructions: disconnecting all lines that come out of the ATS (removing the ATS) to turn off the short voltage when the ATS is on, therefore, during the operation of the ATS It is possible to turn on one input and turn on another input, at the same time interval.

  • Testing of automatic transfer switches is carried out, as a rule, in the order of continuous operation, either prior to the schedule of preventive visits, or in connection with the completion of major or continuous repairs.
  • In addition, the drive for carrying out such testing can be the delivery and acceptance of the object into operation.
  • During testing, check:
  • I will arrange for efficiencies;

the amount of voltage required for the device;

Vitrimka time to ask.

This parameter is responsible for making it difficult to turn on the main input during a short-term voltage drop;

hour of the main introduction.

All parameters that are checked must correspond to the factory values.

Variety of service

You can check the automatic entry of the reserve, cancel the consultation, you can go to the electrical laboratory "Technoprom-Zamir", after transferring the spіvpratsі - the robot is in daily possession, the visibility of the verification of falsifications And in the state, there is increasing publicity about the results of their work.

Engineer's certificate

  • Our spіvrobіtniki have a wealth of evidence of testing and experimentation.

Full of fame

  • We need to recapture the picture of ownership, which is being verified

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