How to sell on YouTube. How to sell on YouTube without straining yourself. Contextual advertising Google AdSense

Golovna / Korisne PZ

All-World Merezh YouTube, how to bring millions of profits to creators, you know. The video hosting site has expanded so that you can earn money on the service.


Let's find out what are the best ways to make money on YouTube.
The article is of an encyclopedic nature, from which we have tried to collect both income and copies.

Why is YouTube so popular?

For starters, statistics: today this site attracts >1 billion customers.

The service is popular, due to the large geography of buyers, which will be even more attractive for advertisers.
It's up to the giant Google, which is the first to fight copyright law.

Main ways to earn money

  • Publication of original videos;
  • Publication of non-unique videos;
  • Earnings from affiliate programs;
  • Sales of advertising to direct advertisers;
  • Promotion of any website or other channel;
  • Video likes for pennies, extra payments for channels for pennies.

Let's finish with the last point

Earning money from likes

The method is suitable for all beginners who want to operate on the Internet, the method is ideal for initial capital, for further business generation at the border.

Why pay for this?

By placing a like or an additional payment on the channel, the owner himself increases the parameters of the video or channel, thereby appearing more often in the top videos for 1 day or a few years, which gives catless look, and obviously for example.

How much can you earn?

If you approach it individually, it’s not a big deal, and your profile will turn into an accountant.
If it’s massive, then you can earn money in a bad way.

Promotion of a website or another channel

How does this work?

You are not attracting potential buyers, but are busy, apparently, selling goods through video.
Take a few looks or a series.

The first part of the video consists of a description of the product and category, and the other part is sent to the online store where you can buy this product.

Please note that you can save videos on YouTube at no cost and in no time. So you can make money on this channel.

What are the advantages?

  • There are hundreds of items for sale that can be taken away to last for a long time;
  • You are not limited to one affiliate program or product.

What are the disadvantages?

It will be very important for the newcomer to take it out and inspect it independently.

Publication of non-unique videos

The twist is not safe, I would like to urgently discover ways to bypass it.

Scheme No. 1 - unpopular videos on your channel

The idea is that it is necessary to make jokes or unpopular videos, promote them on your channel, having previously re-edited them in an editor program.

Scheme No. 2 – photographs and videos

You can collect a photo and mount it like a slide show, only in video format, with overlays of effects, music, etc.

Scheme No. 3 – radio broadcasts and video

It’s a little vikorist, although Pributkov is right. To make it clearer, see the screenshot below

  • I used blue arrows to indicate messages sent to other videos in the middle of the channel. The goal is to increase the number of views, increase the number of displays of ad blocks;
  • White arrows indicate advertising inserts, this application, advertising is shown 8 times in one video

This radio broadcast is recorded, then the video adds photographs, promotional videos and voila - perfect content.

Scheme No. 4 – films and programs without copyrights

This appears to be the case, and in abundance. You can hear old films and clips here.

Publication of original videos

The best and most profitable way to earn money on YouTube.

How much can you earn?

An example of making money on a channel with heavy bonuses “Top 20 ways to save money”
The partner pays the pennies Google program Adsense (highly visible in the video, even often on the beginning of the video itself)

How much can you earn on 1 video?

Skin video statistics for 1 month of impressions

Statistics for the first month of the channel. As you can see, there are a lot of videos, which are likely to be looked at, but there are not a lot of pennies for showing advertisements.
Related to many reasons
  • There are simply no thematic advertisers on this topic;
  • The video is not from advertisers;
  • Chi did not give away the theme of the video;
  • Video with different fences for a century;
  • Video with links from Google.

What are the most profitable countries?

Apparently, the most prominent countries today are the Anglophone countries, as well as the top countries of the EU.
Russia is low. Other edges of the SND are even lower.

How much can you earn for 1000 views?

  • USA - 5-15 $;
  • Canada, Great Britain - $4-13;
  • Nіmechchina - $3-15;
  • Russia - 0.3-0.8 $;
  • Regions SND - 0.1-0.6 $.

It’s just as expensive to pay if you look at it from the countries of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Basic instructions for creating a channel

  • Choose a unique, specialized login that briefly represents your business. For example, the Coca Cola company's YouTube account is called Coca-Cola. However, if your business is small and your name does not give a clear idea of ​​what products and services you sell, add a product type to your login.

    For example, for the Mountain Top brand, which specializes in hiking boots, choose the name regional registration"mountaintopboots."

  • Upload one or a group of compelling, dynamic commercials to your YouTube channel. In the description of your advertising on Youtube, add key terms that can be used by merchants, as well as the names of your products, services and business.

    Keep your first videos clear and informative in order to get the first likes and live views. Soon you will be up in arms, and you may appear in the “Recommended Videos”.

  • Add background koristuvach, banner i short description. Yakshcho є special blog You need to add a message to the sofa on the blog, and a message to the blog on the channel. Cross-exchange will ensure the first traffic from the blog.
  • Check out the tool for posting videos on YouTube to get traffic to advertising videos. All video functions will become useful for users when typing songs key words.

    You only pay if the customer clicks on the video to make such an investment cost-effective and effective additions to the advertising campaign.

  • Obtain an invoice for advertising videos by visiting the business website. The overlay is a reminder of the advertising noise that appears at the top of YouTube videos. This will stimulate traffic to the site and provide information for interested viewers about where your products and services are purchased.

How much do TOP video bloggers pay?

It’s impossible to pin down exact dates. Several services have been created to demonstrate the profitability of the channel. As a rule, the amounts of earnings protected are indicated in the range from and to.
An example of such a political channel is below:

Explanation of this table.
  • Dati – enlightened;
  • +553 – the number of new prepayments for additional payments;
  • 622.726 – number of prepaid subscribers on the channel;
  • +1,908,590 – number of views on the channel per download;
  • 599,176,059 – the number of views on the channel for the entire hour;
  • The rest of the column - earn for the spoils.

According to my data, the amount in the remaining column can be safely taken from the first value (as minimal) and increased by 30% exactly. Then we deduce approximately the exact amount of passive income.

TOP services for making money by watching videos

Making money on video is a simple way to earn income via the Internet. Watch the videos, add comments, repost and make positive contributions.


The service is similar to Cashbox - the same functionality, the same service, the same ways of earning money for Vikonians. You can enter money earned on Webmoney or Yandex Groshi.

It's not far latest list Services for making money on video If you have listed the sites you know and trust, then you can start from them.
If you don’t just get hung up on watching videos, you can earn up to 200 rubles on each day.

Replacement of the removed

Evaluation of the method -

  • Product overview. Before purchasing any product (mostly on the Internet), many customers learn about its characteristics in verified products, and also watch reviews on YouTube.

    A well-produced video about the benefits of a product can be of great value to a potential client when selling their product via YouTube.

    Don’t forget to publish videos of unpacking and product inspection on the retail channel.

  • Videos of buyers. If you promote your product or service to your clients, you can promote it and publish a video on a special channel about the damage to your product or service. This is especially true for new customers.

  • Video recording of visits. Also on the channel dedicated to your product, it is obligatory to publish videos about your past visits.

  • Instructions for products and services.

Secrets of increasing sales on YouTube

Let's look at the main ways to increase sales:

Youtube and online store

Stable sales of goods on youtube not available only for the first time koristuvachs, and to the owners of other online stores.
  1. Select a product from the best choice. For example, electronics and accessories to smartphones.
  2. Takes a video look at the goods. For greater effect, you can demonstrate the equality of prices with other goods.
  3. Publication of the video.
  4. I'll take a look at that advertisement for the channel itself.

Apply online stores + special channel

Online stores, which already have a large client base, use YouTube as an additional advertising platform.

Let’s imagine a number of stores that are planning to promote a YouTube channel, which will bring an additional influx of customers:

Sales service YouTube

The YouTube service can be viewed as a platform for advertising your services. If you are a qualified specialist in any field, you can advertise for yourself on YouTube.

For example, being a competent lawyer or attorney and publishing videos about your activities on the channel, you can attract a large number of potential clients.

The brightest butt of a lawyer whose main source of clients for sales of YouTube services is Sergiy Zhorin.

Another bright example of bright promotion through YouTube is Maxim Shelkov’s channel about auto-select.

Infoproducts youtube

Directly, which can be called one that is rapidly developing, as a result of development through the Internet, including YouTube, is becoming increasingly popular.

Let's look at the use of information products on YouTube:

In addition to all the over-the-top methods of acquiring clients, our service for promoting channels on YouTube is proven to be quick.

The service has been providing services from the promotion of videos and channels for over five years now. During this hour we calculated the largest amount effective ways promotion, which allows you to increase the traffic of your channel in the shortest possible time.

Presentation of our service!
Deputy Effectively not drying his YouTube channel and video clip! Stop thinking! Complete the contract

Let's borrow a niche from YouTube for a quick income!

No one can make money on YouTube at any time. We all know that a small number of people have already managed to earn money from their hard work. Massacre bloggers, let's play and animators have long occupied this niche.

Hello everyone, YouTubers! In connection with Vasil Blinov and in today’s article, we will finally look at, in my opinion, the most important topic of this section - how to make money on YouTube.

So, as a matter of fact, I will reveal the ways to make money on YouTube video hosting and will briefly look at them, and in the following articles we will discuss those methods that require more detailed study and proper implementation.

As you know, the Internet is a great advertising medium, do you remember when I told you about it from the statistics? Therefore, monetization of any resource here, be it a YouTube channel, a website or a social profile. borders, develops mainly from different species advertising, but you can earn money here by running your own channel.

You can start generating income using two strategies:

  1. You create your channel from scratch, develop it and take money from advertising. You are a businessman.
  2. You help create and develop channels for other people and earn a salary. In and - .

Both strategies have their pros and cons. From the best knowledge of working with people, I can say that it is not easy and difficult to capture your own voice on video. Most people are simply afraid of being discovered and shown off on the Internet.

Making money on YouTube - the best 10 ways

Let's look at ways to make money with both strategies, but let's finish with the first. I'll show you how people make money by making videos and posting them on YouTube.

Contextual advertising Google AdSense

The fragments of video hosting have been around for a long time Google, please note that the most official way to monetize videos on YouTube will be contextual advertising Google AdSense.

The essence of the method is that you simply make videos that people are amazed at, YouTube itself shows them advertisements and for these impressions and pressure to pay you a small sum.

YouTube media

Media, or as they are also called, “YouTube partners” (not to be confused with) - these, one might say, are the same as Google AdSense, only like private companies. Advertising advertisements are displayed this way, and this is how payment for impressions and clicks is collected.

The only advantage is that media outlets can pay more and allow money to be withdrawn. manually and loom technical support, which helps to resolve any problems. For example, I’m sorry for the violation of copyrights.

In the next part, we will look at popular YouTube affiliate programs and how to choose one for your channel.

Affiliate programs

In my opinion, the same shortest method monetization for YouTubers-cobs.

I have a whole section on my blog, dedicated to it, in which I share my evidence of how you can consistently earn over 100,000 rubles per month on them.

In short, the principle lies in the fact that you take a product, register in its affiliate program, withdraw your message, advertise it (put the message in the description of the video) and from each sale of the product you take away hundreds. The average commission amount is 5 - 30% of the product cost.

However, for a small amount of views, you can already earn a lot of money.

Sales of goods and services

Quite often, many companies create their own channels in order to spread the word about their product. If you are engaged in the production of various speeches or services, you can sell them through videos without any financial investment.

The scheme is very simple, I think there is nothing more to explain here.

Direct advertising

Since you still do not have a large audience and tens of thousands of prepayers, then this method will be irrelevant. Advertisers have no sense in buying advertising because there are so few people to reach. If you want to understand this method, so that you understand what to do, I think it is required.

Direct advertising - when an advertiser comes to you with a method to advertise a product in a video for a pittance. For popular channels and bloggers, this type of monetization is the largest source of income. One advertising insert can cost up to 10,000 rubles ad infinitum.

For example, on channels where the video gets 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 views, advertising costs an average of 300,000 - 600,000 rubles. And there can be 2 such rollers. for a week or more. Axis and cheers.

  • Pre Roll - a short insert on the very beginning of the video.
  • Mid Roll - insert here in the middle of the video. Like advertising on TV.
  • Post Roll is a commercial like a video.
  • Integration - if the author of the channel creates a special advertising story.
  • Advertising is caught - if the author is simply promoting a product of some brand and does not remember about it. For example, wear clothes from Nike or regularly drink kava from Starbucks.
  • Like on YouTube. The essence of the like lies in the fact that after placing it, the video will be put into the album “In Like Video”, and some of the prepaid fees for the channel will be obligatory.


I am still on the lookout for another popular form of income for video bloggers, both today and in Russia - donation. Through special service Whatever you look at, you can donate some money to the authors of the channel.

The author registers on the service, selects the special message (for example, and inserts it into the video description. All services are integrated with YouTube and can be accessed via live broadcast.

You can marvel at the way it looks Danish method salary

Whom can be satisfied with foaling, but it will be better for you to change your life well. I myself often donate to projects that I read and admire, just because they share useful information.

Monetization of traffic from YouTube

I don’t know what to call this method, but let it be so.

By developing your channel on YouTube, you will soon have a large audience, as you will be subscribed and followed closely social measures. Or go from the videos to the site with text material.

One of my channels BASE KNOWLEDGE I monetize this way myself, I drive traffic from YouTube to the blog and there is already advertising here.

Bloggers lead their prepayers to social media. measures and then sell additional advertising on VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook and other platforms.

Now, let’s say, you don’t have your own channel and you don’t want to start one, let’s take a look at what you can do to earn money.

Nadannya of one's services

You can earn money from please help YouTube as a freelancer or as a remote worker. For example, take care of the construction, decoration, opening of channels, consulting etc.

Or get a permanent job as a YouTube channel administrator and receive a fixed salary for your work. The administrator's duties include the acquisition of videos, SEO optimization, development of a content plan, analysis of statistics and news reports, promotion of videos, moderation of comments, and much more. Turn in, I think, maybe it’s worth the price.

Author of the videos

For websites there is such a profession as... For YouTube, there is a similar need for people who make videos for pennies.

By developing several of my channels, I immediately look for such people myself. If you want to make videos (mostly initial screencasts), then write to me on VKontakte (

Since in the past, an entrepreneur, in order to get buyers for his product, had to come up with a viral video - write a script, prank an actor, then today our entrepreneur did not need any imagination: he simply Idea of ​​your product from this page:

Over the course of the day, this video received over 256 thousand views. And the author has posted an annotation on the video, which redirects the customer to another video, in the description of which wine sells a cleaver guint, which is demonstrated in the video:

This video is over 3 months old, and this one already has 18,796 views.

The price is obvious (or rather, on the video itself): 800-900 hryvnia (3000-3500 rubles) per gwent.

And all the necessary information for selling via the Internet (product characteristics, price, contact details) is included in the description of the video (well, and often - on the video itself in the annotation).

If you think that this is an example of random success (although it is clearly clear that the seller is not a marketer), then you have another example of simple adaptability, this time Russian:

This video is only 4 months old, and this one has 3843 views.

The author of the video (who is also the seller of the demonstrated wood splitter) lives in the working-class village of Achit in the Sverdlovsk region (less than 5,000 inhabitants) and sells both wood splitters and other parts throughout Russia. It has its own website - - and accepts payment in Yandex.Penny (which is still rich in Moscow online stores, but they cannot register anything other than old grandmother’s payment methods - through a receipt to Oschadbank).

Two enterprises (from Russia and Ukraine) calmly extract the goods needed by the state and sell them through bourgeois YouTube, without straining themselves (that’s quite simple).

I think that in this way our people can be sold through YouTube a lot of good things from the state.

How to sell on Youtube:

1. You can trade through YouTube without straining yourself, just by showing the product from the site.

2. You can sell via the Internet not only super-technological goods, but also basic rural ones (such as a wood splitter). There are also buyers for them (and that is the main thing).

3. It’s completely possible to sell products through YouTube, without going to your own website (or just a simple website on - everything you need can be placed in the description before the video or in the annotations before.

4. Be close to the buyer. It is easier for our buyer to buy goods from a person who can see it on the screen, rather than in a faceless online store, which is technologically advanced and chic (although, perhaps, not in all cases).

You are no longer able to marvel at your state (or garages) that you can harvest (and sell via the Internet). Watch the process on video and post it on YouTube (don’t forget to include the number of the person where you can transfer your money).

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