Yak download modi to san san. Modi, who changed the world of GTA San Andreas to a good bik. Installing mods manually

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More gravity in GTA is given to questions: how can you change it in grі, or how to add a beloved hero, auto, superzdatnіst, etc. Everything is possible for additional mods (scripts), if you can get it to put in grand theft Auto III, IV and V, San Andreas chi Vice City.

Modifications - select the files that you need to replace the original ones in the folder with the grey, or else type scripts (program code) to manually add to the grue or for additional programs, for example OpenIV or .

There are 2 main options for adding modifications:

  1. Automatic installation
  2. Manually inserted

How to install modi for GTA with auto installation?

Most often everything looks like this:

  1. Run the auto installer
  2. Choose a place where GTA is located
  3. Pushing forward, OK, etc.

How to install modi on GTA manually?

Sequence dіy:

  1. You will download the modification files.
  2. Look at the instructions and add them to the GTA folder, confirming the change.

Drinking automatic method:

Sometimes it can be brought vikoristuvati dodatkovy software for installation. Deyakі modi vymagayut editing great files, yakі it's impossible to open just like that.

For whom zavantazhuemo required program(As a rule, we have assigned what is necessary for the installation of that correct work). Butt of installation via Open4:

  1. Zavantazhuemo and install
  2. Download the mod files and follow the instructions (there you will be told which files you need to add or replace)

How to install modi on GTA San Andreas?

I want to get a brand new car or buy a spare one, but you don’t know, San Andreas? Koristuyuchis zaproponovanim kerіvnitstvom, you will easily make all the necessary changes in the group.

For the cob, you need to download the IMG Tool 2.0 program. Now it is significant, how to install modi on GTA San Andreas.

  1. Robimo copies of the Data and Models folders, which are located in the game directory. Take care of them at the wrong place, so that you can turn around at the wrong position and repeat the test in case of incorrect installation of the modules.
  2. For greater reliability, we will install it manually using IMG Tool 2.0.
  3. Taken from the Internet archives from the new machine. The new one has 2 files in TXD and DFF formats, where the car is located.

How to install mod on car Infernus

  1. Unpack archives with files Infernus.DFF and Infernus.TXD in a folder.
  2. At the directory gri vkazuєmo way to the folder "Models".
  3. Vіdkrivaєmo GTA3.IMG with a change of twisted models and textures.
  4. We know the files Infernus.TXD and Infernus.DFF.
  5. We can see them on the onslaught of RMB - “Delete”.
  6. We install a new car. At the Commands menu, select ADD (you can use the hot keys CTRL + A).
  7. It is possible to find a way to the files, like unpacking from the archive, to place a new car.
  8. For the help of the Shift key, you can select offending files in a row.
  9. Mod installed. The new car is ready for the wink.

Deyakі modi є unique for their nature, they made them like that. If you want to bachiti the parameters of these mod_v pіd hour gri, write the necessary data in the system files manually.

  1. Known in text files The archive can be changed a hundred times to change the files, as to the type of wheel, color scheme or physical characteristics of transport facilities. Actions from them look like this: carcols.dat, carmods.dat, handling.cfg, vehcicles.ide.
  2. V_dkrivaєmo їх for the help of a text editor. Just under the phrase about the change and the name of the machine and the digital code (for example, LANDSTAL 5000.0 3000.0 2.0 0.0 0.35), then a copy of the given data and replacing them with such a row system files. If you opened the files through notepad, then you can perform the following operations:
    • Skasovuemo "Transfer for words."
    • We pass through the path "Menu" - "File" - "Vіdkriti" - we select the folder " GTA San Andreas DATA". At the window "All files" we know the required file and vodkrivaєmo yogo.

Now you know how to install the mod on GTA San Andreas.

In this instruction, it will be described in detail how to install mods in GTA San Andreas, which can include new cars with motorcycles, other equipment, armor and clothing. We would like to inform you that if you select mods from our site, the installation will be automatically installed in the most cases. Ale traplyatsya everyone, and tim, who has problems with automatic installations, and will be corrected by the article.

First, start the installation, next save copies of the data and models folders. If you install the modification incorrectly, then you will be allowed to turn everything into a colossal state.

Instructions from the installation.

About the installation of modifications will be described on the butt of the mod that adds the car. Sound, when you want to modify the transport zasib, we will have two files with .TXD and .DFF formats. It is possible that you have requested files to add the Bullet car. What did they do with him? How to install modi in GTA San Andreas?

  1. We need to know the Img Tool 2 program.
  2. Unzip її, click and open the File menu.
  3. Open the Models folder in the folder with the grey.
  4. In the same place, open the file under the name "gta3.img". The middle of the new one is known for the entire list of objects that are victorious in grі.
  5. Find the files of the car, how to apply replacements (Bullet.txd and Bullet.dff)
  6. Delete two files by right-clicking on them and selecting the delete option (Delete).
  7. After that next, the modifications were installed without interruption. By pressing on Commands > Add, open the window, in which you can find a path to the files, in order to replace Bullet. They gave me two files to choose.
  8. Installation completed! Come into the group and enjoy your new car.

Mods for GTA San Andreas are installed in three ways, ie to lie in the type of modification, in the form of її wide.

Let's get it together, how to install modi!

Є computer games, in a way you want to play and play, but the single-mantle gameplay is fast-paced. In the meantime, add modifications or mods to virtual rozvag. On one game, the stinks are installed in a couple of clicks, and to install an add-on on another, you have to take a bubo. Let's look, yak for GTA: San Andreas three ways.


Modification of abo mod is a supplement for Gri, creations by third-party retailers (GRI fans, small studios). Distinguish the number of types of modifications that make those other changes:

  • global- Almost the whole change virtual world: models, textures, balance, scripts, game objects, maps, objects, characters;
  • mutator- Reworking the virtual light often, expanding it, having poured into the pile to lie in the order of their interest (zastosuvannya);
  • expansion of the world- Submission of the concept of the game process, the appearance of new powers in subjects and characters;
  • official- similar to mutators, but created by retailers video games;
  • replayer– replace the textures of that model on the enlarged, increased distribution of buildings, allow you to significantly change the appearance of the rose.

As for the order of the mutator's engagement, it is necessary to explain here.

The offensive mutator at the list can be added to the front. For example, if one of them zbіshuє shkoda, which is applied with cold armor, and the other - add daggers, then their shkoda will be deprived of vihіdnoy.

Preparation stage

Additions for GTA: San Andreas dekіlkom are installed in the following ways: through special programs by the way of victorious vbudovanih in the installer of tools and by the way of elementary unpacking of the archive with modification in the catalog with a toy.

How to prepare you will need to work out the steps:

  • capture archives with modification and unpacking yoga;
  • zavantazhit program, for help as a mod to integrate into the game;
  • Download the installer from the modified files for automatic installation of the add-on.

In another mood you need a sprig of tools for fallow type:

  • Crazy IMG Edition(img tool enhancements) – support adding file expansion with one click, support search, reselect archives;

Crazy IMG Editor

  • TXD Workshop- Zasіb for changing files with textures, including those that are squeezed, is also necessary for changing aims.

Where to take modi?

You can use any resource!

However, it is necessary to capture them with an archive, and not for the help of sumnіvnіvnіvnіvnіvnіvіvаchіvаі, yakі to deprive yourself of not one shkidlivu program, Spam, emails to other resources, shortcuts, etc. Obtain archives only from resources, which you trust, after you have downloaded the file, it is strongly recommended to rewrite it. Sche best solutions You will be strengthening the archive or sending it to a new one on virustotal or another similar service.

Avoid files that require a password to unarchive: Antivirus cannot scan the password-protected code, so you know about it. shkidly code easy to spend on a computer. Yogo needs to be run.

It is possible that the most optimal solution would be with torrent trackers, if it is not possible to be re-verified by moderators and cores, so that GTA with an integration set of required extensions is not possible.

Installation methods

Let's take a look at all three methods to put the mod on GTA: San Andreas.


On popular sites, adding to the expansion, they are expanded by looking at the archives that are self-extracting, with scripts that automatically reselect after the re-archiving game files. In order to use this method, it is necessary to specify a catalog for the method, which has the resources of San Andreas, so the program does not designate it independently.

Crazy IMG Editor

Another method is based on the possibilities of the IMGTool program, or on the outdated analogue of the Crazy IMG Editor (working with others).

The first crop is recommended to be robiti backup copy file gta3. imgin catalosismodels. Just a pardon for an hour of installation of an additional one, otherwise it will appear non-functional, rather than a copy of the file with resources. Yoga replacement is simpler, lower reinstallation of Gri.

  • To change the movie, select the main menu item "File" and select "Language".
  • Unpacking archives from resources gri.
  • The Crazy IMG Editor has a gta3.img, it has some changes in the catalog.
  • Click on the menu item "Edit" and select "Supplement with replacement".

  • At the “Oglyad” window, you can select trendy files with extensions dffі txd and vіdkrivaєmo їх.
  • When the status “Files Added” appears, the first item of the main menu is displayed and the command is clicked "Reselect archives".
  • At the advancing dialosis, there is a way to save resources (the catalog "models").
  • Replace the original gtaimg and check the completion of the operation - the green box at the bottom of the window displays the current progress of the overwriting file.
  • After changing the status to "Archiv vіdcrito" modification is installed, the game is ready before launch.


This method can help you in installing the mod.

Modi, how to change graphic elements, most importantly textures. For GTA: San Andreas, they are skins and aims (we will figure out the process for replacing the aiming mark on the butt).

  • Take a picture on the computer from the understanding of transparency (png format).
  • Launch TXD Workshop and click on the Open TDX button on the toolbar at the top of the window.
  • Pave the way to the catalog "models" and select the file with the textures of the program - hud.tdx.
  • The editor's note should have all the graphic elements, as in the text. We select a picture for your name "siteM16» and click «Import» .

  • We select a picture in png format You can change it with the Save TDX button.

To replace the font, you need to name yoga font.tdx and copy it from the replacement of a one-name file to a folder "models".

Otzhe, you vyrishili noviti svіy car fleet and trohi zminiti іgrovy svіt, zavantazili steep wheelbarrow, cool skin CJ chi zbroyu? Vіdmіnno, tsey helper will help you to place be-yakі modifications in the group.

IMPORTANT! Obov'yazkovo save copies of the DATA catalogs and MODELS from the directories of the game in the right place, so that at times there are glitches in the city through the wrong installation of the mod, and for sure there is little chance to turn everything.

For the beginning, download the programs: IMG Tool 2.0 and GTA Garage Mod Manager 1.0 stink we need to install any modifications.

Zavantagety IMG Tool 2.0

Zavantage GTA Garage Mod Manager

We install machine models

In order to be remembered for the fact that the installation process becomes without any inaccuracies, I recommend using the manual installation method for the help of IMG Tool 2.0. The best vicorist manual way you will know what you are changing, and if something goes wrong, you will pardon and you can correct it.

Take archives for a new model of transport, in the archives there are 2 files with extensions TXD and DFF, they contain a car model.

Let's show you how to put a modification to the transport: for example, you zavantage mods for Infernus.

1) Unpack the archives from the file Infernus.TXD and Infernus.DFF to any folder.

2) Run the program IMG TOOL 2.0, click on the menu File=>Open (CTRL+L)

3) Enter the path to the MODELS folder near the Grid directory.

4) Open the GTA3.IMG file, the next program will have a great list of files, all the textures and models from the grid.

5) Find the original files Infernus.TXD and Infernus.DFF, to make it easier to search, sort all the files alphabetically (Tools => Sort => Name) or use a search (Edit=>Find or press F2).

6) Know? Fine, and now see them (right-click on the file name of that context menu select the Delete command). That's it, now you don't have a cool machine Infernus!

7) Now you can install a new machine: from the Commands menu, select the ADD item (CTRL + A), and in the window, you can see that you can expand the folder with the unpacked files from the archive Infernus.TXD and Infernus.DFF. We select files by pressing the SHIFT key (to see both files in a row, or to open and install files by choice). All now our new car is installed at the group.

Setting the characteristics of the transport

Even more often, the authors of modifications endow their creations with unique parameters, so that these parameters are visible in the GR, you can manually write them in the system files. Have you made a backup copy of yours? Take a look at the text files in the archive for modifying the phrase about changing files in handling.cfg, vehcicles.ide, carcols.dat, carmods.dat. Qi files are given for physics, color and wheels of ALL transport costs for gr. To make changes, just write them in Notepad (or in. text editor). As soon as you wrote the phrase about changing any of these files, and below the row with the name (like in the grі) of the wheelbarrow and next to the numbers, then it is necessary to replace the original row in the system files of the gri for the whole row.

For clarity, in the Notepad program menu, say “transfer for words”, at the FILE => ENTER menu, select the folder: GTA San AndreasDATA at the bottom of the window, select the ALL FILES mode (not TXT only), find the required file (for example, DEFAULT.DAT) and open it .

LANDSTAL 3000.0 6000.0 3.0 0.0.35 0.0 80 0.60 0.80 0.4 5 170.0 15.0 15.0 R P 8.5 0.30 0.0 1.0.12 0.0.24 -0.20 0.5 0.44 0.30 40000 20220010 504400 1 1 0

We see the original handling.cfg file, which is in the DATA folder, we know in a new row, which starts with the words: LANDSTAL ..., we can see this row again, and on the other side we insert more guidance. It is necessary to work in a similar way to replace those other files. All now our new car is installed at the group.

Automatic installation of modifications

For automatic installation The mods can be speeded up faster by the GTA Garage Mod Manager 1.0 program. It is also possible to fasten that manually installed modifications. With this program, you can immediately marvel at how you will see a 3-world model of a new machine. The program has a small glitch: after replacing the machine, the new model may appear inadequately in the new program (the number of hours, the geometry is incorrect), although the machine looks like a trace.

Installed software:

Unpack the files from the archive into the gri directory.

Manually installed machine model:

1) Unpack the files with extensions TXD, DFF, COL from the archived archive into a folder.

2) Run GTA Garage Mod Manager.

3) Press the INSTALLER button and select Manual Car Installer

4) Specify the extension for TXD, DFF, COL files.

5) Open the file ReadMe.txt and copy the third row with the transport parameters (Handling, Carcols, ide) and place them in the next row of the program.

6) Click Install and try the new transport.

Possible problems

In them, there is no insurance, there are fluctuations, if the mods are broken not too much, or you have installed it incorrectly and the country is vilified when it is zavantazhenni, or when the car appears in the country. That's why it's reverberating, like a new model got into the group and how to behave in it. Obviously, you can run around the entire state of San Andreas, expand the new car and call it Infernus, but I’ll try to do it easier: start the Garage Editor program, start the game, press the ALT + TAB key combination and start the Garage Editor, select the closest garage to CJ from the program menu and put it there Infernus. Let's turn around at the game (ALT + TAB) and let's see the garage and love the new model. For some reason, you didn't get to replace the car, and you want to turn everything back, just replace the modified GTA3.IMG file from the gri directory with the original backup. If you installed the mod before and don't want to use it, you can rotate the original Infernus.TXD and Infernus.DFF. To start IMG TOOL, enter the path to backup file GTA3.IMG, open it, find Infernus.TXD and Infernus.DFF, select Commands=>Extract (CTRL+E) from the menu and select a folder to select files. Viymіt їх y tsyu folder, then after the help of the described above way to replace the modified files with the original ones.

Installation of skins for transport

Archives with skins for transport do not destroy the model itself, they contain only a TXD file, which old look that rozmalovku transport zasobu. That is, when such a modification is installed, the standard machine will be garnetted.

Such mods and installations of machine models are being installed. We start the IMG Tool 2.0 program, open the GTA3.IMG file, see the new original TXD file and add the transport skin downloads. That's it, you can be nice to the new rosefarb machines.

Installation of CJ skins and modifications of clothes

All the clothes and old looks of CJ are found in the PLAYER.IMG file, which is also found in the MODELS folder. Installation of downloaded skins is also carried out irreplaceable program IMG TOOL 2.0 Run the program, open the PLAYER.IMG file, see it from the new original TXD file and add modifications from the downloaded archive. We start the game and marvel at the new CJ, and we look for modifications to the clothes in the shops of our CJ wardrobe.

Installing new skins

Such mods and installations of machine models are being installed. Run the IMG Tool 2.0 program, open the GTA3.IMG file, see the new original TXD file and add the TXD file with the new skin.

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