How to write down multiples in Excel.

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2 Cool Reader Excel is a program for working with tables, which multiplies operations with basic ambushes of working with it.- This is a spreadsheet processor that can provide advanced functionality for working with electronic spreadsheets.

Among the numerical functions, this program offers the simplest ability to work with numbers.

The table processor can perform both simple operations (folding, multiplying) and complex ones: linking transport tasks, selecting a parameter, searching optimal decision

ta in. To become familiar with the program on the cob level, it will be enough to learn how to construct simple operations for multiplying numbers. How does Excel multiply numbers? Let’s remember now that whatever the calculations are, they all start from the beginning with the same sign.

Then you need to select an empty box and enter the equal sign.

Only after this you can enter any data.

For example, you can write it like this: =5*5 (the star symbol is a multiplication symbol).

The program immediately understands that the required result is 25.

  • Once you see the field and the result is displayed, you can expand the formula itself, so that the formula field has a little more detail, above the working
  • Excel sheet
  • ).

After this, the number 50 will be displayed in C1. If you click on C1 and you will see a series of formulas, you can do this: =A1*B1.

This means that Excel now multiplies not specific numbers, but the values ​​of these fields. If you change them, the result will also change.

For example, in field A1 you can write the number 3, and in field C1 the result will immediately appear - 15. This method of multiplying numbers is classic.

As a rule, no one writes down the numbers manually, so you have to multiply the numbers first Another trick is copying formulas. As a butt, you can take a small table (5 rows and 2 columns). Meta - multiply the values ​​of the skin row (that is, A1 multiplied by B1, A2 by B2, ..., A5 by B5). In order not to write the same formula at once, it is enough to write the same for the first row, and then see the box with the result (C1) and pull down the small black square, which is located in the lower right corner.

The formula will stretch downwards, and the result will be correct for all rows.

In this clumsy way, an axis can be multiplied in Excel by both numbers and numbers.

In addition, the same principle applies to other mathematical operators (add, sub, sub).

In such situations, you only need to specify another arithmetic sign, and all operations with numbers (or fields) work the same way. Excel (Excel) – tse application program

  • , intended for the door electronic table(matrix) and automated processing of data entry.
  • With the help of this spreadsheet processor, you can create diagrams, easily create different calculations (with the help of additional functions and formulas input from the editor), perform custom optimization, carry out statistical processing of data, and also perform analysis that forecast.
  • Excel is a powerful program for working with electronic matrices; knowledge of the basic formulas allows you to simplify the process of processing tabular data.
  • One of the most valuable and most frequently used functions is the multiplication operation.

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Pobudova form for calculator

Whenever you need it, the Excel spreadsheet processor allows you to create a simple form from several sidings, one of which contains the values ​​of the multiply, another the values ​​of the multiplier, and the third the result of the multiplication.

  • To create the form you need:
  • Place a number (multiple) in the first middle and press the Enter key;
  • Place another number in the middle (multiplier) and press “Enter”;
  • At the third store, press the “=” key and use the additional navigation key to go to the first store;
  • Press a star "*";
  • Use the navigation keys or the mouse cursor to move to another center (for example, = A1 * A2);

To complete entering the formula, press the “Enter” key.

The table processor displays the result of multiplication with the third company. With the help of this calculator, you can change the values ​​of the multiplier and multiply, and the Excel program displays its version in the third world. How can you multiply a profit by a number in Excel? Richly koristuvachiv vikorystvuyut office

software product Microsoft Office Excel (Excel).

Today we are talking about how to correctly multiply numbers in the Excel spreadsheet editor.

We launch the program and enter the numbers we need at the end of the line.

In order to remove the result of our operation (from

to this guy multiplication) you need to select the middle of the demi we want, so that our result can be accommodated. Next, we need to write down the formula itself in the resulting middle, which means multiplying the required middles (numbers).

Just to remember that skin calculations in Excel are called formulas, and all of them begin with the same symbol.

Then you need to select an empty cell and enter the old symbol.

Then you can enter anything.

For example, you can write it like this: =5*5 (the star symbol is a multiplication sign).

The program immediately informs you that it comes with the same type of pouch – 25.

If you see a field and the result is displayed, you can enter the formula itself, which is located in the formula field (there is a little more, above the Excel workspace).

You can edit it here.

For example, you can add it like this: =5*5*10 (then the result will immediately change).

But this method of multiplying numbers is very simple, and it is also irrational.
Let’s say that the user creates a table with 2 columns and is faced with the task of multiplying them.
It is possible, of course, to write everything down by hand, otherwise it will take a lot of time.
In addition, the values ​​can be changed from time to time, and the formulas will need to be edited.

By the way, all this may not work, because Excel can perform operations in a different way and with numbers.

For example, the meanings in the middle are multiplying.

Video of multiplication operations in Excel How to multiply numbers in Excel?

A1 multiplied by B1, A2 B2, ..., A5 by B5).

In order not to write the same formula right away, it is enough to write it for the first row, and then see the box with the result (C1) and pull down the other dark square, which is located in the lower right corner.

The formula is “pull” down, and the result will be smooth for all rows. In this simple way, an axis can be multiplied in Excel by numbers and middles. Moreover, the same principle applies to other mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, subdivision).

In such situations, it is necessary to specify another arithmetic sign; operations with numbers (and fields) work the same way.

Table editor

Microsoft Excel

Another approach is to enter the formula for growth manually.

For example, you are faced with the task of calculating the sum of numbers scattered behind the table. To do this, make the box active (click on it with the left mouse button) in which you want to place the calculation result. Then put the "=" sign and then enter the address of the skin center, instead of what is required, don't forget to put the "+" sign between them.

For example, you might enter: "=A1+B7+C2+B3+E5".

After you have entered the addresses of the remaining number, press “Enter” on the keyboard and you will see the sum of all the values ​​of the numbers.

It is not necessary to manually enter the skin address.

Just click on the middle and in the field for formulas your addresses will immediately appear, put the next “+” and go to the next one. There is another approach - using the “Paste Special” function. This method is simple because it allows you to summarize data from several tables, keeping in mind that all of their columns are the same. To create on the cob.

As you gradually master the basic functions and tools of the program, you will begin to learn more and more operations in the Excel editor. Write in the comments if this article helped you to deal with wine foods and share your evidence with other profiteers. Microsoft Excel –

popular program

which is actively encouraged by koristuvachs to carry out various mathematical investigations.

Zokrema, with additional programs you can easily select multiplication.

More details about this are available from the statistics.

Multiplication is one of the most popular arithmetic procedures, which is most often used by Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet editors.

Below we will look at the main ways of multiplying this program.

How to multiply in Excel?

Option 1: multiply the value of the merchant

Let's say you need to multiply two or more numbers in one middle. This procedure follows the following formula: For this purpose, if we select an empty box in Excel, if we want to improve the result of our calculations, we put the equal sign, and then we write down the numbers, putting a star sign between them (the multiplication sign).

In this manner, write down the required number of numbers that need to be multiplied.

To calculate the result, after entering you only have to click on the Enter key, after which the number will be displayed in the box.

Option 2: multiplying different middles

For example, in Excel you have numbers in different middles, so you need to multiply one by one and calculate the result.

In our example, all the numbers are in one column, so we see an empty box and begin to enter the formula.

Here’s how our view looks like:

As soon as we press the Enter key, the result of multiplying the three numbers that were specified in our range will be displayed.

Option 4: multiplying a range of numbers by a number

The last option is to calculate if you have numbers in a column or a row, as you need to multiply the number by a single number, for example, in our case, the number is 5.

In our application, we need to multiply the numbers in the range A2:A6 by the number in the middle of B2.

We see that there is an empty box with the understanding that the multiplication results for each step will go down from it, and then we put a sign, which means the beginning of entering the formula.

We need the formula to multiply two numbers - the first number of the hundred, and also the number, first, on which all the middle numbers will be multiplied.

Do not rush to press the Enter key.

We will need to attach the message to the mail with a number that is multiplied by all the numbers of the station.

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