Monitoring position changes for direct phrases. Position verification services. May be at the finish line

Golovna / Setting up

Let's look at the most popular services for checking the position of a site on the Internet, look at their pros and cons, and, of course, choose the best one.

First, a small introduction for beginners, or rather, less instructions. Each person with services will need to do as much as possible.

  • Create a project
  • Enter the URL of the site whose positions are verified
  • In some search systems you need to take a position (I think that it will be better if there are Yandex and Google)
  • Write your region for the selected position (although it is important, some positions for the skin region may vary)
  • Write a list of queries for monitoring (or quickly use the prompt for selecting queries)
  • Select how often you need to remove positions (today, during updates or manually)

And now it’s time to take a look at the services. Let's go...

1. TOPVISOR service

Please note that you can independently adjust the interval for checking positions on the site. This is a unique benefit, which is far from the skin service. Although you may save your expenses, it just doesn’t make sense to recheck positions today, in my opinion. I’ll guess that the price of one check is 5 kopecks.

The prices for the service are now even more attractive:

Analytics service. Here you can monitor competitors' positions, average position, website traffic, indexing. If you connect Yandex Webmaster, then send another message. In short, very easy to analyze:

Possibility to formulate calls from the position monitoring.

Payment can be made via WebMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi and by transfer from a bank card.

My thought: TOPVISOR is the best service for checking website positions.

2. SERPSTAT Service

SERPSTAT is an international, richly functional SEO platform with a package of tools for analyzing competitors for a domain and URL, analyzing key phrases, analyzing return traffic, monitoring positions and SEO audit of the site.

The price for the minimum tariff is $19, which includes 200 phrases for monitoring. The first cost-free version after registration with 30 years on the skin tool to test the service. For river overpayments, the reduction is -20%, for three-day overpayments - 40%.

Available individual rates for great companies.

When monitoring positions, it is noticeable that Serpstat is able to cover part of the market for a group of key phrases among the top 100 in any region.

And in the main chart of the position division, you can click on the phrase and select the storm chart, SERP behind the phrase and the history of changes in snippets since the beginning of the breakthrough.

A report on position monitoring from SERPSTAT can be found in the video below.

3. TOP-INSPECTOR service

TOP-INSPECTOR is a wonderful service for checking positions. The cost of the completed verification will be charged for a month on two sound systems - 50 copies. It’s nice that after registering for the account, 50 rubles for the test.

You can take positions from four regions. Import data from Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics. The simplicity of the project was honored. Everyone is working on one investment, nothing is greedy, everything has become clear:

The disadvantage of this project is that here you can only take positions in Yandex and Google.

4. SERanking Service

SERanking – pleased with the choice of tariffs. Payment for upfront payment or one-time payment. You can choose to either quickly access the online service or download a special script. Before speech, once you select a script, the depth of verification is 1000, and a number of queries are not interchanged.

The service was also pleasing. For a month the approximate price is 9 $. For a one-time verification of one entry - 4 kopecks.

Finally, I’ll take a look at this short video review of SERanking

5. SEOLIB Service

SEOLIB is a super service for analyzing competitors, posting positions. The verification cost here is more expensive, lower in other systems: 0.001 c.u. for 1 request to Yandex (Moscow), Google (Russia) with Glibina Top 100.

It is possible to use a catastrophe-free regime. This allows you to make 25 verifications per acquisition from one IP, with a depth of up to 100, one region.

Podbag: the service is insanely good, but it’s expensive to take positions here. Then there are no other useful tricks for the optimizer: analysis of sites, queries and much more.

6. RANKINITY Service

RANKINITY – the service specializes only in translating positions to the site. After registration you will receive a $5 bonus for testing.

It is special that you can set the verification intervals yourself, or manually. Moreover, the art of re-verification is not cheap. 1 person spends around 13 kopecks at a time.

Typical functions: comparison with competitors and generation of monthly reports.

7. Service Serphant

Serphant is a service with great functionality that allows you to check positions and conduct third-party, internal analysis of your site. It is easy to use an intuitive interface. All verification results are available on one page, which makes it easy to analyze the site.

The main advantages can be named as follows:

  • special tariffs;
  • provision of cost-free checks for testing the service;
  • a great variety of tools that allows me to retrieve all the necessary information about the site;
  • checking the site for the presence of a text filter;
  • cost-free re-verification of positions for XML limits delegated to the service;
  • availability of a cost-free tool for one-time position verifications, which is located at this address

And this is not all the advantages of this service, but to become familiar with them, it is better to register in the service and try it out especially.

8. Service LINE.PR-CY

LINE.PR-CY – verification of site positions using the popular website analyzer service PR-CY. The cost of checking one order is 0.05 rubles, which can be compared with other similar sites. The design is honestly not impressive.

Collection service based on the principle of a minimum of possibilities for analysis. There are three modes for setting the update time: automatic update, manual update, automatic update after Yandex updates.

Regardless of simplicity, the service deserves respect. If it is easy to formulate positions, it is unsuitable for such a task.

Sooner or later, someone who has his own site will want to find out the location of the site in search form. Of course, you can simply type in the key phrase and look through the documents without harming your site. Even if there are more than 20 keywords, it will take up to an hour to reduce the search engine's position to the site.

It’s also easy that you can set up verification after Yandex updates and simply cancel the call by mail.

It will be especially relevant for those who are only on their website and want to see how their positions in Google have changed.

How to choose a service to check site positions?

See for yourself the important details of your work that are present in the selected service.

  • Test period.
  • The ability to recheck one keyword in one search engine.
  • In some sound systems you can adjust the position.
  • The maximum possible depth of verification is Yandex, Google,, Suputnik, Bing, Yahoo.
    If the depth is, for example, 50, then the statistics will read “n/a”, then “No data” or “>100” then the pose.
    The leather service has its maximum depth for verification.
    I especially don’t want to check all the phrases up to the 1000th (thousandth) position, I just do the checking so that I know where the side is.
    Basically, displacements are carried out within 50,There are plenty of services that give a depth of more than 100.
  • The vibration of the reversal will be - initial, “at the feet”, “accurate”.
  • You can choose a region for verification from Yandex, Google,, Suputnik, Bing, Yahoo.
    In which region do you want to establish your positions? For example, Moscow and Kostroma. Since there is no regionality, then data is taken from Russia.
    Everyone has settings for Yandex and Google, but if you fundamentally need something else, you need to choose.
  • Adjust the frequency of checks - every day, once every three days, once a week, after Yandex updates, manually.
  • Adjusting the singing days and choosing a position.
  • Comparison with the positions of competitors.
  • Payment methods without preparation PayPal, QIWI, Yandex.Groshi, Webmoney, Visa/MasterCard.
  • Integration with Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics.

Good day!

What will happen to the planted potatoes if they are not weeded and hoisted? I think the message will be the same for everyone - never grow older! Why? Because they were not served for an hour: the weeds darkened the dormouse field, which is so necessary for photosynthesis in the leaves of the potato, and the stems simply fell. The result is a fig harvest that will have to be purchased. Aje mi was so excited about a rich harvest. Ale...

How can the burning of potatoes be related to Internet marketing and Direct, zokrema? With a brief introduction I would like to draw an analogy with contextual advertising. On the right is that an advertising campaign, like a field of potatoes, brings in a harvest of clients. And if you don’t follow the campaign, then you’ll end up with a lot of money, on the back of Smith’s traffic, and you’ll ruin your crops.

So, today we’ll just get down to weeding and the larynx of the advertising campaign, which seems like it’s already buried in potatoes. More precisely, not by weeding and under the throat, but by the conduct of an advertising campaign.

Let's get a bit better!

Why do you need an advertising campaign?

First of all, let’s look at why advertising campaigns are needed. I’ll quickly start with my favorite lists again:

  1. Shorter cost for advertising. Now you can significantly reduce the number of pennies you deposit with Direct;
  2. Get more high results. By analyzing your campaigns and correcting actions, you can achieve better results, resulting in more clients and more revenue;
  3. Stability. Also, if you give your skin an hour a month, you will not experience greater results, but also stability;

Wait a minute, your arguments are worthwhile. I think you have a lot of things to do.

The management process is 80% analytics and 20% action. Thus, in order to conduct advertising campaigns, you have Yandex.Metrica () on the website and are marked with UTM tags (). The goals that have been adjusted at Metrica () are also obligatory. Without whom the process of conduct is cumbersome. Because there are no Metrics on the site, UTM tags are daily, and the purposes are not adjusted, then Correct this situation immediately!

I don't scare you enough. I will list the heritage that can be traced to those who do not know their campaigns:

  • Highest cost per click. Unacceptable inheritance, but does not affect the skin;
  • A lot of money is spent on advertising. It pours from the first inheritance;
  • Stripes for positions. It happens that there is a frantic rush into special accommodation, then into guarantee, and even worse into dynamics. Efficiency drops sharply;
  • This is not a single traffic. As you all know, contextual advertising tends to generate search queries from users, so they start to show up behind completely left-handed queries, which results in left-wing traffic;
  • Change the price of the agreement. If there is little traffic on the site, then there will be little demand;

I also want to tell you a little about the displays on how it is necessary to increase your respect:

  • CTR indicator. Tall - very good, which means the stupefaction is great. Low height is bad, so read the lesson about those;
  • Conversion indicator;
  • Hundreds of people. Low height is even better. The optimal values ​​are a range of 10% - 20%;

I’ll say a few more words about the stages of life, where it begins and where it ends:

  1. Position monitoring:
    • Number of impressions and clicks for a special placement and guarantee;
    • Monitoring changes in position for phrases;
  2. Working with statistics:
    • Identification of conversion keywords;
    • Identification of ineffective keywords;
    • Revealed unclickable voices;
  3. Working with a list of minus words;

Well, oh well, such a robot is looking out for us today. If the lesson becomes clear to anyone, be patient and read it. Conducting advertising campaigns effectively is even more important for any advertiser.

Monitoring of stunning positions.

Well, we begin from the fact that we are amazed at how the advertising blitz appears. It is even more important to look at the adjustment of rates. It is clear that in the event of a shock in a special location there will be more corrosion, but no guarantee. So at what stage you can see which position has the most impressions.

You can earn money by contacting the Master of Stars in Yandex.Direct:

It indicates that you need to work on the CTR to change the cost per click. The reason for such a sharp drop in dynamics, which is greater than everything, is that if there are few capitals to fall down in the market. You can also contact an autobroker, thereby changing the price for a position in a special placement, and then there won’t be such a sharp drop, just a few times you change the rate.

Monitoring position changes for phrases.

Then let's take a look at the key phrases that were included in the positions taken. You won’t believe it, but in the midst of these campaigns that I lead, there is no one stunned that would have wasted positions.

This makes me happy. You can admire this news by following the instructions “Monitoring position changes by phrases” at the bottom of the “My campaigns” page:

A low click-through rate (CTR), and therefore a high cost per click for a phrase, are likely to be wasted on all positions. Therefore, either remove the phrase, or practice the confusion to increase the CTR.

Working with statistics.

For which this is speeded up by the Master of Lights himself. Wait a minute, this is a very handy tool.

Also, in the “Sights” section, check the box opposite the “Watch the show” item, and we will also include key phrases that initiated the show of the show. And in the right column, check the “Conversion (%)” and “Conversion” checkboxes.

I speak about conversions from singing phrases in front of your eyes: If the conversion from a key phrase is small, such a phrase needs to be removed and corrected for confusion, please. The optimal conversion rate is 1% or more, but not less. I want to keep everything on topic.

The displays are not clickable.

Now let's move on to the identification of non-clickable blinders. Let's see it immediately.

In the images, select “Announcement No.”, the right column is deleted without changes:

I know that the CTR of the shock is low, edit the shock, high - fill in everything as it is.

Also, in order to identify the most effective targeting, conduct A/B tests. Then in this test there are two variants of the same test, and after every hour the analysis process reveals the shorter effective variant. About how to carry out these tests, I will recognize the coming period.

Working with a list of minus words.

The work with the list of minus-words transfers to the work with Metrica, in these reports, where we can study for some queries our votes for investors were shown. From these calls we type minus - words.

Keep an eye on your web view for such comments. Let's move on to the next one:

Sound loudly and know the words behind which the blinded stunned ones appear innocent:

For example, I know the word “yak” and will add it to the list of minus points in the current campaign for the installation of gas treatment units.

This is how you collect negative keywords for your campaign and clean up traffic.

I’ve been fooling around for a long time, because I’m running more and more of my client’s campaigns and the traffic to the site comes to the site exclusively, only there are such rare leaps, but they quickly dry up. Previously, you had to go to the website every day and update the list of negatives.

An even more detailed picture can be seen in a personal call, which can be created in the call constructor:

Now go through the entire list of phrases and look for “left” words, for example “diploma” or “avito”:
In this simple way you can collect negative keywords. I'll guess indicate on the equal campaign!

Conducting advertising campaigns is 80% analytics and 20% action. Therefore, gradually analyze the situation with your campaigns. It is enough to work once a month. It’s not difficult to allow two years per month to organize all the campaigns.

Good bye!

Front statue
Come on statya

Do you want to improve the position of your website and capture cheap targeted traffic?

Today on the Internet you can find a large number of tools and services that help you check the position of a site in search engines. To choose the best service to assess the strength of your SEO efforts, we recommend taking a look at the TOP 10 services for monitoring website positions.

A service that allows you to check website positions automatically with the ability to select a frequency. You can extract data from positions not only for your site, but also data for your competitors’ sites.

Main possibilities:

  • wide choice of search engines: Yandex, Google (Google Mobile, Maps), Yahoo, Bing;
  • select any countries and regions of the world;
  • adding key words either manually or through additional import;
  • monitoring of multiple URLs and subdomains;
  • free analysis of competitors' positions;
  • parsing depth - 300 positions;
  • obviously guest access and demo account;
  • selection of ready-made sounds in PDF, HTML and XLS formats;
  • personalization of the service (connecting your domain and customizing the design).

In addition, it is possible to integrate with Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica.

The test period for the service is 14 days. The cost for 1 recheck with deep parsing is 200 - 0.002 $. There are also monthly rates. When revising up to 5 sites, the subscription fee is $9, when revising once every three days – $7.2, when revising once per week – $5.4.

Position monitoring tool with a clear, intuitive interface. All transactions are carried out using an additional internal currency - “coins”. In this case, the service allows you to get to know your capabilities without harm. For this, every person who has registered in the system will receive 1000 coins.

Main possibilities:

  • support for such search engines as Yandex, Google and;
  • 5 options for the frequency of position re-verification;
  • there is no limit on the number of sites for monitoring;
  • the number of drinks is not limited;
  • parsing depth - 100 positions;
  • є guest access;
  • export of sounds in CSV and XML formats.

It is also possible to connect Google Analytics statistics.

The price of one re-verification of a position on the site is equal to the first coin. And one coin is worth $0.002. Є discount system: the more coins are purchased, the less “real” pennies are spent.

A service that allows you to monitor, analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of SEO marketing.

Main possibilities:

  • supports search systems Yandex, Google, Suputnik, go.Mail, Yahoo, Bing;
  • shows the positions of videos on Youtube;
  • checks the positions of sites, subdomains, internal pages of the site and the pages of social media;
  • provides the ability to monitor the position of competitors' websites;
  • exports data in CSV, PDF and HTML files.

The cost of one position check to the site is $0.007 (for one request in one sound system and for one region). Before speaking, you can use the system without costs, as long as you have XML limits.

A tool that allows you to learn the history of the position of a query.

Main possibilities:

  • monitor positions in two search engines: Yandex and Google;
  • Possible choice of up to 4 regions for one project;
  • you can compare the positions of your website with those of your competitors;
  • It is possible to adjust positions according to dates and periods;
  • exports music in CSV and XLS formats;
  • Availability of guest access.

Taking a position for one word for two search systems becomes $0.009. The full potential of the project will be financed from a number of regions.

A paid service with a wide range of functions, including those that allow you to monitor the site’s position in various search engines.

Main possibilities:

  • supported by Yandex, Google,, Bing, Yahoo;
  • Possible choice of any region;
  • 4 types of frequency of taking positions;
  • parsing depth - up to 500 positions;
  • equalization of visibility from competitors;
  • visualization of comments from CSV, XLS, PDF, DOC;
  • є guest access.

You can also analyze the transitions of traders by type of search and key queries, as well as identify financial signals.

The service provides 25 drinks without costs. The cost of one check on two sound systems is $0.004.

The service is provided with a simple and intuitive interface, which can be used by any user, even one who is far from listening optimization.

Main possibilities:

  • monitoring positions for two search engines: Yandex and Google;
  • the ability to specify outside the domain zone of the PS;
  • wide choice of regions;
  • the ability to review the dynamics of position changes in sound systems;
  • you can select mini-calls on competitors’ websites;
  • Possibility of saving data from CSV;
  • Possibility of vikoristannaya guest access.

After registration, the first 500 checks are free of charge. Added 1 revision costing $0.007.

A system with a wide range of SEO tools, one of which is changing the position of the site.

Main possibilities:

  • assigned position to the site in the Google search engine;
  • select any places, regions and countries;
  • competitor analysis;
  • I’ll look at the depth – the first 100 positions;
  • grouping of keywords behind tags.

The minimum tariff plan is $99 per month (for all SEO tools), but there is the possibility of requesting an individual tariff.

Another richly functional platform that allows you to edit positions.

Main possibilities:

  • supports three search engines: Google, Yahoo and Bing;
  • provides access to data for all regions and countries;
  • analyzes competitors;
  • Allows you to monitor the top 100 for key phrases;
  • allows you to transfer access to your project to an unlimited number of clients (without additional payment).

Cost-free analysis for the first 30 drinks. The minimum monthly fee for the service starts at $19.

A popular SEO tool that allows you to integrate with Yandex Metrics or Google Analytics statistics.

Main possibilities:

  • support for two search engines: Google and Yandex;
  • parsing depth - up to 250 positions;
  • the possibility of strengthening the position of competitors;
  • you can give guest access to your colleagues;
  • Possibility of extracting data from Excel files.

The main advantage of this service is the wide frequency of checking positions: every day, every day, every two years, every month, with updated Yandex views, with updated Yandex Catalog, with updated TIC, with updated no behavioral factors of Yandex, with updated Google PR.

When registering, the service provides over 800 cost-free verifications (transfers 50 rubles per share for one verification of 0.006 rubles)

A service that provides data from pershogerel without resorting to any indirect methods.

Main possibilities:

  • supports the maximum number of search engines: Google, Yandex,, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Gogo;
  • you can take positions either manually or automatically;
  • parses 50 to 300 positions;
  • Allows access to guest access;
  • vivantizes the sound of both XLS and DOC;
  • understands the positions of competitors, as their sites are submitted as initial projects.

Dodatkov's competitive advantage: API for automatic withdrawal of saving positions.

Prices, obviously, depend on the number of drinks, the number of sound systems and the frequency of verification. The minimum value of one order is $0.002.

As a bonus, we also took a look at the Pixelplus online service.


All services have their own pros and cons: some have greater functionality, some are more expensive, some are cheaper, and some have limited functionality. Well, as it seems, try it and you’ll succeed! Instead, you will choose the service that controls you for all its parameters. You can achieve effective optimization of your site (we will conduct an absolutely cost-free audit of your site).

) one of the key points is checking the site's position in search engines Yandex and Google. In order to perform these and other actions, it is necessary to continuously monitor the position of the key words in the skin's sound systems. Only very good statistics (sometimes it appears that a position is removed once every 2-3 days) statistics can be analyzed on the site, focus your attention and attention on words that have not yet reached the TOP, constantly analyzing their search behavior vidachi. Roughly speaking, a graph (or table) with positions on the skin word that protrudes allows us to study the data of the sound systems to the platform and their reaction to the action, apparently to work on the steps and make the most of the entries. Hey, let's take a look services for checking site positions for words in Google and Yandex, We can simply divide them into 2 categories:

  1. Cost-free services
  2. Paid services for taking a position

Cost-free services for checking website positions in search engines

There are a lot of tools for taking positions, cost-free online services that can be set up to differentiate by depth of review, number of keywords, number of checks per month or day. But not really, since you don’t have a big budget, you can rely entirely on free resources or programs.

  • An excellent, cost-free online tool that allows you to check the position of a site in search form. It allows you to check online up to 50 queries from Google and Yandex regardless of your location or location. Also, if you register in the service itself, you can freely cancel 500 position reversals. If you need to check a large number of requests, the service offers paid plans with good prices.
  • Site-Auditor is a cost-free service that will help you find out about the site’s position in search engines. True, you need to install it on your computer, otherwise the installation of the device and service works wonders. It also has other useful possibilities (verification, sending to the site, number of pages in the index and others). Read the report about this in the following articles. An excellent resource for quickly checking the visibility of your Internet lover :)
  • - an online resource for checking the visibility of your site in search engines. To verify, you need to “Register”, and then “Login” to your account account and then to the address shown in the photo: A very simple and intelligent tool. There is nothing complicated, everything is intuitive. Enter the domain, select the region and that’s it.

  • PanelWM is a wonderful resource. You can download from this web resource after you enter “Name” and “Post”. There is no protection from boots. There will be no regular passwords or paid promotional codes. This is absolutely free service. It comes in 2 versions: Auto-installation, Windows version and standard script installation.
  • - in the no-cost verification mode, it allows you to work with 50 keys, the depth of verification is up to 100 positions and work with 4 sound systems. You can check it once every 2 days. It is possible to export to Excel and pdf.
  • - allows you to recognize the positions of 25 keywords per day from one IP address. Glibin - up to 100. You can select only 1 region and remove a short sound (Position and relevant side and all). It is more suitable for quick analysis of large quantities of data.
  • - a useful tool in alignment with the previous one. Exchange for doba – 250 reversals. There is also the possibility of being surprised by competitors in your search. This option looks like this:

Paid tools for checking site positions in search engines

Tools that allow you to find out about the visibility of your web resource behind words for very little money. Let's take a look at the most popular ones: - the ability to recheck depends on the number of requests, the frequency of monitoring and the number of sound systems and calls. You can say that the system is even better and without major overpayments. is the first online tool that has begun to make money. In the middle of the system there is its own currency - “coin”. Taking 1 position costs 1 coin. When you register, you will receive 1000 coins as a gift. 1 coin = 0.03...0.1 rub. With the help of complex mathematical operations, you can make it possible to reverse one word once a day for a month. The won is 0.9 rubles. up to 3 rubles (subject to additional amount). You can also analyze competitor statistics. User-friendly and user-friendly interface.

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