Widget as a social network in VKontakte. Just about the menu button fits VK. Code for displaying the button on VKontakte

Golovna / Usunennya malfunctions

I'm talking about the importance of SMO (Social Media Optimization) in promoting the site. Now let's talk casually about those, how to create social optimization on your site, or rather, how to add social buttons of popular links to the site.

I'll show you how well I can seem to look at the site. On rich blogs and news sites below, you can read more like this:

These and є social buttons, zavdyaky reach SMO, and then social activity. Tsya article is dedicated to food de take code tsikh social. buttons and insert them correctly on your website. Let's take a look at the Google+ installation first.

1. We add a Google+ button to the site

2. We add to the site the button "I'm eligible" in the form of Vkontakte and Facebook

2.1. I like FaceBook

Let's fix the button code for Facebook. For someone, go to this side: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button. You are guilty of such a picture:

The right-handed eel looks like a button on your site. Let's take a look at the parameters that you can set:

1. URL to Like
Tse neobov'yazykovy parameter. If you leave the field empty, then the skin side of the matima your own personal account likes. If you enter there as a specific URL address, then the name will be the same (likes are added from all sides of this site).

2. Send Button
Add or tidy up the button to force the reminder. I recommend taking the button away, because our meta just put the button "Me fit" if you want to have other goals.

3.Layout Style
Button display style. I especially like the standard.

4. Width
Button width in pixels. I put sound no more than 100 pixels.

5.Verb to display
What will be displayed on the button: "I like" or "I recommend". Sounds like I choose the first option (cost for the lock), but the most effective way to motivate the koristuvach is to like it.

6. Color Scheme
Colirna din: or white, or black.

7 Font
Just setting the font for me to write is appropriate.

After clicking on the "get code" button and placing it on the site. The original button code for facebook:

<-- 1 part of the code to be spread on the other side-->
<-- эту часть кода нужно разместить в месте отображения: -->

2.2. Мне нравится от ВКонтакте

Теперь рассмотрим как получить код кнопки "мне нравится" от ВКонтакте. Для этого перейдите на следующую страницу: https://vk.com/dev . У Вас должна открыться следующая страница:

Сначала нужно будет добавить новый сайт. Для этого выберите из выпадающего меню "сайт/приложение" пункт подключить новый сайт:

После добавления нового сайта сохраните его. Теперь выберите из выпадающего меню нужный сайт. Далее следуют небольшое число параметров: "вариант кнопки", "высота", "название кнопки" - это все настраивается под Ваш вкус. В конце будет код для кнопки:

3. Добавляем на сайт кнопку tweet

Как и в предыдущих случаях, для начала перейдите в место получения и настройки кнопки.

Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели блога сайт. Сегодня хочу поговорить на довольно интересную тему добавления и установки на свой сайт кнопок от социальных сетей , и («Мне нравится» или другими словами «like button»), а так же добавление новой кнопочки «Google +1».

Думаю, что лайки от Вконтакте и Facebook стоят уже у многих, но все же в конце данной публикации скажу по поводу них пару слов. Но в основном хотелось бы сегодня поговорить про актуальность добавления на сайт счетчика «Гугл+1» (google plus one) и влияние его показаний на в этой поисковой системе.

Стоит ли добавлять кнопку Google +1 на свой сайт?

Кстати, не так давно на популярном буржуйском ресурсе Seomoz было проведено исследование о влиянии на продвижение сайта добавления анонсов статей в и Фейсбука. Судя по результатам данного исследования, использование кнопки «Мне нравится и ретвита имеет под собой основание.

Вообще, эти кнопочки добавить на свой сайт совсем не трудно, обладая хотя бы базовыми познания в Html и CSS (). Причем, не стоит беспокоиться об их кроссбраузерности, ибо во всех все будет выглядеть чики-пуки.

Да и в случае полного вашего нежелания лезть в код сайта можно воспользоваться соответствующими или . Но проблема состоит как раз в другом.

Все эти лишние кнопки, как правило, представляют из себя скрипт, который подгружается с серверов Вконтакте, Facebook или Google. Т.е. по любому они будут уменьшать вашего сайта, а этот критерий уже довольно давно учитывается при в поисковой выдаче, по крайней мере Google. Ну, а если сервер, с которого подгружается скрипт, будет временно недоступен, то это может существенно подтупить работу вашего ресурса.

Отсюда следует вывод, что их добавление должно быть обосновано их целесообразностью. Если про „Лайк“ можно сказать, что скорее всего она будет полезна (лично я предпочитаю использовать не отдельный скрипт кнопок „Мне нравится“ от Вконтакте и Facebook, а единый скрипт ), то про „Google +1“ все еще не совсем ясно и прозрачно.

Во-первых, ее использование только началось и по отдаче от ее добавления на сайт пока еще нет объективных данных, а во-вторых, в поисковой выдаче Google она доступна только для общемирового поиска Google.com и то, если вы зайдете как авторизованный пользователь:

Т.е., если сейчас брать в расчет только выдачу Google.com, то пользователи получили возможность рекомендовать понравившийся ему ресурс простым нажатием по кнопке „Гугл +1“ (при повторном щелчке можно будет забрать обратно свой отданный голос).

Но для этого пользователь должен зайти на страницу понравившегося ему в поисковой выдачи сайта, оценить публикацию и обратно вернуться в выдачу, чтобы проголосовать и добавить свой „плюс один“. О какой сознательный, ответственный и лояльный пользователь получается. Наверное, такие бывают, но в основном в буржунете.

Ну, а для рунета вероятность такой лояльности будет не очень высокой. Поэтому Гугл и агитирует всех вебмастеров добавить на свой ресурс их кнопку „+1“. Ведь в этом случае пользователю не нужно будет возвращаться обратно в поисковую выдачу (которая к этому времени уже может быть в его браузере закрыта или погребена под ворохом открытых поверх страниц или вкладок), ибо он сможет отдать свой голос прямо на странице сайта с понравившейся ему публикацией.

Зачем это нужно поисковику мирового масштаба? Ответ очевиден — для повышения релевантности своей выдачи (у них появится куча бесплатных оценщиков качества сайтов) и для привлечения таким образом как можно большего количества пользователей (за счет качественных результатов поиска) и, соответственно, для увеличения в следствии этого своих заработков на контекстной рекламе.

Мне, кстати, Гоогл предложил установить кнопку „+1“ именно в моем аккаунте :

Вопрос, как всегда, шкурный, а значит стоит серьезно отнестись к влиянию кнопки „Google +1“ на продвижение вашего сайта — это может оказаться реально работающим инструментом. Но посмотрим как оно получится на самом деле. Если щелчки по ней реально являются одним из факторов ранжирования в региональных выдачах этого поиска, то ставим „гугл плюс“ обязательно, ну, а если нет, то ставим для эксперимента, чтобы убедиться в этом.

Как вставить кнопку Google+1 в блог на Вордпрессе?

Добавить ее на свой сайт, как я уже говорил, совсем не сложно. Сначала вам предстоит зайти в и поставить галочки в нужное положение, выбрав тем самым язык подписи к ней и ее размер:

Щелкнув по надписи „Расширенные настройки“, получите доступ еще и к возможности отключить счетчик количества кликнувших по „Google plus one“ простым снятием галочки в первом пункте:

В назначении остальных настроек будущей кнопки я не уверен. Собственно, теперь остается только, следуя рекомендациям разработчиков, скопировать два фрагмента кода „Google +1“ и вставить их в требуемые места каких-либо файлов шаблона движка вашего сайта (cms).

Т.е. нам нужно вставить код вызова скрипта либо в голову веб страниц между тегами Head, либо в самый конец видимой части Html кода сразу перед закрывающим тегом Body:

And the other fragment of the code needs to be inserted directly in the middle of the site template (read about, but it’s about those who are in power), de vie you want to get a pretty button "Google plus one".

I realized that with the help of CSS powers you can clearly position other elements. It will be easier for you to start working for WordPress, and I’ll tell you about it at once.

For those webmasters, who haven’t talked with cs yet, but so it’s css, let’s say How to insert a "Google +1" button(that contagiously “I fit” on Vkontakte and Facebook) from WordPress for help specifically for sharpening plugins, and in Joomla for help of the universal MultiAds plugin, which is recognized for inserting the elements you need on the cob or end of all sides of the site.

So, you are not afraid to get into the code with the design of your blog on WordPress(Back in front), then let's get started. First, I inserted a part of the code into the footer.php file, which you can find out on the next path, connecting to hosting via FTP for the additional FileZilla program, you can read about it:

/wp-content/themes/ folder with your theme

At the very bottom of the footer.php file, you can find the Body tag that closes, and immediately before it, insert the script wiki code:

Save the edits and edit now for editing in the simplest Html and PHP editor Notepad++ (described) the single.php file with the same folder with the theme that you have chosen. Here, a little more folding, but with a lot of experimentation, you can find out the necessary space for inserting the "Google + 1" button by placing it in front of the container from the Html Div tags.

At the container Div, I added the class class = "google", for which the file with the cascading style sheets of my themes is designed (/wp-content/themes/folder with your theme/style.css) by adding:

Google (float: right; margin: 10px 10px 0 0;)

If you need to insert a quick button, without adding CSS authority to style.css, you can speed it up:

If you want, it would be better if all CSS styles are to be blamed on the code of an okram file. For additional power of "float: right" you set pressing to the right that wrapping around your "Google + 1" button with text, and the other set the right steps to the left and the beast in it.

If you want to add a "+1" tag to your WordPress home page, you can add three more descriptions to the Div container and insert the index.php file in the folder behind the theme that you want to win. A suitable place for her, I think, you will know without me, if you want using the tick method.

Why am I talking about the self-insertion of the WordPress button for so long, and not starting a pink review of the plugin? Aje there and I don’t need to explain anything in particular. It's just that it's possible get by without a plugin, then it's good to know - your hoster's server will tell you thank you for it, and the search systems may positively react to the good speed of your blog.

But if you don't want to go, then you can use one-menu plugin for WordPress Google +1 . go through in a smart way. There will be an adjustment at the menu "Parameters" - "Button +1".

Like a bachite, nalashtuvannya Russian is not only simpler, but wiser. I repeat, if any add-on WordPress plugin is evil, you need to fight with it. About those, how to insert Google + 1 from Joomla, read the following articles. Vlasne, for the help of the plug-in described there, you can insert into the articles, whether it be speeches, for example, blocks or Adsense.

Buttons "Me fit" in Vkontakte and Facebook for the site

In principle, with self-installation of the “Like” buttons in the social media of Vkontakte and Facebook on WordPress, without any recognition for which plugins, everything will be similar to the described three more process, if you can choose another.

The code “I fit” (like button) like Facebook can be generated on third party. If you insert the address of your main page in the URL field, then it will suit itself, and if you don’t fill in the field, then that side, on which the Facebook view button is inserted, will be appropriate. Axis yak!

Others are on your relish, and those who, with the help of which you see, you can dance at the upper right kutka. To retrieve the code, click on Get code. There you will be prompted for two options for the code. Vikoristovuvati can be the one that is more beautiful than pratsyuvatime.

Insert the code for the “I like me” button in WordPress next in the same place you want it to appear, and for positioning, put the code in a Div container and write in the new CSS power without any middle (through the Style attribute) or through (by analogy with described ї troch vische "Google +1")

Now let's move on to Vkontakte and yoga option "Laika". You can take the code off third party. You can choose the current look and write on the buttons, and then copy the code.

For a new analogy with the description of three more than Google + 1, the Meni code is appropriate for Vkontakte, and it is composed of two parts, so you need to insert it absolutely the same way, like a Google masterpiece. I think you'll figure it out.

And if everything is nonsense for you, then you can hurry up to be some kind of plug-in. I was worthy of more imprisonments for the Russian social network runet plugin Social Share Buttons. There, let’s say “I fit” on Vkontakte and Facebook, you can add other social media that are popular with us to your blog.

MultiAds - how to add Google+1 and Like buttons in Joomla

Well, options for inserting social buttons on the side Joomla enough rich. You can, for example, use a standard module and insert it into the position of your template, as it is sorted either above or below the article. Ale, it might not be so great, so I’ll tell you to try it for me to speed up with the plugin MultiAds .

Download this plugin and install it the same way, as if it were another extension for Joomla. Then choose "Expansion" - "Plugin manager" from the top menu of the admin panel and click on the name "Content - MultiAds". Vlasne, nalashtuvan at the plugin is not too rich.

On the left side, you will need to activate the plugin, and on the right side, you will be asked to insert any code in one of the fields:

In this way, you can add social buttons to your site, including those that we looked at in this article “Google +1” and “I fit” in contact with Facebook. You can customize the checklist for them by selecting the required option from the list, as well as specifying the required steps.

The two upper fields allow you to insert buttons at the top of the article, and the two lower ones, obviously, at the bottom. Which is the same variant of vikoristati, one can say only after trying it. The crime of describing more socialists is so self-respecting for popularity, which is seriously gaining. For your help, you will know how to install these buttons on your site.

Good luck to you! To fast zustrіches on the sides of the blog site

You can buti tsikavo

Happy Friday, gentlemen! Tomorrow, wonderful people will have their well-deserved holidays. And I, as always, will be busy: how many times do you need to be present on the good Day of the People. Well, then suddenly they showed up and guessed about the button. Won at the same time may be as popular as Tweet and Twitter, so you can get it on the skin site or bloz. Navit on mine, right after the article, emboss - I will be more accepting.

There are so many reasons that prompted me to start talking about her - the button "Me fit" took away the update, small, but accepted. At the same time, I’ll guess how to install it on your site.

The news that came from VKontakte, there are three changes in the design of the "Me fit" button, the push button became clickable, so it's part of the button, and, smut, it became possible to set the "Me fit" button to the height.

Installed button "Me fit"

So the axis, zі all reshuffled buttons, the variant in VKontakte, rose to the highest height, through which it did not fit into one row with the others. Now you can specify the height on the side of the button, we need the code for your blog. For whom do you need a viscon? Widget "I fit". You can also do this by clicking on the item "Retailers" at the very bottom of the page, then "Widgets and third-party sites" and, you know, "Widget "Me fit"". It is possible to cross over for the help of cim - I am fit.

Naytsіkavіshe here - embed code. Part of the code to slіv you need to insert between tags і your site. If you have a blog on CMS WordPress, then these tags are located in the header.php file. Another part of the code is inserted there, if you want to bachiti the "Me fit" button.

Nalashtuvannya button "I'm fit"

Krіm vkazanih clearly in nashtuvannya buttons є sche kіlka tsіkavih parametrіv. Tse width- button width; bears on request, like from the front parameters, but right in the recording on the wall. Obviously, it can be no more than 140 characters, the name of the side is displayed for promotion.

How qi task parameters

The stinks fight in a row VK.Widgets.Like("vk_like", (type: "full")); through whom after the attribute type: "full" or on that place, de wine is in my butt (there may be empty buttons there). How can you see the result:

VK.Widgets.Like("vk_like", (type: "full", width: 100, height: 20, pageTitle: "I like VKontakte", pageDescription: "About installing that customized button on your blog", text: "Even brown material!"));

From i all for today. Now I'm here spitting less for a few days. Don't forget until new zustrіches!

Lovers of social media Vkontakte regularly go to the guest's side of their friends, read news, marvel at photo albums and videos, actively comment on them and like them on everything that is most private. The ME NOW PLEASE VK button itself allows you to properly evaluate the photo, redundant comments or write a note. Obviously, the more likes a person has, the more popular they are in the social media :), and for groups and public pages - this is a sign of quality.

Today, we will know how to speed up the function, how to put a heart and how to clean up Vkontakte. Let's get started...

Sometimes you want to marvel at the hoarse material again, and the axis of shukati yoga in the sea of ​​information is long gone. It’s good for someone to get rid of such difficult things to manage or add to the wall, but it’s more simple to get out of the position - the Men button is appropriate or like: smile:!

How to put hearts on Vkontakte?

To put your score sufficiently right-handed at the bottom of the post, photo, video, or press pictures on the heart, with which the display of the lichnik will change to 1. To put the cursor on the row , then show up merging with your photograph and information about people, like this novelty also fell to the soul.

All the things we liked were not going to be unknown, but diligently and for a long time are saved on your side: smile:. All your hearts can be seen in the menu My bookmarks. Obviously, it is not forgotten when sharing the most common things with friends through special notifications. And all the same, it’s necessary sometimes to get rid of the guesswork for a special vikoristannya and don’t spam your friends, in this way likes are indispensable.

All hearts of VKontakte are automatically sorted by tabs: posts, photos, videos… This function is handy and allows you to better know the basic information in your bookmarks. Until then, comments with hearts will automatically be posted at your page. To read them, go to the menu My news/Comments. If you don’t want to read the comments, you can see them by clicking on the cross Subscribe to comments.

How to get a like on Vkontakte?

Additional note I should be posted below the photos, notes or videos. If you click on the heart up, then the value of the indication of the lichnik will change to one. To see the like, click on the heart again. Since then I fit Cleaned up the data about the announcement itself in the profile. Keep in mind that it's easier to like and click through the bookmarks menu.

The function of Men is appropriate for VK - a miracle river, even if you can simply increase your popularity for additional cheating of your heart. In the best way possible, the vikoristannya. Sounds like a novelty - it’s a super bomb, otherwise you have an axis like this photo below, then there’s no need to wind likes, people themselves put hearts and reach out to you!

Vitannia! Today I will tell you how to quickly create a program and insert the button " I fit in the social dimension without downloading plug-ins.

Maybe you remembered, for days I screwed up this button after posting. "Nareshti" I wrote not for nothing, because there were problems connecting this button to the VKontakte API, as a result of which I wrote " Open API security breach"and inexorably big progress bar. As it appeared, everything on the right was in the banal written address of the site in the patches" Open API in VKontakte itself (I’ll write about it below).

Otzhe, let's screw the button " I fit".

For the cob, let's go through our profile at VK (obov'yazkovo through our own, so that we will need to create an addendum). Next, go to the page of the widget and bachima the following form:

First field " Website/Supplement- here we can create additions without zayvih ruhіv body, but you know, I clattered like that and it’s done as if through *opu crookedly.

Creation and programming of programs

So, it’s better to fill in the body and let’s go to the side of the program, write in the name of the field, let’s choose the type: " Web site", and fill in the field with the description, but it's not binding. Dalі embossed" Skip to program entry and enter the captcha.

All! The addendum has been created and before us is the form of yogo nalashtuvannyam:

persha tab Information", you have it active at once, you can select an icon for the program, enter data, select a group."

Stepped tab Nalashtuvannya", won the most important! To give respect, at the very top it is seen in bold ID number of your program (VIN and connect your button), then go " Theft key"Don't chip yoga.

Site addresses: http://yoursite.com/ (addresses to which you connect the Open API. If you want to win the program on another site or on the localhost, you will not work. The program will be linked to the address of the site, as indicated here.)

Zayviy slash in the address and Your button is not legal, show a pardon " Open API security breach".

That's it, save your changes, you can not fix other tabs.

Fitting that button insert

Turn until the button is closed and the axis is already in the field Website/Supplement the drop-down list may have your addendum, choose yoga.

offensive point Button Options- choose, as you prefer the design, at the bottom, under the form, the button butt should be pointed at the bottom. At the moment there are 4 types of buttons:

  • Button with text name
  • Button with miniature lichnik
  • Miniature button
  • Miniature button, animal supporter

The button type was selected, now the item " Button name", while there are 2 options (choose whether you are worthy):

  • I fit
  • Tse tsikavo

Well, come on, we came to the field. Embed code If you have chosen your program in the first field, your ID is automatically inserted into the code. You need to insert this code in two sections of your site, the retailers commented on it specially, but I’ll also explain about every kind of thing.

First piece of code:

you need to insert in the middle of the tag:

And another piece:

it is necessary to insert a site there, it is the responsibility of the button to appear.

Don't paste my code, I've created it as a butt, because I don't have your button set up anymore and I don't have an ID.

And so your button is ready!

Wrap buttons

Yak Wee was commemorated, the button to commemorate div with ID " vk_like", De prescriptive style її vіdobrazhennya. І in this style, retailers put in the rule:

clear: both;

As we know, the rule is to wrap the element from the right and left edge, so you want your button to be in a row with other social buttons. Merez, you can and do not dream, we proudly stand on a new row. To unhide and turn the button in a row, replace:

So we say (:-D) around the element, and " !important prioritize your style, so your rule will be paramount in the eyes of the browser.

Well, after saying everything, what you want)))) I’m sure that you understood everything and you put a button in the distance!

And if you don’t want to insert a button, it’s good for you, that your site still can’t, then, perhaps, the creation of sites in Cheboksary will help you.

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