Negligence index php topic powered by smf. Third lesson. We select the shortest bases independently. Themes for registration and installation of the Russian language package

Golovna / Zakhist

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site. Well, let’s continue the topic of fine-tuning the forum engine called SMF, I’ll publish it in a post about it. They haven’t created a Russian forum there yet, so I’ll translate it from an English interface. At the moment, it does not look very presentable, but after Russification (as it has not yet been broken up) and the creation of related sections, its appearance will be greatly improved.

Today we look at the design and its unique Russian design, as well as the delivery of the JFusion component, which can work with both engines (Jumla and SMF) to allow the mother base to be used for two or more than one form of their system. stratії and login.

Themes for registration and installation of the Russian language package

Engine Simple Machines Forum We encourage the possibility of changing this, and they can be changed both for the entire forum as a whole and for other sections of the program. I particularly focused on the topic of decoration, but in this case I made a lot of changes manually. At the same time, I changed the background, the color scheme of certain elements, added the dates on the flash, radio and a lot more, which I will tell you about in the upcoming posts of this section.

Why didn’t I vikoristavaya zhodnaya with additional topics of design before the creation of the forum? Well, here, melodiously, all the talk is at my place. No, I was not too lazy to joke and be attracted by new ones, fortunately there is a place where you can earn money, without personalities. My life lies somewhere else.

On the right, all the different mods for this engine, which expand its capabilities, are oriented towards the default theme. Let me explain. If your design theme is default, then adding one or another mod to SMF takes place in a matter of seconds and, as a rule, does not require manual correction of the code.

Once there is a fashion on the theme of decoration, it will be removed from the default one, it seems necessary to file all the unfinished parts. In other words, you will have access to the help of FileZilla (you can download and configure it, you can deny access to the site via the FTP protocol and access the files of your forum engine to edit, and make changes to this mod).

Then search for the required place in the code and select required activities: either replacing the code, or removing or adding a section to the code before or after the required fragment. Once you have stored enough files that require changes, perhaps around a dozen, you will realize how difficult it is to create. In this case, you need to be very respectful and not show mercy, otherwise the forum may not open.

If all the above problems are not defaulted, then you can attract their leads. Those there are sorted into sections (minimalism, close to classic, modern, etc.) and for each of them you can look at their screenshot on the next screen. How to install this I will explain a little later.

If you did not Russify the forum at the stage of uploading engine files to the hosting, as was described in the first part of this opus (div. sent to the beginning of the article), then you can earn it at once. Before engaging with this page, you need to unpack the Russian language package, and then copy the Themes folder to the root folder, which also contains a directory with the same name.

After completing the copying, you need to log into the forum using the administrator login and password. Select the "Admin" item in the top menu, and then click on "Server Settings" in the left column.

In the window, find the item “Default Forum Language” and select the Russian language from the list, and then press the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

That's it, now your conference is completely Russian.

Most problems with installed mods that do not support the Russian language

Please note that in the future, when adding mods to SMF, which does not include the Russian translation, you may sometimes experience a problem with the modification of mod adjustments in the admin. Vlasna, the management themselves will simply not be visible, because There are no Russification files for them. So you will have two options for solving this problem.

The first way is to switch to English for the entire forum. As soon as you can earn money, you can look at several paragraphs more. Apparently, after you complete the necessary actions with these adjustments, you will need to turn the Russian language around again.

Another method is more complex, please allow us to adjust the installation of mods in the administration first, and not only upon activation English language. I’m so keenly aware of this point, because the information about those who have installed the mod and cannot find it in the administration of their conference will be expanded even further.

Also, another method lies in the added series of translation of Russification files for the thorough addition of mods. As you know, in which Russification files you need to make changes and where they are, I will tell you later. In the meantime, in the meantime, you can use the first method.

Installing JFusion for website and forum integration

From now on you will need to use JFusion and its Russification. Upgraded to the Jumli admin, you can now select standard actions: from the top menu of the admin, select the items “Expansion” - “Install/Visuality” - “Enable the package file” - the “Look” button - find the file with the component on your computer - emboss about on button “Enable file&Install>”.

After this, a window appears informing you that the component was installed successfully. If problems arise, then you can become familiar with the options and actions that can be taken to help you get a little better.

Now it’s time for Russification, which is achieved as much as the component itself. Tobto. We repeat the sequence of actions: “Expansion” - “Install / Vidality” - “Install the package file” - the “Look” button - find the JFusion Russification file on your computer - emboss it on the “Enter the file & Install” button. Now we can go to the setup path “Components” - “JFusion” and reconfigure so that the Russification has been successfully added and is working.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site

You may be in trouble

Setting up JFusion for communication SMF forum to the Joomla site
JFusion modules for displaying information from the forum on the site, as well as creating a button in SMF for returning to Joomla
Creation of a Joomla menu item for entering the forum and transferring the registration of SMF users to the site
Installation forum SMF - Integration of Joomla 1.5 and Simple Machines Forum for further assistance JFusion component
Extension for Joomla - what is it and how to install components, modules and plugins for Joomla, how to install and remove them
K2 component for creating blogs, catalogs and portals on Joomla - capabilities, installation and Russification Photo gallery for Joomla - Part 3 - Creation of galleries in Joomla 1.5 using the Phoca Gallery component - adding a category and adding images to the photo gallery
ARTIO JoomSEF - setting up CNC (SEF) command and Title in Joomla, as well as creating pages 404 for additional extensions
Akeeba Backup (cool JoomlaPack) - creating a backup of a site on Joomla and updating it backup copies two cliques

Organizing Botmeister Labs without planning. There is no time, the video is needed for the competition, like a new-fangled trend, although everything can be explained more easily with good screenshots (my IMHO), but I don’t particularly want to burn anything. Tim is already a little deprived of profit, stupid spam is no longer in control, there is a need to think and with those you won’t burn anyone, as only vigils have tried to stick and powder the crumbs in a casserole. :) Ale is not about us. However, these three “no”, I think, mainly became barriers to participation in the competition for most potential participants. Here, as with car repairs, there are three things: cheap, clear, fast - the service can lose more than two minds at the same time. sit and choose what is closest to you. :) The competition is the same: there is no time to work the video, but there is no topic, but there is no time at all, or there is no time to show up and there is little darkness, but the video is not working. Ale tse good, yakscho one hour 2 think about it. Well, okay, let’s get to the lyrics. I'll talk about myself. Without planning, it means that I am taking part in the competition, having chosen to vote for the article. No matter what you say, Doz good software knows and it’s even reasonable to vikorize it. Just today we learned that the competition had some intrigue. It turns out that I won’t be able to vote, but they can only work for newcomers who, by adding software to the 2011 edition, will have an insurance competition for them. Zdivuvavsya little bit, ale hospodar - sir. Competition - tse advertising campaign But Oleksandr can see how to carry it out. However, having then written the article, it is easier to write, if it is clear to anyone, it is impossible for everyone to truly work.
The long introduction is over, now to the point.
What do beginners need if they add such a super-combine as the Xrumer+Hrefer complex? That's right, learn how to use it and create illusions that if you start spamming proclamations, you can earn money. If you think so, better yet donate your pennies to charity. You need to learn how to use the tools of the complex, and be sure to keep them in mind for yourself. The hour of “take more - throw further” has passed. Thickness is traded in exchange for yummyness. So, let’s select a base for ourselves, and if you don’t get used to working, you’ll get off the train. Who will help us, first of all, Khrefer. If you plan to put your resources into Google, then we also need to search for donor sites through Google. I think this is understandable and logical. Ale Google, as the ruler of Copper Mountain, does not give away its wealth to everyone. Until now, this approach is required. I just want to say that don’t be fooled by the signs you’ll find in the book, you can get everything you can. They are also available in the public, but the price is a shame. I won’t develop the topic further. Let us better understand how to choose correctly so that you get better results, otherwise you yourself will further examine and understand the principle. It is necessary to choose the right ones for the signs of specific engines that we need, and not for the signs of the forums. The main goal for newcomers is not to concentrate on a specific thing, but to try to absorb everything. And also, if you want to parse more or less of a normal base, consider using the operator queries. Common "inurl:", "site:", "title" etc. Google will immediately ban such pranksters. Therefore, we reliably vigorize the engines, with which present moment Khrumer says:

Powered by php-Fusion

For version Khrumer 7.07, the program has several new engines:,,,, etc., Solaris phpBB theme

І beginning process go to the new one continuously.
However, we need to prepare the correct queries for Hrefer parsing. Let's take the forum storage for the butt SMF Forums. It’s time to sort out your yogi for spare parts for parsing. Our love for Google can help us. Typed into Google SMF Forums- There’s a lot of information in this regard, looking at the 13th page and choosing whether it’s sent. I came across this: It is flexible and flexible. We need to know what is typical on the site that can be used to find other sites on your engine. The footer has an upcoming sign Powered by SMF 1.1.14, hit it and enter it into Google, it shows us what I'll ask this We know about 59 million options. We are reviewing the message, adding a couple of other options to this keyword, for example, "Powered by SMF 1.1.14" poplar or else "Powered by SMF 1.1.14" viagra. Let's reconsider what the chic one will drink, in sight of both the forum and maybe some of your smittya.

For us, moreover, it’s not the volume of the fruit, but the sweetness, as I said more often. Let's go further. From the same forum we take another phrase from the footer: , also useful and popular with Google. The report shows that I have over 13 million results. Once again, we look at the view, add additional words and check the view with them. We are reconverting, so that it will be washed down and there may be no amount of money. Moreover, there are already two metal power lines. I will continue to use the first forum until I am calm and continue to collect questions from other forums. Fortunately, Google is open for asking 2006-2008, Simple Machines LLC. We take into account, for example, this forum: and;topic=380.0 in the footers they have the following words: “Powered by SMF 1.1.7” and “Powered by SMF 1.1.10” (type in for Khrefer to write down the rajah in advance, since we need yakity in the first chergu). I think, apparently, that we are working, we will find a database of queries for searching forums on the SMF engine (for example, with other engines, it’s similar).
It looks something like this:

"Powered by SMF 1.1.2"

"Powered by SMF 1.1.3"

"Powered by SMF 1.1 RC2"

"Powered by SMF 1.1.4"

"Powered by SMF 1.1.8"

"Powered by SMF 1.1.7"

"2006-2008, Simple Machines LLC"

Moreover, that’s not all. Selecting engine versions on various SMF forums, the footer displays “2001-2006, Lewis Media”. We check this question, it also completely satisfies us. A familiarly similar title: “2001-2005, Lewis Media.” Scrolling through the footer, there is a familiar entry: “SMFone design by A.M.A, ported to SMF 1.1”. Verified - verified. And so on. It works well and you have a wonderful database of queries on the engine, and Google will ban you for query data much sooner than you will be victorious in them by operators. And at the same time, your database will be completely clean, since you will be typing something like “index.php?topic=", so that here Google will provide not only the forums that we need, but also a wealth of natural resources, where Forfeit your post to the forum topic. You can cross-read, saying, but what’s so nasty about it? Others have deprived us of the message, so we can. Ale! The promise can be revoked not only by Khrumer, but also by other programs. Moreover, they can be specially sharpened to deprive comments from the singing resource, so the titles of high-tech software plus such messages could be deprived of hands. I repeat again, it is not the quantity of Smith’s that is important to us, but the brightness, the base with the correct sentences We're so happy. Plus this method also for the fact that you practically won’t need to fix it in Khreferi sieve-filter , you can simply turn it on, even though Google is practically not available to you.

I appreciate that you learn how to competently deal with Khrefer at the beginning stage even more respectfully, and even if you learn this, you can always find out that Khrumer is stagnant, as if the situation had not changed. The defense is complicated, and if the defense has been enforced on all types of engines and Khrumer cannot cope with it, then there is no sense in wasting resources on collecting these links, and then on working after them with Khrumer, or rather focusing on what gives results . And at the same time, since the Botmeister Labs team has taught Khroomer what’s new, it is possible to quickly prepare a new patient and prepare a base for Khroomer while the patient is still warm. An hour is a pittance, the resource may not be relevant if you buy a database. I have collected the kimos. In addition, the correct selection of bases for yourself significantly expands the “whiter” stagnation of Khrumer. And that’s where everything collapses, no matter what we want, but the process of recovery continues. Cherni stretched out why only you can go at the end.
Rashta, already technical points Robots from Khrefer can be admired in the help and there is no sense in complaining about them, all eyes-oculars-seconds are set beforehand for the skin machine individually.
As a bonus, I’m posting here a template for parsing the Chinese search engine Baidu, I’ve been talking about this for days, having created the axis along the right, note the pun. :)




Having tried to test parse it, there was no ban, Khrefer’s resources were collected quickly, all the entries for parsing are similar to Google’s, but the Chinese resources are the sea, and with a high PR, and besides, there are many places where no European has set foot. The taste is better with Chinese drinks. If you use Google Translate, type in the list of keywords in Russian and translate it into Chinese. The truth in " Words The words cannot be written in Chinese; they need to be recoded.
Replacement of the Chinese:

伟哥 - viagra

吉他 - guitar

其他 - for repairs

保险公司 - insurance

Placements in the Words file and the codes that replace them:





If you are using the site for insurance, then post your message to your profile on a thematic (!) Chinese forum found in search " SMF forum" 保险公司 It will be really bad.
In conclusion, I would like to say that no one understands the people who are angry at those who are crap or screwed up, but I would like to say that you simply cannot prepare them. Better yet, if the parser is not able to select the vidach, just ask for the correct ones. Khrefer is a car: good, solid, built by German, but it is a human and everything is lying down because, as reasonable as it is, it is not possible to drive the car right-handed or left-handed at the same time.
Okrema's topic is cleaning the databases, I'm counting 3 years ago for the upcoming competition. Most of all, everything is relevant there, as before, except by rechecking by 200 OK, now you can see, although this process was not particularly suitable, even the abductions were great, a lot of fun was filtered. Now it is possible to work practically automatically in the process of the Khrumer robot, although this process is not exactly the same as checking for “200 OK”. Meanwhile, for the record: recently a miraculous ability appeared in Khrumeria - to rob information from resources at the time of running a project. It looks like this. You enter a template that will be processed during the work process, and the information collected behind the template will be entered into the xgrabbed.txt file in the Logs folder. This function can be realized in the future, the flight of fantasy is great. Once a week I sent this vikory function for removal from the working database to “expired”. It’s no secret that forums are dying out today; in order to clean up such resources from the database, we can use the “Auto-Grab” tool to help us do this.
Wait a minute, often typing, for example, mi bachimo, with this domain already, for example, the goddam is busy, and there is no forum there. So, remove the slag from the base, grab the slag. :) You can see the exit code of the page and also this entry there:
For grabbing, convert it to

Now all the “twinkles” will be visible to us by name.
There is a small addition to the Autograb tool if you want to clean the database of various “expired” domains:



This domain may be for sale. [...]Buy this Domain

[...]<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> </span><br>The list is far from exhaustive, but I think it will help not to destroy the rich-million-dollar bases so much. Creating a template is not difficult, you open the expiration message and create a mask for the template. <br>In addition to autograbbing, you can comb through your existing databases and sort for resources, divided by engines. And in addition, with additional Autograbbing, you can remove notes from the databases, if you want to collect them not from Referrer, but from downloads from various file hosting services. For this purpose, you need to create a mask for selecting forums and then from the database select only those that are robbed by mask, or also create a mask for non-forums and then select those that are robbed. The first option is logical and reliable, so we know exactly what we are talking about. <br>Good luck with your work. <br>Pisi. Having made the video in a highly direct way (having suffered with it, being timid at first :)), however, having launched Xrefer from a home machine, the speed is not very good, here I have copies only for testing, so don’t blame the robot for the speed. :) <br><p><span class="BlWV-EuxoOk"></span></p> <h4>16 comments:</h4> <p>jeka comments...</p><p>What program did you use to select the keywords?</p> Serge Glazko comments... <p>If I need to collect thematic resources, I select words manually through Words and through Adwords. Even though there are so many words that I have already chosen, here I can only add and remove some words, even if not automatically, but look at them.</p> <p>Let's take a look at the code in the main script:</p> <p>#!/usr/bin/perl</p><p># script <br><span># (c) 2010 Alexandr A Alexeev, http://site/</p><p>use strict;</p><p># Marked rows - for quickness</span><br><span># How to save - collect engine statistics, delete how to</span><br><span># how to compile the list of forums - comment</p><p>my $data; <br>$data .= $_while (<> ) ; </p><p># check how many Powered by phpBB without posting in the basement</span><br>print "phpbb <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?phpbb\.com\/?"[^>]*>phpBB/i</span> or <br><span># $data =~ /viewforum\.php\?[^""]*f=\d+/i or</span><br>$data =~ /phpBB\-SEO/i or <br>$data =~ <span>/<link rel="copyright" href="(?:http:\/\/)?phpBB\.com"/i </span>) ; <br>print "ipb <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?invision(?:board|power)\.com\/?[^"]*"[^>]*> [^<]*IP\.Board/i </span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?invisionboard\.com\/?"[^>]*>Invision Power Board/i</span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/<div id=[""]{0,1}ipbwrapper[""]{0,1}>/i</span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/index\.php\?[^""]*showforum=\d+/i</span>) ; <br>print "vbulletin <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/Powered by:?[^<]+vBulletin[^<]+(?:Version)?/i </span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/<meta name="generator" content="vBulletin/i </span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/forumdisplay\.php\?[^""]*f=\d+/i</span>) ; <br>print "smf <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?simplemachines\.org\/?"[^>]*>Powered by SMF/i</span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/index\.php\?[^""]*board=\d+\.0/i</span>) ; <br>print "punbb <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:(?:www\.)?punbb\.org|punbb\.informer\.com)\/?"[^>]*> PunBB/i</span>); #or <br><span># $data =~ /viewforum\.php\?[^""]*id=\d+/i);</span><br>print "fluxbb <span>\n"</span><br><span># if($data =~ /viewtopic\.php\?id=\d+/i or</span><br>if ( $data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="http:\/\/(?:www\.)fluxbb\.org\/?"[^>]*>FluxBB/i</span>) ; <br>print "exbb <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?exbb\.org\/?"[^>]*>ExBB/i</span>); # or <br><span># $data =~ /forums\.php\?[^""]*forum=\d+/i);</span><br>print "yabb <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?yabbforum\.com\/?"[^>]*>YaBB/i</span> or <br>$data =~ /YaBB\.pl\?[^""]*num=\d+/i ) ; <br>print "dleforum <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/\(Powered By DLE Forum\)<\/title>/i</span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]+(?:http:\/\/(?:www\.)?dle\-files\.ru|act=copyright)[^"]*">DLE Forum<\/a>/i</span>) ; <br>print "ikonboard <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="[^"]*http:\/\/(?:www\.)?ikonboard\.com\/?[^"]*"[^>]*>Ikonboard/i</span> or <br>$data =~ <span>/<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Ikonboard/i </span> or <br>$data =~ /ikonboard\.cgi/i); <br>print "bbpress <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<meta name="generator" content="bbPress/i </span>); # or <br><span># $data =~ /topic\.php\?id=\d+/i or</span><br><span># $data =~ /forum\.php\?id=\d+/i);</span><br>print "flashbb <span>\n"</span><br><span># if($data =~ /forums\.php\?fid=\d+/i or</span><br><span># $data =~ /topic\.php\?fid=\d+/i or</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="http:\/\/(?:www\.)?flashbb\.net\/?"[^>]*>FlashBB/i</span>) ; <br>print "stokesit <span>\n"</span><br><span># if($data =~ /forum\.php\?f=\d+/i or</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="http:\/\/(?:www\.)?stokesit\.com\.au\/?"[^>]*>[^\/]*Stokes IT/i</span>) ; <br>print "podium <span>\n"</span><br><span># if($data =~ /topic\.php\?t=\d+/i or</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href=[""]?http:\/\/(?:www\.)?sopebox\.com\/?[""]?[^>]*>Podium/i</span>) ; <br>print "usebb <span>\n"</span><br><span># if($data =~ /forum\.php\?id=\d+/i or</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="http:\/\/(?:www\.)?usebb\.net\/?"[^>]*>UseBB/i</span>) ; <br>print "wrforum <span>\n"</span><br><span># if($data =~ /index\.php\?fid=\d+/i or</span><br>if ($data =~ <span>/<a[^>]+href="http:\/\/(?:www\.)?wr\-script\.ru\/?"[^>]*>WR\-Forum/i</span>) ; <br>print "yetanotherforumnet <span>\n"</span><br>if ($data =~ /Yet Another Forum\.net/i or <br>$data =~ <span>/default\.aspx\?g=posts&t=\d+/i</span>) ; </p> <p>You will find these other scripts revealed in the post in your archive.</p> <p>Script <i></i> The code of the html-story is used to ensure that the signatures of the forum engine are obvious. We used a similar technique with WordPress and Joomla, as well as a number of admins. First of all, the script itself does not read the side code, but reads it from stdin or the file passed as an argument. This allows you to access a page once, for example, using wget, and then run it through a number of analyzers, as there is more than one of them. In a different way, in <a href="">this script</a> The visibility of the signature is 100% familiar to the engine. Last time, the visibility of the signature increased the strength of the main engine and “powered” the engine with maximum output. I believe that in <a href="">to this guy</a> This approach is no good at complicating the code.</p> <p>To protest the script's robot, I did a little research. I compiled a list of tens of thousands of forums and ran each of them through my script, thereby indicating the number of applications for programs and the popularity of various engines.</p> <p>To get the list of forums, I quickly used my Google parser. <a href="">Sound system</a> tried to ask the guy</p> <p>site:forum.*.ru <br>site:talk.*.ru <br>site:board.*.ru <br>site:smf.*.ru <br>site:phpbb.*.ru <br> ....</p> <p>And so on. You can find the full code for the query generator in the file <i></i>. Krim also Last time, it was important to conduct such an investigation, since most WordPress and Joomla sites do not contain such signatures in the URL. Catalogs like do not provide sufficient selection information. What are 600 sites on Drupal?</p> <p>Needless to say, the results of the experiment confused me. Of the 12,590 sites monitored, only 7,083 search engines were successful, which is less than 56% of the results. Maybe I didn’t lie to any engine? Is Bitrix still standing on half of the forums? Why spend more than an hour searching for signatures? I'm sorry, there is a need for additional investigations here.</p> <p>Among 56% of successfully introduced engines, the most popular, as a result, were IPB (31%), phpBB (26.6%) and vBulletin (26.5%)</p> <p>They are closely followed by SMF (5.8%) and DLEForum (5.3%). My favorite punBB came in 6th place (1.64%). I wouldn’t put much faith in these numbers (having said that, the third forum on the RuNet works on IPB), but it’s possible to earn some money.</p> <p>For example, if you intend to operate a site on a forum and plan to modify the forum, say, pay the traders $0.01 per skin for automatically displaying the prices once a week, then you should choose one of the three best w popular engines. The more popular the forum, the greater the chance of finding a programmer who will understand well.</p> <p>If the actual changes are not transferred to the engine, then it is possible to select a less popular engine, such as SMF or punBB. Change the number <a href="">hacker attacks</a> to your forum and a lot of spam, which is automatically sent to the new one.</p> <p>Scripts for searching/searching forums can also be found in more than one <a href="">practical zastosuvannya</a>. The first thing that came to my mind is to sort by TIC-recognized forums and place on the first hundred posts sent to one of your sites. However, hundreds of forum dofollow-posters didn’t get into the TIC (2 updates have passed), so it’s better not to waste an hour here, since you won’t be bothered to move on.</p> <p>It is clear that the number of scripts is far from uniform. I think you can easily figure out how to vikorize them.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </article> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <section class="widget"> <div class="textwidget"> <div id="gogesa1" style="height:300px;width:290px;" align="center"></div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <section class="widget"><h3 class="widget-title">Editor's choice</h3><ul class="rfpw-dropdown-post"> <li class="rfpw-dropdown-content"> <div class="rfpw-image-link"><a href=""><img style="width: 30&#37;; border-radius: 0;" src="/uploads/688bb3b072ee1b90a6332565e2c92cee.jpg" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></a></div> <div style="width:65&#37;; top: 0px;" class="rfpw-dropdown-text"> <a href="">What to do, since there is no limit on the white line</a> <div class="rfpw-date-time"></div> </div> <div style="border:1px solid black;" class="rfpw-dropdown-excerpt">We are learning about the new iPhones, whose devices are sparkling with light, for the help of a black-yellow camera...</div> </li> <li class="rfpw-dropdown-content"> <div class="rfpw-image-link"><a href=""><img style="width: 30&#37;; border-radius: 0;" src="/uploads/0360d25b292ca281585f4d311653f641.jpg" loading=lazy loading=lazy loading=lazy></a></div> <div style="width:65&#37;; top: 0px;" class="rfpw-dropdown-text"> <a href="">Rooting Prestigio Grace S5 LTE Rooting Prestigio Grace S5 LTE</a> <div class="rfpw-date-time"></div> </div> <div style="border:1px solid black;" class="rfpw-dropdown-excerpt">This article contains information about the mobile device. 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