A look at the SeoPult Pro system. SeoPult lessons: robot with manual modes Seopult

Golovna / Additional functionality

Qia article about PromoPult (Seopult). We will talk about why you should advertise a robot in Promopult (Seopult), how to create an advertising company, how to set it up, launch it, etc. Here is also my video about working in Promopult (Seopult) and how happy you are to see your wiki (Promopult - Seopult).

This article is especially intended for optimizers and website owners without much knowledge in SEO. Experienced optimizers will benefit from this my video about Promopult (Seopult). This requires understanding. I am ready to speak about Promopult (Seopult) and its possibilities, but within the framework of what is meant to be. The question can be placed in different ways: the form of the gateway link, comments before discussing Promopult (Seopult) in the blog, especially information in social networks (sent to two other methods, such as statistics).

Before we finish, we need to say a few more words. First of all, Promopult (Seopult) deals only with “external” website development. You will need to write and optimize texts on your own. In other words, Promopult (Seopult) is just a tool. The effectiveness of this strategy depends on how it is practiced. You don’t need to respect the vimagati of the weak. Thirdly, it would be best if, in parallel with reading the articles, you go to your account account with Promopult (Seopult) and see everything described in this text “live”. So it will be much more intelligent. That's it, let's get started.

The robotic principle of Promopult (Seopult) is based on automatic purchases sent through popular exchanges. Promopult (Seopult) is not the same for us. Its main problem is the impossibility of selling messages from the site without being “imprisoned” Only for my purchase.

For your work, Promopult (Seopult) takes 10% of the sales price. Would you like it to be needed? Ale, believe me, the additional pennies will not be spent in vain. At the same time, 10% Promopult (Seopult) provides a number of tools that would more than compensate for such a premium. Let's take a look at their report.

  • § 1.1 Selection of donors

    This is one of the most important functions of Promopult (Seopult).

    The donor is the site, why is it worth sending to the resource that is being leaked. The main problem when purchasing a message is the choice of suitable donors. It is very important to determine how good the site is for promotion. So, there are such indicators as TIC, PR, VIC, etc., but they are also formal indicators and as the characteristics of the site, as a donor, are not particularly suitable. For example, the site can be old and have good TIC and PR, but in this case it will be subject to the sanctions of sound systems or we will be spamming with a large number of weekend messages and in order to manually determine how much time will be required, songs will be required and knowledge will be required. .

    In addition, you need a lot of donors and it takes a huge amount of time to check their details. Promopult (Seopult), with the help of special algorithms, selects only effective working donors and buys mailings to them. This seriously saves the time and money of the optimizer.

  • § 1.2 Selection of keywords

    Promopult (Seopult) will help you select keywords to display the most relevant pages on your site. To do this, you just need to create a project and add the main page to the site. After this, Promopult (Seopult) will display a list of keywords, and you will be able to complete your needs, replenish your balance and start drying.

    Up to the skin key Promopult (Seopult) stock recommendations for internal optimization.

    The list of key words is formed on the basis of different elements. All of them can be found on the separate deposit. Let's talk about the price below.

  • § 1.3 Assessment of drying quality

    This tool Promopult (Seopult), obviously, not the most needed and the most useful of all. Ale wine is the most effective and most helpful for a beginner. The essence of the robot attack.

    You enter your keyword (or phrase) in Promopult (Seopult), and the system shows you the approximate value of the selected keyword in the Top 10. Tobto. Promopult (Seopult) seems to require a lot of pennies in order for your site to appear among the top ten search results. This sum, of course, is not exactly a number of pennies, but a sum. Even better than your mother, you want some kind of landmark in front of your eyes, but you don’t have any. In addition, a beginner can immediately understand, “pull” this question, or choose a key key more modestly.

  • § 1.4 Generation of texts

    Text generation is one of the most useful and useful functions in Promopult (Seopult). It is popular among all people of optimization status, of all ages and of any level of mastery. Save a lot of time, nerves and money, pennies.

    This thing does what it does: it itself generates various texts, which includes your messages from the anchors (keywords) you have specified. So, for example, you were thinking of sticking a sidebar to the site asking “I’m a cool guy.” You are creating a project with Promopult (Seopult) and will, as a result, generate 400 different propositions with these words, which will be sent to the side, which is leaking. Texts that are different from one another will help to uniquely glue the message using sound systems, and the required anchors will raise the profile of the view. It's been a while, I'm sure it's clear.

    Of course, the car is deprived of the car and Promopult (Seopult) is not to blame. Actions from the texts generated by him do not demand anything other than disenchantment. I highly recommend that after generation, you manually clean the masterpieces of Promopult (Seopult). So, no one requires you to add your texts to Promopult (Seopult). You can fold everything yourself.

  • § 1.5 Automatic and manual modes in Promopult (Seopult)

    Select robot modes. Promopult (Seopult) is also normal, that’s what it’s all about. I think what kind of regime this is and it’s so clear, but I’ll still say two words.

    In automatic mode Promopult (Seopult) you only need to enter keywords with budget(The amount you are ready to see on the drain), replenish your stock and launch a company. Moreover, the budget can be specified for the skin key. Then Promopult (Seopult) does everything yourself: generates texts, purchases messages and follows them (in the index, the page either appeared, the messages sent by sound systems were indexed, etc.). The trash messages of Promopult (Seopult) will also be removed automatically. Tobto. such a paradise for the lazy or optimisers.

    The only thing you can do on your own in this mode is to clean up the message texts from the “masterpieces” of Promopult (Seopult).

    The Promopult (Seopult) manual mode allows you to adjust absolutely everything for the company. It is clear that for your victorious and guilty mother, you want some knowledge from the leaked sites. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your site rather than improving its position.

These are the main advantages of the Promopult (Seopult) website. The system still has many options and adjustments, but with them it is better to become familiar with the robotic process. So now let's move on to Promopult (Seopult) interface And let's talk about work from the service in more detail.

§ 2. Registration in Promopult (Seopult)

The registration process in the Promopult (Seopult) system does not take much time. And there are two messages there, in addition to which you can start registration - one in the upper left corner under the login and password entry form, the other in the center of the page (the button with the word “Start”):

Let's go to the page with the registration form. Everything is here as before: login, password, captcha:

We fill in all fields and emboss the “Register” button.

§ 3. Promopult (Seopult) interface

  • § 3.1 Creating a new project in Promopult (Seopult)

    Immediately after registering in Promopult (Seopult), you will see the page for adding a new project:

    When creating a new project in Promopult (Seopult), there are three options. If you are a webmaster and don’t know it yet, then choose the first option (far left hand, in the picture there is an arrow). You will be able to change the option selection later in the project settings.

    Here you need to indicate the name of the site, its URL and the region in which you will place your site.

    The “Additional parameters” have many more options. If you know what the stink is for, then you can show that you respect the needs. If you don’t, then fill in everything like є.

  • § 3.2 Selection and addition of keywords from Promopult (Seopult)

    On the next page you will need to add keywords to the project. Promopult (Seopult) promotes the creation of value in the following ways:

    • ~ close to the TOP(For the little one, the number is “1”). This point is suitable for you, since your site already has its own “history”: it’s not new, you should know about it and it seems to be ranked among them. In this way, Promopult (Seopult) feeds search engines for which keywords your site ranks close to the TOP (the first ten results for the type) and sends them to you for promotion. You can either use Promopult (Seopult) and add to the project all the keywords associated with it, or add even those that you respect. It remains even more important because Promopult (Seopult) tries to dry out a lot of raw water, wasting pennies on what is unreasonable.

    • ~ automatically select(For the baby the number is “2”). Once you choose this method, then Promopult (Seopult) will go to your site, look at the text on the new one and form a list of keywords for posting on their (texts) basis. Here you can also add all the keywords to the project, or just the ones you deserve.

    • ~ From the doctor of statistics(For the baby the number is “3”). This method is also only for sites with history. Data for access to the doctor of statistics are given on the first step (Creation of a new project) in the Additional Settings. Promopult (Seopult) looks at the statistics of your site and assigns keywords based on what you learn.

    • ~ standard adding keywords(the baby is marked with a frame, an arrow and the number “4”). I have never seen this way of a baby with so many marks. I also recommend that you use vikoryst to add key words to the Promopult (Seopult) project. Once you have created your site, you have already identified the keywords for promotion. Now you just have to add them to Promopult (Seopult) and that’s it.

    As I already said, to add key words for inserting Promopult (Seopult), I recommend speeding up the fourth method. Everything is simple here:

    In the first column “Key word” (marked with the number “1” on the little one) we enter our keywords.

    In the other column “TOP” (marked with the number “2” on the little one), select the required TOP. You can select one for all keywords, you can choose your own for each keyword. After reaching the Promopult (Seopult) TOP specified at this stage, proceed to purchase new orders. This allows you not to spend money for nothing.

    The following Promopult (Seopult) columns will show the approximate number of publishers per month per keyword and the approximate number of publishers per month per keyword.

    To the right-handed foot (on the small one, circled in a red oval) you will need to select additional keys. When you click on the Promopult (Seopult) button, take the keywords from the first column and, based on them, select additional keywords for you:

    You can add a selection of keywords to the project, and you can share just your own.

    Up to the threads. The skin is used to select additional keys using your method. There, everything, in principle, became clear with hints, but if something was lost to the unconscious, then ask - in the world of strength for everyone.

    Having selected the keywords, we will emboss the “Next” button.

  • § 3.3

    In due course - selection of relevant pages.

    So Promopult (Seopult) will automatically select relevant pages for your search keywords:

    The number “1” indicates the column in which Promopult (Seopult) automatically selects relevant pages. The number “2” is the column where you can change them to your own. They have the right to place the results of automatic analysis of the content of the pages and recommendations from Promopult (Seopult) for their optimization.

    Everything is obvious here. What is nutrition is nourishment.

  • § 3.4

    At this point Promopult (Seopult) opens up Zrazkov Vartist of prosuvannya your key words:

    I repeat - an assessment of the budget for drying approximate. Real versatility can vary greatly on both the smaller and the larger side. These figures can be seen as a guideline, but not as a residual price.

    The column marked with the number “1” shows the degree of drying, as a result of opening Promopult (Seopult). In the column with the number “2” you can change it to your own. The columns on the right show the budgets spent on these key words of the site from the TOP 10 of Yandex. When you click on a budget number, a list of instructions appears, such as to the thought Promopult (Seopult) purchasing the site for this keyword.

    Indicated by the budget and stamped “Complete”.

  • § 3.5 Starting a company in Promopult (Seopult)

    We adjusted the main parameters of the company. Now we can start inserting key words:

    Here are all the ways to top up your balance in Promopult (Seopult): by depositing in a jar. We select the appropriate one, enter the amount and press the “Pay” button. After payment, our key messages will start automatically. We will be deprived of the opportunity to quickly re-balance and enjoy the results.

    As you see, everything is simple and understandable. If everything is not so simple and understandable for you, then bear with me - I will try to be clear and explain.

Dear reader, humbly noted that in the process of setting up and launching the company in Promopult (Seopult), we “re-cut” the following croques:

These are marked with the numbers “1” and “2”, the lines “Installation” and “Rules of Removal”. We “re-trimmed” them in order to prepare for further investigations. You can marvel at them, but if you don’t understand why there’s a stink, fill everything in there like that.

§ 4. My video about Promopult (Seopult)

Robiti with Promopult (Seopult) is possible.

    According to the first є result.

    Promopult (Seopult) robots can push a website onto the site for minimal human intervention. Of course, we are talking about a site that has undergone internal optimization and all the information placed on its pages. And if people understand how to set up a company in Promopult (Seopult) more subtly, then the result can be achieved faster and cheaper.

    In a different way, Promopult (Seopult) significantly improves hour and power of the optimizer.

    If you have a lot of sites and a lot of key queries to search for, then you will definitely understand. And the more sites there are with queries, the more noticeable it will be.

    Plus, with the Promopult (Seopult), you can take other key entries into the work that you never got around to before or didn’t have time to put in them. For example, you can select low-frequency entries, set the minimum price on their offer and calmly work on your key keywords.

    On the third, Promopult (Seopult) can suggest You are given any information or information for your consideration.

    You can not start a business in Promopult (Seopult), but simply start a company and use the capabilities of Promopult (Seopult) to analyze the site and work with it. Abo generate texti posilan, for example. Fortunately, everything is harmless.

Zagalom, Promopult (Seopult) - a service that's worth it. He will be the first and will lose the leader. Others don’t have to go near this fairway.

Of course, if you choose Promopult (Seopult), you will overpay: first of all, Promopult (Seopult) is a robot and you can’t save like a human, otherwise, Promopult (Seopult) has a premium. However, once the overpayment has been settled, the Promopult company will be deprived of its benefits.

§ 5. Visnovok

Finally, I would like to remind you that Promopult (Seopult) is very good and very good, but still a tool. And the result will remain dependent on who and how you work with it. Until then, robots won’t be able to think yet.

It is clear that within one article it is impossible to reveal all the capabilities of Promopult (Seopult). And the food will inevitably go wrong. You can set them in a variety of ways: the shape of the collar,

Hello, dear readers! You often felt that it was good for internal optimization of your website. You read the posts and learned from my manuals how to select your semantic core, correctly link pages, create your own unique optimized content. The time has come to talk about the development of your site. Help me ask you for help SeoPult Pro service- You will learn how to create your project, learn the basics of purchasing the gateway orders, and develop a detailed plan for the scheme of your purchasing. I will explain all the necessary steps for the successful implementation of your project, and share my knowledge in selecting donor sites.

SeoPult Pro - what and what's next

SeoPult is an automated system for promoting a website in search engines. Our main task is to create a mass mailing for the web resource by purchasing gate mailings from various donor sites. This is a magnificent complex that allows any webmaster to go through the entire complex of promotion, starting with and ending with a joke and purchasing backlinks. SeoPult includes a number of services from site preparation to site development and orientation, especially for novice optimizers and webmasters, who are not well understood on Seo. Therefore, with a number of original capabilities in the subsequent implementation of his project, this service and functional interchanges did not allow the cobs to accumulate a bunch of benefits.

To give webmasters the opportunity to get rid of all the necessary elements of independent promotion, eliminating as much as possible automatic tags (first of all, with the SeoPult+ and SeoPult Max technologies), the creators of this service introduced a completely different complex - Seo Pult Pro. Let's take a look at its main functions and advantages in line with the functionality of the first seopult:

  • First of all, all the main functions for selecting donors and purchasing orders can be performed manually. Of course, there are also automatic options, but a self-respecting SEO professional and a real blogger will have to do everything on their own from now on. For this purpose, SeoPult Pro has prepared a number of new functions (about the results of the statistics).
  • In other words, the purchase of all gates is carried out only from verified TrustLink sites. Therefore, in Pro, donors and web resources are not suitable for effective purchasing. There you won’t find any sites, catalogs, forums, guest books, books or books. All donors undergo careful moderation - there are a lot of inexpensive and irreplaceable sites there, with non-unique content being stolen.
  • Thirdly, throughout the duration of the project there is the ability to export and import campaign data. In this way, you can at any time access the information using other services and programs (for example, I often struggle with the capabilities of Excel), and it is also easier to enter new previously prepared data.
  • Fourthly, Seopult Pro has daily minimal risk of inserting a keyword - the user of the service can set the price range for the purchase of the message. Therefore, on the one hand, the service represents significant savings in the budget for running your site, on the other hand - a large number of external payments for the same service, as in other similar services.
  • Finally, every webmaster can independently create his own filter and come up with his own individual scheme for purchasing return mail. This is a very important moment that radically changes the entire promotion policy of SeoPult. You can customize the entire database of donor sites to suit your needs. I showed in detail how to develop your own purchasing scheme in my video (for example, these statistics).
  • In fact, you can use a special tool to evaluate the brightness of the donor maidan. SeoPult Pro provides important information regarding the number of incoming and outgoing messages from a donor, and also provides its internal SPR rating, which shows the donor’s vigor. Zavdyaki tsim danim can be zagalom otsіnity trust site, on which you can possibly buy the message.

I have described the most important aspects, showing current changes and additional services. Now let's go through the entire process of running your project - from the beginning of its creation to the final operation from the launch of purchased orders.

We create our own project with SeoPult Pro

Registration of your property record . First of all, we need to go to the main page of the service and create our own account. Everything is simple here - enter your login and password, write your email contact screen, enter a bonus invite.

Next, you need to become familiar with the service for the project for which you are going to purchase gate mail. Fill in the fields for the name of the site, enter your domain (url of the site's main page) and select the region of delivery. To show your service in action by creating a project for your blog.

Adding keywords. On the next screen you need to write down the keywords that will make your site visible in search engines. This can be done manually by entering the skin word or for additional import:

As you can see, this table has a lot of important parameters and values, as SeoPult Pro kindly reveals to us. Let's get to know them better:

  • The “GEO” section displays information based on the geography keyword. To tell the lord of the project that the geological deposit will be filled in (what can you know in this way).
  • The “Views” section gives a large number of views per month of the skin key search for Yandex.Wordstat data. This is the name of the basic frequency, which you need to know if you want to earn money.
  • In the “Budget” column, the SeoPult Pro system recommends a monthly budget for inserting a keyword. This data can give you information about the competitiveness of your queries for which you want to exclude search traffic. The more important the word is, the more competitive it is, the more necessary it is to purchase clear messages. Minimum value - 25 rubles.
  • The line with the “person and sum icon” shows the number of predicted transitions from sound systems. As practice shows, the values ​​of the exact frequency of the keyword are often avoided.
  • Column with the “human and dollar icon” shows the predicted value of one transition for the key word from the search. The lower the number, the cheaper the transition using the keyword.

I imported all the keywords of my semantic core, which is how I post my blog in Yandex and Google. Then, having assessed all the parameters, I removed at least 10 of them (within a budget of 500 rubles), and also inserted positions in the “GEO” blog in Yandex and Google, so that I could then equalize their growth with the fact of purchasing from gate posilan (picture clickable ):

As you can see, the table is made up of not very competitive queries that made it to the top 10 and can no longer collapse without further adjustment. As a result, the monthly purchase amount for orders became 374 rubles for my 10 words. There is also a preliminary assessment of the budget for delivery, so that the individual commitment of the delivery is also indicated in advance. In the meantime, we added our own keywords to the project, which became unnecessary.

For what criteria I looked at the keywords. Having already tidied up the fact that the relationship between the number of predicted transitions and hidden impressions is very small. For the skin key that is lost, after assessing the predicted value of one transition. In my case, I lost the display, where the number is more than one ruble. This is true for low-competitive keywords. For greater performance, the bar must be moved forward.

Select target pages . After adding keywords that are leaking, it is necessary to work out the deadline for the project - select. You can try to make purchases on them yourself. The service automatically scans the data from the table with keys and selects the target document that is being scanned:

This table in the “Relevant page” column contains the addresses of documents that correspond to the search engine index data. The “Stream Side” section shows the sides for which orders will be purchased. With proper on-page optimization, the offense against each keyword is to use the same URL.

Since the automatic selection of information is absolutely different, you can quickly use the special tool SeoPult Pro to select a list of relevant pages. To do this, you need to press an icon on the images of the archival paper, and you will see the following:

Here you can find information about the relevance of the pages for the skin search system - the URL of the document and your snippet. You can select the type and change the original table. A very useful tool that helps you avoid making mistakes when choosing the same page for purchasing the package. In my case, all relevant pages were accurate and I did not need to manually select documents - this is the result of proper optimization of each post on my site.

Vartist. At this point, our company can set a preliminary budget for targeting our site with the selected keywords. For the skin keyword, the system automatically allocates budget recommendations. which one beats from the column “Rik. budget":

To obtain the recommended monthly amounts for the skin key, press the corresponding button. Since we don’t need to reserve the option, we can change it in the future by adding another amount. For this purpose, I will continue to look closely at the propositions of the SeoPult Pro system.

Ankori. In the near future, texts will be created for upcoming purchases on donor sites. In SeoPult Pro, under the anchor there is a keyword framed by text on both sides (or you can frame the keyword only on the right or even on the left side). In order to add an anchor to a sound request that is being pushed through, you need to perform the next steps - press the “Add anchor” button in the lower right corner. Then, from the form that appears, we select the first keyword before which anchors will be added:

Next, for the keyword, we manually write the anchor text that was sent (which we can see behind the help of special tags) #a# #/a#). Since this is an option for ready-made anchors, we can import them. I already have this option - I use it for internal manual linking of my blog (for the little one, use different anchors for the keyword “Google Analytics”):

Here you can also specify the type of anchors in this form (“clean, divorced entry”), as well as indicate the number of words in the texts. As a result, all selected anchors will immediately appear in the table sub-sum - in the “Anchors” column your number will appear opposite the skin keyword:

Installation of circuits . This is a very important stage in the creation of your project in the system. Here our task is to select the same filtering schemes for donor sites, which are followed by the selection of Maidans from purchasing messages. SeoPult Pro has two different approaches to choosing drying schemes. You can quickly select ready-made options, which the system kindly prompts us to choose:

The SeoPult Pro system has about 30 parameters, which can be used to create different types of donors. I mean the most important of them:

  • Site parameters - information on how to index pages in Yandex and Google search systems, indicators of the authority of the TIC and PR site, donor visibility in the Yandex and DMOZ catalogs, domain zone.
  • Page parameters – number of backlinks, type of sending, level of document insertion on the donor’s web resource.
  • External factors of donors are the number of inputs sent to the site and the number of outputs sent.
  • Side page content parameters - keywords, stop words in document addresses, stop words in side page headings (title tag), minimum contribution to content on the side site (an extremely important parameter!).
  • Additional thoughts - how many days can a donor spend on the exchange, how many purchased messages from one donor to the site, how many days can you buy messages from one donor to the site.

Otherwise, I recommend creating your own scheme, having figured out your own filtering rules for selecting donor Maidans. For my project, I decided to use the system as much as possible, registering the most brilliant minds to search for donor sites. How I did this is shown in the upcoming video:

As a result, I came up with my own set of rules, a transfer of special boundaries for which I want to select clear donor sites. You can watch it in this video:

Running Posilan . The remaining time to allow us to carry out the project in a distant place is SeoPult Pro, with our help we will purchase external messages for our pages that are leaking. To start the purchasing process, you need to check the search box for which you want to cancel the return orders in the remaining table. In this way, we can regulate the speed of peeling off the backcloths, which will allow us to control the growth of weight and prevent us from wasting any possible swelling.

After you press the launch, it will take a few hours for the system to search for messages from donor sites in accordance with our filtering rules. Zazvichiy on tse yde not one day. Once the selection process is completed, you can go back to your project and get a list of recommended sites from donor platforms. The axis is the following list of views for my project:

This list contains data on the effectiveness of skin care, shown at the address, and basic data for the remaining selection for purchase. The principle of operation with this table is very simple:

  1. What’s surprising at first is the “SPR” parameter (donor’s rating from SeoPult Pro). What is more, this is the brightest side of our purchase message.
  2. We evaluate the relationship between input and output messages to the donor site (the words “VSD” and “ISD”). I wrote about this report in Statti Pro.
  3. From the list, we express our respect for the budget, so that it is consistent with your benefits.
  4. And finally, I recommend going over the skin after our cleansing, taking a look at the usability of the donor site. So, I’ll say, I’m proponizing the “control shot”. Because, as far as I can tell, the system does a wonderful job of selecting donor sites from the point of view of setting parameters, but often incorrectly selects their topics.

After the remaining selection, we see the messages that are missing and send them to confirm placement. Voila, the project has been launched and we are looking forward to the results!

I hope that my advice will serve you well and now on my side you will be able to launch your project in the SeoPult Pro system as efficiently as possible without any problems!

With respect, Your Maxim Dovzhenko

Head side

On the main page of the site the site contains the following main blocks:

    1. Login to the system (Login/Registration/Renew password).
    2. Advantages.
    3. Quick start.
    4. Verification of donors.
    5. About the system.
    6. Noviny.
    7. Social measures.

Also on the main page SeoPult. Pro koristuvach can know divided“About the system”, “News”, “Advice”, “Instructions” and “FAQ”.

Block "Login to the system".

The block contains all the necessary tools, as allowed by the user.Login to the system. For your understanding, the correspondent has already registered with her earlier. To do this, in the “Login” section, you must enter the “Login” and “Password” of your account, then click the “Log In” button.

Fig 1. Block “Login to the system”.

Register button. For painting It is necessary to register with the System. For this you need to click on the corresponding button and on the side that has opened(Fig. 2) enter all the necessary data.

Fig 2. “Registration” side.

On this page you must fill in all 6 fields of the registration form: login, e-mail , password, password confirmation, image code. After this, you must read the software license agreement. SeoPult. Pro » and minds, and press the “Registration” button, just in case of a change of minds, you can. If you have a promotional code, you can enter it in the appropriate field of this block. After completing the registration process, the customer will send the following notification to the email screen provided during registration. After switching to the activation of the cloud record shown in the selected sheet, the user is automatically redirected to the “Special Account”, where all functions of the System become available.

Only clients registered in the System can proceed to the automated posting of the site in the system SeoPult. Pro.

Block "Password renewal".

In this case, if a user has spent all (login and password) or part (login or password) of the information required to enter the system, he may be able to renew this information. For this you need to go to the “Login to the system” section and follow the “Forgot your password” option. On the “Password Renewal” page (Fig. 3) () at the field e-mail must be entered e-mail , whichever happened before the hour of registration in the system. After this, the system sends instructions to the specified email address for updating the data required for authorization in the system SeoPult. Pro.

Fig 3. "Password renewal" form.

Block "Perevagi".

Fig 4. Advantages.

Block "Swiddy start".

Fig 5. Block " Smooth start."

Block "Checking of donors".

The tool allows you to conduct a quick analysis of the content of donor sites. The maximum number of sites that can be checked at one time is more than ten. To check the donor bones, you need to do the following:

· On the main page of the system, the site near the block “Cost-free verification of donor containers”, you will obviously need to enter the site address. Each domain is entered from a new row, after the domain there is no need to enter any divisional signs. The maximum number of domains that can be safely verified is more than ten.

· After transferring domains to verify the entries in the field, you must click the “Perform analysis” button.

· At the block below, the results of the analysis of verification of inputs at the advanced stage of domains become available.

Fig. 6. Tool “Checking donor bones”.

Block "About the system".

Fig 7. Block “About the system”.

Block "Novini".

Customers can find up-to-date information about the operation of the system, promotions and other information relevant to customers of the system.

Fig. 8. Block "New systems".

This block also hasInformation about the remaining updates of the Yandex search system. Zokrema, update date, text update, and also the date of change of type (Storm).

Block "Social measures".

Adding a new project

In order for the developer to have the opportunity to add a new project to the system SeoPult. Pro You need to log in before it under your account account. If you don't already have one, you need to register in the system. You can log in and register on the main page of the site SeoPult. Pro available at the address .

Once you have logged in to the system, you are automatically redirected to the list of projects, where all the necessary tools for creating a new project become available.

To add a new project toThe system must perform the following actions:

On the project management page, you must click the “Add project” button (Fig. 9)

Fig 9. Block "Project management system".

After that, on the page “Creation of a new project” (Fig. 10) ( ), it is necessary to enter the current information about the project, which is provided: the name of the site (not required to be filled in, as it is required for internal identification in the System), URL (addresses of the main page of the resource that is added to the system) and region (the region of the site that is added). The remaining two fields are required for filling. When choosing a region for a site, it is enough to enter a number of first letters of the name of the region and select the desired one in the list.

Fig. 10. Side "Creation of a new project."

After filling in all the fields, click the “Next” button and go to the “Add keywords” page.

Lesson 1 – “Addition of key words.”

Fig. 10. Side “Add keywords”.

On Krok No. 1 (stage of adding key words to the project), it is necessary to indicate the transfer of key words for which project is being added to the system, which will be inserted in sound systems. There are two options for adding key data to the system. The first option transfers the entry of keywords to the field called “Enter Keywords”. Each keyword must be entered from a new row; for example, the keyword does not need to be entered in each division. After receiving a list of forming words, it is enough to press the “Add” button, after which the designated keywords will be added to the system and linked to the flow project. Another option is to transfer the import of data from a previously prepared file. To add keywords, you need to create a file in MS.Excel format with the following clauses, which correspond to the following rules:

o Key word;

oWhole side for hanging (or URL: "/items..html");

oBudget in rubles per word (25 rubles);

oSkin keyword on new row;

oDovzhina word three more than 60 characters;

oThe clearings and tabulations are visible;

oThe ordinary and great writers differ;

oEmpty rows are ignored.

After that, as a file for importing preparations, you must go to the “Import words” tab, which is located on the “Add keywords” page (Mal. 11).

Fig 11. “Import words” tab.

To add key words to their file, you need to click the “Select file” button, in the window that appears, indicate the path to the file to import and click the “Open” button. After that, on the “Add keywords” page, click the “Import words” button, which is located in the lower left corner of the page.

If the file for importing shows all the most important options, before entering the system, a system notification will appear (Fig. 12), which will indicate how many key words have been collected and how many of them have been added to the system.

Fig. 12. System notification about the successful addition of keywords.

All added keywords will be available for viewing in the table that was created on the same page. For the skin keyword, the next change in parameters will be automatically adjusted:

oStovpets GEO. Geolocation is obtained from the Yandex search system. There are several options: “select geo-independent from the Yandex view” and “select geo-independent from the Yandex view”.

o Stovpets "Pokaziv" . The number of impressions per month is based on Yandex data. Wordstat.

oStovpets "Budget" . Recommendations system SeoPult. Pro Monthly budget for issuing a flow request.

oStovpets This article provides information about the predicted number of transitions from sound systems.

oStovpets This article predicts the potential for a transition from sound systems to continuous power supply.

To go to section No. 2 “Top pages” you need to press the “Next” button.

An example file for importing keywords can be found in the Import words tab. The attachment to the butt file is located in the lower right corner and is called “Attach the butt to the file.”

If any keywords that were included in the system have been lost there and need to be deleted, then all you need to do is check them (the first column in the table with keywords) and click on the Delete entry button.

Croc 2 – “Select whole pages.”

Krok's task No. 2 is to install its own relevant page for each keyword, so that messages will be purchased in the future.

Fig. 13. Croc 2. Select whole pages.

The table “Target pages” (Fig. 13) shows the flow of all key data added to the system at the front end. After switching to another account, the system automatically selected the relevant page for all keywords, asking it to appear in the “Rel. Side". At the "In-line side" section, the pages on which items for inserting keywords will be purchased. The relevant page is automatically inserted into the in-line side.

The “List of relevant pages” functionality is also available on this page. To activate this tool, there is a button next to each keyword "Open the list of relevant pages." After clicking, the “Relevant pages for keyword” pop-up window will appear in front of the window.

Fig 14. Drain window “Relevant pages for keyword” "website"».

At the top of this window there is a switch that allows you to select the playback of the relevant pages of each sound system, which will be displayed in the table below. Three options are available: Yandex+Google, or Yandex or Google. When choosing one or the other option, it is first recommended to use insurance, as the sound system is the most popular in the region where the site is located.

The table is arranged below and consists of three main pillars:

oStovpets "PS". You can now understand the results of the type of sound system that is displayed on the current input. Acceptable values: I (Yandex search system) and G (Poshukov system Google)

oStovpets "URL". Stop taking revenge on the overflow of the first five URL pages of the most relevant, according to the thought indicated at the advanced stage of the search system, the analyzed query.

oStovpets “Snipet title” . Which article contains the title of the snippet from one of the relevant pages.

Below the table with overflow URL pages and related snippets, there are two messages - “Yandex Vidacha” and “Vidacha Google " When you go to this message, the customer will be prompted to view the telephone sound system. In settings, the search area is surrounded by the analyzed site, and the search results are presented for the current keyword.

Vikorystuvat data sent can be sensed if the results from the table were not able to find the relevant page. This situation is possible, as seen in the table “Relevant pages for the keyword "keyword"" Only the first five results from the types of sound systems are displayed. After analyzing the identified target pages, using the addition of a variable in the first column of this table, it is necessary to identify the most suitable option for a given keyword Then press the “OK” button. The selected side will appear opposite the keyword in the “Stream side” section.

If from the pages assigned to the table more than one option is not suitable, and you happened to select pages using a type of sound system, then to add the relevant page it is necessary to perform the following actions:

o Copy URL relevant page;

oTurn to Krok No. 2 (stage of choosing whole sides);
o B field of the column “Stream page”, opposite the corresponding keyword, you must specify copies URL relevant page;

oTo save your changes, you must press the button"Save your strength."

Dear, if it is necessary to change the page flow for a large number of keywords, then it is better to quickly press the button“Edit all” is displayed in the upper right corner of the “Top pages” table. This allows you to make changes to all key words in the table. After making changes, to save edits you need to press the button“Save everything”, which is located in the upper right corner of the table“Rel. side."

In these situations, if you need to assign a single group of requests to one flow side for all, or add them from those selected by the system, the “Rel. pages”, manually use the “Operations with” tool URL".

To achieve success in the first generation, it is necessary to:

o indicate the keywords that must be supplied with the URL of the page relevant to them;

o VSelect the option “Insert the specified side” from the list (Fig. 15);

oIn the field, enter the required URL;

opress the “Zastosuvati” button.

Fig. 15. Tool “Operations with” URL "/"Submit the specified page."

After that, in the “Stream Side” section, for all key words marked with a checkmark, appear in the field URL pages.

To rank another task, it is necessary to specify keywords for which it is necessary to submit the relevant ones selected by the system URL at stovpets "Potochna storinka". Next, the “Operations with” tool is activated. URL » and select “Insert recommended side” from the list (Fig. 16).

As a result, for all key words that are ticked, the values URL zі stovptsya “Rel. side" will be placed in the column "Flow side".

After making all the necessary edits for the keywords on work No. 2, to move to the next stage of adding the project to the system, you must click the “Next” button, which is located in the lower right corner.

Krok 3 – “Vartist”.

The main task of Krok No. 3 “Vartist” (Fig. 17), is the allocation of the budget for the in-line project and the budget for the skin keyword, which is inserted directly.

Fig 17. Croc No. 3. "Vartist".

The information is presented in the table, including the following data:

oStovpets “Key words”. This is to take into account the flow of all the interests at the advanced stage of the key words that will be used for the implementation of the on-line project. For whatever reasons, there is a need to make edits before transferring the keywords or to delete them, which can be done on the page “Adding Keywords” (Croc No. 1).

oStovpets "Flow side" . This is the place to take revenge URL pages where messages with the same keyword will be purchased.

o Stovpets "Vitrata" . This article, on the contrary, shows the total amount spent in rubles for the entire period of implementation of this keyword, as well as the total amount spent for the implementation of all key words of the current project.

o Stovpets "Budget". Dany stovpets to take revenge on the budget of the entire project, as well as the significance for the skin keyword.

After moving to the third stage of adding a skin keyword to the project, the system automatically allocates recommendations to the budget. This information can be found in the article “Rik. budget" table "Budgets of key accounts". After this automatic recommendation, the budget will be presented as accurate and also available for editing by the budget.

In situations where clients need to carry out new operations with a budget using a large number of key phrases, the system has a special tool “With meanings”.

In this situation there are a number of options for the development of this approach:

1) It is necessary to increase/change the budget for a group of keywords there is meaning on the song;

3) Set up a single budgetfor a group of keywords

To increase/change the budgetfor a group of keywordson song meaning it is necessary to do the following:

  1. - View necessary keywords "tick"
  2. - In the field "With values", it is necessary to indicate the specific value of the budget for the skin keyword will be increased/changed(Fig. 19 and 20)
  3. - The list is right-handed, vibrati means “r.”

Rice. 19-20. Tool "Budget Operations" / "Increase/Change Budget by" / "Values".

Afterwards, press the “Stop” button.

To increase/change the budget for a group of keywords on singing hundred it is necessary to carry out similar actions as described above, but inSelect the list on the right, select the value “%”.

In situations where it is necessary to establishunified budgetfor all keywords(the budget for all keywords, regardless of type, will be equal) it is necessary to use the “Set a single budget” tool (Fig. 23).

Figure 21. "Install a single budget."

By analogy, you can also set a recommended budget for a group of seen key phrases.

After the budget has been specified for all key words that are used in the project, it is necessary to switch to Krok No. 4 “Ankori”. To go to the next stage, you need to press the “Next” button, which is located in the lower right corner.

Krok 4 – “Ankori”.

on krotsi No. 4, before the procedure, the task is to formulate a transfer of anchors for the skin of the key layers that are exposed. Behind the subject, the anchor and keyword are framed by text on both sides. If necessary, the keyword can be framed by text on either the right or left side.

In order to add an anchor to a keyword, you need to do the following:

          • 3. Next, the form contains a list of anchors that must be added to the designated keyword. The leather anchor is placed in a new row. It is necessary to add an anchor to the specified format: left sharp #a# anchor #/a# rightly so. Dovzhina anchor with emphases does not have to exceed 100 characters with spaces.
          • 4. After adding all the anchors for the keyword, you must click the “Add” button located under the form.
  • For clarity, framed with an anchor, specially assigned for this purpose with tags #a# #/a#, The main tool is “Frame the vision anchor in #a#...#/a#”. For this wiki, you need to add an anchor from a new row in the form, then see the keyword that you are vykoristing in, and click on the post. “Frame the vision anchor at #a#...#/a#”. Right-handed and left-handed, the tags #a#...#/a# appear as keywords.
  • In a situation where the wrong anchors have been entered into the bulge form, or anchors with paddings and they need to be deleted, you can quickly enable the button "Clear". After clicking, all anchors that are located in the add window are removed.

    The form for adding anchors has two tools: “Add by replacement” and “Glue duplicates”.

    Tool " Add from replacement“Vikorystvayasya in these situations, if for a song keyword that is missing, in the system the site is already adding anchors and for any reason, some or all of them must be changed or deleted.

    The simplest and most cost-effective way to earn it is:

    we form the correct flow of anchors for entering in the “Add text” window;

    Place a checkmark next to the “Add by replacement” tool and press the “Add” button.

    As a result, the overflow of previously formed “texts” for this request will be replaced with a new, carefully formed list.

    Another tool that will help robots with anchors is called “ Glue duplicates" The method of this tool is to “reduce” duplicate anchors. Since, for a large number of reasons or for any other reason, it is difficult for computer systems to detect the presence of duplicate anchors, then once they are finally added to the system, it will be possible to simply activate this tool. This allows you to automatically select anchors that are duplicated.

    To simplify the work with anchors in the system there is also a tool Generatsiya ankoroV.

    Figure 24. Functionalization of anchor generation.

    With this additional functionality, you can generate direct and additional unanchored entries for a key phrase (Fig. 24). You can also add a word or phrase for further generation.

    After the “Add” button is pressed on the list of anchors for words, the table “Anchors for the word” appears under the form for adding anchors more precise keyword" This table contains all anchors added to the system up to the current keyword. To work with anchors (editing, editing, filtering, exporting), a number of tools have been provided, which will be discussed below.

    Table “Anchor for words more precise keyword» place a relay of added anchors, as well as information about the number of vikoristan anchors (the column “U vikorist.”). In spite of the number of messages purchased with this anchor.

    As soon as one or many anchors were in need, then vidality yogo for more help buttons "Vidality", which is the opposite of the keyword. If you want to view all anchors up to a keyword, you need to press the button"Vidality everything." If you need to delete a group of anchors, you must check them and click the “Delete” button, which is located in the lower left corner of the “Word Anchors” tablemore precise keyword».

    If you need to edit a group of anchors, you need to do the following:

    • about checking the anchors that need to be edited;

      about pressing the “Edit” button, located in the lower left corner;

      • All assigned anchors are available for editing;
    • Under clean entries, the appearance of the entry of the keyword into the anchor is important. This type of entry ensures that the key, which is pushed through, is fixed in the anchor in an unchanged appearance. An example of pure input for the keyword “buy a car” would be:

      #a#buy a car#/a#
      #a#buy a car#/a# used
      #a#buy a car#/a# used
      #a#buy a car#/a# from credit

      When dividing entries, it is important to pay attention to the type of entry of the keyword into the anchor. This type of input is transferred, so that the key is inserted into the anchor of dilution with additional words. The butt of the divorced input for the keyword “buy a car” would be:

      #a#buy a car in Moscow#/a#
      #a#buy a used car in Moscow #/a#
      #a#buy a used car #/a# from Moscow
      #a#buy a car on credit #/a# from Moscow

      Once the number of anchors necessary for successful insertion has been added to the key words, it is necessary to proceed to the remaining stage of the system’s project. To do this, click on the “Next” button, which is located in the lower right corner of the “Anchors” table.

      Lesson 5 – “Installing the circuit.”

      Zavdannyam Croc No. 5“Installing schemes” is the creation of site filtering schemes, after which the selection of sites will be carried out on which the message will be placed. To implement this task in the site system, the following tools are provided: Filter and Scheme.

      Filter- after a set of parameters, after which the system of the site creates a selection of media, on which messages are placed for passing through the group of queries, for which the “Filter” data is generated.

      You can create a “Filter” on the “Filter List” tab. When adding a new filter, it is necessary to indicate in the corresponding fields the properties that are displayed, before the parameters of the donor platforms on which the orders are purchased.

      To select donor sites, the system has about 30 parameters that you can specify when creating the “Filter”. Below is a summary of the most important of them:

      • O Site parameters: the number of indexed pages in the Google and Yandex search systems, TIC and PR sites and the main page is evident in Yandex. Catalog and DMOZ, domain zone.

        O Side parameters: the number of external messages, the severity of the message, the PageRank of the page, the level of contributions, the visibility of the page in the index.

        O External factors of donors: number of weekends and exits sent.

        O Sidebar content parameters: keywords, stop words in the URL, stop words in the title, minimal content on the side of the site.

        O Dodatkov's mind: presence on the exchange site (number of days), purchase no more than n-requests per donor per page (URL), purchase no more than n-requests per donor per project (site).

      In order to select a filter when selecting donor sites, it is necessary to “link” one or more filters to the scheme. The Scheme parameters themselves, and not the Filters, are then selected by the system when searching for donor sites.

      In addition, you must again indicate all the parameters to the donor site to filter you, when the “Filter” is created, as a result, the underlying similarity of the searched and removed.

      « Scheme» - this is also a set of parameters for which the system is used to select donors to select a group of requests, for which the “Scheme” is given. Vіdmіnіsti“Filters” in the “Scheme” are those that the “Scheme” can contain in a box of “Filters”, which allows for one group of drinks that are leaked, according to the specified proportions, to be selected Several algorithms for selecting donor sites.

      Create a “Scheme” available on the “Schemes and Filters” tab. For this purpose, in the “List of Filters” table, check off those filters that are included before “Schemes”. In contrast to the skin filter, in the “Proportion” section it is necessary to indicate the proportion values ​​in the circuit for the in-line filter. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce them to the created schemes and save them. A new scheme has been created to appear at the “List of Schemes” station.

      "Proportion" parameter informs the system in what proportion of skins the Filter will be selected when selecting donor sites. In connection with this, the total significance of all of them cannot be overestimated 100%.

      For example, 3 filters were added to the system. To be precise, the main parameter for selecting donor sites will be PR. In the settings of the first “Filter” the range of indications is PR from 0 to 1, in the settings of another – PR from 2 to 3, in the settings of the third type PR from 4 to 7. Analysis of the mass of competitors showed what donor sites from PR from 0 to 1 is close to 60%, from PR from 2 to 3 is close to 30% and from PR from 4 to 7 is close to 10%. Obviously, when the “Scheme” is created, for the first “Filter” the “Proportion” parameter will be specified, which is 60%, for the second - 30%, and for the third - 10%. As a result, a new scheme was created to make it possible to repeat the input mass sent by competitors.

      The values ​​of the “Proportion” parameter for filters depend entirely on the results that the optimizer chooses to determine depending on its purpose. At this point, the main method of creating a filter is to repeat the process of the input mass of competitors, as described in the application, then the significant “Proportion” is due to the skin of the seen groups of donor sites of competitors. If the optimizer is considering any other goals, then it is appropriate for them to set the proportions for the skin filters that are being analyzed.

      In order to select the created “Scheme” for inserting the project, you need to go to the “Schemes” tab, in the “Installing Schemes” block, check the keywords for insertion and use the “Select Schemes” button to set the keywords relevant for this group iv.

      In addition, you will need to again indicate all the parameters to the donor site to select you, with the “Filter” created, and then select their transfer for the selected “Scheme” and the underlying type of searched and from Riemannian

      Let's take a look little by little Installation of schemes on the system website:

      1. In the table “Installing schemes” (Fig. 25), those keywords that need to be installed in the selection scheme for selecting donor sites are indicated by a check mark.

      IMPORTANT! For all keywords that will be ticked, there is one scheme for selecting donor sites.

      Figure 25. Table "Scheme installation".

      2. At the bottom left corner, under the “Installing schemes” table, click on the “Select scheme” button. At the drain window that appears (Fig. 26), due to the transfer of circuits already added to the system, select the necessary one.

      Figure 26. The “Select Schemes” pop-up window.

      3. The system has several schemes available for selecting donor sites:
      "system_nk" - low competitive key phrases;
      "system_sk" - for moderately competitive keywords;
      "system_vk" - for highly competitive keywords;
      "system_lw" - to purchase the order for a minimum price.
      Important! Under the system schemes there are schemes created by the master himself.
      4. After one of these schemes has been selected, a table will appear indicating the filters that are included in these schemes, the main parameters of this filter, the type of anchor and the proportion of the skin filter in this scheme. emi.
      5. Once the scheme has been selected for activation, you must press the “Set scheme” button.
      6. If all the details are correct, in the “Installing Schemes” table in the “Scheme Names” section, opposite the keyword, the name of the scheme that was specified for the new one will appear.
      In this situation, if for any keyword the same scheme is specified or it needs to be changed, then it is converted simply by clicking on the necessary one.

      The “Scheme Installation” table contains the following information:

        about Keywords (a list of keywords that are used for the project)

        The name of the scheme (the name of the scheme, which is used by vikoryst to insert the keyword)

        about Vitrat (the amount that was spent on purchasing goods during the rest of the world period)

        Budget (budget, which koristuvach saw on the insertion of the keyword)

        about the ranking of anchors (the first value in commerce means how many anchors were added to the keyword, and another, how many messages with these anchors were posted on donor sites).

    • In a situation where the existing schemes for selecting donor sites are not suitable for a particular project, it is necessary before the stage of assigning schemes to groups of keywords create filter(s), scheme From the following parameters. For whom it is necessary to cancel the following actions:

      • o In the upper right corner, hovering the cursor over the account login, select the “Schemes and Filters” section. After this, tools for creating new filters and schemes will become available (Fig. 27).

        Fig. 27. Block “Schemes and filters”.

        o To create a filter, in the lower right corner of the “Filter List” table, you must click the “Create a new filter” button. The block “Add a new filter” (Mal. 28) becomes available.

        Fig. 28. Block “Add a new filter”.

        To create a filter, you need to fill in the parameters relevant to the project for the selection of donor sites. Below is a list of parameters that can be adjusted when the filter is closed:

        - « Type" This parameter allows you to specify the required type of input to the anchor. Available options: pure and distribution inputs, pure inputs, distribution inputs.

        Important! The diluted type has an unanchored entry.

        Site parameters:

      • - « Index Yandex. In this field, you must indicate the minimum number of pages for the donor site that may be indexed in the Yandex search system.
      • - « Index» Google. In which field it is necessary to indicate the minimum number of pages for the donor site that may be indexed in the Google search system.
      • - « DR. m_s" For whose field it is necessary to indicate the minimum age of the donor site.

        - « TIC" The minimum and maximum values ​​of the TIC for the donor site are indicated.

        - « PR" This parameter allows you to specify the minimum and maximum PR values ​​of the head page for the donor site.

        - « YaCa" In this field you must indicate whether the donor site may be transferred to Yandex.Catalog. Acceptable values: “Not important” (the presence of the donor site in Yandex.Catalog has no meaning), “So” (the donor site is obligated to enter the Yandex.Catalog), “Ni” (the donor site is not required to enter the Yandex.Catalogue) Yandex.catalozi).

        - « DMOZ" In this field you must indicate whether the donor site may be included in the DMOZ catalog. Acceptable values: “Not important” (the presence of the donor site in the DMOZ catalog is not significant), “So” (the donor site is required to be in the DMOZ catalog), “No” (the donor site is not guilty of being in the DMOZ catalog ).

        - « Domain zones" This parameter allows you to specify domain zones that are responsible for the donor site. When choosing a domain zone, two options are available: “Most popular” domain zones that include ru, info, com, ua, net, org, cn, biz, su, by, and also “Select all” domain zones. The remaining group includes websites of the following domain zones: ru, info, com, ua, net, org, cn, biz, su, by, in, kz, ws, de, uz, name, eu, mobi, md, am, ee , us, tv, il, cc, kg, lv, ms, ge, dk, za, gg, cx, fi, dj, th, io, tj, fr, vc, fm, gr, be, mn, nu, ch , cz, lt, uk, tw, asia, pl, bz, az, si, au, tk, es, ca, la, edu, at, br, it, hu, ec, im, to, no, hk, sk , se, ro, pk, pe.

        - « Lv. domain" This parameter allows you to specify what type of domain the donor site is from. Available values: “It doesn’t matter” (it doesn’t matter which level is responsible for the domain of the donor site), “Only others from another level” (the donor site is responsible for the domain of only another level of contribution), “Only people from a third level” (the donor site is responsible mother domain is less than the third level of contribution).

        - « Category» website. This parameter allows you to specify which category (category) the donor site is to blame for. Available values: Hosting, Medicine, Science, Internet, Cinema, Humor, Banks, Blogs, Furniture, Politics, Dovidki, Power, Insurance, Security, Literature, TV, Bezkoshtovne, Consulting, Auto, Accounting, Unknown, Computers, Sports , Music, Life, Inviolability, Enterprises, Dozville, Marriage, Industry, Weather, Finance, Advertising, Work, Games, Photo, Software, Roads, Measures and Communications, Goods and Services, Science and Technology, Culture plaintiff, Flora that fauna, House and family, Erotica, Gambling games, News and snakes, Places and regions, Dating and collection, Personal pages, Exchanges, Stilnikovy connection, Repair, Business, Office, Hobbies, Mountains oskopi and fortune-telling, Tourism, Fitness, Food, Equipment, Jewelry, English sites, Hi-End, Transport.

        After clicking on this type of donor criterion, a block will be available for their selection (Fig. 29).

        Side parameters:

        - « Ext. posilan" This parameter allows you to specify how many output submissions are allowed to appear on the donor site’s website where the submission is posted to the resource that is being sent.

        - « Forecast" It is necessary to indicate the forecast value of a number of external messages on the website.

        - « Vartіst (krb)" In this field it is necessary to indicate the minimum and maximum value of the message posted on the donor site, as the buyer is ready to pay. Variety is indicated in rubles.

        - « PageRank" This parameter allows you to specify the minimum and maximum values ​​of the PR page for the donor site where the purchased message will be placed.

        - « UV" In this field, you must indicate the level of contribution of the page to the donor site on which the submission will be posted to the resource that is being posted. Available values: " Unimportant"(The level of contribution of the page to the donor site at which location the message is posted has no significance), " Golovny"(The level of contribution of the page to the donor site on which message will be placed is significant. Sending to the resource that is being posted is only responsible for being placed on the main page of the donor site), " Internal» (The level of contribution of the page to the donor site on which message will be posted is significant. Sending to the resource that is leaking is only responsible for being placed on the internal pages of the donor site).

        - « In the index" This parameter allows you to indicate whether the page will be indexed to the donor site on which message will be posted on the resource that is being posted, and also, if necessary, to indicate which search system will be indexed. Available values: " Unimportant"(For the optimizer, it does not matter whether the page of the donor site is indexed on which message will be posted on the resource that is being exposed), " Yandex(the page of the donor site on which the message will be sent to the resource, which is leaked, necessarily may be indexed in the Yandex search system), “ Google"(The site of the donor site will be sent to the resource, which is obligatory to be indexed in Google's search system), " Mustache"(the story to the donor site will be sent to the resource that is leaked, which will certainly be indexed in the search system of Yandex, Google).

        - « Cache view Yandex. This field specifies the minimum, maximum number of days, if the page of the donor site on which the submissions to the resource that is being leaked will be posted has been indexed (re-indexed) by the Yandex search system.

        - « Cache view» Google. This field indicates the minimum, maximum number of days, if the page of the donor site on which the submissions to the resource that is being searched will be posted has been indexed (re-indexed) by the Google search engine.

        External donor factors:

        - « website Rank (SPR)" This parameter allows you to specify the necessary Site Rank (SPR) values ​​to the donor site on which the messages will be posted. Valid values: from 0 to 10.

        - « Login to the domain (VSD)" In whose field it is necessary to indicate the minimum and maximum values ​​of the input sent to the donor site.

        - « Weekend permission for the domain (ISD)" In whose field it is necessary to indicate the minimum and maximum values ​​of the output sent to the donor site.

        Sidebar content parameters:

        - "Stop words in URL." In this field, you must enter stop words that are not visible in the URL of the page of the donor site that is hosting the submission to the resource that is being leaked.

        - "Stop words in title." In this field, you must enter stop words that are not visible in the title of the page of the donor site that will host the submission to the resource that is being leaked.

        - « Minimal commitment to content on the site’s side.” In this field, it is necessary to indicate a minimum commitment to the content on the side of the donor site on which the message will be posted on the resource that is being posted. At settings you can specify a minimum number of characters or words on the website of the donor site.

        Additional thoughts:

        - “Knowledge at the stock exchange is less" In this field you must indicate what period of time the donor site is available on the exchange. The minimum term for a website on the exchange can be entered in “Dniv”, “Misyatsiv”, “Rokiv”.

        - « Buy no moren-poslan from one donor per side (URL)" This parameter allows you to specify that the system, as much as possible within the framework of this project, can purchase from one donor per side that is leaking.

        - « Buy no moren-posilan with one donor per project (website)" This parameter allows you to specify that the system, because of the number of contributions made within the framework of a given project, can purchase from one donor per project that is being implemented (site).

        Once the necessary parameters have been specified, you must enter the name of the created filter in the “Filter name” field, then click the “Save” button.

        - « Automatic confirmation of applications " This criterion allows you to purchase items according to specified parameters automatically.

        IMPORTANT! Once all the necessary filter parameters have been specified, it is recommended to check how many data sources to the system meet these criteria. To do this, you need to click the “Check the number of pages and sides” button, which is located under the “Add a new filter” table. After extracting the results, it is recommended to evaluate the obvious number of resources for transferring the resource. If not, it is recommended to change the parameters specified in the filter downwards. This is to allow an increase in the number of maidans from different sources and to collect the necessary number of donor resources. Another option for the growing problem of insufficient resources-donors is the creation of an adjacent filter, and even with more loyal benefits. It is advisable to post messages on resources that best match the benefits, and for those who are insufficient, show more loyal benefits.

        Since for a flow-based project it is necessary to create more than one filter per circuit, then they can be created in a similar manner.

        All created filters are displayed in the “Filter List” table. This table, like the name of the filter, contains all the main parameters. If necessary, the filter can be deleted using an additional button “Delete filter”, as well as click on the following buttons"Redaguvati." After pressing the edit button, the “Edit filter” table appears under the “Filter list” table.name of the edited filter" This table automatically displays all the parameters of this filter and allows you to make changes. After finishing editing, you must click the “Save” button located under the “Edit filter” table.name of the edited filter».

        For situations where it is necessary to delete all filters, a button has been added “View all” is located in the upper right corner of the “Filter List” table.

        For creation of the scheme it is necessary to do the following:

          • In the “List of Filters” table, you must check off those filters that will be added to the diagram that is being created.
        • O Opposite the skin filter, you must indicate the “Proportion” value. Under the values ​​of “Proportion”, for a specific “Filter”, in the system the site is based on a number of sites, from the total number of platforms that will be required to filter this group of queries, to select which ones de vikoristovatisya danii filter.
        • IMPORTANT! The sum of the “Proportion” value of all filters included in the created scheme cannot exceed 100.
            • o In the field opposite to “Name of schemes” you must enter the name of the scheme that is being created, after which click the “Save” button.
              • When all actions have been completed with instructions, the “List of Schemes” table will display the names of the newly created scheme.
        • The “List of Schemes” table contains the following information about adding schemes to the system:

              • about the name of the scheme;
                • about Filters (the number of filters used in this scheme);
                • about Connected to projects (number of projects to which this scheme is connected);
                • about Connected to the words (the number of key words, for the purpose of which the scheme is given).
          • You can view one of the additional schemes using an additional button "Vidality". If you need to delete all schemes, it is recommended to select the button "Vidality everything." To edit the circuit, the button has been moved“Edit”, which allows you to make changes to the scheme, on the contrary, as was the case in Wikoristan. To edit all schemes, a button is immediately transferred"Redaguvati everything."

            Krok 6 – “Posilannya” and the launch of the project.

            IMPORTANT! The process of making a proposal before purchasing will begin less after replenishing the balance of the system.

            In the table “Project Project name statistics as reported” (Fig. 30), which means a new transfer of key data to the system. To start the purchasing process, you must tick the keywords; to enable them, you need to print the purchasing process. Then click the “Launch” button, which is located in the lower left corner of the table.

            Figure 30. “Project Project namethe statistics are out of the question.”

            The project will be followed by the specified keywords if all descriptions are correct and the status of the keyword will change from “Not running” to “Starting”.

            Table "Project" Project name statistics behind the orders” with the following information:

                • about the Current status of the keyword. Possible values: “Not started” (purchase process for inserting the keyword has not been started), “Started” (purchase process for sending
                • promotion of the keyword has been started), “Zupineno” (purchase process sent for the release of the keyword Zupineno);

            • IMPORTANT!About an hour later, after the status of the keyword has been changed from “Not running” to “Running”, optimizers begin to make proposals for posting messages. The range of propositions available in the “WAIT” column of the “Project” table Project name the statistics are out of the question.” In order to look at the propositions that have been found, it is enough to click on the number in this column, which indicates the number of propositions that have been found.

              After clicking on the number under the “Project” table Project name“statistics behind the messages” is a block that contains the most relevant propositions that the messages were placed on and information about them is available:

              1. The number of propositions that were found
              2. « Status" (Application status. Available values: WAIT, NEW, OK, SLEEP, ERROR).
              3. « date" (Date of application submission).
              4. « Price (r/m)" (Availability of posting the message on the donor site for a month).
              5. « Anchor" (Anchor sent as posted on the donor site).
              6. « URLdonor" (URL of the side page address of the donor site where the message will be posted on the resource that is being leaked).
              7. « SPR".. Respected by the system behind a closed algorithm, possible values ​​range from 0 to 10.
              8. « VSD" A number of inputs were sent to the donor site.
              9. « ISD" A number of outputs were sent from the donor site.
              10. « TIC" The value of the TIC parameter for the donor site.
              11. « PR" The value of the PR parameter for the donor site.
              12. « Ind. I." The number of pages indexed by the Yandex search system for the donor site.
              13. « Ind. G." The number of pages indexed by the Google search system for the donor site.
              14. « ND" A large number of external messages are sent to the donor site on which the messages will be posted on the resource that is being leaked.
              15. « Dii" In response to the posting of the message received by the webmaster, your system can take the following actions:

            about " NS" View from the place + add Maidan to the black list;

            about " DNS" View from the place + add the Maidan to the global blacklist.

            If necessary, the transfer of propositions that were found to be included in the message can be exported. For whom it is necessary to do the following:

            About the table with the overflow of propositions that have been found, it is necessary to indicate the overflow of keywords that need to be exported.
            After this, you need to click the “Export” button, which is located in the lower left corner under the table.
            o In the list of parameters that need to be exported (Small 32), you need to check the necessary ones.

            IMPORTANT! If you need to export all available information, it is recommended to select the “Mark all fields” button.

            Fig. 32. Table showing the range of available export parameters.

            Press the “Export” button.

            To work with applications received from webmasters, use the available tools in the transmission system:

            “Confirm placement”

            Fig. 33. Table showing the range of available export parameters.

            Which section ( ) is available:

            sublicense agreement for the remote use of software “site”;

            The act of acceptance and transfer of access to software security;

            All previously installed shells;

            Find out about website software wiki.

            All these documents are available for acquisition without requiring system support.

Car repair and maintenance is not the easiest niche for the search. Despite the low level of investment in this area, it is almost equal to the banking sector, insurance and sales of electronics. Service station websites do not require specific or expensive functionality or design; content is often created spontaneously. In addition, owners of small car service centers (especially in places with populations of less than 500 thousand people), through the waste of pennies, are in no hurry to invest in online marketing. With the right actions, you will be able to beat your competitors.

But this does not mean that to reach the TOP it is enough to open a “same” site on a template and write dozens of texts. If you want the result, you will have to work on the semantics and structure of the site, optimize the technical part and usability, think over the USP and useful “chips”, regularly replenish the platform with content and promote your trust. And you can earn everything on your own for help.

Features of SEO for car services

  • clear regional connection - traffic will need to be taken away primarily from its own place, and in case of megacities - from extra areas;
  • The search for queries related to the service station search is geo-local, and therefore the company must be added to the maps (in Yandex.Dovnik and Google My Business);
  • the results are from a wide variety of sources and aggregators (vse-sto.ru, cto.ru, zoon.ru, auto.ru and others) - analyze which ones appear in the TOP 10 for your queries and submit the site to these maydans;
  • Important and visual content - customers need to provide clear information ahead of time about the services you provide in the required area;
  • When a decision is made, the priority is the availability of information and the ability to schedule repairs;
  • very important - a lot of clients joke about the service station “on the go” when they are old;
  • The design of the site does not have any paramount importance - it is guilty of being simple and reasonable (it is not good to invest in the development of something supernatural).

Well, let’s go to the service station website.

Krok 1. Additions and adjustments to the project

To open the site you need to add up to . After registration, the system prompts you to select a tool (select SEO promotion). Then enter the URL of the site, the name of the project and the region of origin.

  • give access to FTP and hosting (without them, PromoPult filers will not be able to post texts on your site or further process it);
  • open access to Yandex.Metrics, Google.Analytics, Liveinternet (this will allow the system to compile statistics and more effectively carry out the implementation);
  • open access to Yandex.Webmaster (to increase the scope of analytical reports);
  • Add an additional region (as you have service stations in different regions).

Krok 2. Selection of key phrases

Depending on the number and nature of the requests you plan to attend to, there will be a lot of room for budget and traffic acquisition. Therefore, the keys need to be collected at the initial stage.

Є two modes for selecting semantics.

1. Automatic mode

Approach as follows:

  • it is necessary to quickly start the drying;
  • It doesn’t take much time to understand the intricacies of selecting key keys;
  • The budget needs to be spent on a limited number of applications, and it is necessary to find the most promising ones.
  • Based on proximity to the TOP. The system collects phrases for which your site is listed among the TOP-50 in Yandex and/or Google. These phrases are the easiest to achieve results, leaving the stink at the TOP. This method will not work if you are only launching a website for a car service center, or if you have not yet succeeded in bringing the site into the TOP-50.

  • Based on the semantics of the site(“Automatically select”). The system collects keywords for analysis of your site. The method works when the site is filled with content.
  • Based on the semantics of competitors' websites. Add up to 10 competitor URLs, and the system will select phrases that stink. A great way to derive new semantics. But be respectful: your competitors may offer services that you don’t, so you need to turn this off.
  • From doctors statistics(Access to any areas that need to be opened first). These are effective keys and the fragments behind them will actually go to your site, which means search engines will already respect your relevant search queries. The method only works if sufficient transition statistics have been collected.

2. Drinking automatic mode

Allows you to collect valuable semantics for a complete understanding of the topic. Suitable for professional use.

How to extract an external semantic core for car service

Get the basics right now. The easiest way to work is to multiply words.

1. Add lists of words and phrases to be multiplied. For car services:

  • direct activities: “car service”, “service station”, “car repair”, “car repair shop”;
  • types of services: “body straightening”, “car preparation”, “oil replacement”;
  • places, districts, microdistricts, streets: “Moscow”, “South-Western Administrative District”, “Butovo”;
  • car models: "Ford", "Audi", "BMW".

2. Speed ​​up using a cost-free tool for multiplying phrases. This requires two stages. First, in the first column, indicate words that directly characterize activities, in the second - places, in the third - car models. First multiplied:

Otherwise, replace the first step from directing activities to types of services. Multiplied by another:

Seize these keys.

Copy all the selected keys and add them to PromoPult (in the “Selecting a semantic core” section). Next, you have a choice: expand the basic semantics or immediately select the middle of low-frequency queries.

You can expand the list of phrases in many ways

From the left column of Wordstat. In settings, select the number of Wordstat pages that will expand PromoPult. To expand the basic semantics, one or two pages are sufficient. If you specify 5-6 or more sides, then the list will have low frequencies.

The list contains groups of requests with assigned frequencies. You can add both keys and a group to the slip.

Phrases-associations from Wordstat. This function allows you to view, behind each output key, a list of phrases that are displayed in Yandex under the results of the search in the block “Together with “...” search:”.

Phrases from the site (function “AUTO”). The system will parse requests from your site and generate a list. Once you add all the phrases to the reference list, you don’t want to end up with duplicate phrases - PromoPult does not harm them.

Lost in semantics. This function works with the unique PromoPult algorithm and allows you to completely expand the reference list of queries. If some of the keys are not thematic, filter them by topic so as not to work on it manually (for our selection, the topic “Transportation equipment / Repair and maintenance of transportation equipment” will be suitable - out of 560 keys you will lose 46 5):

After you create a reference list of phrases, you need to select mid- and low-frequency entries. For which there is a special function (the “MF + LF” button) – it is designed for selecting keys from “tails”:

Important! The PromoPult system has a lot of tools for choosing a kernel. We recommend that you collect keys carefully and evaluate the resources you have. You can pick up 5 or 10 thousand phrases, otherwise they will not have the effect that your budget will cost tens or hundreds more. Once you have your money, focus on identifying the most promising keys - you can add them later.

After collecting the kernel, clean up the markings (for example, special characters +-?, duplicates, spaces, tabs). To do this, first register all the keys in the additional “Export” function.

Open the account, select exported phrases, set cleaning parameters and start the process.

View the finished result in XLSX format. Remove the keys and import them to the SEO module of the PromoPult system for further work.

Axis according to the Normalizer’s vikoristan and the purification of semantics in the form of “smitty”.

Lesson 3. Managing target pages, clustering and optimization

After selecting semantics and adding input to the project, you will go to the interface for setting up target pages. The system identifies them automatically based on the similarity of the query with the semantics of the page. All you have to do is click the “Sign all” button, check the completion of the process and check the relevance of the pages.

Clustering is important for drying and is reflected in the results, so you can avoid getting bogged down in such complexities. Later, if you are facing serious problems, please contact us for adjustments.

Then we go from the “Stories” tab to the “Clusterization” tab, click on the “Cluster” option and check the result (an hour to spend in a number of phrases).

Now searches are transferred to the target page not just on the basis of similarity of semantics, but also due to the difference in results in search engines. If there is no relevant page for the request, the system will create a new page.

After clustering, we move on to the analysis of text optimization. The system evaluates the amount of skin input in various elements of the whole page: title, H1, text blocks, main text, anchor text. When everything is OK, the status OK is displayed. In another case, the number indicates how much it is necessary to add inaccurate entries (dilutions or synonyms).

Next, the system analyzes the technical optimization of landing pages: indexing, sending, pictures, robots.txt file, visibility of adjoining blocks, text outside HTML, stop characters in the title and much more. If there are problems, a sign appears - by clicking on it, you will open a report describing the problem.

After correcting the errors, start the verification again. Ideally, the level of optimization is 100% on the skin side. If you want to entrust the robot with optimization and delivery of the site to the PromoPult fahivtsy, go to the next step.

Increase your respect! All the most important functions of PromoPult are considered without any costs. You do not need to pay (or replenish your balance by a small sum) for collecting phrases, frequencies, positions, clustering, text analysis and technical storage. With PromoPult, you pay more for actual work.

Lesson 4. Setting a budget and managing SEO modules

Based on the addition of key words, the system of recommendations expands the budget. The value is added up from the cost for three straight lines:

  1. Website optimization This includes all work with technical optimization, reduction, commercial factors, and filling pages with texts. As a result, your site will become useful for search engines and attractive for search engines.
  2. External factors.- one of the most important search ranking signals. The system is increasing the obligation to send mass messages from reputable sites without the risk of being subject to sanctions.
  3. Development of the project. Your site is regularly updated with content that is relevant to your readers. This allows you to get traffic from searching for low-frequency speakers.

You can change the budget to a greater or lesser extent. In this case, the warehouse operation is no longer immutable - change without the term of their demise. For example, if the budget is 96,810 rubles. for a month the work will be completed in 7 months, then for a budget of 62,560 rubles. - For 10 months. In other words, you are denying the opportunity to apply for a payment.

Once the budget has been set, you can start processing - all robots can create PromoPult documents. This is the best and simplest option.

If you want to take part of the work on yourself or turn on the modules, move on to professional training. Here you can:

  • equalize the dynamics of website visibility in the first 6 months with the recommended and actual budget;
  • set a budget for certain modules (for example, for optimization and external factors);
  • marvel at how the robots themselves navigate around the site, and take from the list the ones you work with yourself;

  • enable other modules (for example, if you want to enable the external factors module).

Important! PromoPult guarantees the rotation of the items, since the positions of the items will not grow during the drying period. The guarantee covers the complete completion of all work on the PromoPult robot within the budget recommended by the system. If you enable the modules, change the budget or adjust the list of jobs, the guarantee will not be valid.

What chips should I add to the car service website?

In order for the service station website to effectively compete in the niche, rank highly in searches, drive traffic and, most importantly, convert applications, it is necessary for the website to have elements that contribute to conversion.

  • The price list is one of the key elements that contributes to the praise of the decision to sign up for a service station.

  • The registration form - without it, the client will have to especially call back to the service, which is not always easy.

  • Online description of the servicing service – more “slipped in” and a functional form for registering at a service station.

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site. What are the options for acquiring clients? It’s melodious, rich, but it’s unlikely that anything can rival the efficiency of the Internet.

And if it is possible, then the buyers who came from the borders will all exchange the same currency (current trend). What kind of variety should you choose? As a confirmation, you can look at the instructions for sending statistics.

However, they can be considered universal, perhaps beyond SEO and contextual advertising. Once again, it is possible to immediately stop the steady flow of entire leads, and if SEO is “prepared,” the system will slowly become aware of the context behind those queries that have already made it to the TOP, which will lead to the results. onomy to the budget. The scheme has been verified, but for its implementation you will need the services of an advertising agency (for running campaigns in the context) and SEO office, since you do not have your own specialists on staff.

Seopult allows you to automate both SEO promotion and effective work with Direct and AdWords. Moreover, everything is available from one domain record, and for these queries, which SEO has already grown and reached the Top, it will be possible to automatically enable the purchase of traffic in the context. You won’t be able to pick up your time especially (with the audience you’ve gained, you’ll be sent directly to a handful of sites), and it’ll be cheaper for pennies than at specialized offices. And it’s less than two words, and three more reports to be amazed.

PromoPult+ and Seopult Max, contextual module and manual mode

In the Seopult system you can see a number of main modules that have been developed throughout the world:

  1. Secondary mode— having appeared back in 2009 and was subject to further questioning over time. It is important to understand that the system has great capabilities and stores in its database a lot of information that can be compared with sound systems. The SEO module serves to automatically purchase (and, if necessary, remove) sending leads to your site. Take the stench from the shore (type Sapa), but not all after sleep, but only those that have passed the front filter. As a result, those that have not passed through the sieve of the front filters are eliminated. Donor sites that have been lost are checked for belonging to satellite networks (the graph of mutual messages is analyzed) and GS (sites not for people, but for sales of messages). Donors who have lost their choice after this selection can be sent to your website to purchase.
  2. PromoPult+- This mode appeared much later and has been adjusted to the described point. The initial selection of donors works the same way as in simple mode, but for all sites the system runs a test of placing messages on them and analyzes after every hour what changes have been made to the site. Based on the collected data, the donor’s efficiency factor is determined and a “white list” of exchange sites is created that will give the best return when purchasing from them. . However, for this you will have to pay 10% more, less if you choose the emergency mode. For statistics, before speaking, less than a quarter of all those who use PromoPult use the simple mode. Approximately 50% of the users use PromoPult Max. Let's wonder why.
  3. PromoPult Max- This is clearly a new technology, developed by a third-party company. It is based on serious mathematics, which makes it possible to calculate these donors, which will give the maximum effect for the promotion of your site itself. Hundreds of parameters are used to determine the selection of potential donors. You can connect to PromoPult Max on sites that already offer PromoPult+, but you will again have to pay 10% more. Instead, you will remove the tool from “high shooting accuracy”, which will allow you to shoot not only high-frequency, but also highly competitive applications (almost without interference). In fact, his victorious system already accounts for more than half of all the victorious systems, although it appeared quite recently.
  4. PPC(effective use of contextual advertising Direct + AdWords) - placement of advertising advertisements in Google and Yandex (for the required keywords). In other words, this is the automation of work with Direct (no additional payment is taken) and with Adwords (a ten-hundredth commission is taken).

    The system automatically creates ads for the necessary keywords based on text analysis of competitors’ ads, and also continuously adjusts and adjusts bids to save your budget.

  5. SEO+PPC- Earnings from search engines for additional search engine optimization and additional contextual advertising. The global idea of ​​Seopult for one-hour work on two fronts of promotion (SEO and context) is not new and is based on a simple fact - the flow of buyers from most sites is needed immediately, and wait for several months until the This is the SEO effect of drying out business. Another point is that PromoPult encourages you to work independently, and with maximum automation on the side of the service of all complicated and laborious processes (of which there are plenty).

    The effect of such a comprehensive approach to the indications in this screenshot is even better:

    Traffic appears immediately (in context), and after a while, it always gets to the Top queries that are showing up, in fact, growing. As you search, the system will be aware of the contextual bids behind those queries that are already generating traffic organically (after they are reduced to the Top 10). And, by the way, after the fall out of Top, contextual advertising will immediately begin to be purchased.

  6. Manual modes the ability to adjust your power cascades of filters for selecting donors. Purposes for SEO agents, on the basis of the descriptions described earlier (they are oriented towards Vlasnik sites). You can create your own filters (cascades) and specify hundreds of them in the campaign to filter different queries. There is also a video showing the options for automatic or manual mode in Seopult following the criteria for choosing one or the other option:

Which option should you choose?(only SEO, only context or “all at once”) you can adjust your project profile:

If you have given priority to SEO or “all at once”, then in “Special adjustments” (a little lower on the project profile page) you can (PromoPultt+ or PromoPult Max).

After washing, the default mode was selected, which corresponds to the “Do not abuse” menu item.

Working with the SEO module from Seopulti

Let's take a little more detailed look at the work of the SEO module of the Seopult system, and then take a look at the work of the contextual module. Zagalom demonstrates the offensive video:

Geez, whatever the hell, it’s all starts with registration. After this you can create your own project. To do this, just select the “Projects in the system” tab from the left menu and click on the orange button found there to add a project:

First of all, you need to choose the type of advertising campaign: pure SEO, full promotion and purchasing in context, as well as pure context. Let's consider another option for the butt. Next, you will need to call this project, indicate the URL of the site that will be launched, and remember the region of delivery, if the system is not selecting correctly.

There are a lot of great speeches behind the spoiler "Addatkov's adjustment", then do not bother with them to learn about the advancement of qualifications.

Let's take a quick look at these additional adjustments:

After completing the additional settings, you press the “Next” button and begin to work step by step with the master to add a new project to PromoPult.

  1. Adding keywords— a very respectable little fellow, which is what you mean by asking what questions you are in Seopult. If your site already occupies positions in Yandex, then you will be prompted with queries that have already reached the Top and that require just a little preparation. You can also access keys taken from statistics systems to which you have given access. For the skin test, you can look at the approximate number of distributors that will come to you when you get to the Top, and also evaluate the level of their satisfaction.

    All this can and must be actively practiced. At the bottom of the layout there is a note for the selection of keywords, which will help you quickly construct the semantic core. There are tools there to analyze the page, what is leaking and spinning, which queries are best to stick through, as well as tools for working with Wordstat. If you already have a pre-assembled kernel, you can import it in the “Batch work with words” area. Check the keywords that match you and click on the “Add” button. If you still don’t understand, then click on the screen displayed at the bottom of the message “Read the instructions for the production process.”

  2. Whole pages— after that, for all your selected requests, PromoPult will now select the landing (purpose) pages, as soon as possible there will be a purchase order for inserting the request. This data is taken from the same sound system, which you selected earlier in additional adjustments (the data is processed under Yandex). If you are not comfortable with the choice of system, you can make edits manually.

    Unfortunately, not all of the external messages are in place, so the parts that are leaking must be carefully optimized and prepared before drying. Seopult can check the consistency of optimizing your target pages with that of optimizing the pages of your competitors, who are already sitting at Top. To do this, click on “BODY” at your telephone number:

    For these pages, which are worth “OK”, additional optimization is not required, but where it is written differently, it will be enough to move the mouse cursor to select recommendations for optimization (add the input to the text or title). A lot of necessary and useful information about the entire page can be found by clicking on the icon in the remaining section (Analysis). There will be statistics of the most popular words, and the presence of necessary elements, and the already visible input/output mailing lists. When finished, press “Next”.

  3. Vartіst prosuvannya— Seopult, based on the data available to the system from a strong mass of competitors, conveys approximately how much pennies will be needed to spend per month to reach the Top 10 for each of the sound drinks that are put into the correct reg. ioni. If you are not comfortable with numbers, you can indicate yours to the judge.

    In the arrivals of the Stovpzi budgets are quiet, yaki is also found on the positions of the top 1-10, I swaying along the skin of them vyuvy, I look at the list of the list of їkhoriv, ​​Ankoriv Rosovan, and input them, I vartoosti pink. After satisfying your budget, you can press the “Next” button for all questions. As a result, you will find ways to move where necessary. select between automatic and manual robot modes with PromoPult:

    When you select a machine, you will be able to run in and set up the cascade filter system, and in manual mode, you can create and set the filters yourself. The manual mode is required for professionals, and the automatic settings for Vlasnik sites, which are manually adjusted, need not be said in particular. Let's just take a quick look at the manual mode, even if the adjustments here will end.

  4. Posted in order— Seopult for skin injection on which it is more important to select donors from different markets, which you have chosen from the supplementary adjustments. For example, for the promotion of sites, you need to purchase 300 orders from Sapi, 65 from blogs and 600 from TrustLink, which will ultimately ruin me. Here, if necessary, you can automatically adjust the folding anchor list (by clicking on the number in the required column), selecting the texts of the instructions that do not fit, and adding your own in their place.

    If you don’t understand anything about anything, then don’t bother with anything. Well, of course, we should once again recommend using the PromoPult+ or Seopult Max robot modes quickly, because they can guarantee a much better result from the search, especially if you are trying to get into the Top of your site for high-frequency and competitive queries.

    To switch to manual mode (with the possibility of freezing behind the creations and filters you have configured - the “Manual modes” item in the left menu), see the entry, and at the very bottom of the list press the “Freeze” button, selecting an option from the list "Manual". Embossed with “Dali”.

    If you have previously activated the PromoPult+ or Seopult Max robot modes, you will not be able to switch to manual mode for self-adjustment of filters, because these modes are actually “super filters”, for which you will be charged an additional fee. To operate in manual mode, you will need to turn to the simple mode.

  5. Rules for filming- automation in the system involves the purchase of required messages, and those that do not satisfy the given minds (the number of indexations sent for several days and the appearance of additional external ones according to silan on the donor side). On this matter, let me tell you how to straighten your mind. Here, before speaking, you can write down the terms necessary to confirm the donor by entering stop words and obliging the text on the page. By clicking the “Next” button you will finish preparing the project, you will only have to launch it.

As you remember, we chose the first option for the project SEO+PPC, then the campaign was created, both by purchasing messages and placing contextual advertising. After going through all the steps of the master (which, in essence, were the song of the world for both campaigns), we should now try to run all or more keywords.

It’s not easy for us to earn money.

PromoPult context module

On the remaining contribution to the creation of the SEO+PPC project, you will be encouraged to quickly adjust and launch a project to promote the site for additional contextual advertising. Vlasna, the same training will guide you to work and create a project purely for work with context. In addition to the main parameters, you can adjust additional ones that require the same spoiler.

After clicking on the “Next” button, you will be asked for additional tools that are there. select keywords, for which your potential buyers might be looking for your product and service. There are plenty of options for choosing these tools.

At the final stage of the master’s creation of a project for work with contextual advertising, the Seopult system assigns it to you for review ready for options to show you the keywords you chose in the first place.

An advertisement will be generated (for the contextual advertising systems you have selected) from headlines, descriptions and messages to automatically select target pages. For each keyword, up to three ad options will be generated, both for display in Yandex and for display in Google (they are located under the “Show” spoiler).

If you are stunned, you can also add a message to the Swedes for the additional one-name button under the stunned ones. The messages you sent will lead to related sections of your website or, for example, to the delivery or transit pages, and will do our best to reduce the visibility of your attention among others.

Also show respect to the minus icon right-handed for the keyword, which allows you to add negative words. You will be allowed to be completely protected during transitions, as it is definitely not a problem with your product or the service of the sellers (for example, you can add “costless”, “want” etc.). Read the report in the sections of my blog about contextual advertising.

They will be stagnated only when the votes for this keyword are displayed, and you can add stagnations for the entire advertising campaign by clicking on a similar button at the very top of the table with votes:

After clicking on the “Next” button, we are taken to the remaining section of the master, “Manage bets and select tactics.” In principle, there is nothing complicated there, but better, to make it more intelligent. After understanding and setting up the necessary adjustments, simply launch the project on the web.

After the launch of the PromoPult PPS advertising campaign Wholeheartedly monitors the virtuous clique of competitors It immediately reacts to their change, adjusting your bets, or saving your position in a stunning position. This allows you to spend your advertising budget more economically without sacrificing advertising efficiency, which saves your time.

Resume from today's camp is available from Seopulti

First, I felt about the system in 2008 at some conferences and seminars. Since then, I have been more or less respectful of the changes that are being followed (mainly the new ones that are being published). Those who have transformed SeoPult today are already wondering where it all began. There have become a lot of positive destructions.

  1. At the moment, the main modules have been completed and new ones are being added continuously. It is possible to work on several projects in one account. Now it is not necessary for the skin module and advertising system (SEO, statistics, Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, etc.) to renew the scope of the record, which promotes the reliability of the robot. This is where the connection between the SEO+PPC modules appears, which I talked about above in the text.
  2. , which has been connected to Seopult’s global system for a long time, and now articles are being purchased from it, because for the successful delivery of this kind of “eternal message” there is a necessary link (in the left menu “”). Therefore, Webartex is open for primary webmasters who need to post articles manually. I especially appreciate the exchange of articles as a webmaster (two Maidans have been moderated) and the honor of posting articles in it is really more for those who are less likely to be featured in Miralinks.
  3. The possibility of ordering SEO content for the site, ordering a full audit, connecting a personal manager to assist with the system.
  4. A steady, cost-free training in Internet marketing is being conducted through seminars and webinars at Cybermarketing and at PromoPult.tv. And here we need to understand that everything is necessary for us in front of the system itself, so that the training of traders will not result in “children’s food” (for example, sending an unprepared site to the site), which will significantly reduce the proportion of clients who have “no “It didn’t work out” and increase the share of shanavalniks .

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