Old game port for android. Best games for PC, ported to Android

Golovna / Additional functionality

This wonderful collection has a selection of games, which have already become familiar to gamers on the console. Tse place, de vie know your favorite computer game, only on the android platform. You can miraculously save your special hour on the searches, even now you don’t happen to scour the entire Internet at the searches for computer games for tablets, they are all available for downloading from one place - our portal. Be a Yaka android gra to undergo a repeated check for viruses and the next time it is published on the site. Whether a toy can be downloaded free of charge and for a direct message, for which you do not need registration that SMS.

If you played a cool game on the console and won't be in our collection, then obov'yazkovo zavantazhyte її, even if our spіvrobіtniki choose less than the best toys from the collection. Obviously, beware of the great diversity of the game process, you will get stuck like an army of zombies, as well as other monsters. You will rise in price with different locations and conquer unsafe missions. You can know how an arcade is, so it’s a killer action, de carte is just teeming with enemies. Be more respectful, you will need to take care of the necessary sharpening, sharply change your own pace and choose the necessary supply. As you say, the skin has everything of its own, like the plot line, so the gameplay, it is necessary to marvel at the report description. You obov'yazkovo hurry up with the filters of the search, they will help you to choose the best games. If you are a fan of brand new games for androids, then sort out the release after rock, and if you are a fan of popular programs, then open the distribution of popular computer games on android tablets.

Our spіvrobіtniki choose only the best new content from the most recent content and add or add to the site. After a few days after his official departure to Play market, this gra is available for download from our portal and is absolutely cost-free. New version you can get started by clicking on the button, for these actions you do not need registration. Varto is significant operational work our journalists, how to write report descriptions to skin gr. Zvichayno, as if you were familiar with the console, you already know, approximately, what you are going to do, and if the game is absolutely new for you, then you will be familiar with the game process and about the technical part. Bezshtovnі computer games for android to amaze you, us forward, with your graphics. It’s worth it to be quiet, which is in our collection, and we have prepared the best for you.

Creation of the gris is a hoarse and familiar process. It is especially noteworthy if the remake of the "classic" is robish itself, cherishing the ideas of the original and dozens of years spent on the campaign. I didn’t have a significant knowledge of the development for Android "a, so the creation of a working "like a need" program for a tablet looked foggy, but it was not less than pleasant. , adding a hint of the "great" allowed and appear, that the stench does not look worse modern products, display on the market, navigate with RGB565 palette without alpha channel. I allowed that there would be water stones and a dbaily buried rake, like lying quietly for an hour of expansion, but more sore hit on the head, varto launch the game on a real bay. What didn’t hit hard, so did the owner, and the problems that are blamed, less marked the need to reach the goal. Under the cat, you will tell about those who made everything work.

Varto just ahead of me, if it’s possible to tell about bicycles, I didn’t come up with anything like that, so I don’t google on the Internet. Also, Reader is unlikely to learn new solutions or mega technologies, but you should also know how to try the instructions for choosing a program that uses SDL1 / 2 for Android.

3. Creation of a configuration file for folding Gri via libsdl-andlroid

For dads with other files, you need to create or copy the AndroidAppSettings.cfg file from another project, below I will navigate it instead of my config
komentari pіdlyagayut vydalennya, so I omitted nalashtuvannya for zamovchuvannyam
# The application settings for Android libSDL port
# Name, as will be shown koristuvachevі
#im'ya package
#Internal software version
#this version will be shown koristuvachevі
#here you can specify the local or remote archives, which will be unpacked after installation
AppDataDownloadUrl="!!Game data is 100 Mb|cache.zip"
#version of the library for which the program is selected (version 2.0 is not available)
#screen orientation
#globina color, pіdtremuєtsya 16/24/32 - 16th best seen
#These and two next ensigns are given for connecting OpenGL to addenda,
#shards I don't vicorist GL, then I don't have any sense
#ensign for the conservation of textures operational memory if there were no problems on the PC, then
#on android without any ensign textures may not show up
#emulation of a mouse, the ensign is needed for the next two ensigns
#obrobka kіlkoh one-hour onslaught
#emulation of pressing the right mouse button, tap with another finger
#move the cursor
#they can stand here yes, but when the ensign was turned on, the entry field was not taken
#dozvіl chitannya z kopichuvacha
If the cache is accessed from the Internet, then it is necessary to set it to yes
# the number of virtual SDL buttons to use, I'll use my GUI, there will be no buttons for that
#shutter SDL screensaver before starting the program
#pіd yake abi will get additional
#here it is necessary to indicate libraries. cream sdl, as needed for robotic software
CompiledLibraries="sdl_mixer sdl_ttf lzma ogg"
#additional flags of the compilation, I have RTTI and vinyaty turned on
AppCflags="-O2 -finline-functions -frtti -fexceptions"
#folders are specified here
AppSubdirsBuild="dep dep/smk dep/aes dep/lzma dep/bzip2 dep/libpng source source/vfs source/core source/gfx source/game source/gui source/sound source/scene source/pathway source/walker source/objects source/good source/city source/events source/world source/religion"

4. nalashtuvannya way for compilation required supplement

$rm project/jni/application/src
$ln -s caeasaria project/jni/application/src

5. pick apk

$./changeAppSettings.sh -a
$android update project -p project

6. signing and installing programs on android

If everything was compiled far away, then in the folder commandergenius / project / bin there will be a file MainActivity - unsigned.apk, which you need to sign and install on the attachment.

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore rs.keystore -alias caesaria -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
$ jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore rs.keystore ~/projects/commandergenius/project/bin/MainActivity-release-unsigned.apk caesaria
$ mv ~/projects/commandergenius/project/bin/MainActivity-release-unsigned.apk ~/projects/caesaria.apk
$adb uninstall net.dalerank.caesaria
$adb install ~/projects/caesaria.apk

Water stones
0. Appointment sharpening: for the cob you need to be appointed to some kind of sharpened practice Windows, Linux or Linux Android.
Solution: Revisiting the presence of ANDROID/__ANDROID__ defines.

1. Logs: you can see the information about pardons and other visnovok through abd logcat But as it turned out, the standard way to type stdout / printf does not work, you can copy the log to a file and marvel at the same time, or else you want more sound enhancement.
Solution: include android log header file #include , and for the sake of visualization, we will corrode the function
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, CAESARIA_PLATFORM_NAME, "%s", str.c_str());

With the same printf syntax.

2. OpenGL variant: if anyone needs OpenGL, then on mobile platforms there is a close relative of GLES.
Solution: turn on replacement of standard file headers і , there are small differences in the custom texture and painting, but in the main code (simple code, which I have mastered) it works practically without changes.

3. Formation of pods: recognize the SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP pod in Russian with a finger on the screen, there could be a shortfall in the libsdl-android library, or I've covered it here. It appeared sometimes without reaction, the elements of the interface on the divi koristuyutsya, for example, after the movement was zapped on the button, as if, according to the idea, it is guilty to go to the camp, and the cursor of the mouse is above it.
Solution: Specifically for my program - when folded android was added to the primus, the elements will be under the cursor for the rest of the day.

4. DRIBNIA INTERFAS: the childbirth of the Ekrana of the Suprasniy Mobilny ash of Porizhnyann is an abbreviation of the monitor, the vicoristovy is 10-15 roskes, the Ale Fizychy Menshi, the same Eleemeni Koristuystyvach Vygelistye Vygiastyaty Vygiastyaty Vygiastyaty Vygiastyaty Vygiastyaty Vygiastyaty Koristuyvacha
Solution: Overhauling the interface to make it hard work and don't forget to save the first look.

One move will cost two people(People's wisdom)
It all started from the fact that one of the comiters sent a message to the distribution box, successfully launched the game with the latest version of the SDL2 library, and before that the SDL1.2 version was released - 2008 to the release date. I need to say that I myself saw the possibility of switching to a new version, especially after I review it, which is a normal support for Mac and Android, which is called "out of the box". And then another mini-pass on the robot came out, taking a bigger sledgehammer guide and a great cup of cavi, I started translating the remake to the new “engine”.
I don’t want to involve the reader with technical details of moving, it’s just that with the advent of the hardware support, the ideology of work has changed, which caused a lot of difficulties until I heard it. Relocation stretched out for the evenings and the end of the day, repairing the shortcomings that were left out, and graphic artefacts. The redevelopment was completed and prepared for the "great" OS, and again it became necessary to re-read the manuals for selecting the Android programs, so libsdl-android is normally adapted for robots from SDL1.2, and the SDL2 program itself is authors write at rіdmі)

Attachment text

The libsdl.org is now the official SDL 1.3 Android port, which is the most popular and
better suited for creating new applications from scratch, this port is focused mainly
on SDL 1.2 and compiling relevant applications, it's up to you to decide which port is better.
Also, this port is more appropriately recognized, but moreover, it is true for the official port.

I have seen the veracity of this text, if it has been spent a year ago, I tried to run the port on the old configuration via libsdl-android. Well, well, negative proof - tezh proof: vikoristovuvatimu available tools.

Sample number two, do not call away
SDL2 already removes all the necessary configs for folding the Android software, after reading the recommendations on the official website, you can try and choose anytime. I know that there will still be kіlka krokіv, for the sake of installation, that installation adt.

0. copy to butt from supply of SDL2

$git clone bitbucket.org/dalerank/caesaria
$hg clone hg.libsdl.org/SDL
$mkdir caesaria/android
$cp SDL/android-project caesaria/android
$mkdir caesaria/android/libs
$mkdir caesaria/android/data
$cp SDL caesaria/android/libs

Have all the copies been broken??? to make it easier to improve the waterways for libraries. The android/libs folder will have the company's SDL, and the android/data folder will have the program icon.

1. fold the folder structure for the project

in papacy android/android-project/jni we create symbolic messages on program components

$ln -s ../../libs/SDL SDL
$ln -s ../../libs/SDL_mixer SDL_mixer
$ln -s ../../libs/SDL_net SDL_net
$ln -s ../../src/dep/aes aes
$ln -s ../../src/source application
$ln -s ../../src/dep/bzip2 bzip2
$ln -s ../../src/dep/freetype freetype
$ln -s ../../src/dep/libpng libpng
$ln -s ../../src/dep/lzma lzma
$ln -s ../../src/dep/smk smk
$ln -s ../../src/dep/src src
$ln -s ../../src/dep/ttf ttf
$ln -s ../../src/dep/zlib zlib

Trochs about those that I wrote here:
zlib is needed for freetype folding, which in its own way is needed for SDL_ttf and is recommended for font rendering.
The smk library is needed for creating videos in the smack format, in which the original video clips are used.
Bzip, lzma and aes are needed to work with zip archives.
libpng is needed to get the gri texture.
SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_net are known for painting, working with the same sound.
application to avenge the results of the game itself, as it will be taken to the libapplication.so library
the src folder has the libmain.so library entries, and the axis for it is already written with java-dzvinkіv over the c-code, so that we can successfully start and please the koristuvach with a bright picture.
Configuring the project and configs for ndk is already kindly given by the authors of SDL2

2. writing configs for selecting the components of the grid

So the folding system worked, as we need libraries for robots and picked them up, it is necessary to write configs for them, for example Makefile. With the great imovirnistyu Android.mk will already be present in the library repository, or you can know it on the Internet. I had a chance to add the config files for the game and the libsmk library.

Android.mk for libsmk is simpler and will be wiser to people who won't interfere with android programming
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)

Include $(CLEAR_VARS)

$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*.c))

Config Mist the box compile all files with extensions .With, found in current dad (for libsmk you will not need jni/smk)

It is similar to write and config for the storage of the library, as we represent the game itself.

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE:= application

SDL_MIXER_PATH:= ../../libs/SDL_mixer

$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(SDL_PATH)/include \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(SDL_NET_PATH)/include \

# Add your application source files here…
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/core/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/vfs/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/objects/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/gui/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/city/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/gfx/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/events/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/world/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/pathway/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/walker/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/good/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/religion/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/scene/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/sound/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(GAME_PATH)/game/*.cpp))

LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES:= SDL2 SDL2_mixer SDL2_net sdl_ttf pnggo lzma bzip2 aes smk
LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES += exceptions


You may be aware, in LOCAL_C_INCLUDES you add paths, where you need to shukat header files, in LOCAL_SRC_FILES you add files with the original code,
at LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES, it is possible to specify the staleness of the program.

Prapori rtti, exceptions vote for RTTI and win.

3. folding

$cd android-project
$android update project -p. -t android-15
$ndk-build V=1
$ant install

Theoretically, after the description of the descriptions on the connected device or the emulator, you have installed the program.

1. De shukati resources?
The place of distribution of resources should be deposited in the specific implementation of the OS, and in more cases, the folder will be available as an addendum /sdcard/Android/data/im'ya_package/files, for an hour of vikoristannya without a middle way, you can have a pardon for access to a pardon for a file search.
You can change the path to the program directory through the SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath() function, assigned to the SDL_system.h file
2. Winner of the honors of the creation of the vikna.
Combination SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS doesn't work on all devices, choose SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL or SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS and wonder if it's the right program. I can’t explain why such a behavior is due. With the SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN ensign, it starts one-on-one in the logs, like with the use of ensigns, but with the help of the SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN, it’s a lot less.
3. Too many sound channels.
Caution is exercised for the hour of the function SDL_mixer::Mix_AllocateChannels(N>16) with a pardon that it is not possible to initialize the sound. I don’t know how to deal with lowering the number of power channels, how to correctly solve the problem in such a way.
4. stlport vs gnustl
I ran into a bug while traversing a vector with variable stlport on the Nexus 7 (Android 4.0.3) emulator. I know I still can’t explain the fact that there was a pardon;
5. My kungfu is stronger than yours.
Using a library with names similar to those that are already in the system, to bring someone else's library to the point of taking over someone else's library, in which there may not be any necessary functions. The pardon came through those that I choose my version of libpng.so, the solution was found on stackoverflow, corrected by replacing the library name libpng.so on the libpnggo.so

In a huff...
Practice! Mayzhe does not care about the BB! Chi satisfactions I? Not anymore!

On the right, I’m crooked, I can’t go, but on the tablet, the supplement is quite right (10-12 fps for a very simple picture is the result of sums), I think the fault is in the hands of unknown materiel. SDL - a miracle library in both reincarnations, and a lot of good deeds of good vikoristova її, as well as

A lot of retailers will not create new games from scratch for mobile outbuildings, And just transfer it to the same platform already. Sometimes it’s wonderful to come out, and sometimes the sensory control is all just pseudo. Below are the butts of glittering games, as retailers have successfully transferred to IOS and Android.

Easier porting from PC to tablet. Tse bagata retro, yak є favorite among the segment. The city is easy to manage and wonderfully felt behind the boundaries of the computer.

Hearthstone is one of the biggest card games yak, before that, i bezkoshtovna. Everything is packaged by Blizzard.

For a long time, fans of the genre could not get the same football manager on their IOS and Android Appliances. І axis of the current moment. Yakіsny simulator z zruchnym keruvannyam already ready.

In the game world, you are in charge of the role of an agent of cordon control in the foreknowledge of the communist power. You are guilty of vivchiti documents pribulih and vikonati all necessary work to prevent the entry of foreign guests. From the side it sounds tedious, but in practice it can be right with human shares, it is one of the most famous mobile games.

Mabut, tse one of the best role-playing games, like be-if they were created. Vaughn mittevo transfer you to a fantastic and hoary world, which is a kind of synchronization from IOS or Android.

Plants vs Zombies, maybe one of the biggest and most bad names in the world of mobile games. I don’t think that, if anything, you can rush to look at the goals of zombies for additional cabbage, which is flying. If you haven’t tried your hand at this miracle forest yet, don’t let that right camp!

Here are strategy, tactics, faceless defenses, aliens, and the launch of faceless spaceships. Grass of the garn, which is impossible to stand in front of it.

Bastion doesn't promote new or perfect features of the RPG genre, or you can please your cool outfit. The post-apocalyptic game fantasy world looks wonderful, and the choice between virtual touch controls simply irreplaceably pleases all those who want it.

The arrival of Mario on IOS can take a few days to get Mario Kart on App Store. Ale Sonic & All-Stars Racing is really cool and hopefully the same emotions as the console version.

World of Goo

The game was first launched on PC and Wii, and later on on the App Store. World of Goo is a true example of the portability of the software for IOS and Android. Sensory attachment, yaknaische, suitable for tsієї gris.

Starting your life path from PC and Mac, first transfer to 3DS, many people worrying about how to put together a gravitational-switching platform-puzzle not to go far away to transform on IOS and Android. Everything was a wonder, sound VVVVVV.

Already 3 months after debuting on PS Vita, Severed already feels good on IOS. At the thought of riches, grenavit has become better felt on the mobile platform. Get into the surrealistic history of the first individual in search of goodies.


CounterSpy is a slightly more streamlined version of the console original, but it has carried over everything it needs. Tse vіdminniy stealth platformer іz garnoyu funktsionalnіstyu.

You haven’t played big game yet, be shy! Crazy emotional creation, like on the iPad it feels so self-impressed, like on a PC.

The global edition of the game is available for about 1000 years of game time, which is necessary in order to go through all the parts of the series. Chergove Yakіsne continuation of the project popular with the whole world in the JRPG genre

Dragon Quest VIII

Like in Final Fantasy IX, you can feel yourself on IOS and Android. new old look, the system of savings and the JRPG genre.

Tse bigger, lower is just a platformer. Limbo, with its black and white arthouse style, is one of the most beautiful, if mobile games are destroyed.

The city was created by legendary people, like they created Bastion. Transistor has every chance for a long life and good transfers to IOS. Some people discover that there are doubts that the PC is a third-party platform.

Tse product, which is definitely worth trying. Zavdyaky its yakіsnіy promalovtsі, zvukovіy obrobtsі and the right gameplay, gra has become popular on PC platforms, consoles and tablets.

Monkey Island 2 Sp. Edition

Monkey Island 2 has always been one of the best games in the genre. So zalishaєєєєєєєєєєєі donіnі, lisha project otrimav graphic overhaul that new system management, I’ll take it to the dotik, which makes it even more high.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Gras zatyaguє from the cob itself. You are guilty of virishuvati zavdannya, pov'yazanі z manipulyatsієyu hour, schob zdіysniti vbivstvo. Ghost Trick feels amazing on IOS, just like on the Nintendo DS in 2011.

The World Ends with You: Solo Remix

Divine mysivo at the shortest yogo looked. Suitable for gri JRPG genre, it is yakіsno opratsova combat system nadaє grі your osoblіvіst.

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

There is no sense to talk about Might & Magic, but the reality is that the IOS, Android platform is better for it. The game process in the RPG genre, with a lot of mysteries and slick 2D graphics already check for Clash of Heroes.

Geometry Wars 3

If you didn’t try the game on your own earlier, then you wouldn’t say if you were to stand on the platform of the tablet. Tse duzhe yakіsny 3D shooter. Geometry Wars is a functional, but at the same time a simple project for everyone.

Costume Quest

We sounded that the RPG genre was to be brought to grandiosity and epic, but in Costume Quest all the same, you will be turned into a child that unforgettable time. In the middle of the night is even lower that soulful atmosphere, which feels like a miracle on IOS.

Gmbox continues a series of articles in which we tell about the best mobile games on the platform Android- the most beautiful shooters, the most beautiful races, the most complex puzzles, RPGs and other prominent representatives of their genre. Previously, we learned about it, and today you know about the next port from a PC on Android.

The best twitch-arcade of modernity, broken up by the same-rozrobnik on im'ya. Under the rhythmic 8-bit music, it is necessary to move a small tricot on the surface of the geometric figure in the center of the screen, so that it is hidden by the walls that are pulled down from the sides. Super Hexagon - primitive, but hoarsely expensive to the cobs in the gaming industry. It is similar to chant melodiously for the training of pilots of military winemakers. It’s even more foldable, but there’s that varte.

The three parts of Five Nights at Freddy's are an indie-history of a Christian games store for children, a kind of heartbreak to the home gaming journalist Jim Sterling, who criticized them, depicting children's toys in one of his projects, turning to the dark side. Now I’m blaming you for the fate of evil animatronics - plush creatures, building collapses, grave people, it’s necessary to spend five nights in the same week with them, but not to die ) to bring stezhiti for all applications. for the help of video cameras and lighting.

The virtual kennel is incredibly popular, as it killed its creator Markus Persson. Minecraft puts gravel at the vipadkovo generations of the world and promotes everything in the new world that falls into thought - castles, spaceships and portals in other worlds. Encourage the need to protect a few species of monsters, for example, common and stupid zombies or vibukhon-safe creepers, as they have become a symbol of gri. The mobile version is similar to the computer and console version in the sensory content (with lesser content you can only play in the local WiFi-merezhі), but all the same you can buy a lot of time.

A classic fit platformer, like a viyshov on a PC already in 1991. The main hero in the role of a scientist-physicist named after Lester Knight Chaikin, as a result of a recent experiment, is dragged to the planet in the other world and is guilty of survival, fighting aliens and knowing out of unsafe situations. Well, the plot of the grі is presented in an unusual way: all the characters, like zestrichayutsya gravel, to speak in an unknown way.

Like in a simple way, tse 2D-Minecraft with a side view. Ale Terraria tsіkava and vіdrivі vіd svogo elder brother - there is a lot of tsіkavіshe to fight with monsters, among them you can finish folding and unique bosses. The rest after the victory will deprive the graves and more and more of the equipment is another aspect in which Terraria appears to be richer than Minecraft. Otherwise, everything is similar: inexhaustible crafting, the world may again be destroyed and the widest possibilities for experimentation and the creation of powerful castles. Refunds for rich coristuvachіv regime in mobile versionє, but you can play in the new one only through the local net without a dart.

Today, more coristuvachіv telefonіv and tabletіv іz satisfied to pass a new stake usі іgrashki, as earlier they went to a personal computer. Buy utilities cut, reworked new operating system but more and more games are being ported to Android. Do you want to play in the best ported programs?


Game process

The first addition to the list of ported games from PC to Android is the legendary strategy RPG, which has won more than one heart of gamers. More koristuvachiv know this utility for more than 98 years. Now it has appeared on the devices and continues to please its chanuvals.

After the launch, it is hoped that you will be able to look at the hints with the character control, for which you just need to press the Tutorial button. Further, you can choose the standard version of the utility, or choose an additional storyline, or rather, start from Aziv.

After reviewing the cob roller, it is possible:

  • rozpochati solitary group;
  • take advantage of multiplayer, join with friends;
  • go to the nalashtuvannya to change the movement and the richness of the sound.

After cob plants it is necessary to be assigned to the character, in the utility it is possible to take your own already known hero or to create an independent struggle against evil. To create, you need to press the Create button, then select the sublog, race, clan, and other characteristics.

Lіvoruch display roztashovanі dodatkovі buttons. You can look at the information about the quest by clicking on the compass to see the transition to the utility card. In order to see the backpack, click on the image of the sword and the bag, and to get the details of the hero, click on the picture with the man.

The main mission in the utility is to win over the enemies and to lure more people into your life. The Greek has chosen about a hundred different magic spells, more than 40 different classes, over sixty years of the game hour.

Pluses and minuses


  • command graphics;
  • marvelous plot;
  • faceless clans;
  • good music.

Not a lot of utility in the current Russian movie, which makes it easier for a gamer-on-the-spot. The program is very important, so downloading yoga can be far from skin-friendly.

take advantage

Max Payne


Game process

Max Payne - tse first-class shooter, which may have its own plot. Max was a respectable police officer, who once wiyshov on the grouping of serious evildoers. The bandits tried to help Payne's motives not to chіpati їх, but goodness and faith in justice did not allow Payne to act in his own way. Todi evil-doers broke the whole family of the character, after which Max's whole life changed.

After launching the utility, you can go through the tutorial, adjust your sensory settings, turn off the virtual joystick, and also turn on the automatic savings and change of the alarm. The appendages have іsnuє chotiri equal:

  • vtikach;
  • zvareny cool;
  • dead after coming;
  • the hour is not checked.

You can plunder the cob only on the first level. To watch such episodes, it is necessary to go forward. An addition is being made from a short video, the same, as if on personal computer. The hero tells about his past, as if he was alive until the death of the squad of that daughter after their death.

Zayshovshi to the booth, the hero understood that it was not so, they let the image of the syringe on the wall pop out, and he heard the cry of the squad. Vіn kills three people, as if they were dressed up in the clothes of doctors, but Max did not get in their way. The victories of this were pumped up like a new narcotic speech, and that brought the character of the drink to the organs of the fight against drugs.

At the top of the screen, the silhouette of a person is painted, showing the life of the head character. For zbіlshennya zhittєvih forces next shukati first aid kit. From the right side, you can fire the image of a pistol, pressing on the new one, you can see the building of shooting, the animal can see a lot of cartridges.

If you need to change it, then click on the arrows, which you know more. What appears on the screen hail sign Tse means that the order is to be known as an object, for which it is necessary to give special respect. To change the direction of the camera, use virtual joysticks, you can change them at the settings.

Pluses and minuses


  • miracle storyline;
  • є access to autoprice;
  • more Russian;
  • faceless lashing.

The utility comes from the graphics against other games of a similar type.

take advantage

Worms 2: Armageddon


Game process

Fighting worms have long migrated to phones and tablets. One of best versions, Armageddon is worth thinking about. Get to know the utility more often on a PC, but if you haven’t engraved a fun toy before, you can start using it on your device.

Zayshovshi in addition, you can choose the riven of folding, from the most elementary guru to the class in battles. Attached to the skin song hour for a round and on the move. Swollen away, you can look at the options for combat stocks, which will be available during the mission. It is permissible to spend 90 minutes of a game hour in a light game, but for a skin worm, life will be full of smuga for a hundred hours.

You are given 50 gold coins, by clicking once on the image of the coins, you will be automatically redirected to the utility store. At the worm's shop you can get headdresses for the zahistu and more cicato design buy additional armor, forti and build gravestones.

If you haven’t played in any way, then you can go through a training battle. Having mastered the basics, you can choose to start a single player game, or go to multiplayer to fight with your friends. In the utility, it is possible to change the armor, to bring closer the distance of the armored vehicles. All that stuff was taken from the addendum, as it was earlier on the PC. The essence of the grey field is to kill all the enemies of the enemy.

Pluses and minuses


  • command graphics;
  • great vibir zbroї;
  • impersonal room.

Nedolik without Russian translation.

take advantage


The skin from looking at the program deserves special respect. If you love RPG, then don't miss the opportunity to play in Baldur's Gate, for fans of shooters in the future, the legendary game Max Payne, but for raising the mood, worms will become indispensable.

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