iTunes fixes are up to date for updates, updates and synchronization of iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (break codes, reasons and methods).

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Golovna Lucky iPhone owners repeatedly contact the procedure for updating or updating the device they purchased through official program

From Apple - iTunes.

However, when updated, serious problems may arise, and one of them is the catch 21, which occurs on both the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 4S.

This unknown circumstance forces the user to complete a necessary procedure and, as a result, displays the information on the person’s monitor screen: “The iPhone could not be updated.”

What is the pardon 21

This problem, according to the experts, is connected with the failure of the hardware of the wireless gadget. Before this date, repairs could lead to malfunctions of the modem, internal boards, etc. With a small impact or fall, the iPhone may be completely perfect, and from the middle behind any microcircuit there could be unacceptable consequences, which in the future led to the appearance of error 21.

  • Troubleshooting 21 iTunes - ways to fix the problem
  • Although the solution 21 also occurs in case of mechanical problems, there are current methods that can help to solve this problem in the home mind.
  • overflow
  • korisnyh recommendations
  • from the fakhivts:
  • install new drivers on your PC or laptop;

Vikoristat will remain the version of iTunes; Reconnect with the cable; Restart your computer; For those who are novices, it is advisable to try to change the firmware on your iPhone yourself;.

Complete the update procedure on another personal computer.

If each of the most common manipulations did not help with the current problem, then it is definitely necessary to turn to professionals who repair mobile equipment. However, it is not easy to think that you will have to pay a large sum for it, it is certain that the elements are absurd– this is an important procedure, which shows the great number of people in the whole world.

And if, during the process, certain decisions arise, first of all requiring the help of counterfeiters, you can carry out certain procedures in a special way in order to protect yourselves. If nothing comes of the process, it’s best not to be heroic, and there’s also the possibility of earning even worse results. Manually editing the Windows registry using the method of deleting keys in order to remove damages is not recommended, since you are not a PC maintainer.

Changes made while editing the registry can lead to the failure of your PC and permanent damage to your system.

operating system. In fact, there is one coma, placed in the wrong place, it can spoil the computer’s charm! In connection with such a risk, we recommend that you use reliable registry cleaning tools, such as WinThruster (from Microsoft Gold Certified Partner), to scan for and fix any problems associated with Crash 21. corist cleansing of the registry [Zavantazhiti ], you can automate the process of searching for bad registry entries, sending to daily files (for example, click on %%error_name%%) and sending non-working ones to the middle of the registry.

Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, which allows you to make any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. Most importantly, removing the [Enter] registry amendments can dramatically increase system fluidity and productivity. In advance:

  1. Since you are not familiar with your PC, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and damages.
  2. Windows reinstallation ." We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of the Registry Editor can be corrected. Please contact the Registry Editor at your own risk.!
  3. Before that, how will I manually renew my love? Windows registry, you need to create a backup copy, exporting part of the registry associated with Pomilka 21 (for example, iTunes): Please contact the Registry Editor at your own risk..
  4. Click on the button
  5. Get started Enter ".
  6. command
  7. Windows reinstallation search in a row... DO NOT PRESSURE YET ENTER Please contact the Registry Editor at your own risk..
  8. Soft keys
  9. CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press Select Export.
  10. On the list Protect from Select the folder where you would like to save a backup copy of your iTunes key.
  11. In the field File name enter the name of the backup file, for example " iTunes backup copy".
  12. Get over it, what's next to the field? Export range vibrano meaning Vibrana Gilka.
  13. Get started Save.
  14. The file will be saved s expanded.reg.
  15. You now have a backup copy of the registry entry associated with iTunes.

The consequences of manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, but they may seriously damage your system. What do you want to get rid of? more information

about editing the registry manually, please, please read the instructions below. Specially developed by Apple for working with devices on the iOS platform, Apple users will be able to synchronize the device with the computer, hand to robot with content and a lot more functional capabilities , including the updated firmware. The procedure that follows the help of iTunes is considered to be easy to perform, but in the process, unexpected problems may arise that interrupt the process. In addition to information about error codes, the program informs customers about software failures or hardware problems. iPhone firmware different versions


Information about cancellation in robot programs appears for a variety of reasons.

Problem 21 most often indicates mechanical damage to the device, which resulted from malfunctions of the modem, battery of the device, internal boards and other storage elements, or may appear as a result of software failures in the process and jailbreak.

Another reason is often However, it is not easy to think that you will have to pay a large sum for it, it is certain that the elements are absurd low battery or get out of trouble. Options for use 21 in iTunes.

Regardless of those who are often provoked by micro-disturbances after an impact or a fall, as well as other hardware malfunctions, there are software solutions, with the help of some helpers you can solve the problem yourself .

Some problems 21 may be caused by damage to the cable or defective parts of the non-original cord.

If the item is original, it is necessary to inspect it for bending, curling, oxidation and other other defects.

The integrity of the cable has a lot to do with ensuring the correct interaction between the device and the computer, so if there are any defects, then replace it with the correct original cord. After additional activation of the DFU emergency mode, you can often experience a lot of faults that arise from How to update iPhone update process This update, among others, includes a fix with code 21. For iPhone 4s and other versions, the procedure follows a similar principle.

  • Before the introduction I will add
  • DFU mode
  • Then turn it on completely, and then connect it to the computer using an additional original USB cable.
  • The following actions are available:

press the “Power” button and press it for 3 seconds;

Without releasing the top button, press and hold “Home” for 10 seconds; After carrying out the manipulations, the program registers a single action – updating the iPhone. Then follow the instructions on the monitor. Method 4. Enable antivirus Deyaks

Select antivirus for Mac OS

antivirus programs

, firewalls and other system defenders can block iTunes processes that recognize them as

virus threats

, therefore, the mercy that has appeared requires the continuation of the completed procedure.

Updating registry entries often helps in combating iTunes corruptions, if files have been corrupted by viruses or accidentally deleted by programs that conflict. Automatic correction to help you log out of the WinThruster tool Microsoft . The program scans and then replaces the corrupted files with “healthy” ones.

Manually adjusting the registry is only possible if you have some special skills.


Without singing, you can completely ruin the system.

Method 8. Hardware solution If it is necessary to avoid overinsurance in more ways than before the cancellation of the 21-year notice in iTunes, which covers everything, the problem arises in the internal defects of the device., It is possible to reliably identify hardware malfunctions using diagnostics in the service. It may be necessary to replace the battery, the life controller or the lower cable, or rather, trust the repairer. It is not advisable to solder or change elements on your own, without leaving the necessary components, and even one wrong action can aggravate the situation and lead to defective results in the appearance of residual failure of the iPhone. Sometimes when updated, updated and

iPhone synchronization

iPod Touch

  • And the iPad in iTunes shows unknown errors, and unneeded actions are canceled from the iOS device.

From our witness you will find the decryption of the pardon and

  1. Possible options
    її sleep.: 17, 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200.
    Problems that arise from the update/update and synchronization process can be either software or related to hardware problems in the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad: some are easy to fix (restarting the computer or changing the USB port), and others. vimagayut hardware repair.
    • iTunes crashes when:
    • , iPod Touch and iPad with iTunes;

    Classification of iTunes favors

  2. Problems with connections (Pomilki merezhi)
    iTunes Merchandise 2, 4, 6, 9, 1000, 1611, 9006, 9807, 9844.
    Alerts may also appear:
  3. “Under the hour of obsession with the security software, vinyl has arrived.”
    iTunes Merchandise“The device is not suitable for folding.”
  4. These problems and advances arise whenever problems arise from connecting the computer to the Apple update server or device.
    iTunes Merchandise(-1), 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 53, 56, 1002, 100 , 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667 and 1669.
    Blame for hardware problems with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch: modem, Wi-Fi module, power socket, battery, etc.

Standard methods for downloading purchases from iTunes

Most downloads in iTunes can be done independently:

  1. Delete or terminate programs on your computer that may block iTunes connections to the Apple update server.
  2. Turn on your security software when updating or updating your iPhone and iPad.
  3. Vikorist original USB cable to connect iOS devices to your computer.
  4. Otherwise it is possible. Try replacing yogo.. On a desktop computer, use USB ports installed on motherboard
  5. .
  6. Up to USB ports on a multimedia keyboard, USB hub or on the front panel system unit It is not recommended to connect an iPhone or iPad - problems with the connected device may fail.

You can completely uninstall iTunes and all its components using the Uninstall Tool (for Windows), for example. Then install the remaining version of the program. Update/upgrade iPhone/iPad to another

Windows computer

or Mac. The table decrypts all types of iTunes release codes for updated, updated, synchronized and important content with iTunes Store
or Mac. The table decrypts all types of iTunes release codes for updated, updated, synchronized and important content with iTunes Store
1 and possible options for their consideration are indicated. Evidence of iTunes benefits and methods of their removal
2 Pardon number The most important reason
3 Recommended solutions
4 The firmware is not supported by the device or the iTunes version is outdated Please check that you are downloading the firmware for your model and device. The firmware was recognized, but it was installed and packaged incorrectly and you can no longer use Vikoristan. It occurs when working with custom firmware with hackactivation and unlocking of any ASR Patch corruption (The problem is relevant for Sn0wBreeze versions lower than 1.7)
Vickory other firmware The problem is in the modem part of the device iTunes cannot connect to Apple service servers
5, 6 It is impossible to install the firmware through corrupted logos, or through those devices that are in the wrong service mode (for example, if the firmware is assigned to DFU Mode, and you are trying to update through Recovery Mode) If that didn’t help, create a new firmware or install another one
8 The firmware is not supported by the device (for example, you installed the firmware for the wrong generation of device) Upgrade the firmware of your preferred device model
9 Kernel panic in iOS devices after an hour of work with the firmware. Alarm occurs when data transmission via the USB cable is interrupted, or when the firmware is inconsistent with the selected update mode
10 Update the firmware via firmware update mode (DFU Mode).
11 Check that the device is mechanically connected to the computer. Connect the cable to another port or replace the USB cable. The custom firmware was incorrectly selected, which could cause damage to the LLB. The ipsw firmware files did not contain any files necessary for importing files.
13 Create custom firmware independently, or use other custom firmware Problem with the USB cable or 30-pin (lightning) connector, or trying to install the beta version of iOS from the Windows middleware Replace the standard cable or change USB port . 2.0
14 U Computer BIOS After carrying out the manipulations, the program registers a single action – updating the iPhone. enable
17 USB support The firmware ipsw file was damaged during the flashing process
18 Viktnіt , turn on the firewall, change the USB cable or connect the iOS device to another computer port, install a different firmware
19 Updates from one custom firmware to another custom firmware To update to custom firmware, use the update mode () or the firmware update mode (DFU Mode) iOS device media library corrupted For most problems, only flashing will help“iTunes was unable to sync “[iPhone name]” to iPhone due to an unknown error (-19).” The penalty occurs after updating the iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 to the latest
20 iOS versions , about an hour
21 The Windows jailbreak process has a fix for DFU mode.
Pomilka 21 suffers from hardware problems (dead battery, low charge).
To set your device to DFU mode, use the Pwnage Tool, sn0wbreeze or redsn0w utilities.
If this does not help, the battery must be replaced after fully charging the battery.
23 It is impossible to enter the IMEI or the MAC address of the device (if you use it, you cannot get iTunes) If the problem repeats itself on other versions of the firmware, most likely it could be a hardware problem
26 The custom firmware was incorrectly selected and as a result, the Win-win error occurred when upgrading to NOR memory Create custom firmware yourself, or install another custom firmware
27, inodi 29 Cyclic commemoration in iTunes version 8.0 to 9.1 Upgrade iTunes to version 10 or later
28 Mechanical damage to the lower cable or docking socket of the device Return to authorized service center
29 There is a hardware problem with the battery, lower cable or life controller Go to an authorized service center to replace the battery, cable or life controller
31 It is not possible to remove a device from DFU mode. Most often caused by hardware problems
34 Return to an authorized service center There is not enough space on the hard disk to install the software
35 Save the location on the disk where iTunes is installed Incorrect access rights to the iTunes folder on Mac OS X
37 Launch Disk Utility and update access rights. Create custom firmware yourself, or install another custom firmware
39, 40, 306, 10054 (in, enter the command: sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media, where is the username) Computer BIOS The low-level locking device (LLB) in the firmware does not match the device model There is no access to activation and subscription servers
54 Windows firewall and antivirus programs. A software failure occurs before the data is transferred from the device. In most cases, it occurs on unauthorized computers or when carrying malicious add-ons
414 Remove "old" backup copies
1002 . Deauthorize your computer from the iTunes Store (Store menu in iTunes) and try again Exchange for content that is downloaded
1004 You have your own people (in iTunes in the menu “Store -> View my account”) unknown mercy
1008 when copying firmware files from devices Change your Apple ID without violating blocked characters.
1011, 1012 Make sure not to abuse your Apple ID, no matter the Latin letters and numbers Hardware problem with modem part of iPhone or iPad
1013-1015 Try it. If the order is repeated, contact the service center
1050 Try iTunes to downgrade the modem version in iPhone/iPad The flashing was successful, but the iPhone/iPad cannot be installed independently on iOS with a lowered modem firmware. In the TinyUmbrella utility, select the Kick Device Out of Recovery function. Serveri
1140 Apple activation unavailable at the moment Try activating the device later Problem syncing photos with iPhoto on Mac OS X
1394 Delete the iPod Photo Cache folder (from context menu
1413-1428 iPhoto library file, select “Show instead of package” and delete the folder Corruption of system files on the device as a result of recent jailbreak
1430, 1432 Renew the device and repeat the jailbreak procedure Removing data transfer using a USB cable
1450 Turn the USB device connected to the computer over and connect the cable to the USB port. Change port
1600, 1611 Device not recognized You can tell about the hardware problem.
1601 Replace the USB cable, connect the device to another USB port, connect the device to another computer Can't change iTunes library file
1602 On Mac OS X, update the access rights; on Windows, change the permissions to the folder containing the iTunes media library. Updating to custom firmware can be done in DFU Mode, although it can exit from Recovery Mode
1603, 1604 Enter the device into Recovery Mode and try again. iTunes can't give you access to the device again
1608 Turn off all background processes, change the USB port or USB cable, reinstall iTunes iTunes was unable to identify devices at the time of preparation before updating
1609 Check the hosts file for entries like “хх.ххх.хх.ххх”, if there is a smell, comment them out (insert a “#” symbol before the row). Turn off all background processes, change the USB port or USB cable Trying to update the device without jailbreak to custom firmware
1619 Download the current firmware. Regain respect: jailbreaking for the help of Spirit and on the JailbreakMe website is not complete and will also lead to similar reprieves.
1644 iTunes components are corrupted Close all programs you are using background mode, turn on the firewall and antivirus, restart your computer
1646 iTunes could not recognize devices in active mode Restart your iOS device, restart iTunes
2001 Problem with Mac OS X drivers Upgrade Mac OS X to the latest version
2002 iTunes access to the device is blocked by other system processes Close running programs, turn off antivirus, restart your computer
2003 Problem with the USB port Connect the device to another USB port or another computer.
2005 Poshkodzheno USB cable Replace cable
3000, 3004, 3999 No access to the firmware signing server Access blocked third-party add-on, turn on the firewall and antivirus
3001, 5103, -42210 iTunes can't download videos through hash settings Update iTunes, find and delete the system folder “SC Info” ( Windows 7: ~\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes ; Mac OS X: ~/users/Shared/SC Info)
3002, It is impossible to retrieve the SHSH hash from the firmware signing server. The problem is that the hosts file is configured to redirect iTunes to the Cydia server manually or with the help of TinyUmbrella, and the server does not have saved hashes for this firmware Close TinyUmbrella and delete (comment out) hosts file
3014 row like "" You must not find a confirmation from the Apple activation server for a long time
Reinstall your computer and immediately renew your Internet connection.
3123 If the error occurs during the update process (the row will be restored on the device screen under the logo), please install Hotspot Shield. Run the program and try the update again.
3191 iTunes can't rent videos Deauthorize your computer from iTunes and log in again
3195 QuickTime components corrupted Reinstall QuickTime and other components
3200 Digital certificate SHSH Create custom firmware yourself, or install another custom firmware
4000 Renew the device via iTunes The custom firmware has daily necessary images
4005, 4013 Conflict with other connected USB devices Try connecting all USB cables to the computer, behind the keyboard, to the mouse and to the iOS device
4014 Critical breakdown when updated/updated Try updating the device in DFU mode, but use a different USB cable.
5002 The connection with iTunes was broken during the hour of renewal. iTunes can't put your iOS device into update mode
8003, 8008, -50, -5000, -42023 It is impossible to update the status of a file with App Store or iTunes Store Empty the iTunes Media/Downloads folder ( Windows 7: ~\Users\Im'ya_koristuvacha\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Downloads)
8248 iTunes plugins are crazy new version destroy robot software Remove installed iTunes plugins.
9006 Most often the problem is related to the Memonitor.exe process, terminate it Problem with downloading firmware in iTunes
9807 Turn on firewall and antivirus, download iOS manually Stops iTunes from communicating with the digital signature verification server
9813 Enable firewall and antivirus Corrupted or invalid certificates Key Linking in Mac OS X
11222 Clear Safari cache (menu "Safari -> Clear Safari") The connection limit for iTunes services has been moved
13001 Turn on the firewall and antivirus, update iTunes, sign in again with your Apple ID to the iTunes Store Unbreakable damage to the system file of the iTunes library Reinstall iTunes or delete the iTunes file iTunes Library
13014, 13136 that file with extensions.itdb The system has a number of processes that need to be interrupted normal robot Close iTunes, turn on the firewall and antivirus, restart your computer
13019 background programs Freeze your iTunes library when you try synchronization
20000 Check your iTunes library for corrupted or inappropriate files. Conflict between iTunes and Windows graphical shell
20008 On Windows, select the default theme iTunes conflict with TinyUmbrella utility
-1 Update TinyUmbrella to the latest version and reinstall your computer The modem is critical Blames for iPhone update
without upgrading the modem firmware version. Hurry up to get your iPhone out of Recovery Mode. If the utilities don't help, the problem is hardware
-35, -39 iOS device Requires repairs from an authorized service center.
-50 It's impossible to get music from the iTunes Store Update iTunes to the latest version, sign in to your Apple ID in the iTunes Store again, turn on the firewall and antivirus
-3198 No connection between iTunes and Apple servers Update iTunes to the latest version, sign in to your Apple ID in the iTunes Store again, turn on your firewall and antivirus, reinstall iTunes and QuickTime
-3221 The integrity of important files has been destroyed Repeat love together via iTunes Incorrect file permissions iTunes programs
-3259 on Mac OS X Launch Disk Utility and update access rights
-9800, -9808, -9812, -9814, -9815 The hour limit for connecting to the iTunes Store has been moved Change your connection to the Internet Mercy on the time of purchase in the iTunes Store Install on your computer
-9843 correct date that hour Content from the iTunes Store is blocked by the security system, restart iTunes and sign in to the iTunes Store again using your Apple ID
0xE8000001, 0xE800006B The device is unaffected by penetration Remove the device from your computer, restart iTunes, and reconnect the device.
0xE8000013 Fixing synchronization of iOS device with iTunes Retry synchronization
0xE8000022 Poshkojeno (irrevocably) system files iOS Update device
0xE800003D Incorrect access rights to operator settings files Stilnikovy bond(Carrier Bundles) If your iOS device is jailbroken, set the access rights to the custom carrier files (on iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad: /System/Library/Carrier Bundles), delete all custom Carrier Bundles of carriers, update the device ій
0xE8000065 Please note when flashing the device I will install a custom folding iOS. As a rule, pardon given crashes when working with firmware compiled in sn0wbreeze
Restart the computer, try again, if unsuccessful, create the firmware again 0xE8008001 Trying to install an unsigned (cracked) program.
Crash when programs are installed on a jailbroken device Install AppSync from Cydia for your version of iOS 0xE8000004 (iPhone 4) 4. The pardon occurs, most often, when
iPhone activation

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